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Spatially restricted activation of signaling molecules governs critical aspects of cell migration; the mechanism by which this is achieved nonetheless remains unknown. Using time-lapse confocal microscopy, we analyzed dynamic redistribution of lipid rafts in chemoattractant-stimulated leukocytes expressing glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored green fluorescent protein (GFP-GPI). Chemoattractants induced persistent GFP-GPI redistribution to the leading edge raft (L raft) and uropod rafts of Jurkat, HL60, and dimethyl sulfoxide-differentiated HL60 cells in a pertussis toxin-sensitive, actin-dependent manner. A transmembrane, nonraft GFP protein was distributed homogeneously in moving cells. A GFP-CCR5 chimera, which partitions in L rafts, accumulated at the leading edge, and CCR5 redistribution coincided with recruitment and activation of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase gamma in L rafts in polarized, moving cells. Membrane cholesterol depletion impeded raft redistribution and asymmetric recruitment of PI3K to the cell side facing the chemoattractant source. This is the first direct evidence that lipid rafts order spatial signaling in moving mammalian cells, by concentrating the gradient sensing machinery at the leading edge.  相似文献   

The conjugated phenyltetraene PTE-ET-18-OMe (all-(E)-1-O-(15'-phenylpentadeca-8',10',12',14'-tetraenyl)-2-O-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine) is a recently developed fluorescent lysophospholipid analog of edelfosine, (Quesada et al. (2004) J. Med. Chem. 47, 5333-5335). We investigated the use of this analog as a probe of membrane structure. PTE-ET-18-OMe was found to have several properties that are favorable for fluorescence anisotropy (polarization) experiments in membranes, including low fluorescence in water and moderately strong association with lipid bilayers. PTE-ET-18-OMe has absorbance and fluorescence properties similar to those of diphenylhexatriene (DPH) probes, with about as large a difference between its fluorescence anisotropy in liquid disordered (Ld) and ordered states (gel and Lo) as observed for DPH. Also like DPH, PTE-ET-18-OMe has a moderate affinity for both gel state ordered domains and Lo state ordered domains (rafts). However, unlike fluorescent sterols or DPH (Megha and London (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 9997-10004), PTE-ET-18-OMe is not displaced from ordered domains by ceramide. Also unlike DPH, PTE-ET-18-OMe shows only slow exchange between the inner and outer leaflets of membrane bilayers, and can thus be used to examine anisotropy of an individual leaflet of a lipid bilayer. Since PTE-ET-18-OMe is a zwitterionic molecule, it should not be as influenced by electrostatic interactions as are other probes that do not cross the lipid bilayer but have a net charge. We conclude that PTE-ET-18-OMe has some unique properties that should make it a useful fluorescence probe of membrane structure.  相似文献   

The conjugated phenyltetraene PTE-ET-18-OMe (all-(E)-1-O-(15′-phenylpentadeca-8′,10′,12′,14′-tetraenyl)-2-O-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine) is a recently developed fluorescent lysophospholipid analog of edelfosine, (Quesada et al. (2004) J. Med. Chem. 47, 5333-5335). We investigated the use of this analog as a probe of membrane structure. PTE-ET-18-OMe was found to have several properties that are favorable for fluorescence anisotropy (polarization) experiments in membranes, including low fluorescence in water and moderately strong association with lipid bilayers. PTE-ET-18-OMe has absorbance and fluorescence properties similar to those of diphenylhexatriene (DPH) probes, with about as large a difference between its fluorescence anisotropy in liquid disordered (Ld) and ordered states (gel and Lo) as observed for DPH. Also like DPH, PTE-ET-18-OMe has a moderate affinity for both gel state ordered domains and Lo state ordered domains (rafts). However, unlike fluorescent sterols or DPH (Megha and London (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 9997-10004), PTE-ET-18-OMe is not displaced from ordered domains by ceramide. Also unlike DPH, PTE-ET-18-OMe shows only slow exchange between the inner and outer leaflets of membrane bilayers, and can thus be used to examine anisotropy of an individual leaflet of a lipid bilayer. Since PTE-ET-18-OMe is a zwitterionic molecule, it should not be as influenced by electrostatic interactions as are other probes that do not cross the lipid bilayer but have a net charge. We conclude that PTE-ET-18-OMe has some unique properties that should make it a useful fluorescence probe of membrane structure.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP70) is a major component of peroxisomal membranes. cDNAs for human and rat PMP70 have been cloned and sequenced and the gene mapped to the human chromosome 1p21-22. The predicted amino acid sequence showed homology to members of the ATP-binding cassette transporter family. In humans, mutations in the PMP70 gene have been found in a subset of patients with Zellweger syndrome, a lethal inborn error of peroxisome biogenesis. These results suggest that PMP70 functions in transporting molecules or possibility peptides across the peroxisomal membrane and has an important role in peroxisome assembly.  相似文献   

The import of proteins into the peroxisome matrix is an essential step in peroxisome biogenesis, which is critical for normal functioning of most eukaryotic cells. The translocation of proteins across the peroxisome membrane and the dynamic behavior of the import receptors during the import cycle is facilitated by several peroxisome-membrane-associated protein complexes, one of which is called the importomer complex [B. Agne, N.M. Meindl, K. Niederhoff, H. Einwachter, P. Rehling, A. Sickmann, H.E. Meyer, W. Girzalsky, W.H. Kunau, Pex8p: an intraperoxisomal organizer of the peroxisomal import machinery, Mol. Cell 11 (2003) 635-646; P.P. Hazra, I. Suriapranata, W.B. Snyder, S. Subramani, Peroxisome remnants in pex3Delta cells and the requirement of Pex3p for interactions between the peroxisomal docking and translocation subcomplexes, Traffic 3 (2002) 560-574. ]. We provide below a brief historical perspective regarding the importomer and its role in peroxisome biogenesis. We also identify areas in which further work is needed to uncover the physiological role of the importomer.  相似文献   

Biological membranes have unique and highly diverse compositions of their lipid constituents. At present, we have only partial understanding of how membrane lipids and lipid domains regulate the structural integrity and functionality of cellular organelles, maintain the unique molecular composition of each organellar membrane by orchestrating the intracellular trafficking of membrane-bound proteins and lipids, and control the steady-state levels of numerous signaling molecules generated in biological membranes. Similar to other organellar membranes, a single lipid bilayer enclosing the peroxisome, an organelle known for its essential role in lipid metabolism, has a unique lipid composition and organizes some of its lipid and protein components into distinctive assemblies. This review highlights recent advances in our knowledge of how lipids and lipid domains of the peroxisomal membrane regulate the processes of peroxisome assembly and maintenance in the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. We critically evaluate the molecular mechanisms through which lipid constituents of the peroxisomal membrane control these multistep processes and outline directions for future research in this field.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved molecular mechanisms for the efficient transmission of organelles during cell division. Little is known about how peroxisomes are inherited. Inp1p is a peripheral membrane protein of peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that affects both the morphology of peroxisomes and their partitioning during cell division. In vivo 4-dimensional video microscopy showed an inability of mother cells to retain a subset of peroxisomes in dividing cells lacking the INP1 gene, whereas cells overexpressing INP1 exhibited immobilized peroxisomes that failed to be partitioned to the bud. Overproduced Inp1p localized to both peroxisomes and the cell cortex, supporting an interaction of Inp1p with specific structures lining the cell periphery. The levels of Inp1p vary with the cell cycle. Inp1p binds Pex25p, Pex30p, and Vps1p, which have been implicated in controlling peroxisome division. Our findings are consistent with Inp1p acting as a factor that retains peroxisomes in cells and controls peroxisome division. Inp1p is the first peroxisomal protein directly implicated in peroxisome inheritance.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are components of virtually all eukaryotic cells. While much is known about peroxisomal matrix protein import, our understanding of how peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) are targeted and inserted into the peroxisome membrane is extremely limited. Here, we show that PEX19 binds a broad spectrum of PMPs, displays saturable PMP binding, and interacts with regions of PMPs required for their targeting to peroxisomes. Furthermore, mislocalization of PEX19 to the nucleus leads to nuclear accumulation of newly synthesized PMPs. At steady state, PEX19 is bimodally distributed between the cytoplasm and peroxisome, with most of the protein in the cytoplasm. We propose that PEX19 may bind newly synthesized PMPs and facilitate their insertion into the peroxisome membrane. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that the loss of PEX19 results in degradation of PMPs and/or mislocalization of PMPs to the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

26S proteasome, a major regulatory protease in eukaryotes, consists of a 20S proteolytic core particle (CP) capped by a 19S regulatory particle (RP). The 19S RP is divisible into base and lid sub-complexes. Even within the lid, subunits have been demarcated into two modules: module 1 (Rpn5, Rpn6, Rpn8, Rpn9 and Rpn11), which interacts with both CP and base sub-complexes and module 2 (Rpn3, Rpn7, Rpn12 and Rpn15) that is attached mainly to module 1. We now show that suppression of RPN11 expression halted lid assembly yet enabled the base and 20S CP to pre-assemble and form a base-CP. A key role for Regulatory particle non-ATPase 11 (Rpn11) in bridging lid module 1 and module 2 subunits together is inferred from observing defective proteasomes in rpn11–m1, a mutant expressing a truncated form of Rpn11 and displaying mitochondrial phenotypes. An incomplete lid made up of five module 1 subunits attached to base-CP was identified in proteasomes isolated from this mutant. Re-introducing the C-terminal portion of Rpn11 enabled recruitment of missing module 2 subunits. In vitro, module 1 was reconstituted stepwise, initiated by Rpn11–Rpn8 heterodimerization. Upon recruitment of Rpn6, the module 1 intermediate was competent to lock into base-CP and reconstitute an incomplete 26S proteasome. Thus, base-CP can serve as a platform for gradual incorporation of lid, along a proteasome assembly pathway. Identification of proteasome intermediates and reconstitution of minimal functional units should clarify aspects of the inner workings of this machine and how multiple catalytic processes are synchronized within the 26S proteasome holoenzymes.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Hansenula polymorpha PEX14 gene by functional complementation of the chemically induced pex14-1 mutant, which lacked normal peroxisomes. The sequence of the PEX14 gene predicts a novel protein product (Pex14p) of 39 kDa which showed no similarity to any known protein and lacked either of the two known peroxisomal targeting signals. Biochemical and electron microscopical analysis indicated that Pex14p is a component of the peroxisomal membrane. The synthesis of Pex14p is induced by peroxisome-inducing growth conditions. In cells of both pex14-1 and a PEX14 disruption mutant, peroxisomal membrane remnants were evident; these contained the H.polymorpha peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3p together with a small amount of the major peroxisomal matrix proteins alcohol oxidase, catalase and dihydroxyacetone synthase, the bulk of which resided in the cytosol. Unexpectedly, overproduction of Pex14p in wild-type H. polymorpha cells resulted in a peroxisome-deficient phenotype typified by the presence of numerous small vesicles which lacked matrix proteins; these were localized in the cytosol. Apparently, the stoichiometry of Pex14p relative to one or more other components of the peroxisome biogenesis machinery appears to be critical for protein import.  相似文献   

Tensile forces generated by stress fibers drive signal transduction events at focal adhesions. Here, we report that stress fibers per se act as a platform for tension-induced activation of biochemical signals. The MAP kinase, ERK is activated on stress fibers in a myosin II-dependent manner. In myosin II-inhibited cells, uniaxial stretching of cell adhesion substrates restores ERK activation on stress fibers. By quantifying myosin II- or mechanical stretch-mediated tensile forces in individual stress fibers, we show that ERK activation on stress fibers correlates positively with tensile forces acting on the fibers, indicating stress fibers as a tension sensor in ERK activation. Myosin II-dependent ERK activation is also observed on actomyosin bundles connecting E-cadherin clusters, thus suggesting that actomyosin bundles, in general, work as a platform for tension-dependent ERK activation.  相似文献   

We define the dynamics of spatial and temporal reorganization of the team of proteins and lipids serving peroxisome division. The peroxisome becomes competent for division only after it acquires the complete set of matrix proteins involved in lipid metabolism. Overloading the peroxisome with matrix proteins promotes the relocation of acyl-CoA oxidase (Aox), an enzyme of fatty acid beta-oxidation, from the matrix to the membrane. The binding of Aox to Pex16p, a membrane-associated peroxin required for peroxisome biogenesis, initiates the biosynthesis of phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol (DAG) in the membrane. The formation of these two lipids and the subsequent transbilayer movement of DAG initiate the assembly of a complex between the peroxins Pex10p and Pex19p, the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p, and several actin cytoskeletal proteins on the peroxisomal surface. This protein team promotes membrane fission, thereby executing the terminal step of peroxisome division.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae pas3-mutants are described which conform the pas-phenotype recently reported for the peroxisomal assembly mutants pas1-1 and pas2 (Erdmann, R., M. Veenhuis, D. Mertens, and W.-H Kunau, 1989, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 86:5419-5423). The isolation of pas3-mutants enabled us to clone the PAS3 gene by functional complementation. DNA sequence analysis revealed a 50.6-kD protein with at least one domain of sufficient length and hydrophobicity to span a lipid bilayer. To verify these predictions antibodies were raised against a truncated portion of the PAS3 coding region overexpressed in E. coli. Pas3p was identified as a 48 kD peroxisomal integral membrane protein. It is shown that a lack of this protein causes the peroxisome-deficient phenotype and the cytosolic mislocalization of peroxisomal matrix enzymes. Based on protease digestion experiments Pas3p is discussed to be anchored in the peroxisomal membrane by its amino-terminus while the bulk of the molecule is exposed to the cytosol. These findings are consistent with the possibility that Pas3p is one component of the peroxisomal import machinery.  相似文献   

Exocytotic mutants can be obtained in Paramecium that affect the organization of the fusion machinery, visible by electron microscopy. The site of action of the genes in the plasma membrane, cytosol or secretory compartment can easily be determined in such mutants. Functional complementation cloning of exocytotic mutants specifically affected in the secretory compartment, nd2-1 and nd169-1, reported here, and the previously studied nd7-1, led to the discovery of a set of novel proteins that display PSI and EGF domains, normally found in extracellular matrix proteins and involved in transmembrane signaling. The structure of one of these proteins, Nd2p, and of the product of a paralog found in the genome Nd22p, corresponds to that of type I membrane receptors, generally involved in protein and vesicle sorting. Our characterization suggests that the proteins we have identified are required to indicate the presence of a mature secretory vesicle to the plasma membrane, to prepare the machinery for fusion. We propose to name this novel subclass of receptors VEMIF, for Vesicular Extracellular-Matrix-like proteins Involved in preparing membrane Fusion.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion and fission underlie two limiting steps of enveloped virus replication cycle: access to the interior of the host-cell (entry) and dissemination of viral progeny after replication (budding), respectively. These dynamic processes proceed mediated by specialized proteins that disrupt and bend the lipid bilayer organization transiently and locally. We introduced Wimley-White membrane-water partitioning free energies of the amino acids as an algorithm for predicting functional domains that may transmit protein conformational energy into membranes. It was found that many viral products possess unusually extended, aromatic-rich pre-transmembrane stretches predicted to stably reside at the membrane interface. Here, we review structure-function studies, as well as data reported on the interaction of representative peptides with model membranes, all of which sustain a functional role for these domains in viral fusion and fission. Since pre-transmembrane sequences also constitute antigenic determinants in a membrane-bound state, we also describe some recent results on their recognition and blocking at membrane interface by neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Peroxins are proteins required for peroxisome assembly and are encoded by the PEX genes. Functional complementation of the oleic acid-nonutilizing strain mut1-1 of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica has identified the novel gene, PEX24. PEX24 encodes Pex24p, a protein of 550 amino acids (61,100 Da). Pex24p is an integral membrane protein of peroxisomes that exhibits high sequence homology to two hypothetical proteins encoded by the open reading frames YHR150W and YDR479C of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. Pex24p is detectable in wild-type cells grown in glucose-containing medium, and its levels are significantly increased by incubation of cells in oleic acid-containing medium, the metabolism of which requires intact peroxisomes. pex24 mutants are compromised in the targeting of both matrix and membrane proteins to peroxisomes. Although pex24 mutants fail to assemble functional peroxisomes, they do harbor membrane structures that contain subsets of peroxisomal proteins.  相似文献   

Many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria possess tripartite transporters that catalyze drug extrusion across the inner and outer membranes, thereby conferring resistance. These transporters consist of inner (IMP) and outer (OMP) membrane proteins, which are coupled by a periplasmic membrane fusion (MFP) protein. However, it is not know whether the MFP translocates the drug between the membranes, by acting as a channel, or whether it brings the IMP and OMP together, facilitating drug transfer. The MFP EmrA has an elongated periplasmic domain, which binds transported drugs, and is anchored to the inner membrane by a single alpha-helix, which contains a leucine zipper dimerization domain. Consistent with CD and hydrodynamic analyses, the periplasmic domain is predicted to be composed of a beta-sheet subdomain and an alpha-helical coiled-coil. We propose that EmrA forms a trimer in which the coiled-coils radiate across the periplasm, where they could sequester the OMP TolC. The "free" leucine zipper in the EmrA trimer might stabilize the interaction with the IMP EmrB, which also possesses leucine zipper motifs in the putative N- and C-terminal helices. The beta-sheet subdomain of EmrA would sit at the membrane surface adjacent to the EmrB, from which it receives the transported drug, inducing a conformational change that triggers the interaction with the OMP.  相似文献   

Y Li  C Drone  E Sat    H P Ghosh 《Journal of virology》1993,67(7):4070-4077
The spike glycoprotein G of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) induces membrane fusion at low pH. We used linker insertion mutagenesis to characterize the domain(s) of G glycoprotein involved in low-pH-induced membrane fusion. Two or three amino acids were inserted in frame into various positions in the extracellular domain of G, and 14 mutants were isolated. All of the mutants expressed fully glycosylated proteins in COS cells. However, only seven mutant G glycoproteins were transported to the cell surface. Two of these mutants, D1 and A6, showed wild-type fusogenic properties. The mutant A2 had a temperature-sensitive defect in the transport of the mutant G glycoprotein to the cell surface. The other four mutants, H2, H5, H10, and A4, although present in cell surface, failed to induce cell fusion when cells expressing these mutant glycoproteins were exposed to acidic pH. These four mutant G proteins could form trimers, indicating that the defect in fusion was not due to defective oligomerization. One of these mutations, H2, is within a region of conserved, uncharged amino acids that has been proposed as a possible fusogenic sequence. The mutation in H5 was about 70 amino acids downstream of the mutation in H2, while mutations in H10 and A4 were about 300 amino acids downstream of the mutation in H2. Conserved sequences were also noted in the H10 and A4 segment. The results suggest that in the case of VSV G glycoprotein, the fusogenic activity may involve several spatially separated regions in the extracellular domain of the protein.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP70) is a major component of peroxisomal membranes. Human PMP70 consists of 659 amino acid residues and has six putative transmembrane domains (TMDs). PMP70 is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes and targeted posttranslationally to peroxisomes by an unidentified peroxisomal membrane protein targeting signal (mPTS). In this study, to examine the mPTS within PMP70 precisely, we expressed various COOH-terminally or NH(2)-terminally deleted constructs of PMP70 fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Chinese hamster ovary cells and determined their intracellular localization by immunofluorescence. In the COOH-terminally truncated PMP70, PMP70(AA.1-144)-GFP, including TMD1 and TMD2 of PMP70, was still localized to peroxisomes. However, by further removal of TMD2, PMP70(AA.1-124)-GFP lost the targeting ability, and PMP70(TMD2)-GFP did not target to peroxisomes by itself. The substitution of TMD2 in PMP70(AA.1-144)-GFP for TMD4 or TMD6 did not affect the peroxisomal localization, suggesting that PMP70(AA.1-124) contains the mPTS and an additional TMD is required for the insertion into the peroxisomal membrane. In the NH(2)-terminal 124-amino acid region, PMP70 possesses hydrophobic segments in the region adjacent to TMD1. By the disruption of these hydrophobic motifs by the mutation of L21Q/L22Q/L23Q or I70N/L71Q, PMP70(AA.1-144)-GFP lost targeting efficiency. The NH(2)-terminally truncated PMP70, GFP-PMP70(AA.263-375), including TMD5 and TMD6, exhibited the peroxisomal localization. PMP70(AA.263-375) also possesses hydrophobic residues (Ile(307)/Leu(308)) in the region adjacent to TMD5, which were important for targeting. These results suggest that PMP70 possesses two distinct targeting signals, and hydrophobic regions adjacent to the first TMD of each region are important for targeting.  相似文献   

The relationship between anionic-lipid concentration and the functional properties of plasma-membrane domains was explored using the guinea-pig sperm membrane as a model, with polymyxin B (PXB) as a probe. Areas of plasmalemma specialized for fusion during the acrosome reaction had a higher affinity for the probe than adjacent nonfusigenic regions. In addition, capacitation--a process preceding acrosome:plasma-membrane fusion--markedly enlarged the area susceptible to PXB binding over the acrosomal cap. Protease treatment mimicked capacitation by increasing the acrosome-reaction incidence as well as PXB binding, at enzyme concentrations not affecting the surface coat nor altering filipin/sterol localization. Both proteolytic digestion and capacitation failed to augment PXB- or filipin-affinity in nonfusigenic zones, such as the post-acrosomal segment, including its particle-free maculae. Incubation of sperm in capacitating medium supplemented with 32P-labeled phosphate, followed by lipid extraction, thin-layer chromatography, and autoradiography, revealed a radioactive band comigrating with cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid. Vermiform protrusions elicited by PXB in the outer lamellae of cardiolipin- phosphatidylcholine liposomes resembled those seen in fusional regions of sperm membrane. We conclude that (a) differing concentrations of anionic lipids are found in adjacent domains of the sperm plasma membrane; (b) these domains mirror the functional regions of the membrane, with higher anionic-lipid concentrations localized over fusional zones; (c) the surface coat does not participate in the maintenance of such domains; (d) anionic-lipid synthesis may contribute to their formation; and (e) anionic-lipid concentrations increase as the membrane becomes fusionally competent, indicating that cellular modulation of lipid domains accompanies regulation of membrane function.  相似文献   

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