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Accurate cDNA data is useful to validate gene structures in a genome. We sequenced 35 189 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) obtained from the highly destructive rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. Our custom-made computational programs mapped these ESTs on the M. grisea genome sequence, and reconstructed gene structures as well as protein-coding regions. As a result, we predicted 4480 protein-coding sequences, which were more accurate than ab initio predictions. Moreover, cross-species comparisons suggested that our predicted proteins were nearly complete. The cDNA clones obtained in this study will be important for further experimental studies. Our genome annotation is available at http://www.mg.dna.affrc.go.jp/.  相似文献   

In the UapA uric acid-xanthine permease of Aspergillusnidulans, subtle interactions between key residues of the putative substrate binding pocket, located in the TMS8-TMS9 loop (where TMS is transmembrane segment), and a specificity filter, implicating residues in TMS12 and the TMS1-TMS2 loop, are critical for function and specificity. By using a strain lacking all transporters involved in adenine uptake (ΔazgA ΔfcyB ΔuapC) and carrying a mutation that partially inactivates the UapA specificity filter (F528S), we obtained 28 mutants capable of UapA-mediated growth on adenine. Seventy-two percent of mutants concern replacements of a single residue, R481, in the putative cytoplasmic loop TMS10-TMS11. Five missense mutations are located in TMS9, in TMS10 or in loops TMS1-TMS2 and TMS8-TMS9. Mutations in the latter loops concern residues previously shown to enlarge UapA specificity (Q113L) or to be part of a motif involved in substrate binding (F406Y). In all mutants, the ability of UapA to transport its physiological substrates remains intact, whereas the increased capacity for transport of adenine and other purines seems to be due to the elimination of elements that hinder the translocation of non-physiological substrates through UapA, rather than to an increase in relevant binding affinities. The additive effects of most novel mutations with F528S and allele-specific interactions of mutation R481G (TMS10-TMS11 loop) with Q113L (TMS1-TMS2 loop) or T526M (TMS12) establish specific interdomain synergy as a critical determinant for substrate selection. Our results strongly suggest that distinct domains at both sides of UapA act as selective dynamic gates controlling substrate access to their translocation pathway.  相似文献   

Onion can be used in experimental observation of mitotic cell division in plant science because its chromosome is large and easy to observe. However, molecular genetic studies are difficult in onion because of its large genome size, and only limited information of onion genes has been available to date. Here we cloned and characterized an onion homologue of mitotic RAD21 gene, AcRAD21-1, to develop a molecular marker of mitosis. The N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal regions of deduced AcRAD21-1 protein sequence were conserved with Arabidopsis SYN4/AtRAD21.3 and rice OsRAD21-1, whereas three characteristic types of repetitive motifs (Repeat-1, Repeat-2/2′, and Repeat-3) were observed between the conserved regions. Such inserted repetitive amino acid sequences enlarge the AcRAD21-1 protein into almost 200 kDa, which belongs to the largest class of plant proteins. Genomic organization of the AcRAD21-1 locus was also determined, and the possibility of tandem exon duplication in Repeat-2 was revealed. Subsequently, the polyclonal antiserum was raised against the N-terminal region of AcRAD21-1, and purified by affinity chromatography. Immunohistochemical analysis with the purified antibody successfully showed localization of AcRAD21-1 in onion mitosis, suggesting that it can be used as a molecular marker visualizing dynamic movement of cohesin.  相似文献   

Genes of the Schlafen family, first discovered in mouse, are expressed in hematopoietic cells and are involved in immune processes. Previous results showed that they are candidate genes for two major phenomena: meiotic drive and embryonic lethality (DDK syndrome). However, these genes remain poorly understood, mostly due to the limitations imposed by their similarity, close location and the potential functional redundancy of the gene family members.  相似文献   

Ankyrins are versatile adaptor proteins that join the spectrin-based cytoskeleton to transmembrane proteins, and have roles in organizing the microstructure of cell membranes. Molecular diversity of ankyrins in mammals arises from extensive alternative splicing of the products of three genes. There has been no systematic analysis of the diversity of expression of ankyrins-G, the widely expressed Ank3 gene products, in a complex tissue. We previously described Ank(G107), the first muscle-specific ankyrin-G. Here, we combined cDNA and database analyses to gain novel insight into the ankyrins-G of skeletal muscle. We find: (i) that Ank3 is composed of at least 53 exons, many of which are subject to tissue-specific splicing; (ii) five novel full-length cDNAs encoding two canonical (Ank(G197), Ank(G217)) and three small isoforms (Ank(G109), Ank(G128), Ank(G130)) bring to six the number of ankyrins-G expressed in skeletal muscle; (iii) a 76-residue insert in the C-terminal domain is a 'signature' for muscle ankyrins; (iv) variably spliced sequences of 17/18 and 195 residues increase diversity in the C-terminal domains. Comparison of endogenous ankyrins-G with in vitro translated cDNAs revealed that small ankyrins account for the majority of the immunoreactivity for ankyrin-G in soleus muscle. The small ankyrins, when expressed in vivo in the rat muscle, are all targeted to sarcolemmal costameres. Our results demonstrate the tissue-dependent alternative splicing of Ank3 in skeletal muscle and point to novel functions of small ankyrins-G in organizing microdomains of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

UapA, a uric acid-xanthine permease of Aspergillus nidulans, has been used as a prototype to study structure-function relationships in the ubiquitous nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family. Using novel genetic screens, rational mutational design, chimeric NAT molecules, and extensive transport kinetic analyses, we show that dynamic synergy between three distinct domains, transmembrane segment (TMS)1, the TMS8-9 loop, and TMS12, defines the function and specificity of UapA. The TMS8-9 loop includes four residues absolutely essential for substrate binding and transport (Glu356, Asp388, Gln408, and Asn409), whereas TMS1 and TMS12 seem to control, through steric hindrance or electrostatic repulsion, the differential access of purines to the TMS8-9 domain. Thus, UapA specificity is determined directly by the specific interactions of a given substrate with the TMS8-9 loop and indirectly by interactions of this loop with TMS1 and TMS12. We finally show that intramolecular synergy among UapA domains is highly specific and propose that it forms the basis for the evolution of the unique specificity of UapA for uric acid, a property not present in other NAT members.  相似文献   

Silber MV  Meimberg H  Ebel J 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(13):2449-2456
Since the early evolution of land plants from primitive green algae, phenylpropanoid compounds have played an important role. In the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL; EC has a pivotal role at the divergence point from general phenylpropanoid metabolism to several major branch pathways. Although higher plant 4CLs have been extensively studied, little information is available on the enzymes from bryophytes. In Physcomitrella patens, we have identified a 4CL gene family consisting of four members, taking advantage of the available EST sequences and a draft sequence of the P. patens genome. The encoded proteins of three of the genes display similar substrate utilization profiles with highest catalytic efficiency towards 4-coumarate. Interestingly, the efficiency with cinnamate as substrate is in the same range as with caffeate and ferulate. The deduced proteins of the four genes share sequence identities between 78% and 86%. The intron/exon structures are pair wise similar. Pp4CL2 and Pp4CL3 each consists of four exons and three introns, whereas Pp4CL1 and Pp4CL4 are characterized each by five exons and four introns. Pp4CL1, Pp4CL2 and Pp4CL3 are expressed in both gametophore and protonema tissue of P. patens, unlike Pp4CL4 whose expression could not be demonstrated under the conditions employed. Phylogenetic analysis suggests an early evolutionary divergence of Pp4CL gene family members. Using Streptomyces coelicolor cinnamate:CoA ligase (ScCCL) as an outgroup, the P. patens 4CLs are clearly separated from the spermatophyte proteins, but are intercalated between the angiosperm 4CL class I and class II. A comparison of three P. patens subspecies from diverse geographical locations shows high sequence identities for the four 4CL isoforms.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion is required for many cellular processes. In fungi, cell-cell contact during mating, flocculation or virulence is mediated by adhesins, which typically are glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-modified cell wall glycoproteins. Proteins with internal repeats (PIR) are surface proteins involved in the response to stress. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe no adhesins or PIR proteins have been described. Here we study the S. pombe Map4p, which defines a new class of surface protein that is not GPI-modified and has a serine/threonine rich domain and internal repeats that differ from those present in PIR proteins. Map4p is a mating type-specific adhesin required for mating in h(+) cells and enhances cell adhesion when overexpressed.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is an evolutionarily conserved protein across different eukaryotic species, and is crucial in the establishment and maintenance of heterochromatin. HP1 proteins have two distinct functional domains, an N-terminal chromodomain (CD) and a C-terminal chromoshadow domain (CSD), which are required for the selective binding of HP1 proteins to modified histones. During our screen for HP1-like proteins in the Bombyx mori genome, we found a novel silkworm gene, Bombyx mori chromodomain protein 1 (BmCdp1), encoding a putative chromobox protein with only two CDs. The BmCdp1 family proteins are closely related to the HP1 proteins, and most of them belong to insect lineages. qRT-PCR analysis indicated that BmCdp1 mRNA was most abundantly expressed in early embryos, and relatively higher expression was observed in larval testes, hemocytes, and pupal ovaries. Western blot and immunostaining experiments showed that BmCdp1 was localized mainly in the nucleus of BmN4 cells. We searched BmCdp1-bound loci in the Bombyx genome by ChIP-seq analysis using Flag-tagged BmCdp1-expressing BmN4 cells. Combined with ChIP-qPCR experiments, we identified two reliable BmCdp1-bound loci in the genome. siRNA-mediated knockdown of BmCdp1 in BmN4 cells and early embryos did not affect the expression of the gene located close to the BmCdp1-bound locus.  相似文献   

TOR is an atypical multidrug resistance protein present in the human protozoan parasite, Leishmania. Resistance to the toxic adenosine analog tubercidin was brought about by redirecting the adenosine permease from the plasma membrane to the multivesicular tubule lysosome. The cells became resistant to tubercidin because they were unable to take up and accumulate this toxic purine. The domain, which was recognized by TOR in this internalization pathway, was identified by expressing portions of this transporter in Leishmania and assessing whether they were capable of hindering the multidrug resistance capability of TOR. This approach identified the adenosine permease region spanning Met289 to Trp305. This region was also the epitope recognized by the internalization mechanism. An internal deletion mutant lacking Met289-Trp305 was functionally active but could no longer be internalized in cells with high TOR levels. The internalization and altered trafficking of the adenosine permease by TOR was observed in yeast and human embryonic kidney cells co-expressing these two Leishmania proteins indicating that the internalization process was conserved in evolutionary diverse organisms. The inability of Saccharomyces with a temperature-sensitive ubiquitin ligase to internalize adenosine permease suggested that ubiquitination was involved in this altered trafficking.  相似文献   

The liver, a major organ for drug metabolism, is physiologically similar between monkeys and humans. However, the paucity of identified genes has hampered a deep understanding of drug metabolism in monkeys. To provide such a genetic resource, 28655 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from a cynomolgus monkey liver full-length enriched cDNA library, which contained 23 unique ESTs homologous to human drug-metabolizing enzymes. Our comparative genomics approach identified nine lineage-specific candidate ESTs, including three drug-metabolizing enzymes, which could be important for understanding the physiological differences between monkeys and humans.  相似文献   

We have identified splicing variants of the mouse a4 subunit which have the same open reading frame but have a different 5′-noncoding sequence. Further determination of the 5′-upstream region of the a4 gene in mouse indicated the presence of two first exons (exon 1a and exon 1b) which include the 5′-noncoding sequence of each variant. The mRNAs of both splicing variants (a4-I and a4-II) show a similar expression pattern in mouse kidney by in situ hybridization. However, tissue and developmental expression patterns of the variants are different. In addition to strong expression in kidney, a4-I expression was detected in heart, lung, skeletal muscle, and testis, whereas a4-II is expressed in lung, liver, and testis. During development, a4-I was expressed beginning with the early embryonic stage, but a4-II mRNA was detected from day17. These results suggest that each a4 variant has both a tissue and developmental stage specific function.  相似文献   

As an important economic insect, Bombyx mori is also a useful model organism for lepidopteran insect. Integrins are evolutionarily conserved from sponges to humans, and play vital roles in many physiological and pathological processes. To explore their diverse functions of integrins in insect, eleven integrins including six α and five β subunits were cloned and characterized from silkworm. Our results showed that integrins from silkworm own more family members compared to other invertebrates. Among those α subunits, integrins α1, α2, and the other four subunits belong to PS1, PS2, and PS3 groups, respectively. The β subunits mainly gather in the insect βν group except the β1 subunit which belongs to the insect β group. Expression profiles demonstrated that the integrins exhibited distinct patterns, but were mainly expressed in hemocytes. α1 and β2 subunits are the predominant ones either in the embryogenesis or larva stages. Interestingly, integrins were significantly up-regulated after stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-E) in vivo. These results indicate that integrins perform diverse functions in hemocytes of silkworm. Overall, our results provide a new insight into the functional and evolutionary features of integrins.  相似文献   

Earlier, we identified mutations in the first transmembrane segment (TMS1) of UapA, a uric acid-xanthine transporter in Aspergillus nidulans, that affect its turnover and subcellular localization. Here, we use one of these mutations (H86D) and a novel mutation (I74D) as well as genetic suppressors of them, to show that TMS1 is a key domain for proper folding, trafficking and turnover. Kinetic analysis of mutants further revealed that partial misfolding and deficient trafficking of UapA does not affect its affinity for xanthine transport, but reduces that of uric acid and confers a degree of promiscuity towards the binding of other purines. This result strengthens the idea that subtle interactions among domains not directly involved in substrate binding refine the selectivity of UapA. Characterization of second-site suppressors of H86D revealed a genetic interaction of TMS1 with TMS3, the latter segment shown for the first time to be important for UapA function. Systematic mutational analysis of polar and conserved residues in TMS3 showed that Ser154 is crucial for UapA transport activity. Our results are in agreement with a topological model of UapA built on the recently published structure of UraA, a bacterial homolog of UapA.  相似文献   

Kim DW  Jeong S  Kim DS  Kim HS  Seo SB  Hahn Y 《Gene》2012,496(1):17-21
Loss of gene function is implicated in the emergence of novel phenotypes during organism evolution. Here, we report the inactivation of the MSLNL gene encoding mesothelin-like protein in African great ape evolution. Human MSLNL has a nonsense mutation in exon 10 and two polymorphic mutations: a frameshift in exon 3 and a nonsense codon in exon 8. The gorilla gene also shows multiple deleterious mutations, including a premature stop codon, a deletion, and a splice site mutation. Molecular evolutionary analysis indicated relaxed selection pressure on MSLNL in African great ape lineages, which suggested that MSLNL might have become inactivated before the divergence of human, chimpanzee and gorilla. The mouse Mslnl gene is highly expressed in olfactory epithelium and moderately expressed in several other tissues. We propose that the loss of MSLNL may be associated with the evolution of the olfactory system in African great apes including human.  相似文献   

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