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Rhodopseudomonas sp. strain BB1, isolated from a coastal marine sediment, immediately metabolized mercaptomalate when grown on mercaptomalate. Sulfide was detected as an intermediate. Extracts of cells grown on mercaptomalate converted mercaptomalate or 3-mercaptopropionate to equimolar amounts of sulfide and either fumarate or acrylate, respectively. Rhodopseudomonas sp. strain BB1 gave higher growth yields on mercaptomalate than on sulfide or malate, consistent with metabolism of the carbon chain of the thiol and the liberated sulfide; i.e., the organic thiol was an organolithotrophic substrate. In contrast, Thiocapsa roseopersicina, isolated previously from a marine microbial mat, had similar growth yields on sulfide, mercaptomalate, or 3-mercaptopropionate, with fumarate or acrylate accumulation from the thiols. T. roseopersicina did not grow photoorganotrophically on fumarate or acrylate, and the thiols were only a source of sulfide for photolithoautotrophic growth.  相似文献   

Population analyses in water samples obtained from the chemocline of crenogenic, meromictic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland, in October for the years 1994 to 2003 were studied using in situ hybridization with specific probes. During this 10-year period, large shifts in abundance between purple and green sulfur bacteria and among different populations were obtained. Purple sulfur bacteria were the numerically most prominent phototrophic sulfur bacteria in samples obtained from 1994 to 2001, when they represented between 70 and 95% of the phototrophic sulfur bacteria. All populations of purple sulfur bacteria showed large fluctuations in time with populations belonging to the genus Lamprocystis being numerically much more important than those of the genera Chromatium and Thiocystis. Green sulfur bacteria were initially represented by Chlorobium phaeobacteroides but were replaced by Chlorobium clathratiforme by the end of the study. C. clathratiforme was the only green sulfur bacterium detected during the last 2 years of the analysis, when a shift in dominance from purple sulfur bacteria to green sulfur bacteria was observed in the chemocline. At this time, numbers of purple sulfur bacteria had decreased and those of green sulfur bacteria increased by about 1 order of magnitude and C. clathratiforme represented about 95% of the phototrophic sulfur bacteria. This major change in community structure in the chemocline was accompanied by changes in profiles of turbidity and photosynthetically available radiation, as well as for sulfide concentrations and light intensity. Overall, these findings suggest that a disruption of the chemocline in 2000 may have altered environmental niches and populations in subsequent years.  相似文献   

The bacterial population in barley field soil was estimated by determining the numbers of (i) cells reducing the artificial electron acceptor 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) to CTC-formazan (respiratory activity), (ii) cells dividing a limited number of times (microcolony formation) on nutrient-poor media, (iii) cells dividing many times (colony formation) on nutrient-poor agar media, and (iv) cells stained with acridine orange (total counts). The CTC reduction assay was used for the first time for populations of indigenous soil bacteria and was further developed for use in this environment. The number of viable cells was highest when estimated by the number of microcolonies developing during 2 months of incubation on filters placed on the surface of nutrient-poor media. The number of bacteria reducing CTC to formazan was slightly lower than the number of bacteria forming microcolonies. Traditional plate counts of CFU (culturable cells) yielded the lowest estimate of viable cell numbers. The microcolony assay gave an estimate of both (i) cells forming true microcolonies (in which growth ceases after a few cell divisions) representing viable but nonculturable cells and (ii) cells forming larger microcolonies (in which growth continues) representing viable, culturable cells. The microcolony assay, allowing single-cell observations, thus seemed to be best suited for estimation of viable cell numbers in soil. The effect on viable and culturable cell numbers of a temperature increase from 4 to 17°C for 5 days was investigated in combination with drying or wetting of the soil. Drying or wetting prior to the temperature increase, rather than the temperature increase per se, affected both the viable and culturable numbers of bacteria; both numbers were reduced in predried soil, while they increased slightly in the prewetted soil.  相似文献   

50?Hz magnetic fields effects on Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) viability were studied by colony forming units (CFU) counting. We found a 15% decrease of CFU number after magnetic field exposure (B=7.1?mT, f=50?Hz, t=24?min) compared to the control samples. These results are in good agreement with our previous work on other bacterial strains. The magnetic field effects on SRB are relatively large for small magnetic fields. The data correlations have been subjected to a simple physical chemical analysis, yielding surprisingly large estimates for the characteristic magnetic reaction susceptibility, even when the entire bacterium is assumed to be the direct target of interaction of the magnetic ac fields for the exposures in the time range from 3–24?min.  相似文献   

Kimble-Long  L.K.  Madigan  M.T. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(4):629-632
Two species of heliobacteria along with a purple and green bacterium were tested for their ability to grow phototrophically at irradiances ranging from 0.125 to 50 W m–2. The heliobacteria were incapable of growth below 0.5 W m–2, while both the purple and green bacterium grew at significantly lower irradiances. Specific bacteriochlorophyll contents were higher for the purple and green bacteria than for the heliobacteria at all irradiances tested. Thus in distinct contrast to purple and green bacteria, heliobacteria are high-irradiance phototrophs, and this characteristic may influence their distribution in nature.  相似文献   

Habitat-simulating media were used with the Hungate anaerobic roll tube technique to enumerate culturable anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria in sediment, tidal waters, and Spartina alterniflora plant samples collected from the salt marsh at Sapelo Island, Ga. No phototrophs were detected in samples of creekside (low marsh) sediment or in tidal waters in creekside regions. In the high marsh region, 90% of anaerobic phototrophic bacteria occurred in the top 5 mm of sediment and none were detected below 6 mm. There was a seasonal variation, with maximal populations occurring in summer and fall (mean, 4.4 × 105 phototrophs g of dry sediment−1) and minimal numbers occurring in winter (mean, 3.9 × 103 phototrophs g of dry sediment−1). During winter and late spring, phototrophs had a patchy distribution over the high marsh sediment surface. In contrast, during late summer they had a random uniform distribution. Tidal water collected over high marsh sediment contained an average of 8.7 × 102 phototrophs ml−1, with no significant seasonal variation. Anaerobic phototrophic bacteria were also cultured from the lower stem tissue of S. alterniflora growing in both the high (4.3 × 104 phototrophs g of dry tissue−1) and creekside (4.9 × 104 phototrophs g of dry tissue−1) marsh regions. Chromatium buderi, Chromatium vinosum, Thiospirillum sanguineum, Rhodospirillum molischianum, and Chlorobium phaeobacteroides were the predominant anaerobic phototrophic species cultured from high marsh sediment. The two Chromatium species were dominant.  相似文献   

The consumption of methane in anoxic marine sediments is a biogeochemical phenomenon mediated by two archaeal groups (ANME-1 and ANME-2) that exist syntrophically with sulfate-reducing bacteria. These anaerobic methanotrophs have yet to be recovered in pure culture, and key aspects of their ecology and physiology remain poorly understood. To characterize the growth and physiology of these anaerobic methanotrophs and the syntrophic sulfate-reducing bacteria, we incubated marine sediments using an anoxic, continuous-flow bioreactor during two experiments at different advective porewater flow rates. We examined the growth kinetics of anaerobic methanotrophs and Desulfosarcina-like sulfate-reducing bacteria using quantitative PCR as a proxy for cell counts, and measured methane oxidation rates using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry. Our data show that the specific growth rates of ANME-1 and ANME-2 archaea differed in response to porewater flow rates. ANME-2 methanotrophs had the highest rates in lower-flow regimes (μANME-2 = 0.167 · week−1), whereas ANME-1 methanotrophs had the highest rates in higher-flow regimes (μANME-1 = 0.218 · week−1). In both incubations, Desulfosarcina-like sulfate-reducing bacterial growth rates were approximately 0.3 · week−1, and their growth dynamics suggested that sulfate-reducing bacterial growth might be facilitated by, but not dependent upon, an established anaerobic methanotrophic population. ANME-1 growth rates corroborate field observations that ANME-1 archaea flourish in higher-flow regimes. Our growth and methane oxidation rates jointly demonstrate that anaerobic methanotrophs are capable of attaining substantial growth over a range of environmental conditions used in these experiments, including relatively low methane partial pressures.  相似文献   

The spent caustic wastewater from the oxidation of sulfide present in offshore natural gas production mainly comprises thiosulfate and sulfate. A biocatalytic process, employing phototrophic green sulfur bacteria in symbiosis with sulfate-reducing bacteria, is described in this paper for the production of sulfur from the spent caustic wastewater, with synthetic wastewater as the model system. The process entails the conversion of thiosulfate to sulfur and sulfate by photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium vibrioforme f. thiosulfatophilum. Sulfate formed in turn is removed by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans to sulfide, which is further converted to sulfur by Chlorobium limicola through photooxidation. Sulfide is also oxidized to sulfur and sulfate via thiosulfate as an intermediate by Chlorobium vibrioforme f. thiosulfatophilum.  相似文献   

The carbon metabolism of representatives of the family Oscillochloridaceae (Oscillochloris trichoides DG6 and the recent isolates Oscillochloris sp. R, KR, and BM) has been studied. Based on data from an inhibitory analysis of autotrophic CO2 assimilation and measurements of the activities of the enzymes involved in this process, it is concluded that, in all Oscillochloris strains, CO2 fixation occurs via the operation of the Calvin cycle. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), which is formed in this cycle, can be involved in the metabolism via the following reaction sequence: PEP (+CO2) å oxalacetate å malate å fumarate å succinate å succinyl-CoA (+CO2) å 2-oxoglutarate. Acetate, utilized as an additional carbon source, can be carboxylated to pyruvate by pyruvate synthase and further involved in the metabolism via the above reaction sequence. Propionyl-CoA synthase and malonyl-CoA reductase, the key enzymes of the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle, have not been detected in Oscillochloris representatives.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2005, pp. 305–312.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Berg, Keppen, Krasil’nikova, Ugol’kova, Ivanovsky.  相似文献   

Enrichment cultures of phototrophic purple bacteria rapidly oxidized up to 10 mM dimethyl sulfide (DMS) to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). DMSO was qualitatively identified by proton nuclear magnetic resonance. By using a biological assay, DMSO was always quantitatively recovered from the culture media. DMS oxidation was not detected in cultures incubated in the dark, and it was slow in cultures exposed to full daylight. Under optimal conditions, the second-order rate constant for DMS oxidation was 6 day−1 mg of protein−1 ml−1. The rate constant was reduced in the presence of high concentration of sulfide (>1 mM), but was not affected by the addition of acetate. DMS was also oxidized to DMSO by a pure strain (tentatively identified as a Thiocystis sp.) isolated from the enrichment cultures. DMS supported growth of the enrichment cultures and of the pure strain by serving as an electron source for photosynthesis. A determination of the amount of protein produced in the cultures and an estimation of the electron balance suggested that the two electrons liberated during the oxidation of DMS to DMSO were quantitatively used to reduce carbon dioxide to biomass. The oxidation of DMS by phototrophic purple bacteria may be an important source of DMSO detected in anaerobic ponds and marshes.  相似文献   

The community structure of pink-colored microbial mats naturally occurring in a swine wastewater ditch was studied by culture-independent biomarker and molecular methods as well as by conventional cultivation methods. The wastewater in the ditch contained acetate and propionate as the major carbon nutrients. Thin-section electron microscopy revealed that the microbial mats were dominated by rod-shaped cells containing intracytoplasmic membranes of the lamellar type. Smaller numbers of oval cells with vesicular internal membranes were also found. Spectroscopic analyses of the cell extract from the biomats showed the presence of bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series. Ubiquinone-10 was detected as the major quinone. A clone library of the photosynthetic gene, pufM, constructed from the bulk DNA of the biomats showed that all of the clones were derived from members of the genera Rhodobacter and Rhodopseudomonas. The dominant phototrophic bacteria from the microbial mats were isolated by cultivation methods and identified as being of the genera Rhodobacter and Rhodopseudomonas by studying 16S rRNA and pufM gene sequence information. Experiments of oxygen uptake with lower fatty acids revealed that the freshly collected microbial mats and the Rhodopseudomonas isolates had a wider spectrum of carbon utilization and a higher affinity for acetate than did the Rhodobacter isolates. These results demonstrate that the microbial mats were dominated by the purple nonsulfur bacteria of the genera Rhodobacter and Rhodopseudomonas, and the bioavailability of lower fatty acids in wastewater is a key factor allowing the formation of visible microbial mats with these phototrophs.  相似文献   

The abundance of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria, cyanobacteria, and heterotrophs was examined in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and the central North Pacific Gyre using infrared fluorescence microscopy coupled with image analysis and flow cytometry. AAP bacteria comprised 5% to 16% of total prokaryotes in the Atlantic Ocean but only 5% or less in the Pacific Ocean. In the Atlantic, AAP bacterial abundance was as much as 2-fold higher than that of Prochlorococcus spp. and 10-fold higher than that of Synechococcus spp. In contrast, Prochlorococcus spp. outnumbered AAP bacteria 5- to 50-fold in the Pacific. In both oceans, subsurface abundance maxima occurred within the photic zone, and AAP bacteria were least abundant below the 1% light depth. The abundance of AAP bacteria rivaled some groups of strictly heterotrophic bacteria and was often higher than the abundance of known AAP bacterial genera (Erythrobacter and Roseobacter spp.). Concentrations of bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) were low (~1%) compared to those of chlorophyll a in the North Atlantic. Although the BChl a content of AAP bacteria per cell was typically 20- to 250-fold lower than the divinyl-chlorophyll a content of Prochlorococcus, the pigment content of AAP bacteria approached that of Prochlorococcus in shelf break water. Our results suggest that AAP bacteria can be quite abundant in some oceanic regimes and that their distribution in the water column is consistent with phototrophy.  相似文献   

Production of titanium-dioxide nanomaterials (nano-TiO2) is increasing, leading to potential risks associated with unintended release of these materials into aquatic ecosystems. We investigated the acute effects of nano-TiO2 on metabolic activity and viability of algae and cyanobacteria using high-throughput screening. The responses of three diatoms (Surirella angusta, Cocconeis placentula, Achnanthidium lanceolatum), one green alga (Scenedesmus quadricauda), and three cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa, Gloeocapsa sp., Synechococcus cedrorum) to short-term exposure (15 to 60 min) to a common nano-TiO2 pigment (PW6; average crystallite size 81.5 nm) with simulated solar illumination were assessed. Five concentrations of nano-TiO2 (0.5, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25 mg L-1) were tested and a fluorescent reporter (fluorescein diacetate) was used to assess metabolic activity. Algae were sensitive to nano-TiO2, with all showing decreased metabolic activity after 30-min exposure to the lowest tested concentration. Microscopic observation of algae revealed increased abundance of dead cells with nano-TiO2 exposure. Cyanobacteria were less sensitive to nano-TiO2 than algae, with Gloeocapsa showing no significant decrease in activity with nano-TiO2 exposure and Synechococcus showing an increase in activity. These results suggest that nanomaterial contamination has the potential to alter the distribution of phototrophic microbial taxa within freshwater ecosystems. The higher resistance of cyanobacteria could have significant implications as cyanobacteria represent a less nutritious food source for higher trophic levels and some cyanobacteria can produce toxins and contribute to harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

本文通过40mT和120mT两种静磁场作用下表皮葡萄球菌生长过程的研究,发现试验所选强度静磁场加速了表皮葡萄球菌在对数生长期的生长速率,而在进入稳定生长期后其生长速率反而低于对照组,但就整个生长周期而言,静磁场作用下表皮葡萄球菌的总量大于对照组,表明了试验所选静磁场对表皮葡萄球菌生长有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

Feng Y  Lin X  Yu Y  Zhu J 《Microbial ecology》2011,62(4):789-799
The knowledge of the impact of elevated ground-level O3 below ground the agro-ecosystem is limited. A field experiment in China Ozone Free-Air Concentration Enrichment (FACE-O3) facility on a rice–wheat rotation system was carried out to investigate responses of anoxygenic phototrophic purple bacteria (AnPPB) to elevated ground-level O3. AnPPB community structures and sizes in paddy soil were monitored by molecular approaches including PCR–DGGE and real-time quantitative PCR based upon the pufM gene on three typical rice growth stages. Repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) in combination with culture-reliant method was conducted to reveal changes in genotypic diversity. Elevated ground-level O3 statistically reduce AnPPB abundance and percentage in total bacterial community in flooded rice soil via decreasing their genotypic diversity and metabolic versatility. Concomitantly, their community composition changed after rice anthesis stage under elevated ground-level O3. Our results from AnPPB potential responses imply that continuously elevated ground-level O3 in the future would eventually harm the health of paddy ecosystem through negative effect on soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

静磁场对单株人体体表正常菌生长影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过40mT和120mT两种静磁场作用下表皮葡萄球菌生长过程的研究,发现试验所选强度静磁场加速了表皮葡萄球菌在对数生长期的生长速率,而在进入稳定生长期后其生长速率反而低于对照组,但就整个生长周期而言,静磁场作用下表皮葡萄球菌的总量大于对照组,表明了试验所选静磁场对表皮葡萄球菌生长有一定促进作用.  相似文献   

When Serratia marcescens cultures were treated with dilute solutions of phenol or hydrogen peroxide before drying or by lyophilization at suboptimal pH, the log of the number of cells surviving lyophilization was correlated with subsequent free radical production by the dried cells. Since the rate of free radical production and rate of death were similarly affected by temperature, the log of the number of cells surviving after 6 days was inversely related to the free radical concentration at that time. Free radicals were produced in proportion to the log of oxygen pressure, and viability was inversely related to oxygen tension; again, free radical concentration appeared to be correlated with the death of organisms.  相似文献   

Microbiology - Dissolved organic matter (DOM) release by anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria belonging to diverse taxonomic groups is a ubiquitous process, resulting in 5–20% of the CO2 fixed by...  相似文献   

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