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肠道微生物群落结构和多样性与人体疾病密切相关。然而,相关群落结构分析结果可能受到DNA提取质量等实验因素影响。因此,评估不同DNA提取方法对肠道特定种属的提取效果,对于全面、准确获取人体肠道微生物谱,深入探究肠道微生物群落结构具有指导意义。本研究旨在借助实时荧光定量PCR(real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction,RT qPCR)技术,以DNA提取纯度、浓度,以及对肠道中特定种属微生物基因组DNA的提取丰度为指标,对5种DNA提取方法进行比较分析。结果表明,试剂盒Q的提取效果最佳,特别是对乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属等革兰氏阳性菌的提取效果较好。N试剂盒的平均DNA提取浓度较Q试剂盒低,但在纯度方面,二者无显著性差异。与其他3种商用试剂盒(M、PSP、TG)相比,N方法对肠道内指定微生物基因组的提取效果仅次于Q试剂盒,位居第二。相比之下,M试剂盒提取所得DNA,质量较高,但浓度偏低,对于肠道内革兰氏阳性菌的提取效果不很理想。TG试剂盒和PSP试剂盒提取所得DNA在浓度、质量以及细菌丰度方面均不及其他验证的试剂盒。综上,Q试剂盒可作为肠道微生态研究相关实验中获取高质量基因组DNA的提取方法。本研究结果为肠道微生态研究相关实验中基因组DNA提取方法的选择提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Methane emissions have been previously detected from orangutans, but characterization of the diversity of methanogens in this species has yet to be completed. This preliminary study identified methanogen producing microorganims, also called methanogens, present in the feces from a colony of captive Sumatran orangutans at the Perth Zoo. All animals were housed in the same enclosure and were fed primarily a frugivorous diet. Methanogens were detected using a 16S rRNA gene clone library. A total of 207 clones were examined, revealing 37 different methanogen 16S rRNA sequences, or phylotypes. Of these, 31 phylotypes represented by 170 clones had 96.4-100% sequence identity to Methanosphaera stadtmanae, four phylotypes (32 clones) had 95.1-100% sequence identity to Methanobrevibacter smithii, while two phylotypes (five clones) had 95.9-97.7% sequence identity to Methanobacterium beijingense. Overall, five possible new species were identified from the clone library. This represents the first report of Msp. stadtmanae, a methanol utilizer, as the most predominant methanogen in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. This is likely due to the increased availability of methanol from the highly frugivorous diet of the orangutans. Further studies are warranted to properly assess the effects of frugivorous diets on the methanogen population.  相似文献   

STR markers for kinship analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analysis of short tandem repeats is a widely used method to estimate relatedness between closely related populations or individuals. The AmpFlSTR PCR Amplification Kit has 15 highly variable autosomal markers of tetranucleotide repeats and is principally made to identify individuals and first- or second-degree relatives. However, in many studies one is searching for individuals who are related through more than one generation. We wanted to test whether the amplification kit can also be used to identify more distantly related individuals. Therefore we compared 16 different methods that calculate genetic distance with regard to each method's ability to cluster more distantly related individuals from two test families. Among all the tested methods Nei et al.'s (1983) DA distance performed well in clustering family members within a group of unrelated individuals for a broad range of scenarios. However, second-degree relatives were difficult to cluster with any of the examined methods when other family members were absent. With a simulation we further estimated how many markers would actually be needed to detect a certain degree of relatedness. According to this simulation, one would need at least 123 independent microsatellite markers to detect third-degree relatives with 90% probability. In conclusion, the 15 STR markers in the amplification kit are suitable for detecting only very closely related individuals or entire families.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: It is widely recognized that the hybridization process is prone to errors and that the future of DNA sequencing by hybridization is predicated on the ability to successfully cope with such errors. However, the occurrence of hybridization errors results in the computational difficulty of the reconstruction of DNA sequencing by hybridization. The reconstruction problem of DNA sequencing by hybridization with errors is a strongly NP-hard problem. So far the problem has not been solved well. RESULTS: In this paper, a new approach is presented to solve the reconstruction problem of DNA sequencing by hybridization, which realizes the computational part of the SBH experiment. The proposed algorithm accepts both the negative and positive errors. The computational experiments show that the algorithm behaves satisfactorily, especially for the case with k-tuple repetitions and positive errors.  相似文献   

Bat communities in the Neotropics are some of the most speciose assemblages of mammals on Earth, with regions supporting more than 100 sympatric species with diverse feeding ecologies. Because bats are small, nocturnal, and volant, it is difficult to directly observe their feeding habits, which has resulted in their classification into broadly defined dietary guilds (e.g., insectivores, carnivores, and frugivores). Apart from these broad guilds, we lack detailed dietary information for many species and therefore have only a limited understanding of interaction networks linking bats and their diet items. In this study, we used DNA metabarcoding of plants, arthropods, and vertebrates to investigate the diets of 25 bat species from the tropical dry forests of Lamanai, Belize. Our results report some of the first detection of diet items for the focal bat taxa, adding rich and novel natural history information to the field of bat ecology. This study represents a comprehensive first effort to apply DNA metabarcoding to bat diets at Lamanai and provides a useful methodological framework for future studies testing hypotheses about coexistence and niche differentiation in the context of modern high‐throughput molecular data.  相似文献   

Measuring hormone metabolites from feces is the most often used method to assess hormonal status in wildlife. Although immediate freezing of fecal samples collected in the field is the best method to minimize the risk of degradation of hormones over time, this is often not possible in remote field sites. Therefore, alternative storage and preservation methods for fecal samples are required in these conditions. We conducted an experiment to investigate if fecal glucocorticoid (FGCM) and progesterone metabolite (pregnanediol-3-glucuronide; PdG) levels measured from samples that were extracted with a simple, field-friendly methodology correlate with those generated from frozen samples. We also evaluated whether storing fecal samples in alcohol is a suitable alternative to preserve FGCM and PdG concentrations long-term (i.e. over a 9-month period) at locations where fecal extraction is not feasible. Finally, we tested if the hormone concentrations in unpreserved fecal samples of orangutans change over 14 h when stored at ambient conditions, representing the maximum duration between sample collection and return to the camp. FGCM and PdG levels measured from samples that were extracted with the field-friendly method showed strong correlations with those generated from frozen samples, and mean levels did not differ significantly between these methods. FGCM concentrations showed no significant change compared to control samples when fecal samples were stored for up to 6 months in alcohol at ambient temperature and PdG concentrations even remained stable for up to 9 months of storage. FGCM concentrations of fecal samples kept at ambient temperature for up to 14 h post-defecation did not significantly differ compared to control samples frozen immediately after collection. These results provide the basis for the successful monitoring of the physiological status of orangutans living in remote natural settings, like those included in the Indonesian reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA variation in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra are considered two separate subspecies. However, the genetic relationships between isolated populations on Borneo are not clear. This study determined the extent of variation within the Bornean subspecies of orangutan, using microsatellite DNA analysis. Blood samples were collected from 96 individuals of known origin from East, West and Central Kalimantan. Human microsatellite primer pairs located at human map position D2S141, D4S431, D 11S925, D16S420 and D17S791 were suitable for use in primates. D4S431 appeared monomorphic for all orangutans. In three cases (D2S141 East and West and D16S420 West), a highly significant excess of homozygous allele frequencies was detected, but with other primer pairs no significant difference in allele frequencies occurred. We conclude that the divergence between the different populations on Borneo is less than the variation within the populations. There was also evidence that inbreeding occurred within the populations.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that steroid hormone metabolites can be measured in anuran feces and their concentrations used to identify the sex of adults. Fecal samples from American toads, Bufo americanus, and boreal toads, B. boreas boreas, were extracted using ethyl acetate, and the concentrations of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone metabolites were measured by enzyme immunoassays with antibodies commonly used to evaluate steroid hormone concentrations in mammalian species. In American toads, mean testosterone metabolite concentrations (P<0.05) between males (224.3±15.5 ng/g feces) and females (80.7±10.6 ng/g), but estradiol and progesterone metabolite concentrations did not. In contrast, estradiol immunoreactivity differed (P<0.05) between male (19.0±1.8 ng/g) and female (48.3±6.3 ng/g) boreal toads. Progesterone and testosterone metabolite concentrations did not differ. Fecal hormone metabolite analysis offers a promising noninvasive approach to gender identification in anuran amphibians. However, the group of metabolites differentiating gender may not be consistent among species. Zoo Biol 0:1–12, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Research on social behaviour has largely concentrated on birds and mammals in visually active, cooperatively breeding groups (although such systems are relatively rare) and focused much less on species that rarely interact other than for mating and parental care. We used microsatellite markers to characterize relatedness among aggregations of timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus), a putatively solitary reptile that relies heavily on chemical cues, and found that juveniles and pregnant females preferentially aggregate with kin under certain conditions. The ability to recognize kin and enhance indirect fitness thus might be far more widespread than implied by studies of animals whose behaviour is primarily visually and/or acoustically mediated, and we predict that molecular markers will reveal many additional examples of 'cryptic' sociality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A detailed genetic study of the pre-Columbian population inhabiting the Tompullo 2 archaeological site (department Arequipa, Peru) was undertaken to resolve the kin relationships between individuals buried in six different chullpas. Kin relationships were an important factor shaping the social organization in the pre-Columbian Andean communities, centering on the ayllu, a group of relatives that shared a common land and responsibilities. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether this Andean model of a social organization had an influence on mortuary practices, in particular to determine whether chullpas served as family graves. RESULTS: The remains of forty-one individuals were analyzed with both uniparental (mtDNA, Y-chromosome) and biparental (autosomal microsatellites) markers. Reproducible HVRI sequences, autosomal and Y chromosomal STR profiles were obtained for 24, 16 and 11 individuals, respectively. Mitochondrial DNA diversity was comparable to that of ancient and contemporary Andean populations. The Tompullo 2 population exhibited the closest relationship with the modern population from the same region. A kinship analysis revealed complex pattern of relations within and between the graves. However mean relatedness coefficients regarding the pairs of individuals buried in the same grave were significantly higher than those regarding pairs buried in different graves. The Y chromosome profiles of 11 males suggest that only members of one male line were buried in the same grave. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic investigation of the population that inhabited Tompullo 2 site shows continuity between pre-Columbian and modern Native Amerindian populations inhabiting the Arequipa region. This suggests that no major demographic processes have influenced the mitochondrial DNA diversity of these populations during the past five hundred years. The kinship analysis involving uni- and biparental markers suggests that the community that inhabited the Tompullo 2 site was organized into extended family groups that were buried in different graves. This finding is in congruence with known models of social organization of Andean communities.  相似文献   

在陆地生态系统中, 大型食肉动物对于稳定食物网结构和生态系统功能有重要作用。在世界范围内, 由于栖息地丧失和破碎化、猎杀、人类活动干扰以及病原体的传播, 大型食肉动物生存正面临严重威胁, 多种食肉动物地理分布范围及种群数量大幅度缩减。如何有效保护大型食肉动物物种多样性及种群已经成为世界关注的焦点问题和保护生物学的重要研究方向。川西高原地处我国西南山地与青藏高原东缘交界地带, 属于世界生物多样性热点地区, 是世界大型食肉动物物种最丰富的地区之一, 而日益增强的人类活动可能会加剧对当地动植物资源的破坏, 进而威胁野生食肉动物的生存。获得准确的物种多样性信息及食肉动物食性数据有助于深入了解该地区生态系统结构及食物网关系, 对研究物种共存机制及生物多样性保护有重要意义。本研究通过从四川甘孜藏族自治州新龙县和石渠县野外采集的食肉动物粪便样品中提取DNA, 利用DNA条形码进行物种鉴定, 快速获得该地区食肉动物物种构成信息。38份粪便样品经鉴定来自于7种食肉动物, 分别为5种大型食肉动物(狼Canis lupus、棕熊Ursus arctos、豹Panthera pardus、雪豹P. unica、狗Canis lupus familiaris)和2种中小型食肉动物(豹猫Prionailurus bengalensis、赤狐Vulpes vulpes)。进一步利用高通量测序和宏条形码技术对7种食肉动物粪便中的食物DNA进行精准食性分析, 得到包含19种哺乳类、8种鸟类和1种鱼类共计28个不同的食物分子可操作分类单元(molecular operational taxonomic unit, MOTU)。结果显示, 狼、狗、棕熊最主要的食物来源为偶蹄目动物, 其中取食频率最高的物种为家牦牛(Bos grunniens); 而豹猫和赤狐食物中小型哺乳动物如啮齿目和兔形目占重要比例, 其中高原松田鼠(Neodon irene)和高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)被取食频率最高。豹和雪豹的食物分别为偶蹄目的中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)和岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)。本研究显示了粪便DNA及宏条形码技术在食肉动物多样性快速调查及高通量精确食性分析中的应用前景, 并为此类研究提供了技术路线的有力借鉴。  相似文献   

Paternity exclusion studies provide useful information for testing certain theories of behavioral ecology and for the management and conservation of both wild and captive populations of endangered species. This study used eight human nuclear microsatellite loci, in the absence of species-specific PCR primers, to genetically identify the sires of 12 captive lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and 2 captive orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus andPongo p. abelii). Parentage assignments were confirmed by excluding all except a single potential sire for each offspring with the least two loci. Sire-offspring relationships were verified in 12 of the 14 cases, and reassigned in the case of two gorilla offspring. The orangutan paternity typing was supplemented by DNA fingerprinting. Additionally, five of the eight microsatellite loci, in conjunction with behavioral data, were used for a non-exhaustive set of paternity exclusions for five wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla g. beringei). The eight loci described in this study should be useful additions to the tools available for the study of genetics in the great apes.  相似文献   

For genotyping of transgenic animals, many IACUC guidelines recommend the use of fecal DNA when possible because this approach is non-invasive. Existing methods for extracting fecal DNA may be costly or involve the use of toxic organic solvents. Furthermore, feces contain an abundance of PCR inhibitors that may hinder DNA amplification when they are co-purified with fecal DNA. Here the authors describe a cost-effective, non-toxic method for genotyping transgenic animals by using the reagent AquaStool to extract fecal DNA and remove PCR inhibitors. Genotyping results obtained from fecal DNA samples extracted using AquaStool were reliably accurate when compared with results obtained from tail DNA samples. Because it is non-invasive, the authors believe that use of this method for genotyping transgenic animals using fecal DNA samples may improve animal welfare.  相似文献   

Freezing stool samples prior to DNA extraction and downstream analysis is widely used in metagenomic studies of the human microbiota but may affect the inferred community composition. In this study, DNA was extracted either directly or following freeze storage of three homogenized human fecal samples using three different extraction methods. No consistent differences were observed in DNA yields between extractions on fresh and frozen samples; however, differences were observed between extraction methods. Quantitative PCR analysis was subsequently performed on all DNA samples using six different primer pairs targeting 16S rRNA genes of significant bacterial groups, and the community composition was evaluated by comparing specific ratios of the calculated abundances. In seven of nine cases, the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes 16S rRNA gene ratio was significantly higher in fecal samples that had been frozen compared to identical samples that had not. This effect was further supported by qPCR analysis of bacterial groups within these two phyla. The results demonstrate that storage conditions of fecal samples may adversely affect the determined Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio, which is a frequently used biomarker in gut microbiology.  相似文献   

To identify mammalian carnivore species distributed in the Kushiro Wetland, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, we developed molecular-genetic methods for identification of the species from fecal samples collected from the field. Species-specific primers and PCR programs were established for five native and six alien species of carnivores: Martes zibellina, Mustela nivalis, Mustela erminea, Vulpes vulpes, and Nyctereutes procyonoides as native species, and Neovison vison, Martes melampus, Mustela itatsi, Canis familiaris, Felis catus, and Procyon lotor as alien species in Hokkaido. Touchdown PCR, in which the annealing temperature is decreased 1 degrees C every cycle, was more effective for some species from which fecal DNA was not amplified species-specifically with standard PCR programs. Of 405 fecal samples collected from the Kushiro Wetland, the species of origin of 246 samples were successfully identified: 88 samples for N. vison, 140 for M. zibellina, 13 for V. vulpes, four for C. familiaris and one for F. catus. The results show the particular applicability of this method to monitoring M. zibellina and N. vison. In addition, methods to PCR-amplify DNA from two crayfish species (Pacifastacus leniusculus and Cambaroides japonicus) were developed to determine whether the carnivore fecal samples contained detectable DNA from the prey crayfishes. DNA from P. leniusculus was amplified from feces of N. vison identified in the present study, but no DNA from C. japonicus was detected. This indicates that N. vison preys on the alien species P. leniusculus.  相似文献   

We describe a new PCR-based method for distinguishing human and cow fecal contamination in coastal waters without culturing indicator organisms, and we show that the method can be used to track bacterial marker sequences in complex environments. We identified two human-specific genetic markers and five cow-specific genetic markers in fecal samples by amplifying 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) fragments from members of the genus Bifidobacterium and the Bacteroides-Prevotella group and performing length heterogeneity PCR and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses. Host-specific patterns suggested that there are species composition differences in the Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides-Prevotella populations of human and cow feces. The patterns were highly reproducible among different hosts belonging to the same species. Additionally, all host-specific genetic markers were detected in water samples collected from areas frequently contaminated with fecal pollution. Ease of detection and longer survival in water made Bacteroides-Prevotella indicators better than Bifidobacterium indicators. Fecal 16S rDNA sequences corresponding to our Bacteroides-Prevotella markers comprised closely related gene clusters, none of which exactly matched previously published Bacteroides or Prevotella sequences. Our method detected host-specific markers in water at pollutant concentrations of 2.8 x 10(-5) to 2.8 x 10(-7) g (dry weight) of feces/liter and 6.8 x 10(-7) g (dry weight) of sewage/liter. Although our aim was to identify nonpoint sources of fecal contamination, the method described here should be widely applicable for monitoring spatial and temporal fluctuations in specific bacterial groups in natural environments.  相似文献   

Eight captive orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) were given wooden blocks embedded with raisins and bamboo as raw material for tool making in a study of manual laterality. In about three quarters of the raisin extraction bouts, the orangutans held the tool in the lips or teeth rather than in their hands. Three adult males and 2 adult females showed extreme (> or =92%) preference for oral tool use, a subadult male and an adult female used oral tools about half the time, and 1 adult female preferred manual tool use. Most oral tool users made short tools (approx. 4-10 cm long) that were held in the lips and (probably) supported by the tongue. Preference for oral tool use does not correlate with body weight, age or sex, but it may be related to hand size or individual preference. This is the first report of customary oral tool use as the norm in captive orangutans; it resembles the behavioral patterns reported by van Schaik et al. and Fox et al. in nature.  相似文献   

Bioassay of kinship   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

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