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Benz(othi)azepine (BTZ) derivatives constitute one of three major classes of L-type Ca(2+) channel ligands. Despite intensive experimental studies, no three-dimensional model of BTZ binding is available. Here we have built KvAP- and KcsA-based models of the Ca(v)1.2 pore domain in the open and closed states and used multiple Monte Carlo minimizations to dock representative ligands. In our open channel model, key functional groups of BTZs interact with BTZ-sensing residues, which were identified in previous mutational experiments. The bulky tricyclic moiety occupies interface between domains III and IV, while the ammonium group protrudes into the inner pore, where it is stabilized by nucleophilic C-ends of the pore helices. In the closed channel model, contacts with several ligand-sensing residues in the inner helices are lost, which weakens ligand-channel interactions. An important feature of the ligand-binding mode in both open and closed channels is an interaction between the BTZ carbonyl group and a Ca(2+) ion chelated by the selectivity filter glutamates in domains III and IV. In the absence of Ca(2+), the tricyclic BTZ moiety remains in the domain interface, while the ammonium group directly interacts with a glutamate residue in the selectivity filter. Our model suggests that the Ca(2+) potentiation involves a direct electrostatic interaction between aCa(2+) ion and the ligand rather than an allosteric mechanism. Energy profiles indicate that BTZs can reach the binding site from the domain interface, whereas access through the open activation gate is unlikely, because reorientation of the bulky molecule in the pore is hindered.  相似文献   

Chloride channels and transporters of the CLC gene family are expressed in virtually all cell types and are crucial in the regulation of membrane potential, chloride homeostasis and intravesicular pH. There are two gating processes that open CLC channels-fast and slow. The fast gating process in CLC channels has recently been linked to a small movement of a glutamate side chain. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the slow gating process is still elusive. Using spectroscopic microscopy, we observed a large backbone movement in the C terminus of the CLC-0 chloride channel that was functionally linked to slow gating. We further showed that the C-terminal movement had a time course similar to slow gating. In addition, a mutation known to lock the slow gate open prevented movement of the C terminus. When combined with recent structural information on the CLC C terminus, our findings provide a structural model for understanding the conformational changes linked to slow gating in CLC transport proteins.  相似文献   

Using the substituted-cysteine-accessibility method, we previously showed that a cysteine residue introduced to the Y512 position of CLC-0 was more rapidly modified by a negatively charged methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagent, 2-sulfonatoethyl MTS (MTSES), than by the positively charged 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl MTS (MTSET). This result suggests that a positive intrinsic pore potential attracts the negatively charged MTS molecule. In this study, we further test this hypothesis of a positive pore potential in CLC-0 and find that the preference for the negatively charged MTS is diminished significantly in modifying the substituted cysteine at a deeper pore position, E166. To examine this conundrum, we study the rates of MTS inhibitions of the E166C current and those of the control mutant current from E166A. The results suggest that the inhibition of E166C by intracellularly applied MTS reagents is tainted by the modification of an endogenous cysteine, C229, located at the channel's dimer interface. After this endogenous cysteine is mutated, CLC-0 resumes its preference for selecting MTSES in modifying E166C, reconfirming the idea that the pore of CLC-0 is indeed built with a positive intrinsic potential. These experiments also reveal that MTS modification of C229 can inhibit the current of CLC-0 depending on the amino acid placed at position 166.  相似文献   

The Torpedo Cl- channel, CLC-0, is inhibited by clofibric acid derivatives from the intracellular side. We used the slow gate-deficient mutant CLC-0C212S to investigate the mechanism of block by the clofibric acid-derivative p-chlorophenoxy-acetic acid (CPA). CPA blocks open channels with low affinity (KDO= 45 mM at 0 mV) and shows fast dissociation (koff = 490 s-1 at -140 mV). In contrast, the blocker binds to closed channels with higher affinity and with much slower kinetics. This state-dependent block coupled with the voltage dependence of the gating transitions results in a highly voltage-dependent inhibition of macroscopic currents (KD approximately 1 mM at -140 mV; KD approximately 65 mM at 60 mV). The large difference in CPA affinity of the open and closed state suggests that channel opening involves more than just a local conformational rearrangement. On the other hand, in a recent work (Dutzler, R., E.B. Campbell, and R. MacKinnon. 2003. Science. 300:108-112) it was proposed that the conformational change underlying channel opening is limited to a movement of a single side chain. A prediction of this latter model is that mutations that influence CPA binding to the channel should affect the affinities for an open and closed channel in a similar manner since the general structure of the pore remains largely unchanged. To test this hypothesis we introduced point mutations in four residues (S123, T471, Y512, and K519) that lie close to the intracellular pore mouth or to the putative selectivity filter. Mutation T471S alters CPA binding exclusively to closed channels. Pronounced effects on the open channel block are observed in three other mutants, S123T, Y512A, and K519Q. Together, these results collectively suggest that the structure of the CPA binding site is different in the open and closed state. Finally, replacement of Tyr 512, a residue directly coordinating the central Cl- ion in the crystal structure, with Phe or Ala has very little effect on single channel conductance and selectivity. These observations suggest that channel opening in CLC-0 consists in more than a movement of a side chain and that other parts of the channel and of the selectivity filter are probably involved.  相似文献   

The fluoroquinolone antibiotic binding site in the hERG potassium channel was examined for the residues involved and their position in the tetrameric channel. The blocking effect of the two fluoroquinolones levofloxacin and sparfloxacin to tandem dimers of the hERG mutants were evaluated electrophysiologically. The results indicated that two Tyr652s in the neighboring subunits and one or two Phe656s in the diagonal subunits contributed to the blockade in the case of both compounds, and Ser624 was also involved. The docking studies suggested that the protonated carboxyl group in the compounds strongly interacts with Phe656 as a π acceptor.  相似文献   

The intracellular linker L(III-IV) of voltage-gated sodium channels is known to be involved in their mechanism of inactivation. Its primary sequence is well conserved in sodium channels from different tissues and species. However, the role of charged residues in this region, first thought to play an important role in inactivation, has not been well identified, whereas the IFM triad (I1488-M1490) has been characterized as the crucial element for inactivation. In this work, we constructed theoretical models and performed molecular dynamics simulations, exploring the role of L(III-IV)-charged residues in the presence of a polar/nonpolar planar interface represented by a dielectric discontinuity. From structural predictions, two alpha-helical segments are proposed. Moreover, from dynamics simulations, a time-conserved motif is detected and shown to play a relevant role in guiding the inactivation particle toward its receptor site.  相似文献   

Moth sex-pheromone biosynthesis follows a circadian cycle, which is cued by the release of the neurohormone pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) to the hemolymph. PBAN binds to a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), in pheromone glands, (PG) initially identified by us in Helicoverpa zea moths (HezPBAN-R). In this study, the sequences of the seven transmembrane helices of HezPBAN-R were identified, built, packed and oriented correctly after multiple sequence alignment of the HezPBAN-R and several other GPCRs using the X-ray structure of rhodopsin as a template. Molecular dynamics simulations were run on three different beta-turn types of the C-terminal hexapeptide of PBAN and the results clustered into 12 structurally distinct groups. The lowest energy conformation from each group was used for computer-simulated docking with the model of the HezPBAN-R. Highest scoring complexes were examined and putative binding sites were identified. Experimental studies, using in vitro PG, revealed lower levels of pheromonotropic activity when challenged with pyrokinin-like peptides than with HezPBAN as ligand. Thus, the Drosophila melanogaster pyrokinin-1 receptor (CG9918) was chosen to create chimera receptors by exchanging between the three extracellular loops of the HezPBAN-R and the CG9918 for in silico mutagenesis experiments. The predicted docking model was validated with experimental data obtained from expressed chimera receptors in Sf9 cells.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of ubiquitous membrane channels that conduct water across cell membranes. AQPs form homotetramers containing four functional and independent water pores. Aquaporin-0 (AQP0) is expressed in the eye lens, where its water permeability is regulated by calmodulin (CaM). Here we use a combination of biochemical methods and NMR spectroscopy to probe the interaction between AQP0 and CaM. We show that CaM binds the AQP0 C-terminal domain in a calcium-dependent manner. We demonstrate that only two CaM molecules bind a single AQP0 tetramer in a noncanonical fashion, suggesting a form of cooperativity between AQP0 monomers. Based on these results, we derive a structural model of the AQP0/CaM complex, which suggests CaM may be inhibitory to channel permeability by capping the vestibules of two monomers within the AQP0 tetramer. Finally, phosphorylation within AQP0's CaM binding domain inhibits the AQP0/CaM interaction, suggesting a temporal regulatory mechanism for complex formation.  相似文献   

The blockade of CLC-0 chloride channels by p-chlorophenoxy acetate (CPA) has been thought to be state dependent; the conformational change of the channel pore during the “fast gating” alters the CPA binding affinity. Here, we examine the mechanism of CPA blocking in pore-open mutants of CLC-0 in which the residue E166 was replaced by various amino acids. We find that the CPA-blocking affinities depend upon the volume and the hydrophobicity of the side chain of the introduced residue; CPA affinity can vary by three orders of magnitude in these mutants. On the other hand, mutations at the intracellular pore entrance, although affecting the association and dissociation rates of the CPA block, generate only a modest effect on the steady-state blocking affinity. In addition, various amphiphilic compounds, including fatty acids and alkyl sulfonates, can also block the pore-open mutants of CLC-0 through a similar mechanism. The blocking affinity of fatty acids and alkyl sulfonates increases with the length of these amphiphilic blockers, a phenomenon similar to the block of the Shaker K+ channel by long-chain quaternary ammonium (QA) ions. These observations lead us to propose that the CPA block of the open pore of CLC-0 is similar to the blockade of voltage-gated K+ channels by long-chain QAs or by the inactivation ball peptide: the blocker first uses the hydrophilic end to “dock” at the pore entrance, and the hydrophobic part of the blocker then enters the pore to interact with a more hydrophobic region of the pore. This blocking mechanism appears to be very general because the block does not require a precise structural fit between the blocker and the pore, and the blocking mechanism applies to the cation and anion channels with unrelated pore architectures.  相似文献   

CLC Cl- channels are homodimers in which each subunit has a proper pore and a (fast) gate. An additional slow gate acts on both pores. A conserved glutamate (E166 in CLC-0) is a major determinant of gating in CLC-0 and is crucially involved in Cl-/H+ antiport of CLC-ec1, a CLC of known structure. We constructed tandem dimers with one wild-type (WT) and one mutant subunit (E166A or E166D) to show that these mutations of E166 specifically alter the fast gate of the pore to which they belong without effect on the fast gate of the neighboring pore. In addition both mutations activate the common slow gate. E166A pores have a large, voltage-independent open probability of the fast gate (popen), whereas popen of E166D pores is dramatically reduced. Similar to WT, popen of E166D was increased by lowering pHint. At negative voltages, E166D presents a persistent inward current that is blocked by p-chlorophenoxy-acetic acid (CPA) and increased at low pHext. The pHext dependence of the persistent current is analogous to a similar steady inward current in WT CLC-0. Surprisingly, however, the underlying unitary conductance of the persistent current in E166D is about an order of magnitude smaller than that of the transient deactivating inward Cl- current. Collectively, our data support the possibility that the mutated CLC-0 channel E166D can assume two distinct open states. Voltage-independent protonation of D166 from the outside favors a low conductance state, whereas protonation from the inside favors the high conductance state.  相似文献   

Hayama A  Uchida S  Sasaki S  Marumo F 《Gene》2000,261(2):355-364
The human CLC-5 chloride channel is expressed mainly in the kidney and its mutations cause Dent's disease (a familial renal tubular syndrome with hypercalciuria, tubular proteinuria, rickets, nephrocalcinosis, and eventual renal failure). To gain insight into the regulatory mechanism of CLC-5 expression, a genomic clone that contains the 5'-flanking region of the human CLC-5 gene was isolated and characterized. Two types of 5'-ends of cDNA were isolated by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends, and one of them, approximately 2.1 kbp upstream of ATG-containing exon II, was first identified in human. The major promoter activity was detected in the 5'-flanking region of this newly identified exon Ia. The sequence of the proximal 5'-flanking region contained an activator protein (AP)-1-like site and cAMP-responsive element, but it lacked a TATA box, a GC-rich element, and an SP-1 site. Deletion analysis of the 5'-flanking region showed that the fragments containing the AP-1-like element (TGACTCC) positioned at -38 exhibited high promoter activities in CLC-5 expressing LLC-PK1 cells, but that further deletions not containing this AP-1-like element resulted in a great loss of luciferase activities. Gel-retardation analysis demonstrated the existence of a specific protein binding to this AP-1-like element in LLC-PK1 cells, which seemed to differ from an authentic AP-1. This study clarified the key element of the human CLCN5 promoter, and the mutation in this region could be the cause of Dent's disease.  相似文献   

CLC-2 channels are dimeric double-barreled chloride channels that open in response to hyperpolarization. Hyperpolarization activates protopore gates that independently regulate the permeability of the pore in each subunit and the common gate that affects the permeability through both pores. CLC-2 channels lack classic transmembrane voltage–sensing domains; instead, their protopore gates (residing within the pore and each formed by the side chain of a glutamate residue) open under repulsion by permeant intracellular anions or protonation by extracellular H+. Here, we show that voltage-dependent gating of CLC-2: (a) is facilitated when permeant anions (Cl, Br, SCN, and I) are present in the cytosolic side; (b) happens with poorly permeant anions fluoride, glutamate, gluconate, and methanesulfonate present in the cytosolic side; (c) depends on pore occupancy by permeant and poorly permeant anions; (d) is strongly facilitated by multi-ion occupancy; (e) is absent under likely protonation conditions (pHe = 5.5 or 6.5) in cells dialyzed with acetate (an impermeant anion); and (f) was the same at intracellular pH 7.3 and 4.2; and (g) is observed in both whole-cell and inside-out patches exposed to increasing [Cl]i under unlikely protonation conditions (pHe = 10). Thus, based on our results we propose that hyperpolarization activates CLC-2 mainly by driving intracellular anions into the channel pores, and that protonation by extracellular H+ plays a minor role in dislodging the glutamate gate.  相似文献   

Gating of the muscle chloride channel CLC-1 involves at least two processes evidenced by double-exponential current relaxations when stepping the voltage to negative values. However, there is little information about the gating of CLC-1 at positive voltages. Here, we analyzed macroscopic gating of CLC-1 over a large voltage range (from -160 to +200 mV). Activation was fast at positive voltages but could be easily followed using envelope protocols that employed a tail pulse to -140 mV after stepping the voltage to a certain test potential for increasing durations. Activation was biexponential, demonstrating the presence of two gating processes. Both time constants became exponentially faster at positive voltages. A similar voltage dependence was also seen for the fast gate time constant of CLC-0. The voltage dependence of the time constant of the fast process of CLC-1, tau(f), was steeper than that of the slow one, tau(s) (apparent activation valences were z(f) approximately -0. 79 and z(s) approximately -0.42) such that at +200 mV the two processes became kinetically distinct by almost two orders of magnitude (tau(f) approximately 16 micros, tau(s) approximately 1 ms). This voltage dependence is inconsistent with a previously published gating model for CLC-1 (Fahlke, C., A. Rosenbohm, N. Mitrovic, A.L. George, and R. Rüdel. 1996. Biophys. J. 71:695-706). The kinetic difference at 200 mV allowed us to separate the steady state open probabilities of the two processes assuming that they reflect two parallel (not necessarily independent) gates that have to be open simultaneously to allow ion conduction. Both open probabilities could be described by Boltzmann functions with gating valences around one and with nonzero "offsets" at negative voltages, indicating that the two "gates" never close completely. For comparison with single channel data and to correlate the two gating processes with the two gates of CLC-0, we characterized their voltage, pH(int), and [Cl](ext) dependence, and the dominant myotonia inducing mutation, I290M. Assuming a double-barreled structure of CLC-1, our results are consistent with the identification of the fast and slow gating processes with the single-pore and the common-pore gate, respectively.  相似文献   

Molecular interactions are necessary for proteins to perform their functions. The identification of a putative plasma membrane fatty acid transporter as mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (mAsp-AT) indicated that the protein must have a fatty acid binding site. Molecular modeling suggests that such a site exists in the form of a 500-Å3 hydrophobic cleft on the surface of the molecule and identifies specific amino acid residues that are likely to be important for binding. The modeling and comparison with the cytosolic isoform indicated that two residues (Arg201 and Ala219) were likely to be important to the structure and function of the binding site. These residues were mutated to determine if they were essential to that function. Expression constructs with wild-type or mutated cDNAs were produced for bacteria and eukaryotic cells. Proteins expressed in Escherichia coli were tested for oleate binding affinity, which was decreased in the mutant proteins. 3T3 fibroblasts were transfected with expression constructs for both normal and mutated forms. Plasma membrane expression was documented by indirect immunofluorescence before [3H]oleic acid uptake kinetics were assayed. The Vmax for uptake was significantly increased by overexpression of the wild-type protein but changed little after transfection with mutated proteins, despite their presence on the plasma membrane. The hydrophobic cleft in mAsp-AT can serve as a fatty acid binding site. Specific residues are essential for normal fatty acid binding, without which fatty acid uptake is compromised. These results confirm the function of this protein as a fatty acid binding protein.  相似文献   

Independent gating of single pores in CLC-0 chloride channels.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Cl- channel from the Torpedo electric organ, CLC-0, is the prototype of a large gene family of Cl- channels. At the single-channel level, CLC-0 shows a "double-barreled" behavior. Recently it was shown that CLC-0 is a dimer, and it was suggested that each subunit forms a single pore. The two protopores are gated individually by a fast voltage and anion-dependent gating mechanism. A slower common gating mechanism operates on both pores simultaneously. Previously, wild-type/mutant heteromeric channels had been constructed that display a large wild-type pore and small mutant pore. Here we use patch-clamp recording of single wild-type and mutant CLC-0 channels to investigate in detail the dependence of the gating of one protopore on the physically attached neighboring pore. No difference in rate constants of opening and closing of protopores could be found comparing homomeric wild-type and heteromeric wild-type/mutant channels. In addition, detailed kinetic analysis reveals that gating of single subunits is not correlated with the gating of the neighboring subunit. The results are consistent with the view that permeation and fast gating of individual pores are fully independent of the neighboring pore. Because the two subunits are associated in a common protein complex, opening and closing transitions of individual pores are probably due to only small conformational changes in each pore. In addition to the fast and slow gating mechanisms known previously for CLC-0, in the course of this study we occasionally observed an additional gating process that led to relatively long closures of single pores.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling has revealed intimate details of the mechanism of binding of natural substrate, penicillin G (PG), in the penicillin acylase active center and solved questions raised by analysis of available X-ray structures, mimicking Michaelis complex, which substantially differ in the binding pattern of the PG leaving group. Three MD trajectories were launched, starting from PDB complexes of the inactive mutant enzyme with PG (1FXV) and native penicillin acylase with sluggishly hydrolyzed substrate analog penicillin G sulfoxide (1GM9), or from the complex obtained by PG docking. All trajectories converged to a similar PG binding mode, which represented the near-to-attack conformation, consistent with chemical criteria of how reactive Michaelis complex should look. Simulated dynamic structure of the enzyme-substrate complex differed significantly from 1FXV, resembling rather 1GM9; however, additional contacts with residues bG385, bS386, and bN388 have been found, which were missing in X-ray structures. Combination of molecular docking and molecular dynamics also clarified the nature of extremely effective phenol binding in the hydrophobic pocket of penicillin acylase, which lacked proper explanation from crystallographic experiments. Alternative binding modes of phenol were probed, and corresponding trajectories converged to a single binding pattern characterized by a hydrogen bond between the phenol hydroxyl and the main chain oxygen of bS67, which was not evident from the crystal structure. Observation of the trajectory, in which phenol moved from its steady bound to pre-dissociation state, mapped the consequence of molecular events governing the conformational transitions in a coil region a143-a146 coupled to substrate binding and release of the reaction products. The current investigation provided information on dynamics of the conformational transitions accompanying substrate binding and significance of poorly structured and flexible regions in maintaining catalytic framework.  相似文献   



Binding affinity for human serum albumin (HSA) is one of the most important factors affecting the distribution and free blood concentration of many ligands. The effect of fatty acids (FAs) on HSA-ligand binding has long been studied. Since the elucidation of the 3-dimensional structure of HSA, molecular simulation approaches have been applied to studies of the structure–function relationship of HSA–FA binding.

Scope of review

We review current insights into the effects of FA binding on HSA, focusing on the biophysical insights obtained using molecular simulation approaches such as docking, molecular dynamics (MD), and binding free energy calculations.

Major conclusions

Possible conformational changes on binding of FA molecules to HSA have been observed through MD simulations. High- and low-affinity FA-binding sites on HSA have been identified based on binding free energy calculations. The relationship between the warfarin binding affinity of HSA and FA molecules has been clarified based on the results of simulations of multi-site FA binding that cannot be experimentally observed.

General significance

Molecular simulation approaches have great potentials to provide detailed biophysical insights into HSA as well as the effects of the binding of FAs or other ligands to HSA. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Serum Albumin.  相似文献   

The complex formation of S- and R-ofloxacin with the self-complementary oligonucleotides, namely d[ATAGCGCTAT](2), d[GCGATATCGC](2) and d[ATAICICTAT](2), were investigated by the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Four starting positions, including two intercalation positions with different insertion directions and two minor groove binding positions, were considered. The total energy of both S- and R-ofloxacin-d[ATAGCGCTAT](2) complex, in which ofloxacin binds in the minor groove of the oligonucleotide, were lower than any intercalation binding mode. For both enantiomers, formation of the complex with GC oligonucleotide is more favorable than AT and IC oligonucleotides. When S- and R-ofloxacin are compared, the S-enantiomer exhibits more favorable total energy and torsion angles in the complex formation. This result is in agreement with the experimental observation [Hwangbo et al., Eur J Pharm Sci 18, 197 (2003)]. In the complex, both enantiomers form two hydrogen bonds: one between the carbonyl group of ofloxacin and the amine group of G16 and the other between the fluorine group and the G6 amine for S-ofloxacin. However, only one hydrogen bond is formed between endocyclic hydrogen atom at the C2 position of adenine and inosine base and carbonyl group of ofloxacin, which may be the reason for the GC preferentiality of ofloxacin.  相似文献   

Calcium channels play crucial physiological roles. In the absence of high-resolution structures of the channels, the mechanism of ion permeation is unknown. Here we used a method proposed in an accompanying paper (Cheng and Zhorov in Eur Biophys J, 2009) to predict possible chelation patterns of calcium ions in a structural model of the L-type calcium channel. We compared three models in which two or three calcium ions interact with the four selectivity filter glutamates and a conserved aspartate adjacent to the glutamate in repeat II. Monte Carlo energy minimizations yielded many complexes with calcium ions bound to at least two selectivity filter carboxylates. In these complexes calcium-carboxylate attractions are counterbalanced by calcium-calcium and carboxylate-carboxylate repulsions. Superposition of the complexes suggests a high degree of mobility of calcium ions and carboxylate groups of the glutamates. We used the predicted complexes to propose a permeation mechanism that involves single-file movement of calcium ions. The key feature of this mechanism is the presence of bridging glutamates that coordinate two calcium ions and enable their transitions between different chelating patterns involving four to six oxygen atoms from the channel protein. The conserved aspartate is proposed to coordinate a calcium ion incoming to the selectivity filter from the extracellular side. Glutamates in repeats III and IV, which are most distant from the repeat II aspartate, are proposed to coordinate the calcium ion that leaves the selectivity filter to the inner pore. Published experimental data and earlier proposed permeation models are discussed in view of our model.  相似文献   

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