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Using 3 overlapping cDNA clones we have determined the nucleotide sequence of chicken histone H5 mRNA. The mRNA does not contain the 23 base conserved sequence element that is present at the 3' end of cell-cycle regulated histone mRNAs. Although the RNA is polyadenylated it lacks the 3' AAUAAA sequence.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes were made by fusing mouse histone genes with a human alpha-globin gene. The genes were introduced into mouse L cells and the stability of the chimeric mRNAs was measured when DNA synthesis was inhibited. An mRNA containing all the globin coding sequences and the last 30 nucleotides of the histone mRNA was degraded at the same rate as histone mRNA.  相似文献   

Signals sufficient for 3'-end formation of yeast mRNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

T Tabata  K Sasaki    M Iwabuchi 《Nucleic acids research》1983,11(17):5865-5875
Some wheat histone H4 genes have been cloned from a Charon 4 wheat genomic DNA library using sea urchin histone H4 DNA as a probe. DNA sequence analysis of a cloned gene showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of wheat histone H4 protein was identical to that of pea. The 5' end of wheat histone H4 mRNA was mapped on the cloned gene by the S1-procedure. Southern blotting analysis of the genomic DNA indicated that histone H4 genes were reiterated 100 to 125 times per hexaploid wheat genome.  相似文献   

The mouse H19 gene is expressed exclusively from the maternal allele. The imprinted expression of the endogenous gene can be recapitulated in mice by using a 14-kb transgene encompassing 4 kb of 5'-flanking sequence, 8 kb of 3'-flanking sequence, which includes the two endoderm-specific enhancers, and an internally deleted structural gene. We have generated multiple transgenic lines with this 14-kb transgene and found that high-copy-number transgenes most closely follow the imprinted expression of the endogenous gene. To determine which sequences are important for imprinted expression, deletions were introduced into the transgene. Deletion of the 5' region, where a differentially methylated sequence proposed to be important in determining parental-specific expression is located, resulted in transgenes that were expressed and hypomethylated, regardless of parental origin. A 6-kb transgene, which contains most of the differentially methylated sequence but lacks the 8-kb 3' region, was not expressed and also not methylated. These results indicate that expression of either the H19 transgene or a 3' DNA sequence is key to establishing the differential methylation pattern observed at the endogenous locus. Finally, methylation analysis of transgenic sperm DNA from the lines that are not imprinted reveals that the transgenes are not capable of establishing and maintaining the paternal methylation pattern observed for imprinted transgenes and the endogenous paternal allele. Thus, the imprinting of the H19 gene requires a complex set of elements including the region of differential methylation and the 3'-flanking sequence.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the proximal promoter region (−185 to +57) of the wheat histone H3 gene ( TH012 ) is sufficient for regulating S phase-specific expression of a reporter GUS gene. To define the cis -acting element(s) responsible for S phase-specific expression, GUS fusion genes under the control of wild-type or variously mutated H3 promoters were stably introduced into cultured rice Oc cells and their temporal expression was analyzed during the cell cycle by quantitative S1 analysis. The S phase-specific expression of the full-sized promoter (−1716 to +52) was significantly impaired by short internal deletions disrupting the type I element from −175 to −158 (CCACGTCACCaATCCGCG), composed of the Hex (CCACG-TCA) and reverse-oriented Oct (GATCCGCG) motifs. Moreover, the H3 proximal promoters (−184 to +52) harboring base-substitution mutations in either or both of the Hex and Oct motifs could no longer activate gene expression during the S phase. These results indicate that the type I element is the first cis-acting element identified responsible for the S phase-specific expression of plant histone genes. Results also suggested the presence of a redundant cis -acting element(s) responsible for S phase-specific expression in the H3 far-upstream region (−1716 to −185).  相似文献   

Histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferases are conserved from yeast to humans, assemble in multisubunit complexes, and are needed to regulate gene expression. The yeast H3K4 methyltransferase complex, Set1 complex or complex of proteins associated with Set1 (COMPASS), consists of Set1 and conserved Set1-associated proteins: Swd1, Swd2, Swd3, Spp1, Bre2, Sdc1, and Shg1. The removal of the WD40 domain-containing subunits Swd1 and Swd3 leads to a loss of Set1 protein and consequently a complete loss of H3K4 methylation. However, until now, how these WD40 domain-containing proteins interact with Set1 and contribute to the stability of Set1 and H3K4 methylation has not been determined. In this study, we identified small basic and acidic patches that mediate protein interactions between the C terminus of Swd1 and the nSET domain of Set1. Absence of either the basic or acidic patches of Set1 and Swd1, respectively, disrupts the interaction between Set1 and Swd1, diminishes Set1 protein levels, and abolishes H3K4 methylation. Moreover, these basic and acidic patches are also important for cell growth, telomere silencing, and gene expression. We also show that the basic and acidic patches of Set1 and Swd1 are conserved in their human counterparts SET1A/B and RBBP5, respectively, and are needed for the protein interaction between SET1A and RBBP5. Therefore, this charge-based interaction is likely important for maintaining the protein stability of the human SET1A/B methyltransferase complexes so that proper H3K4 methylation, cell growth, and gene expression can also occur in mammals.  相似文献   

T Tabata  M Iwabuchi 《Gene》1984,31(1-3):285-289
To determine whether there is structural variation among histone H4 genes in wheat, one (TH091) of the H4 genes that had been cloned from a wheat genomic DNA library was sequenced and compared with another H4 gene (TH011) which we had described previously [Tabata et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 11 (1983) 5865-5865]. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that there are 17 nucleotide replacements in the protein-coding region of two H4 genes, causing only one amino acid substitution: a glycine at position 4 (from the N terminus) in TH011 was replaced by an aspartic acid in TH091. S1 mapping, using total nuclear RNA from germinated seeds, indicated that the H4 gene was transcribed in vivo.  相似文献   

The yeast TRP4 3'-end formation signal functions in both orientations in an in vivo test system. We show here that the TRP4 3'-end formation element consists of two functionally different sequence regions. One region of approximately 70 nucleotides is located in the untranslated region between the translational stop codon and the major poly(A) site. The major poly(A) site is not part of this region and can be deleted without a decrease in TRP4 3'-end formation. 5'and 3'deletions and point mutations within this region affected 3'-end formation similarly in both orientations. In the center of this region the motif TAGT is located on the antisense strand. Point mutations within this motif resulted in a drastic reduce of 3'-end formation activity in both orientations. A second region consists of the 3'-end of the TRP4 open reading frame and is required for 3'-end formation in forward orientation. A single point mutation in a TAGT motif of the TRP4 open reading frame abolished TRP4 mRNA 3'-end formation in forward orientation and had no effect on the reverse orientation.  相似文献   

Wheat embryo histone H3 has been isolated and purified and the elucidation of the complete amino-acid sequence is described. Peptides were generated by cleavages with CNBr, S. aureus V8 proteinase, endoproteinase Lys-C and trypsin. The peptides were purified by HPLC and the sequence determined by solid-state and gas-phase sequencing methodology. The amino-acid sequence of the protein is identical to pea embryo histone H3 and the sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence of a wheat embryo histone gene (Tabata T. et al. (1984) Mol. Gen. Genet. 196, 397-400).  相似文献   

A full length cDNA clone that directs the in vitro synthesis of human histone H2A isoprotein H2A.X has been isolated and sequenced. H2A.X contains 142 amino acid residues, 13 more than human H2A.1. The sequence of the first 120 residues of H2A.X is almost identical to that of human H2A.1. The sequence of the carboxy-terminal 22 residues of H2A.X is unrelated to any known sequence in vertebrate histone H2A; however, it contains a sequence homologous with those of several lower eukaryotes. This homology centers on the carboxy-terminal tetrapeptide which in H2A.X is SerGlnGluTyr. Homologous sequences are found in H2As of three types of yeasts, in Tetrahymena and Drosophila. Seven of the nine carboxy-terminal amino acids of H2A.X are identical with those of S. cerevisiae H2A.1. It is suggested that this H2A carboxy-terminal motif may be present in all eukaryotes. The H2A.X cDNA is 1585 bases long followed by a polyA tail. There are 73 nucleotides in the 5' UTR, 432 in the coding region, and 1080 in the 3' UTR. Even though H2A.X is considered a basal histone, being synthesized in G1 as well as in S-phase, and its mRNA contains polyA addition motifs and a polyA tail, its mRNA also contains the conserved stem-loop and U7 binding sequences involved in the processing and stability of replication type histone mRNAs. Two forms of H2A.X mRNA, consistent with the two sets of processing signals were found in proliferating cell cultures. One, about 1600 bases long, contains polyA; the other, about 575 bases long, lacks polyA. The short form behaves as a replication type histone mRNA, decreasing in amount when cell cultures are incubated with inhibitors of DNA synthesis, while the longer behaves as a basal type histone mRNA.  相似文献   

The metazoan cell cycle-regulated histone mRNAs are the only known cellular mRNAs that do not terminate in a poly(A) tall. Instead, mammalian histone mRNAs terminate in a highly conserved stem-loop structure which is required for 3'-end processing and regulates mRNA stability. The poly(A) tail not only regulates translational efficiency and mRNA stability but is required for the function of the cap in translation (m(7)GpppN). We show that the histone terminal stem-loop is functionally similar to a poly(A) tail in that it enhances translational efficiency and is co-dependent on a cap in order to establish an efficient level of translation. The histone stem-loop is sufficient and necessary to increase the translation of reporter mRNA in transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells but must be positioned at the 3'-terminus in order to function optimally. Mutations within the conserved stem or loop regions reduced its ability to facilitate translation. All histone mRNAs in higher plants are polyadenylated. The histone stem-loop did not function to influence translational efficiency or mRNA stability in plant protoplasts. These data demonstrate that the histone stem/loop directs efficient translation and that it is functionally analogous to a poly(A) tail.  相似文献   

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