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A transposable element, Flipper, was isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. The element was identified as an insertion sequence within the coding region of the nitrate reductase gene. The Flipper sequence is 1842 bp long with perfect inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) of 48 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 533 amino acids, potentially encoding for a transposase; the element is flanked by the dinucleotide TA. The encoded protein is very similar to the putative transposases of three elements from other phytopathogenic fungi, Fot1 from Fusarium oxysporum, and Pot2 and MGR586 from Magnaporthe grisea. The number of Flipper elements in strains of B. cinerea varied from 0 to 20 copies per genome. Analysis of the descendants of one cross showed that the segregation ratio of Flipper elements was 2:2 and that the copies were not linked. Received: 4 December 1996 / Accepted: 21 January 1997  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the metabolite phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate (PRPP) is required for purine, pyrimidine, tryptophan and histidine biosynthesis. Enzymes that can synthesize PRPP can be encoded by at least four genes. We have studied 5-phospho-ribosyl-1(α)-pyrophosphate synthetases (PRS) genetically and biochemically. Each of the four genes, all of which are transcribed, has been disrupted in haploid yeast strains of each mating type and although all disruptants are able to grow on complete medium, differences in growth rate and enzyme activity suggest that disruption of PRS1 or PRS3 has a significant effect on cell metabolism, whereas disruption of PRS2 or PRS4 has little measurable effect. Using Western blot analysis with antisera raised against peptides derived from the non-homology region (NHR) and the N-terminal half of the PRS1 gene product it has been shown that the NHR is not removed by protein splicing. However, the fact that disruption of this gene causes the most dramatic decrease in cell growth rate and enzyme activity suggests that Prs1p may have a key structural or regulatory role in the production of PRPP in the cell. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   

We have detected seventy-six novel LTR retrotransposons in the genome of the mosquito Aedes aegypti by a genome wide analysis using the LTR_STRUC program. We have performed a phylogenetic classification of these novel elements and a distribution analysis in the genome of A. aegypti. These mobile elements belong either to the Ty3/gypsy or to the Bel family of retrotransposons and were not annotated in the mosquito LTR retrotransposon database (TEfam). We have found that  1.8% of the genome is occupied by these newly detected retrotransposons that are distributed predominantly in intergenic genomic sequences and introns. The potential role of retrotransposon insertions linked to host genes is described and discussed. We show that a retrotransposon family belonging to the Osvaldo lineage has peculiar structural features, and its presence is likely to be restricted to the A. aegypti and to the Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus genomes. Furthermore we show that the ninja-like group of elements lacks the Primer Binding Site (PBS) sequence necessary for the replication of retrotransposons. These results integrate the knowledge on the complicate genomic structure of an important disease vector.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gene Terminal Flower 1 (TFL1) controls inflorescence meristem identity. A terminal flower (tfl1) mutant, which develops a terminal flower at the apex of the inflorescence, was induced by transformation with T-DNA. Using a plant DNA fragment flanking the integrated T-DNA as a probe, a clone was selected from a wild-type genomic library. Comparative sequence analysis of this clone with an EST clone (129D7T7) suggested the existence of a gene encoding a protein similar to that encoded by the cen gene which controls inflorescence meristem identity in Antirrhinum. Nucleotide sequences of the region homologous to this putative TFL1 gene were compared between five chemically induced tfl1 mutants and their parental wild-type ecotypes. Every mutant was found to have a nucleotide substitution which could be responsible for the tfl1 phenotype. This result confirmed that the cloned gene is TFL1 itself. In our tfl1 mutant, no nucleotide substitution was found in the transcribed region of the gene, and the T-DNA-insertion site was located at 458 bp downstream of the putative polyadenylation signal, suggesting that an element important for expression of the TFL1 gene exists in this area. Received: 14 November 1996 / Accepted: 29 November 1996  相似文献   

In the meiotic prophase nucleus of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, chromosomes are arranged in an oriented manner: telomeres cluster in close proximity to the spindle pole body (SPB), while centromeres form another cluster at some distance from the SPB. We have isolated a mutant, kms1, in which the structure of the meiotic prophase nucleus appears to be distorted. Using specific probes to localize the SPB and telomeres, multiple signals were observed in the mutant nuclei, in contrast to the case in wild-type. Genetic analysis showed that in the mutant, meiotic recombination frequency was reduced to about one-quarter of the wild-type level and meiotic segregation was impaired. This phenotype strongly suggests that the telomere-led rearrangement of chromosomal distribution that normally occurs in the fission yeast meiotic nucleus is an important prerequisite for the efficient pairing of homologous chromosomes. The kms1 mutant was also impaired in karyogamy, suggesting that the kms1 + gene is involved in SPB function. However, the kms1 + gene is dispensable for mitotic growth. The predicted amino acid sequence of the gene product shows no significant similarity to known proteins. Received: 5 September 1996 / Accepted: 21 November 1996  相似文献   

A strain of Schizosaccharomyces pombe carrying a disrupted Na+/H+ antiporter gene (sod2::sup3-5), in addition to the common auxotrophic mutations, ade6-216, ura4-D18 and leu1-32, is highly sensitive to media adjusted to pH 6.9. Reversion analysis of this strain yielded a group of revertants capable of growth at pH 6.9. Two of the revertants elongated and failed to form colonies at pH 3.5. Genetic characterization of one of the pH-sensitive elongated strains, J227, showed the presence of two independently segregating mutations. One, pub1 ( protein ubiquitin ligase 1), has recently been reported as an E3 protein ubiquitin ligase involved in cdc25 turnover. The second has been named elp3-1 (elongated at low pH). Genetic dissection of the original strain revealed that poor growth at high pH was due to the presence of the auxotrophic markers, suggesting a possible inhibitory effect of high pH on the function of permeases responsible for uptake of the necessary nutrients. Suppression of the high pH sensitivity required the presence of both the pub1-1 and elp3-1 mutations. While the pub1-1 mutation reduced the capacity of cells to tolerate relatively moderate concentrations of LiCl (3 mM) in liquid culture, it was capable of partially suppressing the extreme Li+ sensitivity caused by the sod2 disruption. Under these conditions, the growth of pub1-1 sod2::ura4 double mutant cells was improved over that of either pub1-1 or sod2::ura4 cells. The elp3-1 mutation had no effect on the Li+ tolerance in either wild-type or sod2::ura4 backgrounds. pub1-1 cells are elongated and incapable of colony formation at pH 3.5. In contrast, elp3-1 cells are elongated at pH 3.5 and pH␣5.5 (the normal pH of minimal medium) but can form colonies under both conditions. J227 cells are significantly longer than either single mutant at pH 3.5 and do not form colonies but are visually similar to elp3-1 cells at pH 5.5. Complementation cloning in the J227 background yielded a genomic clone of pub1, allowing us to define the intron-exon structure of the gene. Sequences with high homology to the predicted amino acid sequence of pub1 have been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (RSP5/NPI1), human (hRPF1), mouse (mNedd4), and rat (rNedd4). Based on the nature of our mutant selection, the pH-sensitive phenotype of the strains selected, and the known involvement of RSP5/NPI1 in membrane permease turnover in S. cerevisiae, we hypothesize a role for pub1, either directly or indirectly, in regulating membrane transport processes. This is further supported by the broad range of effects that the pub1-1 mutation exerts on overall performance of cells at high and low external pH, and in the presence of toxic levels of Li+. Received: 12 September 1996 / Accepted: 19 December 1996  相似文献   

The organization of the actin cytoskeleton plays an integral role in cell morphogenesis of all eukaryotes. We have isolated a temperature-sensitive mutant in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, wat1-1, in which acting patches are delocalized, resulting in an elliptically shaped cell phenotype. Molecular cloning and DNA sequencing of wat1 + showed that the gene encodes a 314 residue protein containing WD-40 repeats. Cells lacking wat1 + are slow growing but viable at 25° C and temperature-sensitive for growth above 33° C. At restrictive temperature, wat1-d strains are phenotypically indistinguishable from wat1-1. When combined with a deletion for the wat1 + gene, cdc mutants failed to elongate at restrictive temperature and exhibited alterations in actin patch localization. This analysis suggests that wat1 + is required directly or indirectly for polarized cell growth in S. pombe. Wat1p and a functional, epitope-tagged, version of Wat1p can be overproduced without inducing alterations in cell morphology. Received: 18 September 1996 / Accepted: 22 October 1996  相似文献   

We report here the presence of cytoplasmic DNA arranged in networks in the trophozoites of the human parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Cytoplasmic DNA was detected in live trophozoites in a structure that we called EhkO, using the fluorescent dye acridine orange, and by in situ hybridization to trophozoites with a rDNA probe. The EhkO was found in the axenically grown clones A, L6 (strain HM1:IMSS) and MAVax (strain MAV) and in the polyxenically grown clone MAVpx (strain MAV). Bacteria present in MAVpx did not cross hybridize with the DNA probe neither in in situ hybridization or in Southern blot experiments. Autoradiography of metabolically [3H]thymidine-labeled trophozoites showed the presence of EhkO, and an EhkO-enriched fraction, purified from a nuclei-free extract and examined by light microscopy, exhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation into this structure. DNA was purified from the EhkO and enriched nuclear fractions and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. The EhkO fraction contained DNA networks resembling those of trypanosome kDNA, whereas nuclear DNA was present mainly as linear molecules and some circles. Our findings imply that E. histolytica may be taxonomically more closely related to the Trypanosomatidae than previously suspected. Received: 7 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Plasmid-based transposition assays were performed in developing embryos of the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina and the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni, using the mariner transposable element from Drosophila mauritiana. Transposition products were recovered that were identical in structure to those recovered from D. melanogaster. Only sequences delimited by the mariner terminal repeats were transposed and all insertions occurred at TA residues, and duplicated these. These are the hallmarks of mariner transpositions observed in the chromosomes of D. melanogaster and D. mauritiana, indicating that the plasmid-based assays are accurate indicators of mariner transposition activity. The recovery of precise transposition products from L. cuprina and B. tryoni demonstrates that mariner should be capable of producing germline transformants in these species. The results obtained from these assays suggests that they will be extremely useful in determining if mariner can transpose in other non-drosophilid insects and for investigating factors that might affect mariner transposition frequency. Received: 2 May 1996 / Accepted: 24 September 1996  相似文献   

A number of DNA damage-inducible genes (DIN) have been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the present study we describe isolation of a novel gene, Din7, the expression of which is induced by exposure of cells to UV light, MMS (methyl methanesulfonate) or HU (hydoxyurea). The DNA sequence of DIN7 was determined. By comparison of the predicted Din7 amino acid sequence with those in databases we found that it belongs to a family of proteins which includes S. cerevisiae Rad2 and its Schizosaccharomyces pombe and human homologs Rad13 and XPGC; S. cerevisiae Rad27 and its S. pombe homolog Rad2, and S. pombe Exo I. All these proteins are endowed with DNA nuclease activity and are known to play an important function in DNA repair. The strongest homology to Din7 was found with the Dhs1 protein of S.␣cerevisiae, the function of which is essentially unknown. The expression of the DIN7 gene was studied in detail using a DIN7-lacZ fusion integrated into a chromosome. We show that the expression level of DIN7 rises during meiosis at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. No inducibility of DIN7 was found after treatment with DNA-damaging agents of cells bearing the rad53-21 mutation. Surprisingly, a high basal level of DIN7 expression was found in strains in which the DUN1 gene was inactivated by transposon insertion. We suggest that a form of Dun1 may be a negative regulator of the DIN7 gene expression. Received: 30 May 1996 / Accepted: 26 September 1996  相似文献   

 Low-temperature (LT) induced genes of the Wcs120 family in wheat (Triticum aestivum) were mapped to specific chromosome arms using Western and Southern blot analysis on the ditelocentric series in the cultivar Chinese Spring (CS). Identified genes were located on the long arms of the homoeologous group 6 chromosomes of all 3 genomes (A, B, and D) of hexaploid wheat. Related species carrying either the A, D, or AB genomes were also examined using Southern and Western analysis with the Wcs120 probe and the WCS120 antibody. All closely related species carrying one or more of the genomes of hexaploid wheat produced a 50 kDa protein that was identified by the antibody, and a Wcs120 homoeologue was detected by Southern analysis in all species. In the absence of chromosome arm 6DL in hexaploid CS wheat no 50 kDa protein was produced and the high-intensity Wcs120 band was missing, indicating 6DL as the location of Wcs120 but suggesting silencing of the Wcs120 homoeologue in the A genome. Levels of proteins that cross-reacted with the Wcs120 antibody and degrees of cold tolerance were also investigated in the Chinese Spring/Cheyenne (CS/CNN) chromosome substitution series. CNN chromosome 5A increased the cold tolerance of CS wheat. Densitometry scanning of Western blots to determine protein levels showed that the group 5 chromosome 5A had a regulatory effect on the expression of the Wcs120 gene family located on the group 6 chromosomes of all three hexaploid wheat genomes. Received: 10 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

The gene cluster (ery) governing the biosynthesis of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin A by Saccharopolyspora erythraea contains, in addition to the eryA genes encoding the polyketide synthase, two regions containing genes for later steps in the pathway. The region 5′ of eryA that lies between the known genes ermE (encoding the erythromycin resistance methyltransferase) and eryBIII (encoding a putative S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase), and that contains the gene eryBI (orf2), has now been sequenced. The inferred product of the eryBI gene shows striking sequence similarity to authentic β-glucosidases. Specific mutants were created in eryBI, and the resulting strains were found to synthesise erythromycin A, showing that this gene, despite its position in the biosynthetic gene cluster, is not essential for erythromycin biosynthesis. A␣mutant in eryBIII and a double mutant in eryBI and eryBIII were obtained and the analysis of novel erythromycins produced by these strains confirmed the proposed function of EryBIII as a C-methyltransferase. Also, a chromosomal mutant was constructed for the previously sequenced ORF19 and shown to accumulate erythronolide B, as expected for an eryB mutant and consistent with its proposed role as an epimerase in dTDP-mycarose biosynthesis. Received: 13 August 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

The Drosophila vitelline membrane protein gene VM32E is expressed according to a precise temporal and spatial program in the follicle cells. Results from germ line transformation experiments using different fragments of the −465/−39 VM32E region fused to the hsp/lacZ reporter gene revealed that the region −348/−39 is sufficient to confer the wild-type expression pattern. Within this segment, distinct cis-regulatory elements control VM32E expression in ventral and dorsal follicle cells. The region between −135/−113 is essential for expression of the VM32E gene in the ventral columnar follicle cells. Expression in the dorsal domain requires the two regions −348/−254 and −118/−39. Furthermore, the region −253/−119 appears to contain a negative element that represses gene activity in anterior centripetal cells. We suggest that the expression of the VM32E gene throughout the follicular epithelium is controlled by specific cis-regulatory elements acting in distinct spatial domains and following a precise developmental program. Received: 22 October 1996 / Accepted: 14 November 1996  相似文献   

Using AnCP (Aspergillus nidulans CCAAT-binding protein) as a CCAAT-specific binding factor model, the possibility that one factor is able to recognize CCAAT sequences in several different genes in A.␣nidulans was examined. DNase I protection analysis showed that AnCP specifically bound to CCAAT sequence-containing regions comprising 21 to 36 bp of the taa, amdS and gatA genes. Furthermore, replacement of the CCAAT sequence with CGTAA was found to abolish the binding of AnCP and to have an inhibitory effect on taa promoter activity. This clearly demonstrates a positive function of the CCAAT element. However, amylase was induced by starch and repressed by glucose in a CCAAT-box disruptant, as in wild-type cells. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

We have characterized the only mutation detected so far in S-Pcf, the mitochondrial cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)-specific locus of petunia. This locus consists of three open reading frames (ORFs): the first contains part of atp9, an intron-less cox2 pseudogene (which does not contain the original cox2 ATG) and the unidentified reading frame urf-s; the second and third ORFs correspond to the only copies of nad3 and rps12 genes in the genome, respectively. In the cell line R13-138, which was generated from a male-sterile somatic hybrid (line SH13-138), a change in the first ORF of the S-Pcf locus has been characterized: the atp9 sequence has been lost, while exon1 of the normal copy of the cox2 gene (including the original ATG sequence) and the adjacent 5′ sequence of the petunia recombination repeat, have been introduced. The data suggest that this reorganization of mtDNA is the consequence of a homologous recombination event involving part of the cox2 coding region, and that the cox2 coding region may serve as an active site for inter- or intra-mtDNA homologous recombination. The results further suggest that in line SH13-138 (or during its maintenance in tissue culture), segregation of the S-Pcf-containing mtDNA molecules has occurred, and the mutant mtDNA is now predominant in the population. Received: 9 September 1996 / Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   

We have followed the transmission of Ophiostoma ulmis.l. chromosome length polymorphisms (CLPs) into the F2 generation to determine the reproducibility of a genome rearrangement culminating in the conversion of a 1.0 Mb chromosome into a 800 kb chromosome. The 1.0 Mb chromosome in strain CESS16K is thus far unique among O. ulmi s.l. wild-type strains, as no other wild-type strains have been observed with chromosomes smaller than 2.3 Mb. It has been previously shown that the 1.0 Mb chromosome is mitotically stable, carries at least one normally expressed gene, and is transmitted through meiosis. In this study, a series of crosses were performed to further elucidate the pattern of inheritance of the 1.0 Mb chromosome and the process of conversion of the 1.0 Mb species to 800 kb. In crosses where the 1.0 Mb chromosome was allowed to pair with itself or with the 800 kb chromosome, all progeny inherited a copy of the 1.0 Mb or 800 kb form, further demonstrating the A-type nature of these small chromosomes. When a cross was repeated between the strains CESS16K (1.0 Mb chromosome) and FG245Br-O (no 1.0 Mb or 800 kb chromosome), the occurrence of a 800 kb chromosome was observed in 9% of the progeny. A reciprocal cross between an 800 kb strain and a strain with no 800 kb or 1.0 Mb chromosome was conducted, and a progeny strain containing a 1.0 Mb chromosome was recovered. The reproducibility and reciprocality of the 1.0 Mb to 800 kb chromosome conversion demonstrates that meiotic processes are responsible for this CLP, and that O. ulmi s.l. strains with various divergent genome architectures can remain sexually compatible. Received: 6 February 1996 / Accepted: 21 January 1997  相似文献   

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