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Recently collected specimens of Armodoris from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, were morphologically examined and sequenced. Comparison between this new material and literature sources revealed that it belongs to an undescribed species, Armodoris anudeorum. Although this new species is externally very similar to Armodoris antarctica (the only previously known species of Armodoris), these two species differ in several details of their external morphology, and particularly in their reproductive anatomy and radular morphology. This is the second known species of Armodoris; thus, this paper doubles the known diversity of this exclusively Antarctic group.  相似文献   

A new species of Egidemia China, 1927, Egidemia impudica, is described and illustrated from the Department of Magdalena (Colombia). The male genitalia of the new species have a very peculiar, diagnostic feature: the pygofer is considerably reduced and truncate posteriorly, so that part of the aedeagus is exposed. A key to males of all known Egidemia species is provided. Notes comparing Egidemia impudica with the other nine known species of the genus are also given.  相似文献   

Bousquet Y  Skelley PE 《ZooKeys》2012,(178):43-50
Two new species of the genus Clivina Latreille are described. One, Clivina choatei Bousquet & Skelley, belongs to the nominotypical subgenus and is known from six specimens collected in northern Florida. The species is structurally similar to Clivina myops Bousquet, known only from the holotype found in North Carolina, but differs among others by its smaller size and wider elytral striae. The second species, Clivina alabama Bousquet, belongs to the subgenus Antroforceps Barr and is known from two specimens collected in north-central Alabama. The species is structurally most similar to Clivina sasajii Ball, known only from Latimer County in Oklahoma, but differs among others in the absence of eyes and in having the pronotum and elytra proportionally wider.  相似文献   

The Lagomerycidae, a small family of the Cervoidea, is known in France by the genera Lagomeryx, Ligeromeryx and Stephanocemas. Lagomeryx contains three species, the other two genera one species only. This family is known from MN3 to MN5.  相似文献   

中国俏叶蜂属分类研究(膜翅目,叶蜂科,平背叶蜂亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要回顾了中国平背叶蜂族的分类研究状况.记述了中国俏叶蜂属Hemathlophorus种类,编制了俏叶蜂属分种检索表,描述了1新种:短颊俏叶蜂Hemathlophorus brevigenatus sp.nov.,新种颚眼距等于单眼半径,中胸腹板大部和后足股节基部3/4亮黄色,雌虫腹部第2、5节背板具中位小黑斑,唇基缺口较浅,POL:OOL:OCL=2:4:5,爪内齿短于外齿,前翅cu-a脉基部与1M脉基部间距仅为1r-m脉长的1/2,R M脉段短于cu-a脉,2r脉交于2Rs上缘中部,后翅R1室的附室仅等宽于单眼直径,锯鞘腹缘弧形突出,锯腹片15锯刃,中部锯刃间距等宽于锯刃,锯刃端部尖出等,可以与同属已知的3种鉴别.  相似文献   

Knížek M 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):191-206
Fivenew species of the genus Triotemnus from Morocco and Yemen are described. Triotemnus is a new genus of Scolytinae for the Yemen region. External morphology of the new species and all morphologically related species of the genus were studied. While the new species from Morocco are morphologically similar to the known species from the corresponding region, all three newly described species from Yemen, mainly two of them living in Socotra, are morphologically very different from all other known species of the genus. Geographical distribution and the probability of endemicity are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):161-164

The genus Lobatiriccardia Furuki is reported as new to China, from the Dulong River valley, Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province and this material is described as a new species endemic to China, Lobatiriccardia yunnanensis Furuki & D.G. Long, the fifth known species in the genus. The differences between the new species and the other members of the genus are enumerated, along with a key to all known species of Lobatiriccardia.  相似文献   

David G. Furth 《ZooKeys》2013,(332):1-32
This is a preliminary study of the diversity of the Flea Beetles (Alticinae) of the Mexican state of Oaxaca based on fieldwork by the author in 1991, 1997, and 2010, the literature, and specimens in several institutional collections. The number of genera and species for Mexico as well as for Oaxaca increased significantly from previous studies. There are now 625 species in 90 genera recorded from Mexico with 275 species in 68 genera recorded from Oaxaca. There are 113 species known only from the state of Oaxaca and another 38 species known only from Oaxaca and the surrounding states. Oaxaca has a relatively high diversity as well as a high percentage of endemism. This study also demonstrates the effects of how even a small amount of fieldwork together with extracting specimen data from institutional collections can significantly increase the total faunistic and diversity knowledge of an area. A complete list of the genera and species known from Oaxaca is included.  相似文献   

Three new species of Eulophidae associated, or presumed to be associated with ants are described: two species of Horismenus Walker and one species of Microdonophagus Schauff. Information on the biology is also included. The two Horismenus species are from Chiapas, Mexico. Horismenus myrmecophagussp. n. is known only from females and is a gregarious endoparasitoid in larvae of the weaver ant Camponotus sp. ca. textor. The parasitoids pupate inside the host larva, and an average of 6.7 individuals develops per host. This is the second time a species of genus Horismenus is found parasitizing the brood of a formicine ant of genus Camponotus. Horismenus microdonophagussp. n. is described from both males and females, and is a gregarious endoparasitoid attacking the larvae of Microdon sp. (Diptera: Syrphidae), a predator on ant brood found in nests of Camponotus sp. ca. textor. The new species of Microdonophagus, Microdonophagus tertius, is from Costa Rica, and known only from the female. Nothing is known about its biology but since another species in same genus, Microdonophagus woodleyi Schauff, is associated with ants through its host, Microdon larva (with same biology as Horismenus microdonophagus), it is possible that also Microdonophagus tertius has this association. A new distributional record for Microdonophagus woodleyi is also reported, extending its distribution from Panama and Colombia to Brazil.  相似文献   

One previously named and two new species of the tineid genus Erechthias Meyrick are described and illustrated from the small, remote, mid-Atlantic Ascension Island. With these additions the Lepidoptera fauna of Ascension now totals 38 known species. Little is known regarding the biology of the two new species of Erechthias, and none of the species has been reared from larvae from Ascension. Erechthias minuscula (Walsingham) is a widespread, largely pantropical species first described from the West Indies. Larvae of Erechthias minuscula are known to be scavengers on a wide variety of dead plant material. Erechthias ascensionae,new species, is one of two species of Erechthias now known to be endemic to the island. The other endemic species, Erechthias grayi, new species, is further remarkable in having wing reduction occurring in both sexes. It is one of the few species of Lepidoptera known where this extreme of brachyptery involving both sexes has evolved. The larvae of Erechthias grayi are believed to be lichenivorous, and larval cases suspected to represent this species are illustrated.  相似文献   

The genus Cypretta VAVRA, 1895 from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines is reviewed. Currently, eleven species are known from these areas. Two new species are described and two species are redescribed. Remarks and diagnostic illustrations are given for the known species.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Staurotheca Allman, 1888 have been studied (Staurotheca cornuta sp. nov. and Staurotheca multifurcata sp. nov). The material, from the Scotia Ridge area (Antarctica), was collected in 1986/1987 by the Spanish Antarctic expedition “Antártida 8611”. Each species is described and figured, and its systematic position among allied species is noted. Data concerning autecology and geographical distribution for each species are given. A comparative table listing the main features of the known species of the genus is included. Finally, a general survey of the geographical and bathymetrical distribution of the known species of the genus is presented. Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   

Allopodocotyle chiliticorum n. sp. is described from the intestines of redlip shiners (Notropis chiliticus) from Basin Creek, North Carolina. The new species is characterized by circumcecal vitelline fields that are not confluent in the post-testicular space, which distinguishes it from the 3 previously known species of this genus described from freshwater fishes. The new species is characterized further by an elongate vitelline reservoir lying dorsal to the ovary, an ovary as large or larger than the testes, and an excretory vesicle not reaching the posterior testis. A. chiliticorum n. sp. most closely resembles Allopodocotyle lepomis (Dobrovolny, 1939) in body shape, testes shape, and terminal genitalia but is distinguished further from this species by the extent of the intestinal ceca. The new species is the fourth species of Allopodocotyle known from freshwater fishes in North America.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Hungarocypris Varvra, 1906 is described from Sulawesi, Indonesia. This is the third known living species for the genus. At present four extinct and three extant species are known for Hungarocypris and a discussion is given on its global distribution.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):165-168

The genus Gottschelia Grolle is reported as new to mainland China, from Yunnan Province. Previously G. schizopleura (Spruce) Grolle was the only known Chinese species, reported from Taiwan. However, two further species have recently been found in the Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province, G. patoniae Grolle, Schill & D.G. Long, previously known from the East Himalaya of Nepal and India (Sikkim) and G. grollei D.G. Long & Váňa, described here as a new species endemic to China, the fourth known species in the genus. The differences between the three Chinese species are enumerated with notes on distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

对中国广西的齿甲属Uloma Dejean进行了分类整理,给出已知种检索表,描述4新种和1中国新纪录种,模式标本除特别注明保存地外,其余均保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

Phacelophrynium sapiense , a new species from Sabah, Malaysia, is described and illustrated. It differs from other known Phacelophrynium species in its light green to yellow leaf variegation, purple leaf underside, creamy white inflorescence and cream white flowers. The species is furthermore unusual in having a pair of membranaceous bracteoles associated with each flower, a feature otherwise known only in species of the New World genus Calathea.  相似文献   

冯炎 《动物分类学报》2011,36(4):976-980
记述中国四川省蝇科Muscidae秽蝇亚科Coenosiinae池蝇族Limnophorini池蝇属Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy,1830的研究概况。迄今全世界已知该属有298个种的学名,中国已知62种,占20.81%;四川已知14种,占我国已知种的22.58%,其中分布于东洋区和古北区的有5种,东洋区的2种,四川特有种7种,分别占四川已知种的35.71%、14.29%和50%;在四川已知的14种中,近年鉴定命名的新种(含本文记述的1新种)有7种,占50%。编制了四川已知种检索表和名录,并对新种白头池蝇Limnophora leucocephala sp.nov.做了详细记述。新种模式标本存于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

波利甲螨属Paulianacarus全世界过去已知12种,中国无记录。记述采自福建龙岩的中国新纪录该属及1新种,龙岩波利甲螨P.(P.)longyanensis sp.nov.;提议2新组合P.(M.)foliatus Mondal et Chakrabarti,comb.nov.和P.(M.)sarbias Coetzee,comb.nov.;编制了波利甲螨属2亚属12个种分种检索表;详细描述了新种的形态特征并绘制了整体特征图,比较了新种与其近似种P.(P.)simplisetosus Mahunka,1985的区别特征。研究标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。龙岩波利甲螨,新种P.(P.)longyanensis sp.nov.(图1~2)浅褐色,筒形,体长842(838~846)μm,体宽476(473~477)μm。新种与P.(P.)simplisetosus M ahunka相似,主要区别特征如下:体表具网状结构;背板具有一些粗糙的不规则斑状结构;背部和腹部均无孔状结构;第1基节板具增生毛,基节板毛式为7-2-3-4。正模1头,福建龙岩,2009-01-20,胡展育采。副模2头,采集信息同正模。词源:新种种名源自采集地点龙岩。  相似文献   

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