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The evolutionary relationships of the various orders of placental mammals remain an issue of uncertainty and controversy. Molecular studies of mammalian phylogeny at the DNA level that include more than just a few orders are still relatively meager. Here we report results on mammalian phylogeny deduced from the coding sequence of the single-copy nuclear gene for the interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP). Analysis of 13 species representing eight eutherian orders and one marsupial yielded results that falsify the hypothesis that megachiropteran bats are "flying primates," only convergently resembling microchiropteran bats. Instead, in agreement with more traditional views, as well as those from other recent molecular studies, the results strongly support a monophyletic Chiroptera (micro- and megabats grouped together). The IRBP results also offer some rare molecular support for the Glires concept, in which rodents and lagomorphs form a superordinal grouping. Also in congruence with other recent molecular evidence, IRBP sequences do not support the view of a superorder Archonta that includes Chiroptera along with Dermoptera (flying lemur), Scandentia (tree shrew), and Primates. IRBP was not however, without its shortcomings as a molecular phylogenetic system: high levels of homoplasy, evident in the marsupial outgroup, did not allow us to properly root the tree, and several of the higher level eutherian clades were only weakly supported (e.g., a Carnivora/Chiroptera clade and an Artiodactyla/Carnivora/Chiroptera clade). We suggest that these shortcomings may be diminished as the phylogenetic density of the data set is increased.  相似文献   

The sequence (16,829 nt) of the complete mitochondrial genome of the greater Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, was determined. Like other perissodactyls studied (horse and donkey) the rhinoceros demonstrates length variation (heteroplasmy) associated with different numbers of repetitive motifs in the control region. The 16,829-nt variety of the molecule includes 36 identical control region motifs. The evolution of individual peptide-coding genes was examined by comparison with a distantly related perissodactyl, the horse, and the relationships among the orders Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea) were examined on the basis of concatenated sequences of 12 mitochondrial peptide-coding genes. The phylogenetic analyses grouped Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea) into a superordinal clade and within this clade a sister group relationship was recognized between Carnivora and Perissodactyla to the exclusion of Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea) . On the basis of the molecular difference between the rhinoceros and the horse and by applying as a reference to Artiodactyl/Cetacean divergence set at 60 million years ago (MYA), the evolutionary divergence between the families Rhinocerotidae and Equidae was dated to approximately 50 MYA.   相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, the phylogenetic relationships among higher-level artiodactyl taxa have been examined with multiple data sets. Many of these data sets suggest that Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) is paraphyletic and that Cetacea (whales) represents a highly derived "artiodactyl" subgroup. In this report, phylogenetic relationships between Cetacea and artiodactyls are tested with a combination of 15 published data sets plus new DNA sequence data from two nuclear loci, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) and von Willebrand factor (vWF). The addition of the IRBP and vWF character sets disrupts none of the relationships supported by recent cladistic analyses of the other 15 data sets. Simultaneous analyses support three critical clades: (Cetacea + Hippopotamidae), (Cetacea + Hippopotamidae + Ruminantia), and (Cetacea + Hippopotamidae + Ruminantia + Suina). Perturbations of the combined matrix show that the above clades are stable to a variety of disturbances. A chronicle of phylogenetic results over the past 3 years suggests that cladistic relationships between Cetacea and artiodactyls have been stable to increased taxonomic sampling and to the addition of more than 1,400 informative characters from 15 data sets.  相似文献   

The interordinal relationships of eutherian (placental) mammals were evaluated by a phylogenetic analysis of four published data sets (three sequences and one morphological). The nature and degree of support and conflict for particular groups were assessed by separate bootstrap and homogeneity tests, which were followed by combined analyses of the sequence and morphological data. Between orders, strong support (i.e., > or = 95% bootstrap scores) was found for a paraphyletic Artiodactyla (relative to Cetacea) and a monophyletic Cetartiodactyla (Artiodactyla and Cetacea) and Paenungulata (Hyracoidea, Proboscidea, and Sirenia). In turn, some reasonable to strong evidence (> or = 85%) was obtained for Hyracoidea with Sirenia, Dermoptera with Scandentia, Glires (Lagomorpha with Rodentia), and Afrotheria (Amblysomus, Macroscelidea, Paenungulata, and Tubulidentata). Otherwise, no other interordinal clades were supported at these reasonable to strong levels. This overall lack of resolution for eutherian interordinal clusters agrees with other studies that suggest further progress will continue to be slow and difficult. Further resolution will require the integration of more recently published data, the continued sampling of taxa and characters, and the use of more powerful methods of data analysis.  相似文献   

A data set of complete mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rDNA sequences is presented here for 17 representatives of Artiodactyla and Cetacea, together with potential outgroups (two Perissodactyla, two Carnivora, two Tethytheria, four Rodentia, and two Marsupialia). We include seven sequences not previously published from Hippopotamidae (Ancodonta) and Camelidae (Tylopoda), yielding a total of nearly 2.1 kb for both genes combined. Distance and parsimony analyses of each gene indicate that 11 clades are well supported, including the artiodactyl taxa Pecora, Ruminantia (with low 12S rRNA support), Tylopoda, Suina, and Ancodonta, as well as Cetacea, Perissodactyla, Carnivora, Tethytheria, Muridae, and Caviomorpha. Neither the cytochrome b nor the 12S rDNA genes resolve the relationships between these major clades. The combined analysis of the two genes suggests a monophyletic Cetacea +Artiodactyla clade (defined as "Cetartiodactyla"), whereas Perissodactyla, Carnivora, and Tethytheria fall outside this clade. Perissodactyla could represent the sister taxon of Cetartiodactyla, as deduced from resampling studies among outgroup lineages. Cetartiodactyla includes five major lineages: Ruminantia, Tylopoda, Suina, Ancodonta, and Cetacea, among which the phylogenetic relationships are not resolved. Thus, Suiformes do not appear to be monophyletic, justifying their split into the Suina and Ancodonta infraorders. An association between Cetacea and Hippopotamidae is supported by the cytochrome b gene but not by the 12S rRNA gene. Calculation of divergence dates suggests that the Cetartiodactyla could have diverged from other Ferungulata about 60 MYA.   相似文献   

Higher-level relationships within, and the root of Placentalia, remain contentious issues. Resolution of the placental tree is important to the choice of mammalian genome projects and model organisms, as well as for understanding the biogeography of the eutherian radiation. We present phylogenetic analyses of 63 species representing all extant eutherian mammal orders for a new molecular phylogenetic marker, a 1.3kb portion of exon 26 of the apolipoprotein B (APOB) gene. In addition, we analyzed a multigene concatenation that included APOB sequences and a previously published data set (Murphy et al., 2001b) of three mitochondrial and 19 nuclear genes, resulting in an alignment of over 17kb for 42 placentals and two marsupials. Due to computational difficulties, previous maximum likelihood analyses of large, multigene concatenations for placental mammals have used quartet puzzling, less complex models of sequence evolution, or phylogenetic constraints to approximate a full maximum likelihood bootstrap. Here, we utilize a Unix load sharing facility to perform maximum likelihood bootstrap analyses for both the APOB and concatenated data sets with a GTR+Gamma+I model of sequence evolution, tree-bisection and reconnection branch-swapping, and no phylogenetic constraints. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of both data sets provide support for the superordinal clades Boreoeutheria, Euarchontoglires, Laurasiatheria, Xenarthra, Afrotheria, and Ostentoria (pangolins+carnivores), as well as for the monophyly of the orders Eulipotyphla, Primates, and Rodentia, all of which have recently been questioned. Both data sets recovered an association of Hippopotamidae and Cetacea within Cetartiodactyla, as well as hedgehog and shrew within Eulipotyphla. APOB showed strong support for an association of tarsier and Anthropoidea within Primates. Parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses with both data sets placed Afrotheria at the base of the placental radiation. Statistical tests that employed APOB to examine a priori hypotheses for the root of the placental tree rejected rooting on myomorphs and hedgehog, but did not discriminate between rooting at the base of Afrotheria, at the base of Xenarthra, or between Atlantogenata (Xenarthra+Afrotheria) and Boreoeutheria. An orthologous deletion of 363bp in the aligned APOB sequences proved phylogenetically informative for the grouping of the order Carnivora with the order Pholidota into the superordinal clade Ostentoria. A smaller deletion of 237-246bp was diagnostic of the superordinal clade Afrotheria.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences suggest that cetaceans (whales) and hippopotamid artiodactyls (hippos) are extant sister taxa. Consequently, the shared aquatic specializations of these taxa may be synapomorphies. This molecular view is contradicted by paleontological data that overwhelmingly support a monophyletic Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) and a close relationship between Cetacea and extinct mesonychian ungulates. According to the fossil evidence, molecular, behavioral, and anatomical resemblances between hippos and whales are interpreted as convergences or primitive retentions. In this report, competing interpretations of whale origins are tested through phylogenetic analyses of the blood-clotting protein gene gamma- fibrinogen from cetaceans, artiodactyls, perissodactyls (odd-toed ungulates), and carnivores (cats, dogs, and kin). In combination with published DNA sequences, the gamma-fibrinogen data unambiguously support a hippo/whale clade and are inconsistent with the paleontological perspective. If the phylogeny favored by fossil evidence is accepted, the convergence at the DNA level between Cetacea and Hippopotamidae is remarkable in its distribution across three genetic loci: gamma-fibrinogen, the linked milk casein genes, and mitochondrial cytochrome b.   相似文献   

Knowledge of the phylogenetic position of the order Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) within Mammalia is of central importance to evolutionary biologists studying the transformations of biological form and function that accompanied the shift from fully terrestrial to fully aquatic life in this clade. Phylogenies based on molecular data and those based on morphological data both place cetaceans among ungulates but are incongruent in other respects. Morphologists argue that cetaceans are most closely related to mesonychians, an extinct group of terrestrial ungulates. They have disagreed, however, as to whether Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates) or Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) is the extant clade most closely related to Cetacea, and have long maintained that each of these orders is monophyletic. The great majority of molecule-based phylogenies show, by contrast, not only that artiodactyls are the closest extant relatives of Cetacea, but also that Artiodactyla is paraphyletic unless cetaceans are nested within it, often as the sister group of hippopotamids. We tested morphological evidence for several hypotheses concerning the sister taxon relationships of Cetacea in a maximum parsimony analysis of 123 morphological characters from 10 extant and 30 extinct taxa. We advocate treating certain multistate characters as ordered because such a procedure incorporates information about hierarchical morphological transformation. In all most-parsimonious trees, whether multistate characters are ordered or unordered, Artiodactyla is the extant sister taxon of Cetacea. With certain multistate characters ordered, the extinct clade Mesonychia (Mesonychidae + Hapalodectidae) is the sister taxon of Cetacea, and Artiodactyla is monophyletic. When all fossils are removed from the analysis, Artiodactyla is paraphyletic with Cetacea nested inside, indicating that inclusion of mesonychians and other extinct stem taxa in a phylogenetic analysis of the ungulate clade is integral to the recovery of artiodactyl monophyly. Phylogenies derived from molecular data alone may risk recovering inconsistent branches because of an inability to sample extinct clades, which by a conservative estimate, amount to 89% of the ingroup. Addition of data from recently described astragali attributed to cetaceans does not overturn artiodactyl monophyly.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among Primates (human), Artiodactyla (cow), Cetacea (whale), Carnivora (seal), and Rodentia (mouse and rat) were estimated from the inferred amino acid sequences of the mitochondrial genomes using Marsupialia (opossum), Aves (chicken), and Amphibia (Xenopus) as an outgroup. The overall evidence of the maximum likelihood analysis suggests that Rodentia is an outgroup to the other four eutherian orders and that Cetacea and Artiodactyla form a clade with Carnivora as a sister taxon irrespective of the assumed model for amino acid substitutions. Although there remains an uncertainty concerning the relation among Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and Carnivora, the existence of a clade formed by these three orders and the outgroup status of Rodentia to the other eutherian orders seems to be firmly established. However, analyses of individual genes do not necessarily conform to this conclusion, and some of the genes reject the putatively correct tree with nearly 5% significance. Although this discrepancy can be due to convergent or parallel evolution in the specific genes, it was pointed out that, even without a particular reason, such a discrepancy can occur in 5% of the cases if the branching among the orders in question occurred within a short period. Due to uncertainty about the assumed model underlying the phylogenetic inference, this can occur even more frequently. This demonstrates the importance of analyzing enough sequences to avoid the danger of concluding an erroneous tree.  相似文献   

Based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses (18S, 28S, EF1‐α, SRP54, HSP70, CO1, 10 860 nt aligned), we show that the house dust mite subfamily Guatemalichinae is nested within non‐onychalgine pyroglyphid mites and forms the sister group to the genus Sturnophagoides (bootstrap support 100, posterior probability 1.0). Because high bootstrap support values may be misleading in the presence of incongruence, we evaluate robustness of the Guatemalichinae+Sturnophagoides clade using: (1) internode certainty indices to estimate the frequency of conflicting bipartitions in maximum‐likelihood bootstrap trees, (ii) consensus networks to investigate conflict among different loci; and (iii) statistical hypothesis testing based on information theory, both multi‐scale and regular bootstrap. Results suggest that this grouping is very well supported given the data. The molecular analyses were integrated with detailed morphological study using scanning electron and light microscopy. We suggest that the subfamilial status of Guatemalichinae should be reconsidered, and this lineage should be placed within the subfamily Dermatophagoidinae. The latter subfamily is currently accepted in the literature as a monophyletic group but was here inferred as paraphyletic and was not supported by any morphological synapomorphy. The paraphyly involved the most species‐rich and medically important genus, Dermatophagoides. Our findings suggest the need for a comprehensive revision of the higher‐level relationships of pyroglyphid house dust mites using both DNA sequences and morphology coupled with a broad taxonomic sampling.  相似文献   

By a maximum likelihood analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences, we examine Graur and Higgins' hypothesis of the Ruminantia/Cetacea clade with Suiformes as an outgroup. Graur and Higgins analyzed these sequences by the neighbor-joining and parsimony methods, as well as by the maximum likelihood method under the assumption that the substitution rate is the same for all sites. The Ruminantia/Suiformes clade assumed by the traditional taxonomy was rejected strongly by this analysis and the Ruminantia/Cetacea clade was supported. Adoption of a more realistic model distinguishing among rates at different codon positions in the maximum likelihood analysis of the same data, however, grossly reduces the significance level on the Graur-Higgins hypothesis. Thus, although the Ruminantia/Suiformes grouping is indeed least likely from Graur and Higgins' data set of mitochondrial DNA, this traditional tree cannot be rejected with statistical significance under the new analysis, and more data are needed to settle the issue. In the same way, we examine Irwin and Arnason's suggestion of the Hippopotamus/Cetacea clade by using cytochrome b and hemoglobins alpha and beta, and it turn out that their suggestion is also fragile. This analysis demonstrates the importance of selecting an appropriate model among the alternatives in the maximum likelihood analysis and of using many different genes from many relevant species in order to make reliable phylogenetic inferences.   相似文献   

Aligned protein-coding genes from 19 completely sequenced mammalian mitochondrial genomes were examined by parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses. Particular attention is given to a comparison between gene-based and structure-based data partitions. Because actual structures are not known for most of the mitochondrially encoded proteins, three different surrogate partitioning schemes were examined, each based on the identity of the consensus amino acid at a specific homologous position. One of the amino-acid-based partitioning schemes gave the highest likelihood, but that scheme was based on concordance with a well-corroborated phylogeny from an earlier parsimony analysis. The gene-based partitioning scheme gave a significantly higher likelihood compared to the only structure-based scheme examined that could be generated without prior assumptions about the phylogeny. Two contrasting phylogenetic inferences were supported by the analyses. Both unpartitioned analyses and analyses in which all partitions were constrained to have identical patterns of branch lengths supported ((Artiodactyla, Cetacea) (Perissodactyla, Carnivora)), whereas all analyses with that constraint relaxed supported (((Artiodactyla, Cetacea) Carnivora) Perissodactyla).  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of Cetacea (whales, dolphins and porpoises) is an important exemplar problem for combined data parsimony analyses because the clade is ancient and includes many well‐known and relatively complete fossil species. We combined data for 71 terminal taxa (43 extinct/28 extant) to test where Cetacea fits within Cetartiodactyla, and where various fossil hoofed mammals (e.g., ?entelodonts, “?anthracotheriids” and ?mesonychians) are positioned. We scored 635 phenotypic characters (osteology, dentition, soft tissue, behavior), approximately three times the number of characters in the last major analysis of this clade, and combined these with > 40 000 molecular characters, including new data from 10 genes. The analysis supported a topology consistent with the majority of recently published molecular studies. Cetacea was the extant sister taxon of Hippopotamidae, followed successively by Ruminantia, Suina and Camelidae. Several extinct taxa were phylogenetically unstable, upsetting resolution of the strict consensus and limiting branch support, but the positions of several key fossils were consistently resolved. The wholly extinct ?Mesonychia was more closely related to Cetacea than was any “artiodactylan.”“?Anthracotheriids” were paraphyletic, and, with the exception of one species, were more closely related to Hippopotamidae than to any other living taxon. The total evidence analysis overturned a highly nested position for Moschus supported by molecular data alone. The character partition that could be scored for the fossil taxa (osteological and dental characters) included more informative characters than most molecular partitions in our analysis, and had the fewest missing data. The osteological–dental data alone, however, did not support inclusion of cetaceans within crown “Artiodactyla.” Recently discovered ankle bones from fossil whales reinforced the monophyly of Cetartiodactyla but provided no particular evidence of derived similarities between hippopotamids and fossil cetaceans that were not shared with other “artiodactylans”. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

Using matK and rbcL sequences (3,269 bp in total) from 113 genera of 45 families, we conducted a combined analysis to contribute to the understanding of major evolutionary relationships in the monocotyledons. Trees resulting from the parsimony analysis are similar to those generated by earlier single or multiple gene analyses, but their strict consensus tree provides much better resolution of relationships among major clades. We find that Acorus (Acorales) is a sister group to the rest of the monocots, which receives 100% bootstrap support. A clade comprising Alismatales is diverged as the next branch, followed successively by Petrosaviaceae, the Dioscoreales–Pandanales clade, Liliales, Asparagales and commelinoids. All of these clades are strongly supported (with more than 90% bootstrap support). The sister-group relationship is also strongly supported between Alismatales and the remaining monocots (except for Acorus) (100%), between Petrosaviaceae and the remaining monocots (except for Acorus and Alismatales) (100%), between the clade comprising Dioscoreales and Pandanales and the clade comprising Liliales, Asparagales and commelinoids (87%), and between Liliales and the Asparagales–commelinoids clade (89%). Only the sister-group relationship between Asparagales and commelinoids is weakly supported (68%). Results also support the inclusion of Petrosaviaceae in its own order Petrosaviales, Nartheciaceae in Dioscoreales and Hanguanaceae in Commelinales.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10265-003-0133-3  相似文献   

A 328-bp sequence from exon 1 of the gene for aquaporin-2 (AQP2) was compared in 12 mammalian species, representing as many eutherian orders. This sequence encodes the N-terminal half of this kidney- specific water channel protein. Most amino acid replacements, as well as an insertion, have occurred in extracellular loops connecting the transmembrane helices, in agreement with a lower functional importance of these loops. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with parsimony, distance, and maximum-likelihood methods. The AQP2 data set, alone as well as in combination with previously published alpha A-crystallin protein sequences, strongly supports a clade consisting of elephant, hyrax, aardvark, and elephant shrew, reaching bootstrap values of 99%. This finding fully agrees with the only other presently available sequence data sets that include these taxa, those of von Willebrand factor and interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, and suggests that this extended paenungulate clade is one of the most conspicuous superordinal groupings in eutherian phylogeny. Some support was obtained for an artiodactyl/perissodactyl clade, while the grouping of pholidotes with edentates was contradicted.   相似文献   

The remarkable antiquity, diversity, and significance in the ecology and evolution of Cetartiodactyla have inspired numerous attempts to resolve their phylogenetic relationships. However, previous analyses based on limited samples of nuclear genes or mitochondrial DNA sequences have generated results that were either inconsistent with one another, weakly supported, or highly sensitive to analytical conditions. Here, we present strongly supported results based upon over 1.4 Mb of an aligned DNA sequence matrix from 110 single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes of 21 Cetartiodactyla species, which represent major Cetartiodactyla lineages, and three species of Perissodactyla and Carnivora as outgroups. Phylogenetic analysis of this newly developed genomic sequence data using a codon-based model and recently developed models of the rate autocorrelation resolved the phylogenetic relationships of the major cetartiodactylan lineages and of those lineages with a high degree of confidence. Cetacea was found to nest within Artiodactyla as the sister group of Hippopotamidae, and Tylopoda was corroborated as the sole base clade of Cetartiodactyla. Within Cetacea, the monophyletic status of Odontoceti relative to Mysticeti, the basal position of Physeteroidea in Odontoceti, the non-monophyly of the river dolphins, and the sister relationship between Delphinidae and Monodontidae + Phocoenidae were strongly supported. In particular, the groups of Tursiops (bottlenose dolphins) and Stenella (spotted dolphins) were validated as unnatural groups. Additionally, a very narrow time frame of ∼3 My (million years) was found for the rapid diversification of delphinids in the late Miocene, which made it difficult to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within the Delphinidae, especially for previous studies with limited data sets. The present study provides a statistically well-supported phylogenetic framework of Cetartiodactyla, which represents an important step toward ending some of the often-heated, century-long debate on their evolution.  相似文献   

We concatenated sequences for four mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, tRNA valine, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b) and four nuclear genes [aquaporin, alpha 2B adrenergic receptor (A2AB), interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP), von Willebrand factor (vWF)] into a multigene data set representing 11 eutherian orders (Artiodactyla, Hyracoidea, Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Macroscelidea, Perissodactyla, Primates, Proboscidea, Rodentia, Sirenia, Tubulidentata). Within this data set, we recognized nine mitochondrial partitions (both stems and loops, for each of 12S rRNA, tRNA valine, and 16S rRNA; and first, second, and third codon positions of cytochrome b) and 12 nuclear partitions (first, second, and third codon positions, respectively, of each of the four nuclear genes). Four of the 21 partitions (third positions of cytochrome b, A2AB, IRBP, and vWF) showed significant heterogeneity in base composition across taxa. Phylogenetic analyses (parsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood) based on sequences for all 21 partitions provide 99-100% bootstrap support for Afrotheria and Paenungulata. With the elimination of the four partitions exhibiting heterogeneity in base composition, there is also high bootstrap support (89-100%) for cow + horse. Statistical tests reject Altungulata, Anagalida, and Ungulata. Data set heterogeneity between mitochondrial and nuclear genes is most evident when all partitions are included in the phylogenetic analyses. Mitochondrial-gene trees associate cow with horse, whereas nuclear-gene trees associate cow with hedgehog and these two with horse. However, after eliminating third positions of A2AB, IRBP, and vWF, nuclear data agree with mitochondrial data in supporting cow + horse. Nuclear genes provide stronger support for both Afrotheria and Paenungulata. Removal of third positions of cytochrome b results in improved performance for the mitochondrial genes in recovering these clades.  相似文献   



Integration of diverse data (molecules, fossils) provides the most robust test of the phylogeny of cetaceans. Positioning key fossils is critical for reconstructing the character change from life on land to life in the water.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We reexamine relationships of critical extinct taxa that impact our understanding of the origin of Cetacea. We do this in the context of the largest total evidence analysis of morphological and molecular information for Artiodactyla (661 phenotypic characters and 46,587 molecular characters, coded for 33 extant and 48 extinct taxa). We score morphological data for Carnivoramorpha, †Creodonta, Lipotyphla, and the †raoellid artiodactylan †Indohyus and concentrate on determining which fossils are positioned along stem lineages to major artiodactylan crown clades. Shortest trees place Cetacea within Artiodactyla and close to †Indohyus, with †Mesonychia outside of Artiodactyla. The relationships of †Mesonychia and †Indohyus are highly unstable, however - in trees only two steps longer than minimum length, †Mesonychia falls inside Artiodactyla and displaces †Indohyus from a position close to Cetacea. Trees based only on data that fossilize continue to show the classic arrangement of relationships within Artiodactyla with Cetacea grouping outside the clade, a signal incongruent with the molecular data that dominate the total evidence result.


Integration of new fossil material of †Indohyus impacts placement of another extinct clade †Mesonychia, pushing it much farther down the tree. The phylogenetic position of †Indohyus suggests that the cetacean stem lineage included herbivorous and carnivorous aquatic species. We also conclude that extinct members of Cetancodonta (whales + hippopotamids) shared a derived ability to hear underwater sounds, even though several cetancodontans lack a pachyostotic auditory bulla. We revise the taxonomy of living and extinct artiodactylans and propose explicit node and stem-based definitions for the ingroup.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the African lungfish (Protopterus dolloi) and the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) with respect to tetrapods were analyzed using complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences. A lungfish + coelancanth clade was favored by maximum parsimony (although this result is dependent on which transition:transversion weights are applied), and a lungfish + tetrapod clade was supported by neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood analyses. These two hypotheses received the strongest statistical and bootstrap support to the exclusion of the third alternative, the coelacanth + tetrapod sister group relationship. All mitochondrial protein coding genes combined favor a lungfish + tetrapod grouping. We can confidently reject the hypothesis that the coelacanth is the closest living relative of tetrapods. When the complete mitochondrial sequence data were combined with nuclear 28S rRNA gene data, a lungfish + coelacanth clade was supported by maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood, but a lungfish + tetrapod clade was favored by neighbor-joining. The seeming conflicting results based on different data sets and phylogenetic methods were typically not statistically strongly supported based on Kishino-Hasegawa and Templeton tests, although they were often supported by strong bootstrap values. Differences in rate of evolution of the different mitochondrial genes (slowly evolving genes such as the cytochrome oxidase and tRNA genes favored a lungfish + coelacanth clade, whereas genes of relatively faster substitution rate, such as several NADH dehydrogenase genes, supported a lungfish + tetrapod grouping), as well as the rapid radiation of the lineages back in the Devonian, rather than base compositional biases among taxa seem to be directly responsible for the remaining uncertainty in accepting one of the two alternate hypotheses.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences, each spanning approximately 7 kb of the contiguous gamma1 and gamma2 globin genomic loci, were determined for seven species representing all extant genera (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles, and Alouatta) of the New World monkey subfamily Atelinae. After aligning these seven ateline sequences with outgroup sequences from several other primate (non-ateline) genera, they were analyzed by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining algorithms. All three analyzes estimated the same phylogenetic relationships: [Alouatta [Ateles (Brachyteles, Lagothrix)]]. Brachyteles and Lagothrix are sister-groups supported by 100% of bootstrap replications in the parsimony analyses. Ateles joins this clade, followed by the basal genus Alouatta; these joinings were strongly supported, again with 100% bootstrap values. This cladistic pattern for the four ateline genera is congruent with that obtained in previous studies utilizing epsilon-globin, IRBP, and G6PD nuclear genomic sequences as well as mitochondrial COII sequences. Because the number of aligned nucleotide positions is much larger in the present datasetoff than in any of these other datasets, much stronger support was obtained for the cladistic classification that divides subfamily Atelinae into tribes Alouattini (Alouatta) and Atelini, while the latter divides into subtribes Atelina (Ateles) and Brachytelina (Brachyteles and Lagothrix).  相似文献   

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