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Traditional life history theory ignores trade-offs due to social interactions, yet social systems expand the set of possible trade-offs affecting a species evolution--by introducing asymmetric interactions between the sexes, age classes and invasion of alternative strategies. We outline principles for understanding gene epistasis due to signaller-receiver dynamics, gene interactions between individuals, and impacts on life history trade-offs. Signaller-receiver epistases create trade-offs among multiple correlated traits that affect fitness, and generate multiple fitness optima conditional on frequency of alternative strategies. In such cases, fitness epistasis generated by selection can maintain linkage disequilibrium, even among physically unlinked loci. In reviewing genetic methods for studying life history trade-offs, we conclude that current artificial selection or gene manipulation experiments focus on pleiotropy. Multi-trait selection experiments, multi-gene engineering methods or multiple endocrine manipulations can test for epistasis and circumvent these limitations. In nature, gene mapping in field pedigrees is required to study social gene epistases and associated trade-offs. Moreover, analyses of correlational selection and frequency-dependent selection are necessary to study epistatic social system trade-offs, which can be achieved with group-structured versions of Price's (1970) equation.  相似文献   

Summary Are there underlying developmental and physiological properties of organisms that can be used to build a general theory of life history evolution? Much of the theoretical work on the evolution of life histories is based on the premise of negative developmental and genetic correlations among life history traits. If negative correlations do not exist as a general rule then no general theory taking them into account is possible. Negative genetic correlations among life history traits can come about by antagonistic pleiotropy. One cause of antagonistic pleiotropy is cost allocation trade-offs. Since cost allocation trade-offs are due to underlying physiological constraints they are expected to be common to closely related groups. A second form of antagonistic pleiotropy is specialization of genotypes to different niches. This type of antagonistic pleiotropy is expected to be specific to each population. We looked for trade-offs in life history traits of longevity and fecundity inDrosophila melanogaster. We used a half-sib mating design and raised the offspring at two temperatures, 19°C and 25°C. Correlations between longevity and fecundity showed some evidence of antagonistic pleiotropy at high temperature with no evidence of any trade-offs at low temperature. Correlations of early and late fecundity traits did show evidence of cost allocation trade-offs at both temperatures. Antagonistic pleiotropy was also found for cross-environmental correlations of fecundity traits. We conclude that, although life history trade-offs can not be generally assumed, they are frequently found among functionally related traits. Thus, we provide guidelines for the development of general theories of life history evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Most evolutionary life history theory is developed in terms of the allocation of resources to the competing ends of growth, reproduction, and survivorship. In this paper we show that certain dimensionless numbers may be used to describe the relationship between growth, maturation, and adult mortality; our theory aims to predict these numbers and we are led to aggregate some basic features of life histories, rather than explicitly considering the allocation of a limited resource to different components of fitness. The phenomenology developed here has the convenient property that only parameters describing the shapes of two assumed trade-offs among life history traits appear in the solution of the resulting optimisation problem. Comparative inter- and intraspecific data on fish, lizard, snake and shrimp populations suggest that this approach may help explain some common patterns in the life histories of animals with indeterminate growth.  相似文献   

A central paradigm of life-history theory is the existence of resource mediated trade-offs among different traits that contribute to fitness, yet observations inconsistent with this tenet are not uncommon. We previously found a clonal population of the aphid Myzus persicae to exhibit positive genetic correlations among major components of fitness, resulting in strong heritable fitness differences on a common host. This raises the question of how this genetic variation is maintained. One hypothesis states that variation for resource acquisition on different hosts may override variation for allocation, predicting strong fitness differences within hosts as a rule, but changes in fitness hierarchies across hosts due to trade-offs. Therefore, we carried out a life-table experiment with 17 clones of M. persicae, reared on three unrelated host plants: radish, common lambsquarters and black nightshade. We estimated the broad-sense heritabilities of six life-history traits on each host, the genetic correlations among traits within hosts, and the genetic correlations among traits on different hosts (cross-environment genetic correlations). The three plants represented radically different environments with strong effects on performance of M. persicae, yet we detected little evidence for trade-offs. Fitness components were positively correlated within hosts but also between the two more benign hosts (radish and lambsquarters), as well as between those and another host tested earlier. The comparison with the most stressful host, nightshade, was hampered by low survival. Survival on nightshade also exhibited genetic variation but was unrelated to fitness on other hosts. Acknowledging that the number of environments was necessarily limited in a quantitative genetic experiment, we suggest that the rather consistent fitness hierarchies across very different plants provided little evidence to support the idea that the clonal variation for life-history traits and their covariance structure are maintained by strong genotypexenvironment interactions with respect to hosts. Alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

The fitness of any evolutionary unit can be understood in terms of its two basic components: fecundity (reproduction) and viability (survival). Trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. We argue that these trade-offs gain special significance during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. In particular, the evolution of germ–soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at the cell group (or organism) level are also consequences of trade-offs between the two basic fitness components, or so we argue using a multilevel selection approach. During the origin of multicellularity, we study how the group trade-offs between viability and fecundity are initially determined by the cell level trade-offs, but as the transition proceeds, the fitness trade-offs at the group level depart from those at the cell level. We predict that these trade-offs begin with concave curvature in single-celled organisms but become increasingly convex as group size increases in multicellular organisms. We argue that the increasingly convex curvature of the trade-off function is driven by the cost of reproduction which increases as group size increases. We consider aspects of the biology of the volvocine green algae – which contain both unicellular and multicellular members – to illustrate the principles and conclusions discussed.  相似文献   

Two questions were addressed: (1) What is the genetic variance-covariance structure of a suite of four female life history traits in D. melanogaster? and (2) Does the genetic architecture of these traits differ among populations? Three populations of D. melanogaster were studied. Genetic variances and covariances were estimated by sib analysis three times for each population: immediately upon establishment of populations in the laboratory, and subsequently after approximately 6 months and 2 years of laboratory culture. Entire genetic variance-covariance matrices, as well as their individual components, were compared between populations by means of likelihood ratio tests. All traits studied were significantly heritable in at least one-half of estimates. Despite large sample sizes, additive genetic covariances were for the most part not statistically significant, and only two significant negative covariance estimates were obtained throughout the experiments. Therefore, these experiments provide little support for evolutionary life history theories that are based on negative genetic correlations among life history components. Neither do they support the idea that genetic variance for fitness components is maintained by trade-offs. Evidence suggests that the G matrix of one population was initially different from those of the other two populations. Those differences disappeared after 2 years of laboratory culture. At the level of individual (co)variance components, there were relatively few differences among populations, and the overall impression was that the three populations had generally similar genetic architectures for the traits studied.  相似文献   

动物生活史进化理论研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了生活史性状、生活史对策、权衡、适合度及进化种群统计学等动物生活史进化领域的进展。权衡是生活史性状之间相互联系的纽带,分为生理权衡与进化权衡。适合度是相对的,与个体所处的特定环境条件有关,性状进化与适合度之间关系紧密。适合度是生活史进化理论研究的焦点。探讨动物生活史对策的理论很多,影响最大的是MacArthur和Wilson提出的r对策及K对策理论。随年龄的增长,动物存活率及繁殖率逐步下降的过程,称为衰老;解释衰老的进化理论主要有突变-选择平衡假设和多效对抗假设。进化种群统计学将种群统计学应用于生活史进化研究,为探讨表型适合度的进化提供了有效的手段。将进化种群统计学、数量遗传学及特定种系效应理论进行整合,建立完整的动物生活史进化综合理论体系,是当代此领域的最大挑战。  相似文献   

Life-history theory is based on the assumption that evolution is constrained by trade-offs among different traits that contribute to fitness. Such trade-offs should be evident from negative genetic correlations among major life-history traits. However, this expectation is not always met. Here I report the results of a life-table experiment designed to measure the broad-sense heritabilities of life-history traits and their genetic correlations in 19 different clones of the aphid Myzus persicae from Victoria, Australia. Most individual traits, as well as fitness calculated as the finite rate of increase from the life table, exhibited highly significant heritabilities. The pattern of genetic correlations revealed absolutely no evidence for life-history trade-offs. Rather, life histories were arranged along an axis from better to worse. Clones with shorter development times tended to have larger body sizes, higher fecundities, and larger offspring. The fitness of clones estimated from the life table in the laboratory tended to be positively associated with their abundance in the field. Fitness also increased significantly with heterozygosity at the seven microsatellite loci that were used to distinguish clones and estimate their frequencies in the field. I discuss these findings in light of a recent proposition that positive genetic correlations among life-history traits for which trade-offs are expected can be explained by genetic variation for resource acquisition ability that is maintained in populations by a cost of acquisition, and I propose ways to test for such a cost in M. persicae.  相似文献   

Life history trade-offs should be detectable as negative correlations between the relevant traits (e.g. reproductive output versus energy storage), but may be masked by variation in resource levels among individuals. One way to detect underlying trade-offs, at least in organisms that rely on stored energy for reproduction (“capital breeders”), may be to monitor an individual's energy stores before and after reproduction. We analysed energy stores and reproductive output in Eulamprus tympanum, a viviparous scincid lizard that stores energy for reproduction in its tail. One predicted trade-off (that between the size and number of offspring in a litter) is consistently observed, and is detectable with minimal information. Another predicted trade-off (that between offspring size and subsequent energy reserves) is not apparent in our data, perhaps because of constraints imposed by correlations among other traits. Finally, trade-offs between reproductive output and subsequent energy stores are evident in this species, but are only detectable with information on the extent of pre-reproductive as well as post-reproductive energy stores. For “capital breeders”, non-destructive measurement of pre- and post-reproductive energy stores may greatly enhance our ability to detect significant life history trade-offs. Received: 10 July 1996 / Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

The fitness of an evolutionary individual can be understood in terms of its two basic components: survival and reproduction. As embodied in current theory, trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. Here, we argue that the evolution of germ-soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at a new higher level during the transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms are also consequences of trade-offs between the two components of fitness-survival and reproduction. The models presented here explore fitness trade-offs at both the cell and group levels during the unicellular-multicellular transition. When the two components of fitness negatively covary at the lower level there is an enhanced fitness at the group level equal to the covariance of components at the lower level. We show that the group fitness trade-offs are initially determined by the cell level trade-offs. However, as the transition proceeds to multicellularity, the group level trade-offs depart from the cell level ones, because certain fitness advantages of cell specialization may be realized only by the group. The curvature of the trade-off between fitness components is a basic issue in life-history theory and we predict that this curvature is concave in single-celled organisms but becomes increasingly convex as group size increases in multicellular organisms. We argue that the increasingly convex curvature of the trade-off function is driven by the initial cost of reproduction to survival which increases as group size increases. To illustrate the principles and conclusions of the model, we consider aspects of the biology of the volvocine green algae, which contain both unicellular and multicellular members.  相似文献   

Studies of phenotypic selection document directional selection in many natural populations. What factors reduce total directional selection and the cumulative evolutionary responses to selection? We combine two data sets for phenotypic selection, representing more than 4,600 distinct estimates of selection from 143 studies, to evaluate the potential roles of fitness trade-offs, indirect (correlated) selection, temporally varying selection, and stabilizing selection for reducing net directional selection and cumulative responses to selection. We detected little evidence that trade-offs among different fitness components reduced total directional selection in most study systems. Comparisons of selection gradients and selection differentials suggest that correlated selection frequently reduced total selection on size but not on other types of traits. The direction of selection on a trait often changes over time in many temporally replicated studies, but these fluctuations have limited impact in reducing cumulative directional selection in most study systems. Analyses of quadratic selection gradients indicated stabilizing selection on body size in at least some studies but provided little evidence that stabilizing selection is more common than disruptive selection for most traits or study systems. Our analyses provide little evidence that fitness trade-offs, correlated selection, or stabilizing selection strongly constrains the directional selection reported for most quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Changing environments have the potential to alter the fitness of organisms through effects on components of fitness such as energy acquisition, metabolic cost, growth rate, survivorship, and reproductive output. Organisms, on the other hand, can alter aspects of their physiology and life histories through phenotypic plasticity as well as through genetic change in populations (selection). Researchers examining the effects of environmental variables frequently concentrate on individual components of fitness, although methods exist to combine these into a population level estimate of average fitness, as the per capita rate of population growth for a set of identical individuals with a particular set of traits. Recent advances in energetic modeling have provided excellent data on energy intake and costs leading to growth, reproduction, and other life‐history parameters; these in turn have consequences for survivorship at all life‐history stages, and thus for fitness. Components of fitness alone (performance measures) are useful in determining organism response to changing conditions, but are often not good predictors of fitness; they can differ in both form and magnitude, as demonstrated in our model. Here, we combine an energetics model for growth and allocation with a matrix model that calculates population growth rate for a group of individuals with a particular set of traits. We use intertidal mussels as an example, because data exist for some of the important energetic and life‐history parameters, and because there is a hypothesized energetic trade‐off between byssus production (affecting survivorship), and energy used for growth and reproduction. The model shows exactly how strong this trade‐off is in terms of overall fitness, and it illustrates conditions where fitness components are good predictors of actual fitness, and cases where they are not. In addition, the model is used to examine the effects of environmental change on this trade‐off and on both fitness and on individual fitness components.  相似文献   

Colour polymorphism in reptiles is generally associated with the coexistence of alternative reproductive strategies that involve specific trade-offs among different life history traits. Notably, body temperature trades off with immunocompetence: temperature has relevant effects on immune-response, but maintaining the optimal temperature increases both energetic costs and predatory risk. This trade-off gains complexity by sex, since males and females could optimize fitness by different strategies. Given that there is no single solution for trade-offs, different links among alternative evolutionary stable solutions and morphs might evolve independently in each sex. We tested this hypothesis in the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) by means of in vitro cultures of blood cells in order to examine the response of the immune-system to phytohemoagglutinin stimulation in male and female morphs at two different temperatures (i.e. 22 and 32?°C), corresponding to the thermal optima of the two sexes. We found (i) morph-specific immunity in both sexes, i.e. yellow lizards suffer immunosuppression with respect to the other morphs, and (ii) sex-specific immunity under hot conditions, i.e. females of all morphs were immunosuppressed with respect to males. Results support the hypothesis that morphs might differently invest in immunocompetence, according to different set-up for the trade-offs between immunity and other life-history traits, resulting in alternative strategies with different fitness optima.  相似文献   

Development rate early in the ontogeny is believed to correlate positively with fitness. Geographic variation in intrinsic development rate suggests the existence of trade-offs between development rate and other fitness related traits. We investigated whether these trade-offs exist between intrinsic larval development rate and post-metamorphic traits in an organism with a complex life cycle. In laboratory, we measured if the tadpoles of the frog Rana latastei with fast intrinsic development rate have a suboptimal post-metamorphic morphology, by comparing froglets from five populations. Then, we evaluated the relationship between age at metamorphosis, hindlimb length and jumping performance for frogs grown in nature in two populations. Under laboratory conditions, froglets with fast intrinsic development had shorter absolute and shorter size-adjusted tibiofibulas. We observed a strong, positive relationship between tibiofibula length and jumping performance. In nature, froglets from the last metamorphosing population had longer absolute and size-adjusted tibiofibulas, and were able to jump further. The cost of fast development could be the shorter legs of early metamorphosing frogs, and their poor jumping performance. Thus, a fast intrinsic development rate may not always be positively related to lifetime fitness, since delayed effects of larval development persist also across life history stages. Co-ordinating editor: V. Jormalainen  相似文献   

Fundamental, long-term genetic trade-offs constrain life-history evolution in wild crucifer populations. I studied patterns of genetic constraint in Brassica rapa by estimating genetic correlations among life-history components by quantitative genetic analyses among ten wild populations, and within four populations. Genetic correlations between age and size at first reproduction were always greater than +0.8 within and among all populations studied. Although quantitative genetics might provide insight about genetic constraints if genetic parameters remain approximately constant, little evidence has been available to determine the constancy of genetic correlations. I found strong and consistent estimates of genetic correlations between life-history components, which were very similar within four natural populations. Population differentiation also showed these same trade-offs, resulting from long-term genetic constraint. For some traits, evolutionary changes among populations were incompatible with a model of genetic drift. Historical patterns of natural selection were inferred from population differentiation, suggesting that correlated response to selection has caused some traits to evolve opposite to the direct forces of natural selection. Comparison with Arabidopsis suggests that these life-history trade-offs are caused by genes that regulate patterns of resource allocation to different components of fitness. Ecological and energetic models may correctly predict these trade-offs because there is little additive genetic variation for rates of resource acquisition, but resource allocation is genetically variable.  相似文献   

Studies of wild vertebrates have provided evidence of substantial differences in lifetime reproduction among individuals and the sequences of life history ‘states’ during life (breeding, nonbreeding, etc.). Such differences may reflect ‘fixed’ differences in fitness components among individuals determined before, or at the onset of reproductive life. Many retrospective life history studies have translated this idea by assuming a ‘latent’ unobserved heterogeneity resulting in a fixed hierarchy among individuals in fitness components. Alternatively, fixed differences among individuals are not necessarily needed to account for observed levels of individual heterogeneity in life histories. Individuals with identical fitness traits may stochastically experience different outcomes for breeding and survival through life that lead to a diversity of ‘state’ sequences with some individuals living longer and being more productive than others, by chance alone. The question is whether individuals differ in their underlying fitness components in ways that cannot be explained by observable ‘states’ such as age, previous breeding success, etc. Here, we compare statistical models that represent these opposing hypotheses, and mixtures of them, using data from kittiwakes. We constructed models that accounted for observed covariates, individual random effects (unobserved heterogeneity), first‐order Markovian transitions between observed states, or combinations of these features. We show that individual sequences of states are better accounted for by models incorporating unobserved heterogeneity than by models including first‐order Markov processes alone, or a combination of both. If we had not considered individual heterogeneity, models including Markovian transitions would have been the best performing ones. We also show that inference about age‐related changes in fitness components is sensitive to incorporation of underlying individual heterogeneity in models. Our approach provides insight into the sources of individual heterogeneity in life histories, and can be applied to other data sets to examine the ubiquity of our results across the tree of life.  相似文献   

Physiological trade-offs between life-history traits can constrain natural selection and maintain genetic variation in the face of selection, thereby shaping evolutionary trajectories. This study examines physiological trade-offs in simultaneously hermaphroditic banana slugs, Ariolimax dolichophallus. These slugs have high heritable variation in body size, which strongly predicts the number of clutches laid, hatching success and progeny growth rate. These fitness components were associated, but only when examined in correlation with body size. Body size mediated these apparent trade-offs in a continuum where small animals produced rapidly growing progeny, intermediate-sized animals laid many clutches and large animals had high hatching success. This study uses a novel statistical method in which the components of fitness are analysed in a mancova and related to a common covariate, body size, which has high heritability. The mancova reveals physiological trade-offs among the components of fitness that were previously masked by high variation in body size.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic variation for complex traits in heterogeneous environments is a fundamental problem in biology. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Fournier‐Level et al. ( 2013 ) analyse quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing ecologically important phenotypes in mapping populations of Arabidopsis thaliana grown in four habitats across its native European range. They used causal modelling to quantify the selective consequences of life history and morphological traits and QTL on components of fitness. They found phenology QTL colocalizing with known flowering time genes as well as novel loci. Most QTL influenced fitness via life history and size traits, rather than QTL having direct effects on fitness. Comparison of phenotypes among environments found no evidence for genetic trade‐offs for phenology or growth traits, but genetic trade‐offs for fitness resulted because flowering time had opposite fitness effects in different environments. These changes in QTL effects and selective consequences may maintain genetic variation among populations.  相似文献   

The close connection between reproductive ecology and life history in snakes leads to trade-offs between reproductive and other life-history traits. Optimal energy allocation to growth and reproduction is a key factor to determine life history structure. Therefore, elucidating the relationship between body size variations and reproductive characters is essential for a better understanding of life-history plasticity. The aim of this work was to determine to what extent life-history differs among populations of Boa constrictor occidentalis and to identify possible life-history trade-offs between morphological and reproductive traits. We compared two populations from areas that are separated latitudinally, with different climatic conditions and vegetation landscape structure. Reproductive and morphological data of specimens were recorded. Although populations had a similar mean length of mature snakes, the frequency of some size classes tended to be different. Size at sexual maturity differed between populations for females, generating variations in the proportion of mature individuals. Reproductive threshold and follicular size also varied, but female reproductive frequency was similar between populations. Reproductive frequency of males varied between populations although their body condition was similar. We discussed two major issues: (1) implications of size at sexual maturity for body size and fecundity; (2) trade-offs in reproductive characters.  相似文献   

Many models of life history evolution assume trade-offs between major life history traits; however, these trade-offs are often not found. The Y model predicts that variation in acquisition can mask underlying allocation trade-offs and is a major hypothesis explaining why negative relationships are not always found between traits that are predicted to trade-off with one another. Despite this model's influence on the field of life history evolution, it has rarely been properly tested. We use a model system, the wing dimorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus as a case study to test the assumptions and predictions of the Y model. By experimentally altering the acquisition regime and by estimating energy acquisition and energy allocation directly in this species, we are able to explicitly test this important model. Overall, we find strong support for the predictions of the Y model.  相似文献   

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