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To identify the means by which phytohemagglutinin (PHA) exerts its toxicity on the potato leafhopper, four different methods (thick and semi-thin sectioning combined with immunofluorescent staining, in vitro receptor autoradiography, and immunoelectron microscopy) were used to elucidate the PHA target tissue, binding site, and its effects on this tissue. Sixteen 1- or 2-day-old female potato leafhoppers were fed for 36 h on each of three treatments: a control, diet or a diet containing either the PHA-E subunit or the PHA-L subunit. The PHA-E subunit, but not PHA-L, had previously been shown to be lethal. The insects were then prepared for both light and confocal microscopy. Analysis of images showed that PHA bound only to the surface of midgut epithelial cells of the potato leafhopper. PHA-E caused severe disruption, disorganization, and elongation of the brush border microvilli, and swelling of the epithelial cells into the lumen of the gut, leading to complete closure of the lumen. Furthermore, PHA-E stimulated the division of midgut epithelial cell nuclei, leading to two nuclei in each cell. Nuclei later elongated and degraded. In contrast, PHA-L had little effect on the epithelial cells of the midgut. It did not strongly bind to the surface of epithelial cells and caused much less disruption of brush-border microvilli, less disorganization of the cells and less elongation of nuclei. Strong binding of PHA occurred solely on the cell membrane of the brush border microvilli of epithelial cells. In contrast, the controls (i.e., midgut tissue, blocking agent, PHA, and antibodies) showed that midgut tissue was not autofluorescent and showed no fluorescent binding signal. Analysis of both bright- and dark-field images obtained by autoradiography and immunoelectron microscopy confirmed these findings.  相似文献   

The potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), is a circular migratory pest of many crops in the United States that overwinters in the southern states. Northward migrant population arrival to the northern states occurs earlier in the north central states compared with northeastern states. Migrant leafhopper arrival to the north varies from year to year depending on factors influencing the development of spring migrants in the overwintering areas and on timing of weather systems capable of transporting the migrants northward. An estimate of the potato leafhopper minimum temperature survival, the geographic limits of the potato leafhopper overwintering range, leafhopper spring development in the overwintering areas, and the identification of the spring migration initiation northwards can help to predict the leafhopper arrival time in the northern states. In the current study, geographic information system (GIS) was used to estimate the potato leafhopper minimum temperature survival and premigrant development. The minimum winter temperature was estimated by overlaying minimum temperature isolines with potato leafhopper collection data taken during the winter, The geographic limits of the overwintering range were estimated using the minimum temperature survival to create a condition-based model by using ArcMap-GIS 8.2. The estimated overwintering range was larger and covered areas further north than previously estimated and included Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Virginia, and Maryland. The use of degree-day accumulation to estimate days of first adult emergence in the overwintering areas resulted in earliest adult emergence in the south central region. First adult emergence in south central and southeastern areas occurred before the detection of potato leafhoppers in the north central United States. These data suggested that the difference in population arrival between the north central states and the northeastern states was more dependent on factors affecting the migration and weather conditions encountered along the migration pathway.  相似文献   

Plant tolerance to herbivory is a key approach for managing pests. In alfalfa, Medicago sativa, the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, is a major pest as a result of the cascade of plant responses to piercing-sucking injury. To identify tolerance to its injury based on alfalfa physiology, experiments were conducted in the field and greenhouse. In our comparison of the response of field-grown alfalfa cultivars to standardized leafhopper densities, net photosynthesis and transpiration rates of 'Geneva' leaves were reduced by 18 and 21%, respectively, by leafhopper presence compared with a rate change of <1% of resistant 'EverGreen' leaves. Under greenhouse conditions, alfalfa clones varied in their level of gas exchange (net photosynthesis and transpiration) and stem elongation responses to leafhopper injury. For example, in the comparison of seven clones, net photosynthesis declined an average of 40.7% with leafhopper injury, although individual clones varied from 26.6 to 74.3% reduction. Internode elongation after 2 d was 60.3% less on injured stems compared with healthy stems, but again, the individual clones varied from 17.3 to 91.9%. In a time-course study of selected clones, clones varied in their level of injury just after and 3 d after insect removal. Gas exchange responses of all clones recovered by 7 d after cessation of injury. In a choice test, leafhoppers spent similar amounts of time on the susceptible clone and the most tolerant clone; however, their precise feeding behaviors were not measured. Thus, the variable response of clones to injury may be either true physiological tolerance or antixenosis from a change in feeding behavior. This study showed putative tolerance to leafhopper injury among alfalfa genotypes, suggesting that tolerance could be the basis for crop protection in alfalfa from potato leafhopper injury.  相似文献   

Climate change can benefit individual species, but when pest species are enhanced by warmer temperatures agricultural productivity may be placed at greater risk. We analyzed the effects of temperature anomaly on arrival date and infestation severity of potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae Harris, a classic new world long distance migrant, and a significant pest in several agricultural crops. We compiled E. fabae arrival dates and infestation severity data at different states in USA from existing literature reviews and agricultural extension records from 1951–2012, and examined the influence of temperature anomalies at each target state or overwintering range on the date of arrival and severity of infestation. Average E. fabae arrival date at different states reveal a clear trend along the south-north axis, with earliest arrival closest to the overwintering range. E. fabae arrival has advanced by 10 days over the last 62 years. E. fabae arrived earlier in warmer years in relation to each target state level temperature anomaly (3.0 days / °C increase in temperature anomaly). Increased temperature had a significant and positive effect on the severity of infestation, and arrival date had a marginal negative effect on severity. These relationships suggest that continued warming could advance the time of E. fabae colonization and increase their impact on affected crops.  相似文献   

【目的】为开发假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis分子标记,采用高通量测序技术对假眼小绿叶蝉DNA进行了测序与分析。【方法】本研究基于Illumina Hi Seq测序技术,构建了PE文库(~400bp),对获得的测序数据利用生物信息学分析手段完成全基因组扫描,并进一步使用MISA分析鉴定基因组序列中出现的微卫星序列(SSR)。针对微卫星序列共设计10对引物,并使用3步法进行引物多态性筛选。【结果】共计检测Scaffold数量为183 194条,其中包含SSR的Scaffold共计1 545条,共计筛选出1 569个SSR位点。在假眼小绿叶蝉的微卫星中,共包括87种重复基元类型,二核苷酸与三核苷酸重复序列为主要重复类型,分别占SSRs总数的70.26%和27.84%;二核苷酸重复基元CA/TG和三核苷酸重复基元AAT/ATT是优势重复基元,分别占SSRs总数的33.96%和5.86%。在设计的10对引物中,5对具有多态性,在8个假眼小绿叶蝉个体中共发现16个等位基因。【结论】结果说明假眼小绿叶蝉SSR位点在多态性方面具有极大的可开发性,具有多态性的SSR位点可对假眼小绿叶蝉种群间的分化,种群间的扩散机理和途径及影响因素等问题提供分子视角。  相似文献   

Although potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is highly polyphagous, classic host studies do not recognize grapevines (Vitis spp.), as suitable hosts. Recently, injury has been reported and reproduction documented within grape vineyards, suggesting a host expansion for the leafhopper. To document this apparent expansion in host use, we determined whether grape plants were suitable hosts for potato leafhopper reproduction, measured the consequence of feeding injury on gas exchange rates of grape leaves, and compared the susceptibility to feeding injury among cultivars. We found that potato leafhopper adults survived equally well on grape (Vitis vinifera L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and fava bean (Vicia faba L.). The total number of offspring was greater on fava bean but did not differ between alfalfa and grape. Injury to grapevines was assessed by measuring gas exchange responses of leaves in field cages and in greenhouse tests. We found marginally significant declines in photosynthesis and transpiration rates in the field (9.6 and 13.2%, respectively), and much stronger effects in greenhouse tests (ranging between 22 and 52%). Our results verify that Vitis is a suitable host, and that potato leafhopper is capable of injuring its gas exchange physiology. We discuss possible explanations for the host expansion, and its potential to damage commercial grapevines.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to characterize the trichome-based defense of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., against the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Within-plant variability in leafhopper resistance was examined by caging adult leafhoppers to either basal or apical stem internodes of the leafhopper-resistant, glandular-haired M. sativa genotype G98A or the susceptible, nonglandular-haired M. sativa 'Ranger'. Young, actively secreting glandular trichomes are located on apical internodes of G98A, whereas senesced gland heads are found on older, basal internodes of G98A. After 96 h, the highest cumulative leafhopper mortality and lowest number of excretory droplets were associated with apical internodes of G98A. No difference was detected in mortality and feeding levels among insects caged to basal internodes of G98A and basal and apical internodes of Ranger. The influence of abiotic factors on leafhopper resistance was evaluated by caging adult leafhoppers to either G98A or Ranger under four combinations of low and high light (250 and 1,000 micromol s(-1) m(-2)) and temperature regimes (17 and 30 degrees C). After 96 h, the highest cumulative mortality was associated with leafhoppers confined to G98A under high light and high temperature conditions. Temperature level and plant type also had an effect on the production of excretory droplets, resulting in the highest number of excretory droplets being associated with Ranger under the high temperature regime. These results indicate that certain regions of M. sativa G98A are better protected against the potato leafhopper than others and that temperature influences resistance levels of glandular-haired alfalfa.  相似文献   

Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is heteroecious and polyphagous that is harmful on secondary hosts such as many important agricultural products like beet, common bean, faba bean, potato and other products. This aphid is the cause of more than 33 viral transition. One of the mechanisms of plant resistance is antixenosis. This mechanism influences on placement and nutrition of pests that result in less damage. In this study, antixenosis resistance mechanism of 12 varieties of bean was tested. Experiment was on completely randomised design with 12 treatments and 6 replications. Bean varieties include of white bean, kidney bean and wax bean, and each replication includes one pot, and then, pots were placed under the isolated room that were filled with winged adult aphids in circular form. After 24 and 48?h, aphids and level of nymph production were counted. The lowest number of adult aphids was observed on Sayad variety among 12 varieties (during 24?h). The least number of produced nymphs was in Daneshkade variety. In Sayad variety, the frequency of matured insects and produced nymphs was minimum.  相似文献   

Xiaofei Yu  Maofa Yang 《ZooKeys》2014,(437):25-32
Two new species of the leafhopper subgenus Empoasca (Empoasca) namely, E. (E.) dorsodenticulata Yu & Yang, sp. n. and E. (E.) spiculata Yu & Yang, sp. n. from China are described and illustrated and a key provided for Chinese subgenera of Empoasca.  相似文献   

The typical presentation of potato leafhopper injury in beans includes necrosis at the leaf margins (leaf burn or hopperburn), and downward curling or “cupping” of the leaves. To evaluate potato leafhopper damage a visual score that combines the overall severity of leaf burn, leaf curling and stunting symptoms is usually used. Nonetheless, it may be useful to evaluate these symptoms separately since they may be the result of separate mechanisms of damage, controlled by separate genes. A population of 108 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between a leafhopper‐susceptible Ontario cultivar (Berna) and a resistant line (EMP 419) were scored for injury after natural infestation with Empoasca fabae in Canada and Empoasca kraemeri in Colombia. Leaf burn and leaf curl were significantly rank‐correlated (0.37–0.74, P<0.001) in all environments. However, several RILs consistently exhibited high scores for leaf curl but low values for leaf burn, which suggests that genetic dissection of these characters may be possible. Indeterminate growth habit was associated with slightly lower damage scores in Colombia and Ontario, Canada (P<0.05) while white‐seeded lines had lower damage scores in Colombia (P<0.05). The resistant parental line had significantly lower nymph counts than did the susceptible parent. A positive relationship between damage scores and nymph counts was also observed in the F3 families and the F5:6 RILs.  相似文献   

Eight proprietary genotypes of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., supplied by two different companies, were compared for the degree and types of resistance to the potato leafhopper, Ernpoasca fabae (Harris), and hopperburn. A tube cage no-choice bioassay was developed to test leafhopper mortality, feeding, settling preferences, severity of hopperburn symptoms (in this case, defined as both yellowing and stem growth reduction), and trichome density and type on feeding sites. Leafhopper mortality was both strongly and significantly associated with feeding and leaf trichome density; decreased hopperburn symptom severity was weakly, although significantly, associated with increased mortality. To quantify hopperburn in terms of both yellowing and stem growth reduction, we developed a ranking system that reduces overall hopperburn expression to a single number that considers the varying responses to both types of symptoms. Great variability in leafhopper settling, leafhopper mortality, and stem glandular trichome density was detected among alfalfa genotypes, suggesting that genotypic differences may be based on the concentration and/or chemical constituency of the trichome exudates. We postulate that, among variably resistant genotypes of glandular-haired alfalfa, differences among leafhopper responses and hopperburn severity are linked to forced movement from the stems to the leaves as refuge feeding sites. Principal component analysis was performed to reduce the 10 variables down to five biologically significant factors. Scores for these factors were then used to develop resistance indices for potato leafhopper resistance, hopperburn resistance, and an overall glandular-haired alfalfa resistance index.  相似文献   

The first two complete mitogenomes of the leafhopper genus Cladolidia (C. biungulata and C. robusta) were sequenced and annotated to further explore the phylogeny of Cladolidia. Both the newly sequenced mitogenomes have a typical circular structure, with lengths of 15,247 and 15,376 bp and A + T contents of 78.2% and 78%, respectively. We identified a highly conserved genome organization in the two Cladolidia spp. through comparative analysis that included the following assessments: genome content, gene order, nucleotide composition, codon usage, amino acid composition, and tRNA secondary structure. Moreover, we detected the base heterogeneity of Cicadellidae mitogenomic data and constructed phylogenetic trees using the nucleotide alignments of 12 subfamilies of 58 leafhopper species. We noted a weak heterogeneity in the base composition among the Cicadellidae mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the monophyly of each subfamily was generally well supported in the family Cicadellidae; the main topology was as follows: (Deltocephalinae + (Treehoppers + ((Megophthalminae + (Macropsinae + (Hylicinae + (Coelidiinae +Iassinae)) + (Idiocerinae + (Cicadellinae + (Typhlocybinae + (Mileewinae + (Evacanthinae +Ledrinae)))))))))). Within Coelidiinae, phylogenetic analyses revealed that C. biungulata and C. robusta belong to Coelidiinae and the monophyly of Cladolidia is well supported. In addition, on the basis of complete mitogenome phylogenetic analysis and the comparison of morphological characteristics, we further confirm the genus Olidiana as a paraphyletic group, suggesting that the genus may need taxonomic revisions.  相似文献   

[目的]通过鉴定茶小绿叶蝉Empoasca flavescens成虫水状唾液蛋白中的细菌蛋白,解析叶蝉唾液的细菌种类.[方法]利用自制的收集装置和Parafilm膜夹营养液法对叶蝉成虫唾液进行收集,经超滤浓缩和电泳分离后,使用膜辅助样品制备技术法(filter-aided sample preparation,FASP...  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to elucidate resistance of glandular-haired alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., to the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). The primary objective was to examine the potential role of the glandular trichomes and stem lignification for imparting resistance to this pest. During free-choice foliar discoloration experiments, the resistant alfalfa clone FGplh13 expressed lower levels of injury than the susceptible P5373 after 13 d. No-choice tests performed using nymphal potato leafhoppers showed higher levels of mortality associated with the resistant glandular-haired clone FGplh13, and no nymphs survived after 48 h. Additional no-choice experiments using FGplh13 and P5373 alfalfa with the glandular and nonglandular trichomes intact or removed show that mortality of nymphs and adults decreased after removal of the glandular trichomes from FGplh13. Nymphal and adult mortality and nymphal development time did not differ on FGplh13 with the trichomes removed and P5373 with the trichomes intact or removed. Firstinstar, and possibly second-instar, potato leafhoppers were entrapped by an exudate produced by the glandular trichomes on the FGplh13 alfalfa. Stem lignification and the number of vascular bundles did not differ between FGplh13 and P5373 alfalfas. The glandular trichomes on FGplh13 alfalfa appeared to provide the major host resistance factor, with resistance to adults being chemically based and resistance to nymphs being chemically and mechanically based. To maintain levels of potato leafhopper resistance, breeders would appear to benefit by continuing to select for the expression of the glandular trichome phenotype.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether the beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), transmits the purple top phytoplasma to potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; beets, Beta vulgaris L.; and selected weed hosts. The beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent (BLTVA) phytoplasma was identified as the causal agent of the potato purple top disease outbreaks that recently occurred in the Columbia Basin of Washington and Oregon. The phytoplasma previously was found to be associated almost exclusively with the beet leafhopper, suggesting that this insect is the probable vector of BLTVA in this important potato-growing region. Eight potato cultivars, including 'Russet Burbank', 'Ranger Russet', 'Shepody', 'Umatilla Russet', 'Atlantic', 'FL-1879', 'FL-1867', and 'FL-1833', were exposed for a week to BLTVA-infected beet leafhoppers. After exposure, the plants were maintained outdoors in large cages and then tested for BLTVA by using polymerase chain reaction after 6 to 7 wk. The leafhoppers transmitted BLTVA to seven of the eight exposed potato cultivars. Sixty-four percent of the exposed plants tested positive for the phytoplasma. In addition, 81% of the BLTVA-infected potato plants developed distinct potato purple top disease symptoms. Beet leafhoppers also transmitted BLTVA to beets and several weeds, including groundsel, Senecio vulgaris L.; shepherd's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik); kochia, Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad; and Russian thistle, Salsola kali L. This is the first report of transmission of BLTVA to potatoes, beets, and the above-mentioned four weed species. Results of the current study prove that the beet leafhopper is a vector of the potato purple top disease.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour of Scaphoideus titanus Ball, the vector of the grapevine disease Flavescence dorée, was investigated in order to determine the role of substrate-borne vibrational signals in intra-specific communication and pair formation. Vibrational signals were recorded from grapevine leaves with a laser vibrometer. Signalling activity of single males changed throughout the day and the peak in activity was associated with twilight and early night when 'call and fly' behaviour was observed. Pair formation began with the spontaneous emission of male signals. The male calling signal consisted of a single series of pulses, partially accompanied with a 'rumble'. The male courtship phrase consisted of four consecutive sections characterized by two sound elements, pulse and 'buzz'. Female vibrational signals were emitted only in response to male signals. The female response was a single pulse that closely resembled male pulses and was inserted between pulses within the male signals. All recorded vibrational signals of S. titanus have a dominant frequency below 900 Hz. A unique feature of vibrational communication in S. titanus is well-developed intrasexual competition; males may use alternative tactics, in the form of disturbance signals, or silently approach duetting females (satellite behaviour). While the male-female duet appears to be essential for successful localization of females and copulation, it is also vulnerable to, and easily disrupted by, alternative tactics like masking.  相似文献   

李金玉  牛东升  陈杰  尤士骏  尤民生 《昆虫学报》1950,63(10):1242-1259
摘要: 【目的】研究不同茶园茶小绿叶蝉Empoasca onukii种群的遗传分化和基因流格局,探究其种群遗传结构差异和扩散特点及其与茶园景观格局的关系。【方法】以福建省安溪县为研究区域,在运用ArcMap10.5和R软件包raster分析研究区域景观组成和结构的基础上,选取周边景观格局不同的18个茶园采集茶小绿叶蝉(530个个体),基于23个微卫星位点对这些个体进行PCR扩增和基因型测定,采用ARLEQUIN 3.5.2, FSTAT 2.9.3和R软件包adegenet 2.0.0分析其遗传多样性和遗传分化情况;采用STRUCTURE 2.3.4和R软件包adegenet2.0.0中的DAPC程序分析其种群遗传分化;利用BAYESASS 3.0.4估算种群间最近几代的迁移率;同时利用景观遗传学的统计方法Mantel、距离矩阵多元回归模型(MRM)和一般线性模型(GLMM)将茶小绿叶蝉种群遗传分化与景观组成和景观结构的空间数据进行关联分析。【结果】供试18个茶小绿叶蝉种群的23个微卫星位点的等位基因数为9~52,等位基因丰富度(AR)为3.686~4.397,基因多样性(DIV)为0.676~0.734,期望杂合度(He)为0.659~0.729。聚类分析显示,有大量森林生境的西北部5个相邻样点的种群组成一个类群,有大量居民点和其他作物田分布的东北部的5个相邻样点的种群分为两个类群,而集约化种植模式明显的南部样点的种群也分成两个类群。两两种群间的Nei氏遗传距离为0.042~0.984,Provesti氏遗传距离为0.207~0.650,遗传分化指数FST为0.002~0.222。BAYESASS分析显示,种群间的现时基因流(Nm)相对较低,介于0.007~0.180,而在种群内部的基因流介于0.674~0.854。在此基础上,Mantel和距离矩阵多元回归模型分析显示,地理距离和采样点周围1 000 m范围内草地面积占比是与茶小绿叶蝉种群遗传分化有关的两个关键因子;一般线性模型分析进一步证实茶小绿叶蝉种群遗传分化与这两个关键因子线性关系显著,茶小绿叶蝉种群遗传多样性与采样点周围半径1 000 m范围内草地面积占比线性关系显著。【结论】结果说明研究区域内茶小绿叶蝉种群形成了明显的遗传分化结构和地理距离隔离格局,异地种群间现时基因交流受限明显,因此推测茶小绿叶蝉其自主扩散能力比较有限,不具有远距离迁飞的习性。茶园周围1 000 m范围内草地生境对茶小绿叶蝉种群的遗传多样性具有积极作用,茶园周边景观组成和尺度范围可能通过影响茶小绿叶蝉种群的扩散和定殖过程而与其种群遗传结构相关联。  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas are phloem-restricted plant pathogens transmitted by leafhoppers, planthoppers, and psyllids (Hemiptera). Most known phytoplasma vectors belong to the Cicadellidae, but many are still unknown. Within this family, Empoasca spp. (Typhlocybinae) have tested positive for the presence of some phytoplasmas, and phytoplasma transmission has been proven for one species. The aim of this work was to investigate the ability of Empoasca decipiens Paoli in transmitting chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma (CYP, "Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris", 16SrI-B) and Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDP, 16SrV-C) to Chrysanthemum carinatum Schousboe (tricolor daisy) and Viciafaba (L.) (broad bean). Euscelidius variegatus Kirschbaum, a known vector of CYP and FDP, was caged together with Em. decipiens on the same source plants as a positive control of acquisition. Em. decipiens acquired CYP from daisies, but not from broad beans, and inoculated the pathogen to daisies with alow efficiency, but not to broad beans. Em. decipiens did not acquire FDP from the broad bean source. Consistent with the low transmission rate, CYP was found in the salivary glands of very few phytoplasma-infected Em. decipiens, indicating these organs represent a barrier to phytoplasma colonization. In the same experiments, the vector Eu. variegatus efficiently acquired both phytoplasmas, and consistently CYP was detected in the salivary glands of most samples of this species. The identity of the CYP strain in leafhoppers and plants was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The CYP titer in Em. decipiens was monitored over time by real-time PCR. The damage caused by Em. decipiens feeding punctures was depicted. Differences in feeding behavior on different plant species may explain the different phytoplasma transmission capability. Em. decipiens proved to be an experimental vector of CYP.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of the bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., differing in densities of hooked trichomes were examined for resistance to the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae. The major plant factor affecting leafhopper performance was the density of hooked trichomes. Leafhoppers were impaled by these epidermal appendages, leading to wounding and death. Nymphal survival on the cultivar, California Light Red Kidney (hooked trichome density: 2000/cm2) was significantly less than that on Brasil 343 (hooked trichome density: 400/cm2). Hooked trichomes limit damage to beans by reducing the population density of the potato leafhopper.
Zusammenfassung Hakenhaare der Bohne, Phaseolus vulgaris L. schützen gegen Befall durch die Kartoffelzikade, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Zikadenlarven werden auf diesen Haaren aufgespiesst. Sie werden verwundet, bleiben hängen und sterben vorzeitig. Zwei Bohnensorten mit unterschiedlicher Dichte an Hakenhaaren wurden auf ihren Einfluss auf Eiablage und Entwicklungsbiologie eingezwingerter Zikaden geprüft. Eiablage, Entwicklung und Wachstum unterschieden sich auf beiden Sorten nicht. Dagegen war die Larvenmortalität, welche durch das Aufspiessen an Haaren verursacht wird, auf der resistenten Sorte California Light Red Kidney 4–10 mal grösser als auf der anfälligen Sorte Brasil 343, welche eine fünfmal geringere Dichte an Hakenhaaren hat.Im Zeltversuch wurden Populationen von Imagines und von Larven auf der Sorte California Light Red Kidney um 66%, beziehungsweise 88% reduziert verglichen mit solchen auf Brasil 343. Das Wachstum zikadenbefallener und zikadenfreier Pflanzen beider Sorten wurde ebenfalls im Zeltversuch untersucht. Die Reduktion der Blattfläche und des Trockengewichts von Blättern, Stengeln und Wurzeln war bei zikadenbefallenen Brasil 343 signifikant grösser als bei der resistenten Sorte. Demgemäss schliessen wir, dass Hakenhaare für sich allein wirksam sind, den Zikadenschaden bei California Light Red Kidney zu reduzieren und zwar durch Begrenzung der Überlebensrate und der Endpopulation.

Spiroplasmas are bacteria in the Class Mollicutes that are frequently associated with insects and/or plants. Here, we describe the ultrastructure, localization, and occurrence of apparent commensal/symbiotic spiroplasma-like organisms (SLOs) in the midgut and hindgut of five leafhopper species from laboratory-reared colonies. Those found in Dalbulus elimatus, Endria inimica, and Macrosteles quadrilineatus were long and tubular shaped, whereas those in Dalbulus maidis and Graminella nigrifrons were shorter and mostly rod-shaped in their host organisms. These SLOs were found in great numbers in the gut lumen frequently associated with the gut microvilli, but unlike the plant-pathogenic mollicutes, they did not seem to invade the gut epithelium or other tissues in any of these five leafhopper species. Large accumulations of these gut-associated organisms were more commonly found by confocal laser scanning microscopy in males than in females and in crowded than in singly reared leafhoppers. Ultrastructural evidence suggests that these SLOs may be horizontally transmitted between leafhoppers by contamination of the mouth parts with leafhopper excretions.  相似文献   

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