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Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), which threatens the lives of millions of people and remains incurable in its chronic stage. The antifungal drug posaconazole that blocks sterol biosynthesis in the parasite is the only compound entering clinical trials for the chronic form of this infection. Crystal structures of the drug target enzyme, Trypanosoma cruzi sterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51), complexed with posaconazole, another antifungal agent fluconazole and an experimental inhibitor, (R)-4′-chloro-N-(1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imid-azol-1-yl)ethyl)biphenyl-4-carboxamide (VNF), allow prediction of important chemical features that enhance the drug potencies. Combined with comparative analysis of inhibitor binding parameters, influence on the catalytic activity of the trypanosomal enzyme and its human counterpart, and their cellular effects at different stages of the Trypanosoma cruzi life cycle, the structural data provide a molecular background to CYP51 inhibition and azole resistance and enlighten the path for directed design of new, more potent and selective drugs to develop an efficient treatment for Chagas disease.  相似文献   

BackgroundHuman African trypanosomiasis (HAT) caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense remains highly prevalent in west and central Africa and is lethal if left untreated. The major problem is that the disease often evolves toward chronic or asymptomatic forms with low and fluctuating parasitaemia producing apparently aparasitaemic serological suspects who remain untreated because of the toxicity of the chemotherapy. Whether the different types of infections are due to host or parasite factors has been difficult to address, since T. b. gambiense isolated from patients is often not infectious in rodents thus limiting the variety of isolates.Conclusions/SignificanceWhereas trypanosome characterisation assigned all these isolates to the homogeneous Group I of T. b. gambiense, they clearly induce very different infections in mice thus mimicking the broad clinical diversity observed in HAT due to T. b. gambiense. Therefore, these murine models will be very useful for the understanding of different aspects of the physiopathology of HAT and for the development of new diagnostic tools and drugs.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The physicochemical and kinetic properties of the two major trypanosomal glycosidases, α-glucosidase (EC and α-mannosidase (EC, were compared in bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei brucei S42.
  • 2.2. Both enzymes are membrane-bound and located intracellularly.
  • 3.3. The results are discussed in relation to the possible role of α-glucosidase and α-mannosidase in the processing or catabolism of trypanosomal glycoproteins.

Dipeptidyl peptidase Ⅳ (DPPIV), which belongs to the prolyl oligopeptidase family of serine proteases, is known to have a variety of regulatory biological functions and has been shown to be implicated in type 2 diabetes. It is therefore important to develop selective human DPPIV (hDPPIV) inhibitors. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of apo hDPPIV at 1.9 A resolution. Our high-resolution crystal structure of apo hDPPIV revealed the presence of sodium ion and glycerol molecules at the active site. In order to elucidate the hDPPIV binding mode and substrate specificity, we determined the crystal structure of hDPPIV-diprotin B (Val-Pro-Leu) complex at 2.1 A resolution, and clarified the difference in binding mode between diprotin B and diprotin A (Ile-Pro-Ile) into the active site of hDPPIV. Comparison between our crystal structures and the reported apo hDPPIV structures revealed that positively charged functional groups and conserved water molecules contributed to the interaction of ligands with hDPPIV. These results are useful for the design of potent hDPPIV inhibitors.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is the opportunistic fungal pathogen that predominantly affects the immunocompromised population and causes 600,000 deaths/year. The cytochrome P450 51 (CYP51) inhibitor voriconazole is currently the drug of choice, yet the treatment efficiency remains low, calling for rational development of more efficient agents. A. fumigatus has two CYP51 genes, CYP51A and CYP51B, which share 59% amino acid sequence identity. CYP51B is expressed constitutively, whereas gene CYP51A is reported to be inducible. We expressed, purified, and characterized A. fumigatus CYP51B, including determination of its substrate preferences, catalytic parameters, inhibition, and x-ray structure in complexes with voriconazole and the experimental inhibitor (R)-N-(1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethyl)-4-(5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)benzamide (VNI). The enzyme demethylated its natural substrate eburicol and the plant CYP51 substrate obtusifoliol at steady-state rates of 17 and 16 min−1, respectively, but did not metabolize lanosterol, and the topical antifungal drug miconazole was the strongest inhibitor that we identified. The x-ray crystal structures displayed high overall similarity of A. fumigatus CYP51B to CYP51 orthologs from other biological kingdoms but revealed phylum-specific differences relevant to enzyme catalysis and inhibition. The complex with voriconazole provides an explanation for the potency of this relatively small molecule, whereas the complex with VNI outlines a direction for further enhancement of the efficiency of this new inhibitory scaffold to treat humans afflicted with filamentous fungal infections.  相似文献   

Regulation of eukaryotic cell cycle progression requires sequential activation and inactivation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Activation of the cyclin B-cdc2 kinase complex is a pivotal step in mitotic initiation and the tyrosine kinase Wee1 is a key regulator of cell cycle sequence during G2/M transition and inhibits mitotic entry by phosphorylating the inhibitory tyrosine 15 on the cdc2 M-phase-inducing kinase. Wee1 degradation is essential for the exit from the G2 phase. In trypanosomatids, little is known about the genes that regulate cyclin B-cdc2 complexes at the G2/M transition of their cell cycle. Although canonical tyrosine kinases are absent in the genome of trypanosomatids, phosphorylation on protein tyrosine residues has been reported in Trypanosoma brucei. Here, we characterized a Wee1-like protein kinase gene from T. brucei. Expression of TbWee1 in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain null for Wee1 inhibited cell division and caused cell elongation. This demonstrates the lengthening of G2, which provided cells with extra time to grow before dividing. The Wee1-like protein kinase was expressed in the procyclic and bloodstream proliferative slender forms of T. brucei and the role of Wee1 in cell cycle progression was analyzed by generating RNA interference cell lines. In the procyclic form of T. brucei, the knock-down of TbWee1 expression by RNAi led to inhibition of parasite growth. Abnormal phenotypes showing an increase in the percentage of cells with 1N0K, 0N1K and 2N1K were observed in these RNAi cell lines. Using parasites with a synchronized cell cycle, we demonstrated that TbWee1 is linked to the G2/M phase. We also showed that TbWee1 is an essential gene necessary for proper cell cycle progression and parasite growth in T. brucei. Our results provide evidence for the existence of a functional Wee1 in T. brucei with a potential role in cell division at G2/M.  相似文献   

Long-term cultures of cornea limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) were developed and characterized for future tissue engineering and clinical applications. The limbal tissue explants were cultivated and expanded for more than 3 months in medium containing serum as the only growth supplement and without use of scaffolds. Viable 3D cell outgrowth from the explants was observed within 4 weeks of cultivation. The outgrowing cells were examined by immunofluorescent staining for putative markers of stemness (ABCG2, CK15, CK19 and Vimentin), proliferation (p63α, Ki-67), limbal basal epithelial cells (CK8/18) and differentiated cornea epithelial cells (CK3 and CK12). Morphological and immunostaining analyses revealed that long-term culturing can form stratified 3D tissue layers with a clear extracellular matrix deposition and organization (collagen I, IV and V). The LESCs showed robust expression of p63α, ABCG2, and their surface marker fingerprint (CD117/c-kit, CXCR4, CD146/MCAM, CD166/ALCAM) changed over time compared to short-term LESC cultures. Overall, we provide a model for generating stem cell-rich, long-standing 3D cultures from LESCs which can be used for further research purposes and clinical transplantation.  相似文献   

Human calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI) plays pivotal roles in the nervous system. The activity of human CaMKI is regulated by a regulatory region including an autoinhibitory segment and a CaM-binding segment. We report here four structures of three CaMKIα truncates in apo form and in complexes with ATP. In an apo, autoinhibited structure, the activation segment adopts a unique helical conformation which together with the autoinhibitory segment constrains helices αC and αD in inactive conformations, sequesters Thr177 from being phosphorylated, and occludes the substrate-binding site. In an ATP-bound, inactive structure, the activation segment is largely disordered and the CaM-binding segment protrudes out ready for CaM binding. In an ATP-bound, active structure, the regulatory region is dissociated from the catalytic core and the catalytic site assumes an active conformation. Detailed structural analyses reveal the interplay of the regulatory region, the activation segment, and the nucleotide-binding site in the regulation of CaMKI.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe the ‘green’ synthesis of novel 6-(adamantan-1-yl)-2-substituted-imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazoles (AITs) by ring formation reactions using 1-(adamantan-1-yl)-2-bromoethanone and 5-alkyl/aryl-2-amino1,3,4-thiadiazoles on a nano material base in ionic liquid media. Given the established activity of imidazothiadiazoles against M. tuberculosis, we next examined the anti-TB activity of AITs against the H37Rv strain using Alamar blue assay. Among the tested compounds 6-(adamantan-1-yl)-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole (3f) showed potent inhibitory activity towards M. tuberculosis with an MIC value of 8.5 μM. The inhibitory effect of this molecule against M. tuberculosis was comparable to the standard drugs such as Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin, and Ciprofloxacin drugs. Mechanistically, an in silico analysis predicted sterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51) as the likely target and experimental activity of 3f in this system corroborated the in silico target prediction. In summary, we herein report the synthesis and biological evaluation of novel AITs against M. tuberculosis that likely target CYP51 to induce their antimycobacterial activity.  相似文献   

A candidate CYP51 gene encoding sterol 14α-demethylase from the fish oomycete pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica (SpCYP51) was identified based on conserved CYP51 residues among CYPs in the genome. It was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. Lanosterol, eburicol, and obtusifoliol bound to purified SpCYP51 with similar binding affinities (Ks, 3 to 5 μM). Eight pharmaceutical and six agricultural azole antifungal agents bound tightly to SpCYP51, with posaconazole displaying the highest apparent affinity (Kd, ≤3 nM) and prothioconazole-desthio the lowest (Kd, ∼51 nM). The efficaciousness of azole antifungals as SpCYP51 inhibitors was confirmed by 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) of 0.17 to 2.27 μM using CYP51 reconstitution assays. However, most azole antifungal agents were less effective at inhibiting S. parasitica, Saprolegnia diclina, and Saprolegnia ferax growth. Epoxiconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, and posaconazole failed to inhibit Saprolegnia growth (MIC100, >256 μg ml−1). The remaining azoles inhibited Saprolegnia growth only at elevated concentrations (MIC100 [the lowest antifungal concentration at which growth remained completely inhibited after 72 h at 20°C], 16 to 64 μg ml−1) with the exception of clotrimazole, which was as potent as malachite green (MIC100, ∼1 μg ml−1). Sterol profiles of azole-treated Saprolegnia species confirmed that endogenous CYP51 enzymes were being inhibited with the accumulation of lanosterol in the sterol fraction. The effectiveness of clotrimazole against SpCYP51 activity (IC50, ∼1 μM) and the concentration inhibiting the growth of Saprolegnia species in vitro (MIC100, ∼1 to 2 μg ml−1) suggest that clotrimazole could be used against Saprolegnia infections, including as a preventative measure by pretreatment of fish eggs, and for freshwater-farmed fish as well as in leisure activities.  相似文献   


Since the late 1970s, scientific evidence has accumulated showing that pet ownership can have positive effects on people’s physical and mental wellbeing. This paper reviews the current state of affairs regarding the relationship between companion animals and human health, focusing on both the physical and psychological health outcomes related to human–animal interactions. Although designed to set the general scene on the link between animals and human wellbeing, research specific to older adults is highlighted where relevant. A particular emphasis is placed on disorders prevalent in modern-day society, notably cardiovascular disease and depression. The possible mechanisms by which companion animals might be able to enhance human wellbeing and quality of life are discussed, focusing on routes including, amongst others, the provision of companionship, social lubrication, and improvements to physical fitness. The role of the social bonding hormone, oxytocin, in facilitating attachment to our pets and the implications for human health is also discussed. Inconsistencies in the literature and methodological limitations are highlighted throughout. It is concluded that future human–animal interaction experiments should aim to account for the confounding variables that are inherent in studies of this nature.  相似文献   

Chitosan is an attractive preparation widely used as a pharmaceutical excipient. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activities of chitosan derivatives, EDTA, and the newly developed chitosan-EDTA combination against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as well as Candida albicans. Antimicrobial activity was studied. Both minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) and minimal biocidal concentrations (MBC) were determined. Chitosan acetic acid recorded lower MIC values against Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans than those exhibited by EDTA. EDTA failed to have inhibitory activity against Enterococcus faecalis as well as MBC against any of the studied microorganisms. Chitosan acetic acid's MBC were recorded to all examined species. Checkerboard assay results indicated a synergistic antimicrobial activity of the new combination against Staphylococcus aureus and an additive effect against other microorganisms. Moreover, a short microbial exposure to chitosan-EDTA (20-30 min) caused complete eradication. Due to the continuous emergence of resistant strains, there is an urgent need to discover new antimicrobial agents. Our findings suggest the use of chitosan as an enhancing agent with antibacterial and antifungal properties in combination with EDTA in pharmaceutical preparations.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated eag-related gene (Erg) K+ channels regulate the electrical activity of many cell types. Data regarding Erg channel expression and function in electrically excitable glucagon and insulin producing cells of the pancreas is limited. In the present study Erg1 mRNA and protein were shown to be highly expressed in human and mouse islets and in α-TC6 and Min6 cells α- and β-cell lines, respectively. Whole cell patch clamp recordings demonstrated the functional expression of Erg1 in α- and β-cells, with rBeKm1, an Erg1 antagonist, blocking inward tail currents elicited by a double pulse protocol. Additionally, a small interference RNA approach targeting the kcnh2 gene (Erg1) induced a significant decrease of Erg1 inward tail current in Min6 cells. To investigate further the role of Erg channels in mouse and human islets, ratiometric Fura-2 AM Ca2+-imaging experiments were performed on isolated α- and β-cells. Blocking Erg channels with rBeKm1 induced a transient cytoplasmic Ca2+ increase in both α- and β-cells. This resulted in an increased glucose-dependent insulin secretion, but conversely impaired glucagon secretion under low glucose conditions. Together, these data present Erg1 channels as new mediators of α- and β-cell repolarization. However, antagonism of Erg1 has divergent effects in these cells; to augment glucose-dependent insulin secretion and inhibit low glucose stimulated glucagon secretion.Voltage-gated eag-related gene (Erg)2 potassium (K+) channels are part of the larger family of voltage dependent K+ (Kv) channels (1). Three channel isoforms Erg1, Erg2, and Erg3 have been discovered (2, 3), and they differ by their activation and inactivation voltage dependence, gating properties, and pharmacological profile (47). Erg channels control cellular activity by controlling the repolarization of the action potential (AP). In atrial cells and ventricular myocytes, Erg regulates plateau formation and AP repolarization, as blocking Erg channels increases AP length (8, 9). These channels are also strongly involved in the pacemaking activity of cardiac cells (10, 11). Interestingly, a rare congenital heart condition, the inherited form of long QT syndrome is caused by mutations of Erg channel genes (9, 12). Erg channels also control the resting membrane potential in various cell types. For example, in neurons of the medial vestibular nucleus, blocking Erg channels produce an increase in AP discharge or in smooth muscle cells, blocking Erg channels mediates depolarization up to 20 mV (1315). Hormone secretion studies also demonstrated the involvement of Erg channels in the secretion of prolactin from neurons of the anterior pituitary. Thyrotropin-releasing factor decreases Erg current, which depolarizes neurons and thereby stimulates prolactin secretion (16, 17).In the pancreas, Kv channels and more specifically Kv2.1, regulate insulin secretion by controlling the repolarization of β-cell membrane potential (1820), although the contribution of this isoform in humans has recently been questioned (21). In α-cells, Kv2.1 and Kv1.4 channels repolarize the membrane potential (22, 23); however, the involvement of Kv channels in the secretion of glucagon is yet to be investigated. One study showed that Erg1, -2, and -3 are expressed in rat α- and β-cells and the rat insulinoma cell line, INS-1, and that they are involved in decreasing membrane potential. Blocking Erg channels with the channel antagonist E4031 increases insulin secretion from INS1 cells (24); however, definitive data regarding the role of Erg channels in insulin and glucagon secretion is limited.Therefore this study aimed to define the functions of Erg channels in α- and β-cells. We found that Erg1 channels are strongly expressed in pancreatic α- and β-cells. Pharmacological and genetic manipulation combined with whole cell recordings in pancreatic cell lines and primary islet cells determined that Erg1 produces a functional current in α- and β-cells. Blocking Erg1 increased intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in mouse β-cells, but only in a minority of mouse and human α-cells. Secretion studies using isolated mouse islets demonstrated that Erg1 are negative regulators of insulin secretion, but positive regulators of glucagon secretion, suggesting distinct roles for Erg1 in β- and α-cells.  相似文献   

1. Trypanosoma brucei brucei -infected mouse models treated with a new antibiotic, reuterin, showed reduction of the levels of parasitemia and prolonged survival of the mice.2. Cures of the parasitemia were observed in groups of mice treated with combinations of reuterin and suramin or melarsoprol.3. Reuterin administered in combination with bleomycin or dl-α-difluoromethylornithine showed temporary remission of the parasitemia in groups of mice.  相似文献   

Liver X receptors (LXRs) are nuclear receptors that are central regulators of cholesterol homeostasis, and synthetic LXR agonists have shown promise as promoters of reverse cholesterol transport and anti-inflammatory agents. Here, we present three X-ray structures of three different agonists bound to the ligand binding domain of LXRα. These compounds are GW3965, F3methylAA, and a benzisoxazole urea, and we show that these diverse chemical scaffolds address common structural themes, leading to high binding affinity for LXR. Our structures show the LXRα ligand binding domain in its homodimeric form, an arrangement previously thought to be stereochemically difficult. A comparison with existing structures of the LXRβ homodimer and LXRα:RXR (retinoid X receptor) heterodimers explains differences in dimer affinity and leads us to propose a model for allosteric activation in nuclear receptor dimers, in which an unactivated RXR partner provides an inhibitory tail wrap to the cofactor binding pocket of LXR.  相似文献   



The Kennedy pathway generates phosphocoline and phosphoethanolamine through its two branches. Choline Kinase (ChoK) is the first enzyme of the Kennedy branch of synthesis of phosphocholine, the major component of the plasma membrane. ChoK family of proteins is composed by ChoKα and ChoKβ isoforms, the first one with two different variants of splicing. Recently ChoKα has been implicated in the carcinogenic process, since it is over-expressed in a variety of human cancers. However, no evidence for a role of ChoKβ in carcinogenesis has been reported.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we compare the in vitro and in vivo properties of ChoKα1 and ChoKβ in lipid metabolism, and their potential role in carcinogenesis. Both ChoKα1 and ChoKβ showed choline and ethanolamine kinase activities when assayed in cell extracts, though with different affinity for their substrates. However, they behave differentially when overexpressed in whole cells. Whereas ChoKβ display an ethanolamine kinase role, ChoKα1 present a dual choline/ethanolamine kinase role, suggesting the involvement of each ChoK isoform in distinct biochemical pathways under in vivo conditions. In addition, while overexpression of ChoKα1 is oncogenic when overexpressed in HEK293T or MDCK cells, ChoKβ overexpression is not sufficient to induce in vitro cell transformation nor in vivo tumor growth. Furthermore, a significant upregulation of ChoKα1 mRNA levels in a panel of breast and lung cancer cell lines was found, but no changes in ChoKβ mRNA levels were observed. Finally, MN58b, a previously described potent inhibitor of ChoK with in vivo antitumoral activity, shows more than 20-fold higher efficiency towards ChoKα1 than ChoKβ.


This study represents the first evidence of the distinct metabolic role of ChoKα and ChoKβ isoforms, suggesting different physiological roles and implications in human carcinogenesis. These findings constitute a step forward in the design of an antitumoral strategy based on ChoK inhibition.  相似文献   

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