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Corals are diploblastic in body pattern and include two tissue layers, the epidermis and gastrodermis, interconnected by an acellular matrix mesoglea. During development, cells in these tissue layers differentiate morphologically and functionally. In most hermatypic corals, the gastrodermis further develops an ability to associate with microalgae dinoflagellates. This endosymbiosis occurs inside specific host gastrodermal cells, and its mechanism still remains unclear notwithstanding decades of research. The delay in progress is partly due to the difficulty in separating the gastrodermis and its symbionts from the epidermis for detailed cellular and biochemical investigations. The present study reports a simple method to separate these two tissue layers in hermatypic corals using the reducing agent, N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Efficient tissue and proteomic isolations are demonstrated by microscopy and two-dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D SDS-PAGE). The NAC treatment was able to separate tissue layers without inducing protein degradation. Furthermore, the sensitivity of protein detection greatly increases in the isolated tissue layers. The application of the present technique provides future research on endosymbiosis and coral development with a tool for higher accuracy and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Coral planulae settle, then metamorphose and form polyps. This study examined the morphological process of metamorphosis from planulae into primary polyps in the scleractinian corals Acropora nobilis and Acropora microphthalma, using the cnidarian neuropeptide Hym-248. These two species release eggs that do not contain Symbiodinium. The mode of acquisition of freshly isolated Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) (FIZ) by the non-symbiotic polyp was also examined. Non-Hym-248 treated swimming Acropora planulae did not develop blastopore, mesenteries or coelenteron until the induction of metamorphosis 16 days after fertilization. The oral pore was formed by invagination of the epidermal layer after formation of the coelenteron in metamorphosing polyps. At 3 days after settlement and metamorphosis, primary polyps exposed to FIZ established symbioses with the Symbiodinium. Two–four days after exposure to FIZ, the distribution of Symbiodinium was limited to the gastrodermis of the pharynx and basal part of the polyps. Eight–ten days after exposure to FIZ, Symbiodinium were present in gastrodermal cells throughout the polyps.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching, in which corals become visibly pale and typically lose their endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.), increasingly threatens coral reefs worldwide. While the proximal environmental triggers of bleaching are reasonably well understood, considerably less is known concerning physiological and ecological factors that might exacerbate coral bleaching or delay recovery. We report a bleaching event in Belize during September 2004 in which Montastraea spp. corals that had been previously grazed by corallivorous parrotfishes showed a persistent reduction in symbiont density compared to intact colonies. Additionally, grazed corals exhibited greater diversity in the genetic composition of their symbiont communities, changing from uniform ITS2 type C7 Symbiodinium prior to bleaching to mixed assemblages of Symbiodinium types post-bleaching. These results suggest that chronic predation may exacerbate the influence of environmental stressors and, by altering the coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis, such abiotic-biotic interactions may contribute to spatial variation in bleaching processes.  相似文献   

Many scleractinian corals must acquire their endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium) anew each generation from environmental pools, and exchange between endosymbiotic and environmental pools of Symbiodinium (reef waters and sediments) has been proposed as a mechanism for optimizing coral physiology in the face of environmental change. Our understanding of the diversity of Symbiodinium spp. in environmental pools is poor by comparison to that engaged in endosymbiosis, which reflects the challenges of visualizing the genus against the backdrop of the complex and diverse micro‐eukaryotic communities found free‐living in the environment. Here, the molecular diversity of Symbiodinium living in the waters and sediments of a reef near Coconut Island, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, sampled at four hourly intervals over a period of 5 d was characterized using a Symbiodinium‐specific hypervariable region of the chloroplast 23S. A comparison of Symbiodinium spp. diversity recovered from environmental samples with the endosymbiotic diversity in coral species that dominate the adjacent reef revealed limited overlap between these communities. These data suggest that the potential for infection, exchange, and/or repopulation of corals with Symbiodinium derived from the environment is limited at this location, a finding that is perhaps consistent with the high proportion of coral species in this geographic region that transmit endosymbionts from generation to generation.  相似文献   

Porites panamensis is a hermatypic brooder coral endemic to, and distributed along, the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and is considered a species vulnerable to local effects because it has limited capacity for long‐distance dispersal (and low genetic diversity). Although larvae of P. panamensis have been previously shown to recruit to artificial settlement platforms, they have never been observed in the water column. The present study describes the reproductive behavior of P. panamensis, with a focus on using molecular tools to document evidence for a larval planktonic stage and for successful recruitment. Larvae collected from the water column, and recruitment on natural and artificial substrata were documented. Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal markers, 18s rRNA and ITS (ITS1‐5.8‐ITS2), and one mitochondrial marker, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), confirmed the taxonomic identity of larvae, and showed that larvae and recruits have genotypes similar to adults of P. panamensis. Lipid vacuoles and Symbiodinium sp. were present in the gastrodermis of all larvae. A total of 12 and 371 recruits settled on artificial and natural substrates, respectively, and the recruitment rate differed significantly over time. By documenting the reproductive success of the species, we show the potential for existing individuals both to maintain the population in the study area and to contribute to maintenance of the coral reef community in the coming decades.  相似文献   

The waters surrounding coral reef ecosystems are generally poor in nutrients, yet their levels of primary production are comparable with those reported from tropical rain forests. One explanation of this paradox is the efficient cycling of nutrients between the coral host, its endosymbiotic alga Symbiodinium and a wide array of microorganisms. Despite their importance for the animals' fitness, the cycling of nutrients in early coral life stages and the initial establishment of partnerships with the microbes involved in these processes has received little scrutiny to date. Nitrogen is an essential but limited nutrient in coral reef ecosystems. In order to assess the early nutrient exchange between bacteria and corals, coral larvae of the species Pocillopora damicornis were incubated with two coral‐associated bacteria (Alteromonas sp., or Vibrio alginolyticus), prelabeled with the stable nitrogen isotope 15N. The incorporation and translocation of nitrogen from Vibrio‐ and Alteromonas bacteria into P. damicornis coral larvae and specifically into the coral‐symbiotic Symbiodinium were detected by nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). A significant increase in the amount of enriched 15N (two to threefold compared to natural abundance) was observed in P. damicornis larvae within 8 h of incubation for both bacterial treatments (one‐way ANOVA, F5,53 = 18.03, P = 0.004 for Alteromonas sp. and F5,53 = 18.03, P = 0.0001 for V. alginolyticus). These findings reveal that coral larvae acquire nutrients previously taken up from the environment by bacteria. The additional nitrogen may increase the survival rate and fitness of the developing coral and therefore contribute to the successful maintenance of coral reefs.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate photosymbiont Symbiodinium plays a fundamental role in defining the physiological tolerances of coral holobionts, but little is known about the dynamics of these endosymbiotic populations on coral reefs. Sparse data indicate that Symbiodinium populations show limited spatial connectivity; however, no studies have investigated temporal dynamics for in hospite Symbiodinium populations following significant mortality and recruitment events in coral populations. We investigated the combined influences of spatial isolation and disturbance on the population dynamics of the generalist Symbiodinium type C2 (ITS1 rDNA) hosted by the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora in the central Great Barrier Reef. Using eight microsatellite markers, we genotyped Symbiodinium in a total of 401 coral colonies, which were sampled from seven sites across a 12‐year period including during flood plume–induced coral bleaching. Genetic differentiation of Symbiodinium was greatest within sites, explaining 70–86% of the total genetic variation. An additional 9–27% of variation was explained by significant differentiation of populations among sites separated by 0.4–13 km, which is consistent with low levels of dispersal via water movement and historical disturbance regimes. Sampling year accounted for 6–7% of total genetic variation and was related to significant coral mortality following severe bleaching in 1998 and a cyclone in 2006. Only 3% of the total genetic variation was related to coral bleaching status, reflecting generally small (8%) reductions in allelic diversity within bleached corals. This reduction probably reflected a loss of genotypes in hospite during bleaching, although no site‐wide changes in genetic diversity were observed. Combined, our results indicate the importance of disturbance regimes acting together with limited oceanographic transport to determine the genetic composition of Symbiodinium types within reefs.  相似文献   

Acroporid white syndrome, a disease-like syndrome from the Great Barrier Reef, results from degenerative host tissue at lesion borders. Tissue preceding lesion borders appears visually healthy, but it is currently unclear whether the endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium) are physiologically impacted. Compared to healthy colonies, this study found no significant differences in symbiont density, mitotic index or chlorophyll a content in tissue bordering (0 cm), and 8 cm away from white syndrome lesions. Using chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques, the border tissue did not appear to be photosynthetically compromised, and Symbiodinium extracted from this area were photosynthetically competent. Transmission electron microscopy revealed extensive degeneration of host tissues surrounding symbionts in affected areas, however, Symbiodinium cells were structurally intact with no sign of in situ degradation. Collectively, these results suggest that Symbiodinium at white syndrome lesion borders exist in a dynamic intra-cellular state during active host tissue loss, yet remain physiologically uncompromised.  相似文献   

Coral larvae acquire populations of the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium from the external environment (horizontal acquisition) or inherit their symbionts from the parent colony (maternal or vertical acquisition). The effect of the symbiont acquisition strategy on Symbiodinium-host associations has not been fully resolved. Previous studies have provided mixed results, probably due to factors such as low sample replication of Symbiodinium from a single coral host, biogeographic differences in Symbiodinium diversity, and the presence of some apparently host-specific symbiont lineages in coral with either symbiont acquisition strategies. This study set out to assess the effect of the symbiont acquisition strategy by sampling Symbiodinium from 10 coral species (five with a horizontal and five with a vertical symbiont acquisition strategy) across two adjacent reefs in the southern Great Barrier Reef. Symbiodinium diversity was assessed using single-stranded conformational polymorphism of partial nuclear large subunit rDNA and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the internal transcribed spacer 2 region. The Symbiodinium population in hosts with a vertical symbiont acquisition strategy partitioned according to coral species, while hosts with a horizontal symbiont acquisition strategy shared a common symbiont type across the two reef environments. Comparative analysis of existing data from the southern Great Barrier Reef found that the majority of corals with a vertical symbiont acquisition strategy associated with distinct species- or genus-specific Symbiodinium lineages, but some could also associate with symbiont types that were more commonly found in hosts with a horizontal symbiont acquisition strategy.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic relationship between cnidarians and Symbiodinium is critical for the survival of coral reefs. In this study, we developed a protocol to rapidly and freshly separate Symbiodinium from corals and sea anemones. Furthermore, we compared these freshly‐isolated Symbiodinium with cultured Symbiodinium to investigate host and Symbiodinium interaction. Clade B Symbiodinium had higher starch content and lower lipid content than those of clades C and D in both freshly isolated and cultured forms. Clade C had the highest lipid content, particularly when associated with corals. Moreover, the coral‐associated Symbiodinium had higher protein content than did cultured and sea anemone‐associated Symbiodinium. Regarding fatty acid composition, cultured Symbiodinium and clades B, C, and D shared similar patterns, whereas sea anemone‐associated Symbiodinium had a distinct pattern compared coral‐associated Symbiodinium. Specifically, the levels of monounsaturated fatty acids were lower than those of the saturated fatty acids, and the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were the highest in all examined Symbiodinium. Furthermore, PUFAs levels were higher in coral‐associated Symbiodinium than in cultured Symbiodinium. These results altogether indicated that different Symbiodinium clades used different energy storage strategies, which might be modified by hosts.  相似文献   

Some scleractinian coral larvae have an extraordinary capacity to delay metamorphosis, and this is reflected in the large geographic range of many species. Coral eggs typically contain a high proportion of wax esters, which have been hypothesized to provide a source of energy for long-distance dispersal. To better understand the role of lipids in the dispersal of broadcast spawning coral larvae, ontogenetic changes in the lipid and fatty acid composition of Goniastrea retiformis were measured from the eggs until larvae were 30 days old. Egg biomass was 78.8 ± 0.5% lipids, 86.3 ± 0.2% of which were wax esters, 9.3 ± 0.0% polar lipids, 4.1 ± 0.2% sterols, and 0.3 ± 0.1% triacylglycerols. The biomass of wax esters declined significantly through time, while polar lipids, sterols and triacylglycerols remained relatively constant, suggesting that wax esters are the prime source of energy for development. The most prevalent fatty acid in the eggs was palmitic acid, a marker of the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium, highlighting the importance of symbiosis in coral reproductive ecology. The proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids declined through time, suggesting that they are essential for larval development. Interestingly, triacylglycerols are only abundant in the propagules that contain Symbiodinium, suggesting important differences in the energetic of dispersal among species with vertical and horizontal transmission of symbionts.  相似文献   

The tissue of glass sponges (Class Hexactinellida) is unique among metazoans in being largely syncytial, a state that arises during early embryogenesis when blastomeres fuse. In addition, hexactinellids are one of only two poriferan groups that already have clearly formed flagellated chambers as larvae. The fate of the larval chambers and of other tissues during metamorphosis is unknown. One species of hexactinellid, Oopsacas minuta, is found in submarine caves in the Mediterranean and is reproductive year round, which facilitates developmental studies; however, describing metamorphosis has been a challenge because the syncytial nature of the tissue makes it difficult to trace the fates using conventional cell tracking markers. We used three‐dimensional models to map the fate of larval tissues of O. minuta through metamorphosis and provide the first detailed account of larval tissue reorganization at metamorphosis of a glass sponge larva. Larvae settle on their anterior swimming pole or on one side. The multiciliated cells that formed a belt around the larva are discarded during the first stage of metamorphosis. We found that larval flagellated chambers are retained throughout metamorphosis and become the kernels of the first pumping chambers of the juvenile sponge. As larvae of O. minuta settle, larval chambers are enlarged by syncytial tissues containing yolk inclusions. Lipid inclusions at the basal attachment site gradually became smaller during the six weeks of our study. In O. minuta, the flagellated chambers that differentiate in the larva become the post‐metamorphic flagellated chambers, which corroborate the view that internalization of these chambers during embryogenesis is a process that resembles gastrulation processes in other animals.  相似文献   

To understand the physiological and ecological responses of marine fishes to the change of water temperature, newly-hatched larvae of Yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii were reared in captivity at water temperatures of 23, 26 and 29 °C till they completed the metamorphosis to juvenile phase, and larval survival, development, growth and feeding were evaluated during the experimental period. The results showed that water temperature influenced the physiological performance of larvae of A. clarkii significantly. The survival and growth rates of larvae of A. clarkii increased significantly with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Water temperature also influenced larval development of A. clarkii significantly and larvae reared at 23 °C took longer time for post-larval development and metamorphosis compared to 26 and 29 °C (P < 0.05). Total length and body weight for post-larval development and metamorphosis decreased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Q10 in developmental rate was higher than in daily growth rate at the same rearing temperature, indicating that at water temperature had greater influence on larval development than on growth. Water temperature also influenced larval feeding of A. clarkii significantly with feed ration (FR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) increased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between FR and specific growth rate (SGR) (P < 0.05) but not between FCE and SGR (P > 0.05), indicating that FR influenced growth rate significantly in larvae of A. clarkii. This study demonstrated that the physiological responses of larvae of A. clarkii to the change of water temperature and confirmed that water temperature influenced larval survival, development, growth and feeding significantly. This study suggests that the decline of larval survival and growth rates, extension of pelagic larval duration and reduction of larval feeding at lower temperature have ecological impacts on larval dispersal and metamorphosis, juvenile settlement and population replenishment in A. clarkii in the wild.  相似文献   

Natural inducers for coral larval metamorphosis   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
 Coral gametes from Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834) and from multi-species spawning slicks provided larvae for use in metamorphosis assays with a selection of naturally occurring inducer chemicals. Four species of crustose coralline algae, one non-coralline crustose alga and two branching coralline algae induced larval metamorphosis. However, one additional species of branching coralline algae did not produce a larval response. Metamorphosis was also observed when larvae were exposed to skeleton from the massive coral Goniastrea retiformis (Lamarck, 1816) and to calcified reef rubble, demonstrating metamorphosis is possible in the absence of encrusting algae. Chemical extracts from these algae and the coral skeleton, obtained using either decalcification or simple methanol extraction procedures, also contained active inducers. These results extend the number of crustose algal species known to induce coral metamorphosis, suggest that some inducers may not necessarily be strongly associated with the calcified algal cell walls, and indicate that inducer sources in reef habitats may be more diverse than previously reported. Accepted: 21 May 1999  相似文献   

Algal endosymbionts of the genus Symbiodinium play a key role in the nutrition of reef building corals and strongly affect the thermal tolerance and growth rate of the animal host. This study reports that 14C photosynthate incorporation into juvenile coral tissues was doubled in Acropora millepora harbouring Symbiodinium C1 compared with juveniles from common parentage harbouring Symbiodinium D in a laboratory experiment. Rapid light curves performed on the same corals revealed that the relative electron transport rate of photosystem II (rETRMAX) was 87% greater in Symbiodinium C1 than in Symbiodinium D in hospite. The greater relative electron transport through photosystem II of Symbiodinium C1 is positively correlated with increased carbon delivery to the host under the applied experimental conditions (r 2 = 0.91). This may translate into a competitive advantage for juveniles harbouring Symbiodinium C1 under certain field conditions, since rapid early growth typically limits mortality. Both symbiont types exhibited severe reductions in 14C incorporation during a 10-h exposure to the electron transport blocking herbicide diuron (DCMU), confirming the link between electron transport through PSII and photosynthate incorporation within the host tissue. These findings advance the current understanding of symbiotic relationships between corals and their symbionts, providing evidence that enhanced growth rates of juvenile corals may result from greater translocation of photosynthates from Symbiodinium C1. Communicated by Biology Editor Dr. Ruth Gates  相似文献   

Many corals which engage in symbioses with dinoflagellates from the genus Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) produce offspring which initially lack zooxanthellae. These species must choose their symbionts from numerous genetically distinct strains of zooxanthellae co-occurring in the environment. In most cases, symbiosis onset results in an association between a specific host coral and a specific strain of algal symbiont. This is the first study to examine host-symbiont specificity during symbiosis onset in a larval cnidarian, and the first to examine such events in a scleractinian of any life stage. We infected planula larvae of the solitary Hawaiian scleractinian Fungia scutaria with both homologous zooxanthellae, freshly isolated from F. scutaria adults, and heterologous zooxanthellae, isolated from Montipora verrucosa, Porites compressa, and Pocillopora damicornis, three species of scleractinians which co-occur with F. scutaria. We found that homologous zooxanthellae were better able to establish symbioses with larval hosts than were heterologous isolates, by two separate measures: percent of a larval population infected, and densities of zooxanthellae per larva. We also measured algal densities in larvae over a 4-day period until the onset of settlement and metamorphosis. We found no changes in zooxanthella population densities, regardless of zooxanthella type or the light environment in which they were incubated. Strong infection of host larvae with homologous algae compared to heterologous algae suggests that there is a specificity process which occurs sometime during the early stages of infection between the partners, and which results in the establishment of a specific symbiosis.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals have demonstrated the ability to shuffle their endosymbiotic dinoflagellate communities (genus Symbiodinium) during periods of acute environmental stress. This has been proposed as a mechanism of acclimation, which would be increased by a diverse and flexible association with Symbiodinium. Conventional molecular techniques used to evaluate Symbiodinium diversity are unable to identify genetic lineages present at background levels below 10%. Next generation sequencing (NGS) offers a solution to this problem and can resolve microorganism diversity at much finer scales. Here we apply NGS to evaluate Symbiodinium diversity and host specificity in Acropora corals from contrasting regions of Western Australia. The application of 454 pyrosequencing allowed for detection of Symbiodinium operational taxonomic units (OTUs) occurring at frequencies as low as 0.001%, offering a 10 000‐fold increase in sensitivity compared to traditional methods. All coral species from both regions were overwhelmingly dominated by a single clade C OTU (accounting for 98% of all recovered sequences). Only 8.5% of colonies associated with multiple clades (clades C and D, or C and G), suggesting a high level of symbiont specificity in Acropora assemblages in Western Australia. While only 40% of the OTUs were shared between regions, the dominance of a single OTU resulted in no significant difference in Symbiodinium community structure, demonstrating that the coral‐algal symbiosis can remain stable across more than 15° of latitude and a range of sea surface temperature profiles. This study validates the use of NGS platforms as tools for providing fine‐scale estimates of Symbiodinium diversity and can offer critical insight into the flexibility of the coral‐algal symbiosis.  相似文献   

Recent molecular biological studies have revealed that some photosymbiotic invertebrates dwelling in coral reefs host several genetically different dinoflagellates, Symbiodinium species, as symbionts. However, little is known about the difference in physiologic characteristics among these symbionts living in a single host, because some Symbiodinium strains are difficult to culture in vitro. To isolate some of these Symbiodinium strains, we have developed an agar culture medium plate containing antibiotics and a giant clam tissue homogenate. Using-this medium we isolated two new Symbiodinium strains from two molluscan hosts, Tridacna crocea and Pteraeolidia ianthina, each of which hosted two different Symbiodinium strains belonging to Symbiodinium C and D, respectively. The tissue homogenate was essential for the growth of Symbiodinium D. Although it was not essential for the growth of Symbiodinium C, it did stimulate the initial growth. For the isolation of some Symbiodinium strains, isolation medium containing host homogenate is effective.  相似文献   

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