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Improving crop salt tolerance   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
Salinity is an ever-present threat to crop yields, especially in countries where irrigation is an essential aid to agriculture. Although the tolerance of saline conditions by plants is variable, crop species are generally intolerant of one-third of the concentration of salts found in seawater. Attempts to improve the salt tolerance of crops through conventional breeding programmes have met with very limited success, due to the complexity of the trait: salt tolerance is complex genetically and physiologically. Tolerance often shows the characteristics of a multigenic trait, with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with tolerance identified in barley, citrus, rice, and tomato and with ion transport under saline conditions in barley, citrus and rice. Physiologically salt tolerance is also complex, with halophytes and less tolerant plants showing a wide range of adaptations. Attempts to enhance tolerance have involved conventional breeding programmes, the use of in vitro selection, pooling physiological traits, interspecific hybridization, using halophytes as alternative crops, the use of marker-aided selection, and the use of transgenic plants. It is surprising that, in spite of the complexity of salt tolerance, there are commonly claims in the literature that the transfer of a single or a few genes can increase the tolerance of plants to saline conditions. Evaluation of such claims reveals that, of the 68 papers produced between 1993 and early 2003, only 19 report quantitative estimates of plant growth. Of these, four papers contain quantitative data on the response of transformants and wild-type of six species without and with salinity applied in an appropriate manner. About half of all the papers report data on experiments conducted under conditions where there is little or no transpiration: such experiments may provide insights into components of tolerance, but are not grounds for claims of enhanced tolerance at the whole plant level. Whether enhanced tolerance, where properly established, is due to the chance alteration of a factor that is limiting in a complex chain or an effect on signalling remains to be elucidated. After ten years of research using transgenic plants to alter salt tolerance, the value of this approach has yet to be established in the field.  相似文献   

Salt Tolerance and Crop Potential of Halophytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although they represent only 2% of terrestrial plant species, halophytes are present in about half the higher plant families and represent a wide diversity of plant forms. Despite their polyphyletic origins, halophytes appear to have evolved the same basic method of osmotic adjustment: accumulation of inorganic salts, mainly NaCl, in the vacuole and accumulation of organic solutes in the cytoplasm. Differences between halophyte and gly-cophyte ion transport systems are becoming apparent. The pathways by which Na+ and Cl? enters halophyte cells are not well understood but may involve ion channels and pinocytosis, in addition to Na+ and Cl? transporters. Na+ uptake into vacuoles requires Na+/H+ antiporters in the tonoplast and H+ ATPases and perhaps PPi ases to provide the proton motive force. Tonoplast antiporters are constitutive in halophytes, whereas they must be activated by NaCl in salt-tolerant glycophytes, and they may be absent from salt-sensitive glycophytes. Halophyte vacuoles may have a modified lipid composition to prevent leakage of Na+ back to the cytoplasm. Becuase of their diversity, halophytes have been regarded as a rich source of potential new crops. Halophytes have been tested as vegetable, forage, and oilseed crops in agronomic field trials. The most productive species yield 10 to 20 ton/ha of biomass on seawater irrigation, equivalent to conventional crops. The oilseed halophyte, Sali-cornia bigelovii, yields 2?t/ha of seed containing 28% oil and 31% protein, similar to soybean yield and seed quality. Halophytes grown on seawater require a leaching fraction to control soil salts, but at lower salinities they outperform conventional crops in yield and water use efficiency. Halophyte forage and seed products can replace conventional ingredients in animal feeding systems, with some restrictions on their use due to high salt content and antinutritional compounds present in some species. Halophytes have applications in recycling saline agricultural wastewater and reclaiming salt-affected soil in arid-zone irrigation districts.  相似文献   

In the current review we focus on the opportunity to use brackish water in the cultivation of floricultural plants, plants for which, due to their high economic value, growers have traditionally used good quality water for irrigation. Now, even for these crops the use of alternative water sources for irrigating nursery plants is needed because of the limited supplies of fresh water in many countries; understanding how saline water can be used will also enhance sustainable development in floriculture. While salt stress usually reduces plant growth, any such reduction might not be negative for ornamentals, where shoot vigour is sometime undesirable, although on flower crops salt stress can delay flowering or decrease flower quality characteristics. However, a decrease in growth rate is not enough to characterize the salt tolerance of ornamental plants, but traits like tip and marginal leaf burn, as consequence of sodium and chlorine accumulation, have to be considered for their effects on aesthetical value. With this in mind, some halophytes should be considered for floriculture because of their ability to cope with saline environments; their potential to tolerate salt is an important factor in reducing production costs. Consequently, the identification of ornamental halophytes is important for producing a commercially acceptable crop when irrigated with brackish waters. Many aspects of a plant's reaction to salt are genetically determined, so selection of suitable genotypes or breeding for salt tolerance in ornamentals are interesting options. Developing salt-tolerant floricultural crops, together with typical management practices that avoid excessive salinity stress in the root media, will provide the grower with economically and environmentally sound wastewater reuse options.  相似文献   

Plant salt tolerance: adaptations in halophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background Most of the water on Earth is seawater, each kilogram of which contains about 35 g of salts, and yet most plants cannot grow in this solution; less than 0·2 % of species can develop and reproduce with repeated exposure to seawater. These ‘extremophiles’ are called halophytes.Scope Improved knowledge of halophytes is of importance to understanding our natural world and to enable the use of some of these fascinating plants in land re-vegetation, as forages for livestock, and to develop salt-tolerant crops. In this Preface to a Special Issue on halophytes and saline adaptations, the evolution of salt tolerance in halophytes, their life-history traits and progress in understanding the molecular, biochemical and physiological mechanisms contributing to salt tolerance are summarized. In particular, cellular processes that underpin the ability of halophytes to tolerate high tissue concentrations of Na+ and Cl, including regulation of membrane transport, their ability to synthesize compatible solutes and to deal with reactive oxygen species, are highlighted. Interacting stress factors in addition to salinity, such as heavy metals and flooding, are also topics gaining increased attention in the search to understand the biology of halophytes.Conclusions Halophytes will play increasingly important roles as models for understanding plant salt tolerance, as genetic resources contributing towards the goal of improvement of salt tolerance in some crops, for re-vegetation of saline lands, and as ‘niche crops’ in their own right for landscapes with saline soils.  相似文献   

In crop modelling the soil, plant and atmosphere system is regarded as a continuum with regard to root water uptake and transpiration. Crop production, often assumed to be linearly related with transpiration, depends on several factors, including water and nutrient availability and salinity. The effect of crop production factors on crop production is frequently incorporated in crop models using empirical reduction functions, which summarize very complex processes. Crop modelling has mainly focused on conventional crops and specific plant types such as halophytes have received limited attention. Crop modelling of halophytes can be approached as a hierarchy of production situations, starting at the situation with most optimal conditions and progressively introducing limiting factors. We analyse crop production situations in terms of water- and salt limited production and in terms of combined stresses. We show that experimental data as such may not be the bottleneck, but that data need to be adequately processed, to provide the basis for a first analysis. Halophytic crops offer a production perspective in saline areas, but in other areas long-term use of low quality irrigation water for halophyte production can result in serious soil quality problems. An overview is given of potential problems concerning the use of (saline) irrigation water, leading to the conclusion that soil quality changes due to poor quality water should be considered in determining the areas selected for halophyte growing.  相似文献   

It is more important to improve the salt tolerance of crops in a salinized world with the situations of increasing populations, declining crop yields, and a decrease in agricultural lands. Attempts to produce salt-tolerant crops have involved the manipulation of existing crops through conventional breeding, genetic engineering and marker-assisted selection (MAS). However, these have, so far, not produced lines growing on highly saline water. Hence, the domestication of wild halophytes as crops appears to be a feasible way to develop agriculture in highly saline environments. In this review, at first, the assessment criteria of salt tolerance for halophytes are discussed. The traditional criteria for the classification of salinity in crops are less applicable to strong halophytes with cubic growth curves at higher salinities. Thus, realistic assessment criteria for halophytes should be evaluated at low and high salinity levels. Moreover, absolute growth rather than relative growth in fields during a crop's life cycle should be considered. Secondly, the use of metabolomics to understand the mechanisms by which halophytes respond to salt tolerance is highlighted as is the potential for metabolomics-assisted breeding of this group of plants. Metabolomics provides a better understanding of the changes in cellular metabolism induced by salt stress. Identification of metabolic quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with salt tolerance might provide a new method to aid the selection of halophyte improvement. Thirdly, the identification of germplasm-regression-combined (GRC) marker-trait association and its potential to identifying markers associated with salt tolerance is outlined. Results of MAS/linkage map-QTL have been modest because of the absence of QTLs with tight linkage, the non-availability of mapping populations and the substantial time needed to develop such populations. To overcome these limitations, identification by GRC-based marker-trait association has been successfully applied to many plant traits, including salt tolerance. Finally, we provide a prospect on the challenges and opportunities for halophyte improvement, especially in the integration of metabolomics- and GRC-marker-assisted selection towards new or unstudied halophyte breeding, for which no other genetic information, such as linkage maps and QTL, are available.  相似文献   

Normal growth and development of plants is greatly dependent on the capacity to overcome environmental stresses. Environmental stress conditions like high salinity, drought, high incident light and low or high temperature cause major crop losses worldwide. A common denominator in all these adverse conditions is the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within different cellular compartments of the plant cell. Plants have developed robust mechanisms including enzymatic or nonenzymatic scavenging pathways to counter the deleterious effects of ROS production. There are a number of general reviews on oxidative stress in plants and few on the role of ROS scavengers during stress conditions. Here we review the regulation of antioxidant enzymes during salt stress in halophytes, especially mangroves. We conclude that (i) antioxidant enzymes protect halophytes from deleterious ROS production during salt stress, and (ii) genetic information from mangroves and other halophytes would be helpful in defining the roles of individual isoforms. This information would be critical in using the appropriate genes for oxidative stress defence for genetic engineering of enhanced stress tolerance in crop systems.  相似文献   

Background As important components in saline agriculture, halophytes can help to provide food for a growing world population. In addition to being potential crops in their own right, halophytes are also potential sources of salt-resistance genes that might help plant breeders and molecular biologists increase the salt tolerance of conventional crop plants. One especially promising halophyte is Suaeda salsa, a euhalophytic herb that occurs both on inland saline soils and in the intertidal zone. The species produces dimorphic seeds: black seeds are sensitive to salinity and remain dormant in light under high salt concentrations, while brown seeds can germinate under high salinity (e.g. 600 mm NaCl) regardless of light. Consequently, the species is useful for studying the mechanisms by which dimorphic seeds are adapted to saline environments. S. salsa has succulent leaves and is highly salt tolerant (e.g. its optimal NaCl concentration for growth is 200 mm). A series of S. salsa genes related to salt tolerance have been cloned and their functions tested: these include SsNHX1, SsHKT1, SsAPX, SsCAT1, SsP5CS and SsBADH. The species is economically important because its fresh branches have high value as a vegetable, and its seed oil is edible and rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Because it can remove salts and heavy metals from saline soils, S. salsa can also be used in the restoration of salinized or contaminated saline land.Scope Because of its economic and ecological value in saline agriculture, S. salsa is one of the most important halophytes in China. In this review, the value of S. salsa as a source of food, medicine and forage is discussed. Its uses in the restoration of salinized or contaminated land and as a source of salt-resistance genes are also considered.  相似文献   

Gene flow from crops to wild related species has been recently under focus in risk-assessment studies of the ecological consequences of growing transgenic crops. However, experimental studies addressing this question are usually temporally or spatially limited. Indirect population-structure approaches can provide more global estimates of gene flow, but their assumptions appear inappropriate in an agricultural context. In an attempt to help the committees providing advice on the release of transgenic crops, we present a new method to estimate the quantity of genes migrating from crops to populations of related wild plants by way of pollen dispersal. This method provides an average estimate at a landscape level. Its originality is based on the measure of the inverse gene flow, i.e. gene flow from the wild plants to the crop. Such gene flow results in an observed level of impurities from wild plants in crop seeds. This level of impurity is usually known by the seed producers and, in any case, its measure is easier than a direct screen of wild populations because crop seeds are abundant and their genetic profile is known. By assuming that wild and cultivated plants have a similar individual pollen dispersal function, we infer the level of pollen-mediated gene flow from a crop to the surrounding wild populations from this observed level of impurity. We present an example for sugar beet data. Results suggest that under conditions of seed production in France (isolation distance of 1,000 m) wild beets produce high numbers of seeds fathered by cultivated plants. Received: 5 February 2001 / Accepted: 26 March 2001  相似文献   

Halophytic crops for cultivation at seawater salinity   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary Several hundred halophytes from salt marshes and salt deserts of the world have been evaluated in our laboratory at various degrees of intensity, and a few have been selected for development as crops. The development of the cultivars and the basic biology of the plants is being studied in Delaware in the United States. Agronomic testing, feeding trials, and development of the best agronomic practices are taking place in the saline desert at the American University in Cairo research station in Sadat City. Our present efforts focus primarily on three forages, one grain, and one vegetable.Sporobolus virginicus cultivars for both hay and pasture are being tested. ADistichlis spicata cultivar for hay has been identified, andSpartina patens is being evaluated as a hay as well. Although we do not yet have the data for a full year's growth in Egypt, forage yields of these various cultivars, when harvested as hay crops, range to 6.9 or more tons per acre, depending on the salinity and other environmental conditions, and the crude protein content as indicated by the nitrogen content ranges from 6 to 10%. Cultivars having the most useful agronomic qualities have been identified and are being increased in quantity. The grain cropKosteletzkya virginica is a perennial, producing a seed which resembles millet; its whole seeds contain approximately 25% protein and 15% oil. The yields of one of our better cultivars are about 1460 kg/ha (1300 lb/acre) when grown under 25 salinity. The vegetableAtriplex triangularis (similar to spinach) has been under mass selection for four years; a cultivar has been identified and seed is now being increased for this species.  相似文献   

Salinity is a major problem in arid and semi-arid regions, where irrigation is essential for crop production. Major sources of salinity in these regions are salt-rich irrigation water and improper irrigation management. The effects of salinity on crops include inhibition of growth and production, and ultimately, death. There are two main approaches to alleviating the adverse effects of salinity on agricultural crops: (i) development of salt-tolerant cultivars by screening, conventional breeding or genetic engineering, and (ii) the traditional approach dealing with treatments and management of the soil, plants, irrigation water, and plant environment. The success of the first approach is limited under commercial growing conditions, because salt-tolerance traits in plants are complex. The present paper reviews, analyzes, and discusses the following traditional approaches: (i) improving the plant environment, (ii) exploiting interactions between plant roots and bacteria and fungi, and (iii) treating the plant directly. With respect to improving the plant environment, we review the possibilities of decreasing salt content and concentration and improving the nutrient composition and concentration in the root zone, and controlling the plant's aerial environment. The interactions between salt-tolerant bacteria or mycorrhizal fungi and root systems, and their effects on salt-tolerance, are demonstrated and discussed. Discussed treatments aimed at alleviating salinity hazard by treating the plant directly include priming of seeds and young seedlings, using proper seed size, grafting onto tolerant rootstocks, applying non-enzymatic antioxidants, plant growth regulators or compatible solutes, and foliar application of nutrients. It can be concluded from the present review that the traditional approaches provide promising means for alleviating the adverse effects of salinity on agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the population biology of halophytes are considered in this review. Persistent seed banks have been reported for a number of inland- and coastal-salt marsh plant communities. Seeds of perennial grasses are often under-represented, while annuals and some perennial forbs may be over-represented in the seed bank. The persistent seed bank of annual halophytes appears adaptive, and provides multiple seed germination opportunities which may prevent local extinction when environmental stress increases. Somatic seed polymorphism provides a mechanism by which parent plants can respond to changing environments by partitioning their resources into reproductive units which have distinct germination responses. Parental effects may influence either seed morphology and/or physiological requirements of seeds when they are exposed to environmental stress. A prolonged germination period can provide plant populations with numerous opportunities to establish seedling cohorts. Early cohorts will have a selective advantage under moderate conditions because mortality will be low and plants will survive until maturity. However, fluctuations in salinity levels and tidal activity can cause high mortality in early cohorts in salt marsh habitats, providing later cohorts with an opportunity for establishment. Resource allocation to reproductive structures is related to plant size, which itself can be affected by both abiotic and biotic factors. Larger plants were found to produce more seeds than smaller plants in a population, but the mean seed weight was greater in small plants.  相似文献   

盐生植物种子萌发对环境的适应对策   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
渠晓霞  黄振英 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2389-2398
盐生环境是一种严峻的胁迫环境,对植物的生长、发育、繁殖等生活史的各阶段都产生着重要的影响。盐生植物是生长在盐渍土壤上的一类天然植物区系,它们在长期的进化过程中形成了一系列适应盐生生境的特殊生存策略。一般情况下,盐生植物种子对环境的适应能力,是植物对盐生环境适应性的重要体现;而植物发育早期对盐度的适应能力又是决定物种分布和群落组成的关键因素。在对国内外相关文献进行分析归纳的基础上,从盐分对种子萌发的影响机理及植物种子萌发对盐生环境的适应对策两个方面综述了植物种子休眠萌发与盐生环境的关系。  相似文献   

Halophytes are plants of saline habitats that grow under conditions that may vary in extremes of temperatures (freezing to very hot), water availability (drought to water logging) and salinity (mild to almost saturation). Halophytes may also face sudden micro-environmental variations within their habitats. In this review we examine some of the factors that determine the ability of seeds of halophytes to germinate when conditions are optimal for seedling growth and survival.Seed dormancy (innate, induced or acquired) is an important means of initiating growth under appropriate conditions. Saline environments are often wet and so the seeds of halophytes may remain un-germinated over extended periods even after imbibition if the external environment does not favour germination and seedling survival. Many perennial halophytes, however, do not possess elaborate dormancy systems because they propagate largely through ramets and have no ecological compulsions for seed germination.The seeds of halophytes also have the capacity to recover from a salinity shock and start germination once salinity is reduced, which may happen following rain. In some cases, imbibition in a low-salt solution may help in osmo-priming and improve germination. Seed heteromorphism is yet another strategy adopted by some halophytes, whereby seeds of different size and colour are produced that germinate consecutively at suitable intervals. Light-dependent germination may also help if the seed is under a dense canopy or buried in debris; germination only occurs once these restraints are removed thus increasing the chances of seedling survival.  相似文献   

Salinity in soil affects about 7 % of the land’s surface and about 5 % of cultivated land. Most importantly, about 20 % of irrigated land has suffered from secondary salinisation and 50 % of irrigation schemes are affected by salts. In many hotter, drier countries of the world salinity is a concern in their agriculture and could become a key issue. Consequently, the development of salt resistant crops is seen as an important area of research. Although there has been considerable research into the effects of salts on crop plants, there has not, unfortunately, been a commensurate release of salt tolerant cultivars of crop plants. The reason is likely to be the complex nature of the effect of salts on plants. Given the rapid increase in molecular biological techniques, a key question is whether such techniques can aid the development of salt resistance in plants. Physiological and biochemical research has shown that salt tolerance depends on a range of adaptations embracing many aspects of a plant’s physiology: one of these the compartmentation of ions. Introducing genes for compatible solutes, a key part of ion compartmentation, in salt-sensitive species is, conceptually, a simple way of enhancing tolerance. However, analysis of the few data available suggests the consequences of transformation are not straightforward. This is not unexpected for a multigenic trait where the hierarchy of various aspects of tolerance may differ between and within species. The experimental evaluation of the response of transgenic plants to stress does not always match, in quality, the molecular biology. We have advocated the use of physiological traits in breeding programmes as a process that can be undertaken at the present while more knowledge of the genetic basis of salt tolerance is obtained. The use of molecular biological techniques might aid plant breeders through the development of marker aided selection.  相似文献   

The fitness of crop-wild hybrids can influence gene flow between crop and wild populations. Seed predation levels in crop-wild hybrid plants can be an important factor in determining plant fitness, especially in large-seeded crops such as sunflower. To determine patterns of pre-dispersal seed predation, seeds were collected from wild sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) and wild×crop F1 hybrids at three experimental field sites in eastern Kansas. Seed heads were dissected and each seed was counted and scored for categories of seed damage by lepidopteran and coleopteran larvae. Hybrid seed heads showed significantly higher levels of insect-damaged seeds. The average hybrid plant had 36.5% of its seeds (or 45.1 seeds per plant) eaten by insect larvae while the average wild plant lost only 1.8% (or 95 seeds) to seed predators. Hybrid populations had higher levels of total insect damage even when date of flowering, flower head diameter, and the number of open heads within the study site were accounted for. These results suggest that the reduced fecundity of F1 crop-wild sunflower hybrids demonstrated in other studies may be augmented by the increased seed predation in hybrid flower heads. Fecundity estimates of crop-wild hybrid and wild plants that disregard differential seed predation levels may not accurately reflect the actual relative contributions of hybrid and wild plants to future generations. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

Increasing soil salinization and the growing scarcity of fresh water dictate the need for a creative solution to attain sustainable crop production. To accomplish this aim, the domestication of inherently salt tolerant plant species with economic value is proposed as a straightforward methodology. Most studies investigating salt tolerance mechanisms are linked to small, experimental systems that cannot be generalized to the real agricultural context. The crops Salicornia and Sarcocornia, however, with their extreme salt tolerance and long history of consumption by humans, make the ideal model plants on which to base a halophyte growth strategy. New applied technologies were developed for leafy vegetable production using small-scale greenhouse and in-field studies. Several cultivation systems adapted to the irrigation water salinity and the available soil conditions are described. Daylength manipulation and a repetitive harvest regime partially elucidated the flowering patterns of Salicornia and Sarcocornia and showed that flowering should be prevented for maximal vegetable production. Additionally, the beneficial effect of saline irrigation on quality parameters via the enhancement of stress-induced secondary metabolites with antioxidant capacity should be considered during cultivation. This review summarizes the recent developments in growing halophytes for food production with saline irrigation, using Salicornia and Sarcocornia as a case study.  相似文献   

An experimental work was conducted in Lleida (Spain) aiming to characterise the phenology and to quantify the demographic processes regulating the populations of Abutilon theophrasti Medicus in maize fields. Seedling emergence started a few days after crop sowing in early May and continued during two more months. The vegetative phase was very long due to the late seeding emergence; these later emerged plants showed a slower development, and many of them did not reach the fertility stage. A flowering peak was observed 12 weeks after emergence in late July, and fruit dehiscence and seed setting started in mid August, several weeks before crop harvest. Four different cohorts were identified, and two main peaks of emergence were determined 21 and 49 days after crop sowing nearest related with field irrigation. A functional logarithmic relationship between cumulative growing degree-days (GDD) and cumulative emergence was also described. The resulting demographic diagram reflects greater values relating to seedling survival for May cohorts (90.2 vs 7.9%), to fertility (100 vs 75%) and to fecundity (3774 vs 92 seeds pl−1) than those determined for the June cohorts. The late emerged plants are subjected to a high density and are strongly affected by light competition, and their reproductive phase initiation delay is of about 10–20 days. In an assay conducted in Petri dishes, the seeds provided from plants emerged earlier were found more vigorous and germinated more than those from late emerged plants, which seem to be affected by incomplete fruit and seed ripening. Following the crop cycle without any weed control, the population rate increase was about 21.2. These values explain the high invasion capacity of this weed in the local summer irrigated fields, which consists in assuring their presence through a persistent soil seed bank and increasing the probability to spread to other fields. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Agriculture productivity is severely hampered by soil salinity, drought and other environmental stresses. Studies on stress-resistant plants (halophytes, xerophytes, accumulating plants for specific toxic ions) have illuminated some mechanisms of stress tolerance in plants at metabolic or molecular levels, which gave some clues on how to genetically engineer stress-tolerant crops. With the isolation of more stress-responsive genes, genetic engineering with modified expression of stress responsive genes may be an effective way to produce stress-tolerant crops. In the present report, two genes (PEAMT and BADH) encoding the corresponding key enzymes for choline and glycine betaine (an important osmoprotectant) biosynthesis in plants were isolated in oilseed rape, an important oil crop in the world. Effects of salt stress on their expression were studied with quantitative PCR and their potential use in the genetic engineering of oilseed rape was discussed.  相似文献   

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