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Summary Investigations have been carried out on karyotype change in both callus and suspension cell cultures of Haplopappus gracilis (2n=4). It has been found that polyploidization arises directly in culture to give up to six times the normal diploid chromosome number in some cultures. In polyploid cultures, both chromosome loss and chromosome rearrangements occur to give rise to aneuploid karyotypes displaying chromosomes which differ in morphology from the diploid set. Whole or partial chromosome loss has been observed in the form of lagging chromosomes and chromosome bridges at anaphase, and micronuclei, ring chromosomes and chromosome fragments at other stages in mitosis. C-banded preparations have confirmed the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements. Comparative investigations suggest that (i) more polyploidy occurs in callus cultures than in suspension cell cultures, and (ii) the presence of cytokinin (kinetin) in the culture medium may reduce the extent of karyotype change.  相似文献   

Summary Strains of Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray cells resistant to 6-azauracil have been isolated from cultures of diploid cells. These strains are also resistant to 8-azaguanine, as is their parent. The variants are 100- to 125-fold more resistant to 6-azauracil than their parent, and they exhibit different spectra of cross resistance to other pyrimidine analogues. The phenotype of each variant is stable in the absence of selection. The majority of cells in cultures of the variants are diploid; all others examined were tetraploid. Initial rates of uptake of uracil are not reduced in the variants. Fluorouracil, to which two variants are resistant, is taken up by one of them as well as by the parent. Responses of the other two to fluorouracil are not correlated with decreased ability to accumulate this analogue.  相似文献   

The implication of histone H1 kinase activity for the G2/M transition during the cell cycle was investigated usingDictyostelium discoideum Ax-2. Histone H1 kinase with its activity was purified from cell extracts by the use of p13suc1 affinity gel. In the vegetative cell cycle, the activity of histone H1 kinase including Cdc2 kinase was found using synchronized Ax-2 cells to be highest just before the entry into mitosis. The activity also was markedly enhanced just prior to the M phase from which developing cells (possibly prespore cells) reinitiate their cell cycle at the mound-tipped aggregate stage. These results strongly suggest the importance of Cdc2 kinase activity in the G2 to M phase transition during the cell cycle, as the case for other eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The organization of microtubules (MTs) during the transition from the M phase to the G1 phase of the cell cycle was followed in highly synchronized suspension-cultured cells ofNicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco BY-2) by sequential treatment of cells with aphidicolin and propyzamide. Short MTs were first formed in the perinuclear regions at the expense of phragmoplasts, but when these short MTs elongated to reach the cell cortex, they grew parallel to the long axis and towards the distal end of the cells. As soon as, or shortly before the tips of elongated MTs reached the distal end, transverse cortical MTs were formed in the region proximal to the division plane. Thereafter, almost all cells retained cortical MTs which were transversely orientated to the long axis of cells and could be observed in the G1 phase. Thus, in the organization of cortical MTs, there are two steps that have been overlooked thus far. This novel observation provides a new scheme for the organization of cortical MTs, which could unify two contrasting hypotheses, i.e. organization in the perinuclear regions versus that in the cell cortex. These observations are discussed in relation to the microtubule-organizing center of plant cells.  相似文献   

Summary In strain CL ofPhysarum polycephalum, multinucleate, haploid plasmodia form within clones of uninucleate, haploid amoebae. Analysis of plasmodium development, using time-lapse cinematography, shows that binucleate cells arise from uninucleate cells, by mitosis without cytokinesis. Either one or both daughter cells, from an apparently normal amoebal division, can enter an extended cell cycle (28.7 hours compared to the 11.8 hours for vegetative amoebae) that ends in the formation of a binucleate cell. This long cycle is accompanied by extra growth; cells that become binucleate are twice as big as amoebae at the time of mitosis. Nuclear size also increases during the extended cell cycle: flow cytometric analysis indicates that this is not associated with an increase over the haploid DNA content. During the extended cell cycle uninucleate cells lose the ability to transform into flagellated cells and also become irreversibly committed to plasmodium development. It is shown that commitment occurs a maximum of 13.5 hours before binucleate cell formation and that loss of ability to flagellate precedes commitment by 3–5 hours. Plasmodia develop from binucleate cells by cell fusions and synchronous mitoses without cytokinesis.Abbreviations CL Colonia Leicester - DSDM Dilute semi-defined medium - FKB Formalin killed bacterial suspension - IMT Intermitotic time - LIA Liver infusion agar - SBS Standard bacterial suspension - SDM Semi-defined medium  相似文献   

Using a 14C/3H double-labelling technique, the influence of kinetic on the length of the cell cycle of meristematic cells in haploid and diploid callus cultures of Datura innoxia was determined. The total length of the cell cycle of haploid cells as compared to that of diploid cells was reduced by 2.3 h (-kinetin) or 1.4 h (+kinetin). Furthermore, the addition of kinetin to the nutrient solution also reduces cell cycle duration at both ploidy levels. For synchronization of the cell cycle, a fluorodesoxyuridine/thymidine system was successfully employed. Apparently, the reduction of total cell cycle duration of cycling cells due to treatment with kinetin occurred at the expense of the G1phase. Nevertheless, kinetin seems to exert an influence on the transition of cells from the G2 into the M phase as well.Abbreviations FUdR fluorodeoxyuridine - HU hydroxyurea - IAA nidole acetic acid  相似文献   

A method for reducing cytochimerism and inducing homogeneous tetraploids in Haplopappus gracilis (2n = 4) was developed in which masses of shoot primordia treated with 0.5 mg/ml of colcemid for 3 days were cut into small meristematic domes. All of the shoot primordia sampled just after the colcemid treatment were cytochimeras that were mixoploids of 2x, 4x and 8x cells. However, when they were allowed to recover in a colcemid-free medium, the frequency of 4x cells spontaneously increased in most of the shoot primordia. Thirty days after the recovery, chimeric masses containing shoot primordia, each of which consisted uniformly of 4x or 2x cells, were observed. In order to obtain a completely homogeneous tetraploid mass, we then cut these primordia into small pieces, each of which had approximately one meristematic dome. Subsequent to this homogeneous tetraploid masses were easily obtained. Tetraploid shoot primordia could propagate with chromosomal stability over a year, and plants regenerated from these tetraploid shoot primordia were also completely tetraploid. These results show that non-chrimeric masses can be easily isolated from artificially induced cytochimeras using masses of shoot primordia as material.  相似文献   

Summary This review paper describes the importance of synchronous cell cultures as experimental systems for investigations of mechanisms of the cell cycle of higher plants, and various methods of synchronization are discussed. The efficient synchronization methods were double phosphate starvation in Catharanthus roseus cells and aphidicolin treatment in tobacco cells. Using these systems, cell cycle-dependent genes were isolated and characterized. One of them, cyc07, was investigated in detail and the possible function of cyc07 is discussed as an example of genes involved in the progression of the cell cycle of higher plants. Finally, a perspective of investigations of the cell cycle of higher plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The microtubule inhibitor nocodazole {methyl-5-[2-(thienylcarbonyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-carbamate} prevented nuclear migration and nuclear division in yeasts and developing multicellular forms of the polymorphic fungus Wangiella dermatitidis. It did not prevent yeast bud formation during at least two or three budding cycles, and caused yeasts to accumulate as premitotic forms with one to three buds. The effects of the drug suggested that at least three control pathways were involved in the yeast cell cycle; that the nocodazole block point was separate from the execution points of two temperature-sensitive mutations which lead to multicellularity; and that microtubules were controlling neither the yeast budding process nor the development of multicellular forms.Non-standard Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide; nocodazole, methyl-5-[2-(thienylcarbonyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-carbamate  相似文献   

The early and differential responses of the individual buds along a shoot have remained largely unknown due to the difficulties of analyzing early indicators that allow the monitoring of the effects of subtle changes in the environment on the growth activity of the individual bud. To overcome this problem, we transformed poplar [Populus tremula (L.) xP. alba (L.)] with two chimeric genes,Pcdc2a-gus andPcycl At-gus, the expression of which is closely linked to cell division inArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. We analyzed the expression levels of both chimeric genes in individual buds of the same tree, and under different conditions known to promote or retard growth in the buds. The expression levels of both chimeric genes were found to reflect closely the growth activity of the buds. After decapitation of the shoot, the expression ofPcdc2a-gus andPcycl At-gus revealed rapid and selective changes in the cell cycle, even when no morphological changes were observed. Furthermore, on the basis of the expression of the chimeric cell cycle genes, different degrees of growth activity and dormancy could be discriminated in the axillary buds. In addition, the expression ofPcycl At-gus was found to be closely associated with the day length, which is critical for dormancy induction in poplar.Abbreviations GUS -glucuronidase - MU methylumbelliferone  相似文献   

Summary We report a flow fluorimetric analysis of the DNA content of cells and nuclei from vegetative populations and various developmental stages of the cellular slime mouldDictyostelium discoideum using the dyes Hoechst 33258 and mithramycin. Nuclei from all of these populations showed an identical single DNA-content peak, indicating that most vegetative cells and most cells in all developmental stages are in one phase of the cell cycle. Our own data and findings in the literature indicate that this phase is G2. On the other hand, we also found that various stages, subpopulations of cells at early stages and the different differentiated cell types in the slug stage differ in DNA content per cell. Any particular population typically has one major peak of DNA content, with a modal value that is characteristic for the cell type and for the developmental stage. These differences presumably reflect differences in mitochondrial DNA content per cell.  相似文献   

Summary InEuglena gracilis Z, vitamin B12 deficiency arrests cell divisions in S/G 2 phase. After the addition of vitamin B12 to blocked cells, nuclear and cellular divisions begin to be induced between the 3rd and the 4th and between the 4th and the 5th hour respectively; the cell population is doubled after the 11th hour.Addition of cycloheximide either with vitamin B12 or 2 to 6 hours later inhibits the resumption of divisions and blocks cell development in different stages between G 2, karyokinesis and cytokinesis. These results suggest that as a prerequisite protein-dependent steps are required at precise times during the reversibility of blocked cell divisions: at least sequential syntheses of protein concern a) formation of the mitotic spindle and replication of the pellicle; b) completion of the nuclear division; c) progression of the cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

The apoproteins of the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complexes LHCI and CP29 (apparent molecular weights of 27 kDa and 29 kDa, respectively) of Euglena gracilis were identified immunologically. Both complexes are present in the thylakoids of autotrophically cultured Euglena cells during the whole cell cycle. The relative amount of each apoprotein tends to increase towards the end of the cell cycle. The light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of photosystem II, LHCII, of E. gracilis contains chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, neoxanthin, diadinoxanthin and beta-carotene. Its chlorophyll a/b ratio is about 1.7 during the whole cell cycle. About 9 h after cell division the ratio of diadinoxanthin to chlorophyll a is doubled for a time of 3–4 h. The relevance of this increase during one developmental stage is discussed in relation to the insertion and-or assembly of newly synthesized LHCII.Abbreviations LHCP light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex - PS photosystem This research was partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge meinschaft.  相似文献   

Reevaluation and comparison of seemingly contradictory literature data on the mode of synthesis of wall polysaccharides during the cell cycle ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae explained the source of discrepancies and demonstrated their general consonance in the following points: 1. The rate of synthesis of glucan and mannan is not constant and does not increase continuously throughout the entire cell cycle. 2. The rate of synthesis of both polysaccharides is considerably reduced at the time of cell division and in the prebudding phase.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell suspensions of Musa AAA and AAB genomic groups were cultured in a maintenance culture medium for 17 generations (lasting for 238 days). The cell growth phases and medium pH changes were also observed correspondingly. Three major growth phases of AAA genomic group have been focused, namely cell releasing, proliferation and globularization phases. During almost all the subculture generations the cell stocks of AAB ‘Raja’ were continuously characterized by proliferating cell aggregates while the globularization phase occurred only for short duration. The medium acidity levels of the cell stocks of AAA ‘Pei-Chiao’ and ‘Robusta’ were commonly scattered in a wider range of pH 3.3–5.3, while the AAB ‘Raja’ were deviated in a narrow range of pH 4.0–4.6. After subculture, culture medium showed biphasic pH changes, which were drastic pH falls followed by an auto-regulated steady-state level. The steady-state pH values in each of the three growth phases (i.e. cell releasing, proliferation and globularization phases) were of 3.3–4.0, 4.0–4.8 and 4.8–5.3 respectively. Morphological bipolarity and the efficiency in the formation of somatic embryos have been thoroughly discussed. Reported research indicates that the condition of pH below 4.6 may prevent the development of embryogenic cells towards polar growth.  相似文献   

In onion root meristems, the number of dictyosomes per cell shows a kinetics of growth strongly related to the cell cycle. During the interphase of steady-state proliferative cells, the volume density and numerical density of the Golgi apparatus decrease to reach minimum values in late-interphase cells, characterized by their greatest length. This pattern is also found in the total volume occupied by Golgi apparatus. Once in mitosis, the above-mentioned parameters begin to increase reaching maximum mean values in telophase. After the experimental uncoupling of chromosome and growth cycles by presynchronization with hydroxyurea, we found a similar behaviour pattern in the Golgi apparatus: decreasing values during interphase and a triggering of Golgi-apparatus growth in prophase independently of the bigger cell sizes reached in mitosis as an effect of pretreatment with hydroxyurea. These results indicate a cyclic kinetics of this subcellular component in higher-plant meristems, coupled with early mitotic events.  相似文献   

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