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Romo  Susana  Miracle  Rosa 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):153-164
A long-term phytoplankton study was carried out in the Albufera of Valencia, a shallow hypertrophic lake (surface area 21 km2, mean depth 1 m, total inorganic nitrogen load 155 g m-2 y-1, total inorganic phosphate load 15 g m-2 y-1) from 1980 to 1988. The lake functions as a reservoir for the surrounding rice cultivation. From 1940's to 1988, its phytoplankton assemblage has been altered from a mesotrophic to a hypertrophic character, as consequence of the increasing pollution. For 1980–88, annual variations in the phytoplankton were less pronounced than seasonal changes. The hypertrophic and morphometric features of the lake favoured the stability of the phytoplankton assemblage and chlorophyll a levels during the study period. Seasonal and horizontal distribution of the total phytoplankton abundance and biomass were highly influenced by the hydrological cycle of the lagoon. Compared with other shallow nutrient rich lakes, the Albufera of Valencia is similar to the shallow hypertrophic lakes of the Netherlands.  相似文献   

1. The biomass and production of picophytoplankton, large phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacterioplankton were measured in humic Lake Örträsket, northern Sweden during four consecutive summers.
2. High flow episodes, carrying fresh dissolved organic carbon (DOC) into the lake, always stimulated heterotrophic bacterial production at the expense of primary production. Primary production never exceeded bacterial production for approximately 20 days after such an episode had replenished epilimnial DOC. We suggest that allochthonous DOC is an energy source that stimulates bacterioplankton that, because of their efficient uptake of inorganic nutrients, are then able to outcompete phytoplankton. After the exhaustion of readily available DOC, phytoplankton were able to dominate epilimnion production in Lake Örträsket.
3. Biomass production was higher when dominated by phytoplankton than by bacterioplankton, despite a similar utilization of nutrients in the epilimnion throughout the summer. We propose that different C : N : P ratios of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton permit the latter to produce more carbon (C) biomass per unit of available inorganic nutrients than bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

1. Two enclosure experiments were carried out in Laguna Bufeos, a neotropical várzea lake located in the floodplain of River Ichilo (Bolivia). The experiments aimed (i) to assess the relative importance of bottom‐up and top‐down control on the plankton community, (ii) to assess the relative impact of direct and indirect effects of planktivorous fish on the zooplankton, and (iii) to attempt to identify the mechanisms responsible for these effects. 2. During the first experiment, bottom‐up control seemed to dominate the planktonic food web. Compared with fishless enclosures, oxygen concentrations, chlorophyll a levels and the population densities of all cladoceran zooplankton taxa increased in enclosures with fish. Birth rates of Moina minuta, the dominant taxon, were substantially higher in the presence than in the absence of fish, whereas death rates did not differ between treatments. These results are the first to suggest that the positive effects of fish on crustacean zooplankton via effects on nutrient cycling and the enhancement of primary production can compensate for losses because of fish‐related mortality. 3. During the second experiment, the direction of control appeared to vary between trophic levels: the phytoplankton appeared to be bottom‐up controlled whereas the zooplankton was mainly top‐down controlled. Chlorophyll a concentrations were enhanced by both fish and nutrient additions. The majority of the zooplankton taxa were reduced by the presence of fish. Birth rates of most cladoceran taxa did not differ between treatments, whereas death rates were higher in the enclosures with fish than in the fishless enclosures. Bosminopsis deitersi reached higher densities in the presence of fish, probably because of a release from predation by Chaoborus. 4. We convincingly showed strong deviations from trophic cascade‐based expectations, supporting the idea that trophic cascades may be weak in tropical lakes.  相似文献   

Data on some relevant environmental variables and phytoplankton species composition, collected from the hypertrophic shallow lake Albufera of Valencia (Spain) during 1980–88, were examined using Redundancy Analysis (RDA). The hydrological cycle of the lake is manipulated for rice cultivation in the area. Seasonality and the particular hydrological cycle of the lake were the principal factors influencing long-term phytoplankton dynamics. Annual or horizontal differences were less important than the seasonal factor. However, a trend of phosphate increase and underwater illumination decrease was observed between 1980 and 1988. These changes might be related to some species year-to-year variations, although in general interannual phytoplankton changes were scarce. Spatial phytoplankton differences were much smaller than physical and chemical differences, which were mainly related to loading and residence times at the different sampling zones. Shallowness, hypertrophy and the regular hydrological cycle of the Albufera for rice yield, seem to contribute to the maintenance of an almost stable and homogeneous algal community, mainly composed of filamentous cyanophytes. RDA analysis has proved to be an efficient method in yielding valuable information on phytoplankton-environment interactions and trends over a long series of data. It seems also a feasible technique to monitor the results of lake management and restoration in the future.  相似文献   

Dokulil  M. T.  Padisák  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):125-137
Data on phytoplankton biomass and on nutrient concentrations from Neusiedler See (mean depth 1.3 m) covering more than two decades are presented. The lake underwent strong eutrophication during this period. The response of annual average phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll-a to the increase of phosphorus concentration from 10 to > 100 µg l-1 was moderate (7-fold increase). This is caused by light limitation of the system because of the high inorganic turbidity of the lake. Analyses of the spring, summer and autumn seasons at the generic and higher taxonomic levels show significant changes in composition of the phytoplankton community. Diatoms were more important during the pre-eutrophication phase while Chlorophyceae became most prominent during the peak of the eutrophication process. Blue-green algae, including Microcystis, became more apparent after this period. The abundance of some groups or genera, e.g. Euglena, was linked to the decline and re-appearance of submerged macrophytes in the lake. Abiotic and biotic interactions as causes for the observed changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Lake Trummen, previously an oligotrophic lake, was heavily polluted during 1930–1957. The lake was restored by suction dredging of the top sediment layer. After restoration nutrien concentrations and phytoplankton biomass were drastically reduced. Eutrophic species disappeared and more oligotrophic species returned to the lake. The investigation covers 12 years-monthly-bimonthly countings of algae together with electronmicroscopical studies of taxonomically difficult taxa. The investigation was made at the species level (300 species identified and 80 quantitatively recorded).  相似文献   

The diel vertical distribution patterns of a migratory alga Cryptomonas marssonii in a small, steeply stratified humic lake were investigated during a summer season (10 diurnal experiments between May and September) using a close-interval Blakar-type sampler. The results indicate that the cells were phototactic; they were typically concentrated at the surface or subsurface during daylight, while in darkness the highest densities were recorded in deeper water, usually near the upper limit of anoxia. During a dense blue-green bloom in August the cells of C. marssonii were also concentrated by day into the same water layer, where oxygen was depleted. However, the cells seemed to avoid totally anoxic water. Because the vertical distribution pattern of C. marssonii had special diurnal and seasonal characteristics, care is needed when designing a sampling programme for a phytoplankton population dominated by this species.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activity by phytoplankton was measured during the ice-free seasons of 1984, 1985 and 1987 using the 14C radioassay in high altitude Emerald Lake (California). Relative quantum yield (B) and light-saturated chlorophyll-specific carbon uptake (Pm B) were calculated from the relationship of light and photosynthesis fitted to a hyperbolic tangent function. Temporal changes in Pm B showed no regular pattern. Seasonal patterns of B generally had peaks in the summer and autumn. Phytoplankton biomass (as measured by chlorophyll a) and light-saturated carbon uptake (Pm) had peaks in the summer and autumn which were associated with vertical mixing. Estimates of mean daily carbon production were similar among the three years: 57 mg C m–2 2 d–1 in 1984, 70 mg C m–2 2 d–1 in 1985 and 60 mg C m–2 d–1 in 1987. Primary productivity in Emerald Lake is low compared to other montane lakes of California and similar to high-altitude or high-latitude lakes in other regions.  相似文献   

Our primary objective was to determine if a relationship existed between seasonal change in phytoplankton and high affinity for (K m) or uptake rates (V maX) of ammonium which might explain seasonal phytoplankton succession in oligotrophic ecosystems. We measured ammonium uptake using [14C]-methylamine and estimatedK m andV max using Hanes Plots at 2-week intervals during 6 months of thermal stratification in Mountain lake, Virginia (37° 22 N, 80° 32 W). Community composition, nutrient levels, and other variables were determined in all uptake experiments. A second objective was to determine if ammonium was preferentially utilized over nitrate and to characterize further the ammonium transport system.V max increased steadily from May until the end of July, each increase coinciding with major changes in the phytoplankton community. Cryptophyceans dominated in May, chlorophyceans in June and July, and cyanophyceans from the end of July to late October. With cyanophycean dominance,V max declined until chlorophyceans reestablished dominance in late October. By contrast,K m values increased from May to the end of July, but thereafter showed no correlation. Acetylene reduction experiments showed no nitrogen fixation during late summer and fall when blue-green algae were present. Preference for ammonium was implied also by negative nitrate reductase assays. Overall, the coincidence ofV max andK m values for [14C]-methylamine uptake and changing phytoplankton community structure suggests the possibility that successive algal communities may be changing as a result of specific species differences in ammonium affinity and uptake rates.  相似文献   

Long-term sequences of total phytoplankton biomass are described and analysed in relation to environmental conditions and species composition. They are based on largely weekly sampling of mean concentrations of chlorophyll a ([Chl]) in the euphotic zones of four English lake basins over 26 years. More restricted sampling is used to illustrate the regulation of vertical distribution, and a comparison with several chemical indices of seston abundance.The seasonal variation of [Chl] is predominantly constructed from two peaks in spring and summer-autumn. These are separated by a universal and light-limited winter minimum that is accentuated in the deeper basins and a more variable early summer minimum to which diatom sedimentation, species replacement and grazing by Cladocera contribute. In some years or year-sequences additional peaks of varied origin may be interpolated (frequency modulation), especially in the shallower basins. Some variability of maxima with nutrient enrichment and particular species-crop failure or success (e.g. Ceratium spp.), and of minima with growth limitation, loss modes and species replacement, exists within and between basins (amplitude modulation).Depth-colonization is primarily controlled by restrictions on vertical mixing associated with the seasonal temperature/density stratification. Relative timings can be important for areal biomass development. Though [Chl] is mainly epilimnetic in summer, metalimnetic and hypolimnetic accumulations can also arise by growth in situ, flagellate migration, or sedimentation. Variations in the content of Chl below unit area, for entire lake column or euphotic zone, are less sensitive to trophic state than are mean euphotic concentrations because of compensating influences of morphometry and light penetration.Correspondences exist between temporal sequences of [Chl] and some chemical components of seston (C, N, reducing capacity), but ratios to P show much variation.Comparison is made with other observations of seasonal phytoplankton biomass, with reference to latitudinal influence and to proposed generalisations regarding seasonal pattern.  相似文献   

1. In natural lakes, modifications in the species composition and abundance of phytoplankton communities may ultimately be responses to changes in nutrient availability and climatic fluctuations. Phytoplankton and associated environmental factors were collected at monthly intervals from the beginning of the 1990s to 2007 in the large subalpine Lake Garda (zmax = 350 m, V = 49 × 109 m3). In this study period, the lake showed a slight and continuous increase of total phosphorus (TP) in the water column, up to concentrations of 18–20 μg P L?1. This increase represented the last stage of a long‐term process of enrichment documented since the 1970s, when concentrations of TP were below or around 10 μg P L?1. 2. At the community level, annual phytoplankton cycles underwent a unidirectional and slow shift mainly due to changes in the species more affected by the nutrient enrichment of the lake. After a first and long period of dominance by conjugatophytes (Mougeotia) and diatoms (Fragilaria), phytoplankton biomass in recent years was sustained by cyanobacteria (Planktothrix). Other important modifications in the development of phytoplankton were superimposed on this pattern due to the effects of annual climate fluctuations principally mediated by the deep mixing events at spring overturn and, secondarily, by temperature and thermal stability of the water column during the growing season. 3. Interannual variations in the stability and temperature of the water column appeared to influence the development of a few subdominant flagellates (dinophytes and cryptophytes). Nevertheless, the major impact of climate on phytoplankton was indirect, and mediated through the effects of winter climatic conditions on deep mixing dynamics. Winter climatic fluctuations proved to be a key element in a linked chain of causal factors including cooling of hypolimnetic waters, deep vertical mixing and epilimnetic nutrient replenishment. The process of fertilisation was measurable both for TP and dissolved inorganic nitrogen, although only the first had a large effect, reinforcing the seasonal growth of a few dominant groups. The degree of nutrient replenishment further increased the spring development of large diatoms and the increase of Planktothrix in summer and autumn. 4. Currently, changes in nutrient concentrations have the greatest effect on the phytoplankton community, while direct effects due to the interannual variations in the thermal regime are of secondary importance compared with the indirect effects mediated through deep water mixing and spring fertilisation. Overall, the results demonstrate that the consequences of climatic fluctuations and climate warming on phytoplankton communities need to be studied at different levels of complexity and integration, from the direct effects of temperature and thermal regime, to the indirect effects mediated by the physiographic characteristics of water bodies.  相似文献   

1. Two small humic lakes in northern Sweden with concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between 15 and 20 mg L–1 were fertilized with inorganic phosphorus (P) and inorganic nitrogen (N), respectively. A third lake was unfertilized and served as a control. In addition to this lake fertilization experiment, data from different regional surveys were used to assess the role of different limiting factors.
2. The P fertilization had no effects on bacterioplankton or phytoplankton, while phytoplankton were significantly stimulated by N fertilization. Inorganic nutrient limitation of bacterioplankton was a function of DOC concentration in water of the investigated region and nutrient-limited bacteria were found only in lakes with DOC concentrations less than around 15 mg L–1
3. The fertilization experiments demonstrated that the DOC-rich experimental lakes contained a bioavailable pool of P that was not utilized to its full potential under natural conditions. The overall mobilization of energy (bacterioplankton plus phytoplankton) in the experimental lakes was restricted by lack of inorganic N.  相似文献   

Lake Sempach, located in the central part of Switzerland, has a surface area of 14 km2, a maximum depth of 87 m and a water residence time of 15 years. Restoration measures to correct historic eutrophication, including artificial mixing and oxygenation of the hypolimnion, were implemented in 1984. By means of the combination of external and internal load reductions, total phosphorus concentrations decreased in the period 1984–2000 from 160 to 42 mg P m–3. Starting from 1997, hypolimnion oxygenation with pure oxygen was replaced by aeration with fine air bubbles. The reaction of the plankton has been investigated as part of a long-term monitoring program. Taxa numbers, evenness and biodiversity of phytoplankton increased significantly during the last 15 years, concomitant with a marked decline of phosphorus concentration in the lake. Seasonal development of phytoplankton seems to be strongly influenced by the artificial mixing during winter and spring and by changes of the trophic state. Dominance of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon sp.), causing a severe fish kill in 1984, has been correlated with lower N/P-ratio in the epilimnion. Buoyant algae such as Planktothrix rubescens (syn. Oscillatoria rubescens) increased in abundance due to enlargement of the trophogenic layer and extended mixing depth during winter. The interactions between zoo- and phytoplankton seemed to be depressed as a result of restoration measures. Zooplankton composition changed to more carnivorous and less herbivorous species. Oxygenation of the hypolimnion induced bioturbation of sediments, mainly by oligochaetae worms, and stimulated germination of spores and cysts and hatching of resting eggs.  相似文献   

1. In an attempt to discern long‐term regional patterns in phytoplankton community composition we analysed data from five deep peri‐alpine lake basins that have been included in long‐term monitoring programmes since the beginning of the 1970s. Local management measures have led to synchronous declines in phosphorus concentrations by more than 50% in all four lakes. Their trophic state now ranges from mesotrophic to oligotrophic. 2. No coherence in phytoplankton biomass was observed among lakes, or any significant decrease in response to phosphorus (P)‐reduction (oligotrophication), except in Lakes Constance and Walen. 3. Multivariate analyses identified long‐term changes in phytoplankton composition, which occurred coherently in all lakes despite the differing absolute phosphorus concentrations. 4. In all lakes, the phytoplankton species benefiting from oligotrophication included mixotrophic species and/or species indicative of oligo‐mesotrophic conditions. 5. A major change in community composition occurred in all lakes at the end of the 1980s. During this period there was also a major shift in climatic conditions during winter and early spring, suggesting an impact of climatic factors. 6. Our results provide evidence that synchronous long‐term changes in geographically separated phytoplankton communities may occur even when overall biomass changes are not synchronous.  相似文献   

Studies of fluctuations in total organic carbon (TOC) were performedin both the reference basin and the acidified basin of experimental LakeSkjervatjern, in order to separate effects of various catchment and in-lakeprocesses. Nearly five years of catchment acidification did not inducesignificant changes in TOC. TOC concentrations was not related clearly toprecipitation or runoff. In both basins, there was a regular, seasonal patternwith a gradual increase in TOC concentrations from spring to late autumn.Minima in concentrations occurred during periods with frozen ground inwinter, irrespective of discharge patterns. The decrease from 10 mg C l-1 in autumn to 1--2 mg C l-1 in latewinter, was only seen in surface layers. Runoff was the major loss routefor surface TOC in the lake. Photo-oxidation, bacterial oxidation, andsedimentation combined yielded maximum loss rates of 3%of surface TOC d-1. Below a depth of 1 m 0.5%d-1 was lost to these same processes. The surface microlayerhad 5--10 times more TOC than the bulk water on average, and could haveeffects on gas exchange and sub-surface light. Despite the oxidation ofTOC, the short residence time of the lake and rapid replacement of TOCfrom the catchment was the major determinant of lake water TOC.  相似文献   

R. I. Jones 《Hydrobiologia》1988,161(1):75-87
The vertical distributions and migrations are described of the most abundant flagellated phytoplankton species from the summer community of a small forest lake in southern Finland. The lake showed a steep and stable thermal stratification with a shallow oxygenated epilimnion. Horizontal variation of phytoplankton distribution within the lake was tested on two scales and found to be statistically significant only in the case of Mallomonas reginae. The vertical distribution of flagellated phytoplankton was assessed by reference to the distribution of a non-motile, neutrally buoyant species Ankyra judayi. Statistically significant, active vertical positioning was demonstrated for all the flagellates examined with the exception of Spiniferomonas bourrellyi. Diel vertical migrations were apparent for all species showing active positioning and the pattern of an evening descent and a morning ascent was ubiquitous. The extent and timing of diel migrations varied between species. The most extensive migrations were by Cryptomonas marssonii which crossed a temperature gradient of 14 °C and penetrated far into the anoxic hypolimnion. Several categories of competitive advantage can be gained by species undertaking such diel vertical migrations.  相似文献   

Migrations of Daphnia longispina were studied in a small humic lake with an exceptionally shallow oxic epilimnion. Horizontal distributions showed clear avoidance of the shoreline, which might be explained by the lower density of predators (Chaoborus sp. and Notonecta sp.) in the central parts of the lake. In early summer all size classes of D. longispina exhibited upward nocturnal vertical migration, descending to the upper hypolimnion in daytime. Later in summer, when the nocturnally migrating Chaoborus sp. had grown large enough to graze on small Daphnia, the latter seemed to shift towards twilight migration. However, large Daphnia individuals showed no synchronized migration; rather their bimodal vertical distributions suggested asynchronous vertical migration. Large individuals showed a particular tendency to concentrate near to the oxycline, close to the dense phytoplankton and bacteria populations in the upper part of the anoxic hypolimnion. According to vertical trap experiments, large D. longispina visited the anoxic hypolimnion and might harvest its abundant food resources. The high haemoglobin content of large individuals seems a specific adaptation to allow access to low oxygen water and hence to maximize grazing potential, in both epi- and hypolimnion, and minimize predation pressure. By staying predominantly in cooler water near the oxycline, Daphnia might also minimize its energy consumption to adjust to low food availability while sustaining a sufficiently high population density to exploit those unpredictable short periods with abundant food which are common in small headwater lakes. It is suggested that migrations of zooplankton are a complex behavioural adaptation which may not be explained by any single factor. In humic lakes with shallow stratification, vertical migrations seem to offer particularly high potential advantages, because of the short distances between dramatically different environments in the water column. In further studies more emphasis should be placed on migrations of individuals rather than populations, and migrations should be considered as a dynamic part of the structure and function of the whole planktonic ecosystem.  相似文献   

1. The long-term changes (1956–1998) in density and species composition of planktonic rotifers were studied at two sampling stations (I, II) of Lake Donghu, a shallow eutrophic Chinese Lake densely stocked with filter-feeding fishes. Annual average densities of rotifers increased with an increase in fish yield and eutrophication, whilst species number decreased from 82 in 1962–1963 to 62 in 1994–1998.
2. During 1962–98, some species such as Anuraeopsis fissa , Polyarthra spp. (including P. dolichoptera & P. vulgaris ) , Trichocerca pusilla and Synchaeta oblonga increased their percentage in abundance remarkably, whilst the proportion of Keratella cochlearis decreased at two relatively eutrophic stations from 19 to 4.2% at Station I and from 30 to 3.2% at Station II.
3. The high r max of A. fissa probably made it more successful than other rotifers under high predation pressure by planktivorous fish. The decrease in the K. cochlearis population might be attributed partly to predation by Cyclops vicinus .
4. Small rotifers were less vulnerable to fish predation than large-sized cladocerans. Decreases in cladocerans coincided with increases in rotifers, suggesting that the indirect effect of fish predation on cladocerans might have partly contributed to the population development of rotifers in Lake Donghu during recent decades.
5. We also conducted surveys (1994–1998) of seasonal dynamics of rotifers at four sampling stations (I–IV) which have varied in trophic status after fragmentation of the lake in the 1960s. A total of 75 species were identified at the four stations. Both densities and biomass of rotifers were considerably higher in the two more eutrophic stations than in the two less eutrophic stations. This indicates that the population increase of rotifers at Stations I and II during recent decades might be partly attributed to eutrophication of the lake water.  相似文献   

浙江紧水滩水库浮游植物群落结构季节变化特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于2010年1、3、5、7、9、11月6次对紧水滩水库采样调查,并对浮游植物种类鉴定与数量统计,分析了浮游植物的优势种、多样性和群落结构季节变化特征.其结果为:共鉴定浮游植物284种,隶属7门105属.绿藻门最多,共51属139种,其次是硅藻门19属67种,蓝藻门22属52种,金藻门4属9种,甲藻门5属8种,裸藻门2属5种,隐藻门2属4种.浮游植物细胞丰度在1.04× 105-3.70×106个/L之间,平均丰度9.63×105个/L.多样性指数H'值为1.76-4.64,平均值3.09,丰富度指数D为0.48-2.80,平均值1.62,均匀度指数.J为0.51-1.26,平均值0.91.根据TSI(∑)并结合浮游植物群落结构对水质评价,紧水滩水库水质属于中-富营养状态.  相似文献   

Leitão  M.  Léglize  L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,424(1-3):39-49
Vieux-Pré is an artificial reservoir in the north-east part of France (61 Mm3), created in 1986 for hydraulic management. The phytoplankton and several environmental parameters in the upper part of the lake were monitored at a mid-lake station, from 1988 to 1997. The specific composition of the community changed during this period, from a predominantly pennate-diatom phytoplankton (Asterionella formosa, Fragilaria crotonensis), the lake passed to dominance by a sparse, motile nanoplankton (Mallomonas akrokomos, M. caudata, Cryptomonas erosa, Chroomonas/Rhodomonas, a.o.) and then by large colonies of small-celled species (Uroglena americana, Dinobryon spp., Radiocystis geminata, Aphanothece clathrata, Coelosphaerium kuetzingianum a.o.). This paper describes the algal successions involved and shows the decisive effects of the decrease of trophic level from an eutrophic stage to an oligo-mesotrophic condition. In the beginning, externally imposed disturbances (flooding and dewatering) were frequent, while now the lake has stabilised as a deep, stratified pelagic system. Under these conditions, autogenic phytoplankton appear to dominate.  相似文献   

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