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Crosetto N  Tikkanen R  Dikic I 《FEBS letters》2005,579(15):3231-3238
Endocytosis is a versatile tool to regulate the intensity, localization, half-life and function of signaling complexes (signalosomes) that form in cells upon binding of growth factors, cytokines and morphogens to their cognate receptors. Endocytic adaptors are non-catalytic proteins that assemble effectors and structural components of the endocytic machinery around the trafficking cargo and serve as scaffolds for signalosomes, which in turn modify their location and activity by various post-translational modifications. We discuss how breakdowns in the function of endocytic adaptors might facilitate impairment of tissue homeostasis and consequent tumor development.  相似文献   

Cbl promotes clustering of endocytic adaptor proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ubiquitin ligases c-Cbl and Cbl-b play a crucial role in receptor downregulation by mediating multiple monoubiquitination of receptors and promoting their sorting for lysosomal degradation. Their function is modulated through interactions with regulatory proteins including CIN85 and PIX, which recognize a proline-arginine motif in Cbl and thus promote or inhibit receptor endocytosis. We report the structures of SH3 domains of CIN85 and beta-PIX in complex with a proline-arginine peptide from Cbl-b. Both structures reveal a heterotrimeric complex containing two SH3 domains held together by a single peptide. Trimerization also occurs in solution and is facilitated by the pseudo-symmetrical peptide sequence. Moreover, ternary complexes of CIN85 and Cbl are formed in vivo and are important for the ability of Cbl to promote epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) downregulation. These results provide molecular explanations for a novel mechanism by which Cbl controls receptor downregulation.  相似文献   

Beta-arrestins (betaarrs) play a central role in the regulation of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Their binding to phosphorylated activated GPCRs induces a conformational transition to an active state resulting in the release of their flexible C-terminal tail. Binding sites for clathrin and the adaptor protein (AP)-2 clathrin adaptor complex are then unmasked, which drive the recruitment of betaarrs-GPCR complexes into clathrin-coated pits (CCPs). A conserved isoleucine-valine-phenylalanine (IVF) motif of the C-terminal tail controls betaarr activation through intramolecular interactions. Here, we provide structural, biochemical and functional evidence in living cells that the IVF motif also controls binding to AP-2. While the F residue is directly involved in AP-2 binding, substitutions of I and V residues, markedly enhanced affinity for AP-2 resulting in active betaarr mutants, which are constitutively targeted to CCPs in the absence of any GPCR activation. Conformational change and endocytic functions of betaarrs thus appear to be coordinated via the complex molecular interactions established by the IVF motif.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated pits at the cell surface select material for transportation into the cell interior. A major mode of cargo selection at the bud site is via the micro 2 subunit of the AP-2 adaptor complex, which recognizes tyrosine-based internalization signals. Other internalization motifs and signals, including phosphorylation and ubiquitylation, also tag certain proteins for incorporation into a coated vesicle, but the mechanism of selection is unclear. Disabled-2 (Dab2) recognizes the FXNPXY internalization motif in LDL-receptor family members via an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain. Here, we show that in addition to binding AP-2, Dab2 also binds directly to phosphoinositides and to clathrin, assembling triskelia into regular polyhedral coats. The FXNPXY motif and phosphoinositides contact different regions of the PTB domain, but can stably anchor Dab2 to the membrane surface, while the distal AP-2 and clathrin-binding determinants regulate clathrin lattice assembly. We propose that Dab2 is a typical member of a growing family of cargo-specific adaptor proteins, including beta-arrestin, AP180, epsin, HIP1 and numb, which regulate clathrin-coat assembly at the plasma membrane by synchronizing cargo selection and lattice polymerization events.  相似文献   

The covalent attachment of ubiquitin to proteins is an evolutionarily conserved signal for rapid protein degradation. However, additional cellular functions for ubiquitination are now emerging, including regulation of protein trafficking and endocytosis. For example, recent genetic studies suggested a role for ubiquitination in regulating epsin, a modular endocytic adaptor protein that functions in the assembly of clathrin-coated vesicles; however, biochemical evidence for this notion has been lacking. Epsin consists of an epsin NH(2)-terminal homology (ENTH) domain that promotes the interaction with phospholipids, several AP2 binding sites, two clathrin binding sequences, and several Eps15 homology (EH) domain binding motifs. Interestingly, epsin also possesses several recently described ubiquitin-interacting motifs (UIMs) that have been postulated to bind ubiquitin. Here, we demonstrate that epsin is predominantly monoubiquitinated and resistant to proteasomal degradation. The UIMs are necessary for epsin ubiquitination but are not the site of ubiquitination. Finally, we demonstrate that the isolated UIMs from both epsin and an unrelated monoubiquitinated protein, Eps15, are sufficient to promote ubiquitination of a chimeric glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-UIM fusion protein. Thus, our data suggest that UIMs may serve as a general signal for ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 (Eps15) has been suggested to be involved in the endocytosis of cell surface receptors, including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Eps15 is phosphorylated at Tyr-849 upon stimulation with EGF during endocytic processes. In the present study, we found that stimulation of HeLa cells with EGF or TNF-α induced transient phosphorylation of Eps15 at Ser-796. Inhibition of p38 completely blocked phosphorylation and recombinant p38α directly phosphorylated the residue. These results demonstrate a novel stress kinase-mediated signaling pathway to Eps15 endocytic adapter protein.  相似文献   

The clathrin adaptor complex AP-2 functions in the assembly of clathrin-coated vesicles at the plasma membrane where it serves to couple endocytic vesicle formation to the selection of membrane cargo proteins. Recent evidence suggests that binding of tyrosine-based endocytic sorting motifs may induce a conformational change within the AP-2 adaptor complex that could enhance its interaction with other cargo molecules and with the membrane. We report here that soluble tyrosine-based endocytic sorting motif peptides facilitate clathrin/AP-2 recruitment to liposomal membranes and induce adaptor oligomerization even in the absence of a lipid bilayer. These effects are specific for endocytic motifs of the type Yxxphi whereas peptides corresponding to NPxY- or di-leucine-containing sorting signals are ineffective. Our data may help to explain how the highly cooperative assembly of clathrin and adaptors could be linked to the selection of membrane cargo proteins.  相似文献   

Synaptic transmission depends on clathrin-mediated recycling of synaptic vesicles (SVs). How select SV proteins are targeted for internalization has remained elusive. Stonins are evolutionarily conserved adaptors dedicated to endocytic sorting of the SV protein synaptotagmin. Our data identify the molecular determinants for recognition of synaptotagmin by stonin 2 or its Caenorhabditis elegans orthologue UNC-41B. The interaction involves the direct association of clusters of basic residues on the surface of the cytoplasmic domain of synaptotagmin 1 and a β strand within the μ–homology domain of stonin 2. Mutation of K783, Y784, and E785 to alanine within this stonin 2 β strand results in failure of the mutant stonin protein to associate with synaptotagmin, to accumulate at synapses, and to facilitate synaptotagmin internalization. Synaptotagmin-binding–defective UNC-41B is unable to rescue paralysis in C. elegans stonin mutant animals, suggesting that the mechanism of stonin-mediated SV cargo recognition is conserved from worms to mammals.  相似文献   

Activated receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) receptors are rapidly internalized and eventually delivered to the lysosomes. Although ligand-induced endocytosis was originally thought to be a mechanism of receptor inactivation, many studies suggest that receptors remain active within endosomes. This review discusses the role that internalized signaling complexes may play in different RTK systems including recent data on how ubiquitination may regulate this process. In general, it appears that some receptor systems have evolved to enhance endosomal signaling, as is the case for TrkA and NGF. In contrast, the insulin receptor system appears to limit the extent of endosomal signaling. The EGFR system is the intermediate example. In this case, some signals are specifically generated from the cell surface while others appear to be generated from within endosomes. This may act as a mechanism to produce ligand-specific signals. Thus, trafficking could play diverse roles in receptor signaling, depending on the specific cell and tissue type.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is pivotal for uptake of fibrinogen from plasma into megakaryocytes and platelet α-granules. Due to the complex adaptor and cargo contents in endocytic vehicles, the underlying mechanism of fibrinogen uptake is not yet completely elucidated. In this study, we investigated whether the endocytic adaptor protein Disabled-2 (DAB2) mediates fibrinogen uptake in an adaptor-specific manner. By employing primary megakaryocytes and megakaryocytic differentiating human leukemic K562 cells as the study models, we found that fibrinogen uptake is associated with the expression of integrin αIIbβ3 and DAB2 and is mediated through clathrin-dependent manner. Accordingly, constitutive and inducible knockdown of DAB2 by small interfering RNA reduced fibrinogen uptake for 53.2 ± 9.8% and 59.0 ± 10.7%, respectively. Culturing the cells in hypertonic solution or in the presence of clathrin inhibitor chlorpromazine abrogated clathrin-dependent endocytosis and diminished the uptake of fibrinogen. Consistent with these findings, 72.2 ± 0.2% of cellular DAB2 was colocalized with clathrin, whereas 56.4±4.1% and 54.6 ± 2.0% of the internalized fibrinogen were colocalized with clathrin and DAB2, respectively. To delineate whether DAB2 mediates fibrinogen uptake in an adaptor-specific manner, K562 stable cell lines with knockdown of the adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) or double knockdown of AP-2/DAB2 were established. The AP-2 knockdown cells elicited normal fibrinogen uptake activity but the uptake of collagen was diminished. In addition, collagen uptake was further reduced in DAB2/AP-2 knockdown cells. These findings thereby define an adaptor-specific mechanism in the control of fibrinogen uptake and implicate that DAB2 is the key adaptor in the clathrin-associated endocytic complexes to mediate fibrinogen internalization.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum cells continuously internalize extracellular material, which accumulates in well-characterized endocytic vacuoles. In this study, we describe a new endocytic compartment identified by the presence of a specific marker, the p25 protein. This compartment presents features reminiscent of mammalian recycling endosomes: it is localized in the pericentrosomal region but distinct from the Golgi apparatus. It specifically contains surface proteins that are continuously endocytosed but rapidly recycled to the cell surface and thus absent from maturing endocytic compartments. We evaluated the importance of each clathrin-associated adaptor complex in establishing a compartmentalized endocytic system by studying the phenotype of the corresponding mutants. In knockout cells for mu3, a subunit of the AP-3 clathrin-associated complex, membrane proteins normally restricted to p25-positive endosomes were mislocalized to late endocytic compartments. Our results suggest that AP-3 plays an essential role in the compartmentalization of the endocytic pathway in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Nonvisual arrestins (arr) modulate G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) desensitization and internalization and bind to both clathrin (CL) and AP-2 components of the endocytic coated pit (CP). This raises the possibility that endocytosis of some GPCRs may be a consequence of arr-induced de novo CP formation. To directly test this hypothesis, we examined the behavior of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-arr3 in live cells expressing beta2-adrenergic receptors and fluorescent CL. After agonist stimulation, the diffuse GFP-arr3 signal rapidly became punctate and colocalized virtually completely with preexisting CP spots, demonstrating that activated complexes accumulate in previously formed CPs rather than nucleating new CP formation. After arr3 recruitment, CP appeared larger: electron microscopy analysis revealed an increase in both CP number and in the occurrence of clustered CPs. Mutant arr3 proteins with impaired binding to CL or AP-2 displayed reduced recruitment to CPs, but were still capable of inducing CP clustering. In contrast, though constitutively present in CPs, the COOH-terminal moiety of arr3, which contains CP binding sites but lacks receptor binding, did not induce CP clustering. Together, these results indicate that recruitment of functional arr3-GPCR complexes to CP is necessary to induce clustering. Latrunculin B or 16 degrees C blocked CP rearrangements without affecting arr3 recruitment to CP. These results and earlier studies suggest that discrete CP zones exist on cell surfaces, each capable of supporting adjacent CPs, and that the cortical actin membrane skeleton is intimately involved with both the maintenance of existing CPs and the generation of new structures.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, protein degradation is performed by several proteolytic machines, including ClpAP. Generally, the substrate specificity of these machines is determined by chaperone components, such as ClpA. In some cases, however, the specificity is modified by adaptor proteins, such as ClpS. Here we report the 2.5 A resolution crystal structure of ClpS in complex with the N-terminal domain of ClpA. Using mutagenesis, we demonstrate that two contact residues (Glu79 and Lys 84) are essential not only for ClpAS complex formation but also for ClpAPS-mediated substrate degradation. The corresponding residues are absent in the chaperone ClpB, providing a structural rationale for the unique specificity shown by ClpS despite the high overall similarity between ClpA and ClpB. To determine the location of ClpS within the ClpA hexamer, we modeled the N-terminal domain of ClpA onto a structurally defined, homologous AAA+ protein. From this model, we proposed a molecular mechanism to explain the ClpS-mediated switch in ClpA substrate specificity.  相似文献   

As part of a program to further understand the mechanism by which extracellular signals are coordinated and cell-specific outcomes are generated, we have cloned a novel class of related adaptor molecules (NSP1, NSP2, and NSP3) and have characterized in more detail one of the members, NSP1. NSP1 has an Shc-related SH2 domain and a putative proline/serine-rich SH3 interaction domain. Treatment of cells with epidermal growth factor or insulin leads to NSP1 phosphorylation and increased association with a hypophosphorylated adaptor protein, p130(Cas). In contrast, cell contact with fibronectin results in Cas phosphorylation and a transient dissociation of NSP1 from p130(Cas). Increased expression of NSP1 in 293 cells induces activation of JNK1, but not of ERK2. Consistent with this observation, NSP1 increases the activity of an AP-1-containing promoter. Thus, we have described a novel family of adaptor proteins, one of which may be involved in the process by which receptor tyrosine kinase and integrin receptors control the c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Scaffolding growth factor receptor-bound (Grb) adaptor proteins are components of macromolecular signaling complexes at the plasma membrane and thus are putative regulators of ion channel activity. The present study aimed to define the impact of Grb adaptor proteins on the function of cardiac K+ channels. To this end channel proteins were coinjected with the adaptor proteins in Xenopus oocytes and channel activity analyzed with two-electrode voltage-clamp. It is shown that coexpression of Grb adaptor proteins can reduce current amplitudes of coexpressed channels. Grb7 and 10 significantly inhibited functional currents generated by hERG, Kv1.5 and Kv4.3 channels. Only Grb10 significantly inhibited KCNQ1/KCNE1 K+ channels, and only Grb7 reduced Kir2.3 activity, whereas neither Grb protein significantly affected the closely related Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 channels. The present observations for the first time provide evidence for a selective and modulatory role of Grb adaptor proteins in the functional expression of cardiac K+ channels.  相似文献   

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