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Summary The fermentation of D-xylose byCandida shehatae andPichia stipitis was studied in fed-batch fermentations using dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) control in the range of 0.2 to 1.4% air saturation. The response of these two yeasts to DOT was significantly different. Whereas the ethanol yield withC. shehatae was 0.35 to 0.38 g.g–1 at all DOT levels, that ofP. stipitis decreased from 0.44 at a zero DOT reading to 0.19 g.g–1 at 1.4% DOT.  相似文献   

Summary Candida shehatae ATCC 22984 fermented solutions of up to 260 g/L sugars derived by hydrolysis of whole barley. These solutions contained hexose: pentose 7030, the hexose being mainly glucose from the barley starch and the pentose being mainly xylose. At sugar concentrations of 180 g/L, fermentation was complete in 72 h, yielding 84 g/L ethanol, 0.47 g ethanol/g sugar. At 260 g/L, fermentation ceased when ethanol concentration reached 100 g/L, but resumed when the ethanol was removed by vacuum distillation, to yield finally 0.50 g ethanol/g sugar.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of different ethanol concentrations on the growth of Candida shehatae and Pichia stipitis with xylose as substrate was evaluated in a temperature gradient incubator. The upper limit of the temperature profiles of ethanol tolerance of both yeast strains were similar, although P. stipitis appeared to have a slightly higher ethanol tolerance in the higher temperature range. An increase in the ethanol concentration severely depressed the maximum growth temperature, and also increased the minimum growth temperature slightly. The ethanol tolerance limit of 46–48 g·l-1 occurred within a narrow temperature plateau of 11 to 22° C. The low ethanol tolerance of these pentose fermenting yeasts is detrimental for commercial ethanol production from hemicellulose hydrolysates.  相似文献   

Summary The fermentation by Candida shehatae and Pichia stipitis of xylitol and the various sugars which are liberated upon hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass was investigated. Both yeasts produced ethanol from d-glucose, d-mannose, d-galactose and d-xylose. Only P. stipitis fermented d-cellobiose, producing 6.5 g·l-1 ethanol from 20 g·l-1 cellobiose within 48 h. No ethanol was produced from l-arabinose, l-rhamnose or xylitol. Diauxie was evident during the fermentation of a sugar mixture. Following the depletion of glucose, P. stipitis fermented galactose, mannose, xylose and cellobiose simultaneously with no noticeable preceding lag period. A similar fermentation pattern was observed with C. shehatae, except that it failed to utilize cellobiose even though it grew on cellobiose when supplied as the sole sugar. P. stipitis produced considerably more ethanol from the sugar mixture than C. shehatae, primarily due to its ability to ferment cellobiose. In general P. stipitis exhibited a higher volumetric rate and yield of ethanol production. This yeast fermented glucose 30–50% more rapidly than xylose, whereas the rates of ethanol production from these two sugars by C. shehatae were similar. P. stipitis had no absolute vitamin requirement for xylose fermentation, but biotin and thiamine enhanced the rate and yield of ethanol production significantly.Nomenclature max Maximum specific growth rate, h-1 - Q p Maximum volumetric rate of ethanol production, calculated from the slope of the ethanol vs. time curve, g·(l·h)-1 - q p Maximum specific rate of ethanol production, g·(g cells·h) - Y p/s Ethanol yield coefficient, g ethanol·(g substrate utilized)-1 - Y x/s Cell yield coefficient, g biomass·(g substrate utilized)-1 - E Efficiency of substrate utilization, g substrate consumed·(g initial substrate)-1·100  相似文献   

Summary Fed-batch xylose fermentations with the yeastsCandida shehatae andPichia stipitis were conducted, using stirrer speed variation with the redox potential as control index to maintain oxygen-limited conditions. The best results were obtained withC. shehatae at 300 (±10) m V (relative to the standard hydrogen electrode), and these fermentation parameters compared favourably with those obtained previously with the dissolved oxygen tension as control variable. Redox control ofP. stipitis fermentations proved especially difficult. Cell growth during the fermentation was probably a major factor affecting redox potential.  相似文献   

Summary Candida shehatae ATCC 22984 and Pichia stipitis CBS 5776 were tested for ethanol production from xylose, glucose-xylose mixtures, and aspen wood total hydrolysates. Adaptation of these yeasts to wood hydrolysate solutions by recycling resulted in improved substrate utilization and ethanol production. Compared to the non-adapted cultures, recycled C. shehatae and P. stipitis in aspen hydrolysate increased g ethanol/g sugar consumed from 0.39 and 0.41 to 0.45 and 0.47; while ethanol production from a 70:30 glucose-xylose solution (total sugars 140 g/L) was 45 g/L in 24 h and 60 g/L in 72 h with the adapted yeasts compared to 15 g/L and 28 g/L in the same times with the parent strains.  相似文献   

The relationship between the degree of aerobiosis, xylitol production and the initial two key enzymes of d-xylose metabolism were investigated in the yeasts Pichia stipitis, Candida shehatae and C. tenuis. Anoxic conditions severely curtailed growth and retarded ethanol productivity. This, together with the inverse relationship between xylitol accumulation and aeration level, suggested a degree of redox imbalance. The ratios of NADH- to NADPH-linked xylose reductase were similar in all three yeasts and essentially independent of the degree of aerobiosis, and thus did not correlate with their differing capacities for ethanol production, xylitol accumulation or growth under the different conditions of aerobiosis. Under anoxic conditions the enzyme activity of Pichia stipitis decreased significantly, which possibly contributed to its weaker anoxic fermentation of xylose compared to C. shehatae.  相似文献   

The xylose reductase gene (XYL1) was isolated from Pichia stipitis and Candida shehatae, cloned into YEp-based vectors under the control of ADH2 and PGK1 promoter/terminator cassettes and introduced into Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y294 by electroporation. Shake-flask fermentations were carried out with 5% xylose and 1% galactose, glucose or maltose as co-substrates. Xylose uptake was similar in both the recombinant strains when different co-substrates were used and slowed once the co-substrate was depleted. The recombinant strains converted xylose to xylitol with yields approaching the theoretical maxima. Xylitol production was most rapid when the co-substrate was still present. Approximately 50% of the xylose was not metabolized due to the depletion of the co-substrate. Received: 23 December 1999 / Received revision: 30 June 2000 / Accepted: 1 July 2000  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, pH and xylose concentration on the fermentation parameters of Candida shehatae and Pichia stipitis were evaluated. The optimum pH was in the region of pH 4–5.5, with an optimum fermentation temperature of 30°C. Maximum fermentation rates were reached at 50 g l−1 xylose. A maximum volumetric ethanol productivity of about 0.9 g (l h)−1 was obtained with both yeast strains. The ethanol yield of C. shehatae decreased considerably when cultivated above 30°C or when the xylose concentration was increased. Xylitol accumulated concomitantly. Xylitol production by P. stipitis was observed only during cultivation at 36°C. Whereas the ethanol yield of C. shehatae was usually about 75% of the theoretical maximum, it was 85–90% with P. stipitis.  相似文献   

A hemicellulosic hydrolysate was prepared with 0.3 M H2SO4 at 98 °C for 1 h. The total initial reducing sugar was maintained at 45 g l–1 by synthetic xylose supplementation. The seven detoxification methods were employed including either the single addition of solid CaO (to pH 10 or 6) or its combinations with zeolite shaking. Over-liming gave the hydrolysate that was most completely fermented by Pichia stipitis and Candida shehatae at 30 °C, pH 6, among the tested methods.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate simultaneous alcoholic fermentation of glucose and xylose derived from lignocellulosic material by separate or co-culture processes, the effect of oxygen transfer rate (OTR) on the fermentation of 50 g/l xylose by Pichia stipitis NRRL Y 7124 and Candida shehatae ATCC 22984, and the fermentation of 50 g/l glucose by Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 1200 and Zymomonas mobilis ATCC 10988 was carried out in batch cultures. The kinetic parameters of the xylose-fermenting yeasts were greatly dependent on the OTR. The optimum OTR values were found to be 3.9 and 1.75 mmol·1–1·h–1 for C. shehatae and P. stipitis, respectively. By contrast the fermentative parameters of S. cerevisiae were poorly affected by the OTR range tested (0.0–3.5 mmol·l–1·h–1) Under these conditions the ethanol yields ranged from 0.41 g·g–1 to 0.45 g·g–1 and the specific ethanol productivity was around 0.70 g·g–1·h–1. Z. mobilis gave the highest fermentative performance under strictly anaerobic conditions (medium continually flushed with nitrogen): under these conditions, the ethanol yield was 0.43 g·g–1 and the average specific ethanol productivity was 2.3 g·g–1·h–1. Process considerations in relation to the effect of OTR on the fermentative performance of the tested strains are discussed. Offprint requests to: J. P. Delgenes  相似文献   

A prototrophic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CSIR Y190 MATa xyl-, resistant to high levels of ethanol, was hybridized with xylose-fermenting, auxotrophic mutants of Candida shehatae and Pichia stipitis through polyethylene glycol-induced protoplast fusion in an attempt to produce ethanol-tolerant, xylose-fermenting hybrids. Mononucleate fusants were obtained, but these dissociated into a mixture of parental-type segregants. Purified Candida- and Pichia-resembling segregants failed to acquire improved ethanol tolerance but expressed other novel properties of S. cerevisiae, suggesting that karyogamy was impaired after internuclear gene transfer.  相似文献   

Carbon distribution and kinetics of Candida shehatae were studied in fed-batch fermentation with xylose or glucose (separately) as the carbon source in mineral medium. The fermentations were carried out in two phases, an aerobic phase dedicated to growth followed by an oxygen limitation phase dedicated to ethanol production. Oxygen limitation was quantified with an average specific oxygen uptake rate (OUR) varying between 0.30 and 2.48 mmolO2 g dry cell weight (DCW)?1 h?1, the maximum value before the aerobic shift. The relations among respiration, growth, ethanol production and polyol production were investigated. It appeared that ethanol was produced to provide energy, and polyols (arabitol, ribitol, glycerol and xylitol) were produced to reoxidize NADH from assimilatory reactions and from the co-factor imbalance of the two-first enzymatic steps of xylose uptake. Hence, to manage carbon flux to ethanol production, oxygen limitation was a major controlled parameter; an oxygen limitation corresponding to an average specific OUR of 1.19 mmolO2 g DCW?1 h?1 allowed maximization of the ethanol yield over xylose (0.327 g g?1), the average productivity (2.2 g l?1 h?1) and the ethanol final titer (48.81 g l?1). For glucose fermentation, the ethanol yield over glucose was the highest (0.411 g g?1) when the specific OUR was low, corresponding to an average specific OUR of 0.30 mmolO2 g DCW?1 h?1, whereas the average ethanol productivity and ethanol final titer reached the maximum values of 1.81 g l?1 h?1 and 54.19 g l?1 when the specific OUR was the highest.  相似文献   

Candida shehatae cells pre-grown on D-xylose simultaneously consumed mixtures of D-xylose and D-glucose, under both non-growing (anoxic) and actively growing conditions (aerobic), to produce ethanol. The rate of D-glucose consumption was independent of the D-xylose concentration for cells induced on D-xylose. However, the D-xylose consumption rate was approximately three times lower than the D-glucose consumption rate at a 50% D-glucose: 50% D-xylose mixture. Repression was not observed (substrate utilization rates were approximately equal) when the percentage of D-glucose and D-xylose was changed to 22% and 78%, respectively. In fermentations with actively growing cells (50% glucose and D-xylose), ethanol yields from D-xylose increased, the % D-xylose utilized increased, and the xylitol yield was significantly reduced in the presence of D-glucose, compared to anoxic fermentations (YETOH,xylose = 0.2–0.40 g g−1, 75–100%, and Yxylitol = 0–0.2 g g−1 compared to YETOH,xylose = 0.15 g g−1, 56%, Yxylitol = 0.51 g g−1, respectively). To increase ethanol levels and reduce process time, fed-batch fermentations were performed in a single stage reactor employing two phases: (1) rapid aerobic growth on D-xylose (μ = 0.32 h−1) to high cell densities; (2) D-glucose addition and anaerobic conditions to produce ethanol (YETOH,xylose = 0.23 g g−1). The process generated high cell densities, 2 × 109 cells ml−1, and produced 45–50 g L−1 ethanol within 50 h from a mixture of D-glucose and D-xylose (compared to 30 g L−1 in 80 h in the best batch process). The two-phase process minimized loss of cell viability, increased D-xylose utilization, reduced process time, and increased final ethanol levels compared to the batch process. Received 23 February 1998/ Accepted in revised form 15 July 1998  相似文献   

The methylotrophic yeast Pichia methanolica can be used to express recombinant genes at high levels under the control of the methanol-inducible alcohol oxidase (AUG1) promoter. Methanol concentrations during the induction phase directly affect cellular growth and protein yield. Various methanol concentrations controlled by an on-line monitoring and control system were investigated in mixed glucose/methanol fed-batch cultures of P. methanolica expressing the human transferrin N-lobe protein. The PMAD18 P. methanolica strain utilized is a knock-out for the chromosomal AUG1 gene locus, resulting in a slow methanol utilization phenotype. Maximum growth of 100 g of dry cell weight per liter of culture was observed in cultures grown at 1.0% (v/v) methanol concentration. Maximum recombinant gene expression was observed for cultures controlled at 0.7% (v/v) methanol concentration, resulting in maximum volumetric production of 450 mg of transferrin per liter after 72 h of elapsed fermentation time.  相似文献   



Although the production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) has many biological, energetic and environmental advantages over chemically synthesized polymers, synthetic polymers continue to be produced industrially since the productivities of fermentation processes fr PHB are not yet economically competitive. Improvement of a PHB fermentation requires good understanding and optimization under the realistic conditions of large bioreactors.  相似文献   

Ethanol reassimilation in Pichia stipitis CBS 6054 was studied by using continuous cultures, and the oxidation of [1-C]ethanol was monitored by in vivo and in vitro C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Acetate was formed when ethanol was reassimilated. The ATP/ADP ratio and the carbon dioxide production decreased, whereas the malate dehydrogenase activity increased, in ethanol-reassimilating cells. The results are discussed in terms of the low ethanol tolerance in P. stipitis compared with that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. W. Brown, S. G. Oliver, D. E. F. Harrison, and R. C. Righelato, Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 11:151-155, 1981).  相似文献   

Heterologous endo-beta-1,4-xylanase was produced by Pichia stipitis under control of the hypoxia-inducible PsADH2-promoter in a high-cell-density culture. After promoter induction by a shift to oxygen limitation, different aeration rates (oxygen transfer rates) were applied while maintaining oxygen-limitation. Initially, enzyme production was higher in oxygen-limited cultures with high rates of oxygen transfer, although the maximum xylanase activity was not significantly influenced. Amino acid supplementation increased the production of the heterologous endo-beta-1,4-xylanase significantly in highly aerated oxygen-limited cultures, until glucose was depleted. A slight second induction of the promoter was observed in all cultures after the glucose had been consumed. The second induction was most obvious in amino acid-supplemented cultures with higher oxygen transfer rates during oxygen limitation. When such oxygen-limited cultures were shifted back to fully aerobic conditions, a significant re-induction of heterologous endo-beta-1,4-xylanase production was observed. Re-induction was accompanied by ethanol consumption. A similar protein production pattern was observed when cultures were first grown on ethanol as sole carbon source and subsequently glucose and oxygen limitation were applied. Thus, we present the first expression system in yeast with a sequential double-inducible promoter.  相似文献   

Yeasts able to grow on d-xylose were screened for the ability to hydrolyze xylan. Xylanase activity was found to be rare; a total of only 19 of more than 250 strains yielded a positive test result. The activity was localized largely in the genus Cryptococcus and in Pichia stipitis and its anamorph Candida shehatae. The ability to hydrolyze xylan was generally uncoupled from that to hydrolyze cellulose; only three of the xylan-positive strains also yielded a positive test for cellulolytic activity. Of the 19 xylanolytic strains, 2, P. stipitis CBS 5773 and CBS 5775, converted xylan into ethanol, with about 60% of a theoretical yield computed on the basis of the amount of d-xylose present originally that could be released by acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Ethanol reassimilation in Pichia stipitis CBS 6054 was studied by using continuous cultures, and the oxidation of [1-13C]ethanol was monitored by in vivo and in vitro 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Acetate was formed when ethanol was reassimilated. The ATP/ADP ratio and the carbon dioxide production decreased, whereas the malate dehydrogenase activity increased, in ethanol-reassimilating cells. The results are discussed in terms of the low ethanol tolerance in P. stipitis compared with that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. W. Brown, S. G. Oliver, D. E. F. Harrison, and R. C. Righelato, Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 11:151-155, 1981).  相似文献   

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