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The respiratory losses of 14CO2 from whole plants of uniculmbarley and maize were measured following exposure of the wholeplant or a single leaf to air containing a uniform specificactivity of 14CO2 for 30–60 min during normal photosynthesis.The total respiratory efflux of 14CO2 could be described interms of two main components: an intense efflux characterizedby a half-life of 4–8 h, which was identified with thebiosynthesis of new tissue in meristems; and a much less intenseefflux characterized by a half-life of 26–120 h, whichwas primarily identified with the maintenance of metabolic activity.The (bio)synthetic efflux of 14CO2 totalled between 25 and 35per cent of the labelled assimilate (14C: 14C), and was generallyinsensitive to temperature and light intensity. The maintenanceefflux totalled between 12 and 27 per cent of the labelled assimilateor its derivatives: the total generally increased with hightemperature and low light intensity. The rate of the maintenanceefflux showed a normal temperature response (Q102). It is concludedthat the efficiency of conversion of assimilate into new growthis unlikely to exceed 65 per cent in the long term, and willgenerally be less.  相似文献   

Methanol extracts of young MM.104 apple trees fed 14CO2 viaa single leaf were fractionated to compare 14C activity in totalsoluble sugar and amino acid components. 14C activity in aminoacids increased after the supply of ammonium nitrate to thesoil in plants where 14C labelled carbohydrates were presentin the roots. Estimates of specific carbon activity gave lowervalues for the amino acid carbon than the general value fortotal soluble carbohydrates. The fractionation of subsequentmethanol extracts of MM.104 roots has shown that sucrose hadlower specific activity than other components. Although thelevels of activity would accord with sucrose being a substratefor amino acid synthesis, an alternative explanation for theobserved results involving a cyclical system for transferringnitrogen is postulated.  相似文献   

A well-developed infection of Yellow Rust on a leaf of springwheat (Jufy I) caused the assimilation of 14CO2 by that leafto decrease to 43.5 per cent of that of an uninfected leaf.Over a period of three hours translocation of 14C from an infectedleaf was only 0.87 per cent of that from a control leaf. Whencontrol plants were kept in the light for periods up to 16 hoursafter assimilating 14CO2 translocation continued at a steadyrate, whereas there was only negligible translocation from infectedleaves after the first few hours. The retention of labelledassimilates in the infected leaf could be partly, but not completely,accounted for by a conversion of assimilates to an alcohol-insolubleform. Rust infection had no effect on the distribution patternof 14C to other leaves from one which had assimilated 14CO2.In contrast to the marked retention of assimilate by an infectedleaf, such a leaf was unable to distort the normal distributionby attracting assimilates from the other leaves.  相似文献   

To examine 14CO2 fixation, potential translocation, and carbonflow among leaf chemical fractions of young developing leaves,the shoot tip of 24-leaf cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.ex. Marsh) plants were cut off under water, placed in artificialxylem sap, and treated with 14CO2 in continuous and pulse-chaseexperiments. Additional leaves on whole plants were spot treatedon the lamina tip to follow export from the tip only. The analysedleaves ranged in age from leaf plastochron index(LPI) –5to 3, the spot treated leaves from LPI 2 to 5. After 30 minfixation, the specific activity in the lamina tip increasedlinearly with leaf age from LPI –5 to 1 (0.5 to 4.5 kBqmg–1). Specific activity in the lower lamina increasedslowly with leaf age and did not reach 500 kBq mg–1 untilLPI –1. Total 14CO2 fixed in the lower lamina exceededthat fixed in the tip by LPI –2 because of the large amountof tissue present in the lower lamina. Although the lamina tipfixed high levels of 14CO2, pulse-chase studies coupled withautoradiography indicated no vein loading or translocation fromthe tip until about LPI 4 or 5. The 14C fixed in both tip andlower lamina was incorporated at the site of fixation and wasnot distributed to younger tissue or translocated from the lamina.Although the percentage distribution (14C in each chemical fractioncompared with the total in all fractions) of 14C among certainchemical fractions, e.g. sugars, amino acids and proteins, indicatedthat the mesophyll of the tip was more mature than the lowerlamina, physiologically both leaf sectors were immature basedon the expected 14C distribution in mature tissue. Informationfrom this and other studies indicates that the extreme tip ofa developing cottonwood leaf first begins to export photosynthateabout LPI 4 or 5 on a 24-leaf plant. The first photosynthatetranslocated may be incorporated into the vascular tissues andmesophyll directly below the tip. However, as the tip continuesto mature photosynthate is translocated past the immature lowerlamina into the petiole and out of the leaf. Populus deltoides Bartr. ex. Marsh, eastern cottonwood, translocation, leaf development, 14C fixation, carbon metabolism  相似文献   

Tobacco leaves depleted of starch, were detached and allowedto assimilate equal amounts of 14CO2 and 12CO2in succession,and vice versa. Distribution of radioactivity in starch, andsugars was determined after assimilation and after disks cutfrom the leaves had been kept in darkness for times up to 40hours. The amount and activity of the CO2 was also determined.14C and 12C were incorporated in equal amounts into starch independentlyof the order in which they were supplied. In contrast sucrosehad high activity 14C was given last, and hexose a low one.The reverse was true when 12C was given last. Activity of respiratoryCO2 was slightly higher when 14C was assimilated last as comparedwith 12C. In the dark only 14C or 12C was at first lost fromstarch, in accordance or removal of discrete layers. Analyticalresults show that starch is the main respiratory substrate andto account for the redistribution of radioactivity in passageto CO2 it is concluded that sucrose occurs at two sites separatedinter-or intra-cellularly, one of which is in equilibrium withthe system intrconverting starch and CO2 and at the other hexosesare produced by inversion. A starch-like polysaccharide is formedduring assimilation which persists in the dark and there isa significant contribution to respiration of carbon from non-carbohydratesources when leaf disks are kept on the dark.  相似文献   

An intercomparative study was carried out to investigate possibleeffects on primary productivity measurements when using NaH14C03solutions prepared by different methods. Five different ampoulebatches coded A, B, C, D and E were tested. Three of the batches(A, B and D) had been produced by direct dilution of industriallyproduced NaH14CO3, of high specific activity. A and D were dilutedwith distilled water added carrier, whereas no information onhow batch B was diluted could be obtained. Batch E was preparedby trapping 14CO2, gas — released by strong HCl from Ba14CO3— in sodium hydroxide. In the case of batch C, the processof manufacture was not known. The tests were carried out ondifferent phytoplankton material with low algal density. Twobatches (B and C) showed significant inhibitory effects on Pcalc(–5–44%), on the slope of the ascending part ofthe light adaptation curve (), and on Pmax. Batch A showed minor,but still significant effects. The four batches A, B, C andD carried rather high amounts of non-volatile rest activity(between 13 and 194 d.p.m./µCi), which made measurementsof the release of extracellular dissolved organic carbon (EOC)almost impossible. This phenomenon,per se, would if uncor-rectedproduce considerably higher per cent EOC release in low-productivewaters, as has been reported by many authors. As to the standardizationof the working solutions, two batches (C and D) showed a pooraccuracy (16 and 18% deviation, respectively) when tested atthe C14C, and two batches (A and B) showed unacceptably highvariability between ampoules of the same batch. The study indicatesthat it is not recom-mendable to use working solutions preparedby direct dilution of industrially produced NaH14CO3 of highspecific activity without prior testing of possible effectson algal photosynthesis. It is recommended that the specificactivity of the working solution be measured if it is not exactlyspecified by the manufacturer by a ‘Certificate of Quality’.  相似文献   

Radioactive starch, glucose and fructose have been preparedfrom tobacco leaves after assimilation of C14O2. The apparatusused for photosynthesis consisted of a shallow Perspex leafchamber connected to a closed gas system, in which C14O2 wasgenerated from BaC14O2. Six leaves, area 14 to 18 sq. dm. whenexposed to bright sunlight with an initial CO2 concentrationof 8 to 10 per cent., assimilated 3.35 g. of C14O2 in 8 to 10hours. At least 80 per cent. of the C14O2 supplied appearedin the leaves as starch and sugar and over 80 per cent. of theradioactivity was accounted for in these carbohydrates. Thespecific activity per m. atom of carbon of the isolated productswas 85 to 90 per cent. of that of the C14O2. Small amounts ofradioactive carbon were also incorporated in the leaf proteinand in the celluose, hemicellulose and polyuronides.  相似文献   

Experiments were made to determine the extent of reciprocaltransfer of products (derived from the assimilation of 14CO2)between various parts of the young vegetative grass plant (Loliummultiflorum Lam.). When individual laminae on different tillerswere supplied with 14CO2, 47–64 per cent of the fixedcarbon was exported after 24 h. The principal sinks were theroot system and the shoot or tiller to which the fed leaf wasattached. Other tillers also received significant quantitiesof radiocarbon. When whole tillers were supplied with 14CO2the percentage of fixed radiocarbon exported within 24 h rangedfrom 14–31 per cent. Of this, 50–74 per cent wasrecovered from the root system (except in the case of exportfrom the youngest tiller) but exchange of material between tillersalso occurred.A reciprocity diagram is presented and it is concludedthat despite the magnitude of the exchange no tiller showedan over-all net gain or loss. The main shoot and the tillersdiffered in the extent of their carbon exchange and in theirdegree of independence. The oldest daughter tiller of the mainshoot was the most independent and the main shoot most interdependent.  相似文献   

Leaves of different ages from B. calycinum were exposed to 14CO2in light during day and night. The labelling pattern on thechromatogram differed with leaf age. Young leaves had similarpatterns to those of C3 plants during both day and night. Matureleaves showed high incorporation of 14C into C4 acids, especiallyat night. In contrast, no significant difference with leaf agewas observed in the pattern of dark 14CO2 fixation products.Study of the enzyme activity and the content of titratable acidat each leaf age suggested that high incorporation of 14C inC4 acids during the night was due to the simultaneous absorptionof CO2 by both enzymes RuDPcarboxylase and PEPcarboxylase. (Received November 24, 1977; )  相似文献   

The distribution of photosynthate labelled with 14C was studiedin spring wheat grown with different amounts of nitrogen fertilizerin the three years 1972–4, after exposing the flag leafor the leaf below the flag leaf to 14CO2 at 6–10 or 19–26days after anthesis. The movement of 14C to ears was unaffectedby nitrogen fertilizer except after early exposure in 1973,when nitrogen increased the retention of 14C in stems at maturity The concentration of sugar in the top part of the shoot at theend of the day was unaffected by nitrogen in 1973, but at 22days after anthesis in 1974 the concentration of sucrose inthe glumes and rachis, and in the flag leaf lamina was increasedby nitrogen. Loss of sugar by translocation and respirationduring the night may explain why this increase in concentrationwas not reflected in the 14C distribution 24 h after supplying14C. The proportion of the total 14C content of the shoot that wasin the ear at maturity ranged from 68 to 95 per cent dependingon when and to which leaf the 14CO2 was supplied. Less than5 per cent remained in the leaf exposed to 14CO2. The proportionof the final ear weight contributed by the leaf below the flagleaf was about half that contributed by the flag leaf. In 1974 about 24 per cent of the 14C absorbed by the flag leaf,and 56 per cent of that absorbed by the second leaf, was lostby maturity, presumably by respiration. Most loss occurred inthe first 24 h.  相似文献   

A study was made of the incorporation of 14C by intact leavesof Coffea arabica (cultivars Mundo Novo, Catuai, 1130–13,and H 6586–2) and Coffea canephora (cultivar Guarini)supplied with gas mixtures containing 14CO2 under controlledconditions. Samples of the leaves were combusted and the 14Cin the CO2 produced measured using a liquid scintillation counter.The results were used to estimate photosynthetic rates. Theeffects of changing the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 on thephotosynthetic rate were studied and estimates made of the CO2compensation point and photorespiration. The data obtained show differences between the mean net photosyntheticrates of the C. arabica cultivars (6·14 mg CO2 dm–2h–1) and the mean rate for the C. canephora cultivar (3·96mg CO2 dm–2 h–1). The cultivar of the latter speciesphotorespired more rapidly than the cultivar Catuai of C. arabica.Rates of photosynthesis in coffee measured using the 14CO2 methodwere similar to rates obtained by others using an infrared gasanalyser. The 14CO2 method proved to be reliable for photosyntheticmeasurements and the apparatus is suitable for use in fieldconditions.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which examine the flux of photosyntheticassimilates from leaves to nodules of soyabean during N2 fixation.The first part, where the respiratory efflux of 14CO2 by noduleswas used as a means of assessing the import of labelled photosynthatefrom leaves, shows that most 14CO2 loss from nodulated rootsis due to the metabolic activity of nodules. Much less photosynthatewas imported by nodules if the metabolic activity associatedwith N2 fixation was inhibited by low O2 concentration. The second part describes the chemical fate of current photosynthateas it is utilized by nodules. Labelled material was detectedin nodules within c.15 min of supplying 14CO2 to the leaf. Thisrose to a maximum at c.70 min before declining by 85% withinthe following 4 h. Most (80%) 14carbon imported by nodules waseither lost as respiratory 14CO2 or re-exported as productsof N2 fixation. Ten per cent of imported carbon was found asstructural material and 10% as starch. Of the 14C soluble in ethanol, most was found in the neutralfraction (80% declining to 50% as sucrose) with smaller amountsas amino acids, organic acids (each category rising from 10%to 20%) and phosphate esters (<5%). Comparison of the distribution of 14C among amino acids, amidesand ureides in the nodules with that of xylem exudates indicatedthat selected compounds were exported from nodules. The 14Cdata indicate that c.80% of the nitrogen exported from noduleswas in the form of ureides (mainly allantoic acid) and only10–12% as amides. Key words: Nodules, 14C-photosynthate, Respiration, Carbon flux  相似文献   

HARVEY  D. M. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(2):327-335
In experiments using radioactive carbon dioxide (14CO2) a comparisonwas made of the 14C-photoassimilate translocation potentialsof two normal leaved (genotype AfAfTlTl) and two mutant formsof Pisum sativum (pea). A 14CO2 administration method is describedthat permitted 14C-translocation studies to be conducted underfield conditions. One of the mutants available produced tendrils in place of leaves(afafTlTl). The other mutant studied was without tendrils buthad a much branched petiole with numerous relatively minuteleaflets (afaftltl). These mutants and the normal-leaved cultivarswith which they were compared were not isogenic lines. Lengthybackcrossing would be required before full assessment couldbe made of the possible agronomic value of such mutations. An interim evaluation of these mutants was based on 14C-distributionassays that were conducted 48 h after feeding 14CO2, to specifiedleaves. The indication was that in translocation terms the leafand pod had a well defined respective source and sink relationshipthat was independent of leaf morphology. In each case the podswhich constituted the major 14C sinks depended on which leafhad been fed 14CO2. With regard to sink specific activity asdefined by the quantity of 14C incorporated per unit dry weightof pod, the mutants were not significantly different from normal. The implication of these findings was that fundamental changesin pea leaf morphology could be made genetically without a markedeffect on the photoassimilate export potential of the leaf.  相似文献   

The fate of the carbon from photosynthetically assimilated 14CO2and the nitrogen of rootapplied 15NO3 was studied by harvestingplants at intervals after a week's feeding period, either early(34–41 d after sowing) during vegetative growth, or late(112–19 d) as plants were fruiting. Only 23 per cent of the early fed 14C but more than 90 per centof the early-fed 15N survived in plants until maturity (155d). Efficiency of transfer of early-fed 14C to seeds was 2 percent, that for early-fed 15N, 51 per cent. Assimilatory activitybefore flowering had little direct relevance to the carbon nutritionof seeds but provided approximately one-fifth of the seeds'requirement for nitrogen. Early or late-fed 15N was mobilized slowly for reproductivedevelopment, seeds at all 15 reproductive nodes deriving benefit,late-forming ones more so than those developing earlier. Vegetative organs on a young shoot lost previously acquired15N at rates within the range 0.5–2.4 per cent per day.The released nitrogen was first taken up by the root and youngerparts of the shoot, but much was later traced to the seeds. Late feeding of 14C or 15N resulted in a high (74–6 percent) efficiency of transfer to seeds, most of this appearingto be donated by, or cycled through, vegetative parts of thereproductive zone of the shoot. The significance of past and current assimilation in fruit nutritionis discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of excess salinity and oxygen deficiency on growthand solute relations in Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3906 were examinedin greenhouse experiments. The roots of plants 14 d old growingin nutrient solution containing additions of NaCl in the range1.0–200 mol m–3 were either exposed to a severedeficiency of O2 by bubbling with nitrogen gas (N2 treatment),or maintained with a supply of air (controls), for a periodof 1–7 d. The threshold NaCl concentration resulting inappreciable inhibition of leaf extension, and shoot f. wt gainin controls was between 10 and 25 mol m–3. At 25 mol m–3NaCl the ratio of Na+/K+ transported to shoots was about 20times greater than in plants in 1.0 mol m–3 NaCl. Theeffect of addition of NaCl to the nutrient solution was to enhanceNa+ movement but simultaneously depress the rate of K+ transportto shoots (per g f. wt roots). Interactions between NaCl levels and aeration treatment wereshown by analyses of variance to be statistically significantfor leaf extension, shoot and root f. wt gains, Na+ and K+ concentrationsin shoots and roots. When roots were N2-treated, shoot and rootgrowth were depressed, the effect of aeration treatment beinggreatest at NaCl concentrations of 50 mol m–3 or less.Additionally, N2-treatment greatly accelerated Na- transportto shoots while depressing K+ transport still further, so thatat 10 mol m–3 NaCl the ratio Na+/K+ acquired by the shootswas 230 times greater than in controls. Over the concentrationrange 1.0 to 50 mol m–3 NaCl, the ratio Na+/K+ transportedto shoots by anoxic roots increased by a factor of 860. Mechanisms controlling changes in solute flux to the shoot,and the significance in relation to plant tolerance of excesssalts or oxygen deficiency are discussed. Anaerobic, corn, flooding, maize, oxygen-deficiency, salinity  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide production in the dark by ears and by the restof the shoot of winter wheat grown in the field was measuredin 2 years during grain growth. The respiration rate per g d.wt of the ears was increased by nitrogen fertilizer. Ears ofthe semi-dwarf varieties Maris Fundin and Hobbit respired moreslowly than ears of Maris Huntsman and Cappelle-Desprez. Respirationrates of the rest of the shoot were unaffected by nitrogen orvariety. The amount of carbohydrate required to provide the CO2 respiredduring the whole period of grain growth varied from 163 to 443g m–2, or 42 to 76 per cent of the dry weight of the grain.More than half the CO2 lost was respired by the ear. The additionof 180 kg N ha–1, which increased grain yield by 78 percent in 1975, almost trebled the amount of CO2 lost by the ears.The semi-dwarf varieties lost less CO2 from ears and shootsthan did the taller ones, and had larger yields of grain. Respiration was also estimated from the difference between the14C contents of shoots sampled immediately after a 30 s exposureto 14CO2 and at maturity. When 14C was supplied 10 days afteranthesis, the loss by maturity amounted to 16–28 per centof that initially absorbed by flag leaves and 40 per cent ofthat absorbed by the leaf below the flag leaf. Most of the lossoccurred in the first day. The loss of 14C by maturity was significantlyincreased by nitrogen fertilizer in 1975. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, respiration, nitrogen supply, fertilizer treatment  相似文献   

Shelled green peas (ripening seeds of Pisum sativum var. Onward)were kept in the dark for 2 or 3 days in an atmosphere, eitherof air or 10 per cent carbon dioxide in air, containing 14CO2.Samples were removed at intervals, the acids of the T.C.A.C.extracted, estimated, and their content of 14C measured. Incorporationof 14C was mainly into the carboxyl carbon atoms of the acidswhich, with the exception of citrate, rose in specific activityrapidly for the first 4–6 h and then levelled off androse slowly for the rest of the experiment. The final valuesattained, again with the exception of C-6 of citrate, were muchbelow that of the tissue carbon dioxide. The cause of this failureto equilibrate with tissue carbon dioxide is discussed. Twomain carboxylation reactions are proposed, one from pyruvate(or other three carbon acid) to malate and the other from -oxoglutarateto oxalsuccinate and so to C-6 of citrate. The value of thevelocity constant of the first of these reactions was shownto be markedly decreased by increase in tissue carbon dioxidewhile that for the second carboxylation was unaffected. 14Cmoved into soluble amino-acids rapidly at first and then moreslowly; protein received 14C at a high rate throughout the experimentsmainly by isotopic exchange reactions. Calculations were madeof the rate of movement of carbon in the T.C.A.C. which wouldhave been required to give the observed changes in specificactivity of the metabolites but no scheme tested fitted allthe results satisfactorily.  相似文献   

This work examines the differences in partition and activityof 14C in two varieties of carrot (Daucus carota L.) contrastingin shoot to storage root ratio at maturity. Plants were grownin a controlled environment of 20 ?C and 500 µmol m–2s–1. During initiation of the storage root (10–25d from sowing) plants were exposed to 14CO2 for 1 h and theradioactivity in ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fractions ofshoots, storage and fibrous roots estimated at various timesup to 48 h after exposure. Between 35% and 40% of radioactivityinitially present in the plants was respired during the first24 h and 25–35% of that remaining after 24 h was foundin the roots, depending on age. The proportion found in thestorage region remained fairly constant between 15 and 25 dand was smaller than at 10 d. In the variety with a larger proportionof storage root at maturity (cv. Super Sprite), there was agreater proportion of label in both ethanol-soluble and -insolublefractions of the storage region soon after storage root initiationhad begun than in the variety with a smaller proportion of storageroot at maturity (cv. Kingston). There was no varietal differencein specific activities of the storage roots, but fibrous rootsof cv. Super Sprite showed a greater specific activity thanin cv. Kingston. Differences in shoot to storage root ratiomay thus be associated with characteristics of the fibrous roots.Partition and specific activities are discussed in relationto the initiation and development of the storage organ. Key words: Daucus carota, carrot, assimilate, partition, 14C, storage root  相似文献   

Yamashita, T. 1987. Modulated degradation of ribulose ftisphosphatecarboxylase in leaves on top-pruned shoots of the mulberry tree(Morus alba L.).—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1957–1964. The effects of pruning shoot tops on the synthesis and degradationof ribulose 1,5–Wsphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) inleaves on remaining shoots were investigated in mulberry trees.Leucine labelled with 14C was fed to leaf discs from field-grownmulberry trees and 14C incorporation into RuBPCase was examined.Proportion of 14C in RuBPCase to leucine–14C absorbedby leaf discs was remarkably lowered by top-pruning, thoughoccasionally a slight increase was observed soon after pruning.Yet RuBPCase content in leaves on top-pruned shoots became progressivelyhigher than that in leaves on intact shoots. Changes in 14Cin Ru1BPCase in leaves of mulberry saplings previously fed 14CO2were followed. Following 14CO2 feeding, the attainment of themaximal level of 14C in RuBPCase was retarded by top-pruning.The highest level of 14C in RuBPCase was maintained in leaveson top-pruned shoots but decreased in leaves on intact shoots.Specific radioactivity in RuBPCase continued to increase inleaves on top-pruned shoots even after attaining a maximum levelin the control leaves. These facts suggest that the increasein RuBPCase by top-pruning results from a cessation of its degradationfor the remobilization of nitrogen for newly developing leaveson shoot tops. Key words: RuBP carboxylase, shoot pruning, mulberry (Morus alba)  相似文献   

Plants were allowed to assimilate 14CO2 for 30 min at 5, 15,25, and 35 °C. The changes in 14C content of a mature expandedleaf (Leaf 4), young apical leaves, and storage root, were sequentiallyfollowed over a subsequent period of 24 h in continuous light.In a second experiment plants were transferred after 14CO2 assimilationto temperatures of 10, 18, 26, and 34 °C, and the partitionof 14C between the ethanol-soluble and ethanol-insoluble fractionsof the roots and leaves was followed over a period of 72 h. The specific activities of the apical leaves and of the storageroot increased to a maximum 2 h after labelling at 25 °C,4 h at 15 and 35 °C, and 6 h at 5 °C suggesting thatthe optimum temperature for translocation of photosynthate wasabout 25 °C. The 14C partition to ethanol-soluble and ethanol-insoluble fractionsof the roots and leaves was largely attained in. 9 h. Littlerepartition of 14C assimilate fractions occurred as a resultof temperature change or growth. Root ethanol-insoluble activity,however, did increase significantly over the 72-h period : possiblecauses of this slow incorporation and their relevance to themechanism of sugar storage are discussed.  相似文献   

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