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Twenty-five species and two subpecies of aphids are listed and dicussed as additions to the Brutish fauna since publication of "Additions and amendment to the Cheack List British aphids" subspecies is described as new to sicence.  相似文献   

Butting behavior of a bamboo horned aphid,Astegopteryx bambucifoliae, is described. A walking aphid becomes an attacker, who butts, with its frontal horns, a stationary aphid inserting the stylets in the plant tissue. An attacker usually butts up a sufferer without clasping it at first, and then clasps the sufferer with the forelegs and butts it. When butted up, the sufferer lowers the attacked side, or it rotates, keeping the stylets in the plant tissue, so as to face toward the attacker. When clasped and butted from the front, the sufferer raises its abdoment at an angle of 30–90°. Often, the sufferer's abdomen is raised at an angle of more than 90°, with the tip bent forward, so that the hindlegs are detached from the plant surface; the sufferer pushes the attacker's head with its back. The butting results in either that the attacker ceases butting and goes away, or that the attacker drives the sufferer away. Having succeeded in driving a sufferer away, the attacker probes, with its rostrum, about the place where the sufferer's mouthparts were located. Thereafter, the attacker usually starts feeding there.  相似文献   

对榆梨绵蚜Eriosoma lanuginosum dilanuginosum Zhang,1980的干母,无翅干雌,有翅干雌,无翅侨蚜,有翅性母,雌,雄性蚜放卵进行了描述,除有翅干雌外,其余各型与卵均为首镒记述。所有研究用标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆内。  相似文献   

The alienicolae of Patchiella reaumuri (Kaltenbach), which is heteroecious between Tilia x vulgaris Hayne and roots of Arum species, are here described from material reared on Arum maculatum L. and A. italicum Mill. in 1977. The sexupara morph is also described for the first time from specimens obtained in the same culture. Key couplets are offered whereby this morph can be separated from sexuparae of other British Pemphiginae.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne hispanica n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens obtained from peach rootstock, Prunus persica silvestris Batsch, from the Seville district of Spain. The perineal pattern of the female is oval shaped to rectangular with low dorsal arch and often widely spaced lateral lines with fringe-like striae. The stylet, 14.1 μm long, has broad, distinctly set off knobs. Males have a high, rounded head cap that slopes posteriorly. Labial disc and medial lips are fused to form elongate lip structures. The robust styler, 23.5 μm long, has large, rounded knobs that are slightly set off from the shaft. Mean second-stage juveniles length is 392.6 μm. The truncate head region is generally not annulated. The distinctly rounded and raised labial disc and the crescent-shaped medial lips form dumbbell-shaped lip structures. The stylet, 11.1 μm long, has rounded, posteriorly sloping knobs. The slender tail, 46.4 μm long, has large irregular-sized annules in the posterior region and ends in a bluntly rounded tip. Tomato was a good host; tobacco, pepper, and watermelon were poor hosts; cotton and peanut were nonhosts. Meloidogyne hispanica n. sp. reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis and has a somatic chromosome number of 2n = 33-36. The esterase pattern is unique among Meloidogyne species.  相似文献   

Eriosoma aphids form leaf-roll galls on various elm species. Eriosoma yangi occurring on the Japanese elm is an obligatory "cuckoo" parasite, invading and usurping galls of other Eriosoma species. But another host race of E. yangi induces its own galls on the Chinese elm. Multivariate morphometries show that the two host races differ significantly in quantitative characters. Overwintering eggs of the parasitic form were experimentally transferred to the Chinese elm. The resultant larvae still exhibited a parasitic habit and developed into adults, which multivariate morphometries classified as the parasitic form. This form is considered different enough from the gall maker to be given a species rank. Eriosoma aphids facultatively invade other Eriosoma galls, where they sometimes deposit offspring. It is hypothesized that the parasitic form on the Japanese elm originated from a founder population which had migrated from the Chinese elm. On this new host, only those fundatrices that invade other species' galls will be able to leave offspring, because aphid fundatrices cannot gall plants other than their primary hosts. It is assumed that the parasitic form was established under intense selective pressure following a population bottleneck. This hypothesis was corroborated by field investigations at sites where the two forms occur sympatrically.  相似文献   

Paragus hyalopteri Marcos-García et Rojo n. sp. is described. The new species was caught in Alicante province (SE Spain). This species is morphologically close toParagus quadrifasciatus Meigen, 1822. It was collected on several species of fruit trees of the genusPrunus, upon the mealy plum aphidHyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy, 1762).  相似文献   

All nymphal stages and apterous adults ofCeratovacuna lanigera secreted droplets containing an alarm pheromone from their abdominal cornicles when stimulated with a pin. When fresh droplets on piece of filter paper were put near the aphids, 1st-instar nymphs originating from apterous adults attacked it, but the advanced instar nymphs and adults escaped from the spot. Nymphs and adults originating from alate adults showed escaping behavior only. These different responses strongly correlated with morphological differences, such as relative lengths of the frontal horns and legs. When a syrphid larva,Allograpta javana, was placed on a colony of aphids, many 1st-instar nymphs attacked it using their frontal horns. During the attack, these nymphs spontaneously secreted droplets and adhered them to the syrphid body. When these droplets were placed on the body, the syrphid larva was agressively attacked by additional 1st-instar nymphs.  相似文献   

We report eight microsatellite markers developed for Scirpus mariqueter Wang et Tang using 5'-anchored PCR. They were tested using 30 S. mariqueter individuals. The observed and expected heterozygosity levels ranged from 0.0690 to 0.8426 and from 0.0678 to 0.5249, respectively. Cross-amplification was carried out in a congener, S. planiculmis F. Schmidt. All these markers will be very helpful in population genetics study of S. mariqueter and S. planiculmis.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of epoicotheriid,Molaetherium heissigi, is described from the Early Oligocene of Grafenmühle 22, near Pappenheim, Bavaria. It is a tiny, highly fossorial form, closely related to the North American genusEpoicotherium. Asia is considered the center of origin of the suborder Palaeanodonta; from there it dispersed to North America and Europe.  相似文献   

Abstract An unusual new species of the gall-inducing scale insect genus Apiomorpha Rübsaamen is described from Queensland. The adult female, its gall, and the first-instar nymph (crawler) are illustrated, and relationships of the new species are estimated using mitochondrial COII data. Adult females induce cigar-shaped galls on leaves of several eucalypts in section Adnataria of subgenus Symphyomyrtus . The bilobed anal lobes of the adult female differ from those of all other Apiomorpha species (single lobe) and the first-instar nymph possesses features, such as broad frontal tubercles and dorsal stripes, that are not present in crawlers of other Apiomorpha species. However, DNA sequence data confirm that the new species falls within Apiomorpha , rather than representing a sister group, and indicate that the new species is not closely related to the A. pharetrata (Schrader) species-group, the only other group within Apiomorpha that induces cigar-shaped galls on leaves. The systematic affiliations of A. gullanae sp. n. are currently not known. Females only are known and there is some indication that reproduction in the new taxon is parthenogenetic. This represents the first putative case of parthenogenesis in Apiomorpha .  相似文献   

角倍蚜干母种群的空间格局及其形成机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis(Bell)干母种群的空间格局及其形成机理的研究表明,角倍蚜干母种群在倍林间呈聚集分布.导致其聚集分布的原因是角倍蚜本身的聚集行为和盐肤木Rhus chinensts Mill复叶生长状况的异质性两个方面:角倍蚜干母种群分布的基本成分是琉松个体群,个体群的大小为3—6株倍树所占的面积(2.3—4.6m^2);当样方大小为1、3、6株时为聚集分布,大于6株时为均匀分布。  相似文献   


Cyllobelus rufopictus? a salticid species from equatorial Africa, has a large and complex repertoire of displays. These spiders live on and near the ground in habitats of short grass, and build opaque silk nests on dead leaves. Each male uses one of three different mating tactics depending on the female’s maturity and location (communicatory versatility). Type 1 courtship, involving special movements and postures of the legs, palps, and body, occurs if the female is an adult away from the nest; apparently this type of courtship is vision-dependent. If the male encounters an adult female inside her nest, he uses Type 2 courtship, which consists of movements by the male that cause the silk to vibrate. If the female is a subadult inside her nest, the male initially uses Type 2 courtship, then builds a second chamber on the female’s nest, and cohabits until she moults and matures. Other displays occur during male-male and female-female interactions. Biting and pinching are distinctive Type 2 courtship displays that have not been described previously for salticids, and juddering is the most distinctive Type 1 display.  相似文献   

五倍子蚜共6属12种, 除北美分布1属1种外, 其余分布东亚。本研究采用数值分类和分子系统发育分析方法对北美五倍子蚜Melaphis rhois的形态特点和分类地位进行研究, 以倍蚜6属8种179个有翅孤雌蚜为研究对象, 对其头部、胸部、腹部的直接测量特征48个、量度间比例特征31个及转化为数值的描述特征29个共108个特征进行分析。基于欧氏距离的聚类结果显示, 北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属关系较近, 五倍子蚜8个种共形成3个大的聚类簇, 北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属的倍蛋蚜Schlechtendalia peitan和角倍蚜S. chinensis聚为一支; 铁倍蚜属的肚倍蚜蛋铁亚种Kaburagia rhusicola ovogallis和肚倍蚜枣铁亚种K. rhusicola ensigallis与小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜Meitanaphis elongallis、圆角倍蚜属的倍花蚜Nurudea shiraii和红倍花蚜N. yanoiella与铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜Floraphis meitanensis分别聚为一支。另外, 测定五倍子蚜8个种共16个样本的mtDNA COI基因序列(约1.2 kb), 最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)和最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)分子系统发育分析结果均显示北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属的关系密切, 和形态数据得到的结果一致; 但倍蚜8个种之间的聚类总体上与形态学研究结果不太一致, 铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜和小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜、铁倍蚜属的肚倍蚜枣铁亚种和肚倍蚜蛋铁亚种与圆角倍蚜属的倍花蚜和红倍花蚜分别聚为一支, 彼此之间的关系尚需深入研究。  相似文献   

角倍蚜越冬世代的发育起点温度和有效积温   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张传溪  徐厚染 《昆虫知识》1997,34(3):159-161
五倍子系中国特产,是重要的化工和医药原料。角倍蚜Schclechtendaliachinesis(Bell)是生产五倍子的最主要致瘿蚜种。恒温试验表明,其越冬世代有翅型随温度从4.5℃升至18.0℃,平均世代历期从266.2天缩短至76.6天,世代发育起点温度为-1.4℃,有效积温为1512.9日度;无翅型随温度从7.5℃升至22.0℃,平均世代历期从118.8天缩短至29.4天,世代发育起点温度为2.2℃,有效积温为557.4日度。  相似文献   

Demography of soybean aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) at summer temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, is now widely established in soybean, Glycine max L., production areas of the northern United States and southern Canada and is becoming an important economic pest. Temperature effect on soybean aphid fecundity and survivorship is not well understood. We determined the optimal temperature for soybean aphid growth and reproduction on soybean under controlled conditions. We constructed life tables for soybean aphid at 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees C with a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. Population growth rates were greatest at 25 degrees C. As temperature increased, net fecundity, gross fecundity, generation time, and life expectancy decreased. The prereproductive period did not differ between 20 and 30 degrees C; however, at 30 degrees C aphids required more degree-days (base 8.6 degrees C) to develop. Nymphs exposed to 35 degrees C did not complete development, and all individuals died within 11 d. Reproductive periods were significantly different at all temperatures, with aphids reproducing longer and producing more progeny at 20 and 25 degrees C than at 30 or 35 degrees C. Using a modification of the nonlinear Logan model, we estimated upper and optimal developmental thresholds to be 34.9 and 27.8 degrees C, respectively. At 25 degrees C, aphid populations doubled in 1.5 d; at 20 and 30 degrees C, populations doubled in 1.9 d.  相似文献   

本研究利用扫描电镜对角倍蚜各蚜型触角感器的超微结构、类型、分布和数量进行了比较分析。结果表明,角倍蚜的触角上着生4种类型的感器:毛形感器、原生感觉圈、感觉突及次生感觉圈,它们在各蚜型触角上的分布和数量各不相同。其中,毛形感器有TypeⅠ和TypeⅡ两种类型,各蚜型触角上均有分布;原生感觉圈主要分布于干母、无翅干雌、第三代有翅干雌若蚜以及性蚜的触角上,有两种类型:PrⅠ和PrⅡ,分别位于触角的末节和倒数第二节,其中,第三代有翅干雌若蚜的触角上仅存在PrⅠ,无PrⅡ;感觉突仅出现于第三代有翅干雌若蚜触角的第3~5节;次生感觉圈仅存在于有翅型春迁蚜和秋迁蚜触角的第3~5节,其面积约占触角鞭节面积的2/3。我们认为,各蚜型触角感器的差异可能与蚜虫的生境(瘿内或瘿外)、行为(如取食、交配)以及翅的有无(如寄主选择、迁飞等)有关。  相似文献   

The root aphid Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Sasaki) (Homoptera: Pemphigidae) is a pest of many Gramineae species; however, little is known about its biology and relationships with host plants. The objectives of this study were to quantify the effects of temperature on development, longevity, fecundity, and population growth of T. nigriabdominalis and to assess the effects of host plant on development of T. nigriabdominalis. The effects of temperature on performance of this root aphid were determined at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 +/- 1 degrees C on rice roots, Oryza sativa L. Nymphal stages from birth to adult decreased from 46.3 d at 10 degrees C to 8.5 d at 30 degrees C. Aphid survival and development were lowest at 35 degrees C, and no aphid produced progeny at this temperature. Average adult longevity decreased from 23.3 d at 15 degrees C to 8.2 d at temperatures up to 35 degrees C. Average number of nymphs produced per female was highest at 25 degrees C; averaging near 30 nymphs per female, but it dropped to near zero at both 10 and 35 degrees C. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r(m)) was 0.241 at 30 degrees C. Net reproductive rate (R(0)) ranged from 29.8 at 25 degrees C to 0.2 at 10 degrees C. The generation time (GT) decreased with increasing temperatures from 60.3 d at 10 degrees C to 13.8 d at 30 degrees C. In addition, root aphids reared at 30 degrees C on three host plants [O. sativa, Zea mays L. and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] revealed that the developmental time of the nymphal stages averaged 6.9 d when reared on O. sativa and 10.7 d when reared on Z. mays. Comparison of the nitrogen content of the three host plants indicated that the root nitrogen content was highest in O. sativa. The effect of nitrogen content on aphid performance, however, is still not clear. Other factors, such as plant secondary chemistry, may play a role in affecting aphid performance.  相似文献   

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