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Summary The secretory activity of the subcommissural organ (SCO) is affected by adrenalectomy, adrenalectomy + castration, and by an increase in ambient temperature in adrenalectomized and adrenalectomized + castrated animals. Adrenalectomy inhibits the activity of the SCO. After adrenalectomy + castration the decrease in the secretory activity of the SCO is more rapid. In contrast, an increase in the ambient temperature in adrenalectomized animals induces a recrudescence of the activity of the SCO. The increase in temperature in castrated + adrenalectomized lizards does not affect the inhibition produced by this type of surgical treatment. The histological changes are discussed on the basis of results obtained in the present study and in previous experiments.This work was presented at the First Colloquium of the European Pineal Study Group, November 20–24, 1978, in Amsterdam  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the possible functional relationship between the adrenal gland and the subcommissural organ (SCO) in the lizard Lacerta s. sicula Raf., ACTH was administered to some specimens of this species in January when both the adrenal gland and the subcommissural organ have a very low activity. In comparison to untreated controls, the adrenals of animals treated with ACTH showed clear signs of stimulation, presenting enlarged blood vessels, very few lipid droplets, numerous polymorphic mitochondria and abundant tubular smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, a distinct increase in secretory material was observed in the subcommissural cells of specimens treated with ACTH. These cells showed large cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum filled with granular material in the basal region, numerous secretory granules of two types in the apical region and a reduced number of microvilli on the free cell surface. These findings, together with the results of preceding studies, lead the authors to the consideration that steroid hormones might play a role in the regulation of the secretory activity of the SCO.  相似文献   

Summary The central projections of the frontal organ of Rana pipiens are more widespread, and more similar to those of the epiphysis, than previously realized. Fibers labeled with horseradish peroxidase were traced to the amygdala, the epiphysis, the pretectal region, and several nuclear areas of the mesencephalic and diencephalic central gray. When peroxidase reaction product was carefully distinguished from neuromelanin by means of polarization microscopy, no unequivocally labeled cell bodies of centrifugal fibers could be found.Supported by NIH grants GM-09181, EY-02083, and by BRSG RR-05357 awarded by the Biomedical Research Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, N.I.H.  相似文献   

After injection of horseradish peroxidase into the frontal organ of Rana temporaria, labeled perikarya were found in the medial part of the amygdala, the preoptic area, the nucleus rotundus, the pretectal area, and the lateral parts of the midbrain central griseum.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies suggest that, in the oocytes of the lizardPodarcis sicula, ribosomal bodies are structurally continuous with annulate lamellae during their organization and disaggregation. This observation may indicate the dynamic transformation of the cytomembranes of one structure into those of the other, and vice versa. Moreover, the presence of annulate lamellae has been detected for the first time in lizard oocytes. The hypothesis is advanced that ribosomal bodies and annulate lamellae, in spite of some different structural characteristics, may play a similar role during the oocyte growth.  相似文献   

The distribution, argyrophilia, and the possible amine/peptide co-localizations in endocrine cells immunoreactive (IR) to antisera against chromogranin A (CgA) and chromogranin B (CgB) in the alimentary tract of the lizard Podarcis sicula have been investigated using novel monoclonal antibodies. Many CgA-IR and CgB-IR cells were found in the tract, except in the distal small intestine. Almost all chromogranin-IR cells (Cgs-IR) were also argyrophilic with parallel intensity. Some CgA-IR and CgB-IR cells did not display co-localized amines or peptides. CgA or CgB or both were found co-localized, with some local differences, in almost all serotonin-IR, histamine-IR, substance P-IR and gastric peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY)-IR cells. Moreover, both Cgs were co-localized only in some somatostatin-IR cells, whereas neurotensin-IR, gastrin/cholecystokinin-IR, pancreatic polypeptide-IR and intestinal PYY-IR cells did not show any co-localization with Cgs. The presence of Cgs in the endocrine cells was heterogeneous with regard to the complex interrelationship with their amine/peptide content. Consequently, Cgs cannot be considered as universal markers of all endocrine cell types.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was applied to the transected end of the pineal tract of the lamprey, Lampetra japonica. Distinct reaction products of HRP were observed in 2 types of cell other than ganglion cells. The first type of cell protrudes a knob-like process into the pineal lumen. This type of cell was clearly identified by electron microscopy as a photoreceptor cell; its outer segment was connected to the ellipsoid through a sensory cilium. The other type of cell was located among photoreceptor and supporting cells. The processes of these cells were thin and slender, and they obviously did not represent photoreceptor, supporting, or conventional ganglion cells. The present results indicate that, in the lamprey, some of the photoreceptor cells of the pineal organ project their axon-like processes toward the posterior commissure, but that there is also another type of cell displaying long axonal projections. HRP-containing cells were distributed randomly over the pineal organ and were occasionally also observed in the parapineal organ.  相似文献   

Summary Earlier studies using Golgi silver impregnations from the labellar sensilla of adult Drosophila melanogaster revealed seven types of sensory axons projecting into the suboesophageal ganglion of the brain. These sensory terminals were designated as coiled fibres (type-I), shrubby fibres (type-II), ipsilateral ventral fibres (type-III), ipsilateral dorsal fibres (type-IV), contralateral ventral fibres (type-V), contralateral dorsal fibres (type-VI), and central fibres (type-VII). The present study identifies the projections of sensory neurons present in a single labellar taste-sensillum, using the neuronal marker horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Although the taste sensillum in question has five neurons, in a given experiment only one or at the most two neurons are labelled. The type of neuron labelled was usually specific to the stimulant solute (sucrose, sodium chloride or potassium chloride) present in the HRP solution. Although type-II fibres get labelled most of the time, irrespective of the stimulant present in HRP solution, type-IV fibres are labelled when attractants (0.1 M sucrose or 0.1 M sodium chloride) are used as stimulants in HRP solution. Type-VI fibres are labelled when the stimulant is 0.1 M potassium chloride, a repellent. HRP dissolved in distilled water revealed type-I coiled fibres. Besides revealing projections of sensillar neurons to the brain the present technique also inferred their possible function. Incubation of whole-brain tissue with 0.04% 3,3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride in presence of 0.06% hydrogen peroxide suggested that the glomerular organization is also present in the taste-sensory region as it is in olfactory neuropile.  相似文献   

Summary Using traditional as well as whole-mount immunohistochemistry, we described the location of tyrosine hydroxylase-and dopamine beta hydroxylase-positive cells and fibers in the brain of the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Major catecholaminergic cell groups were in the ependyma in certain ventricular regions, alous coeruleus, anterior hypothalamic and lateral hypothalamic areas, and in the mesencephalic tegmental region, locus coeruleus, nucleus of the solitary tract, vagal motor nucleus, and rhombencephalic reticular formation. Major catecholaminergic fibers, tracts and varicosities included tuberohypophysial, mesolimbic, nigrostriatal, isthmocortical, medullohypothalamic, and coeruleospinal systems. Although the catecholaminergic systems in A. carolinensis are similar to those in the brains of other lizards studied, there are a few species differences. Our information about A. carolinensis will be used to help localize the hypothalamic asymmetry in catecholamine metabolism previously described in this lizard.  相似文献   

Summary Single photoreceptor cells in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica were selectively illuminated and subsequently compared electron-microscopically with the unilluminated photoreceptors in the immediate surroundings. The rhabdomeres of the illuminated cells remain largely unaffected, but the cells show an increase in the number of coated pits, various types of vesicles, and degradative organelles; some of the latter organelles are described for the first time in fly photoreceptors. Coated pits are found not only at the bases of the microvilli, but also in other parts of the plasma membrane. Degradative organelles, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria aggregate in the perinuclear region. The rough ER and smooth ER are more elaborate, the number of Golgi stacks, free ribosomes and polysomes is increased, and the shape and distribution of heterochromatin within the nuclei are altered. Illuminated photoreceptors also interdigitate extensively with their neighbouring secondary pigment cells. These structural changes in illuminated fly photoreceptor cells indicate an increase in membrane turnover and cellular metabolism. When applied to the eye, Lucifer Yellow spreads into the extracellular space and is taken up only by the illuminated photoreceptor cells. These cells show the same structural modifications as above. Horseradish peroxidase applied in the same way is observed in pinocytotic vesicles and degradative organelles of the illuminated cells. Hence, the light-induced uptake of extracellular compounds takes place in vivo at least partially as a result of an increase in pinocytosis.  相似文献   

Achim Hager  Christa Lanz 《Planta》1989,180(1):116-122
Functional properties and the localization of essential SH-groups of the tonoplast H+-ATPase fromZea mays L. were studied. In contrast to the pyrophosphate-dependent H+-translocation activity of the tonoplast, the H+-ATPase activity was inhibited by SH-blocking agents, such as N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetic acid. In the case ofp-hydroxymercuribenzoate, HgCl2 and oxidized glutathione, the inhibition could be reversed by adding reduced glutathione or dithiothreitol. Incubation of tonoplast vesicles with oxidized glutathione or N-ethylmaleimide in the presence of Mg·ADP—a competitive inhibitor of the ATP-dependent H+ pump—avoided the inhibition of the H+-pumping activity. This effect is an indication for the occurrence of essential SH-groups at the catalytic site of the H+-ATPase. In order to characterize the active center these thiols were specifically labeled with maleimidobutyrylbiocytin. Subsequently, the membrane proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred to an immobilizing membrane. The maleimidobutyrylbiocytin-labeled active-center protein was detected by a biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase staining system and was shown to be a 70-kDa subunit of the tonoplast H+-ATPase. It is suggested that the oxidation state of the critical sulfhydryl groups within the active center of the enzyme and their reversible blocking by endogenous compounds might be of great importance for the regulation of the enzyme activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Careful cutting of the hypocotyl of Ricinus communis L. seedlings led to the exudation of pure sieve-tube sap for 2–3 h. This offered the possibility of testing the phloem-loading system qualitatively and quantitatively by incubating the cotyledons with different solutes of various concentrations to determine whether or not these solutes were loaded into the sieve tubes. The concentration which was achieved by loading and the time course could also be documented. This study concentrated on the loading of sucrose because it is the major naturally translocated sieve-tube compound. The sucrose concentration of sieve-tube sap was approx. 300 mM when the cotyledons were buried in the endosperm. When the cotyledons were excised from the endosperm and incubated in buffer, the sucrose concentration decreased gradually to 80–100 mM. This sucrose level was maintained for several hours by starch breakdown. Incubation of the excised cotyledons in sucrose caused the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes to rise from 80 to 400 mM, depending on the sucrose concentration in the medium. Thus the sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes could be manipulated over a wide range. The transfer of labelled sucrose to the sieve-tube sap took 10 min; full isotope equilibration was finally reached after 2 h. An increase of K+ in the medium or in the sieve tubes did not change the sucrose concentration in the sievetube sap. Similarly the experimentally induced change of sucrose concentration in the sieve tubes did not affect the K+ concentration in the exudate. High concentrations of K+, however, strongly reduced the flow rate of exudation. Similar results were obtained with Na+ (data not shown). The minimum translocation speed in the sieve tubes in vivo was calculated from the growth increment of the seedling to be 1.03 m·h-1, a value, which on average was also obtained for the exudation system with the endosperm attached. This comparison of the in-vivo rate of phloem transport and the exudation rate from cut hypocotyls indicates that sink control of phloem transport in the seedlings of that particular age was small, if there was any at all, and that the results from the experimental exudation system were probably not falsified by removal of the sink tissues.Abbreviations PTS 3-hydroxy-5,8, 10-pyrenetrisulfonate  相似文献   

Summary The afferent connections of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the domestic mallard (Pekin duck), Anas platyrhynchos, were demonstrated by means of microiontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). To place the HRP injection exactly into the PVN, its location was identified prior to the injection by observing antidiuretic reactions to electrostimulations within the rostral hypothalamus of conscious, hydrated animals. Antidiuresis was induced only when electrostimulation was applied to a distinct hypothalamic area. Two different patterns of antidiuresis were observed: (i) an immediate reduction in rate of production of urine, and (ii) antidiuresis preceded by a period of increase in production of urine. Repeated stimulation of the same site with the same parameters resulted in decreasing antidiuretic effects. At the site where stimulation had elicited the most pronounced antidiuresis of either response type, HRP was injected microiontophoretically.Histological examination after 3–8 days of survival revealed delicate injection sites located exclusively in the periventricular portion of the PVN. Adjacent to the dorsal portion of the PVN retrogradely labeled tanycytes and intraependymal neurons were scattered in the ventricular wall. As demonstrated in neurohistological and electron-microscopic investigations, this ependymal region exhibits a particular arrangement of tanycytes and small neurons (10–15 m in diameter), some of which belong to the neurosecretory type.Additional HRP-labeled neuronal perikarya afferent to the PVN were demonstrated in the contralateral PVN, and on the ipsilateral side in the lateral septum, lateral hypothalamic area and locus coeruleus. Within the nuclei of the solitary tract, stained nerve cells were found ipsilateral as well as contralateral to the injection site.Several of the neurons demonstrated may be considered as candidates for the transmission of signals originating from various receptive structures relevant for the control of avian salt- and water-balance. The physiological results conform to the concept that neurons of the PVN influence urine formation by controlling the release of arginine-vasotocin (AVT). Evidence that suggests additional modes of control exerted by these neurons in salt- and water-balance is presented.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ko 758/1; Si 230/4-4)Portions of these results were presented on the occasion of the 54th Meeting of the Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft (Korf et al. 1981 a) and the 76th Meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft (Korf et al. 1981 b)  相似文献   

The cotyledons of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) act as absorption organs for amino acids, which are supplied to the medium. The analysis of the sieve-tube sap, which exudes from the cut hypocotyl, demonstrated the ability of the cotyledons to load particular amino acids into the phloem and to reject the loading of others. The sieve-tube sap of cotyledons, which were embedded in the endosperm, contained 150 mM amino acids, with 50 mM glutamine as the major amino acid, and 10–15 mM each of valine, isoleucine, lysine and arginine. Removal of the endosperm led to a drastic decline in the amino-acid content of sieve-tube sap down to 16 mM. Addition of single amino acid species to the medium increased the amino acid concentration in the sieve-tube sap in specific manner: glutamine caused the largest increase (up to 140 mM in exudate), glutamate and alanine smaller increases (up to 60 mM), and arginine the smallest. In addition, the amino acid composition of the sieve-tube sap changed, for instance, glutamine or alanine readily appeared in the sieve-tube sap upon incubation in glutamine or alanine, respectively, whereas glutamate was hardly discernible even in the case of incubation with glutamate; arginine was loaded into the sieve tubes only reluctantly. In general, glutamine and alanine accumulated four- to tenfold in the sieve tubes. The uptake of amino acids and of sucrose into the sieve tubes was interdependent: the loading of sucrose strongly reduced the amino acid concentration in the sieve-tube exudate and loading of amino acids decreased the sucrose concentration. Comparison of the concentrations of various amino acids on their way from the endosperm via the cotyledon-endosperm interface, through the cotyledons and into the sieve tubes showed that glutamine, valine, isoleucine and lysine are accumulated on this pathway, whereas glutamate and arginine are more concentrated in the cotyledons than in the sieve tubes. Obviously the phloem-loading system has a transport specificity different from that of the amino acid uptake system of the cotyledon in general and it strongly discriminates between amino acids within the cotyledons.  相似文献   

Summary Pigment granule migration in pigment cells and retinula cells of the digger wasp Sphex cognatus Smith was analysed morphologically after light adaptation to natural light, dark adaptation and after four selective chromatic adaptations in the range between 358 nm and 580 nm and used as the index of receptor cell sensitivity. The receptor region of each ommatidium consists of nine retinula cells which form a centrally located rhabdom. Two morphologically and physiologically different visual units can be described, defined by the arrangement of the rhabdomeric microvilli, the topographical relationship of the receptor cells with respect to the eye axes and the unique retinula cell screening pigmentation. These two different sets of ommatidia (type A and B) are randomly distributed in a ratio of 13 throughout the eye (Ribi, 1978b). Chromatic adaptation experiments with wavelengths of 358 nm, 443 nm, 523 nm and 580 nm and subsequent histological examination reveal two UV receptors, two blue receptors and four yellow-green receptors in type A ommatidia and two UV receptors and six green to yellow-green receptors in type B ommatidia. The pigments in cells surrounding each ommatidium (two primary pigment cells, 20 secondary pigment cells and four pigmented cone extensions) were not affected significantly by the adaptation experiments.  相似文献   

The pollen of 30 taxa (27 species, one subspecies and two varieties) in two genera, viz Polygonum s. str. and Polygonella was investigated with LM and SEM, and some selected taxa with TEM. In all genera investigated the pollen is prolate to spheroidal, and the aperture is mostly tricolporate, rarely panto-hexacolporate (especially Polygonum section Polygonum). The exine sculpturing pattern is the most variable feature. Three types of exine can be recognized. Type 1 (Avicularia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - All species of section Polygonum and section Tephis share the smooth tectate exine with spinules, sometimes the surface is more or less rough (Polygonum afromontanum in section Tephis). Type 2 (Pseudomollia-Type, sensu Hong) - Pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) has the exine, which is verrucose on both poles and nearby the mesocolpium, and mostly psilate around the ectoaperture. Type 3 (Duravia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - Pollen grains of Polygonum section Duravia and Polygonella have the exine which is semitectate-reticulate at the mesocolpium and the poles, and rugulate/reticulate or sometimes foveolate with microspinules around the ectoapertures. The pollen grains in four taxa (viz Polygonum section Pseudomollia, P. section Duravia and genus Polygonella) have a well-marked dimorphism of the ektexine, which is considered to be a synapomorphic condition. The differences of pollen grain between the genus Polygonella and Polygonum section Duravia are almost non existent and clearly interrelated. It is therefore postulated that the similarity in pollen of both taxa is not the result of convergency, but is interpreted as a homology. It is noteworthy that the pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) appears as intermediate between the Avicularia-type and the Duravia-type, and is well supported the value of separated section for its own. Additionally, in TEM, some exine ultrastructures (e.g. columellae, foot layer, endexine) appear to be valuable characters for comparison between/among taxa. The systematic potentialities of the pollen data of the studied taxa at various systematic levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

B. A. Palevitz  P. K. Hepler 《Planta》1985,164(4):473-479
Lucifer yellow has been microinjected into stomatal cells of Allium cepa L. epidermal slices and Commelina communis L. epidermal peels and the symplastic spread of dye to neighboring cells monitored by fluorescence microscopy. Dye does not move out of injected mature guard cells, nor does it spread into the guard cells when adjacent epidermal or subsidiary cells are injected. Dye does spread from injected subsidiary cells to other subsidiary cells. These results are consistent with the reported absence of plasmodesmata in the walls of mature guard cells. Microinjection was also used to ascertain when dye coupling ceases during stomatal differentiation in Allium. Dye rapidly moves into and out of guard mother cells and young guard cells. Hovewer, dye movement ceases midway through development as the guard cells begin to swell but well before a pore first opens. Since plasmodesmata are still present at this stage, the loss of symplastic transport may result from changes in these structures well in advance of their actual disappearance from the guard cell wall.Abbreviations DIC differential interference contrast - GMC guard mother cell - LY Lucifer yellow - Pd plasmodesmata You can observe a lot by watching Lawrence Berra, as quoted in Sports Illustrated, vol. 60 (No. 14), p. 94, 2 April 1984  相似文献   

The characteristics of transmembrane transport of 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-14C]IAA) were compared in Chlorella vulgaris Beij., a simple unicellular green alga, and in Chara vulgaris L., a branched, multicellular green alga exhibiting axial polarity and a high degree of cell and organ specialization. In Chara thallus cells, three distinguishable trans-plasmamembrane fluxes contributed to the net uptake of [1-14C]-IAA from an external solution, viz.: a non-mediated, pH-sensitive influx of undissociated IAA (IAAH); a saturable influx of IAA; and a saturable efflux of IAA. Both saturable fluxes were competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Association of [3H]IAA with microsomal preparations from Chara thallus tissue was competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Results indicated that up-take carriers occurred in the membranes at a much higher density than efflux carriers. The efflux component of IAA net uptake by Chara was not affected by several phytotropins (N-1-naphthylphthalmic acid, NPA; 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid; and 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole), which are potent non-competitive inhibitors of specific auxin-efflux carriers in more advanced plant groups, and no evidence was found for a specific association of [3H]NPA with Chara microsomal preparations. It was concluded that Chara lacked phytotropin receptors. Net uptake of [1-14C]IAA also was unaffected by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid except at concentrations ( 10–1 mol · m–3) high enough to depress cytoplasmic pH (determined by uptake of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione). Chlorella cells accumulated [1-14C]IAA from an external solution by pH-sensitive diffusion of IAA across the plasma membrane and anion (IAA) trapping, but no evidence was found in Chlorella for the occurrence of IAA carriers. These results indicate that carrier systems capable of mediating the transmembrane transport of auxins appeared at a very early stage in the evolution of green plants, possibly in association with the origin of a differentiated, multicellular plant body. Phytotropin receptors evolved independently of the carriers.Abbreviations CPP 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PBA 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid We thank the Nuffield Foundation for the award of an Undergraduate Research Bursary to J.E.D.-F., Dr. G.F. Katekar, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, Australia for generous gifts of phytotropins, and Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical support.  相似文献   

Aminophylline, an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (EC, inhibits elongation and correlated H+ and K+ transport in embryos of Haplopappus gracilis and in pea internode segments. Moreover, the drug strongly inhibits the stimulation of these processes by fusicoccin and indole-3-acetic acid and reduces passive permeability of the membrane. The possible mechanisms of action of aminophylline are discussed.Abbreviations cAMP adenosine 3:5-cyclic monophosphate - FC fusicoccin - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - MES 2-N-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid - PDE cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase  相似文献   

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