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We present a simple readout device that fills the void produced by the gradual disappearance of the Vitck model 101 Electrothermia Monitor. The new device uses commercially available probes that are similar to Bowman's (IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech MTT-24:43-45, 1976) original design. As described, the device covers the range of 7 degrees to 45 degrees C with an accuracy and resolution of better than 0.1 degree C throughout. The digital readout (3 1/2 digits) is proportional to the thermistor resistance in the tip of the probe; it is converted to temperature through a formula or printed table. Outdoor dosimetric comparisons between the new and Vitek devices were conducted. Results showed no significant difference in the calculated specific absorption rates (SARs); moreover, variance was lower in the data collected from the new device.  相似文献   

When heated radiantly, head-body temperature gradients developed in both live and dead Tiliqua scincoides. The gradients were consistently larger in live than in dead individuals, indicating they were enhanced by a physiological component superimposed on the more basic physical components. Large gradients in the initial phases of heating represented a lag effect, the head core beginning to receive heat before the body core because it is closer to the heated surface. Once this lag effect subsided, the body heated more rapidly than the head because it presented a greater incident surface area per unit mass than did the head. Living lizards appeared to maintain head-body temperature differences until the maximum voluntary temperature was approached.  相似文献   

The territorial behaviour of butterflies often changes with temperature. The satyrine butterfly Lethe diana has three generations a year, and males display territorial behaviour in the May–June and September–October generations, but not in the July–August generation. This study investigated the relationship between this seasonal change in mate-locating behaviour and thermoregulation. When L. diana was able to hold a territory, thoracic temperature ranged from 23.8 to 33.6°C. This temperature was mainly influenced by environmental temperature based on air temperature, solar radiation, and wind, and metabolic heat was estimated to increase thoracic temperature by about 5°C in the May–June generation. When environmental temperature at a territorial site was within this range of the thoracic temperature minus the metabolic heat (approximately 5°C), L. diana males held territories. Since territorial sites were selected irrespective of the temperature, L. diana could not hold a territory when the temperature of the territorial site exceeded the threshold. In July–August, the temperature of the territorial site was almost always above the suitable range. These results suggest that seasonal change in territoriality of L. diana is due to behavioural thermoregulation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Background. Given the need to identify reliable non-invasive solutions for core temperature ambulatory monitoring, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of zero-heat-flux (ZHF) temperature sensor on the forehead (TCOzhf) by comparing it with intestinal temperature (TCOpill) in different ambient and physiological conditions.Methods. Seven trained male subjects were followed during a 45-min rest period (STA) and a 25-min self-regulated cycling exercise performed in neutral (TMP, 22.8?°C) and hot (HOT, 38.5 °C) ambient temperature.Results.TCOzhf values differed from TCOpill of ?0.23 ± 0.13 in STA, 0.15 ± 0.30 °C in TMP and 0.28±0.38?°C in HOT. The 95% limits of agreement showed an acceptable bias between TCOzhf and TCOpill in STA (±0.26?°C), but not in TMP and HOT (±0.60 and ±0.75?°C).Conclusion. The non-invasive ZHF sensor gave an accurate estimation of TCOpill in steady state but not during exercise. However, complementary results let suppose that ZHF performance is not affected by ambient conditions and could be a relevant alternative for deep body temperature measurement during whole-body heat stress.  相似文献   

Understanding circadian rhythms of body temperature is important for the interpretation of single body temperature measurements and the assessment of the physiological state of an animal. The ability to measure body temperature at peripheral locations may also be important in the development of minimally invasive tools for remote temperature measurement in livestock. This study aimed to investigate how well body temperature measured at peripheral sites reflected a commonly used core measurement (vaginal temperature) and the circadian rhythmicity of the body temperature of sheep with a view to practical application in extensive sheep production systems. Eleven crossbred ewes were implanted with peripheral temperature sensing microchips (LifeChip®) which were positioned transversely in the sternocleidomastoid (neck) muscle and subcutaneously under the tail. iButton® temperature loggers were placed intravaginally to record core body temperature measurements (Tv). The body temperature measurements observed at the peripheral sites in the neck (Tn) and tail (Tt) differed significantly to those measured at the core site, Tv (P < 0.05), with Tn lower than Tv and Tt lower than both Tv and Tn. Similarities in circadian rhythm patterns were observed across the day between Tv, Tn and Tt in repeated measures analysis, with a short period of difference between Tv and Tn (from 1400 to 1600 h) and a long period of difference between Tv and Tt (from 1000 to 2100 h) (P < 0.05).These results suggest that neck muscle temperature measurements may have utility in detecting circadian rhythm patterns in core temperature in sheep, but may not accurately reflect absolute core temperatures. Peripheral measures may require adjustment or correction to more accurately reflect absolute core temperature with respect to determining accurate clinical thresholds relative to the expected normal temperature for the time of day observed. Further investigation into the utility and application of peripheral measurement of body temperature is warranted.  相似文献   

Effect of hypoxia (12% O2) on skin temperature recovery was studied on healthy young men. Forty male volunteers free of any respiratory disorder were randomly selected to participate in the study. Skin temperature, peripheral blood flow, heart rate and end expiratoryPO2 andPCO2 were measured. During hyoxic ventilation the peripheral blood flow was reduced and a corresponding drop in skin temperature occurred. This was partly due to hyperventilation associated with hypoxic ventilation. The recovery of skin temperature after cooling the hand for 2 min in cold water (10–12° C) took 5.5±0.1 min during normal air breathing; during hypoxic ventilation even after 9.1±0.3 min when the skin temperature recovery curve plateaued, the skin temperature remained about 2° C below control. The results of the present investigation indicate that hypoxia interferes with the normal functioning of the thermoregulatory mechanism in man. Hyperventilation associated with hypoxic ventilation is also partly responsible for incomplete recovery of skin temperature.  相似文献   

It is known that heating the ram scrotum stimulates heat loss resulting in a decrease in body temperature and that during fever core temperature increases, but local scrotal thermoeffectors operate to maintain normal scrotal temperature. We have investigated whether scrotal warming influences core body temperature and the panting effector during fever generation. We measured rectal temperature, intrascrotal temperature, scrotal skin temperature and respiratory frequency in four adult Merino rams following intravascular injection of saline or lipopolysaccharide at an ambient temperature of 18-20 degrees C while scrotal skin temperature was maintained at 33 degrees C or elevated to 41 degrees C. Compared to maintaining normal scrotal temperature, heating the scrotum increased respiratory frequency and reduced rectal temperature by a similar amount following LPS as following saline. Fever was associated with decreased respiratory frequency compared to saline at both 33 and 41 degrees C scrotal temperature, suggesting that the fever was generated mainly by decreasing respiratory heat loss. We conclude that scrotal thermal afferent stimulation resulted in an offset for the set-point of body temperature regulation in both normothermic and febrile rams.  相似文献   

Preferred temperature (Tpref) has been measured in over 100 species of aquatic and 300 species of terrestrial ectotherms as a metric for assessing behavioural thermoregulation in variable environments and, as such, has been linked to ecological processes ranging from individual behaviour to population and community dynamics. Due to the asymmetric shape of performance curves, Tpref is typically lower than the optimal temperature (Topt, where physiological performance is at its peak), and the degree of this mismatch increases with variability in Tb. Intertidal ectotherms experience huge variability in Tb on a daily basis and therefore provide a good system to test whether the relationship between Tpref and variation in Tb holds in more extreme environments. A review of the literature, however, only revealed comparisons between Tpref and Topt for five intertidal species and measurements of Tpref for 23 species. An analysis of this limited literature for intertidal ectotherms showed a positive relationship between acclimation temperature and Tpref. There was, however, great variation in the methodologies employed to make these assessments. Factors contributing to behavioural thermoregulation in intertidal ectotherms including small body size; low mobility; interactions among individuals; endogenous clocks; metabolic effects; thermal sensitivity; sampling of the thermal environment and recent acclimation history were considered to varying degrees when measuring Tpref, confounding comparisons between species. The methodologies used to measure Tpref in intertidal ectotherms were reviewed in light of each of these factors, and methodologies proposed to standardize approaches. Given the theoretical predictions about the relationships between Tpref and variability in Tb, the spatial and temporal thermal variability experienced by intertidal ectotherms provides numerous opportunities to test these expectations if assessed in a standardized manner, and can potentially provide insights into the value of behavioural thermoregulation in the more thermally variable environments predicted to occur in the near future.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of time of day and temperature measurement site on core temperature response to exercise. Six trained cyclists performed a 1 h cycling exercise at a fixed power-output of 160 W in a controlled environment (ambient temperature of 21.5±1.6 °C and relative humidity of 31±6%) at batyphase +2 h (08:00 h) and acrophase +2 h (20:00 h) of their estimated circadian temperature rhythm; corresponding respectively to the heat gain and heat loss mode phases. Throughout the exercise, rectal and gastro-intestinal temperature data were collected. A two-way ANOVA was applied and a common nonlinear logistic-type function dependant on three parameters (asymptote, xmid and scale) was used to fit collected data. ANOVA only indicated a time of day effect without interaction with exercise duration. A nonlinear mixed-effect model allowed further analysis of temperature kinetics. The model indicated a higher theoretical increase in temperature at the end of morning exercise compared to the evening session. However, the circadian difference observed at rest persists throughout the exercise. Theoretical asymptotic temperature values at the end of the exercise and scale values (inversely proportional to the slope) are higher for the rectal measurement site than for the gastro-intestinal measurement. The model proposed offers a solution for refining the study of individual core temperature response to prolonged exercise. The main advantage is that it takes into consideration intra- and inter-individual variability in temperature kinetics.  相似文献   

The abrupt inhibition of breathing in the panting sheep, by mechanical blockage of the nostrils or by the injection of noradrenaline or carbachol into a lateral cerebral ventricle, causes an immediate rise in hypothalamic temperature, followed by a rise in that of the carotid artery blood.

This confirms that evaporation from the surfaces of the upper respiratory tract has an immediate and local effect on brain temperature.

The significance of this relation in a species which controls its core temperature particularly well is discussed.  相似文献   

An experimental system has been developed that can indirectly measure temperature in a high-intensity microwave field over a broad range of conditions. A RF amplifier connected closed-loop around a high Q cavity oscillates at one of the natural modes of the oven. A bandpass filter selects the mode of interest. As the frozen sample is thawed, an increase in dielectric constant occurs, decreasing the resonance frequency of the cavity. Calibration of the system is performed by measuring the frequency shift for samples whose temperatures are known, Rotation of samples during thawing often causes oscillations of the resonance frequency. These oscillations are generated by asymmetric sample properties and geometry, and hot spots developed during the thaw. Development of a method that would predict hot spot location from these resonance frequency oscillations and permit modulation of the magnetron or sample rotation to minimize thermal runaway is suggested.  相似文献   

Temperature loggers were implanted to record core body temperature (Tcore) and rumen temperature (Trumen) in sheep. The relationship between Tcore and Trumen was compared for fleeced and shorn Merino sheep over a range of environmental temperatures and during stressors involved with shearing. Fleeced sheep maintained higher Tcore and Trumen than shorn sheep in all environmental conditions tested (from thermoneutral up to 33 °C and 55% relative humidity). Shearing of the fleeced sheep resulted in those sheep having a lower Tcore when exposed to hot conditions, compared to the previously shorn sheep. Respiratory rates of fleeced sheep followed similar patterns and were higher than shorn sheep under all environmental conditions. After the fleeced sheep were shorn, their respiratory rates decreased to rates similar to the previously shorn sheep when under heat load, suggesting heat loss other than respiratory evaporative heat loss was augmented.  相似文献   

Despite previous reviews and commentaries, significant misconceptions remain concerning deep-body (core) and skin temperature measurement in humans. Therefore, the authors have assembled the pertinent Laws of Thermodynamics and other first principles that govern physical and physiological heat exchanges. The resulting review is aimed at providing theoretical and empirical justifications for collecting and interpreting these data. The primary emphasis is upon deep-body temperatures, with discussions of intramuscular, subcutaneous, transcutaneous and skin temperatures included. These are all turnover indices resulting from variations in local metabolism, tissue conduction and blood flow. Consequently, inter-site differences and similarities may have no mechanistic relationship unless those sites have similar metabolic rates, are in close proximity and are perfused by the same blood vessels. Therefore, it is proposed that a gold standard deep-body temperature does not exist. Instead, the validity of each measurement must be evaluated relative to one's research objectives, whilst satisfying equilibration and positioning requirements. When using thermometric computations of heat storage, the establishment of steady-state conditions is essential, but for clinically relevant states, targeted temperature monitoring becomes paramount. However, when investigating temperature regulation, the response characteristics of each temperature measurement must match the forcing function applied during experimentation. Thus, during dynamic phases, deep-body temperatures must be measured from sites that track temperature changes in the central blood volume.  相似文献   

The ability of hatchling turtles to detect environmental temperature differences and to effectively select preferred temperature is a function that critically impacts survival. In some turtle species, temperature preference may be influenced by embryonic and post-hatching conditions, such as egg-incubation and acclimation temperature. We tested for effects of embryonic incubation temperature (27.5 °C, 30 °C) and acclimation temperature (20 °C, 25 °C) on the selected temperature and movement patterns of 32 Chrysemys picta bellii (Reptilia: Emydidae) hatchlings in an aquatic thermal gradient of 14-34 °C and in single-temperature (20 °C, 25 °C) control tests. Among 10-11 month old hatchlings, acclimation temperature and egg-incubation temperature influenced temperature selection and movement patterns. Acclimation temperature affected activity and movement: in thermal gradient and single-temperature control tests, 25 °C-acclimated turtles relocated between chambers significantly more frequently than individuals acclimated to 20 °C. Acclimation temperature also affected temperature selection: 20 °C-acclimated turtles selected a specific temperature during gradient tests, but 25 °C-acclimated turtles did not. Among 20 °C-acclimated turtles, egg-incubation temperature was inversely related to selected temperature: hatchling turtles incubated at 27.5 °C selected the warmest temperature available (34 °C); individuals incubated at 30 °C selected the coldest temperature (14 °C). These results suggest that interactions of environmental conditions may influence post-hatching thermoregulatory behavior in C. picta bellii, a factor that ultimately affects fitness.  相似文献   

BackgroundHypothermia is a problem for very premature infants after birth and leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Previously we found very premature infants exhibit abnormal thermal patterns, keeping foot temperatures warmer than abdominal temperatures for their first 12 h of life.PurposeWe explored the utility of infrared thermography as a non-invasive method for measuring body temperature in premature infants in an attempt to regionally examine differential temperatures.ResultsOur use of infrared imaging to measure abdominal and foot temperature for extremely premature infants in heated, humid incubators was successful and in close agreement using Bland and Altman technique with temperatures measured by skin thermistors.ConclusionsOur study methods demonstrated that it was feasible to capture full body temperatures of extremely premature infants while they were resting in a heated, humid incubator using a Flir SC640 infrared camera. This technology offers researchers and clinicians a method to examine acute changes in perfusion differentials in premature infants which may lead to morbidity.  相似文献   

Komodo dragons from hatchlings (≈0.1 kg) to adults (≤80 kg) express the full magnitude of varanid species size distributions. We found that all size groups of dragons regulated a similar preferred body temperature by exploiting a heterogeneous thermal environment within savanna, forest and mangrove habitats. All dragons studied, regardless of size, were able to regulate a daytime active body temperature within the range 34–35.6 °C for 5.1–5.6 h/day. The index of effectiveness of thermoregulation (a numerical rating of thermoregulatory activity) was not different among size groups of dragons. However, the index of closeness of thermoregulation, which rates the variability of body temperature, suggests a greater precision for regulating a preferred body temperature for medium compared to small and large dragons. Reference copper cylinders simulating small, medium and large Komodo dragons heated and cooled at the same rate, whereas actual dragons of all size groups heated faster than they cooled. Larger dragons heated and cooled more slowly than smaller ones. The mean operative environmental temperatures of copper cylinders representing medium sized dragons were 42.5, 32.0 and 29.4° C for savannah, forest and mangrove habitats, respectively. The index for average thermal quality of a habitat as measured by the absolute difference between operative environmental temperature and the dragon’s thermal range suggests the forest habitat offers the highest thermal quality to dragons and the savannah the lowest. The percent of total daytime that the operative environmental temperature was within the central 50% of the body temperatures selected by dragons in a thermal gradient (Phillips, 1984) was 45%, 15%, and 9% for forest, mangrove and savannah, respectively. Forest habitat offers the most suitable thermal environment and provides the greatest number of hours with conditions falling within the dragon’s thermal activity zone.  相似文献   

In spite of the abundance and broad distribution of social wasps, little information exists concerning thermoregulation by individuals. We measured body temperatures of the yellowjackets Vespula germanica and V. maculifrons and examined their thermoregulatory mechanisms. V. germanica demonstrated thermoregulation via a decreasing gradient between thorax temperature and ambient temperature as ambient temperature increased. V. maculifrons exhibited a constant gradient at lower ambient temperatures but thorax temperature was constant at high ambient temperatures. Head temperature exhibited similar patterns in both species. In spite of low thermal conductances, a simple heat budget model predicts substantial heat loads in warm conditions in the absence of thermoregulation. Both species regurgitated when heated on the head. A smaller volume of regurgitant was produced at lower head temperatures and a larger volume at higher head temperatures. Small regurgitations resulted in stabilization of head temperature, while large ones resulted in 4°C decreases in head temperature. Regurgitation was rare when wasps were heated upon the thorax. Abdomen temperature was 3–4°C above ambient temperature, and approached ambient temperature under the hottest conditions. No evidence was found for shunting of hot hemolymph from thorax to abdomen as a cooling mechanism. The frequency of regurgitation in workers returning to the nest increased with ambient temperature. Regurgitation may be an important thermoregulatory strategy during heat stress, but is probably not the only mechanism used in yellowjackets.Abbreviations M b body mass - M th thorax mass - T a ambient temperature - T ab abdomen temperature - T b body temperature - T h head temperature - T th thorax temperature - C t thermal conductance  相似文献   

Most reptiles thermoregulate to achieve body temperatures needed for biological processes, such as digestion and growth. Temperatures experienced during embryogenesis may also influence post-hatching growth rate, potentially through influencing post-hatching choice of temperatures. We investigated in laboratory settings whether embryonic temperatures (constant 18 °C, 21 °C and 22 °C) influence selected body temperatures (Tsel) of juvenile tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), providing a possible mechanism for differences in growth rates. We found that incubation temperature does not influence Tsel. Although the average daily mean Tsel was 21.6 ± 0.3 °C, we recorded individual Tsel values up to 33.5 °C in juvenile tuatara, which is higher than expected and above the panting threshold of 31–33 °C reported for adults. We found diel patterns of Tsel of juvenile tuatara, observing a general pattern of two apparent peaks and troughs per day, with Tsel being significantly lower around dawn and at 1500 h than any other time. When comparing our results with other studies on tuatara there is a remarkable consistency in mean Tsel of ~ 21 °C across tuatara of different ages, sizes and acclimatization histories. The ability of juvenile tuatara to withstand a wide range of temperatures supports their former widespread distribution throughout New Zealand and warrants further investigation into their plasticity to withstand climate warming, particularly where they have choices of habitat and the ability to thermoregulate.  相似文献   

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