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We present a systematic study of the clustering of genes within the human genome based on homology inferred from both sequence and structural similarity. The 3D-Genomics automated proteome annotation pipeline () was utilised to infer homology for each protein domain in the genome, for the 26 superfamilies most highly represented in the Structural Classification Of Proteins (SCOP) database. This approach enabled us to identify homologues that could not be detected by sequence-based methods alone. For each superfamily, we investigated the distribution, both within and among chromosomes, of genes encoding at least one domain within the superfamily. The results indicate a diversity of clustering behaviours: some superfamilies showed no evidence of any clustering, and others displayed significant clustering either within or among chromosomes, or both. Removal of tandem repeats reduced the levels of clustering observed, but some superfamilies still displayed highly significant clustering. Thus, our study suggests that either the process of gene duplication, or the evolution of the resulting clusters, differs between structural superfamilies.  相似文献   

Molecular interactions between sperm and zona pellucida (ZP) during mammalian fertilization are not well characterized. To begin to characterize sperm components that are involved in sperm-ZP interactions, we isolated and density fractionated sperm membranes. The membrane fractions recovered from a density fractionation protocol were characterized, and sonication was compared with vortexing for preparation of sperm membranes by examining the distribution of proteins in the membrane fractions obtained from these 2 protocols. Biochemical and microscopic analyses were used to determine the composition of the sonicated membrane fractions, and immunoblotting was used to identify fractions containing some of the previously suggested ZP3 receptors. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that bands 1-3 contained membrane vesicles and band 4 contained axonemal and midpiece fragments. SDS-PAGE revealed that bands 1 and 2 shared many proteins, but band 3 contained a number of unique proteins. Surface labeling with 125I demonstrated that bands 1 and 2 contained the majority of the sperm surface protein markers, whereas band 3 contained minor amounts of surface markers. Lectin-binding characteristics of sperm membrane glycoproteins were used to compare the relative distribution of glycosylated proteins in vortexed or sonicated membrane preparations. These characterizations indicate that sonication enhanced the differential distribution of sperm membrane proteins among the density fractions and suggests that this method is preferable for preparation of membrane fractions to be used for identification of proteins that mediate sperm-egg interactions.  相似文献   

The zeste gene product is involved in two types of genetic effects dependent on chromosome pairing: transvection and the zeste-white interaction. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with that of the Drosophila virilis gene shows that several blocks of amino acid sequence have been very highly conserved. One of these regions corresponds to the DNA binding domain. Site-directed mutations in this region indicate that a sequence resembling that of the homeodomain DNA recognition helix is essential for DNA binding activity. The integrity of an amphipathic helical region is also essential for binding activity and is likely to be responsible for dimerization of the DNA binding domain. Another very strongly conserved domain of zeste is the C-terminal region, predicted to form a long helical structure with two sets of heptad repeats that constitute two long hydrophobic ridges at opposite ends and on opposite faces of the helix. We show that this domain is responsible for the extensive aggregation properties of zeste that are required for its role in transvection phenomena. A model is proposed according to which the hydrophobic ridges induce the formation of open-ended coiled-coil structures holding together many hundreds of zeste molecules and possibly anchoring these complexes to other nuclear structures.  相似文献   

Fused protein domains inhibit DNA binding by LexA.   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文

The Escherichia coli RecG protein is a unique junction-specific helicase involved in DNA repair and recombination. The C-terminus of RecG contains motifs conserved throughout a wide range of DNA and RNA helicases and it is thought that this C-terminal half of RecG contains the helicase active site. However, the regions of RecG which confer junction DNA specificity are unknown. To begin to assign structure-function relationships within RecG, a series of N- and C-terminal deletions have been engineered into the protein, together with an N-terminal histidine tag fusion peptide for purification purposes. Junction DNA binding, unwinding and ATP hydrolysis were disrupted by mutagenesis of the N-terminus. In contrast, C-terminal deletions moderately reduced junction DNA binding but almost abolished unwinding. These data suggest that the C-terminus does contain the helicase active site whereas the N-terminus confers junction DNA specificity.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of biomembrane architecture is still a challenging task. Many in vitro studies have shown lipid domains but much less information is known about the lateral organization of membrane proteins because their hydrophobic nature limits the use of many experimental methods. We examined lipid domain formation in biomimetic Escherichia coli membranes composed of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol in the absence and presence of 1% and 5% (mol/mol) membrane multidrug resistance protein, EmrE. Monolayer isotherms demonstrated protein insertion into the lipid monolayer. Subsequently, Brewster angle microscopy was applied to image domains in lipid matrices and lipid-protein mixtures. The images showed a concentration dependent impact of the protein on lipid domain size and shape and more interestingly distinct coexisting protein clusters. Whereas lipid domains varied in size (14-47μm), protein clusters exhibited a narrow size distribution (2.6-4.8μm) suggesting a non-random process of cluster formation. A 3-D display clearly indicates that these proteins clusters protrude from the membrane plane. These data demonstrate distinct co-existing lipid domains and membrane protein clusters as the monofilm is being compressed and illustrate the significant mutual impact of lipid-protein interactions on lateral membrane architecture.  相似文献   

Using the data on proteins encoded in complete genomes, combined with a rigorous theory of the sampling process, we estimate the total number of protein folds and families, as well as the number of folds and families in each genome. The total number of folds in globular, water- soluble proteins is estimated at about 1000, with structural information currently available for about one-third of the number. The sequenced genomes of unicellular organisms encode from approximately 25%, for the minimal genomes of the Mycoplasmas, to 70-80% for larger genomes, such as Escherichia coli and yeast, of the total number of folds. The number of protein families with significant sequence conservation was estimated to be between 4000 and 7000, with structures available for about 20% of these.  相似文献   

Regulatory domains of the multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II were investigated utilizing synthetic peptides. These peptides were derived from the sequence between positions 281 and 319 as translated from the cDNA sequence of the rat brain 50-kDa subunit (Lin, C. R., Kapiloff, M. S., Durgerian, S., Tatemoto, K., Russo, A. F., Hanson, P., Schulman, H., and Rosenfeld, M. G. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 84, 5962-5966), which contain the putative calmodulin-binding region as well as potential autophosphorylation sites. Peptide 290 to 309 was found to be a potent calmodulin antagonist with an IC50 of 52 nM for inhibition of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Neither truncation from the amino terminus (peptide 296-309) nor extension in the carboxyl-terminal direction (peptide 294-319) markedly affected calmodulin binding, whereas shortening the peptide from the carboxyl terminus (peptide 290-302) or from both ends (peptide 295-304) resulted in the elimination of this activity. Peptide 281-290 did not bind calmodulin, but was a good substrate for the enzyme, being phosphorylated at Thr-286. Several of the peptides inhibited the kinase in a partially competitive, substrate-directed manner, but were not themselves phosphorylated. These studies identify domains within Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II which may be involved in 1) inhibition of the kinase in the absence of calmodulin, 2) binding of calmodulin, and 3) the resulting activation. Additionally, it is suggested that phosphorylation of residues flanking these domains may be responsible for the known regulatory effects of autophosphorylation on the properties of the kinase.  相似文献   

The CB1 cannabinoid receptor in N18TG2 neuroblastoma cells inhibits adenylate cyclase, and this response can be mimicked by a peptide corresponding to the juxtamembrane C-terminal domain (CB(1)401-417). Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate binding to G proteins can be stimulated by both peptide CB(1)401-417 and peptides corresponding to the third intracellular loop [Howlett, A.C., Song, C., Berglund, B.A., Wilken, G.H. & Pigg, J.J. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 53, 504-510; Mukhopadhyay, S., Cowsik, S.M., Welsh, W.J. & Howlett, A.C. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 3447-3455]. In Chaps-solubilized N18TG2 membranes, the CB1 receptor coimmunoprecipitated with all three Gi subtypes. Pertussis toxin significantly reduced the CB(1) receptor-G alpha(i) association and attenuated the CB(1)401-417-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase. CB(1)401-417 significantly reduced the CB(1) receptor association with G alpha(i3), but not with G alpha(i1) or G alpha(i2). In contrast, third intracellular loop peptides significantly reduced the CB(1) receptor association with G alpha(i1) and G alpha(i2), but not G alpha(i3). These interactions are specific for the CB(1) receptor because a peptide corresponding to the juxtamembrane C-terminal domain of the CB(2) receptor failed to compete for the association of the CB1 receptor with any of the Gi alpha subtypes, and was not able to activate Gi proteins to inhibit adenylate cyclase. These studies indicate that different domains of the CB(1) receptor direct the interaction with specific G protein subtypes.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is critical for maintaining genome stability through precise repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and restarting stalled or collapsed DNA replication forks. HR is regulated by many proteins through distinct mechanisms. Some proteins have direct enzymatic roles in HR reactions, while others act as accessory factors that regulate HR enzymatic activity or coordinate HR with other cellular processes such as the cell cycle. The breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 encodes a critical accessory protein that interacts with the RAD51 recombinase and this interaction fluctuates during the cell cycle. We previously showed that a BRCA2- and p21-interacting protein, BCCIP, regulates BRCA2 and RAD51 nuclear focus formation, DSB-induced HR and cell cycle progression. However, it has not been clear whether BCCIP acts exclusively through BRCA2 to regulate HR and whether BCCIP also regulates the alternative DSB repair pathway, non-homologous end joining. In this study, we found that BCCIP fragments that interact with BRCA2 or with p21 each inhibit DSB repair by HR. We further show that transient down-regulation of BCCIP in human cells does not affect non-specific integration of transfected DNA, but significantly inhibits homology-directed gene targeting. Furthermore, human HT1080 cells with constitutive down-regulation of BCCIP display increased levels of spontaneous single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and DSBs. These data indicate that multiple BCCIP domains are important for HR regulation, that BCCIP is unlikely to regulate non-homologous end joining, and that BCCIP plays a critical role in resolving spontaneous DNA damage.  相似文献   

A new biochemical method for estimating the virtual number of mitochondria (mt) per cell was developed and used together with a plasmid probe to measure mt DNA/mitochondrion and mt DNA/cell. These methods were used in five cell types from four mammalian species. Mt DNA/mitochondrion was essentially constant in all cell types (mean 2.6 +/- 0.30 SE mitochondrial DNA molecules/mt). Mt DNA molecules/cell encompassed an eight-fold range between various cell types (low 220 +/- 6.2; high 1,720 +/- 162 mt DNA molecules/cell). Virtual mt number/cell ranged from 83 +/- 17 to 677 +/- 80 (SE) mt/cell in various cell types. All five mammalian virtual mitochondria contained the same genomic mass. The number of virtual mitochondria per cell and amount of mt DNA per cell appear to be closely regulated within a given cell type but differ widely from cell type to cell type.  相似文献   

The mitotic exit network (MEN), a Ras-like signaling cascade, promotes the release of the protein phosphatase Cdc14 from the nucleolus and is essential for cells to exit from mitosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have characterized the functional domains of one of the MEN components, the protein kinase Cdc15, and investigated the role of these domains in mitotic exit. We show that a region adjacent to Cdc15's kinase domain is required for self-association and for binding to spindle pole bodies and that this domain is essential for CDC15 function. Furthermore, we find that overexpression of CDC15 lacking the C-terminal 224 amino acids results in hyperactivation of MEN and premature release of Cdc14 from the nucleolus, suggesting that this domain within Cdc15 functions to inhibit MEN signaling. Our findings indicate that multiple modes of MEN regulation occur through the protein kinase Cdc15.  相似文献   

Correct targeting of plant ARF GTPases relies on distinct protein domains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Indispensable membrane trafficking events depend on the activity of conserved small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), anchored to individual organelle membranes. In plant cells, it is currently unknown how these proteins reach their correct target membranes and interact with their effectors. To address these important biological questions, we studied two members of the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPase family, ARF1 and ARFB, which are membrane anchored through the same N-terminal myristoyl group but to different target membranes. Specifically, we investigated how ARF1 is targeted to the Golgi and post-Golgi structures, whereas ARFB accumulates at the plasma membrane. While the subcellular localization of ARFB appears to depend on multiple domains including the C-terminal half of the GTPase, the correct targeting of ARF1 is dependent on two domains: an N-terminal ARF1 domain that is necessary for the targeting of the GTPase to membranes and a core domain carrying a conserved MxxE motif that influences the relative distribution of ARF1 between the Golgi and post-Golgi compartments. We also established that the N-terminal ARF1 domain alone was insufficient to maintain an interaction with membranes and that correct targeting is a protein-specific property that depends on the status of the GTP switch. Finally, an ARF1-ARFB chimera containing only the first 18 amino acids from ARF1 was shown to compete with ARF1 membrane binding loci. Although this chimera exhibited GTPase activity in vitro, it was unable to recruit coatomer, a known ARF1 effector, onto Golgi membranes. Our results suggest that the targeting of ARF GTPases to the correct membranes may not only depend on interactions with effectors but also relies on distinct protein domains and further binding partners on the Golgi surface.  相似文献   

When cytobrush buccal cell samples have been collected as a genomic DNA (gDNA) source for an epidemiological study, whole genome amplification (WGA) can be critical to maintain sufficient DNA for genotyping. We evaluated REPLI-g WGA using gDNA from two paired cytobrushes (cytobush 'A' kept in a cell lysis buffer, and 'B' dried and kept at room temperature for 3 days, and frozen until DNA extraction) in a pilot study (n=21), and from 144 samples collected by mail in a breast cancer study. WGA success was assessed as the per cent completion/concordance of STR/SNP genotypes. Locus amplification bias was assessed using quantitative PCR of 23 human loci. The pilot study showed > 98% completion but low genotype concordance between cytobrush wgaDNA and paired blood gDNA (82% and 84% for cytobrushes A and B, respectively). Substantial amplification bias was observed with significantly lower human gDNA amplification from cytobrush B than A. Using cytobrush gDNA samples from the breast cancer study (n =20), an independent laboratory demonstrated that increasing template gDNA to the REPLI-g reaction improved genotype performance for 49 SNPs; however, average completion and concordance remained below 90%. To reduce genotype misclassification when cytobrush wgaDNA is used, inclusion of paired gDNA/wgaDNA and/or duplicate wgaDNA samples is critical to monitor data quality.  相似文献   

Yu K  Kang KH  Heine P  Pyati U  Srinivasan S  Biehs B  Kimelman D  Bier E 《Genetics》2004,166(3):1323-1336
The Drosophila short gastrulation gene (sog) encodes a large extracellular protein (Sog) that inhibits signaling by BMP-related ligands. Sog and its vertebrate counterpart Chordin contain four copies of a cysteine repeat (CR) motif defined by 10 cysteine residues spaced in a fixed pattern and a tryptophan residue situated between the first two cysteines. Here we present a structure-function analysis of the CR repeats in Sog, using a series of deletion and point mutation constructs, as well as constructs in which CR domains have been swapped. This analysis indicates that the CR domains are individually dispensable for Sog function but that they are not interchangeable. These studies reveal three different types of Sog activity: intact Sog, which inhibits signaling mediated by the ligand Glass bottom boat (Gbb), a more broadly active class of BMP antagonist referred to as Supersog, and a newly identified activity, which may promote rather than inhibit BMP signaling. Analysis of the activities of CR swap constructs indicates that the CR domains are required for full activity of the various forms of Sog but that the type of Sog activity is determined primarily by surrounding protein sequences. Cumulatively, our analysis suggests that CR domains interact physically with adjacent protein sequences to create forms of Sog with distinct BMP modulatory activities.  相似文献   

Hans de Jong 《Génome》2003,46(6):943-946
This short review presents a historical perspective of chromosome research during the last 50 years. It shows how molecular knowledge and technology of DNA entered cytogenetics step by step making it now daily practice in almost every modern chromosome lab. A crucial milestone in these decades has been the development of in situ protocols by Pardue and Gall, among others, initially only with isotopic labels, and without fluorescence microscopy and sophisticated detection systems. But these very first in situ hybridizations played a decisive role in the discovery of chromosome banding profiles, which were obtained under specific chemical, physical, or enzymatic conditions, thus effecting stainability of specific chromosome regions. In the decades thereafter, numerous technical improvements were achieved leading to complex multi-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) protocols for mammals, plants, and insects. Highly improved detection systems of the FISH signals further allowed detection of DNA targets of up to 50 bp, whereas other protocols, which were developed to stretch chromatin fibres to the full length of native DNA, improved spatial resolution of adjacent targets in the light microscope to 1 kb.  相似文献   

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