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It is generally accepted that viral systemic infection follows the source-to-sink symplastic pathway of sugar translocation. In plants that are classified as apoplastic loaders, the boundary between the companion cell-sieve element (CC-SE) complex and neighboring cells is symplastically restricted, and the potential passage of macromolecules between the two domains has yet to be explored. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing green fluorescence protein (GFP) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)-encoded proteins fused to GFP under the control of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) promoter were produced in order to localize the encoded proteins in mesophyll and bundle sheath cells and to explore the influence of viral infection on the functioning of plasmodesmata interconnecting the two domains. GFP produced outside the vascular tissue could overcome the symplastic barrier between the CC-SE complex and the surrounding cells to enter the vasculature in CMV-infected plants. Grafting of control (non-transgenic) tobacco scions to CMV-infected FBPase-GFP-expressing root stocks confirmed that GFP could move long distances in the phloem. No movement of the gfp mRNA was noticeable in this set of experiments. The ability of GFP to enter the vasculature and move long distances was also evident upon infection of the grafting plants with other viruses. These results provide experimental evidence for alteration of the functioning of plasmodesmata interconnecting the CC-SE complex and neighboring cells by viral infection to enable non-selective trafficking of macromolecules from the mesophyll into the sieve tube.  相似文献   

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) was used to study the mechanism by which fluorescent-protein-tagged movement protein (MP) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is targeted to plasmodesmata (PD). The data show that fluorescence recovery in PD at the leading edge of an infection requires elements of the cortical actin/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network and can occur in the absence of an intact microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton. Inhibitors of the actin cytoskeleton (latrunculin and cytochalasin) significantly inhibited MP targeting, while MT inhibitors (colchicine and oryzalin) did not. Application of sodium azide to infected cells implicated an active component of MP transfer to PD. Treatment of cells with Brefeldin A (BFA) at a concentration that caused reabsorption of the Golgi bodies into the ER (precluding secretion of viral MP) had no effect on MP targeting, while disruption of the cortical ER with higher concentrations of BFA caused significant inhibition. Our results support a model of TMV MP function in which targeting of MP to PD during infection is mediated by the actin/ER network.  相似文献   

Maize and Arabidopsis thaliana class 1 reversibly glycosylated polypeptides (C1RGPs) are plasmodesmata-associated proteins. Previously, overexpression of Arabidopsis C1RGP AtRGP2 in Nicotiana tabacum was shown to reduce intercellular transport of photoassimilate, resulting in stunted, chlorotic plants, and inhibition of local cell-to-cell spread of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Here, we used virus induced gene silencing to examine the effects of reduced levels of C1RGPs in Nicotiana benthamiana. Silenced plants show wild-type growth and development. Intercellular transport in silenced plants was probed using fluorescently labeled TMV and its movement protein, P30. P30 shows increased cell-to-cell movement and TMV exhibited accelerated systemic spread compared with control plants. These results support the hypothesis that C1RGPs act to regulate intercellular transport via plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

The movement protein (MP) of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) provides the intercellular transport of the viral RNA through plasmodesmata. MP fulfils its function while interacting with host cell factors on the whole way of its intracellular movement from the subcellular site of its synthesis to the plasmodesmata of cellular walls. The MP conformation during its intracellular movement and fulfilling the transport function still remains unknown. In this study, we describe the preparation of murine monoclonal antibodies (MAs) to TMV MP and mapping of the MP epitopes. Stable hybridoma lines that produce MAs to the partially denatured recombinant MP (MPr) were obtained. MAs were tested by the immunoblotting and ELISA with the use of deletion variations of MPr. The epitopes of TMV MPr that recognize specific MAs were determined.  相似文献   

Mutant tobacco plants deficient for class I beta-1,3-glucanase (GLU I) are decreased in their susceptibility to virus infection. This is correlated with delayed virus spread, a reduction in the size exclusion limit of plasmodesmata and increased cell-wall deposition of the beta-1,3-glucan callose. To further investigate a role of GLU I during cell-to-cell movement of virus infection, we inserted the GLU I coding sequence into TMV for overexpression in infected cells. Compared with the size of local lesions produced on plants infected with virus expressing either an enzymatically inactive GLU I or a frameshift mutant of the gene, the size of local lesions caused by infection with virus expressing active GLU I was consistently increased. Viruses expressing antisense GLU I constructs led to lesions of decreased size. Similar effects were obtained for virus spread using plants grown at 32 degrees C to block the hypersensitive response. Together, these results indicate that enzymatically active GLU I expressed in cells containing replicating virus can increase cell-to-cell movement of virus. This supports the view that GLU I induced locally during infection helps to promote cell-to-cell movement of virus by hydrolyzing callose. Moreover, our results provide the first direct evidence that a biological function of a plant beta-1,3-glucanase depends on its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

A method is developed to study the periodic properties of nucleotide sequences allowing the favoured pattern of the repeating unit, as well as the length and localization of this periodic segment to be determined simultaneously. The degree of periodicity is evaluated calculating the probabilities for random occurrence of the maximal deviations of the nucleotide composition in each phase, making use of the binomial formula.The nucleotide sequence of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA responsible for recognition of the homologous protein (“assembly origin”, AO) (Zimmern & Butler, 1977) was investigated in order to find periodic regions of primary structure which might be essential in the recognition process. As a result the most periodic segments of the AO consisting of 31 and 17 nucleotides corresponding to the schemes GAU or GA1 have been found. However, the periodicities in these regions do not exceed that expected for random sequences. It can be considered as an evidence that in addition to peculiarities of primary structure, some other features such as RNA secondary or tertiary structure are essential in this interaction.For comparison the nucleotide sequences of the other fragments of TMV RNA as well as MS2 RNA, TYMV RNA, 16S rRNA and phage fd DNA were investigated by the same method.  相似文献   

The initiation site for transcripotion of the 30-kDa protein mRNA of tobacco mosaic virus was mapped uniquely at residue 1558 from the 3'-terminus on TMV RNA using the primer-extension and the S1-nuclease mapping method.  相似文献   

Molecular farming technology using transiently transformed Nicotiana plants offers an economical approach to the pharmaceutical industry to produce an array of protein targets including vaccine antigens and therapeutics. It can serve as a desirable alternative approach for those proteins that are challenging or too costly to produce in large quantities using other heterologous protein expression systems. However, since cost metrics are such a critical factor in selecting a production host, any system-wide modifications that can increase recombinant protein yields are key to further improving the platform and making it applicable for a wider range of target molecules. Here, we report on the development of a new approach to improve target accumulation in an established plant-based expression system that utilizes viral-based vectors to mediate transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. We show that by engineering the host plant to support viral vectors to spread more effectively between host cells through plasmodesmata, protein target accumulation can be increased by up to approximately 60%.  相似文献   

Hibiscus green spot virus (HGSV) is a recently discovered and so far poorly characterized bacilliform plant virus with a positive‐stranded RNA genome consisting of three RNA species. Here, we demonstrate that the proteins encoded by the ORF2 and ORF3 in HGSV RNA2 are necessary and sufficient to mediate cell‐to‐cell movement of transport‐deficient Potato virus X in Nicotiana benthamiana. These two genes represent a specialized transport module called a ‘binary movement block’ (BMB), and ORF2 and ORF3 are termed BMB1 and BMB2 genes. In agroinfiltrated epidermal cells of N. benthamiana, green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐BMB1 fusion protein was distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. However, in the presence of BMB2, GFP‐BMB1 was directed to cell wall‐adjacent elongated bodies at the cell periphery, to cell wall‐embedded punctate structures co‐localizing with callose deposits at plasmodesmata, and to cells adjacent to the initially transformed cell. Thus, BMB2 can mediate the transport of BMB1 to and through plasmodesmata. In general, our observations support the idea that cell‐to‐cell trafficking of movement proteins involves an initial delivery to membrane compartments adjacent to plasmodesmata, subsequent entry of the plasmodesmata cavity and, finally, transport to adjacent cells. This process, as an alternative to tubule‐based transport, has most likely evolved independently in triple gene block (TGB), double gene block (DGB), BMB and the single gene‐coded transport system.  相似文献   

壳寡糖诱导烟草对TMV长距离移动的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用ELISA-DSM法和半叶枯斑法,测定了壳寡糖(50μg/mL)诱导后普通烟(Nicotiana tabacum)植株体内TMV浓度的变化.ELISA-DSM测定显示,在接种后10 d,仅在接种叶的上位叶和新生叶片中检测到病毒,且病毒浓度仅为不诱导对照的52.7%和38.8%,在下位叶中未检测到病毒;同时,接种叶内病毒增殖严重受抑,接种后10 d,病毒浓度仅为不诱导对照的23.52%.半叶枯斑法检测获得了相同结果,以壳寡糖处理植株的不同叶位的叶片为毒源,产生的枯斑数目都大幅度低于不诱导对照.以上结果证明,壳寡糖处理后TMV的上行和下行长距离移动均明显延迟和减少,下行移动受到的影响更大.透射电镜检查发现,处理植株接种叶的下位叶片韧皮部细胞中没有病毒晶体和病毒粒子,在上位叶片筛管伴胞中仅见少量病毒粒子,两者都未发现任何诱导新生物,也未见其他细胞结构变化.结果表明,壳寡糖处理使烟草对TMV病毒侵染产生了诱导抗病性,系统侵染症状明显减弱;壳寡糖处理对病毒长距离移动的不利影响可能是接种叶片病毒增殖减少所造成的.  相似文献   

Several plant viruses encode movement proteins (MPs) classified in the 30K superfamily. Despite a great functional diversity, alignment analysis of MP sequences belonging to the 30K superfamily revealed the presence of a central core region, including amino acids potentially critical for MP structure and functionality. We performed alanine‐scanning mutagenesis of the Ourmia melon virus (OuMV) MP, and studied the effects of amino acid substitutions on MP properties and virus infection. We identified five OuMV mutants that were impaired in systemic infection in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana, and two mutants showing necrosis and pronounced mosaic symptoms, respectively, in N. benthamiana. Green fluorescent protein fusion constructs (GFP:MP) of movement‐defective MP alleles failed to localize in distinct foci at the cell wall, whereas a GFP fusion with wild‐type MP (GFP:MPwt) mainly co‐localized with plasmodesmata and accumulated at the periphery of epidermal cells. The movement‐defective mutants also failed to produce tubular protrusions in protoplasts isolated from infected leaves, suggesting a link between tubule formation and the ability of OuMV to move. In addition to providing data to support the importance of specific amino acids for OuMV MP functionality, we predict that these conserved residues might be critical for the correct folding and/or function of the MP of other viral species in the 30K superfamily.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison was made of the amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded by RNAs 1 and 2 of alfalfa mosaic virus (A1MV) and brome mosaic virus (BMV), and the 126K and 183K proteins encoded by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Three blocks of extensive homology of about 200 to 350 amino acids each were observed. Two of these blocks are located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 1 encoded proteins and the TMV encoded 126K protein; they are situated at the N-terminus and C-terminus, respectively. The third block is located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 2 encoded proteins and the C-terminal part of the TMV encoded 183K protein. These homologies are discussed with respect to the functional equivalence of these putative replicase proteins and a possible evolutionary connection between A1MV, BMV and TMV.  相似文献   

胞间连丝作为一种细胞质结构将相邻的细胞连系起来而形成植物的共质体。胞间连丝通过调控许多离子和分子的共质体运输而广泛地参与植物的生命活动。胞间连丝的主要构成部分是细胞质膜、连丝小管、以及位于二之间的环层细胞质。这三都很容易在电子显微镜下观察到。细胞骨架的成分(肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白)起到稳定胞间连丝的作用。同时,钙结合蛋白可能具有调节间连丝功能的作用。在胞间连丝里,环层细胞质为大多数溶质提供共质体运输的通道,而有些 共质体运输则可能是通过连丝小管的内腔、连丝小管的壳层、甚或是细胞质膜来实现的。共质体可以细分为数个区块,它们各自允许不同大小的分子(从低于1000到高于10000道尔顿)通过。从发生上看,胞间连丝可以是初生的,也可以是次生的。前是伴随着新细胞壁的形成则产生的,而后则是在已有的细胞壁上产生的。胞间连丝的动态性质还表现在它们的频率是处于变化之中,这是由于组织或植物整体的发育和生理状态决定的。虽然共质体运输的基本形式是扩散,但胞间连丝对于某些离子和分子却是选择性的。在病毒感染细胞时,病毒的移动蛋白作用于胞间连丝的受体蛋白,结果,胞间连丝被显地扩张(其机理尚不清楚)。于是,病毒的移动蛋白连同与之结合在一起的病毒基因组进入毗邻的健康细胞。一些植物源性的蛋白质也能够通过胞间连丝来运输;推测其方式类似于病毒的移动蛋白。有些植物蛋白质本身就是信号分子,它们调节分化和其他活动。与此相反,还有一些植物蛋白质的共质体运输并不是通过特异的方式来实现的。  相似文献   

Virus expression vectors based on the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) genome are powerful tools for foreign gene expression in plants. However, the inclusion of increased genetic load in the form of foreign genes limits the speed of systemic plant invasion and host range of these vectors due to reduced replication and movement efficiencies. To improve these properties of TMV vectors, the gene encoding the 30-kDa movement protein was subjected to mutagenesis and DNA shuffling. A vector that expresses the green fluorescent protein was used to allow simple visual discrimination of mutants with enhanced movement phenotypes. An initial round of mutagenesis produced 53 clones with a faster local movement phenotype. Two subsequent rounds of DNA shuffling produced additional clones that showed further increased rates of cell-to-cell movement and degrees of systemic invasion in restrictive hosts. Surprisingly, sequence analysis of the best performing shuffled genes revealed alterations resulting in coding and silent changes in the movement protein gene. Separation of these coding and silent alterations into distinct gene backgrounds revealed that each contributes to improved movement protein function to differing degrees. The resulting vectors demonstrate that the complex activities of the movement protein genes of viruses can be evolved to have improved movement phenotypes, as evidenced by cell-to-cell and systemic invasion. The experiments produced improved vectors that will be of use both for in planta functional screening and for therapeutic protein production and demonstrated the power of shuffling for plant virus vector improvement.  相似文献   

A panel of seven SR1 tobacco mutants (ATER1 to ATER7) derived via T‐DNA activation tagging and screening for resistance to a microtubule assembly inhibitor, ethyl phenyl carbamate, were used to study the role of microtubules during infection and spread of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). In one of these lines, ATER2, α‐tubulin is shifted from the tyrosinylated into the detyrosinated form, and the microtubule plus‐end marker GFP–EB1 moves significantly slower when expressed in the background of the ATER2 mutant as compared with the SR1 wild type. The efficiency of cell‐to‐cell movement of TMV encoding GFP‐tagged movement protein (MP‐GFP) is reduced in ATER2 accompanied by a reduced association of MP‐GFP with plasmodesmata. This mutant is also more tolerant to viral infection as compared with the SR1 wild type, implying that reduced microtubule dynamics confer a comparative advantage in face of TMV infection.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms of intracellular targeting of viral nucleic acids within infected cells. We used in situ hybridization to visualize the distribution of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) viral RNA (vRNA) in infected tobacco protoplasts. Immunostaining of the ER lumenal binding protein (BiP) concurrent with in situ hybridization revealed that vRNA colocalized with the ER, including perinuclear ER. At midstages of infection, vRNA accumulated in large irregular bodies associated with cytoplasmic filaments while at late stages, vRNA was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm and was associated with hair-like protrusions from the plasma membrane containing ER. TMV movement protein (MP) and replicase colocalized with vRNA, suggesting that viral replication and translation occur in the same subcellular sites. Immunostaining with tubulin provided evidence of colocalization of vRNA with microtubules, while disruption of the cytoskeleton with pharmacological agents produced severe changes in vRNA localization. Mutants of TMV lacking functional MP accumulated vRNA, but the distribution of vRNA was different from that observed in wild-type infection. MP was not required for association of vRNA with perinuclear ER, but was required for the formation of the large irregular bodies and association of vRNA with the hair-like protrusions.  相似文献   

毛头鬼伞多糖CCP60a对TMV外壳蛋白的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus Muell.ex Fr.)子实体中的多糖CCP60a进行了提取分离及检测,研究了不同温度条件下CCP60a对烟草花叶病毒(TMV)外壳蛋白体外聚合的影响,并用Western blotting法研究了CCP60a对TMV外壳蛋白表达的影响。结果表明,经沸水浸提、乙醇分级沉淀、DEAESephadex A-25离子交换柱层析、Sepharose-6B凝胶柱层析和抗TMV活性跟踪检测可得到均一的多糖CCP60a。随温度的提高,CCP60a处理组在320nm处的吸光度值增加幅度明显小于对照组,表明CCP60a对TMV外壳蛋白体外聚合有一定的抑制作用。Western blotting检测结果显示,CCP60a可以使TMV外壳蛋白的表达明显降低。  相似文献   

植物病毒在细胞间转运的机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物病毒在寄主体内的移动包括细胞间转运和系统性转运两个部分。在这两个过程中,如何有效地利用和修饰胞间连丝,是病毒成功侵染的关键。病毒通过编码运动蛋白与寄主因子互作靶定于细胞质膜,然后通过一系列复杂机制修饰胞间连丝从而顺利完成细胞间转运。综述了植物病毒在细胞间转运过程中与寄主发生的一系列互作,着重阐述了病毒与胞间连丝之间互作的机制,旨在为相关研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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