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Summary The intestinal caeca reabsorb urinary sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (Rice and Skadhauge 1982). Free water may be generated if the reabsorbed NaCl is secreted via salt gland secretion (Schmidt-Nielsen et al. 1958). Therefore ceacal ligation should (a) reduce hingut NaCl and water reabsorption, (b) enhance the increase in plasma osmolality during saline acclimation, and (c) affect drakes more than ducks. Twelve Pekin drakes and 13 Pekin ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, were caecally ligated or sham operated before acclimation to 450 mmol · 1 NaCl. Body mass, hematocrit, plasma osmolality, and inonic concentrations of plasma, cloacal fluid, and salt gland secretion were measured after each increase in drinking water salinity. Osmoregulatory organ masses were determined. Caecal ligation did not effect plasma osmolality or ion concentrations of plasma, cloacal fluid, or salt gland secretion, but reduced salt gland size in ducks. Drakes and ducks drinking fresh water had the same hematocrit, plasma osmolality, and plasma concentrations of Na+ and Cl. In both sexes exposure to 75 mmol · 1-1 NaCl significantly decreased plasma [Na+] and doubled cloacal fluid [Na+]. Exposure to 450 mmol · 1-1 NaCl decreased body mass and increased hematocrit, plasma [Na+], [Cl], and plasma osmolality (more in drakes than in ducks); cloacal fluid osmolality nearly doubled compared to freshwater-adapted ducks, due mainly to osmolytes other than Na+ and Cl. The [Cl] in salt gland secretion only slightly exceeded drinking water [Cl].Abbreviations AVT antiduretic hormone - CF cloacal fluid - ECFV extraoellular fluid volume - FW freshwater acclimated - Hct hematocrit - MDWE mean daily water flux - [Na +]cf cloacal fluid sodium concentration - [Na +]pl plasma sodium concentration - Osm cf cloacal fluid osmolality - Osm pl plasma osmolality - SGS salt gland secretion - TBW total body water  相似文献   

Summary The role of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and biogenic amines (BA) in regulating the level of corticoids in the serum of osmotically stressed mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) was analyzed employing three experimental approaches: 1) pharmacologic alteration of central BA levels, 2) microscopic evaluation of BA distribution, and 3) placement of electrolytic lesions into the PVN. Reserpine and -methyl-p-tyrosine (mpt), agents that decrease the amount of BA's in the central nervous system, produced a fivefold increase in the concentration of serum corticoids. Conversely, pargyline and amphetamine, agents that increase the functional pool of BA's, prevented the rise in serum corticoid concentration normally observed in birds challenged with an intraperitoneal injection of hypertonic saline. When the topographic distribution of BA's was analyzed in the brains of osmotically stressed and nonstressed ducks distinct changes in the intensity of catecholamine (CA) fluorescence were observed in only one location, the PVN of the hypothalamus. Additionally, electrolytic lesions stereotaxically placed in the PVN blocked the osmotic stress-induced rise in serum corticoid concentration. These data therefore indicate that the PVN in the mallard duck plays some role in regulating the observed stress-induced rise in serum corticoid concentration, and that this regulatory function is probably inhibited by catecholamines.This research was supported by research grant No. GB 33321 from the National Science Foundation. We wish to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Howard Funk, research director, Colorado Division of Wildlife, for the use of the State's animal facilitiesThis research was submitted as partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80521  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether the responses of the avian kidney to circulating angiotensin II, under different osmotic conditions, involve an interaction with prostaglandins. The renal effects of i.v. infusions of angiotensin II at 10, 30 and 90 ng·kg·min-1 for 30 min were compared in Pekin ducks given maintenance infusions of either 200 mosmol ·l-1 NaCl or glucose at 0.5 ml·min-1, with and without prostaglandin inhibition by indomethacin. Birds infused with glucose without indomethacin responded to the two low doses of angiotensin II with dose-dependent reductions in water and sodium excretion, whilst the same doses of angiotensin II in salineloaded birds caused dose-dependent increases in the renal exeretion of salt and fluid. Indomethacin treatment in the animals given glucose had no effect upon the antidiuretic response to the low doses of angiotensin II but did prevent the antinatriuretic effect. In the birds infused with saline, prostaglandin inhibition reversed the natriuretic/diuretic action of angiotensin II, producing renal salt and water conservation. The highest dose of angiotensin II was consistently diuretic/natriuretic and independent of prostaglandin involvement in each case. The results indicate that the antinatriuretic effect of low doses of angiotensin II in glucose-infused birds involves an interaction with prostaglandins, whereas the antidiuretic effect of angiotensin II under this condition is independent of prostaglandins. In salt-loaded birds the diuretic/natriuretic actions of low doses of angiotensin II are mediated by prostaglandins so that inhibition of prostaglandin formation unmasks the normal salt and fluid-retaining actions of systemic angiotensin II.Abbreviations AII angiotensin II - ECFV extracellular fluid volume - PG prostaglandin - PGE prostaglandin E  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the neurosecretory cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the normal male rat was studied by electron microscopy during various functional states. Four morphologically distinct types of neurosecretory cells were observed. It appears that they do not represent different classes of cells but different phases of secretory activity of a single cell type. The perikarya of the neurosecretory cells show a definite cycle of formation and transportation of secretory granules. We have designated the phases of this cycle as: (1) phase of synthesis, (2) phase of granule production, (3) phase of granule storage and (4) phase of granule transport. The neurosecretory granules appear to be moved in bulk into the axons, forming a large axonal swelling filled with granules as a result of one cycle in the neurosecretory process. Thus it may be postulated that a secretory cycle in the perikaryon of the neurosecretory cell seems to result in the formation of a Herring body in its axon, and that its content is then conveyed to the posterior pituitary.  相似文献   

Six locomotory muscles from wild mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) were analysed by histochemical methods. Special care was taken in sample procedure in order to describe the heterogeneity found throughout each muscle. Capillarity and fibre-type distributions were correlated to the functional implications and physiological needs of each muscle. Comparisons between our results and similar previous reports on dabbling and diving ducks are also discussed. Muscles from the leg presented the most heterogeneous fibre-type distributions, which are correlated to the wide range of terrestrial and aquatic locomotory performances shown by these animals. More specialized muscles such as pectoralis, used almost exclusively for flapping flight, had more homogeneous fibretype distributions, whereas muscles from the wing presented a high proportion of glycolytic fibres probably recruited during non-steady flapping flight. Deep muscle pectoralis zones and parts of the gastrocnemius which are closer to the bone are remarkable for their high capillarity indices and oxidative capacities, which suggests that these parts are recruited during sustained flapping flight and swimming. However, two different strategies for achieving these high oxygen needs are evident, indicating that the fibre cross-sectional area plays an important role in the modulation of the oxygen supply to the muscle cells.Abbreviations AChE acetylcholinesterase - cap mm-2 number of capillaries per square millimeter - CD capillary density - C/F capillary-to-fibre ratio - EMR muscle extensor metacarpialis radialis - FCSA fibre cross-sectional area - FD fibre density - FG fast glycolytic - FOG fast oxidative glycolytic - GLE muscle gastrocnemius lateralis (pars externa) - GPDH -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase - ITC muscle iliotibialis cranialis - m-ATPase myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase - OFA oxidative fibre area - OFN oxidative fibre number - PEC muscle pectoralis - SCH muscle scapulohumeralis caudalis - SDH succinate dehydrogenase - SO slow oxidative - TSC muscle scapulotriceps or triceps scapularis  相似文献   

Summary In submammalian vertebrates, the paraventricular organ (PVO) of the third ventricle is a complex circumventricular structure composed of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and corresponding deeper formations of nerve cells. A new in-vivo technique enables us to approach the paraventricular organ of the frog, Rana esculenta, via the lobus infundibularis. In this preparation, blood flow in the capillary loops beneath the PVO and the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the infundibular recess can be directly observed. Electrical recordings of neural activity in and near the PVO show continuous and phasic, spontaneous activity. Light stimulation of the retina and direct illumination of the brain were not followed by alterations of nerve cell activity. A major problem in the electrophysiological investigation is the diminution in spontaneous activity of the recorded neurons after exchange of CSF.  相似文献   

Summary In saltwater-acclimated ducks with fully specialized supraorbital salt glands, intracarotid application of acetylcholine (5 nmoles/min/kg b.w.) or porcine vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (pVIP) (240 pmoles/min/kg b.w.) induced secretion from the salt glands at threshold conditions of secretory activity. pVIP-like immunoreactivity could be localized in fibers of the postganglionic secretory nerve ramifying throughout the glandular parenchyma. Both middle-sized arterioles and secretory tubules were innervated, and pVIP-immunoreactive varicose fibers formed peritubular baskets around the basal region of secretory tubules indicating direct innervation of the secretory tissue. pVIP-specific staining could be abolished by preabsorption of the antiserum with peptide extracts of salt-gland tissue. Synthetic pVIP and endogenous VIP from salt glands of the duck co-eluted on the HPLC system, suggesting structural similarity of the peptides. Membrane-binding studies with radioiodinated pVIP revealed the presence of high-affinity binding sites in salt-gland tissue. Affinities of unlabeled pVIP analogues to compete for these binding sites were as follows: pVIP > PHI > pVIP antagonist > secretin > pVIP (10–28) > chicken VIP (16–28). Peptide extracts of salt glands had affinities similar to pVIP. Binding sites could be localized mainly at the apical end of the radially arranged secretory tubules, as demonstrated by receptor autoradiography.It is concluded that, in addition to the classical parasympathetic transmitter acetycholine, VIP serves as neuromodulator/transmitter in cranial parasympathetic control of avian salt-gland secretion by acting on both the arteriolar network and the secretory tubules of the gland.  相似文献   

Summary The GABAergic innervation of vasopressin-containing cells in the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus was studied at the electron-microscope level using antibodies against GABA and vasopressin. The detection of both GABA and vasopressin on the same ultrathin section, performed with a double-labeling immunogold method, revealed GABAergic terminals in symmetrical synaptic contact with vasopressin-containing neurons. These GABAergic terminals displayed mitochondria, clear synaptic vesicles and varying numbers of electron-dense vesicles. Vasopressin-immunoreactivity was associated with neurosecretory granules, whereas GABA-immunoreactivity was found above mitochondria, clear synaptic vesicles and some electron-dense vesicles. This study, demonstrating the extensive participation of GABA in the innervation of magnocellular vasopressin-secreting neurons, suggests that this inhibitory neurotransmitter regulates vasopressin secretion at the level of the paraventricular nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary By means of a preembedding immuno-electronmicroscopic technique, a large number of nerve endings containing a substance related to human growth hormonereleasing factor (hGRF) have been demonstrated in the paraventricular nucleus of the guinea pig. They made synaptic contacts primarily with dendritic shafts: 80% of these contacts were symmetrical. The immunoprecipitate was located mainly in large granules and around small clear vesicles. These findings suggest that a peptide related to hGRF may play a role in neural communication in the paraventricular nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase was injected unilaterally into the optic tectum of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. The sources of tectal afferents were thereby revealed by retrogradely labeled neurons in various brain centers. Retrogradely labeled cells were seen in both the ipsilateral and contralateral telencephalon. The superficial pretectal area was labeled on both sides of the brain. Ipsilateral projections were also observed coming from the entopeduncular nucleus. Both the anterior thalamic nucleus and the ventro-medial thalamic nucleus projected to the ipsilateral optic tectum. Cells in the ipsilateral nucleus of the posterior commissure were seen to project to the tectum. Labeled fibers were visualized in the lateral geniculate nucleus ipsilateral to the injected tectum, however, no labeled cell bodies were observed. Therefore, tectal cells project to the lateral geniculate nucleus, but this projection is not reciprocal. No labeled cells were found in the cerebellum. Labeled cells occurred in both the ipsilateral and contralateral medial reticular formation; they were also observed in the ipsilateral nucleus isthmi. A projection was seen coming from the dorsal funicular nucleus. Furthermore, labeled cells were shown in the inferior raphe nucleus.Abbreviations AP Area pretectalis - C Cerebellum - DPTN Dorsal posterior tegmental nucleus - H Habenula - IRF Inferior reticular formation - LI Inferior lobe - LGN Lateral geniculate nucleus - LR Lateral recess - MB Mammillary body - MRF Medial reticular formation - MZ Medial zone of the telencephalon - NC Nucleus corticalis - NDL-M Nucleus opticus dorsolateralis/pars medialis - NI Nucleus isthmi - NPC Nucleus of the posterior commissure - OPT Optic tectum - OT Optic tract - PC Posterior commissure - PN Pineal organ - PrOP Preoptic nucleus - PT Pretectum - TBt Tectobulbar tract - TEL Telencephalon - TL Torus longitudinalis - TS Torus semicircularis - VC Valvula cerebelli - VLTN Ventrolateral thalamic nucleus - VMTN Ventromedial thalamic nucleus  相似文献   

Summary Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting (CSF) cells in both the septal and the tuberal areas in the brain of the ring dove are labeled by RET-P1, a monoclonal antibody to opsin that reacts with inner and outer segment membranes of rod photoreceptors in a variety of vertebrates. Immunoblot analysis of proteins from diverse brain regions, however, revealed bands of anti-RET-P1 immunoreactivity that did not correspond to opsin. Binding of RET-P1 to opsin-containing membranes, was not inhibited by membranes rich in muscarinic and -adrenergic receptor proteins (red blood cells, heart, lung) taken from doves. RET-P1-immunoreactive CSF-contacting cells emit a dendritic process that penetrates the ependyma and ends in a knob-like terminal suspended in the ventricle. These cells also possess other processes that penetrate more or less deeply into the neuropil. Additionally, a band of labeled fibers occurs in the external layer of the median eminence. A double-label technique demonstrated that RET-P1-positive cells coexpress VIP-like immunoreactivity. VIP-positive cells in other brain areas are not RET-P1-positive.  相似文献   

Summary Subsequent to the injection of horseradish peroxidase into the parietal eye of adult Lacerta sicula, the course of the parietal nerve and its projections were determined.The parietal nerve enters the left habenular ganglion where it branches into a medial and a lateral route. Some nerve fibers decussate within the habenular commissure. Whereas this pathway exhibits a striking asymmetry at the level of the habenular ganglia, its projections to the dorsolateral nucleus of the thalamus, the periventricular hypothalamic area, the preoptic hypothalamic and telencephalic regions, and the pretectal area are arranged in a strictly symmetric manner. A possible innervation of tegmental areas could not be proven due to the presence of endogenous peroxidase within these regions. No parietal nerve fibers were observed in the optic tectum.In a few animals investigated, scattered labeled perikarya were located in the periventricular hypothalamic gray indicating a parietopetal innervation in Lacerta sicula. The injection of horseradish peroxidase into one of the lateral eyes revealed terminal areas of the optic nerve within the preoptic region, and the thalamic and pretectal nuclei, displaying partial overlapping with the projections of the parietal nerve to these areas.From the present investigation further evidence is obtained that the pineal complex of lower vertebrates is a component of the photoneuroendocrine system. Particular emphasis is placed upon the nervous connections between the parietal eye and the hypothalamus, described for the first time in the present study.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Ko 758/1)In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Dr. med., Faculty of Medicine, Justus Liebig University of Giessen  相似文献   

Summary Cilia of the 9+2 pattern are found electron microscopically in nonependymal cells of the habenulae and the interpeduncular nucleus of the tadpole of Rana esculenta at an early stage of development (8 mm length, head to tip of tail). A comparison is made between these and the ependymal and sensory cilia in the same specimens. The cilia project into the neuropil emerging from a perikaryon rich in free ribosomes and displaying a prominent Golgi apparatus. These perikarya contain dense core vesicles. Synapses with vesicles of the clear spherical type have been observed along the ciliary shaft. On a purely morphologic basis the authors hypothesize that these cilia, at least in this early ontogenetic stage, may extend considerably the conducting surface of the cell and represent a sensory structure which could be stimulated by terminal processes belonging to distantly located cells. In addition, they could also be involved in the trophic exchange of material with the adjacent structures.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cell cultures were prepared from the adrenal glands of one-day-old mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos). The cells attached equally well to uncoated plastic and glass surfaces and on surfaces that had been coated with collagen. The phase of logarithmic growth occurred between the second and the fourth day, and the cells became confluent between the fifth and the sixth day. Staining with Sudan black B and toluidine blue and viewing fixed preparations by transmission electron microscopy indicated that the cultures consisted mostly of steroidogenic cells. A smaller population of chromaffin cells was also present. Scanning electron microscopy showed that most of the cells had long filopodia, and some cells had numerous surface blebs that were interpreted as exocytotic vesicles. When incubated in Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 1–24 ACTH the cultured cells released three corticosteroids, namely, corticosterone, aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone. These responses occurred within 15 min of exposure to medium containing 1–24 ACTH and continued throughout a 60-min period of continuous stimulation. The minimally effective concentration of 1–24 ACTH was 0.078 ng per ml (0.0234 nM) and, as the concentration was increased up to 10 ng per ml (2.99 nM), the total output of each hormone during the 60-min incubation period increased significantly according to the following semi-logarithmic relationship: Y=a+b log X, where Y=the total output of hormone, X=the concentration of 1–24 ACTH in the medium, and a=the total output of hormone when the medium contained 1.0 ng of 1–24 ACTH per ml. The total outputs of each hormone in the presence of a maximally effective concentration of 1–24 ACTH, however, were low compared to the responses of similarly stimulated tissue slices taken from the neonatal duckling. It is concluded that most of the cells comprising the confluent cultures were derived from steroidogenic cells in the neonatal adrenal. These cells appeared to retain corticotropin receptors during the course of developing into confluent monolayers, but their diminished steroidogenic capacity to respond when stimulated maximally suggests that some generational changes may have occurred.This work was supported by grants to James Cronshaw and W.N. Holmes from the University of California Committee on Research and the National Science Foundation (DIR-8820923), Washington, DC, USA  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effects of nesfatin‐1 in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on gastric motility and the regulation of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA). Using single unit recordings in the PVN, we show that nesfatin‐1 inhibited the majority of the gastric distention (GD)‐excitatory neurons and excited more than half of the GD‐inhibitory (GD‐I) neurons in the PVN, which were weakened by oxytocin receptor antagonist H4928. Gastric motility experiments showed that administration of nesfatin‐1 in the PVN decreased gastric motility, which was also partly prevented by H4928. The nesfatin‐1 concentration producing a half‐maximal response (EC50) in the PVN was lower than the value in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, while nesfatin‐1 in the reuniens thalamic nucleus had no effect on gastric motility. Retrograde tracing and immunofluorescent staining showed that nucleobindin‐2/nesfatin‐1 and fluorogold double‐labeled neurons were observed in the LHA. Electrical LHA stimulation changed the firing rate of GD‐responsive neurons in the PVN. Pre‐administration of an anti‐ nucleobindin‐2/nesfatin‐1 antibody in the PVN strengthened gastric motility and decreased the discharging of the GD‐I neurons induced by electrical stimulation of the LHA. These results demonstrate that nesfatin‐1 in the PVN could serve as an inhibitory factor to inhibit gastric motility, which might be regulated by the LHA.


Summary An immunocytochemical study of the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei was performed in the snake Natrix maura and the turtle Mauremys caspica by use of antisera against: (1) a mixture of both bovine neurophysins, (2) bovine oxytocin-neurophysin, (3) arginine vasotocin, and (4) mesotocin. Arginine vasotocin- and mesotocin-immunoreactivities were localized in individual neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, with a distinct pattern of distribution in both species. The same cells appeared to be stained by the anti-oxytocin-neurophysin and anti-mesotocin sera. The supraoptic nucleus can be subdivided into rostral medial and caudal portions. In N. maura, but not in M. caspica, neurophysin-immunoreactive neurons were found in the retrochiasmatic nucleus. No immunoreactive elements were seen in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of both species after the use of any of the antisera. A dorsolateral aggregation of neurophysin-containing cells, localized over the lateral forebrain bundle, was present in both species. Magnocellular and parvocellular neurophysin-immunoreactive neurons were present in the paraventricular nucleus of both species. In the turtle, the paraventricular neurons were arranged into four distinct layers parallel to the ependyma; these neurons were bipolar with the major axis perpendicular to the ventricle, and many of them projected processes toward the cerebrospinal-fluid compartment. In N. maura a group of large neurons of the paraventricular nucleus was found in a very lateral position. The posterior lobe of the hypophysis and the external zone of the median eminence contained arginine vasotocin- and mesotocin-immunoreactive nerve fibers. The lamina terminalis of both species was supplied with a dense bundle of fibers containing immunoreactive neurophysin. Neurophysin-immunore-active fibers were also present in the septum, some telencephalic regions, including the cortex and the olfactory tubercule, in the paraventricular organ, and the periventricular and periaqueductal gray of the brainstem.This work was partially supported by a Grant S-85-39 from the Direccion de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile to E.M. Rodriguez  相似文献   

Summary The differentiating nephrotome in the 10-day-old mallard duck embryo is able to synthesize corticosterone, aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone even though an adrenal anlage cannot be identified histologically until the 12th day of incubation. At this time, sudanophilic cells containing much smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria with tubular cristae are located adjacent to the developing mesonephros. Chromaffm cells appear in this region on about the 14th day of embryogenesis. A discrete glandular structure containing measurable quantities of corticosteroids can be identified on the 15th day, and during the next 2 days the tissue becomes encapsulated. Concomitantly, the ACTH-inducible rates of corticosteroid hormone synthesis increase several fold. The corticotropic responsiveness of the developing adrenal steroidogenic tissue increases progressively during the remainder of embryogenesis.This work was supported by grants to James Cronshaw and W.N. Holmes from the University of California Committee on Research and the National Science Foundation (DIR-8820923), Washington, DC, USA  相似文献   

Grandry corpuscles in the oral mucosa of the upper bill of the duck were immunohistochemically studied using antisera against calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), galanin, methionine-enkephalin, neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin, substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Grandry corpuscles in the lamina propria selectively showed only SP-like immunoreactivity. Herbst corpuscles distributed near Grandry corpuscles were negative to all antisera applied. Although immunoreactive products in the Grandry corpuscles were found as granules in the peripheral cytoplasm of the Grandry cell, the axon terminals and satellite cells exhibited no reactivity. In pre-embedding electron-microscopic sections, SP-like immunoreactive products visualized with 3,3-diaminobezidine were localized in the granules of Grandry cells, but no labeling was observed in the cytoplasmic matrix or cell organelles. Electron-immunocytochemical labeling with colloidal gold by the post-embedding method clearly demonstrated that the SP antigen was localized only in the granules. It is presumed that Grandry cells have a secretory function. However, the function and the method of release of the SP contained in the observed granules remains obscure. Some CGRP-, NPY-, SP- and VIP-like-immunoreactive nerve fibers with varicosities associated with blood vessels and nerve fiber bundles of various sizes were observed in the lamina propria, but no such fibers penetrated into the intraepitherial layer. Nerve fibers positive for SP and VIP were also found in the interlobular connective tissue of the palatine glands. Some SP-positive neurons were detected in the vicinity of the palatine glands.  相似文献   

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