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An 8‐year time‐series in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) with an approximately weekly sampling frequency was used to elucidate changes in virioplankton abundance and their drivers in this climatically sensitive region. Virioplankton abundances at the coastal WAP show a pronounced seasonal cycle with interannual variability in the timing and magnitude of the summer maxima. Bacterioplankton abundance is the most influential driving factor of the virioplankton, and exhibit closely coupled dynamics. Sea ice cover and duration predetermine levels of phytoplankton stock and thus, influence virioplankton by dictating the substrates available to the bacterioplankton. However, variations in the composition of the phytoplankton community and particularly the prominence of Diatoms inferred from silicate drawdown, drive interannual differences in the magnitude of the virioplankton bloom; likely again mediated through changes in the bacterioplankton. Their findings suggest that future warming within the WAP will cause changes in sea ice that will influence viruses and their microbial hosts through changes in the timing, magnitude and composition of the phytoplankton bloom. Thus, the flow of matter and energy through the viral shunt may be decreased with consequences for the Antarctic food web and element cycling.  相似文献   

Biofilm communities cultivated in rotating annular bioreactors using water from the South Saskatchewan River were assessed for the effects of seasonal variations and nutrient (C, N, and P) additions. Confocal laser microscopy revealed that while control biofilms were consistently dominated by bacterial biomass, the addition of nutrients shifted biofilms of summer and fall water samples to phototrophic-dominated communities. In nutrient-amended biofilms, similar patterns of nitrification, denitrification, and hexadecane mineralization rates were observed for winter and spring biofilms; fall biofilms had the highest rates of nitrification and hexadecane mineralization, and summer biofilms had the highest rates of denitrification. Very low rates of all measured activities were detected in control biofilms (without nutrient addition) regardless of season. Nutrient addition caused large increases in hexadecane mineralization and denitrification rates but only modest increases, if any, in nitrification rates, depending upon the season. Generally, both alkB and nirK were more readily PCR amplified from nutrient-amended biofilms. Both genes were amplified from all samples except for nirK from the fall control biofilm. It appears that bacterial production in the South Saskatchewan River water is limited by the availability of nutrients and that biofilm activities and composition vary with nutrient availability and time of year.  相似文献   

We summarize the results of a study of the taxonomic composition and seasonal variations of ichthyoplankton in Vostok Bay. Samples were collected during 2003–2008 at a stationary light station located on the mooring module of the experimental biological station Vostok (Institute of Marine Biology). Within the observation period, larval and juvenile fish of 67 species belonging to 11 orders and 30 families were found in 412 samples. The seasonal dynamics of species composition of ichthyoplankton were examined over the period from March to November. The number of species in the samples changed from 40–36 in April–May, respectively, to 6 species in October. The contribution of resident species and southern migrants to the ichthyoplankton samples was estimated. The light station sampling has proven to be most effective in studying the species diversity of the ichthyofauna in Vostok Bay. Using light station sampling, 18 fish species were found that were not recorded using other sampling techniques.  相似文献   

The reddish-gray mouse lemur (Microcebus griseorufus) is one of only a few small mammals inhabiting the spiny forest of southwestern Madagascar. In this study we investigated the physiological adjustments which allow these small primates to persist under the challenging climatic conditions of their habitat. To this end we measured energy expenditure (metabolic rate) and body temperature of 24 naturally acclimatized mouse lemurs, kept in outdoor enclosures, during different seasons (summer, winter, and the transition period between the two seasons). Mouse lemurs displayed two main physiological strategies to compensate seasonal and diurnal fluctuations of ambient temperature. On the one hand, individuals entered hypometabolism with decreasing ambient temperature (T a) during the transition period and winter, enabling them to save up to 21 % energy per day (92 % per hour) compared with the normal resting metabolic rate at comparable T a. On the other hand, euthermic mouse lemurs also showed physiological adjustments to seasonality when resting: the lower critical temperature of the thermoneutral zone decreased from summer to winter by 7.5 °C, which allowed mouse lemurs to keep energy demands constant despite colder T as during winter. In addition, the basal metabolic rate was substantially lowered prior to the winter period, which facilitated accumulation of fat reserves. The combination of physiological modifications during euthermia in addition to hypometabolism, which can be individually adjusted according to external parameters and respective body condition, is important as it allows M. griseorufus to cope with the environmental variability of an energetically challenging habitat.  相似文献   

A feeding station is the area of forage a grazing animal can reach without moving its forefeet. Grazing behavior can be divided into residence within feeding stations (with bites as benefits) and movement between feeding stations (with steps as costs). However, relatively little information has been reported on how grazing animals modify their feeding station behavior seasonally and interannually in response to varying environmental conditions. The feeding station behavior of beef cows (Japanese Black) stocked on a tropical grass pasture (bahiagrass dominant) was monitored for 4 years (2010 to 2013) in order to investigate the association of feeding station behavior with meteorological and sward conditions across the seasons and years. Mean air temperature during stocking often exceeded 30°C during summer months. A severe summer drought in 2013 decreased herbage mass and sward height of the pasture and increased nitrogen concentration of herbage from summer to autumn. A markedly high feeding station number per unit foraging time, low bite numbers per feeding station and a low bite rate were observed in summer 2013 compared with the other seasons and years. Bite number per feeding station was explained by a multiple regression equation, where sward height and dry matter digestibility of herbage had a positive effect, whereas air temperature during stocking had a negative effect (R2=0.658, P<0.01). Feeding station number per minute was negatively correlated with bite number per feeding station (r=–0.838, P<0.001). It was interpreted that cows modified bite number per feeding station in response to the sward and meteorological conditions, and this largely determined the number of feeding stations the animals visited per minute. The results indicate potential value of bite number per feeding station as an indicator of daily intake in grazing animals, and an opportunity for livestock and pasture managers to control feeding station behavior of animals through managements (e.g. fertilizer application, manipulation of stocking intensity and stocking time within the day).  相似文献   

1. Longitudinal changes in physicochemical factors and the composition of the invertebrate community were examined in the hyporheic zone of a glacial river (Val Roseg, Switzerland) over a distance of 11 km from the glacier terminus. Multivariate analysis was used to determine the habitat preferences of taxa along an upstream‐downstream gradient of increasing temperature and groundwater contribution to river flow. 2. The hyporheos conformed to the longitudinal distribution model described for zoobenthic communities of glacial rivers in that taxonomic richness increased with distance from the glacier terminus. Spatial variation in taxonomic richness was best explained by temperature, the influence of groundwater, and the amount of organic matter. The overriding importance of these variables on the distribution of taxa was confirmed by the multivariate analysis. 3. The hyporheic zone contributed significantly to the overall biodiversity of the Roseg River. Whereas insect larvae were predominant in the benthos, hyporheic invertebrates were dominated by taxa belonging to the true groundwater fauna and the permanent hyporheos. Several permanently aquatic taxa (e.g. Nematoda, Ostracoda, Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, Oligochaeta) appeared exclusively in the hyporheic zone or they extended farther upstream in the hyporheic layer than in the benthic layer. Leuctridae, Nemouridae, and Heptageniidae colonised hyporheic sediments where maximum water temperature was only 4 °C. 4. Despite strong seasonal changes in river discharge and physicochemistry in hyporheic water, the density and distribution of the hyporheos varied little over time. 5. Taxonomic richness increased markedly in the downstream part of a floodplain reach with an extensive upwelling zone. Upwelling groundwater not only maintained a permanent flow of water but also created several species‐rich habitats that added many species to the community of the main channel.  相似文献   

A knowledge of the seasonal variation in births and deaths during normal years is important for analyses of the effects of wars, famines, epidemics or similar privations on these two variables. In studies of seasonality, multiple trigonometric regression models are more flexible than the simple sine curve. The seasonal variation in mortality in Iceland, 1856-1990, shows a strong secular decrease, and a connection between this and the epidemiological transition is considered. As a consequence of the severe famine in Finland in 1867-68, the mortality for the whole year 1868 was almost four times as high as during normal years, and the seasonality of the mortality was even more accentuated. The birth rate in Finland during 1868 was about 70 percent of that during normal years and showed an aberrant seasonality, with a strong trough from October 1868 to February 1869 (fewer conceptions between January and May 1868, when the food shortage was severe).  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in uptake and regeneration of ammonium and nitrate in a coastal lagoon was studied using 15N incorporation in particulate matter and by measuring changes in particulate nitrogen. Uptake and regeneration rates were two orders of magnitude lower in winter than in summer. Summer uptake values were 2.8 and 2.2 mol N.l–1.d–1 for ammonium and nitrate, respectively. Regeneration rates were 2.9 and 2.1 mol N.l–1.d–1 for ammonium and nitrate respectively. Regeneration/uptake ratios were often below one, indicating that water column processes were not sufficient to satisfy the phytoplankton nitrogen demand. This implies a role of other sources of nitrogen, such as macrofauna (oysters and epibionts) and sediment. Phytoplankton was well adapted to the seasonal variations in resources, with mixotrophic dinoflagellates dominant in winter, and fast growing diatoms in summer. In winter and spring, ammonium was clearly preferred to nitrate as a nitrogen source, but nitrate was an important nitrogen source in summer because of high nitrification rates. Despite low nutrient levels, the high rates of nitrogen regeneration in summer as well as the simultaneous uptake of nitrate and ammonium allow high phytoplankton growth rates which in turn enable high oyster production.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone is a region underneath streambeds that integrates surface and groundwater. Although its location is central to biogeochemical linkages between the riparian zone, dissolved nutrients, and benthic biota, the seasonal quality and likely sources of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the hyporheic zone are not well understood. To investigate DOM characteristics in the hyporheic zone, water from the surface and subsurface (at depths 20, 60, and 100 cm below the streambed) was sampled every 4 weeks from 2007 to 2008 in a third-order stream in southern Ontario. Using UV spectroscopy, measures of spectral slopes, aromaticity, and A 254/A 365 ratios (molecular weight) were obtained. Temporal changes in these measures were consistent with watershed processes such as shedding of leaf litter in the fall, and photochemical and biofilm influence in the spring and summer. The fluorescence index (a measure of relative DOM source) suggested that at the surface and in the downwelling zone, DOM microbial sources increased with depth in the sediment, regardless of the season. Excitation–emission matrices (EEMs) showed seasonally distinct, protein-like DOM components of bacterial origin that were stronger in the fall. Leachates from specific allochthonous DOM sources—leaf litter from Betula papyrifera (white birch) and Thuja occidentalis (white cedar)—and an autochthonous source, biofilm, were isolated and incubated with unfiltered surface water. EEMs from these leachates indicated that these sources could indeed help explain observed patterns of DOM in surface and subsurface waters. These results suggest that although DOM sources were relatively constant, biogeochemical processing within the hyporheic zone resulted a DOM pool that was temporally dynamic and altered the nature of organic matter transported downstream into lakes and rivers.  相似文献   

Estuaries are among the most productive, resourceful, and dynamic aquatic ecosystems on Earth. Their productive nature is linked to the fact that they process much of the world's riverine and coastal watershed discharge. These watersheds support more than 75% of the human population and are sites of large increases in nutrient loading associated with urban and agricultural expansion. Increased nutrient loading has led to accelerated primary production, or eutrophication; symptoms include increased algal bloom activity (including harmful taxa), accumulation of organic matter, and excessive oxygen consumption (hypoxia and anoxia). While nutrient-enhanced eutrophication is a “driver” of hypoxia and anoxia, physical–chemical alterations due to climatic events, such as stormwater discharge, flooding, droughts, stagnancy, and elevated temperatures are also involved. The complex interactions of anthropogenic and climatic factors determine the magnitude, duration, and aerial extent of productivity, algal booms, hypoxia, and anoxia. Using the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary (NRE), North Carolina, USA, as a case study, the physical–chemical mechanisms controlling algal bloom and hypoxia dynamics were examined. Because primary production in the NRE and many other estuaries is largely nitrogen (N) limited, emphasis has been placed on reducing N inputs. Both the amounts and chemical forms of N play roles in determining the composition and extent of phytoplankton blooms that supply the bulk of the organic carbon fueling hypoxia. Biomass from bloom organisms that are readily grazed will be readily transferred up the planktonic and benthic food chain, while toxic or inedible blooms frequently promote sedimentary C flux, microbial mineralization, and hence may exacerbate hypoxia potential. From a watershed perspective, nutrient input reductions are the main options for reducing eutrophication. Being able to distinguish the individual and cumulative effects of physical, chemical and biotic controls of phytoplankton productivity and composition is key to understanding, predicting, and ultimately managing eutrophication. Long-term collaborative (University, State, Federal) monitoring, experimental assessments, and modeling of eutrophication dynamics over appropriate spatial and temporal scales is essential for developing realistic, ecologically sound, and cost-effective nutrient management strategies for estuarine and coastal ecosystems impacted by both anthropogenic and climatic perturbations.  相似文献   

River environments are characterized by extreme spatial and temporal variation in the physical environment. The relationship of fish assemblages to environmental variation is poorly understood in many systems. In Chile zonation patterns of fish assemblages have been documented in several Andean river drainages. Coastal river drainages are comparatively small, but inordinately important because of their highly endemic flora and fauna and their proximity to major human populations. For conservation purposes it is important to understand what environmental factors affect assemblage structure of fishes especially in the comparatively high diversity coastal drainages. We studied patterns of fish distribution and abundance in three rivers of the coastal, Andalien drainage near Concepción, Chile. We used multi-dimensional scaling analyses to compare patterns among zones (rithron, transition and potamon) and high and low flow seasons. Species assemblages differed by zone, but not with season. Assemblages consisted of nested subsets of species characterized by their range of distribution among zones. One species group was composed of widespread species that occurred in all three zones, another species group consisted of species found only in transitional and potamal zones, and a final group was comprised of species found only in the potamal zone. The potamal zone contained the most diverse and abundant fish assemblage. Fish assemblages were related to both water quality and habitat structure variables. This study suggests that the key to conserving the diversity of native fish communities in coastal Chilean rivers is in the conservation of potamal regions. Unfortunately, most protected areas in Chile are in the depauperate headwaters of drainages. Protection of only headwaters is clearly inadequate and will not contribute to the conservation of this unique freshwater fish fauna.  相似文献   

The composition and dynamics of the numerical density of meroplankton in the Bays and Seaports of the Northeastern Black Sea, viz., Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, and Anapa were studied in the long-term aspect. The larvae of the benthic invertebrates of 73 taxa were identified. Meroplankton had their peak abundance period from May to September. Larvae of mollusca Mytilus galloprovincialis and Cardiidae gen sp. (Bivalvia) were dominant in the spring; larvae of mollusca Bittium reticulatum (Gastropoda), Mytilaster lineatus were dominant in the summer, and M. galloprovincialis, Anadara cf. inaequivalvis, Chamelea gallina (Bivalvia) were dominant in the autumn. Polychaete and cirriped larvae occurred in the plankton during the spring-autumn season. Complex species that are tolerant to pollution, such as Amphibalanus improvisus, M. lineatus, B. reticulatum, and the genus Polydora were abundant in Novorossiysk and the Tuapse.  相似文献   

The Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers introduce large amountsof nutrients to surface waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico.This paper reports the most complete data to date on inorganicnitrogen uptake and regeneration in a broad range of coastalenvironments influenced by the river water, along with informationon nutrient concentrations and including pico-, nano-, and microplanktonspecies composition. Nitrate in surface waters is greatly reducednear the river plume, at salinities between 5 and 25 PSU, wherethe largest variance in uptake rates was observed, and was coincidentwith peaks in surface chlorophyll. Despite the depletion ofnitrate, nitrogen limitation was a rare event during the study,because of relatively high ammonium concentrations (>1 µmolNH4+ I–1 and regeneration rates. Two contrasting situationscharacterize the seasonal nitrogen dynamics in surface shelfwaters. High nitrate input during the spring caused a largebloom in which the cells were well adapted to use nitrate.Thedominant phytoplankton species were chain forming diatoms, alsoreported in sediment-trap studies in the area. Ammonium regenerationonly accounted for a small fraction of the nitrogen requirementsduring the bloom. In contrast, the low flow of river water duringsummer resulted in low nitrate concentrations in surface water.In this case phytoplankton productivity was highly reduced andmay depend greatly on ‘in sita’ ammonium regeneration.  相似文献   

Samples of centric diatom algae from the plankton of the Kuibyshev Reservoir collected in years with different hydro-meteorological conditions (1989 and 1990) have been studied using light and scanning electron microscopy technique. Twenty-nine species, varieties, and forms of Centrophyceae, including two species new for the algoflora of the Volga River plankton, have been discovered. The main body of the dominant species is formed by algae with a high frequency of occurrence. The seasonal dynamics of abundance is characterized by spring peaks formed mainly by small-celled algae and less regular late fall maximums formed by large-celled forms. During these periods the abundance of Centrophyceae determines the level of phytoplankton development in general. Under stable species richness of algae and seasonal dynamics of their abundance, the average number of Centrophyceae during the hot and low-water year of 1989 reached 3.6 million cells/l; during the cold and high-water year of 1990, there were twice as few: 1.9 million cells/l.  相似文献   

The influence of shrimps on turbidity was examined in laboratory and field experiments. Palaemonetes varians in the laboratory stimulated populations of both rotifers and Anabaena, which was the main cause of increased turbidity. In field experiments, P. varians increased and Neomysis integer decreased turbidity. In feeding trials P. varians took cladocerans and culicids in preference to copepods. It is considered that shrimps are likely to be important predators of cladocerans in shallow, coastal waterbodies and result in phytoplankton blooms, with reduced water transparency. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


A knowledge of the seasonal variation in births and deaths during normal years is important for analyses of the effects of wars, famines, epidemics or similar privations on these two variables. In studies of seasonally, multiple trigonometric regression models are more flexible than the simple sine curve. The seasonal variation in mortality in Iceland, 1856–1990, shows a strong secular decrease, and a connection between this and the epidemiological transition is considered. As a consequence of the severe famine in Finland in 1867–68, the mortality for the whole year 1868 was almost four times as high as during normal years, and the seasonality of the mortality was even more accentuated. The birth rate in Finland during 1868 was about 70 percent of that during normal years and showed an aberrant seasonality, with a strong trough from October 1868 to February 1869 (fewer conceptions between January and May 1868, when the food shortage was severe).  相似文献   

El-Shabrawy  Gamal M.  Dumont  Henri J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):119-132
A prominent feature of Lake Nasser is the presence of khors (dendritic side extensions). We studied the zooplankton of the larger khors and coastal zone of the main lake in 1996 and 1997, and found an assemblage of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods that was partly tropical, partly temperate, at relatively high biomasses. Spatial differences were weak, but the upstream khors (Toushka and Korosko) were consistently richer than the downstream khors (El-Ramla and Kalabsha), with a rather sudden transition around km 150 at El Madiq. Summer standing crops were higher than those in winter by a factor 2–3. The zooplankton of the littoral of the main channel showed the same spatial pattern as that in the khors, being more abundant in spring (average 82300 ind m–3) than in autumn (average 72700 ind m–3). Zooplankton dry weight increased from 4 g m–2 at khor El-Ramla to 7 g m–2 at khor Toushka. These rather high values had low variation. The number of species, diversity and evenness all showed a high degree of similarity among the khors and in the littoral of the main lake. The lake fish fauna is poor, lacking a pelagic planktivore. The predominance of medium-sized Copepoda (one calanoid, two cyclopoids) in the zooplankton suggests that fish predation is moderate. This is confirmed by the persistence of two Daphnia species at low abundance, although rather strong variations in time suggest that Cladocera suffer from summer predation by invertebrates (copepods) as well as vertebrates (mostly larval fish). Because the zooplankton is underutilised by higher trophic levels, we suggest to assess the benefits of introducing a pelagic zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been implicated as the causative agent of mass mortalities, population declines and the extinctions of amphibian species worldwide. Although several studies have shown that the prevalence of chytridiomycosis (the disease caused by the fungus) increases in cooler months, the magnitude and timing of these seasonal fluctuations have yet to be accurately quantified. We conducted disease sampling in a single population of stony creek frogs Litoria wilcoxii on 13 occasions over a 21-month period and used quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction to detect and quantify the number of B. dendrobatidis zoospores present on samples. Disease prevalence varied significantly across sampling sessions, peaking at 58.3% (in early spring) and dropping to as low as 0% on two occasions (late summer and early autumn). There was a significant negative relationship between disease prevalence and mean air temperature in the 30 days prior to sampling. These large-scale seasonal fluctuations in chytridiomycosis levels will strongly influence conservation programs and amphibian disease research.  相似文献   

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