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Summary The choroid plexus from the lateral ventricles of 18-day chick embryos was cultivated as an organ in medium 199 until the degeneration of the stroma. Selected plexuses forming an empty epithelial sac were then incubated with enzyme-treated human immunoglobulin (5S-antibody) and with native human immunoglobulin (7S-antibody). Uptake of the 7S-antibody was observed after 30 min, whereas the 5S-antibody was taken up by the choroid plexus within 1 min, as demonstrated by means of the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique (Sternberger 1974). The antibodies were located in conspicuous, large vacuoles of the choroid epithelium. Further experiments were performed using only 5S-antibody. In addition to the demonstration of the protein structure of this immunoglobulin, it was also shown that its binding capacity for tetanus toxoid as an antigen remains intact in the intracellular location. It was not possible to observe lysosomal degradation. Moreover, 5S-antibody was detectable in cultures first incubated with 5S-antibody for 30 min and subsequently in antibody-free medium for a further period of 7 to 11 days.The biological significance of the uptake of material from the cerebrospinal fluid and the possibility of the existence of a receptor for 5S-antibody are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The experiments described herein use an in vitro preparation of choroid plexus to demonstrate that it is a vasopressin-responsive organ by morphologic criteria. Choroid plexus from rats was incubated for one hour in graded concentrations of arginine vasopressin (AVP). Within physiologic range of molar concentration, incubation in vasopressin induced a decrease in basal and lateral spaces in choroid plexus epithelial cells as well as an increase in number of dark cells. The number of cells with basal spaces decreased significantly from 82.7±9.2 in control tissue to 19±18 in tissue incubated in 10-12 M AVP; similarly, the number with lateral cellular spaces decreased from 20±8.8 to 7.6±2.2 cells in 10-10 M AVP. Dark cells increased in number from 3.8±2.6 in control conditions to 49±4 with 10-9 M vasopressin. These data suggest important effects of arginine vasopressin in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on choroid plexus, compatible with enhanced fluid transport across choroid epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary This study was undertaken to determine whether the numerous cytoplasmic tubules (CT) in the apical cytoplasm of goldfish hindgut absorptive cells are directly involved in the endocytotic transport of macromolecules into the cells, or whether they are derived from the intracellular membrane components. The absorptive cells were exposed to horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-containing medium in organ culture and subsequently fixed and prepared for electron microscopy. Analysis revealed that 5 sec after exposure, many vesicular structures, including coated vesicles, were labelled with reaction product whereas almost all CT were negative. After a 1-min exposure, reaction product was detected in about 11 % of the CT, and thereafter, the percentage increased to about 95% after 15 min exposure. As labelled CT increased in number, the number of densely labelled vacuoles with attached CT also increased. CT connected to vacuoles with a peripheral margin of dense reaction product were always HRP-positive, whereas those connected to vacuoles which were not distinctly labelled were themselves also devoid of HRP reaction product. This indicated that the labelling of CT was closely associated with the labelling of the inner surface of the vacuolar membrane. These results indicate that CT are probably formed by a budding off from these vacuoles, rather than being directly involved in endocytosis.  相似文献   

The transport of [3H]deoxyuridine by the active nucleoside transport system into the isolated rabbit choroid plexus was measured in vitro under various conditions. Choroid plexuses were incubated in artificial CSF containing 1 microM [3H]deoxyuridine and 1 microM nitrobenzylthioinosine for 5 min under 95% O2-5% CO2 at 37 degrees C and the accumulation of [3H]deoxyuridine measured. Nitrobenzylthioinosine was added to the artificial CSF at a concentration (1 microM) that did not inhibit the active nucleoside transport system but did inhibit the separate, saturable nucleoside efflux system. The active transport of deoxyuridine into the choroid plexus depended on Na+ in the medium, as ouabain, substitution of Li+ and choline for Na+, and poly-L-lysine all inhibited deoxyuridine transport. Thiocyanate in place of chloride and penetrating sulfhydryl reagents also inhibited the active transport of deoxyuridine into choroid plexus. The active transport of deoxyuridine into choroid plexus, which is inhibited by naturally occurring ribo- and deoxyribonucleosides (IC50 = 7-21 microM), was not inhibited (IC50 much greater than 150 microM) by nucleosides with certain alterations on the 2', 3', or 5' positions in D-ribose or 2-deoxy-D-ribose (e.g., adenine arabinoside, 3'-deoxyadenosine, xylosyladenosine); or the pyrimidine or purine rings (e.g., 6-azauridine, xanthosine, 7-methylinosine, or 8-bromoadenosine). Other analogues were effective (IC50 = 8-26 microM; e.g., 5-substituted pyrimidine nucleosides, 7-deazaadenosine, 6-mercaptoguanosine) or less effective (IC50 = 46-145 microM; e.g., 5-azacytidine, 3-deazauridine) inhibitors of deoxyuridine transport into the isolated choroid plexus.  相似文献   

Summary Light (LM-ARG) and electron microscope (EM-ARG) autoradiographs were prepared from immature rat choroid plexus and ependyma at 5, 10, 30, and 60 min and 16 h following intraperitoneal administration of [3H]- labeled amino acid mixtures. Intracellular protein synthesis and transport were ascertained in lateral and fourth ventricle choroid plexus epithelium by quantitative EM-ARG at the several post-injection intervals. ARG were also prepared from choroid plexuses cultured for one day, pulse labeled for one hour and reincubated for various periods in nonradioactive media. Significant labeling of both attached and free apical protrusions (blebs) was observed in both choroid plexus and ependyma in vivo and in choroid plexus in vitro. This phenomenon was interpreted as a physiologically significant mechanism for protein transport (apocrine secretion) by epithelia into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).This study was supported in part by N.I.H. Research Grant NS 12906  相似文献   

The kinetics of active transport of an organic acid (fluorescein) through the membranes of the choroid plexus from the lateral ventricules of the brain of rabbit was studied both morphologically and functionally. It was shown that fluorescein is actively translocated through the apical and basal membrane of the epithelium and is accumulated in blood capillaries at a concentration exceeding one order of magnitude that in the incubation medium. The kinetic curves displaying saturation and the demonstration of inhibition by other acids shows that a specific carrier is involved in the transfer across the membrane. The active transport of fluorescein at 20°C was found to be sodium independent. Total exclusion of sodium from the incubation medium does not change the Michaelis constant (Km) and maximal velocity (V). The active transport depends on the operation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase as energy source but obviously no specific complexes with the participation of sodium are involved.  相似文献   

During neurosurgery the freshly secreted extracellular fluid (ECF) from the choroid plexus was sampled with small pieces of application paper in three patients with intractable epilepsy. The samples were analyzed for free amino acids and for soluble proteins. The results were compared with corresponding data on extracellular fluid from the brain surface obtained with dialysis-perfusion as well as with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acquired by lumbar punction. The dialysis data were calibrated against the paper results. The choroid plexus secretion had a high concentration of transthyretin as well as of an unidentified protein with an isoelectric point of 7.4. The cortical ECF exhibited high concentrations of tau-globulin and gamma-trace protein. Among the amino acids, glutamine had lower concentration in the choroid plexus secretion and higher concentrations in the ECF of the brain compared to the CSF. The amino acid derivative ethanolamine exhibited a similar pattern. This was interpreted to demonstrate that these compounds enter the CSF from the brain tissue. In contrast, alanine, serine, and taurine had a lower concentration in the CSF than in the plexus secretion which suggests that they are removed from the CSF by brain tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been used as a protein tracer in order to visualize the ultrastructural sites of the orthograde transport of protein macromolecules in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract of the rat. After a local injection of HRP within the supraoptic nucleus, the reaction product was observed: (1) mainly in tubules of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the more proximal part of the axons, and (2) in granules and microvesicles of the axon terminals. Observations on thick sections clearly showed the existence of a relationship between the smooth endoplasmic reticulum containing HRP and the labeled granules or microvesicles. These data are in good agreement with previous findings showing the existence of direct continuity between tubules of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and a fraction of the neurosecretory granules and microvesicles. This evidence further reinforces the hypothesis that the latter organelles may possibly originate locally in the axons from the tubules of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum which may therefore be proposed as a possible vehicle for a non-granular intra-axonal transport of neurosecretory material in neurosecretory neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) transport in primary sensory neurons were studied in rats by demonstration of the reaction product in spinal nerves, spinal ganglia, dorsal roots and in the spinal cord at different survival times after application of the enzyme to the transected sciatic nerve and to the spinal cord. Using tetramethylbenzidine as the chromogen according to Mesulam (1978), transganglionic transport of HRP was shown in both the disto-proximal direction after peripheral application, and proximo-distal direction after central application. Significant differences in staining intensity between the central and peripheral processes of primary sensory neurons were found after all survival times used in this study. After peripheral application the number of labeled axons and the staining intensity were higher in spinal nerves than in dorsal roots; an inverse situation occurred after central application. These differences as well as the time sequences in staining of different parts of primary sensory neurons suggest that HRP applied to a peripheral nerve and to the spinal cord, respectively, enters the perikarya of spinal ganglion cells in any case before continuing its movement in a cellulifugal direction. Lysosomal degradation of the major portion of the applied HRP is supposed. However, in the post-perikaryal portion of a considerable number of neurons HRP-transport still occurs to a varying extent, thus resulting in labeling of nerve endings. In some neurons a post-perikaryal transport could not be detected light microscopically. The transport rates differ: the calculated transport rate of disto-proximal, cellulipetal movement in the fastest transporting neurons was 7.5 mm/h, that of the disto-proximal cellulifugal movement 2.5 to 3 mm/h.This work was partly supported by the Hartmann Müller-Stiftung I want to thank Miss Regula Eichholzer for the technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) applied to exposed pial surfaces of the brain was studied in newborn, 4-, 7- and 12-day-old, and adult mice. In the telencephalon the cell bodies of radial glia were found to accumulate the tracer. Labeled cells occurred in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle during the first postnatal week; they became gradually restricted to an area around the stria terminalis (ventrolateral ventricular corner) by day 12. At later stages no HRP transport could be traced from the surface of the telencephalon. In the cerebellum, HRP was transported from the surface to the cell bodies of Bergmann glia in all age groups studied including adult animals. It is concluded that radial glia and their derivatives share the capacity of transporting material between various cerebrospinal fluid compartments.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of autologous antiperoxidase immunoglobulin G (IgG) was studied in the choroid plexus of Lewis rats immunized against horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This experiment was performed to study the permeability of the choroid plexus to intravascular IgG. It was shown that autologous IgG was present in the extravascular spaces. The transendothelial transfer appeared to occur mainly via the fenestrations and some interendothelial junctions. No transfer of IgG at the level of epithelial cells toward the cerebrospinal fluid was demonstrated. Interstitial spaces in contact with the connective-tissue cells of the choroid stroma were strongly labeled. The significance of these spaces remains hypothetical and raises the question of the fate of IgG from the interstitial space.This work has been partly supported by Crédits Recherche Universitaire, Paris-val de Marne.  相似文献   

Iron transport into the CNS is still not completely understood. Using a brain perfusion technique in rats, we have shown a significant brain capillary uptake of circulating transferrin (Tf)-bound and free 59Fe (1 nm) at rates of 136 +/- 26 and 182 +/- 23 microL/g/min, respectively, while their respective transport rates into brain parenchyma were 1.68 +/- 0.56 and 1.52 +/- 0.48 microL/g/min. Regional Tf receptor density (Bmax) in brain endothelium determined with 125I-holo-Tf correlated well with 59Fe-Tf regional brain uptake rates reflecting significant vascular association of iron. Tf-bound and free circulating 59Fe were sequestered by the choroid plexus and transported into the CSF at low rates of 0.17 +/- 0.01 and 0.09 +/- 0.02 microL/min/g, respectively, consistent with a 10-fold brain-CSF concentration gradient for 59Fe, Tf-bound or free. We conclude that transport of circulating Tf-bound and free iron could be equally important for its delivery to the CNS. Moreover, data suggest that entry of Tf-bound and free iron into the CNS is determined by (i) its initial sequestration by brain capillaries and choroid plexus, and (ii) subsequent controlled and slow release from vascular structures into brain interstitial fluid and CSF.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the middle ear and bulla of guinea pigs. In less than 5 minutes the peroxidase had reached the basement membrane, mainly through the epithelial intercellular spaces, and after 20 minutes it was observed in the lamina propria.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to study macromolecule permeation into the guinea-pig placenta perfused in situ. When tissue culture medium 199 (TC 199) was used as fetal-side perfusate, the tracer reaction product was found only lining the fetal endothelium. When a longer period of perfusion with HRP in TC 199 was used, a small amount of reaction product was found in the subendothelial space and syncytiotrophoblastic vesicles, but not in maternal lacunae. In similar experiments using a Krebs bicarbonate Ringer (KRBG) as perfusate the tracer was found (i) lining the fetal endothelium, (ii) in the lateral intercellular spaces of the endothelium, (iii) in the subendothelial space, and (iv) in the maternal lacunae.It is therefore evident that the vehicle influenced the permeability of the guinea-pig placenta to horseradish peroxidase. As other studies have shown that perfusion of the fetal side with salt solution increases pore size, the results with TC 199 are regarded as more representative of the situation in the intact animal. It is therefore suggested that the fetal endothelium of the guinea-pig placenta may be largely impermeable to molecules of the size of horseradish peroxidase (4 nm) or larger.  相似文献   

Ryan BJ  O'Fágáin C 《Biochimie》2007,89(8):1029-1032
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a commonly used enzyme in many biotechnological fields. Improvement of HRP stability would further increase its potential application range. In the present study, 13 single- and three double-mutants of solvent exposed, proximal lysine and glutamic acid residues were analysed for enhanced H(2)O(2) stability. Additionally, five single- and one pentuple-consensus mutants were investigated. Most mutants displayed little or no alteration in H(2)O(2) stability; however, three (K232N, K241F and T110V) exhibited significantly increased H(2)O(2) tolerances of 25- (T110V), 18- (K232N), and 12-fold (K241F). This improved stability may be due to an altered enzyme-H(2)O(2) catalysis pathway or to removal of potentially oxidisable residues.  相似文献   

The blood--cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier in the choroid plexus is principally constituted of apical junctional complexes between epithelial cells. The effectiveness of this barrier was studied during the fetal development in the rat. Choroid plexuses from fetuses (14th and 18th embryonic day) and newborn (1 and 6 day old) rats were examined after intravascular administration of a proteic tracer (horseradish peroxidase) and investigated by freeze-fracture. From the 14th day of fetal life, apical junctions were seen to constitute a barrier that prevents the passage of peroxidase from blood to CSF; the tight junctions were morphologically similar to those of the mature animals; the junctional fibrils appeared continuous on complementary replicas. These data suggest that, from the 14th day of fetal development, the blood--CSF barrier is both morphologically and physiologically mature.  相似文献   

Heme-propionates of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were esterified by p-nitrophenol, phenol and p-methylphenol to change its electron character and to increase its hydrophobicity. These synthetic hemes were inserted apo-HRP to give a novel HRP, respectively. Of the three reconstituted HRPs, reconstituted HRP with p-nitrophenol-modified heme derivative had a larger initial rate, affinity, catalytic efficiency and substrate-binding efficiency than native HRP in aqueous buffer and some solvents. The reconstituted HRPs showed higher thermostability and tolerance of DMF because of the increase of the hydrophobicity of the active site. Changing the electron character of the aromatic moieties linked at each terminal of the two heme-propionates can control activity and stability of HRP. The initial rate, affinity, catalytic efficiency and substrate-binding efficiency increased with the increases of electron-withdrawing efficiency of substituents at 4-position of the phenolic used to synthesize the heme derivatives, contrariwise, the stability decreased. The modifications resulted in the increase in the temperature (Tm) at the midpoint of thermal denaturation and the decreases in both enthalpy and entropy change at Tm. The changes of catalytic properties and stabilities are related to the changes of the conformation of HRP. The modification changed the environment of heme and tryptophan, increased α-helix content of HRP. The present work demonstrates that enhancement of the hydrophobicity and the electron-withdrawing efficiency of heme improves the activity and stability of HRP.  相似文献   

Summary The transverse tubule (T-tubule) system in papillary muscles of the sand rat and the mouse were studied with the aid of a diffusion tracer (horseradish peroxidase). The T-tubule system in the sand rat showed a typical mammalian pattern with sarcolemmal tubules invaginating at the Z-band level of the sarcomere. These tubules follow a transverse direction in the cell with frequent longitudinal side-branches which connect tubules at different Z-band levels. In the mouse myocardium, the T-tubules also start as lateral invaginations from the sarcolemma at the Z-band levels. In the cell interior, however, the tubules ramify and brake up into a complicated system of spirally running tubules. These spirals, of relative small diameter (400Å–700Å), frequently expand and form lobulated cisternae at the Z-band levels.  相似文献   

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