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Peptides may substitute for carbohydrate antigens in carbohydrate-specific immunological reactions. Using the recognition properties of an anti-Lewis Y (LeY) antibody, BR55-2, as a model system, we establish a molecular perspective for peptide mimicry by comparing the three-dimensional basis of BR55-2 binding to LeY with the binding of the same antibody to peptides. The peptides compete with LeY, as demonstrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Biacore analysis. The computer program LUDI was used to epitope map the antibody-combining site, correlating peptide reactivity patterns. This approach identified amino acids interacting with the same BR55-2 functional residue groups that recognize the Fucalpha(1-3) moiety of LeY. Molecular modeling indicates that the peptides adopt an extended turn conformation within the BR55-2 combining site, serving to overlap the peptides with the LeY spatial position. Peptide binding is associated with only minor changes in BR55-2, relative to the BR55-2-LeY complex. Anti-peptide serum distinguishes the Fucalpha(1-3) from the Fucalpha(1-4) linkage, therefore differentiating difucosylated neolactoseries antigens. These results further confirm that peptides and carbohydrates can bind to the same antibody-binding site and that peptides can structurally and functionally mimic salient features of carbohydrate epitopes.  相似文献   

Unlike human thrombin, murine thrombin lacks Na+ activation due to the charge reversal substitution D222K in the Na+ binding loop. However, the enzyme is functionally stabilized in a Na+-bound form and is highly active toward physiologic substrates. The structural basis of this peculiar property is unknown. Here, we present the 2.2 A resolution x-ray crystal structure of murine thrombin in the absence of inhibitors and salts. The enzyme assumes an active conformation, with Ser-195, Glu-192, and Asp-189 oriented as in the Na+-bound fast form of human thrombin. Lys-222 completely occludes the pore of entry to the Na+ binding site and positions its side chain inside the pore, with the Nzeta atom H-bonded to the backbone oxygen atoms of Lys-185, Asp-186b, and Lys-186d. The same architecture is observed in the 1.75 A resolution structure of a thrombin chimera in which the human enzyme carries all residues defining the Na+ pore in the murine enzyme. These findings demonstrate that Na+ activation in thrombin is linked to the architecture of the Na+ pore. The molecular strategy of Na+ activation mimicry unraveled for murine thrombin is relevant to serine proteases and enzymes activated by monovalent cations in general.  相似文献   

A major problem in evaluating the effectiveness of tumor cell vaccination and other biological therapies is the variability of experimental models. In this study we have further developed and characterized a model for metastatic melanoma that approximates the major clinical stages of metastatic dissemination: stage I-growth of the primary (local) tumor, stage II-dissemination to regional lymph nodes, and stage III-metastasis to distant organs (lungs). C57BL/6 mice were challenged subcutaneously with B16 F10 murine melanoma cells in the midtail, and within 3 weeks 100% of the mice had local tumors growing in their tails. By 5–7 weeks after challenge, most of the mice had developed metastases to the inguinal lymph nodes and subsequently had metastatic colonies in the lungs and in the bone marrow. Preimmunization of mice with a formalinized extracellular antigen vaccine, derived from B16F10 melanoma cells, provided partial inhibition of the growth of the primary melanoma tumors, as well as reducing the number of metastases to the regional (inguinal) lymph nodes and lungs along with concomitantly increasing survival time. This model for melanoma metastasis provides a reasonable and reproducible test system for the study of anti-melanoma immunity and the different cellular and humoral mechanisms involved.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants R37 CA45148 and R30 CA13943  相似文献   

Human noroviruses bind with their capsid-protruding domains to histo-blood-group antigens (HBGAs), an interaction thought to direct their entry into cells. Although human noroviruses are the major cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks, development of antivirals has been lacking, mainly because human noroviruses cannot be cultivated. Here we use X-ray crystallography and saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance (STD NMR) to analyze the interaction of citrate with genogroup II (GII) noroviruses. Crystals of citrate in complex with the protruding domain from norovirus GII.10 Vietnam026 diffracted to 1.4 Å and showed a single citrate bound at the site of HBGA interaction. The citrate interaction was coordinated with a set of capsid interactions almost identical to that involved in recognizing the terminal HBGA fucose, the saccharide which forms the primary conserved interaction between HBGAs and GII noroviruses. Citrate and a water molecule formed a ring-like structure that mimicked the pyranoside ring of fucose. STD NMR showed the protruding domain to have weak affinity for citrate (460 μM). This affinity, however, was similar to the affinities of the protruding domain for fucose (460 μM) and H type 2 trisaccharide (390 μM), an HBGA shown previously to be specifically recognized by human noroviruses. Importantly, competition STD NMR showed that citrate could compete with HBGA for norovirus binding. Together, the results suggest that citrate and other glycomimetics have the potential to block human noroviruses from binding to HBGAs.  相似文献   

Thyroid cultured cells are now used worldwide in clinical bioassays of TSH and of thyroid autoantibodies. Having originally developed the thyroid cell cultures (Ambesi-Impiombato et al. 1980) from rat glands in our laboratory, we now aim to improve the system, moving in two directions: a) TSH-independent mutants have been produced and characterized, which can be used in clinical bioassays without starvation from the hormone. b) Human cultures have been attempted using our experience with rat cells, as well as innovative strategies. Preliminary results now indicate that human normal differentiated cells may be available for clinical studies in vitro, when species-specific differences may be critical.  相似文献   

Crystallographic studies have shown independent binding sites for sugar and peptide ligands of concanavalin A, although they were considered functional mimics based on biochemical experiments. The topological correlation of 12-residue peptide with different carbohydrate ligands of concanavalin A showed similarity between trimannose and the YPY region of the peptide establishing structural mimicry. Molecular docking of trimannose and the YPY motif on the reciprocal binding sites revealed equivalent interactions and energetics implying that the peptide-binding sites may constitute additional sugar-binding subsites of concanavalin A. The binding of a mannose-rich neoglycoprotein with significantly higher affinity compared with that of the methyl alpha-d-mannopyranoside is consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

The design, synthesis, modeling and in vitro testing of channel-forming peptides derived from the cys-loop superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels are part of an ongoing research focus. Over 300 different sequences have been prepared based on the M2 transmembrane segment of the spinal cord glycine receptor α-subunit. A number of these sequences are water-soluble monomers that readily insert into biological membranes where they undergo supramolecular assembly, yielding channels with a range of selectivities and conductances. Selection of a sequence for further modifications to yield an optimal lead compound came down to a few key biophysical properties: low solution concentrations that yield channel activity, greater ensemble conductance, and enhanced ion selectivity. The sequence NK(4)-M2GlyR T19R, S22W (KKKKPARVGLGITTVLTMRTQW) addressed these criteria. The structure of this peptide has been analyzed by solution NMR as a monomer in detergent micelles, simulated as five-helix bundles in a membrane environment, modified by cysteine-scanning and studied for insertion efficiency in liposomes of selected lipid compositions. Taken together, these results define the structural and key biophysical properties of this sequence in a membrane. This model provides an initial scaffold from which rational substitutions can be proposed and tested to modulate anion selectivity. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Folding in Membranes.  相似文献   

A thermophilic xylanase from Bacillusstrain D3 suitable for use as a bleach booster in the paper pulping industry has been identified and characterized. The enzyme is suited to the high temperature and alkaline conditions needed for using xylanases in the pulp industry. The xylanase is stable at 60°C and relatively stable at high temperatures, with a temperature optimum of 75°C. The pH optimum is 6, but the enzyme is active over a broad pH range. The xylanase has been cloned and sequenced, and the crystal structure has been determined. The structure of BacillusD3 xylanase reveals an unusual feature of surface aromatic residues, which form clusters or “sticky patches” between pairs of molecules. These “sticky patches” on the surface of the enzyme are responsible for the tendency of the protein to aggregate at high concentrations in the absence of reagents such as ethylene glycol. The formation of dimers and higher order polymers via these hydrophobic contacts may also contribute to the thermostability of this xylanase. Proteins 29:77–86, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Melanism in Lepidoptera, either industrial or in mimicry, is one of the most commonly cited examples of natural selection [1] [2]. Despite extensive studies of the frequency and maintenance of melanic genes in insect populations [1] [2], there has been little work on the underlying molecular mechanisms. Nowhere is butterfly melanism more striking than in the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) of North America [3] [4] [5]. In this species, females can be either yellow (wild type) or black (melanic). The melanic form is a Batesian mimic of the distasteful Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor), which is also black in overall color. Melanism in P. glaucus is controlled by a single Y-linked (female) black gene [6]. Melanic females, therefore, always have melanic daughters. Black melanin replaces the background yellow in melanic females. Here, we show that the key enzyme involved is N-beta-alanyl-dopamine-synthase (BAS), which shunts dopamine from the melanin pathway into the production of the yellow color pigment papiliochrome and also provides products for cuticle sclerotization. In melanic females, this enzyme is suppressed, leading to abnormal melanization of a formerly yellow area, and wing scale maturation is also delayed in the same area. This raises the possibility that either reduced BAS activity itself is preventing scale sclerotization (maturation) or, in contrast, that the delay in scale maturation precludes expression of BAS at the correct stage. Together, these data show how changes in expression of a single gene product could result in multiple wing color phenotypes. The implications for the genetic control of mimicry in other Lepidoptera are discussed.  相似文献   

The idea of using carbohydrate-based drugs to prevent attachment of microbial pathogens to host tissues has been around for about three decades. This concept evolved from the observation that many pathogenic microbes bind to complex carbohydrate sequences on the surface of host cells. It stands to reason, therefore, that analogs of the carbohydrate sequences pathogens bind to could be used to competitively inhibit these interactions, thereby preventing microbial damage to the host. This article will summarize some of the recent advances in developing such carbohydrate-based anti-infective drugs.  相似文献   

We demonstrate in the B16 melanoma (C57BL/6 derived) system that the soluble form of tumor Ag preferentially suppresses immune responses 1) by inhibiting CTL activity in the effector phase and 2) by induction of specific Ts that block CTL generation in the induction phase. Soluble melanoma antigen Ag injected i.p. into the tumor-bearing host can effectively augment melanoma growth in vivo. Two T cell types with the L3T4+ or double-negative/I-J+ phenotype are involved in the suppression of anti-melanoma CTL responses and can easily be generated in the in vitro primary 12 h-culture. Anti-melanoma Ts recognizes the GM3(NeuAc) structure and distinguishes GM3 molecular species. This is because liposomes constructed with GM3(NeuAc) but not with GM3(NeuGc) gangliosides alone can effectively induce the melanoma-specific Ts. It is thus likely that tumor cells can escape from the immunologic surveillance system by stimulating the repertoire of Ts for self-Ag, GM3, which has existed even in the unprimed conditions in order to maintain self-tolerance. These would appear to be the major escape mechanisms.  相似文献   

Antibiotic efficacy in intraabdominal sepsis: a clinically relevant model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present preliminary data on the role of antibiotics in intraabdominal sepsis using a new, clinically relevant animal model. Peritoneal cavity infection was induced by ligation and perforation of the cecum in adult rats. Surviving rats were randomized to receive either saline or cefoxitin at the time of cecal excision and peritoneal lavage, 18 h after the onset of infection. This is different from previous models of abdominal sepsis (in which antibiotics are given within 4 h of peritoneal contamination) and mimics the clinical setting in which antibiotics are initiated much later, at the time of operation. Antibiotic-treated rats received 20 mg cefoxitin i.m. every 8 h for 7 days; controls received saline at similar times. Thirty-nine of 67 control rats died (58%) versus 20 of 64 (31%) that received cefoxitin (p less than 0.005). We conclude that even with delayed administration, antibiotics appear to improve the outcome of intraabdominal sepsis. With further characterization of this model we plan to use it as an in vivo assay to compare the efficacy of different antimicrobial agents in intraabdominal sepsis.  相似文献   

Syngeneic antiidiotypic (Anti-Id) mAb were produced to the Bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 17 neutralizing mAb. Three anti-Id mAb had the characteristics of an internal image of the Id as demonstrated by 1) the internal image anti-Id mAb were capable of mimicking BTV by blocking the neutralizing activity of the idiotypic neutralizing mAb and 2) the anti-Id mAb bound specifically to the surface of BTV susceptible cells in indirect binding experiments as determined by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometric analysis. The potential application of these internal image anti-Id mAb in this arbovirus system is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that in developing monkey corticostriatal fibres terminate around striatal cytoarchitectonic compartments--cell islands, showing transfiguration around 105th embryonic day (E105) of gestation. In the present study we have analyzed these striatal cytoarchitectonic islands and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) rich patches in the developing human brain considering them as structural indicators of the development of the corticostriatal pathways. Postmortal brain tissue of 27 fetuses and prematurely born infants, ranging from 11-34 postovulatory weeks (POW) whose deaths were attributed to non neurological causes, were processed by Nissl method, AChE histochemistry and imunocytochemical technique (synaptophysin). All specimens are part of the Zagreb Neuroembryological Collection. Initial AChE patches, presumably corresponding to the dopaminergic islands, were seen as early as 10 POW whereas cytoarchitectonical cell islands were not observed until 14 POW The main developmental change occurs between 20-24 POW when AChE negative cell poor zones develop around cell islands. This transient AChE pattern of striatal organization reaches its peak around 28 POW being most prominent along lateral border of putamen. In one case of periventricular hemorrhagic lesion with premortem survival period we have found reorganization of AChE patches in the putamen which indicates structural plasticity of corticostriatal pathways. In conclusion we propose that cell poor zones serve as waiting compartments for growing corticostriatal fibers which approach striatum through subcallosal bundle and external capsule. The period of the existence of striatal compartments (14-30 POW) is a sensitive period for structural plasticity and vulnerability after periventricular lesions.  相似文献   

During the past year, advances in our understanding of receptor-ligand interactions between opposing cell surfaces have occurred at a structural level. These include adhesion involving CD2-CD58, antigen-specific T-cell receptor interactions with peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex molecules (both pMHCI and pMHCII), the CD8alphaalpha co-receptor-pMHCI interaction and the binding of two distinct classes of natural killer receptors to self-MHC ligands.  相似文献   

Hypertonicity induction of melanoma antigen,a tumor-associated antigen   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The SV40 small t antigen (ST) is a potent oncoprotein that perturbs the function of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). ST directly interacts with the PP2A scaffolding A subunit and alters PP2A activity by displacing regulatory B subunits from the A subunit. We have determined the crystal structure of full-length ST in complex with PP2A A subunit at 3.1 Å resolution. ST consists of an N-terminal J domain and a C-terminal unique domain that contains two zinc-binding motifs. Both the J domain and second zinc-binding motif interact with the intra-HEAT-repeat loops of HEAT repeats 3–7 of the A subunit, which overlaps with the binding site of the PP2A B56 subunit. Intriguingly, the first zinc-binding motif is in a position that may allow it to directly interact with and inhibit the phosphatase activity of the PP2A catalytic C subunit. These observations provide a structural basis for understanding the oncogenic functions of ST.  相似文献   

Vascularization remains one of the most important challenges that must be overcome for tissue engineering to be consistently implemented for reconstruction of large volume bone defects. An extensive vascular network is needed for transport of nutrients, waste and progenitor cells required for remodelling and repair. A variety of tissue engineering strategies have been investigated in an attempt to vascularize tissues, including those applying cells, soluble factor delivery strategies, novel design and optimization of bio‐active materials, vascular assembly pre‐implantation and surgical techniques. However, many of these strategies face substantial barriers that must be overcome prior to their ultimate translation into clinical application. In this review recent progress in engineering vascularized bone will be presented with an emphasis on clinical feasibility.  相似文献   

We previously found that murine leukemia cells of T cell, B cell, and erythroid ontogeny express a cell membrane antigen that cross-reacts with an idiotype of an anti-retroviral antibody. In the present study, the expression of this antigen (termed AVID, for anti-viral idiotype) by murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells was examined during chemically induced differentiation. AVID expression by MEL cells was found to be lost when they were treated with either dimethyl sulfoxide or hexamethylene bisacetamide, two chemicals that induce MEL cells to terminally differentiate. The kinetics of disappearance of AVID during inducer treatment reflected the kinetics with which the inducers caused MEL cell commitment to terminal differentiation. Loss of AVID expression by inducer-treated cells was inhibited by dexamethasone, which inhibits commitment and MEL cell differentiation. The subset of inducer-treated cells that expressed the least amount of AVID contained the greatest number of cells committed to differentiate. These results indicate that AVID identifies a novel differentiation antigen of MEL cells.  相似文献   

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