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We established the presence of Eucinostomus at the Río de la Plata Estuary (36°17′74′′S–56°46′68′′W). The report is based on specimen of 191.6 mm. total length, captured in shallow, warm and brackish water with sandy bottom. This is southernmost record for the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, and appears related with an event of low discharge of the Río de la Plata.  相似文献   

A new species, Halichrysis corallinarius sp. nov. is described from coral reef habitats in southwest Puerto Rico as well as from Grand Cayman Island. The new species produces strap‐shaped thalli supported above the substrata by abundant peg‐like stipes. The lobed branches are frequently anastomosed with colonies measuring to 4.0 cm broad with individual axes measuring to 7.0 mm across. Algae possess up to five layers of medullary cells with frequent open spaces in the medulla. Tetrasporangia, measure to 19 × 25 μm, and are borne in sori limited to ventral surfaces. Gametophytes are monoecious and hemispherical carposporophytes are produced dorsally, measuring to 900 μm in diameter and 600 μm high.  相似文献   

Locally acquired dengue cases in the continental U.S. are rare. However, outbreaks of dengue‐1 during 2009, 2010, and 2013 in Florida and dengue‐1 and −2 in Texas suggest vulnerability to transmission. Travel and commerce between Puerto Rico and the U.S. mainland is common, which may pose a risk for traveler‐imported dengue cases. Mosquitoes were collected in Florida and used to evaluate their susceptibility to dengue viruses (DENV) from Puerto Rico. Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus were susceptible to virus infection with DENV‐1 and −2. No significant differences were observed in rates of midgut infection or dissemination between Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus for DENV‐1 (6–14%). Aedes aegypti was significantly more susceptible to midgut infection with DENV‐2 than Ae. albopictus (Ae. aegypti, ∼28%; Ae. albopictus, ∼9%). The dissemination rate with dengue‐2 virus for Ae. aegypti (23%) was greater than Ae. albopictus (0%), suggesting that Ae. albopictus is not likely to be an important transmitter of the DENV‐2 isolate from Puerto Rico. These results are discussed in light of Florida's vulnerability to DENV transmission.  相似文献   

A new species,Lepanthes caritensis, is described and illustrated. There are now nine species ofLepanthes known to occur in Puerto Rico. Plant habitat and floral morphology ofL. caritensis is most similar to that ofL. sanguinea. A survey of the area where the new species is located suggests that it is rare and should be protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Una especic nueva,Lepanthes caritensis, es descrita e ilustrada para Puerto Rico. Con ésta hay ahora nueve especies deLepanthes en Puerto Rico. El hábito de la planta y la morfología de la flor deL. caritensis es más similar aL. sanguinea. Un muestreo del área donde se encuentra la nueva especie sugiere que ésta es rara y que debería ser protegida por el Federal Endangered Species Act.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies were performed on specimens of Atherinella brasiliensis from Laranjeiras Bay (Paraná State, Brazil). All specimens had a diploid number of 48 chromosomes, with a karyotype constituted by 4m+14sm+18st+12a and fundamental number of 84. The C-positive heterochromatin was distributed over the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in the centromeric regions and on short arms of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Most of this heterochromatin was AT-rich, except in the NORs, which were rich in GC, as detected by double staining with chromomycin A3/4'-6-diamin-2-phenylindole. Single NORs were located at terminal positions of a submetacentric pair, as confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization with 18S rDNA probes. Both techniques showed a size heteromorphism between the homologous chromosomes. The 5S rDNA clusters were located in terminal positions on two chromosomal pairs and also displayed a size heteromorphism. Despite the conserved diploid number, the data on the karyotype microstructure help characterize the cytogenetic profile of this group.  相似文献   

Kudoa monodactyli n. sp. is described from the somatic musculature of Monodactylus argenteus from several localities in southern Queensland, Australia. This is the first record of a myxozoan parasite from the family Monodactylidae. The spores typically have five polar capsules, making this species similar to the four other five-valved Kudoa species (K. neurophila, K. muscularis, K. shulmani, K. cutanea) that have been described to date. However, morphometric measurements particularly of spore length and width make the species from M. argenteus distinct from the other species. Comparison of the small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence of this species with its congeners for which sequence data are available, provides further evidence of novelty. Kudoa monodactyli n. sp. displays 38 (of 1,554) nucleotide differences compared with rDNA sequence of Kudoa neurophila, which on phylogenetic analysis places these species in clades exclusive of each other. Phylogenetic analyses also provide evidence that the number of valves per spore in this genus is an imperfect indicator of relatedness.  相似文献   

Eggs of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) were routinely monitored in citrus groves at ten locations in Florida during 1997 and 1998 to study egg parasitism. One citrus location was studied in Puerto Rico. No native parasitoids were recovered from 1,337 D. abbreviatus egg masses studied in Florida citrus. In contrast, an average of 35.5% (range 12.5 to 68.8%) parasitism of egg masses was reported in Puerto Rico. The parasitoids Aprostocetus gala, Horismenus spp, and Quadrastichus haitiensis were recovered from the eggs of D. abbreviatusfstudied in Puerto Rico. The Horismenus parasitoids were suspected hyperparasitoids. Releases of the parasitoid Ceratogramma etiennei from Guadeloupe were initiated during 1998 at each of the Florida research sites. By the end of 1998, C. etiennei had been recovered from D. abbreviatus eggs at two of nine locations in Florida citrus. The parasitoid was recovered from 1 of 34 egg masses at one of these locations during the month of September and from 3 of 34 egg masses at the other location during the month of November. Whether or not C. etiennei establishes itself at one or more locations in Florida remains to be seen.  相似文献   

The occurrence of shallow-water (0.9 to 1.3 m) rhodoliths in back reef environments in southwest Puerto Rico is reported. The rhodoliths were generally cylindrical, discoidal or irregular in shape with an average longest dimension of 7.2 cm. They occurred at a maximum density of 524 m−2. The rhodoliths were composed of mostly coral nuclei with concentric laminations of aragonite-producing Cruoriella armorica (Peyssonneliaceae, Rhodophyta). Maximum Cruoriella accretion around coral nuclei was 30 mm although accretions of 1 to 20 mm were more common. Based on measurements of Cruoriella accretion, these shallow water rhodoliths are estimated to have minimum ages of 12 to 24 years. It is further estimated that approximately 2% of the rhodoliths are turned over daily. Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

A new rhodymeniacean species, Chamaebotrys prolifera , is described from a shallow water habitat in Puerto Rico, representing the first occurrence of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean. Plants, to 5 cm across, are decumbent and comprised of compressed vesicles that are originally proliferously branched at the perimeter. Older vesicles become branched from their dorsal surfaces as well. Branches are septate at their origin and become irregularly shaped with age. Anastomoses between adjacent vesicles is common. Individual vesicles measure to 15 mm in broadest dimension. Vesicle walls consist of two layers of medullary cells and two layers of cortical cells. Tetrasporangia, which occur in diffuse nemathecia, are spherical, to 30 µm in diameter and are cut off terminally from an inner cortical cell. Cystocarps are hemispherical measuring to 800 µm in diameter and 350 µm in height. Spermatangia are apparently cut off randomly from outer cortical cells across the thallus surface. Molecular evidence confirms placement of Chamaebotrys within the Rhodymeniaceae.  相似文献   

Using cytogenetic analysis following Giemsa staining, nucleolar organizer region (NOR) staining, and C-banding, three distinct karyotypes in three species of curimatids belonging to the fish genus Potamorhina were identified: 2n = 54/44 M + 10 SM (P. pristigaster), 2n = 56/52 M + 2 SM + 2 ST (P. latior), and 2n = 102/2 M + 2 SM + 98 A (P. altamazonica). A 2n = 54 was considered to be the ancestral diploid number and the different karyotypes were probably the result of centric fissions. Both the NOR pattern and constitutive heterochromatin pattern are species specific.  相似文献   

This study aimed to define the karyotype of the recently described Iberian endemic Iberochondrostoma almacai, to revisit the previously documented chromosome polymorphisms of its sister species I.lusitanicum using C-, Ag-/CMA(3) and RE-banding, and to compare the two species genome sizes. A 2n = 50 karyotype (with the exception of a triploid I.lusitanicum specimen) and a corresponding haploid chromosome formula of 7M:15SM:3A (FN = 94) were found. Multiple NORs were observed in both species (in two submetacentric chromosome pairs, one of them clearly homologous) and a higher intra and interpopulational variability was evidenced in I.lusitanicum. Flow cytometry measurements of nuclear DNA content showed some significant differences in genome size both between and within species: the genome of I. almacai was smaller than that of I.lusitanicum (mean values 2.61 and 2.93 pg, respectively), which presented a clear interpopulational variability (mean values ranging from 2.72 to 3.00 pg). These data allowed the distinction of both taxa and confirmed the existence of two well differentiated groups within I. lusitanicum: one that includes the populations from the right bank of the Tejo and Samarra drainages, and another that reunites the southern populations. The peculiar differences between the two species, presently listed as "Critically Endangered", reinforced the importance of this study for future conservation plans.  相似文献   

Paratanais rosadi sp. n. described from Puerto Rican coastal waters represents the first species of the genus from the northwestern Atlantic. It is distinguished from the other Paratanais species by a combination of characters, including article-2 of the maxilliped palp with a geniculate, finely-serrulate seta on inner margin; chela with stiff, geniculate, seta arising from propodus between fixed finger and dactylus and with short, stout, finely serrulate, seta on inner distal face of propodus adjacent to base of dactylus; carpus of pereopods 4−6 having three, instead of four stout modified spiniform setae distally, uropodal exopod distinctly shorter than endopodal article-1; and uropodal endopod with articles of about of equal in length. A key for the separation of Paratanais species from the Atlantic Ocean is presented.  相似文献   

Plasmodia containing myxospores belonging to the genus Henneguya Thélohan, 1892 were found in the gills of Eugerres brasilianus (Cuvier, 1830). Despite the economic importance, few parasitological studies have been done with this species. We describe Henneguya lagunensis n. sp. using morphological and molecular data. The mature myxospores were rounded, measuring 29.1 ± 2.2 μm in total length, 8.2 ± 1.0 μm in body length, 7.9 ± 0.2 μm in body width, 20.7 ± 2.4 μm in tail length and 4.8 ± 1.0 μm in thickness. The polar capsules measured 3.3 ± 0.4 in length and 1.7 ± 0.3 μm in width. Polar filaments had 4–5 turns, helical. Phylogenetic analysis showed Henneguya lagunensis n. sp. as a sister species of Henneguya cynoscioni Dyková, Buron, Roumillat and Fiala, 2011, within a clade that contained mostly Henneguya species that parasitize marine fish of the order Perciformes. This is the first report of a species of Henneguya parasitizing Eugerres brasilianus.  相似文献   

Potamorhina includes the largest species in the Neotropical fish family Curimatidae. They perform long-distance migrations in large schools and represent relative importance for regional fisheries in South American lowlands. A morphology-based phylogenetic study recognized five species and proposed interspecific phylogenetic relationships mostly based on osteology, squamation, and morphology of the gasbladder. Subsequent cytogenetic studies revealed extreme variability in diploid numbers and other cytomolecular structures and hypothesized multiple events of chromosome rearrangements with centric fissions followed by reversed fusions. However, neither the taxonomic revision and phylogeny nor the cytogenetic hypothesis of chromosome evolution in Potamorhina was tested using molecular phylogenetic approaches. Here, we use mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences to delimit species of Potamorhina with an extensive sampling across the Amazon basin and use phylogenetic methods to test prior hypothesis of multiple events of chromosome rearrangements during the evolution of the genus. Phylogenetic and species delimitation methods clearly support the presence of five species but reveal novel interspecific relationships allowing a reinterpretation of the morphological characters relative to the number of vertebrae, caudal peduncle pigmentation, and modifications in the gasbladder chambers. With the new phylogenetic arrangement, we propose a novel hypothesis of occurrence of a single chromosome fission in the lineage of P. latior followed by an extraordinary event that involved more than 20 chromosome-pair fissions during the evolution of the ancestor of P. altamazonica and P. squamoralevis. This novel hypothesis represents a simpler and more conceivable explanation for the achievement of these elevated chromosome numbers during the evolution of Potamorhina.  相似文献   

Dones RA  Evans GA 《ZooKeys》2011,(108):1-10
A new species of armored scale, Mycetaspis ailynaomi Dones and Evans is described and illustrated from specimens collected on mamey (Mammea americana) from Puerto Rico. A key to the species of Mycetaspis is provided.  相似文献   

In order to investigate genomic relationships of tetraploidElymus species (all containing the SY genomes) among three morphological groups, i.e. theE. parviglumis, E. semicostatus, andE. tibeticus groups, interspecific hybridizations were carried out among representative species from the three groups. Chromosome associations at metaphase I were analysed in the interspecific hybrids, and genomic relationships of the species within and among the three groups were estimated. Hybridizations among species of the three groups were fairly easy to perform, but no general pattern for crossabilities among certain species or groups was obtained. All the hybrids were completely sterile. Meiotic pairing was moderately high, but ranges of chiasmata were observed in different hybrid combinations. There is no tendency for genomic affinities to be higher within groups than between the groups. Therefore, the meiotic data do not support the division of the SY-genome species into the three groups. However, there is a clear tendency that the differentiation of the SY genomes in the tetraploids is associated with the geographic distribution of the species.  相似文献   

From 1906 to 1933, N. L. Britton and E. G. Britton carried out 16 expeditions to Puerto Rico. They collected 10,139 numbers of phancrograms and cryptogams that resulted in 38 new species, representing over 10% of the island’s endemic flora. Their activities involved not only floristics but also studies on horticultural value of native and introduced species. The Brittons were concerned about the effects of deforestation on the island, and they were influential on the establishment of a forestry policy for the island.  相似文献   

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