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Botulinum neurotoxin (NT) has two distinct structural regions called L and H chains (approximately 50 and approximately 100 kDa, respectively). Although the H chain is responsible for binding of the NT to neuronal cells, it is not known which of the subunits is internalized and therefore responsible for causing the blockage of acetylcholine release in susceptible neuronal cells. In this report we describe for the first time the preparation of type A NT which is selectively radiolabeled at either the L or the H chain subunit. Such NT preparations will be useful as tools for determining the distribution of L and H chains in poisoned neuronal cells and the role that each subunit plays in inducing toxicity. The L and H chains of the NT (approximately 150 kDa) were separated, purified, and then individually radiolabeled by reductive methylation of the lysine residues using [3H]- or [14C]formaldehyde. The labeled L and H chains were reconjugated with the complementary unlabeled L and H chains. Formation of -S-S- and noncovalent bonds between the L and H chains regenerated the approximately 150 kDa NT. Autoradiographs of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels confirmed that each reconstituted NT preparation was labeled at only one subunit chain. NT selectively labeled at either the L or the H chain had specific radioactivities of ca. 25-30 and 45-55 microCi/mumol, respectively, and toxicity (mouse LD50/mg protein) values of 2.2 +/- 1.1 X 10(7) and 3.0 +/- 1.0 X 10(7), respectively. A linear increase in the specific radioactivity of L and H chain subunits was observed with increasing concentrations of 3H- or 14C-labeled formaldehyde in the reaction mixture and with increasing concentrations of L or H chain in the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

B R DasGupta  J Foley 《Biochimie》1989,71(11-12):1193-1200
The flaccid paralysis in the neuromuscular disease botulism appears to depend on the coordinated roles of the approximately 50 kDa light and approximately 100 kDa heavy chain subunits of the approximately 150 kDa neurotoxic protein produced by Clostridium botulinum (J. Biol. Chem. (1987) 262, 2660 and Eur. J. Biochem. (1988) 177, 683). We observed that the light chain after separation from its conjugate heavy chain, in the presence of dithiothreitol and 2 M urea, begins to split into approximately 28 and approximately 18 kDa fragments. The other subunit-the approximately 100 kDa heavy chain following its isolation-and the parent approximately 150 kDa dichain neurotoxin do not break down under comparable conditions. This cleavage was examined in the neurotoxin serotypes A and E. The cleavage does not appear to be due to a protease. Partial amino acid sequences established that: i) the approximately 28-kDa and approximately 18-kDa fragments comprise the N- and C-terminal regions of the light chain, respectively; ii) the light chain of the neurotoxin serotypes A and E break down at precise peptide bonds; iii) the peptide bonds cleaved in serotypes A and E are five residues apart; and iv) the portions of the approximately 18 kDa fragments of serotype A and E neurotoxin sequenced so far are highly homologous to the corresponding region of tetanus neurotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani. The partial N-terminal sequence of the approximately 28 kDa fragment matches with the N-terminal sequence of the intact L chain. The 47 residues of the approximately 18-kDa fragment of type A sequenced from its N-terminal are: -Y.E.M.S.G.L.E.V.S.F.E.E.L.R.T.F.G.G.H.D.A.K.F.I.D.S.L.Q.E.N.E.F.R.L.Y.Y .Y. N.K.F.K. D.I.A.S.T.L.-. These align with those of tetanus neurotoxin beginning at its residue #259 (Tyr); the 18 underlined residues of the above 47 residues (i.e. 38%) are identical in positions between the two proteins. The 41 residues sequenced from the approximately 18 kDa fragment of type E botulinum neurotoxin are: -K.G.I.N.I.E.E.F.L. T.F.G.N.N.D.L.N.I.I.T.V.A.Q.Y.N.D.I.Y.T.N.L.L.N.D.Y.R. K.I.A.X.K. L.-.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

B R Dasgupta  A Datta 《Biochimie》1988,70(6):811-817
The type B neurotoxin (NT) isolated from Clostridium botulinum (strain 657) behaved as a mixture of single (unnicked) and dichain (nicked) proteins, both of Mr approximately 150 kDa. When the dichain NT was reduced by mercaptoethanol, the two chains migrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) as separate polypeptides of Mr approximately 100 and 50 kDa that appeared similar to the heavy and light chains of other serotypes of botulinum NT. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the two chains were determined. They were as follows: light chain: Pro-Val-Thr-Ile-Asn-Asn-Phe-Asn-Tyr-Asn-Asp-Pro-Ile-Asp-Asn-Asn-Asn-Ile- Ile-Met - Met-Glu-Pro-Pro-Phe-Ala-Arg-Gly-Met-Gly-Arg-Tyr-Tyr-Lys-Ala-Phe-Lys-Ile- Thr-Asp - Arg-Ile-Trp-Ile-; and heavy chain: Ala-Pro-Gly-Ile-X-Ile-Asp-Val-Asp-Asn-Glu-Asp-Leu-Phe-Phe-Ile-Ala-Asp-Ly s-Asn- Ser-Phe-Arg-Asp-Asp-Leu-. These two sequences matched exactly with those of the light and heavy chains of type B NT (strain Okra) of which only 16 and 18 residues were known (J. Biol. Chem. (1985) 260, 10461). The above sequences were different from those of type A NT. Immunoprecipitation reactions of type B NT isolated from strains 657 and Okra were indistinguishable against polyclonal anti-type B NT serum. These two preparations did not produce precipitin reactions with polyclonal anti-type A NT serum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A) is the most potent toxin known. Unfortunately, it is also a potential bioweapon in terrorism, which is without an approved therapeutic treatment once cellular intoxication takes place. Previously, we reported how hydroxamic acid prodrug carbamates increased cellular uptake, which translated to successful inhibition of this neurotoxin. Building upon this research, we detail BoNT/A protease molecular modeling studies accompanied by the construction of small library of hydroxamic acids based on 2,4-dichlorocinnamic hydroxamic acid scaffold and their carbamate prodrug derivatization along with the evaluation of these molecules in both enzymatic and cellular models.  相似文献   

The dichain type E botulinum neurotoxin, a product of nicking the single chain protein by trypsin, is composed of a heavy and light chains. Sequence of the first 13 and 20 N-terminal residues of these two chains were determined. Also, proof is provided here that (i) the light chain of the nicked (dichain) is derived from the N-terminal one-third of the parent single chain neurotoxin, and (ii) molecular events leading to the activation, of the single chain neurotoxin cannot involve tryptic cleavage at or very close to the N-terminal of the single chain protein. The partial amino acid sequence of the light chain of botulinum type E and tetanus neurotoxins show significant similarity between the two clostridial neurotoxins.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent toxins that inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses. BoNTs consist of a toxifying light chain (LC; 50 kDa) and a binding-translocating heavy chain (HC; 100 kDa) linked through a disulfide bond. The complete sequence of BoNT/A consists of 1296 amino acid residues. The beta-trefoil domain for BoNT/A to which gangliosides bind starts at Ser 1092 and this fragment represents the C-half of the C-terminus of the heavy chain (C-quarter HC or HCQ). The recombinant HCQ DNA was successfully cloned into an expression vector (pET15b), which was used to transform Escherichia coli strain BL21-Star (DE3) for expression. Expression of HCQ was obtained by an extended post-induction time of 15 h at 30 degrees C. The recombinant histidine tagged HCQ protein was isolated and purified by nickel affinity gel column chromatography and its molecular weight was verified by gel electrophoresis. The HCQ was positively identified by antibodies raised against BoNT/A employing immunological dot-blot and Western blot assays. HCQ was shown to bind with synaptotagmin (a known BoNT/A receptor) and gangliosides, indicating that the expressed and purified HCQ protein retains a functionally active conformation.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of a pathological immunoglobulin G (Daw) of type L, subclass gamma(2b) (We) and Gm(a+)(f-), has been cleaved with cyanogen bromide. The five fragments resulting from the cleavage have been isolated and analysed. The papain-digest fragments, Fab and Fc, have also been cleaved with cyanogen bromide and the products analysed and compared with those from the heavy chain. The order of the five fragments in the heavy chain has been established and the location of some of the inter-chain and inter-fragment disulphide bonds has been determined. The sequence of the N-terminal fragment consisting of 34 residues is reported.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum synthesizes the type A botulinum neurotoxin (NT) as a approximately 150 kDa single chain protein. Post-translational proteolytic processing yields a approximately 150 kDa dichain protein composed of a approximately 50 kDa light and approximately 100 kDa heavy chain, which has higher toxicity. Trypsin's action mimics the endogenous proteolytic processing. The proteolytic cleavages could occur at 4 sites. We have examined 2 such sites and defined the peptide sequences before and after proteolytic processing. The N-terminal residues of the newly synthesized approximately 150 kDa single chain NT, Pro-Phe-Val-Asn-Lys-, remain intact at the N-terminus of the approximately 50 kDa light chain generated either in the clostridial culture or in vitro with trypsin or with a protease purified from the homologous bacterial culture. The clostridial protease cleaves the single chain NT in vitro, at 1/3 the distance from its N-terminus, on the amino side of Gly of the sequence -Gly-Tyr-Asn-Lys-Ala-Leu-Asn-Asp-Leu- before cleaving the bond Lys-Ala at a slower rate. The data indicate that the dichain NT is formed in the bacterial culture in at least 2 steps. Cleavage at X-Gly produces a approximately 100 kDa heavy chain-like fragment which is then truncated; cleavage 4 residues downstream at Lys-Ala, and excision of the tetrapeptide Gly-Tyr-Asn-Lys, generates the mature heavy chain with Ala as its N-terminal residue. The approximately 100 kDa heavy chain generated in vitro, by nicking the single chain NT with trypsin, also has Ala-Leu-Asn- as the N-terminal residues.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of botulinum type A neurotoxin forms channels in planar phospholipid bilayer membranes. Channel activity is confined to the N-terminal half of this chain; the C-terminal half is inactive. Channel activity is stimulated by low pH (4.5-5.5) on the cis side (the side to which protein is added), neutral pH on the opposite (trans) side, and cis positive voltages. These findings are strikingly similar to those previously reported for analogous fragments of diphtheria and tetanus toxins.  相似文献   

Clostridial botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) abort the process of neurotransmitter release at presynaptic motor nerve terminals, causing muscle paralysis. An enigmatic step in the intoxication process is the mechanism by which the neurotoxin heavy chain (HC) forms the conduit for the translocation of the light chain (LC) protease across the endosomal membrane into the cytosol, its site of action. Here we investigate the mechanism of LC translocation by using the combined detection of channel currents and substrate proteolysis, the two hallmark activities of BoNT. Our data are consistent with the translocation of the LC through the HC channel and show that the LC protease activity is retrieved in the trans compartment after translocation. We propose that the BoNT HC-LC complex embedded in the membrane is a transmembrane chaperone, a dynamic structural device that prevents aggregation and achieves translocation of the LC. In this regard, the complex is similar to the protein conducting/translocating channels of the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin serotype A, an approx. 150 kDa protein, is composed of two subunits, the light and heavy chains (approximately 50 and approximately 100 kDa, respectively). The neurotoxin's mode of action is believed to depend on coordinated but independent actions of the two subunit chains. The molecular environments of the aromatic amino acid residues of the dichain neurotoxin and the two isolated subunit chains were analyzed using near-ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) (between 250 and 320 nm) and second-derivative ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (between 240 and 320 nm) to investigate the conformational variations of the subunit chains in separated and conjugated forms. The mean residue weight ellipticities showed virtually no change (i.e., 1.7%) in the vicinities of Phe (268 nm), and only a small change (11%) around Tyr (279 nm) residues following dissociation of the subunit chains. However, significant changes (23-26%) at 286 nm as well as at 292 nm were noted, suggesting considerable alteration in the conformation of the subunits. Second-derivative ultraviolet absorption spectra indicated the degree of Tyr exposure in the dichain neurotoxin, isolated heavy and light chains at 70.7, 81.5 and 46.4%, respectively. A weighted mean of the degree of exposed Tyr residues in the separated heavy and light chains was 69.6%, virtually same as the 70.7% exposed Tyr residues observed in the intact dichain neurotoxin, indicating no difference in their Tyr exposure upon separation of the two chains. This was corroborated by the CD data which revealed only small changes in the CD signals of Tyr residues, and no alteration in those of the Phe residues following separation of the subunit chains. However, a change in the CD signal at 292 nm suggested that the conformations of Trp-containing segments of the two chains were significantly influenced upon their separation. The heavy and light chains of the neurotoxin therefore appear to exist as two semi-independent domains, in spite of being linked by disulfide and noncovalent bonds, and at least part of their conformations depends on interactions between them.  相似文献   

Eda S  Yoneyama H  Nakae T 《Biochemistry》2003,42(23):7238-7244
The MexA-MexB-OprM efflux pump exports structurally and functionally diverse xenobiotics and confers multi-drug resistance on Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells. The MexB transporter traverses the inner membrane twelve times, bears two large periplasmic domains and has two homologous tandem repeats. To test whether two homologous halves of MexB function independently or interdependently, the protein was divided medially into two halves, each consisting of six amino- and carboxyl-proximal transmembrane segments. When two halves of MexB were coexpressed from independent open reading frames, the cells lacking chromosomal mexB exhibited restored antibiotic resistance at a level close to that in the cells producing a full-length MexB. In contrast, MexB protein containing either an amino- or carboxyl-half fragment failed to transport antibiotics. To test whether the amino- and carboxyl-proximal halves were present in a complex, we purified the histidine-tagged carboxyl-proximal half molecule using nickel-chelate chromatography from the cells that coexpressed two halves. The results showed that the nonhistidine-tagged amino-proximal half was co-purified with the carboxyl-proximal half, thereby indicating that the amino-proximal half fragment was tightly associated with the carboxyl-proximal half molecule. These findings suggest that the presence of both amino- and carboxyl-halves of MexB in a complex is essential for transport activity.  相似文献   

Summary The secondary and tertiary structural features of botulinum neurotoxin (NT) serotype A, a dichain protein (Mr 145 000), and its two subunits, the heavy (H) and light (L) chains (Mr 97 000 and 53 000, respectively) were examined using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectorscopy. Nearly 70% of the amino acid residues in each of the three polypeptide preparations were found in ordered structure (sum of helix, sheet and turns). Also, the helix, sheet, turns and random coil contents of the dichain NT were nearly equal to the weighted mean of each of these secondary structure parameters of the L and H chains; e.g., sum of helix of L chain (22%) and H chain (18.7%), as weighted mean, 19.8% was similar to that of NT (20%). These agreements suggested that the secondary structures of the subunits of the dichain NT do not significantly change when they are separated as isolated L and H chains. Fluorescence emission maximum of L chain, 4 nm less (blue shift) than that of H chain, suggested relatively more hydrophobic environment of fluorescent tryptophan residue(s) of L chain. Tryptophan fluorescence quantum yields of L chain, H chain and the NT, 0.072, 0.174 and 0.197, respectively, suggested that a) an alteration in the micro-environment of the tryptophan residues was possibly caused by interactions of L and H chain subunits of the NT and b) quantum yields for L and H chains were altered when they are together as subunits of the NT. Possible implications of structural features of the L and H chains, their interactions and the molecular mechanism of action of botulinum NT are assessed.  相似文献   

Secondary structures of botulinum neurotoxin type A have been determined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the amide I and amide III frequency regions. Using Fourier self-deconvolution, second derivatization, and curve-fit analysis, the amide I frequency contour was resolved into Gaussian bands at 1678, 1654, 1644, and 1634 cm–1. In the amide III frequency region, several small bands were resolved between 1320 and 1225 cm–1. Assignments of the bands in both amide I and amide III frequency regions to various types of secondary structures and the estimation of spectral band strengths by integrating areas under each band suggested that the neurotoxin contains 29% -helix, 45–49% -sheets and 22–26% random coils. These values agreed very well with those determined earlier from CD spectra. The neurotoxin was treated with a micellar concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate to simulate interaction between the protein and the amphipathic molecules. Sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles induced significant alterations both in the spectral band positions, and their strengths suggest refolding of the neurotoxin polypeptides. However, these changes were not entirely reversible, which could implicate the role of the altered structures in the function of the neurotoxin.  相似文献   

This study investigated the presence of cell membrane docking proteins synaptosomal‐associated protein, 25 and 23 kD (SNAP‐25 and SNAP‐23) in satellite glial cells (SGCs) of rat trigeminal ganglion; whether cultured SGCs would release glutamate in a time‐ and calcium‐dependent manner following calcium‐ionophore ionomycin stimulation; and if botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNTA), in a dose‐dependent manner, could block or decrease vesicular release of glutamate. SGCs were isolated from the trigeminal ganglia (TG) of adult Wistar rats and cultured for 7 days. The presence of SNAPs in TG sections and isolated SGCs were investigated using immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry, respectively. SGCs were stimulated with ionomycin (5 μM for 4, 8, 12 and 30 min.) to release glutamate. SGCs were then pre‐incubated with BoNTA (24 hrs with 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 pM) to investigate if BoNTA could potentially block ionomycin‐stimulated glutamate release. Glutamate concentrations were measured by ELISA. SNAP‐25 and SNAP‐23 were present in SGCs in TG sections and in cultured SGCs. Ionomycin significantly increased glutamate release from cultured SGCs 30 min. following the treatment (P < 0.001). BoNTA (100 pM) significantly decreased glutamate release (P < 0.01). Results from this study demonstrated that SGCs, when stimulated with ionomycin, released glutamate that was inhibited by BoNTA, possibly through cleavage of SNAP‐25 and/or SNAP‐23. These novel findings demonstrate the existence of vesicular glutamate release from SGCs, which could potentially play a role in the trigeminal sensory transmission. In addition, interaction of BoNTA with non‐neuronal cells at the level of TG suggests a potential analgesic mechanism of action of BoNTA.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent toxins that inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses. BoNTs consist of a toxifying light chain (LC; 50 kDa) and a binding/translocating heavy chain (HC; 100 kDa) linked through a disulfide bond. A DNA fragment encoding type A Clostridium botulinum heavy chain (BoNT/A HC) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and cloned into an E. coli PET-15b vector. In vitro translated [35S]BoNT/A HC was identified by anti-BoNT/A polyclonal antibodies, and was used to investigate the binding of the toxin to rat synaptosomes. The binding of [35S]BoNT/A HC to synaptosomes was abolished by 500-fold excess of cold BoNT/A, and by incubation with trypsin. Treatment of BoNT/A HC with anti-BoNT/A or GT1b blocked its binding to synaptosomes. The radioactive BoNT/A HC recognized three proteins corresponding to a molecular mass of 150 (P150), 120 (P120), and 75 (P75) kDa in rat and bovine synaptosomal preparations. These results represent the first successful expression of functional full-length BoNT heavy chain.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin type E, a 150 kDa single chain protein, cleaved with endoproteinase Lys-C yielded 113, 73, and 50 kDa fragments. The N-terminal sequence of the 113 kDa fragment, Gly-Ile-Arg-Lys-Ser-Ile-Cys-Ile, overlaps the N-terminal sequence, Lys-Ser-Ile-Cys-Ile, of the 103 kDa heavy chain produced by nicking the neurotoxin with trypsin. The -Arg-Lys- bond is therefore the site on the single chain type E NT where trypsin nicks generating the 50 kDa light and 103 kDa heavy chains of the dichain NT. The sequence of the first 50 N-terminal residues of the 73 kDa fragment were determined. This fragment is a segment of the heavy chain; 50% of the 50 residues are present in identical positions in a similar segment of the heavy chain of tetanus neurotoxin.  相似文献   

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