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This paper examines the broad movements of Canadian period and cohort fertility over the past 100 years, and compares them with corresponding trends in the US and other industrialized countries. The main movement in Canada was a decline in fertility extending from the 19th century to the present, interrupted in the 1940s and 1950s by a baby boom. Between 1871 and 1937 the total fertility rate (TFR) fell at about an average of 1.4% annually. The rate of fall in the US was similar, with the result that in the late 1930s the Canadian TFR was about 20% that of the US. The fertility boom that followed was steeper in the US than in Canada, and in the downswing that later followed, the rate of decline was similar in the 2 countries (3.4-4% annual average). But, the decline continued longer-- indeed still continues--in Canada, whereas the TFR in the US reached its lowest point in 1976. Moreover, the recent decline in fertility has been more severe in Canada than in almost any other industrialized country. The TFR relates to fertility in a single year and is highly sensitive to short-term changes in the timing of births. For the purposes of understanding and explaining long-term trends in fertility, the completed fertility rate (CFR) is a better index because it measures the ultimate family size of cohorts. Cohort fertility can be seen to fluctuate much less than does period fertility. In both the US and Canada, the peak cohorts, born in the early 1930s, had roughly the same completed fertility, and later cohorts continued to remain closely in step as the CFR fell sharply. In Canada the fall continues, though at a reduced rate, in the latest cohorts for which there is information. Apart from differences in amplitude, the dates of turning points and the shapes of the TFR and CFR curves of Canadian fertility are fairly similar. The long decline in cohort fertility is largely explained by the decrease in the proportions of families of 6 or more children. During the baby boom, for Catholics and non-Catholics alike, the proportion of ever-married women remaining childless fell by about 40%, the proportion having 2 children changed little, and the proportions having 3,4 and 5 children tended to increase substantially. The crucial difference between the 2 groups was in the proportions of women having 6 or more children. For non-Catholics, the proportion fell by over 4% from a high level. For non-Catholics, on the other hand, the proportion rose somewhat, though even after the rise, it was barely more than 1/2 the level to which the Catholic proportion had declined. Among Catholics, the effect of the massive decline in the proportion of women having 6 or more children was to swamp the effects of the increase in the proportions of women having 3, 4 and 5 children. The net effect was that fertility declined. Among non-Catholics, however, the comparable increases in the proportions of families of 3, 4 and 5 children, were not offset by any fall in the proportion of larger families, with the result that a baby boom occurred.  相似文献   

3 trends suggest that the reproductive function of the Canadian family is in transition. 1st, fertility has fallen and remains below the replacement level. In 1985, the total fertility rate was 1.67, the lowest in 60 years. Since 1971, it has not risen above 2.1 births/woman, the replacement level. 2nd, an increasing proportion of women are spending a larger part of their lives without having any children. In the 1981 census, 22% of ever-married women between 15 and 44 years had not yet borne children, compared with only 14% recorded in the 1961 census. While the proportion of women who are childless at the end of their reproductive years has risen only slightly, a larger number of women are postponing having children even as the risk of becoming sterile in the interim becomes greater. The combined effect of postponing both marriage and childbearing will most probably be to increase the proportion of women remaining without children. The 3rd trend is the increasing proportion of women who are having children without getting married. Among the consequences of premarital pregnancy are the stress on single mothers, the need for social assistance, the cost of maintenance programs, and the need for more child care. These changes in attitude toward marriage and family formation could have major implications for individuals and society. A fertility rate below replacement level could be stressful for society, resulting in population decline, and changes in age structure that could negatively affect the economy.  相似文献   

The question of differences between males and females in fertility values and attitudes was explored through surveys of unmarried male and female college students in North American colleges between 1967 and 1973. The tabulated data indicate that there is a definite difference in family size preference between males and females, with differences varying from 2- to 7/10 of a child depending on religious faith. Number of siblings in the respondent's family had no bearing on the family size preference. Nearly 1/2 of all respondents indicated a desire for number of children in the 2-4 range. However, males were more likely to prefer the lower end of the range while females preferred the upper end. Among all respondents, there were significant increases in preferences for 2-3 children and significant decreases in preferences for 5 or more, even among Catholics. In sum, Catholics preferred a range of 3-4 children with males choosing the lower and females the higher value. The optimal range for Protestants was 2-3, again with males preferring the lower and females the higher value. It is speculated that early socialization may be the reason why women prefer larger families. Research is needed into the effect of working and nonworking mothers on family size preferences of their children.  相似文献   

D L Poston 《Social biology》1990,37(3-4):251-265
Data from 1976 and 1982 show Catholics less likely than non-Catholics to be voluntarily childless and more likely to be involuntarily childless. Declining differences in fertility and contraception are discussed.  相似文献   

About 10% of 3887 ever-married women included in the 1984-85 Malaysian Population and Family Survey revealed that they were influenced by the new population policy to desire more children than they had originally wanted. These women were more likely to be rural Malays from the lower socioeconomic class. Ideal family size was more than four children. Children are desired for economic benefits and emotional support. The natality of the Malays has risen since 1980: their total fertility rate has increased while their contraceptive prevalence rate has dropped sharply. Coupled with a decline in the crude death rate, the present fertility preferences and behaviour of the Malays will render the target of the population policy more attainable than is reflected by the survey data.  相似文献   

This study analyzes fertility determinants in the oil region of Mexico, consisting of the states of Veracruz, Tabasco, and Campeche. Data are from the 1980 Mexican census and the unit of analysis is the municipio. The regression models, in which the dependent variables of children ever born and child-woman ratio are examined, reveal religious variables to be most significant, with greater fertility for non-Catholics and persons with no religion than for Catholics. Also of great importance are economic variables. Literacy and urbanization, both "classical" Mexican fertility variables, reduce fertility. There are major differences among three urban/rural and three indigenous language subsamples. Results are discussed vis-a-vis demographic theories and prior research.  相似文献   

Are husbands a barrier to women's family planning use? The case of Morocco   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Speizer IS 《Social biology》1999,46(1-2):1-16
Little is known about men's role in the adoption of family planning. Recent studies suggest that men may be a barrier to women's use of family planning. However, it is not clear whether husbands represent a true or a perceived barrier. Using the 1992 Morocco Demographic and Health Survey data, this study examines (1) whether women and men report concordant fertility desires, discussions, and contraceptive use; (2) the accuracy of women's perceptions of their husbands' fertility desires; and (3) whether husbands are a barrier to women's family planning use. The results demonstrate that, controlling for women's own fertility desires, husbands' true fertility desires are associated with family planning use. Likewise, women who perceive their husbands to want fewer children than they want are more likely to use family planning. Future fertility and family planning programs need to include men to reduce their role as both perceived and true barriers to family planning use.  相似文献   

J R Udry 《Social biology》1978,25(1):10-14
Urban, white, ever-married women, aged 15-44, were sampled in low and high income census tracts in 16 U.S. cities, using a short adaptation of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test as a measure of IQ. After analysis of covariance, in which IQ was the independent variable and children ever born (CEB) was the dependent variable, it was found that there is .19 difference between the mean CEB of high- and low-IQ groups when covariables are controlled. It was shown that there was no significant difference in desired family size associated with IQ. But since the low-IQ women have more fertility than high-IQ women, effectiveness of contraceptive methods was examined. Examination showed that lower fertility was achieved by more effective use by the high-IQ women of methods of theoretically similar effectiveness. Also, those women not using a physician administered contraceptive (PAC) in the 3-year study period had unwanted births at about 3 times the rate of those who used PAC for the entire period. Thus, all American women will have to learn to realize their own fertility goals.  相似文献   

Marked denominational mortality differentials have been documented for various time periods and geographic locations. From a historical perspective, death rates among Catholics are often found to be higher than those among Protestants or Jews. Using a conceptual model based on the life history approach, biomedical and sociocultural factors of causation are extrapolated. In total, 5513 historical entries from family reconstitution were available. Selection of data was guided by the inclusion of information about religious affiliation. Only married couples with children as well as single mothers were considered. Of these, 1855 entries were of Roman Catholic (C), 1143 of Lutheran/Protestant (L/P), and 609 of Reformed Calvinist (R) denomination. With a focus on both adult and subadult mortality, this study attempted to document that the cultural patterns associated with religious behavior are merely proximate determinants, while the ultimate causes are biological in nature. Survival prospects depended on demographic and familial characteristics such as age-at-first-birth, spacing and stopping behavior, infant care, and targeted sibship size, rather than religiosity.  相似文献   

Differences in age at marriage, fertility and contraceptive use are related to religious background, individual educational level and community level education. In general, the effects of community education are weak compared to individual level of education, but differences exist between Hindus and Roman Catholics.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the role of group allegiances in contributing to the failure of institutions to appropriately respond to allegations of child sexual abuse. In Study 1, 601 participants read a news article detailing an allegation of child sexual abuse against a Catholic Priest. Catholics were more protective of the accused–and more skeptical of the accuser—than other participants, an effect that was particularly pronounced among strongly identified Catholics. In Study 2 (N = 404), the tendency for Catholics to be more protective of the accused and more skeptical of the accuser than non-Catholics was replicated. Moreover, these effects held independently of the objective likelihood that the accused was guilty. Overall, the data show that group loyalties provide a psychological motivation to disbelieve child abuse allegations. Furthermore, the people for whom this motivation is strongest are also the people who are most likely to be responsible for receiving and investigating allegations: highly identified ingroup members. The findings highlight the psychological mechanisms that may limit the ability of senior Church figures to conduct impartial investigations into allegations of child abuse within the Church.  相似文献   

Using a conceptual model that integrates both social and biomedical factors of causation, this paper tries to delineate the pathways through which the reproductive characteristics of a multidenominational community are characterized. In total, 5513 historical entries from family reconstitution were available. Selection of data was guided by the inclusion of information about religious affiliation. Only married couples with children as well as single mothers with the relevant information were considered. Of these, 1855 entries were of Roman Catholic (C), 1143 of Lutheran/Protestant (L/P2), and 609 of Reformed Calvinist (R) denomination. The analysis documented differential nuptiality and fertility patterns, which at first glance may be interpreted along religious lines. However, the paper attempts to show that these various sociocultural patterns associated with religious behavior are merely proximate determinants, while the ultimate causes are biological in nature (i.e., differential parental age at marriage or birth, different parity progression regimes, differences in median interpregnancy interval, as well as highly variable sibship size within the denominational groups).  相似文献   

Census and other survey data from across the world reveal major differences in fertility rates between the more economically developed and the less economically developed societies. The former are significantly more likely than the latter to feature families of two children or fewer. Multiple regression analysis shows that, among various indicators of “modernization,” three (female level of education, female gainful employment, and proportion of physicians in the population) account for 71% of the variation in family size; all three variables have strongly significant, direct, and negative effects on fertility. The paper hypothesizes about the possible evolution of a reproductive psychology toward the two-child family and seeks to explain highly depressed rates of reproduction by reference to both ultimate and proximate factors. In some highly developed countries, zero-child and one-child rates of fertility represent together up to 40% of all ever-married women. The findings stress the importance of systematic research toward establishing the proximate factors that are most likely to facilitate or impede fitness optimization—the importance, that is, of surrounding the optimization principle with the logic and ancillary propositions that will give it a greater and more directive reach.  相似文献   

A sample of 202 male Nigerians enrolled in colleges and graduate schools in the state of Kansas were surveyed to determine their perceptions of population problems in Nigeria; attitudes toward family planning, divorce, and male children; and attitudes toward family size. A major limitation of Nigerian-based fertility research has been the neglect of the role of men in couples' reproductive behavior. The majority of Nigerian students surveyed in this study did not think overpopulation is an impending crisis in Nigeria: 40% thought there are just enough people and 13% indicated there are not enough people. 53% supported the concept of a government population policy, but 67% felt the government should not interfere with family size decisions. Although 84% endorsed the idea that family planning services and information should be available, 69% felt women should not practice family planning without the consent of their husbands. 43% believed a man should divorce his wife if the woman is infertile, unable to produce a male child, or unable to bear the number of children demanded by her husband; in addition, 35% indicated a man should marry a second wife or continue to have children if the couple has 5 daughters and no son. In terms of the value of children, 62% stated that children are wealth or better than wealth, whereas 38% claimed that children use up wealth. Duration of stay in the US was inversely correlated with the number of children considered too many, and the number of male children already born was an important determinant of future family size expectations. In general, it appears that level of education and exposure to US standards do not have a major impact on fertility values among Nigerians, particularly the desire for male children. Educated Nigerian men are an important target for population education, however, because they dominate and control many of the structural, behavioral, and cultural dimensions of fertility behavior.  相似文献   

Data are analysed from the 1973 surveys of the Nigerian segment of the Changing African Family (CAFN) Project, which covered Yoruba women and men in Ibadan and the Western State of Nigeria. Of the 5874 women who were in union during the CAFN 1 survey, 54% reported that their husband had only 1 wife and 46% that their husband had more than 1 wife. Of the 1234 women in unions in the CAFN 2 survey, 49% reported monogamous husbands and 51% polygynous husbands. Differentials in fertility levels between women in monogamous unions and those in polygynous ones are investigated using mean number of children ever born as the measure of fertility. Factors examined include proportion of childless and infertile women, frequency of intercourse, age, educational level, religion, marital mobility (divorce) rank of wife and sexual abstinence. The CAFN 1 survey shows that wives of polygynists tend to be older than those of monogamists. Because of this the reported mean number of children ever born was higher for the wives of polygynists than for the wives of monogamists. When the data are standardized for the difference in age, the fertility levels of the women in the 2 types of unions were much closer to each other. When religion, education, abstinence, and occupation are also taken into account, it is observed that the 2 groups of women have similar levels of fertility. A multiple classification analysis was performed using number of wives of husband, educational level, religion and father's occupation as variables and occupation of spouse, place of birth, length of abstinence, contraceptive practice and age as covariates. The result also shows that the number of wives of the husband does not significantly affect the fertility level of women when other factors are taken into account. A high proportion of the Yoruba women are in polygynous unions and most of those in monogamous unions are potential wives of polygynists. Because of this, and particularly because most women try to have as many children as they can, the women in the 2 types of unions experience similar levels of fertility.  相似文献   

Using the matched wife-husband (763) sample from the data collected from Ogbomoso and Iseyin towns in Oyo State, Nigeria, this paper examines factors associated with couples' fertility intention. The analysis used logistic regression models for predicting the effects of selected socioeconomic background characteristics on a couple's fertility intention. Results indicate high levels of concurrence among husbands and wives on fertility intention. Where differences exist, husbands are more pronatalists than their wives. About 87% of pairs of partners reported similar fertility preferences. Of these couples, 59.5% wanted more children while only 27.8% reported otherwise. The logistic regression models indicated that a couple's fertility intention was associated with age, education, place of residence, frequency of television-watching and number of living children. Therefore, programme interventions aimed at promoting fertility reduction in Nigeria should convey fertility regulation messages to both husbands and wives.  相似文献   

African men play important roles in the decisions about family life, including fertility and family planning. However, fertility and family planning research and programmes have ignored their roles in the past, focusing only on women's behaviours. Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), interest in men's involvement in reproductive health has increased. Unfortunately, data on their knowledge and use of contraception are generally scanty. This paper examines knowledge and use of contraception among ever-married men in Nigeria. A total of 1451 ever-married men aged 18-55 were interviewed in Imo and Ondo States, Nigeria. The findings reveal that men's level of contraceptive knowledge is high in the study areas. About 90% knew at least one method of family planning. Furthermore, the level of contraceptive use among married men is such that men could participate in family planning activities if there were adequate programmes to involve them. Men in the sample areas were found not only to support their spouses' use of contraceptives, but were actually using condoms to delay or prevent pregnancy. Age, education, place of residence, number of living children and being counselled for family planning were identified as key factors determining contraceptive knowledge and use among married men in the study areas. To ensure increased participation of men in family planning, programmes must be designed to educate them on the need for family size limitation and involve them in service delivery, even if only to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

In order to test the assumption that female attractiveness relates to reproductive success, photographs of 47 rural Polish women taken in their youth were rated for attractiveness, and BMI at age 18 was recorded; these measures of attractiveness were then compared with their subsequent life histories. Facial attractiveness did not relate to number of children or grandchildren. It also did not relate to age of marriage or husband's education. It did relate to number of marriages and husband's height. BMI at age 18 did not relate significantly to any of the outcome variables. These results suggest that although more attractive women may have married higher quality (taller) husbands and may in ancestral population have achieved greater reproductive success this way, there is no evidence in a modern, European Catholic society for their having greater reproductive success.  相似文献   

This study focuses on determining the number of children considered ideal by Pakistani husbands and identifying the factors associated with this, with a special emphasis on family type. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among married males residing in four areas of Khairpur district. An equal number of study participants were selected systematically from each field site to achieve the required sample size of 500. Interviews were conducted by trained fieldworkers using a structured questionnaire to obtain information on background socioeconomic characteristics, family structure and reproductive health knowledge and practices, in particular family planning. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess the hypothesis that family type has an independent association with husbands' idealization of a larger number of children. The mean ideal number of children perceived by husbands was four. Living in an extended family (AOR = 1.81; 95%CI: 1.11, 3.35) and being illiterate (AOR = 2.13, 95%CI; 1.33, 3.42) are significantly associated with idealization of a larger number of children by the husband, while adjusting for socioeconomic status, family structure and family planning information. Understanding the dynamics of family type and its effects on husbands' opinions regarding ideal number of children can help strengthen population control efforts in Pakistan.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study examines how Black Catholics identify with and respond to the Black Lives Matter movement. The study follows several national Black Catholic gatherings since the death of Mike Brown. Using an adaptation of Scott Hunt, Robert D. Benford, and David Snow's social movement frame analysis, I explore how Black Catholics define and construct the ongoing political issues within the Black Lives Matter movement. I discuss the conditions which contribute to Black Catholic’s participation, or lack thereof, in this social movement through the processes of diagnostic framing, prognostic framing, and motivational framing. I position the larger Black Catholic belief system within frame analysis, examine the relevance of the frames with the Black Catholic community, and analyse the frames’ timing with the Black Lives Matter cycle of protest. This research has implications for intragroup meaning making as Black Catholics start the process towards identifying with the Black Lives Matter social movement.  相似文献   

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