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Investigated displays of Noisy Miners, Manorina melanocephala, in Australia. This unusual bird lives in colonies and many ♂♂ care for the offspring of each ♀ flight displays, 11 non-flight displays, and several components of facial displays (including a variable eye patch) are described. The eye patch provides a large yellow and black augmented eye, important in intimidation. No stereotyped sequence of courtship behaviour precedes copulation. Displays are used to advertise nest locations. A greeting display, the corrohoree, is extremely common. The possibility of the evolution of submissive display from threat is discussed. Special vocalisations of ♂♂ and ♀♀ are use in a duet. The maintenance of bonds among many individuals in a colony may be more important than strong pair bonds. Group cohesion is probably maintained by flight display, nest display, mobbing, and other communal activities. High interspecific aggression results in few resident species in colonies. This level of interspecific aggression might be maintained by incorporating much intraspecific mimetic display and ritualised submissive behaviour.  相似文献   

Behavioral interactions among color-marked individual Vidua chalybeata that shared common song dialects were observed for 5 years in two populations at Lochinvar National Park, Zambia. Social interactions involved ♂♂ visiting and competing for mating sites and ♀♀ visiting ♂♂ in an apparent sampling of potential copulating partners. Differences in mating success among the polygynous ♂♂ were compared with male behavior and territory resources, and criteria were developed to test the importance of intrasexual male competition and female mate choice in explaining the mating system of the populations. Song behavior best explained differences in mating success of ♂♂ with lesser effects of neighboring ♂♂ and the defensible resources around the call-sites. The social organization of song populations resembles that of a dispersed lek with ♀♀ visiting many ♂♂ but mating with few ♂♂. We discuss the observations on indigobirds in relation to behavioral selection, sexual selection, and mating systems. Mating systems of certain populations and species are compared using statistics of individual mating success.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the three mediterranean benthic fish Tripterygion tripteronotus, T. xanthosoma, and T. melanurus is described from observations in the field and observations on captive animals. The ♂♂ defend a territory only during the reproductive season; ♀♀ do not defend a territory. At the height of the breeding season, a male T. tripteronotus on average spawns with four ♀♀ Per day. The ♂ defends the territory against egg predators and cleans the eggs. ♀♀ spawn repeatedly during a spawning season. A spawning pair of T. tripteronotus frequently attracts conspecifics. The majority of these “satellites” are small, sexually mature ♂♂, which do not own a territory themselves. The reproductive strategies of the two types of ♂♂ (territorial ♂♂ and satellite ♂♂) and of the ♀♀ are discussed. On the basis of ethological, morphological, and palaegeographic data the evolution of the eastern-atlantic and mediterranean Tripterygiidae is reconstructed. A bibliography of the literature on eastern-atlantic and mediterranean Tripterygiidae is given. As in their morphology and anatomy, benthic fish show convergent adaptations in their behaviour. Some of these are pointed out and discussed.  相似文献   

A newly described display is apparently used by female fiddler crabs (genus Uca) in interspecific communication. The display, termed repetitive-high-rise, is directed primarily toward courting heterospecific ♂♂, which approach or are likely to approach the ♀. We postulate that the display serves to indicate the ♀'s unavailability to these ♂♂ for mating. The ♂♂ respond appropriately by ceasing their approach toward displaying ♀♀. Both reproductively receptive and unreceptive ♀♀ were observed to perform this display. ♀♀ appeared to be able to discriminate, not only between conspecific ♂♂ and heterospecific ♂♂, but also among ♂♂ of heterospecific species. The possible significance for this ability is discussed.  相似文献   

The population specific variability of diploid and triploid R. kl. esculenta individuals was investigated by means of morphometric methods (canonical discriminant analysis, UPGMA cluster analysis) and DNA fingerprinting. As a result of the morphometric investigations, as well as of the DNA investigations, a clear separation of single populations was possible. However, no correlations between the morphometry and different population systems could be recognized. Clear morphometric differences could be seen between diploid ♀♀ and ♂♂ and triploid ♀♀ on the one hand, and triploid ♂♂ on the other. While the diploid ♀♀ and ♂♂ and the triploid ♀♀ were located in the intermediate area between the parental species R. lessonae and R. ridibunda according to their morphometric parameters, the triploid ♂♂ showed a great overlap with R. lessonae. Up to now, this phenomenon has not been explained. The first results of the DNA investigations provided further hints at the high inter-individual and population-specific variability of R. kl. esculenta. R. kl. esculenta individuals of the R. lessonae/esculenta population Toter See could be distinguished from conspecific individuals of the R. ridibunda/esculenta-♀♀ population Alte Oder according to their fingerprint patterns. Moreover, in the R. lessonae / esculenta population, the fingerprints or the diploid R. kl. esculenta-♀♀ and the investigated R. lessonae-♀ were very similar. Furthermore, in this population, many R. kl. esculenta genotypes resemble R. lessonae in their morphometric features. This finding suggests the occurrence of recombination in R. kl. esculenta. In general, every population seems to have its own genetic background. A classification of water-frog populations according to population systems is only possible under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Observations of 8 groups each containing three adult spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) revealed that instances of chasing and physical displacement were quite common, while fighting and biting were rarely observed. The relationships between the most frequent behavioral categories were presented in a correlation matrix. In a second, study, ♀♀ tested in their home cages were dominant over ♂♂ In the ♂♂ home cages, however, no differences in the frequency of ♀ vs. ♂ aggression were observed. More instances of aggression were observed in the cages of the ♀♀ than in the cages of the ♂♂.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for reproductive isolation between two sibling species of fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator and U. panacea) were studied under both laboratory and field conditions. ♂♂ showed species differences in their visual and acoustical displays. These differences were exaggerated in the overlap zone, where U. pugilator showed character displacement of its acoustic signals. ♀♀ of U. pugilator confined with ♂♂ of U. panacea produced fewer clutches of young. Occasionally, forced matings took place in the laboratory, resulting in hybrids suffering greater mortality through development. The data indicate that both premating (behavioral) as well as postmating (higher larval mortality) barriers act to prevent interbreeding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to seek evidence for the influence of sexual selection on both male and female three-spined sticklebacks, a species in which the ♂ alone has parental responsibilities. We studied the intrasexual relationships of ♂♂ and ♀♀ prior to courtship, and the intrasexual and intersexual relationships of both sexes during courtship. Results demonstrated that both ♂♂ and ♀♀ compete intrasexually, and suggested that both sexes are discriminative in mate selection. These results are compatible with Trivers' (1972) model of the role of parental investment in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Während zweier Monate (1965) wurden im Banff National Park (Kanada) qualitative und quantitative Daten über das Brunftverhalten des amerikanischen Wapiti (Cervus canadensis) gesammelt. Einige Verhaltensweisen sind erstmals genauer beschneben. Die ♀♀-Gruppen sowie die Zahl der mit ihnen lebenden Spießer und 21/2- und 31/2 jähngen ♂♂ wurden zu Beginn der Brunft kleiner, an ihrem Ende wieder größer. Das Zahlenverhältnis von ♀♀ und Kälbern blieb dabei gleich. Spießer blieben länger als ältere ♂♂ in den ♀♀-Gruppen und schlossen sich ihnen früher wieder an. Bei Brunftbeginn traten die über 31/2Jährigen ♂♂ zu den ♀♀-Gruppen, spalteten sie und vertrieben jüngere ♂♂. Sonogramme erläutern genauere Angaben über das Röhren und den Alarmruf, der bei ♂♂ höher ist als bei ♀♀. Durch Röhren, Geweihschlagen am Gesträuch, Graben und Suhlen scheinen andere ♂♂ aufmerksam und angelockt zu werden. Das führt zu Zweikämpfen und fördert die geschlechtliche Auslese. ♂♂ ab 31/2 Jahren können ejakulieren beim Röhren, Geweihschlagen, Graben, Stehen in der Suhle, nach dem Zusammentreiben von ♀♀ und beim Alarmrufen. Heftige Kämpfe waren selten, nur einmal kam es zu Schlägen auf den Körper. Kampfwunden scheinen unwesentlich als Todesursache. ♂♂ kämpfen bevorzugt mit Altersgenossen, ältere kämpfen mehr als junge, alle zu bestimmten Tages- und Jahreszeiten mehr als sonst. Reviere scheint es nicht zu geben. Harem-♂♂ treiben zu bestimmten Tages- und Jahreszeiten besonders häufig ♂♀ mit Kälbern zusammen. Mehr als 31/2 Jahre alte ♂♂ bestritten 94 % der heterosexuellen Kontakte, die ebenfalls tages- und jahreszeitlich verschieden häufig waren. Harem-♂♂ vertrieben am häufigsten über 31/2jährige ♂♂, selten Spießer, am seltensten 21/2jährige ♂♂. Wenn es beim Drohen blieb, war immer der Angreifer gleich alt oder älter als sein Gegner; die Häufigkeit solcher nicht zur Berührung führenden aggressiven Begegnungen änderte sich mit der Tageszeit. ♀♀-Gruppen werden offenbar von adulten ♀♀, nicht von jungen ♂♂ ?geführt”. Über 31/2jährige ♂♂ verbrauchen wohl in der Brunft Energiereserven, denn sie fressen weniger lange und sind mehr mit Laufen und anderen Bewegungen beschäftigt als jüngere ♂♂.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which confined colonies of Golden Hamsters regulate the density of their population were investigated. Six experimental populations were established with two ♂♂ and two ♀♀ each and allowed to grow freely for 3–8 months. At no time did any population exceed eight individuals. This appeared to be the result of a high rate of infant mortality due to failure of pregnant and parturient ♀♀ to isolate themselves from the others. Two other populations were then established allowing many more nesting areas and more room for dispersal, but animals continued to crowd together and infant survival did not improve. These results contrast sharply with the large ultimate populations and only slowly developing disturbances seen in rats and mice. This difference in population control appears to be the direct result of a species difference in the tolerance of adults for strange newborns. In two further short-term experiments, the effects of the number and sex of adults in the founding population were systematically examined. The critical density at which no pups survived past the first day was six or more animals; ♀♀ appeared to contribute more than ♂♂ to infant mortality.  相似文献   

Sternopygus macrurus, eine der dreizehn im Rupununi Distrikt von Guyana beheimateten Messeraal-Arten benutzt elektrische Signale im Fortpflanzungsverhalten. Sternopygus leben in steinigen und sandigen Bächen und kommen nachts aus ihren Verstecken. Ihre Laichzeit beginnt vor Eintritt der Regenzeit Ende April. Sternopygus hat langdauernde Entladungen mit kurzen Pausen, die im Lautsprecher einen summenden Ton ergeben (im Unterschied zu Arten mit kurzen Entladungen und langen Pausen, die “knattern”). Von den vier summenden Fischarten hat S. macrurus eine eigene Tonlage und Tonstärke. Ausgewachsene ♂♂ und ♀♀ erzeugen verschiedene Ruhe-Entladungen. In der Laichzeit reagieren ♂♂ auf Annäherung eines ♀ mit veränderten Entladungen. Diese scheinen ♀♀ anzulocken. Auch ♀♀ können ihre Entladungen variieren. Künstlich über Elektroden ins Wasser gespielte Sinus-Schwingungen mit ♀-Frequenz wurden von ♂♂ richtig beantwortet; auf ♂-Frequenz oder Frequenzen anderer Arten gab es keine Reaktion. Beobachtungen an zwei Sternopygus-Paaren ergaben, daß die Individuen typische Entladungs-Frequenzen haben. Paarpartner können Frequenzen annehmen, die genau eine Oktave auseinander liegen.  相似文献   

The cues used by ♂♂ and ♀♀ of the checkered white butterfly, Pieris protodice, were explored using an assay that involved timing the responses of free-flying butterflies to tethered animals (“angling”). The models included ones that were made from the wings of ♂♂ and ♀♀ that had been extracted in a dilute ammonia solution. This procedure removes an ultraviolet-absorbing pigment from the wings and renders them more ultraviolet reflectant than normal without altering any other aspect of their coloration. The results show that both sexes make sexual discriminations using the sexual dimorphism in ultraviolet reflectance found in this species rather than using differences in the melanic markings on the wings, movement patterns, or chemical signals.  相似文献   

Frühere Arbeiten über die Lautproduktion von Cichlasoma centrarchus deuteten darauf hin, daß Laute aggressives Verhalten der Fische untereinander verringern (Schwarz 1974). Diese Hypothese wurde experimentell geprüft. Test-♂♂ bekamen gleichzeitig den Anblick eines Artgenossen und entweder Schweigen (S) oder vom Band gespielte Kontrollaute (CN) oder Fischlaute (FN) geboten; dann wurde die Zahl der darauf folgenden hoch aggressiven (HAE) und schwach aggressiven (LAE) Begegnungen bestimmt. Vorspielen der CN änderte die Anzahl der HAE nicht, Vorspielen der FN verringerte sie erheblich. FN hemmte HAE bei ♂♂ mehr als bei ♀♀. Da die ♀♀ Laute produzieren, die denen der ♂♂ in Art und Wirkung ähneln (Schwarz in prep.), kann man dieses Ergebnis durch gelegentliches nichtaggressives, optisch auffallendes Verhalten der ♀♀ zum Teil erklären.  相似文献   

Sexual imprinting is a well-known phenomenon in the ♂♂ of many bird species, but its occurrence in ♀♀, particularly of dimorphic species, has been questioned. ♀♀ of the Zebra Finch, Taeniopygia guttata, that had been cross-fostered by Bengalese Finches, Lonchura striata, were tested for their preferences in two different choice tests involving ♂♂ of both species. A highly significant preference for the imprinted species was found.  相似文献   

The tiny (3.1–3.8 g) vespcrtilionid bat Pipistrellus nanus was studied in Kenya palm-thatched roofs from May 1973 to July 1974. Roosting social organization and related activities and behavior are described. ♂♂ held diurnal roosting territories where ♀♀ gathered in small and compositionally labile groups, attracted to the most vocal ♂♂. Annual variation in population-wide aspects of social organization follows predictable seasonal changes in climate and predator abundance. Variability between individuals follows a common mammalian pattern: high male competition for ♀, variance in presumed male reproductive success, and a mating system resembling one based on resource defense polygyny. Social organization in this population contrasts with that known from studies of other P. nanus populations.  相似文献   

Splendid Wrens were studied over 7 breeding seasons in Western Australia. A colourbanded population (54 adults and 160 nestlings) of these small dimorphic passerines occupied a saturated habitat and dispersed little. Annual mortality of ♀♀ was 57% compared to ♂♂ at 29%; this high rate of turnover of ♀♀ reduces the chances of inbreeding. 2/3 of the territorial groups contained one or more helpers; groups with helpers did not produce more young than those without, but the helping role ensured priority of opportunity to inherit their own group-territory or to succeed to a neighbouring one, wheresoever breeding vacancies occurred. Helpers reduced the stress on breeding ♀♀ in many ways.  相似文献   

A newly discovered system of communication used by Sialidae while mating is described here. By means of this system males and unmated females of Sialis lutaria and S. fuliginosa are able to find each other and to communicate. Three kinds of signals are to be distinguished: (a) Rhythmic vibrations of the abdomen (♂+♀) allow mutual approach and recognition of species and sex; (2) prolonged, unstructed vibrations (♂ only), and (3) tapping of abdomen and wings on the ground is used by ♂♂ of S. lutaria as feedback for ♀♀ after their approach and by ♂♂ and ♀♀ of S. fuliginosa in the first step of their approach. The vibrations caused by movements of the abdomen are passed on via legs on to the ground and transmitted there only. The receptor is located within the legs. Observations in nature are being tested by experiments in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Investigated the role of the odor of the flank gland in the stimulation of flank marking by male hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus. In the first experiment it was shown that a ♂ has customary marking posts and that a second ♂ introduced into the first ♂'s area will mark in the same places. In experiment 2 nine test ♂♂ flank marked less in the home cages of flank glandectomized ♂♂ than in the cages of normal ♂♂. In experiment 3 it was shown that flank glandectomized ♂♂ marked at within the range of frequencies for normal ♂♂.  相似文献   

In the East African cricket Phaeophilacris spectrum a few ♀♀ form a social group which is joined by a ♂ who defends the group against other ♂♂. There is a special courtship and aggressive behaviour with several action sequences. ♂♂ perform two types of non-stridulatory wing flicking.  相似文献   

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