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To answer the question whether flowers wave to attract pollinators, we determine: (1) the heritability of floral mobility; (2) whether wavy flowers attract more insects; (3) does the duration of pollination affect seed set; and (4) the relationship between seed set and floral mobility. The pollination ecology of Silene maritima was investigated. Flowers on stalks of different waviness were used to investigate the effect of floral movement on pollinator visits. There is heritable variation in both direct and indirect estimates of floral mobility. The highest insect total visitation times were associated with medium length thin stalks that were visited more frequently and by more insect species. Although mean individual visit durations were less than those of less mobile flowers, this was compensated for by increased visits. Observations of controlled pollinations show that when the visit times are low, so is seed set and therefore low and high mobility flowers might suffer from reduced fitness. Combining these observations provides a mechanism that could be driving stabilizing selection for flower stalk traits, with a trade-off applying between waving to attract pollinators and not being too mobile as to prevent effective pollination. Further evidence for stabilizing selection is provided by the relationship observed in the field between seed set and floral mobility where the highest levels of fitness was associated with intermediate levels of floral waving.  相似文献   

Flowers of many plant species are visited by both birds and insects, making it necessary to establish their relative contributions to seed set. In Protea, available evidence points to an overwhelming preponderance of bird-pollination systems in the genus, but the scented flowers of several dwarf grassland “sugarbush” species suggest that some Protea species may be adapted for insect pollination. In this study, we used both selective exclusion of vertebrates and complete exclusion of all visitors to investigate whether the insects that visit the scented flowerheads of three Protea species (Protea dracomontana, Protea simplex and Protea welwitschii) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa contribute to seed production. We also performed supplemental hand pollinations to test for pollen limitation. Seed set was generally higher in inflorescences subjected to vertebrate exclusion than in those from which all visitors were excluded, suggesting that fertile cross-pollen was deposited by insects, but these differences were slight because of high levels of self-fertilization in the study species. Pollen deposition and pollen tube growth were similar for vertebrate-excluded and open-pollinated inflorescences. Supplemental hand-pollination treatments revealed that seed set in P. simplex and P. welwitschii was not pollen-limited. Overall seed set was low, typical of the family Proteaceae, and infructescences were highly predated by lepidopteran larvae. We conclude that insects are likely to contribute to seed set of the study species, but further studies using molecular markers are required to establish the actual level of insect-mediated outcrossing.  相似文献   

Bilie L. Turner 《Brittonia》1986,38(2):123-127
Three new species ofPhacelia from Nuevo León, Mexico are described and illustrated. Two of these,P. hintoniorum andP. potosina, belong to theCrenulata group; the former, with included anthers, relates toP. coerulea; the latter, with exserted anthers, relates toP. alba orP. coulteri. The remaining novelty,P. zaragozana, belongs to the subgenusCosmanthus where its closest relationship is withP. laxa.  相似文献   

Sperm trading can be a mechanism to solve the conflict oversex roles in hermaphrodites with copulation, sperm competition,and sperm digestion. If present, sperm donation depends on spermreceipt, resulting in conditional reciprocal inseminations.Conditional reciprocity can involve three traded commodities:penis intromissions on a yes-or-no basis, intromission durations(indicating ejaculate size), or sperm transfer. If present,animals that refuse to donate (cheaters) should be desertedby their partner or receive smaller ejaculates. We tested whetherany of these commodities is traded in the simultaneously hermaphroditicsea slug, Chelidonura sandrana. Matings involve a stereotypicsingle sex role alternation. As a result, reciprocity was morefrequent than expected under random mating, supporting tradingof penis intromissions. Contrary to the predictions under tradingof ejaculate sizes, intromission durations were not balancedbetween mating partners. To test trading of sperm transfer itself,we interrupted the sperm groove that transports sperm into thepenis during copulation. Treated animals (experimental cheaters)could still copulate normally but could not transfer sperm.When paired to a cheater, sham-treated control animals did notrespond to the absence of sperm receipt, neither by desertionnor by shortening intromission. We thus reject trading of inseminationdurations and sperm transfer in C. sandrana. Although tradingof intromissions may be present, we discuss why reciprocityin this species may also be a by-product of the mutual willingnessof both partners to donate as well as receive sperm, and notan indicator of sperm trading.  相似文献   

The breakdown of species integrity was studied in three sympatricSatyrium (Orchidaceae) species at a site in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Hybrids with intermediate morphology were identified using multivariate analysis.Satyrium erectum ×S. bicorne andS. erectum ×S. coriifolium hybrids were common, while only oneS. bicorne ×S. coriifolium hybrid was found (a new record). Reciprocal artificial crossing experiments confirmed that genetic compatibility exists between all three species. However, the species have different pollinators: moths inS. bicorne, bees inS. erectum and sunbirds inS. coriifolium. Pollinators, rather than genetic factors, therefore, appear to be responsible for reproductive isolation between these species. Breakdown in pollinator specificity results in interspecific pollen transfer and the formation of hybrids. Overlap in floral signals, including nocturnal scent in bothS. erectum andS. bicorne, and bright coloration in bothS. erectum andS. coriifolium, facilitates the formation of hybrids between these species pairs. The brown, scented flowers ofS. bicorne, on the other hand, share no obvious floral signals with the bright orange, unscented flowers ofS. coriifolium, accounting for the rarity of hybrids between this species pair. Differences in floral morphology also result in mechanical isolation between these two species. Since the three species are sympatric in a very small part of their geographic ranges, it is unlikely that avoidance of hybridization has been an important selective factor in the evolution of specialized pollination systems.  相似文献   

The ability to germinate under a variety of environmental conditions is essential for plant species inhabiting a wide range of altitudes and latitudes. Phacelia secunda J. F. Gmel. (Hydrophyllaceae) is a perennial herb with wide latitudinal and altitudinal distributional ranges. In the central Chilean Andes (33 °S) P. secunda can be found from 1600 m sealevel up to the vegetation limit at 3400 m. It has been suggested that seeds from populations encountering long periods with snow cover and adverse winter conditions would require longer periods of cold stratification for germination than those from populations exposed to milder winters. Given that the snow-free period decreases with elevation, seeds from high elevation populations could require longer period of cold stratification to germinate. Moreover, it has been shown that seeds from arctic and higher elevations environments are adapted to germinate better under high temperature conditions. Germination response with increasing periods of cold stratification (0–6 mo.) and under two contrasting thermoperiods (20 °/1O °C; 10 °/5 °C; 12 h day/night), were studied for 4 populations of P. secunda located at 1600, 2100, 2900 and 3400 m a.s.l. Initiation of germination required increasingly longer periods of stratification with elevation, and proportionately fewer seeds germinated for any one stratification treatment at the higher elevations. Seeds from higher elevations germinated to a higher percentage under the high than the low temperature thermoperiods. These results illustrates a significant variation in germination characteristics over a spatially short environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Plants and ants have widespread relationships that are commonly mediated by the offer of extrafloral nectar (EFN) to ants that protect plants against herbivores. However, these ant–plant interactions are highly facultative and vary in time and space, mainly depending on the characteristics of the ant species, such as density and aggressiveness. In general, the outcomes of these relationships are positive, but in some cases, the presence of ants is neutral or negative to plants. Some studies suggest that aggressive attacks or merely the presence of ants might reduce the visitation rate of insect pollinators, such as bees, to flowers. We used experimental manipulation in natural conditions to test the hypothesis that ants on flowers of EFN-bearing plants might be recognized as a danger by pollinators (bees) and reduce the plant fitness (fruit-set). Our results show that the avoidance that ant bodyguard species feeding on EFNs of the Malpighiaceae Heteropterys pteropetala cause in pollinators, is not enough to decrease plant fruit-set. However, ants were indeed identified as a danger to pollinators as hypothesized and as suggested for other plant–pollinator relationships: flowers with plastic ants placed on the petals produced significantly fewer fruits than other treatments (using instead a plastic circle) or the control (natural condition). Indirect costs of facultative mutualisms are the focus of few studies and have been performed only rarely in the Neotropics; our results show that mutualism must be considered in multitrophic interactions studies for a better understanding of the functioning of the system.  相似文献   

de Jager ML  Dreyer LL  Ellis AG 《Oecologia》2011,166(2):543-553
The co-occurrence of plant species within a community is influenced by local deterministic or neutral processes as well as historical regional processes. Floral trait distributions of co-flowering species that share pollinators may reflect the impact of pollinator preference and constancy on their assembly within local communities. While pollinator sharing may lead to increased visitation rates for species with similar flowers, the receipt of foreign pollen via interspecific pollinator movements can decrease seed set. We investigated the pattern of community flower colour assembly as perceived by native honeybee pollinators within 24 local assemblages of co-flowering Oxalis species within the Greater Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. To explore the influence of pollinators on trait assembly, we assessed the impact of colour similarity on pollinator choices and the cost of heterospecific pollen receipt. We show that flower colour is significantly clustered within Oxalis communities and that this is not due to historical constraint, as flower colour is evolutionarily labile within Oxalis and communities are randomly structured with respect to phylogeny. Pollinator observations reveal that the likelihood of pollinators switching between co-flowering species is low and increases with flower colour similarity. Interspecific hand pollination significantly reduced seed set in the four Oxalis species we investigated, and all were dependant on pollinators for reproduction. Together these results imply that flower colour similarity carries a potential fitness cost. However, pollinators were highly flower constant, and remained so despite the extreme similarity of flower colour as perceived by honeybees. This suggests that other floral traits facilitate discrimination between similarly coloured species, thereby likely resulting in a low incidence of interspecific pollen transfer (IPT). If colour similarity promotes pollinator attraction at the community level, the observed clustering of flower colour within communities might result from indirect facilitative interactions.  相似文献   

A recent sexual conflict model posits that a form of intersexual conflict may explain the persistence of males in androdioecious (males + hermaphrodites) populations of animals that are being selected to transition from dioecious (gonochoristic) mating to self‐compatible hermaphroditism. During the evolutionary spread of a self‐compatible hermaphrodite to replace females, the selective pressures on males to outcross are in conflict with the selective pressures on hermaphrodites to self. According to this model, the unresolved conflict interferes with the evolutionary trajectory from dioecy to hermaphroditism, slowing or halting that transition and strengthening the otherwise “transitory” breeding system of androdioecy into a potentially stable breeding strategy. Herein, we assess this model using two dioecious and two androdioecious clam shrimp (freshwater crustaceans) to ask two questions: (1) Have hermaphrodites evolved so that males cannot effectively recognize them?; and (2) Do androdioecious hermaphrodites avoid males? Androdioecious males made more mistakes than dioecious males when guarding potential mates suggesting that androdioecious males were less effective at finding hermaphrodites than dioecious males were at finding females. Similarly, in a three‐chambered experiment, focal hermaphrodites chose to aggregate with their same sex, whereas focal dioecious males chose to aggregate with the alternate sex. Together, these two experiments support the sexual conflict model of the maintenance of androdioecy and suggest that hermaphrodites are indeed evolving to avoid and evade males.  相似文献   

LED lighting is predicted to constitute 70% of the outdoor and residential lighting markets by 2020. While the use of LEDs promotes energy and cost savings relative to traditional lighting technologies, little is known about the effects these broad‐spectrum “white” lights will have on wildlife, human health, animal welfare, and disease transmission. We conducted field experiments to compare the relative attractiveness of four commercially available “domestic” lights, one traditional (tungsten filament) and three modern (compact fluorescent, “cool‐white” LED and “warm‐white” LED), to aerial insects, particularly Diptera. We found that LEDs attracted significantly fewer insects than other light sources, but found no significant difference in attraction between the “cool‐” and “warm‐white” LEDs. Fewer flies were attracted to LEDs than alternate light sources, including fewer Culicoides midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Use of LEDs has the potential to mitigate disturbances to wildlife and occurrences of insect‐borne diseases relative to competing lighting technologies. However, we discuss the risks associated with broad‐spectrum lighting and net increases in lighting resulting from reduced costs of LED technology.  相似文献   

Basking by ectothermic vertebrates is thought to have evolved for thermoregulation. However, another beneficial effect of sunlight exposure, specifically the ultraviolet B (UV-B) component, includes endogenous production of vitamin D(3). In the laboratory, panther chameleons exhibited a positive phototaxis to greater visible, ultraviolet A (UV-A) and UV-B light. However, with equivalent high irradiances of UV-A or UV-B, their response to UV-B was significantly greater than it was to UV-A. Exposure of in vitro skin patches of panther chameleons to high UV-B (90 microW/cm(2)) for 1 h significantly enhanced vitamin D(3) concentration. Voluntary exposure to higher UV-B irradiance (70 vs. 1 microW/cm(2)) resulted in greater circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) in female panther chameleons (604 vs. 92 ng/mL). Depending on dietary intake of vitamin D(3), chameleons adjusted their exposure time to UV-B irradiation as if regulating their endogenous production of this vital hormone. When dietary intake was low (1-3 IU/g), they exposed themselves to significantly more UV-producing light; when intake was high (9-129 IU/g), they exposed themselves to less. Vitamin D(3) photoregulation seems to be an important additional component of the function of basking.  相似文献   

To test whether nest abandonment is associated with parental health state, reproductive parameters and parental condition indices were examined in relation to brood desertion in great tits. Before desertion, pairs that abandoned their broods in the second half of the nestling period had significantly higher nestling mortality as well as lower average weight of nestlings and entire broods. Independently of brood size, female great tits that deserted their broods on average weighed 1 g (>5%) more than non-deserters. Comparison of metabolic profiles revealed that deserting females were in better nutritional condition (inclined to fat deposition) than non-deserters, which showed symptoms of postresorptive catabolic state, as indicated by a lower level of plasma triglycerides, very low density lipoproteins, and a higher level of free fatty acids and β-hydroxy-butyrate. These results suggest that desertion can be regarded as a reproductive restraint and that non-deserting females invested at least some of their maintenance resources on brood rearing. We found no evidence that desertion or non-desertion was associated with age- or disease-related differences in residual reproductive values. Male condition was not related to brood abandonment, suggesting that desertions were primarily initiated by females. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

This communication describes asymbiotic seed germination, protocorm development, micropropagation and flowering in in vitro and hardened seedlings of Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C.E.C. Fischer. Effects of four culture media viz., Murashige and Skoog (MS); Phytamax (Sigma Chemical Co. USA; PM); Mitra et al. (M) and Knudson ‘C’ (KC), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), peptone and activated charcoal were studied on seed germination and protocorm development. Maximum germination (97 %) was recorded in PM basal medium. Peptone (2.0 gl?1) remarkably enhanced germination percentage (100 %), vigorous growth, high survival and subsequent development of protocorms, while in activated charcoal the response was not encouraging. BAP improved germination percentage, however, 2,4-D showed noticeably low seed germination. The morphogenetic response of protocorms and nodal segments of in vitro raised seedlings varied depending on type of explants and concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators used. Stout root system was induced in 1/2PM + 0.5 mgl?1 IAA. Approximately 10 % of the in vitro raised plants (4–5 cm) with 3–4 leaves flowered in vitro irrespective of flowering season. The well-rooted plants showed 80 % survival under green house conditions and flowering was noticed after 5–6 months in 10 % of hardened plants.  相似文献   

We compared floral odour profiles among populations of two Arum species which show different degrees of specificity for their fly pollinators. Insects were collected from inflorescences in four populations of Arum italicum and two populations of Arum maculatum. In six Arum populations, we compared inflorescences odour profiles collected by Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) and analysed by gas chromatography. We confirmed that from a pollination point of view, A. italicum is an opportunist species, as it is mainly pollinated by insects of the families Psychodidae, Chironomidae and Sciaridae, whereas A. maculatum is a specialist species, as it is 90% pollinated by Psychodidae. In all populations, Arum italicum was less attractive to pollinators than Arum maculatum. Floral odour profiles of A. italicum were not geographically structured among populations, suggesting a high gene flow or adaptation to a fluctuant guild of pollinators. On the contrary, odour profiles of A. maculatum varied between the two populations studied suggesting a lower gene flow or adaptation to different local pollinator preferences  相似文献   

The motility of salmonid sperm is pH-sensitive and the buffering capacity of the seminal plasma is low. The objective of the present study was to determine the extent to which sperm contribute to the buffering capacity of whole steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) semen. To determine the buffering capacity, semen and seminal plasma samples were titrated with HCl and pH measurements taken at 1-2 min. The buffering capacity of semen was not different from that of seminal plasma over the pH range 7.5 to 8.5 and was approximately 15% to 20% less over the range 6.0 to 7.0. Comparable results were obtained for the semen and seminal plasma of the chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). To assess whether the intracellular environment could influence the buffering capacity, the effects of cell disruption with n-butanol and Triton X-100 (TX-100) were determined. Over the pH range 7.5 to 8.5, the presence of n-butanol or TX-100 resulted in a doubling of the buffering capacity of the semen; TX-100, but not n-butanol, increased semen buffering capacity over the pH range 6.0 to 7.0. To determine whether the sperm's intracellular compartment might contribute to the buffering capacity over a longer duration, semen and seminal plasma samples were acidified with HCl and the pH measured over several hours. These data suggest that intact sperm contribute no more than about 25% to the buffering capacity of whole semen. The buffering capacity of steelhead semen and seminal plasma were comparably and modestly temperature sensitive. The results suggest that the sperm may contribute to the buffering capacity of the semen over a physiological pH range, however, if so, the effect is relatively small.  相似文献   

Inland and transitional aquatic systems play an important role in global carbon (C) cycling. Yet, the C dynamics of wetlands and floodplains are poorly defined and field data is scarce. Air-water fluxes in the wetlands of Doñana Natural Area (SW Spain) were examined by measuring alkalinity, pH and other physiochemical parameters in a range of water bodies during 2010–2011. Areal fluxes were calculated and, using remote sensing, an estimate of the contribution of aquatic habitats to gaseous transport was derived. Semi-permanent ponds adjacent to the large Guadalquivir estuary acted as mild sinks, whilst temporal wetlands were strong sources of (−0.8 and 36.3 ). Fluxes in semi-permanent streams and ponds changed seasonally; acting as sources in spring-winter and mild sinks in autumn (16.7 and −1.2 ). Overall, Doñana''s water bodies were a net annual source of (5.2 ). Up–scaling clarified the overwhelming contribution of seasonal flooding and allochthonous organic matter inputs in determining regional air-water gaseous transport (13.1 ). Nevertheless, this estimate is about 6 times < local marsh net primary production, suggesting the system acts as an annual net sink. Initial indications suggest longer hydroperiods may favour autochthonous C capture by phytoplankton. Direct anthropogenic impacts have reduced the hydroperiod in Doñana and this maybe exacerbated by climate change (less rainfall and more evaporation), suggesting potential for the modification of C sequestration.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of rooibos tea (RT, Aspalathus linearis) on biochemical and histological parameters during rat liver regeneration after intoxication by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). From the 10th week, when the administration of CCl4 was terminated, the liver tissue began to regenerate. Seven days later in the regeneration phase, the animals treated by RT during whole period of the experiment, and those which drunk RT only during the regeneration period, exhibited a trend for decrease in the activity of alanine aminotransferase and significant decrease in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase and in total bilirubin content when compared with the water-drinking group. At the same time, the concentration of plasma albumin was elevated and that of tissue malondialdehyde decreased in the both groups drinking RT. After 42 days of regeneration, all biochemical parameters in all three groups reached the level of control healthy animals. In both groups treated with RT, the extent of fibrotic tissue was lower than in the group which received water. We conclude that RT can be recommended not only for the prevention but also as a co-adjuvant for the therapy of liver diseases.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of domestic cats to distinguish familiarity based on faecal odours. This was evaluated by comparing the sniffing duration of cats?? own, familiar, and unfamiliar faeces. We found that (1) sniffing durations differed between unfamiliar faeces and the other types of faeces, (2) sniffing durations of faeces of the same unfamiliar individuals decreased over time, and (3) sniffing durations toward unfamiliar faeces increased after change of donors. These results indicate that domestic cats can distinguish the faecal odours based on familiarity. This ability could be adaptive for domestic cats to maintain their social relationships.  相似文献   

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