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Membrane microdomains and caveolae.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Glycosphingolipid- and cholesterol-enriched microdomains, or rafts, within the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells have been implicated in many important cellular processes, such as polarized sorting of apical membrane proteins in epithelial cells and signal transduction. Until recently, however, the existence of such domains remained controversial. The past year has brought compelling evidence that microdomains indeed exist in living cells. In addition, several recent papers have suggested that caveolae, which are considered to be a specific form of raft, and caveolins, the major membrane proteins of caveolae, are involved in the dynamic cholesterol-dependent regulation of specific signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(5):1233-1243
Caveolae, also termed plasmalemmal vesicles, are small, flask-shaped, non-clathrin-coated invaginations of the plasma membrane. Caveolin is a principal component of the filaments that make up the striated coat of caveolae. Using caveolin as a marker protein for the organelle, we found that adipose tissue is the single most abundant source of caveolae identified thus far. Caveolin mRNA and protein are strongly induced during differentiation of 3T3-L1 fibroblasts to adipocytes; during adipogenesis there is also a dramatic increase in the complexity of the protein composition of caveolin-rich membrane domains. About 10- 15% of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4 is found in this caveolin-rich fraction, and immuno-isolated vesicles containing GLUT4 also contain caveolin. However, in non-stimulated adipocytes the majority of caveolin fractionates with the plasma membrane, while most GLUT4 associates with low-density microsomes. Upon addition of insulin to 3T3-L1 adipocytes, there is a significant increase in the amount of GLUT4 associated with caveolin-rich membrane domains, an increase in the amount of caveolin associated with the plasma membrane, and a decrease in the amount of caveolin associated with low-density microsomes. Caveolin does not undergo a change in phosphorylation upon stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with insulin. However, after treatment with insulin it is associated with a 32-kD phosphorylated protein. Caveolae thus may play an important role in the vesicular transport of GLUT4 to or from the plasma membrane. 3T3-L1 adipocytes offer an attractive system to study the function of caveolae in several cellular trafficking and signaling events.  相似文献   

Membrane structure in isolated and intact myelins.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The biochemical composition of myelin and the topology of its constituent lipids and proteins are typically studied using membranes that have been isolated from whole, intact tissue using procedures involving hypotonic shock and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. To what extent, however, are the structure and intermembrane interactions of isolated myelin similar to those of intact myelin? We have previously reported that intact and isolated myelins do not always show identical myelin periods, indicating a difference in membrane-membrane interactions. The present study addresses the possibility that this is due to altered membrane structure. Because x-ray scattering from isolated myelin sometimes consists of overlapping Bragg reflections or is continuous, we developed nonlinear least squares procedures for analyzing the total intensity distribution after film scaling, background subtraction, and Lorentz correction. We calculated electron density profiles of isolated myelin for comparison with membrane profiles from intact myelin. The change in the width of the extracellular space and the relative invariance of the cytoplasmic space as a function of pH and ionic strength that we previously found for intact nerve was largely paralleled by isolated myelin. There were two exceptions: isolated CNS myelin was resistant to swelling under all conditions, and isolated PNS myelin in hypotonic saline showed indefinite swelling at the extracellular apposition. However, electron density profiles of isolated myelins, calculated to 30 A resolution, did not show any major change in structure compared with intact myelin that could account for the differences in interactions.  相似文献   

Plasmalemmal vesicles (PVs) or caveolae are plasma membrane invaginations and associated vesicles of regular size and shape found in most mammalian cell types. They are particularly numerous in the continuous endothelium of certain microvascular beds (e.g., heart, lung, and muscles) in which they have been identified as transcytotic vesicular carriers. Their chemistry and function have been extensively studied in the last years by various means, including several attempts to isolate them by cell fractionation from different cell types. The methods so far used rely on nonspecific physical parameters of the caveolae and their membrane (e.g., size-specific gravity and solubility in detergents) which do not rule out contamination from other membrane sources, especially the plasmalemma proper. We report here a different method for the isolation of PVs from plasmalemmal fragments obtained by a silica-coating procedure from the rat lung vasculature. The method includes sonication and flotation of a mixed vesicle fraction, as the first step, followed by specific immunoisolation of PVs on anticaveolin-coated magnetic microspheres, as the second step. The mixed vesicle fraction, is thereby resolved into a bound subfraction (B), which consists primarily of PVs or caveolae, and a nonbound subfraction (NB) enriched in vesicles derived from the plasmalemma proper. The results so far obtained indicate that some specific endothelial membrane proteins (e.g., thrombomodulin, functional thrombin receptor) are distributed about evenly between the B and NB subfractions, whereas others are restricted to the NB subfraction (e.g., angiotensin converting enzyme, podocalyxin). Glycoproteins distribute unevenly between the two subfractions and antigens involved in signal transduction [e.g., annexin II, protein kinase C alpha, the G alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (alpha s, alpha q, alpha i2, alpha i3), small GTP-binding proteins, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and nonreceptor protein kinase c-src] are concentrated in the NB (plasmalemma proper-enriched) subfraction rather than in the caveolae of the B subfraction. Additional work should show whether discrepancies between our findings and those already recorded in the literature represent inadequate fractionation techniques or are accounted for by chemical differentiation of caveolae from one cell type to another.  相似文献   

Sealed membrane vesicles were isolated from homogenates of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot by a combination of differential centrifugation, extraction with KI, and dextran gradient centrifugation. Relative to the KI-extracted microsomes, the content of plasma membranes, mitochondrial membranes, and Golgi membranes was much reduced in the final vesicle fraction. A component of ATPase activity that was inhibited by nitrate co-enriched with the capacity of the vesicles to form a steady state pH gradient during the purification procedure. This suggests that the nitrate-sensitive ATPase may be involved in driving H+-transport, and this is consistent with the observation that H+-transport, in the final vesicle fraction was inhibited by nitrate. Proton transport in the sugarbeet vesicles was substrate specific for ATP, insensitive to sodium vanadate and oligomycin but was inhibited by diethylstilbestrol and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The formation of a pH gradient in the vesicles was enhanced by halide ions in the sequence I > Br > Cl while F was inhibitory. These stimulatory effects occur from both a direct stimulation of the ATPase by anions and a reduction in the vesicle membrane potential. In the presence of Cl, alkali cations reduce the pH gradient relative to that observed with bis-tris-propane, possibly by H+/alkali cation exchange. Based upon the properties of the H+-transporting vesicles, it is proposed that they are most likely derived from the tonoplast so that this vesicle preparation would represent a convenient system for studying the mechanism of transport at this membrane boundary.  相似文献   

Caveolae are flask-shape membrane invaginations of the plasma membrane that have been implicated in endocytosis, transcytosis, and cell signaling. Recent years have witnessed the resurgence of studies on caveolae because they have been found to be involved in the uptake of some membrane components such as glycosphingolipids and integrins, as well as viruses, bacteria, and bacterial toxins. Accumulating evidence shows that endocytosis mediated by caveolae requires unique structural and signaling machinery (caveolin-1, src kinase), which indicates that caveolar endocytosis occurs through a mechanism which is distinct from other forms of lipid microdomain-associated, clathrin-independent endocytosis. Furthermore, a balance of glycosphingolipids, cholesterol, and caveolin-1 has been shown to be important in regulating caveolae endocytosis.  相似文献   

Using m-calpain antibody, we have identified two major bands corresponding to the 80 kDa large and the 28 kDa small subunit of m-calpain in caveolae vesicles isolated from bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle plasma membrane. In addition, 78, 35, and 18 kDa immunoreactive bands of m-calpain have also been detected. Casein zymogram studies also revealed the presence of m-calpain in the caveolae vesicles. We have also identified Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-1 (NCX1) in the caveolae vesicles. Purification and N-terminal sequence analyses of these two proteins confirmed their identities as m-calpain and NCX1, respectively. We further sought to determine the role of m-calpain on calcium-dependent proteolytic cleavage of NCX1 in the caveolae vesicles. Treatment of the caveolae vesicles with the calcium ionophore, A23187 (1 μM) in presence of CaCl2 (1 mM) appears to cleave NCX1 (120 kDa) to an 82 kDa fragment as revealed by immunoblot study using NCX1 monoclonal antibody; while pretreatment with the calpain inhibitors, calpeptin or MDL28170; or the Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA-AM did not cause a discernible change in the NCX protein profile. In vitro cleavage of the purified NCX1 by the purified m-calpain supports this finding. The cleavage of NCX1 by m-calpain in the caveolae vesicles may be interpreted as an important mechanism of Ca2+ overload, which could arise due to inhibition of Ca2+ efflux by the forward-mode NCX and that could lead to sustained Ca2+ overload in the smooth muscle leading to pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, interest in caveolae biology has peaked. These small bulb-shaped plasma membrane invaginations of 50–80 nm diameter present in most cell types have been upgraded from simple membrane structures to a more complex bona fide organelle. However, although caveolae are involved in several essential cellular functions and pathologies, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly defined. Following the identification of caveolins and cavins as the main caveolae constituents, recent studies have brought new insight into their structural organization as a coat. In this review, we discuss how these new data on caveolae can be integrated in the context of their role in signaling and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles in magnetotactic bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Magnetotactic bacteria are microorganisms that respond to magnetic fields. We have studied the surface ultrastructure of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum and uncultured magnetotactic bacteria from a marine environment using transmission electron microscopy and freeze-etching. Numerous membrane vesicles were observed on the surface of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum bacteria. All uncultured magnetotactic bacteria presented membrane vesicles on their surface in addition to an extensive capsular material and an S-layer formed by particles arranged in a hexagonal symmetry. We did not observe any indication of electron-dense precipitation on the surface of these microorganisms. Our results indicate that membrane vesicles are a common characteristic of magneto-tactic bacteria in natural sediments.  相似文献   

Caveolae are flask-shape membrane invaginations of the plasma membrane that have been implicated in endocytosis, transcytosis, and cell signaling. Recent years have witnessed the resurgence of studies on caveolae because they have been found to be involved in the uptake of some membrane components such as glycosphingolipids and integrins, as well as viruses, bacteria, and bacterial toxins. Accumulating evidence shows that endocytosis mediated by caveolae requires unique structural and signaling machinery (caveolin-1, src kinase), which indicates that caveolar endocytosis occurs through a mechanism which is distinct from other forms of lipid microdomain-associated, clathrin-independent endocytosis. Furthermore, a balance of glycosphingolipids, cholesterol, and caveolin-1 has been shown to be important in regulating caveolae endocytosis.  相似文献   

In isolated basolateral and canalicular rat liver plasma membrane vesicles the membrane potential (measured with DiS-C2 (5] varied with transmembrane concentration gradients of Na+, K+ and Cl- revealing the following ion permeabilities: basolateral vesicles: PNa/PK: 0.76, PCl/PK: 0.45 and canalicular vesicles: PNa/PK: 0.69, PCl/PK: 0.56. The data indicate a permselectivity of PK greater than PNa greater than PCl for both membranes.  相似文献   

Caveolae are 50-100-nm membrane microdomains that represent a subcompartment of the plasma membrane. Previous morphological studies have implicated caveolae in (a) the transcytosis of macromolecules (including LDL and modified LDLs) across capillary endothelial cells, (b) the uptake of small molecules via a process termed potocytosis involving GPI-linked receptor molecules and an unknown anion transport protein, (c) interactions with the actin-based cytoskeleton, and (d) the compartmentalization of certain signaling molecules, including G- protein coupled receptors. Caveolin, a 22-kD integral membrane protein, is an important structural component of caveolae that was first identified as a major v-Src substrate in Rous sarcoma virus transformed cells. This finding initially suggested a relationship between caveolin, transmembrane signaling, and cellular transformation. We have recently developed a procedure for isolating caveolin-rich membrane domains from cultured cells. To facilitate biochemical manipulations, we have applied this procedure to lung tissue--an endothelial and caveolin-rich source-allowing large scale preparation of these complexes. These membrane domains retain approximately 85% of caveolin and approximately 55% of a GPI-linked marker protein, while they exclude > or = 98% of integral plasma membrane protein markers and > or = 99.6% of other organelle-specific membrane markers tested. Characterization of these complexes by micro-sequencing and immuno- blotting reveals known receptors for modified forms of LDL (scavenger receptors: CD 36 and RAGE), multiple GPI-linked proteins, an anion transporter (plasma membrane porin), cytoskeletal elements, and cytoplasmic signaling molecules--including Src-like kinases, hetero- trimeric G-proteins, and three members of the Rap family of small GTPases (Rap 1--the Ras tumor suppressor protein, Rap 2, and TC21). At least a fraction of the actin in these complexes appeared monomeric (G- actin), suggesting that these domains could represent membrane bound sites for microfilament nucleation/assembly during signaling. Given that the majority of these proteins are known molecules, our current studies provide a systematic basis for evaluating these interactions in vivo.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated ATPases in isolated secretory vesicles   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Polysaccharide-containing vesicles were collected from secretory cells maintained in liquid culture. Characterization of membrane-associated nucleosidephosphatases revealed that the vesicles specifically hydrolyze ATP, have a pH optimum between 6.0 and 6.5, and are stimulated by inorganic cations, especially K+. The ATPase activity in these vesicles was inhibited by orthovanadate and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide; other inhibitors, such as oligomycin, sodium azide, and diethylstilbestrol were generally ineffective. Results from these studies are consistent with the notion that vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus have partially differentiated into plasmalemma before they fuse with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Membrane structure and function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Membrane structure and dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Electrokinetic properties of isolated cerebral-cortex synaptic vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synaptic vesicles isolated from guinea-pig cerebral cortex had an electrophoretic mobility of -3.55mum.s(-1).V(-1).cm in saline-sorbitol, pH7.2, at 25 degrees C (ionic strength 0.015g-ions/1). The mobility was pH-dependent, varied with ionic strength and indicated that the vesicular surface contained weak acidic functions with a pK(a) in the range 3.0-3.8. Although the vesicular surface was determined to be highly negatively charged, treatment with neuraminidase had no effect on mobility and indicated that the relatively strong carboxyl groups of sialic acid do not contribute significantly to vesicular electrokinetic properties. Treatment of synaptic vesicles with trypsin or trypsinized concanavalin A resulted in increases in mobility, but treatment with ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease, chrondroitinase ABC or hyaluronidase had no significant effect on mobility. Mn(2+) or Ca(2+) was more effective in decreasing vesicle mobility than was Mg(2+), Sr(2+) or Ba(2+). The electrokinetic properties of the synaptic vesicle surface are discussed and contrasted with the properties of the synaptosomal membrane.  相似文献   

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