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Posttetanic potentiation (by orthodromic stimulation) of cholinosensitivity in LPa3 and RPa3 Helix lucorum neurons that are command in respect to withdrawal behavior was shown earlier (Pivovarov et al., 1999). Now we studied the regulatory role of the Na,K-pump and intracellular free Ga2+ in the posttetanic potentiation (PTP) of cholinosensitivity in command neurons. Semiintact Helix preparation "CNS-visceral bag" was used in experiments. Acetylcholine-induced inward currents were recorded using two-electrode voltage clamp technique. Acetylcholine was applied to somata of the identified LPa3 and RPa3 neurons with a 10-min interval before and after electrical tetanic stimulation of the n. intestinalis (10.5 mA; 0.1 s; 2/s; 2 min). Ouabain (extracellular application, 70 mcM) blocked the PTP. Intracellular injection of BAPTA (1 mM), chelator of Ca2+ ions, prevented the PTP. The PTP was absent after the ouabain application against the background of preliminary intracellular injection of BAPTA. A conclusion war drawn about Ca-dependent participation of Na,K-pump in posttetanic potentiation of cholinosensitivity in command Helix lucorum neurons of withdrawal behavior.  相似文献   

SEPYLRFamide acts as an inhibitory modulator of acetylcholine (ACh) receptors in Helix lucorum neurones. Ouabain, a specific inhibitor of Na,K-pump, (0.1 mM, bath application) decreased the ACh-induced inward current (ACh-current) and increased the leak current. Ouabain decreased the modulatory SEPYLRFamide effect on the ACh-current. There was a correlation between the effects of ouabain on the amplitude of the ACh-current and on the modulatory peptide effect. Ouabain and SEPYLRFamide inhibited the activity of Helix aspersa brain Na,K-ATPase. Activation of Na,K-pump by intracellular injection of 3 M Na acetate or 3 M NaCl reduced the modulatory peptide effect on the ACh-current. An inhibitor of Na/Ca-exchange, benzamil (25 muM, bath application), and an inhibitor of Ca(2+)-pump in the endoplasmic reticulum, thapsigargin (TG, applied intracellularly), both prevented the effect of ouabain on SEPYLRFamide-mediated modulatory effect. Another inhibitor of Ca(2+)-pump in the endoplasmic reticulum, cyclopiazonic acid (applied intracellularly), did not prevent the effect of ouabain on SEPYLRFamide-mediated modulatory effect. These results indicate that Na,K-pump is responsible for the SEPYLRFamide-mediated inhibition of ACh receptors in Helix neurons. Na/Ca-exchange and intracellular Ca(2+) released from internal pools containing TG-sensitive Ca(2+)-pump are involved in the Na,K-pump pathway for the SEPYLRFamide-mediated inhibition of ACh receptors.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the mobility of acetylcholine receptors in the depression of an acetylcholine-induced inward current (ACh-current) of Helix lucorum (a land snail) command neurons of defensive behavior in a cellular analog of habituation. The inhibitors of endocytosis and exocytosis, actin microfilaments and cytoskeleton microtubules, serine/threonine protein kinases (PKA, PKG, calcium calmodulin-dependent PK II, p38 mitogen-activated PK), tyrosine kinases (including Src-family kinases), serine/threonine phosphatases (PP1, PP2A, PP2B, PPM1D), and tyrosine protein phosphatases altered the depression of the ACh-current. A comparison of experimentally calculated curves of the ACh-current of these neurons and those obtained by mathematical modeling revealed the following: (a) ACh-current depression is caused by the reduction in the number of membranous ACh-receptors, which results from the shift in the balance of multidirectional transport processes of receptors toward the predominance of ACh-receptor internalization over their recycling; (b) depression of ACh-current depends on the activity of serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinases and protein phosphatases, whose one of the main targets is the neuron transport system—actin microfilaments and microtubules of cytoskeleton, as well as motor proteins.  相似文献   

Inhibitor ofadenylate cyclase (SQ 22,536) and inhibitors ofserin/threonine protein kinases A (PKA -Rp-cAMPS), G (PKG - H-Arg-Lys-Arg-Ala-Arg-Lys-Glu-OH), calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII - KN-93), p38mitogen-activated (MAPK - PD 169316), and tyrosine protein kinases (genistein), including their Src-family (PP2), weaken the depression of the acetylcholine-induced inward current (ACh-current) in command Helix neurons of defensive behavior under conditions of rhythmical local acetylcholine applications to the soma in the cellular analogue of habituation. Selective inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC - chelerythrine) does not change the depression of the ACh-current. Mathematical simulation of the influence of the inhibitors applied on a number of membrane-connected acetylcholine receptors made it possible to obtain the design curves consistent with the experimental curves of the ACh-current depression. The experimental data and the results of calculations allowed us to make the following assumptions. The reversible depression of sensitivity to ACh of command Helix neurons of defensive behavior in the cellular correlate of habituation depends on the decrease in the number of membrane-connected ACh receptors as a result of activation of several serine/threonine protein kinases: A, G, CaMKII, p38 MAPK (without the participation of PKC), and tyrosine protein kinases including the family of Src-kinases. The main targets of all protein kinases under study (excluding PKC) in command neurons are the proteins of cytoskeleton (actin microfilaments and microtubules). Phosphorylation of these proteins evokes polymerization and stabilization ofactin microfilaments, stabilization of the main microtubule protein tubulin, a change in the activity of motor proteins responsible for the speed of receptor endocytosis and exocytosis. The PKG action is indirect via the modification of actin-myosin interaction. Protein kinase A, CaMKII, and tyrosine Src-kinase phosphorylate also proteins activating receptor translocation into clathrin-coated membrane invaginations during endocytosis.  相似文献   

The effects of several modulators of ryanodine receptors (RYRs) on the reduction of acetylcholine induced inward current (ACh-current) evoked by EPYLRFamide (5 microM, bath application), the potent N-terminally modified analogue of the endogenous Helix heptapeptide SEPYLRFamide, were investigated. These modulators were applied intracellularly. Inward currents were recorded from identified Helix lucorum LPa2, LPa3, RPa3, RPa2 neurones in ganglia preparations using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. ACh was applied ionophoretically. BAPTA (0.1 mM), chelator of intracellular Ca(2+), ryanodine (0.1 mM), agonist/antagonist of RYRs and dantrolene (0.1 mM), antagonist of RYRs decrease the effect of EPYLRFamide. Adenosine (1 mM), alpha,beta-methylene ATP (0.1 mM), the nonhydrolisable ATP analogue and cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (0.1 mM) (agonists of RYRs) potentiate the modulatory effect of EPYLRFamide. Ruthenium red (1 mM), antagonist of RYRs and caffeine (1 mM), agonist of RYRs do not change the modulatory effect of EPYLRFamide. These data suggest that intracellular Ca(2+) and RYRs are involved in the modulatory effect of EPYLRFamide on ACh-currents. It was concluded that EPYLRFamide decreases ACh-current through elevation of basal intracellular level of a putative endogenous agonist of RYRs which activates RYR-dependent mobilization of Ca(2+) by binding to the adenine nucleotide site of the ryanodine receptor-channel complex and does not bind the site activated by caffeine.  相似文献   

In Helix lucorum snail we studied the effects of ouabain, inhibitor of Na,K-pump, on the depression of cholinosensitivity in command neurons of withdrawal behavior and the role of the intracellular free Ca2+. The cellular analog of the negative learning (habituation) was used Transmembrane integral inward currents were recorded from the identified LPa2, LPa3, RPa3, and RPa2 neurons in ganglia preparation using two-electrode voltage clamp technique. Acetylcholine (ACh) was locally applied iontophoretically. Reduction of neuronal cholinosensitivity was estimated as a depth of depression of the ACh-induced inward current during rhythmic local application of ACh (interstimulus interval of 1-3 min) onto the somatic membrane. Bath application of ouabain (0.1 mM) produced an increase in depression in one group of neurons and its decrease in another group. After 60-150 min of spontaneous diffusion of a calcium ion chelator BAPTA (1 mM) from the intracellular microelectrode, ouabain produced only the increase in depression. If CaCl2 (100 mM) was added to the solution of the voltage-recording intracellular microelectrode, 60 min later ouabain produced only the reduction of the depression of the ACh current. The conclusion is drawn that the inhibition of the Na,K-pump by ouabain modifies the depression of neuronal cholinosensitivity in the cellular analog of habituation. The direction of the modulatory effect depends on the basal concentration of the intracellular free Ca2+.  相似文献   

The possible participation of ryanodine receptors in the modulatory effects of the endogenous Helix heptapeptide, SEPYLRFamide, on the acetylcholine-induced currents (ACh-currents) of Helix aspersa neurones was studied using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. SEPYLRFamide (bath application) caused a reduction of the ACh-currents of D1, D2, F1, F2, F76 and F77 neurones. Ryanodine (10 microM; bath application), which modifies ryanodine-controlled Ca(2+) channels, potentiated the inhibitory effect of SEPYLRFamide on the ACh-current. An antagonist of cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) and ryanodine receptors, ruthenium red (1 mM; intracellular injection), reduced the inhibitory effects of SEPYLRFamide on the ACh-current. Ryanodine (10 microM) did not change the inhibitory effect of SEPYLRFamide on the ACh-current after intracellular injection of ruthenium red. An agonist of ryanodine receptors, caffeine (5 mM; bath application), reduced the ACh-current. Ryanodine (10 microM) did not change the reduction of ACh-currents induced by the first application of caffeine but decreased the reduction of ACh-currents induced by subsequent applications of caffeine. It is proposed that ryanodine receptors are involved in the inhibitory modulatory effects of SEPYLRFamide on somatic cholinergic receptors of Helix aspersa neurones.  相似文献   

The possible participation of ryanodine receptors in the modulatory effects of the endogenous Helix heptapeptide, SEPYLRFamide, on the acetylcholine-induced currents (ACh-currents) of Helix aspersa neurones was studied using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. SEPYLRFamide (bath application) caused a reduction of the ACh-currents of D1, D2, F1, F2, F76 and F77 neurones. Ryanodine (10 μM; bath application), which modifies ryanodine-controlled Ca2+ channels, potentiated the inhibitory effect of SEPYLRFamide on the ACh-current. An antagonist of cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) and ryanodine receptors, ruthenium red (1 mM; intracellular injection), reduced the inhibitory effects of SEPYLRFamide on the ACh-current. Ryanodine (10 μM) did not change the inhibitory effect of SEPYLRFamide on the ACh-current after intracellular injection of ruthenium red. An agonist of ryanodine receptors, caffeine (5 mM; bath application), reduced the ACh-current. Ryanodine (10 μM) did not change the reduction of ACh-currents induced by the first application of caffeine but decreased the reduction of ACh-currents induced by subsequent applications of caffeine. It is proposed that ryanodine receptors are involved in the inhibitory modulatory effects of SEPYLRFamide on somatic cholinergic receptors of Helix aspersa neurones. Accepted: 1 July 1998  相似文献   

We studied influence of protein synthesis inhibitors on short-term sensitization of Helix escape reaction and potentiation cholinosensitivity in command neurons. Inhibitor of protein synthesis anisomycin does not prevent behavioral sensitization. Anisomycin and irreversible inhibitor of protein synthesis saporin change the dynamics of cholinosensitivity potentiation in command neurons. The results Suggest that investigated sensitization of Helix escape reaction does not require synthesis of new proteins.  相似文献   

We studied the role of Na/Ca-exchange and intracellular mobilized calcium in ouabain-mediated suppression of potentiation of cholinosensitivity of somatic membrane in Helix LPa3 and RPa3 command neurons of defensive behaviour after electrical orthodromic tetanisation of n. intestinalis. Cholinosensitivity of neurons was assessed by the amplitude of the inward current evoked by acetylcholine. Inhibitor of a Na/Ca-exchange benzamil and specific inhibitor of Ca-ATPase in endoplasmic reticulum thapsigargin prevented the development of the posttetanic potentiation (PTP). PTP did not arise and at joint action of ouabain with benzamil or thapsigargin. It was concluded that Na/Ca-exchange and mobilized calcium are involved in development of PTP of cholinosensitivity in somatic neuronal membrane and its regulation by Na,K-pump.  相似文献   

The role the Na/Ca-exchange and intracellular Ca2+ released from Ca(2+)-depots in the modulatory action of Na,K-pump inhibitor ouabain on cholinosensitivity in the command neurons of Helix lucorum was studied in a cellular analogue of habituation. The integral transmembrane inward currents in LPa2, LPa3, RPa3, and RPa2 neurons were recorded in Helix lucorum ganglia preparation using two-electrode voltage clamp technique. The reduction of cholinosensitivity of a neuron was estimated as a depth of the depression of the acetylcholine-induced inward currents during the rhythmic local acetylcholine applications (with the interstimulus interval of 2-4 min) on a somatic membrane. The inhibitor of the Na/Ca-exchange benzamil (the extracellular action, 15-35 mcM) and two specific inhibitors of Ca-ATPase in the sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum, cyclopiazonic acid and thapsigargin (intracellular injection by spontaneous diffusion, 0.1 mM) prevented the modification of the depression of acetylcholine-induced current by ouabain (100 mcM) during the rhythmic application of acetylcholine. A conclusion is drawn that the inhibitor of the Na,K-pump ouabain modifies the depression of neuron cholinosensitivity in the cellular analogue of habituation via the Na/Ca-exchange and intracellular Ca2+ released from Ca2+ depots.  相似文献   

Abstract. The snail Helix lucorum has been used as a model to study the adaptation of a nitric oxide (NO)‐forming enteric neural network to the long‐term resting period of summer estivation or winter hibernation. Quantification of the NO‐derived nitrite established that NO formation is confined to the nitric oxide synthase (NOS)‐containing myenteric network of the mid‐intestine. In active snails but not in resting snails, NO production could be enhanced by the NOS substrate l ‐arginine (l ‐ARG, 1 mM). We followed the enteric NO synthesis in a snail population kept at natural conditions for 1 year. Our findings indicate that NO synthesis was depressed in July during entry to the estivation, had a peak in autumn before hibernation, and finally was reduced during hibernation. Monoamines (histamine, serotonin, and adrenalin) could inhibit the NO liberation in active snails. Cofactors of NOS (β‐NADPH, β‐NAD, FAD, FMN, Ca2+, TH4) did not alter the low nitrite production in hibernating snails. We conclude that enteric NO synthesis in H. lucorum has a regular seasonal periodicity following the annual physiological cycles of terrestrial snails. During estivation or hibernation, NOS activity is blocked. Monoamines, the levels of which are elevated during hibernation, can trigger decreased NOS activity. The reduced activity of NOS cannot be restored by the administration of NOS cofactors; therefore, their absence cannot be the cause of the temporarily blocked L‐ARG/NO conversion ability of NOS.  相似文献   

Toxins that impair the function of actin microfilaments in cytoskeleton, cytochalasin B (disrupts microfilaments by inhibiting actin polymerization) and phalloidin (binds polymeric F-actin, stabilizing it and interfering with the function of actin-rich structures) reduce the depression of acetylcholine-induced inward current in Helix lucorum command neurons of defensive behavior during rhythmical local acetylcholine applications to soma (cellular analogue of habituation). These results and mathematical simulation allow us to suggest that the depression of cholinosensitivity of extrasynaptic membrane zones in command neurons on the cellular analogue of habituation is associated with the involvement of actin microfilaments in reduction of the number of membrane cholinoreceptors.  相似文献   

Modulation of the Na,K-pump function by beta subunit isoforms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
To study the role of the Na,K-ATPase beta subunit in the ion transport activity, we have coexpressed the Bufo alpha 1 subunit (alpha 1) with three different isotypes of beta subunits, the Bufo Na,K-ATPase beta 1 (beta 1NaK) or beta 3 (beta 3NaK) subunit or the beta subunit of the rabbit gastric H,K-ATPase (beta HK), by cRNA injection in Xenopus oocyte. We studied the K+ activation kinetics by measuring the Na,K- pump current induced by external K+ under voltage clamp conditions. The endogenous oocyte Na,K-ATPase was selectively inhibited, taking advantage of the large difference in ouabain sensitivity between Xenopus and Bufo Na,K pumps. The K+ half-activation constant (K1/2) was higher in the alpha 1 beta 3NaK than in the alpha 1 beta 1NaK groups in the presence of external Na+, but there was no significant difference in the absence of external Na+. Association of alpha 1 and beta HK subunits produced active Na,K pumps with a much lower apparent affinity for K+ both in the presence and in the absence of external Na+. The voltage dependence of the K1/2 for external K+ was similar with the three beta subunits. Our results indicate that the beta subunit has a significant influence on the ion transport activity of the Na,K pump. The small structural differences between the beta 1NaK and beta 3NaK subunits results in a difference of the apparent affinity for K+ that is measurable only in the presence of external Na+, and thus appears not to be directly related to the K+ binding site. In contrast, association of an alpha 1 subunit with a beta HK subunit results in a Na,K pump in which the K+ binding or translocating mechanisms are altered since the apparent affinity for external K+ is affected even in the absence of external Na+.  相似文献   

Tetanic electric stimulation of Helix foot evokes sensitization of escape reaction. This behavioral sensitization and posttetanic potentiation (PTP) of acetylcholine-induced inward current (ACh-current) in command Helix neurons of escape behavior were similar. Antagonist of serotonin receptors methiothepin prevents the PTP of the ACh-current and behavioral sensitization. Serotonin disrupts the PTP of the ACh-current. It is suggested that the increase in cholinosensitivity of the command neurons with the involvement of methiothepin-sensitive serotonin receptors may be the cellular postsynaptic mechanism of behavioral sensitization of Helix escape reaction.  相似文献   

FMRFamide-gated Na+ channels of molluscan neurones belong to the ENa/Deg family of channels which have diverse functions. FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2) Na+ channels were detected electrophysiologically in specified neurones of Helix (Helix aspersa) and Helisoma (Helisoma trivolvis), and clones (FaNaCs) subsequently identified. We have now made a study to determine the distribution of mRNA for the clones HaFaNaC (Helix) and HtFaNaC (Helisoma) in the nervous systems of these species using standard in situ hybridization techniques. Immunohistochemical experiments were also made using an HtFaNaC antibody to detect the channel protein in Helisoma neurones. Many neurones in the central ganglia, including those which exhibit the FMRFamide Na+ current, stained for FaNaC-mRNA, suggesting a much wider distribution of the channel than was indicated by the earlier work. An immunoreactive response to the channel antibody was also observed in some Helisoma neurones, such as the giant dopamine neurone of the left pedal ganglion, also shown to possess HtFaNaC-mRNA and to exhibit the FMRFamide Na+ current. Taken together, these experiments suggest that the clones HaFaNaC and HtFaNaC are major, if not the only, subunits of the FMRFamide-gated Na+ channel detected electrophysiologically in the identified neurones of these species. However, fewer neurones in Helisoma reacted with the HtFaNaC-antibody than those which exhibited message for the channel. This discrepancy may be due to a difference in sensitivity of the two techniques, or because not all of the channel mRNA is normally expressed as a membrane protein.  相似文献   

In cardiac muscle, the ryanodine receptor (RyR2) on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) releases the calcium required for muscle contraction. The magnitude of Ca2+ release by RyR2, which is subject to regulation by several physiological mediators, determines cardiac contractility. In heart failure, chronic stimulation of the β-adrenergic signaling pathway leads to hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 by protein kinase A, which dissociates calstabin2 (FKBP12.6) from the receptor. Calstabin2-depleted channels display altered channel gating and can cause diastolic Ca2+ release from the SR. This release depletes the SR Ca2+ stores, leading to reduced myocardial contractility. Mutant RyR2, found in patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, has decreased calstabin2 binding affinity, which can trigger ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death after stress and exercise. Thus, defects in RyR2 have been linked to heart failure and exercise-induced sudden cardiac death and might provide novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of these common diseases of the heart.  相似文献   

Cardiac ryanodine receptors (RYR2s) infrequently exhibit coupled gating that is manifested by synchronous opening and closing. To better characterize this phenomenon, we investigated the regulation of coupled RYR2 channels by luminal Ca2 + focusing on effects that are likely mediated by the true luminal activation mechanism. By reconstituting an ion channel into a planar lipid bilayer and using substantially lower concentration of luminal Ba2 + (8 mM, the virtual absence of Ca2 +) and luminal Ca2 + (8 mM), we show that response of coupled RYR2 channels to caffeine at a diastolic cytosolic Ca2 + (90 nM) was affected by luminal Ca2 + in a similar manner as for the single RYR2 channel except the gating behavior. Whereas, the single RYR2 channel responded to luminal Ca2 + by prolongation in open and closed times, coupled RYR2 channels seemed to be resistant in this respect. In summary, we conclude that the class of Ca2 + sites located on the luminal face of coupled RYR2 channels that is responsible for the channel potentiation by luminal Ca2 + is functional and not structurally hindered by the channel coupling. Thus, the idea about non-functional luminal Ca2 + sites as a source of the apparent gating resistance of coupled RYR2 channels to luminal Ca2 + appears to be ruled out.  相似文献   

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