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Stomach content analysis of 20 pregnant (x body mass=13.4 g) and 18 lactating (x body mass=11.5 g) female Tadarida brasiliensis revealed that the diet, expressed as percent volume, consists largely of lepidopterans, coleopterans, hymenopterans, and dipterans, in decreasing order of importance. We found no significant difference in the diet of pregnant and lactating females when expressed as percent volume. However, when expressed as percent frequency, proportionately more pregnant females fed on lepidopterans, coleopterans, and dipterans than did lactating bats, and proportionately more lactating females fed on hymenopterans. We found no significant differences in the percentages of water, lean dry mass, fat, and energy density in the stomach contents of pregnant and lactating females. Water in stomach contents averaged 62.7% and fat and lean dry mass averaged 22.2% and 15.2%, respectively (expressed as percentage of wet mass); energy density averaged 31.2 kJ g–1 dry mass. This relatively high energy density of stomach contents, as compared to whole insects, can be attributed to the consumption of insects high in fat (especially flying ants) and the abdomens only of moths and beetles (other body parts being discarded). Estimates of nightly food intake increased markedly from mid- to late pregnancy, stabilized or decreased during late pregnancy, and increased again during early to mid-lactation. Average nightly feeding rate doubled from pregnancy to lactation and increased threefold during the first half of lactation. By adjusting our gravimetric estimates of nightly feeding rate upwards by 40% (based on estimates of field metabolic rate), we estimate that the average nightly energy intake of female T. brasiliensis ranges from 57 kJ day–1 in early lactation to 104 kJ day–1 in mid-lactation. These estimates represent nightly feeding rates averaging 39% and 73% of a female's body mass in the period from early to mid-lactation, respectively.  相似文献   

Water-soluble nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine via transcellular and paracellular processes. The capacity for paracellular absorption seems greater in fliers than in nonfliers, although that conclusion rests mainly on a comparison of flying birds and nonflying mammals because only two frugivorous bat species have been studied. Furthermore, the bats studied so far were relatively large (>85 g, compared with most bat species which are <20 g) and were not insectivores (like about 70 % of bat species). We studied the small (11 g) insectivorous bat Tadarida brasiliensis and tested the prediction that the capacity for paracellular absorption would be as high as in the other bat and avian species studied so far, well above that in terrestrial, nonflying mammals. Using standard pharmacokinetic technique, we measured the extent of absorption (fractional absorption = f) of inert carbohydrate probes: L-arabinose (MM = 150.13) absorbed exclusively by paracellular route and 3OMD-glucose (MM = 194) absorbed both paracellularly and transcellularly. As predicted, the capacity of paracellular absorption in this insectivorous bat was high (L-arabinose f = 1.03 ± 0.14) as in other frugivorous bats and small birds. Absorption of 3OMD-glucose was also complete (f = 1.09 ± 0.17), but >80 % was accounted for by paracellular absorption. We conclude that passive paracellular absorption of molecules of the size of amino acids and glucose is extensive in this bat and, generally in bats, significantly higher than that in nonflying mammals, although the exact extent can be somewhat lower or higher depending on molecule size, polarity and charge.  相似文献   

The gular gland of the bat Tadarida brasiliensis is a specialized sebaceous gland located in the skin of the suprasternal region of adult males. It consists of an aggregation of simple branched tubulo-acinar gland units, the number of which varies seasonally. Each acinus is composed of densely packed sebaceous cells at various stages of differentiation. Acinar basal cells and cells of the epithelium of the ducts can differentiate into sebaceous cells. Two main changes appear in the cytoplasm concurrent with the sebaceous transformation: the differentiation of cytoplasmic organelles and the deposition of lipid material. The appearance of a different type of mitochondrion and the development of large numbers of ribosomes and polyribosomes can be recognized in the cytoplasm at an early stage of differentiation. Concomitant with the deposition of significant numbers of lipid droplets, the cells develop abundant agranular endoplasmic reticulum occurring mainly as scattered tubular cisternae. These at times form whorls surrounding lipid droplets. At later stages, the cisternae of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum often occur in crystalline arrays between secretory oil droplets. The roles of the different cytoplasmic organelles, especially in relation to the production of sebum, are discussed.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a driving factor in the creation and maintenance of biodiversity, yet little is known about the effects of habitat variation and geography on dispersal and population connectivity in most mammalian groups. Bats of the family Molossidae are fast‐flying mammals thought to have potentially high dispersal ability, and recent studies have indicated gene flow across hundreds of kilometers in continental North American populations of the Brazilian free‐tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis. We examined the population genetics, phylogeography, and morphology of this species in Florida and across islands of The Bahamas, which are part of an island archipelago in the West Indies. Previous studies indicate that bats in the family Phyllostomidae, which are possibly less mobile than members of the family Molossidae, exhibit population structuring across The Bahamas. We hypothesized that T. brasiliensis would show high population connectivity throughout the islands and that T. brasiliensis would show higher connectivity than two species of phyllostomid bats that have been previously examined in The Bahamas. Contrary to our predictions, T. brasiliensis shows high population structure between two groups of islands in The Bahamas, similar to the structure exhibited by one species of phyllostomid bat. Phylogenetic and morphological analyses suggest that this structure may be the result of ancient divergence between two populations of T. brasiliensis that subsequently came into contact in The Bahamas. Our findings additionally suggest that there may be cryptic species within T. brasiliensis in The Bahamas and the West Indies more broadly.  相似文献   

Studies on birds have led to the hypothesis that increased intestinal absorption between enterocytes (paracellular) evolved as a compensation for smaller intestinal size in fliers, which was perhaps selected to minimize the mass of digesta carried. This hypothesis predicts that bats will also exhibit relatively reduced intestinal size and high paracellular absorption, compared with nonflying mammals. Published studies on three bat species indicate relatively high paracellular absorption. One mechanism for increasing paracellular absorption per cm2 small intestine (SI) is increased number of tight junctions (TJs) across which paracellular absorption occurs. To our knowledge, we provide the first comparative analysis of enterocyte size and number in flying and nonflying mammals. Intestines of insectivorous bats Tadarida brasiliensis were compared with Mus musculus using hematoxylin and eosin staining method. Bats had shorter and narrower SIs than mice, and after correction for body size difference by normalizing to mass3/4, the bats had 40% less nominal surface area than the mouse, as predicted. Villous enhancement of surface area was 90% greater in the bat than in the mouse, mainly because of longer villi and a greater density of villi in bat intestines. Bat and mouse were similar in enterocyte diameter. Bats exceeded mice by 54.4% in villous area per cm length SI and by 95% in number of enterocytes per cm2 of the nominal surface area of the SI. Therefore, an increased density of TJs per cm2 SI may be a mechanistic explanation that helps to understand the high paracellular absorption observed in bats compared to nonflying mammals. J. Morphol. 276:102–108, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1078-1086
Near-term pregnant females and female-pup nursing pairs of Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) were captured from large maternity colonies in central Texas. A total of 337 isolation calls from 20 pups were recorded and nine call parameters were measured from each call either sonagraphically or with a spectrum analyser. Univariate and multivariate analyses of the call parameters show that the calls of different pups are structurally distinct. Discriminant function analysis using a random subset of calls correctly categorized 60·4% to the pup emitting them. These results suggest that the pups have individual vocal signatures. Calls also possess qualities which suggest that they are attractive in nature and easy to locate. Regression analyses show that several call parameters increase in frequency as pups age.  相似文献   

Fetuses were collected from four Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) and a fetal bat cell (FBC) line was established and tested for its ability to support the replication of the ERA vaccine strain of rabies virus. Cytopathic effects were detected in ERA virus-inoculated as well as uninoculated FBC's. Immunofluorescent antibody testing of uninoculated FBC's provided no evidence for the presence of rabies virus. However, mice inoculated intracranially with supernatant fluid from uninoculated FBC's died. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescent antibody testing revealed rabies virus in the brains of these mice. Tests with a panel of monoclonal antibodies indicated that the isolate was the same as that isolated from Mexican free-tailed bats from the southwestern United States. We conclude that the fetuses from which the FBC line was derived had been infected in utero with rabies virus. We believe this may represent the first observation of prenatal transfer of rabies virus in naturally infected bats.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of variation in the mineral content of the wing skeleton of the Mexican free-tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis. We ashed humeri, radii, metacarpals II-V, and phalanges of digit III, and quantified mineralization differences among elements at specific ages, and ontogenetically for each element. The most mineralized elements are the humerus and the radius, followed by the metacarpals, of which the third and fifth are the most mineralized. The proximal and middle phalanges of the third digit exhibit the lowest mineral content, and the distal phalanges have no mineral content according to our ashing protocol. Histological examination shows a thin (< 10 μm) shell of unmineralized osteoid surrounding a cartilaginous core in distal phalanges. Mineral content of each bone increases linearly with age during post-natal development, but there are differences in the rate and extent of this increase among the different elements.
The mineralizaton differences we observed parallel substantially different bone loading patterns found in different parts of the wing in other studies. The humerus and radius are subjected to large torsional loads during flight, while the metacarpals and phalanges experience dorsoventral bending. The high mineral content of the humerus and radius and the low mineral content of the metacarpals and phalanges may resist torsion proximally and promote bending distally. Furthermore, the decrease in mineral content along the wing's proximodistal axis decreases bone mass disproportionately at the wing tips, where the energetic cost of accelerating and decelerating limb mass is greatest.  相似文献   

Bats account for 30% of mammal diversity in SE Asia and are potential bioindicators of wider biodiversity impacts resulting from habitat loss and climate change.As existing sampling techniques in the region typically fail to record bats that habitually fly in open areas and at higher altitudes,current inventory efforts are less than comprehensive.Acoustic sampling with bat detectors may help to overcome these limitations for insectivorous bats,but has yet to be tested in mainland SE Asia.To do so,we sampled...  相似文献   

Bats have recently been implicated as reservoirs of important emerging diseases. However, few studies have examined immune responses in bats, and even fewer have evaluated these responses in an ecological context. We examined aspects of both innate and adaptive immune response in adult female Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) at four maternity roosts (two natural caves and two human-made bridges) in south-central Texas. Immune measurements included in vitro bactericidal ability of whole blood and in vivo T cell mediated response to mitogenic challenge. Bactericidal activity in T. brasiliensis varied with roosting ecology, but appears to be sensitive to colony-level effects. Blood from females living at one cave had significantly lower bactericidal ability than blood from females at three other sites. T cell mediated response in this species was associated with variation in roost ecology, with females from two caves having greater responses than females from two bridges. T cell mediated response and bactericidal activity were negatively correlated with one another within individuals that were tested for both. Variation in immunological response of T. brasiliensis is important for understanding the influence of the environment on the frequency and distribution of immunologically competent individuals and for understanding disease-host dynamics in this and other colonial species.  相似文献   

Adult female and juvenile Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) were collected bimonthly at Lava Cave, New Mexico from May through September. The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of active rabies infection as well as to determine individual immune status in these hosts. All bats were bled and examined for rabies antibody (total antibody versus IgM) utilizing a modified serum neutralization test. The brains were removed and examined by the fluorescent rabies antibody (FRA) test. No significant difference was observed in the number of adults with rabies neutralizing antibody (total) over the study period. Significant differences in rabies neutralizing antibody (total) were observed among the juveniles sampled during July and August. The number of adults with IgM specific antibody was low (15 of 750, 2%) and did not fluctuate significantly. However, the number of juveniles with IgM antibody did show increased levels in August and September. The number of adults positive by the FRA was low (4 of 750, less than 1%) and did not appear to fluctuate significantly over the study period. The number of juveniles positive by the FRA was three and one-half times higher than observed for the adults (14 of 600, 2%). These results indicate that the Mexican free-tailed bat appears to be exposed to rabies virus shortly after birth as evident by its immune status. The low prevalence (4 of 750, less than 1%) of active infection as determined by the FRA and mouse inoculation and the high prevalence (514 of 750, 69%) of IgG antibody in the adult females indicate that the Mexican free-tailed bat recovers from rabies virus infection.  相似文献   

In Cyprus, there are 16 species of bats most of which are threatened with extinction. With the exception of the megachiropteran Egyptian Fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus that feeds on fruit, the rest of them are insectivorous microchiropterans. The Fruit bat was declared as a pest by the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus since the early 1900s. To reduce the number of this “pest”, the above-mentioned Department, since 1927, used fumigation, shooting, and the purchase of dead bats. Fumigating and closing caves not only destroyed Fruit bats by direct poisoning, but the entire cave ecosystems, including highly beneficial and protected insectivorous species. The first attempt to protect bats on the island was in 1988 with law No. 24 of 1988, ratifying the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, 82/72/EEC. This convention protects all microchiroptera species except Pipistrellus pipistrellus that is strictly protected. R. aegyptiacus is rare, with small populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable but at risk. Cyprus recently became a member state of the European Union. This provided the opportunity to include R. aegyptiacus in the Annexes II and IV of the council directive 92/42/EEC of May 21, 1993 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, which will guarantee the long-range protection and survival of this species.  相似文献   

The scaling properties of human EEG have so far been analyzed predominantly in the framework of detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). In particular, these studies suggested the existence of power-law correlations in EEG. In DFA, EEG time series are tacitly assumed to be made up of fluctuations, whose scaling behavior reflects neurophysiologically important information and polynomial trends. Even though these trends are physiologically irrelevant, they must be eliminated (detrended) to reliably estimate such measures as Hurst exponent or fractal dimension. Here, we employ the diffusion entropy method to study the scaling behavior of EEG. Unlike DFA, this method does not rely on the assumption of trends superposed on EEG fluctuations. We find that the growth of diffusion entropy of EEG increments of awake subjects with closed eyes is arrested only after approximately 0.5 s. We demonstrate that the salient features of diffusion entropy dynamics of EEG, such as the existence of short-term scaling, asymptotic saturation, and alpha wave modulation, may be faithfully reproduced using a dissipative, first-order, stochastic differential equation—an extension of the Langevin equation. The structure of such a model is utterly different from the “noise+trend” paradigm of DFA. Consequently, we argue that the existence of scaling properties for EEG dynamics is an open question that necessitates further studies.  相似文献   

The ventilatory and metabolic responses of lesser spear-nosed bats to hypoxia and hypercapnia were measured to determine whether these corresponded to preliminary allometries and a positive relationship between hypoxic ventilatory threshold andP 50. Ventilatory responses of lesser spear-nosed bats to 3, 5 and 7% CO2 differed significantly from ventilation on air and each other. The magnitude of their ventilatory response to CO2 is consistent with the prediction of a smaller ventilatory response to hypercapnia in small compared to large mammals [ ; Williams et al. (1994)]. Among 12, 10 and 8% O2 treatments only the ventilatory response to 8% O2 differed significantly from ventilation on air or the other treatments. Metabolic rate was significantly reduced at both 10 and 8% O2. The hypoxic ventilatory response of these bats does not support the prediction of a greater response in small compared to large mammals [ ; Boggs and Tenney (1984)]. Their metabolic response is consistent with the hypoxic hypometabolism typical of small mammals, though not of comparable magnitude. The response, expressed as percent change in convection requirement ( ), is also less than that observed in other small mammals. This relative insensitivity to hypoxia may be associated with this bat's unusually high affinity hemoglobin (P50=27.5 torr).  相似文献   

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