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S Aho  V Tate    H Boedtker 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(15):6117-6125
During the fine structural analysis of the 5' end of the 38 kb chicken pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene, we failed to locate an exon, only 11 bp in size, which had been predicted from the DNA sequence analysis of a cDNA clone complementary to the 5' end of the pro alpha 2(I) collagen mRNA (1). We know report the location of this 11 bp exon, exon 2, at the 5' end of a 180 bp Pst I fragment, 1900 bp 3' to exon 1 and 600 bp 5' to exon 3. Its sequence, ATGTGAGTGAG, is highly unusual in that it contains two overlapping consensus donor splice sequences. Moreover, it is flanked by two overlapping donor splice sequences but only one of the four splice sequences is actually spliced (1). The first half of intron 1 also has an unusual sequence: it is 68% GC, contains 88 CpG dinucleotides and 11 Hpa II sites. The second half is more like other intron sequences in the collagen gene with a GC content of 41%, 19 CpG, and no Hpa II sites. However it contains two sequences with 7 and 9 bp homology to the 14 bp SV40 enhancer core sequence. It is suggested that some part of intron 1 may be involved in regulation.  相似文献   

Multiple 3'' ends of the chicken pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The precise location of the 3' ends of the chicken pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene have been identified by S1 nuclease protection of overlapping genomic fragments by calvaria poly A containing RNA and size determination of the protected fragments on DNA sequencing gels. The gene ends 300 and 306 bp and 754 and 777 bp from the translation stop codon. The two sets of ends explain the major and minor pro alpha 2(I) collagen mRNAs previously observed, which may result from either RNA polymerase readthrough of the first termination site and/or different processing sites.  相似文献   

Comparison of the nucleotide sequence and primary structure of murine and human pro alpha 2(I) collagen indicates a high degree of homology: 87% at the nucleotide level and 87% at the amino acid level, with the greatest degree of variability in the amino- and carboxy-pro-peptide domains. The homology is greatest in the triple helical domain, repeating [Gly-X-Y]338, exhibiting 90% homology at the amino acid level, with only X and Y position residue substitutions. The X and Y residues show 86% homology between murine and human pro alpha 2(I) collagen triple helices, with no truly nonconservative substitutions.  相似文献   

We performed in vivo dimethylsulfate footprinting of the 220 bp mouse proximal proalpha1(I) collagen promoter and the 350 bp mouse proximal proalpha2(I) collagen promoter in BALB/3T3 fibroblasts, primary mouse skin fibroblasts, S-194 B cells, NMuLi liver epithelial cells and RAG renal adenocarcinoma cells and in vitro DNase I footprinting of these promoters using nuclear extracts of these different cell types. Whereas proalpha1(I) and proalpha2(I) collagen RNAs were present in BALB/3T3 fibroblasts and primary fibroblasts, these RNAs could not be detected in the three other cell lines. Comparison of in vitro DNase I footprints for each of the two proximal collagen promoters indicated that the patterns of protection were very similar with the different nuclear extracts, suggesting that the DNA binding proteins binding to these promoters were present in all cell types tested. In contrast, in vivo footprints over these proximal promoters were cell-specific, occurring only in fibroblast cells and not in the other three cell types. The in vivo footprints were generally located within the in vitro footprinted regions. Our results suggest that although all cell types tested contained nuclear proteins that can bind to the proximal proalpha1(I) and proalpha2(I) collagen promoters in vitro , it is only in fibroblasts that these proteins bind to their cognate sites in vivo . We discuss possible regulatory mechanisms in type I collagen genes that can contribute to the cell-specific in vivo protein-DNA interactions at the proximal promoters.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a cDNA clone containing DNA sequences coding for the noncollagenous carboxy-terminal domain of human pro alpha 2(IV) collagen. Using this cDNA clone in both Southern blot analysis of DNA isolated from human-mouse somatic-cell hybrids and in situ hybridization of normal human metaphase chromosomes, we have demonstrated that the gene coding for human pro alpha 2(IV) collagen is located at 13q33----34, in the same position on chromosome 13 as the pro alpha 1(IV) collagen gene.  相似文献   

A cDNA for the pro alpha 2 chain of human type I collagen has been recently cloned and amplified. We have used this specific probe to identify the human chromosome carrying the pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene. The DNA from 17 independent human/hamster and human/mouse somatic cell hybrids was digested by Eco RI and the restriction pattern analyzed in Southern blot experiments, using the 32P-labeled cDNA as a hybridization probe. The gene coding for the pro alpha 2 collagen subunit could be unambiguously assigned to human chromosome 7. All the other chromosomes, including chromosome 17, were excluded.  相似文献   

Collagen synthesis was examined in skin fibroblasts from a patient with a variant of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The relative rate of collagen synthesis to total protein synthesis in the patient's fibroblasts was always one-half of that in fibroblasts from normal controls. Total collagen synthesis, as assessed by quantification of total hydroxyproline, was also significantly lower than that of controls, indicating that the rate of collagen synthesis by the patient's fibroblasts was decreased compared with that by normal fibroblasts. Analysis of procollagen and collagen components showed the absence of the pro alpha 2(I) chain and its derivatives. Dot-blot and Northern-blot analyses showed the patient's fibroblasts to contain less than 10% of the mRNAs for pro alpha 2(I) found in control fibroblasts. In spite of these results, Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA indicated the presence of the same number of genes for the pro alpha 2(I) collagen chain in the patient's fibroblasts as in control fibroblasts, suggesting malfunctioning pro alpha 2(I) collagen genes as the cause for failure of the patient's fibroblasts to synthesize pro alpha 2(I) collagen chains.  相似文献   

The physical proximity of the closely linked pro alpha 2(1)collagen (COL1A2) and erythropoietin (EPO) genes and five loci with no known function was studied by long-range restriction mapping experiments using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. COL1A2 and D7S64 were found to be within 100 kb of each other, providing a new informative marker for linkage studies with respect to COL1A2. D7S15 and D7S79 were within 350 kb of each other. The physical distance between COL1A2 and EPO was determined to be at least 600 kb. Two CpG rich islands were recognized within 600 kb of COL1A2, suggesting that other genes might lie in the vicinity of COL1A2.  相似文献   

A number of overlapping cDNA clones, covering 5.2 kb of sequences which code for the human pro alpha 2(V) collagen chain, have been isolated. Analysis of the structural data have indicated a close evolutionary kinship between the pro alpha 2(V) chain and the major fibrillar collagen types. Isolation and analysis of an 8 kb genomic fragment has further supported this notion by revealing a homologous arrangement of nine triple-helical domain exons. These studies have therefore provided conclusive evidence which categorizes the Type V collagen as a member of the Group 1 molecules, or fibrillar-forming collagens.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in type I collagen have been recognized in a number of connective tissue disorders. In the Marfan syndrome, an autosomal dominant condition producing a generalized abnormality in connective tissue, no consistent abnormality has been identified, although one individual has been found to have an elongated pro alpha 2(I) collagen chain [Byers et al, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78:7745, 1981]. To determine the nature of the alteration in the gene that produced this abnormality, we studied the pro alpha 2(I) gene from this individual by genomic blotting and gene cloning. Genomic mapping studies detected no abnormalities. However, analysis of the cloned segment of the pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene from the Marfan individual indicates that the gene contains a 38 base pair insertion in an intron near the collagenase cleavage site. Although the relationship of this insertion to the protein abnormality is unclear, it may be a useful marker for the diagnosis of the Marfan syndrome.  相似文献   

Using a cDNA probe specific for the bovine Type II procollagen, a series of overlapping genomic clones containing 45 kb of contiguous human DNA have been isolated. Sequencing of a 54 bp exon, number 29, provided direct evidence that the recombinant clones bear human Type II collagen sequences. Localization of the 5' and 3' ends of the gene indicated that the human Type II collagen gene is 30 kb in size. This value is significantly higher than that of the homologous avian gene. The segregation of a polymorphic restriction site in informative families conclusively demonstrated that the Type II gene is found in a single copy in the human haploid genome. Finally, sequencing of a triple helical domain exon has confirmed that a rearrangement leading to the fusion of two exons occurred in the pro alpha 1(I) gene, following the divergence of the fibrillar collagens.  相似文献   

The alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) chains, two of the three constituent chains of type VI collagen, are highly similar in size and domain structure. They are encoded by single-copy genes residing in close proximity on human chromosome 21. To study the evolution of the type VI collagen genes, we have isolated and characterized genomic clones coding for the triple-helical domains of the human alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) chains, which consist of 336 and 335 amino acid residues, respectively. Nucleotide sequencing indicates that, in both genes, the exons are multiples of 9 bp in length (including 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, and 90 bp) except for those encoding for regions with triple-helical interruptions. In addition, the introns are positioned between complete codons. The most predominant exon size is 63 bp, instead of 54 bp as seen in the fibrillar collagen genes. Of particular interest is the finding that the exon structures of the alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) genes are almost identical. A significant deviation is that a segment of 30 amino acid residues is encoded by two exons of 54 and 36 bp in the alpha 1(VI) gene, but by a single exon of 90 bp in the alpha 2(VI) gene. The exon arrangement therefore provides further evidence that the two genes have evolved from tandem gene duplication. Furthermore, comparison with the previously reported gene structure of the chick alpha 2(VI) chain indicates that the exon structure for the triple-helical domain of the alpha 2(VI) collagen is strictly conserved between human and chicken.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a segment of the chick alpha 2 collagen gene by screening a library of chick genomic fragments using as hybridization probe an alpha 2 collagen cDNA clone. Several clones were isolated and one of them, lambda gCOL 204, was used for further studies. The DNA of lambda gCOL 204 hybridizes to a unique species of mRNA the size of alpha 2 collagen mRNA. This mRNA can be translated into a unique polypeptide which comigrates in SDS-gel electrophoresis with pro-alpha 2 collagen. Electron microscopic analysis by R-loop technique indicates that lambda gCOL 204 contains 7Kb of the alpha 2 collagen gene. This 7 Kb piece constitutes the 3' end of the gene. The same clone also contains 9 Kb of DNA that is immediately adjacent to the 3' end of the alpha 2 collagen gene. The cloned segment of the alpha 2 collagen gene is interrupted by 8 intervening sequences of various lengths. The coding sequences for collagen in this clone add up to approximately 1,800 bp, which correspond to about 1/3 of alpha 2 collagen mRNA. DNA sequence analysis of a small coding segment of lambda g COL 204 reveals a characteristic collagen type sequence which encodes for an amino acid sequence identical to a sequence found in calf alpha 2 collagen. The sequence of this region of the protein has not yet been determined for the chick alpha 2 collagen.  相似文献   

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