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The maize mutator system, Mu, behaves in a non-Mendelian manner that may be expected if it were an extremely active controlling-element system. To test this hypothesis, the maize controlling-element systems, a---dt---Dt, Ds---Ac (= MP), I---En, and r---cu---Fcu were tested for mutation activity. Ds---Ac and r---cu---Fcu tests were the only ones in which new mutants were induced, but at a frequency much lower than that found in Mu crosses. The mutation frequency in these controlling-element systems does not differ statistically from that found in control (Non-Mu) populations.

Tests also were made to determine if Mu will substitute for the regulatory element of any of the 4 conotrolling-element. All tests were negative, suggesting that, if Mu is a controlling-element system, it is a different one from those previously described.  相似文献   

Summary The mutator system Mu does not follow a typical Mendelian mode of transmission. In outcrosses in which 50 per cent mutator plants are expected, about 90 per cent are observed. Two possible models of transmission are tested. One assumes that Mu has segregation distortion activity such as has been described for the SD locus in Drosophila. The second model assumes an extra-chromosomal factor that is transmitted through the cytoplasm. No evidence of SD activity was found. Mutation frequencies in lines in which Mu was transmitted through the female were not greater than the frequencies observed when Mu was transmitted through the male; as might be expected on some models of cytoplasmic transmission. Thus, cytoplasmic transmission was not established. Other possible models of extrachromosomal inheritance that might not be detected by reciprocal crosses are discussed.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes, an important food-borne pathogen, causes high mortality rate of listeriosis. Pan-genomic comparisons revealed the species genome of L. monocytogenes is highly stable but not completely clonal. The population structure of this species displays at least four evolutionary lineages (I–IV). Isolates of different lineages displayed distinct genetic, phenotypic and ecologic characteristics, which appear to affect their ability to be transmitted through foods and to cause human disease, as well as their ability to thrive in markedly phage-rich environments. CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindrome repeats), a recently described adaptive immunity system, not only confers defense against invading elements derived from bacteriophages or plasmids in many bacteria and archaeal, but also displays strains-level variations in almost any given endowed species. This work was aimed to investigate CRISPR diversity in L. monocytogenes strains of different lineages and estimated the potential practicability of the CRISPR-based approach to resolve this species’ biodiversity. Only a third of strains contained all three CRISPR loci (here defined as LMa, LMb and LMc) at same time. Combined the strain-level variations in presence/absence of each CRISPR locus and its relative size and spacer arrangements, a total of 29 CRISPR genotypes and 11 groups were defined within a collection of 128 strains covering all serotypes. The CRISPR-based approach showed powerful ability to subtype the more commonly food-borne isolates of serotype 1/2a (lineage II) and serotypes 1/2b (lineage I), but limited by the absence of typical CRISPR structure in many lineage I isolates. Strikingly, we found a long associated cas1 gene as well as two self-targeting LMb spacers accidently homologous with endogenous genes in a fraction of serotype 1/2a isolations, demonstrated that CRISPR I B system might involve in bacterial physiology besides antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on the loss of mu mutator activity in maize   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Robertson DS 《Genetics》1986,113(3):765-773
Mutator activity of the Mu mutator system of maize can be lost by either outcrossing or inbreeding Mu stocks. The nature of these two kinds of Mu-loss phenomena was analyzed by testing the results of crossing Mu-loss stocks by active Mu lines. Outcross- Mu-loss stocks are capable of supporting Mu activity if crossed by an active mutator line. Inbred-Mu-loss stocks, however, inactivate the active Mu system contributed by a Mu line. Also, inbred- Mu-loss lines do not regain Mu activity after at least three generations of outcrossing to non-Mu stocks. These results suggest that, once the Mu system is inactivated by inbreeding, it remains inactivated for at least three generations of outcrossing. Further, once the system responsible for inactivation is established, it will, in turn, inactivate an active Mu system contributed by crossing with Mu plants. The outcross-Mu-loss does not seem to involve such an inactivation system. These results are interpreted in the light of recent evidence that Mu inactivation results from the modification of Mu 1 transposable elements involved in the Mu phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary In the progeny of an active Mutator plant, the number of Mu elements increases on self-pollination and maintains the average parental Mu content on outcrossing to a non-Mutator line; both patterns of transmission require an increase in the absolute number of Mu elements from one generation to the next. The same average copy number of Mu elements is transmitted through the male and female, but there is wide variation in the absolute copy number among the progeny. In inactive Mutator plants —defined both by the loss of somatic instability at a reporter gene (bronze2-mu1) and by modification of the HinfI sites in the terminal inverted repeat sequences of Mu elements —the absolute copy number of Mu elements is fixed in the parent. Thus, in outcrosses Mu element number is halved, and on self-pollination Mu copy number is constant. Reactivation of somatic mutability at cryptic bz2-mu1 alleles in inactive individuals by crossing to an active line seems not to involve an increase in Mu element copy number transmitted by the inactive individual. These and other results suggest that increases in Mu copy number occur late in plant development or in the gametophyte rather than after fertilization.  相似文献   

Centromeric retrotransposons (CR) are located almost exclusively at the centromeres of plant chromosomes. Analysis of the emerging Zea mays inbred B73 genome sequence revealed two novel subfamilies of CR elements of maize (CRM), bringing the total number of known CRM subfamilies to four. Orthologous subfamilies of each of these CRM subfamilies were discovered in the rice lineage, and the orthologous relationships were demonstrated with extensive phylogenetic analyses. The much higher number of CRs in maize versus Oryza sativa is due primarily to the recent expansion of the CRM1 subfamily in maize. At least one incomplete copy of a CRM1 homolog was found in O. sativa ssp. indica and O. officinalis, but no member of this subfamily could be detected in the finished O. sativa ssp. japonica genome, implying loss of this prolific subfamily in that subspecies. CRM2 and CRM3, as well as the corresponding rice subfamilies, have been recently active but are present in low numbers. CRM3 is a full-length element related to the non-autonomous CentA, which is the first described CRM. The oldest subfamily (CRM4), as well as its rice counterpart, appears to contain only inactive members that are not located in currently active centromeres. The abundance of active CR elements is correlated with chromosome size in the three plant genomes for which high quality genomic sequence is available, and the emerging picture of CR elements is one in which different subfamilies are active at different evolutionary times. We propose a model by which CR elements might influence chromosome and genome size. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Oenothera plants homozygous for a recessive allele at the plastome mutator (pm) locus show non-Mendelian mutation frequencies that are 1000-fold higher than spontaneous levels. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was isolated from nine mutants and two green isolates of the plastome mutator line. cpDNA restriction patterns were compared to cpDNA from a representative of the progenitor Johansen strain, and cpDNAs from all eleven plastome mutator lines show changes of fragment mobility due to deletion events at five discrete regions of the plastome. Most of the mutants have cpDNA restriction patterns identical to that of one of the green isolates from the plastome mutator line, and therefore, most of the differences in fragment length are probably not responsible for the mutant phenotypes. In contrast to the plastome mutator line, cpDNA from several populations of a closely related wild-type Oenothera species have few restriction fragment length polymorphisms. This suggests that both mutation frequencies and site-specific cpDNA deletions are elevated in the plastome mutator line, and implicates a defect in the cpDNA repair or replication machinery.  相似文献   

Summary In most strains of Caenorhabditis elegans with a low copy number of Tc1 transposable elements, germline transposition is rare or undetectable. We have observed low-level Tel transposition in the genome of the C. elegans var. Bristol strain KR579 (unc-13[e51]) resulting in an increase in Tc1 copy number and subsequent mutator activity. Examination of genomic blots from KR579 and KR579derived strains revealed that more Tc1-hybridizing bands were present than in other Bristol strains. A novel Tc1-hybridizing fragment was cloned from a KR579-derived strain. Unique sequence DNA flanking the Tc1 element identified a 1.6 kb restriction fragment length difference between the KR579 and N2 strains consistent with a Tc1 insertion at a new genomic site. The site of insertion of this Tel was sequenced and is similar to the published Tel insertion site consensus sequence. Several isolates of KR579 were established and maintained on plates for a period of 3 years in order to determine if Tc1 copy number would continue to increase. In one isolate, KR1787, a further increase in Tc1 copy number was observed. Examination of the KR1787 strain has shown that it also exhibits mutator activity as assayed by the spontaneous mutation frequency at the unc-22 (twitcher) locus. The KR579 strain differs from most low copy number strains in that it exhibits low-level transposition which has developed into mutator activity.  相似文献   



Gaining the ability to photosynthesize was a key event in eukaryotic evolution because algae and plants form the base of the food chain on our planet. The eukaryotic machines of photosynthesis are plastids (e.g., chloroplast in plants) that evolved from cyanobacteria through primary endosymbiosis. Our knowledge of plastid evolution, however, remains limited because the primary endosymbiosis occurred more than a billion years ago. In this context, the thecate "green amoeba" Paulinella chromatophora is remarkable because it very recently (i.e., minimum age of ≈ 60 million years ago) acquired a photosynthetic organelle (termed a "chromatophore"; i.e., plastid) via an independent primary endosymbiosis involving a Prochlorococcus or Synechococcus -like cyanobacterium. All data regarding P. chromatophora stem from a single isolate from Germany (strain M0880/a). Here we brought into culture a novel photosynthetic Paulinella strain (FK01) and generated molecular sequence data from these cells and from four different cell samples, all isolated from freshwater habitats in Japan. Our study had two aims. The first was to compare and contrast cell ultrastructure of the M0880/a and FK01 strains using scanning electron microscopy. The second was to assess the phylogenetic diversity of photosynthetic Paulinella to test the hypothesis they share a vertically inherited plastid that originated in their common ancestor.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants, designated tamA r, have been isolated on the basis of simultaneous resistance to toxic analogues thiourea, aspartate hydroxamate and chlorate with L-alanine as the sole nitrogen source. tamA r mutants are also resistant to methylammonium. This resistance of tamA r mutants is correlated with partially repressed activity of a number of enzyme and transport systems regulated by ammonium. Furthermore, tamA r mutants have low NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP-GDH) activity and also efflux ammonium under certain growth conditions.Mutants at the areA locus (areA r) have also been isolated on the basis of resistance to these analogues, with nitrate or L-aspartate as the nitrogen source. These, similar to tamA r lesions, result in resistance to methylammonium and are partially repressed for ammonium repressible systems, but in contrast to tamA r, areA r alleles have wild-type NADP-GDH activity and normal ammonium efflux. tamA r and areA r mutants grow as wild type on all nitrogen or carbon sources tested, are recessive, and appear to be epistatic to all other mutations (gdhA1, meaA8 and meaB6) which result in derepressed levels of ammonium regulated system. Whereas tamA r and areA r phenotypes are additive, tamA r is epistatic to areA d phenotype.  相似文献   

Clonal analysis of the cell lineages in the male flower of maize   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The cell lineages in the male flower of maize were characterized using X-rays and transposable elements to produce clonal sectors differing in anthocyanin pigmentation. Less than 50% of the somatic tassel mutations (caused by reversion of unstable color mutations) that were visible on the anther wall were sexually transmitted by the male gametes, unless the sectors were larger than half the tassel circumference. This result is explained by showing that: (a) both the outer (LI) and inner (LII) lineages of the shoot apical meristem form a cell layer in the bilayered anther wall, and that anther pigmentation can be derived from either cell layer; and that (b) the male germ cells are derived almost exclusively from the LII. Therefore, while reversion events in either the LI or LII are visible on the anther, only the LII events are heritable. Reversion events that occur prior to the organization of the shoot apical meristem however, produce large (usually more than one-half tassel) sectors that include both the outer and inner lineages. In contrast to the high level of cell layer invasion previously reported during leaf development, during anther development less than 10(-3) cells in the LI invade the LII to form male gametes. The strong correlation between cell lineage and cell fate in the maize anther has implications for studies on plant evolution and the genetic improvement of cereals by DNA transformation.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the locomotor activity of two pests of stored maize, Sitophilus zeamais Mots. and Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) were studied in the laboratory using a light dependent resistor actograph. Activity of S. zeamais adults increased weekly for 4 weeks and virgin males were more active than virgin females of the same age. When the sexes were mixed activity was intermediate between that of the separate sexes for about 3 weeks. Observations made on adults of S. cereablella for 4 days showed a daily increase in moth activity. When S. zeamais and S. cerealella were observed together, activity increased initially to about twice the mean activity of the species separately. Over 24 hr observation periods, no overt rhythms of activity were recorded for either species but S. zeamais was slightly more active between 11 and 19 hr GMT while in S. cerealella periods of low and high activity appeared to alternate nearly every 4–7 hours.
Résumé Quelques aspects de l'activité locomotrice de deux ennemis du mais stocke Sitophilus zeamais Mots. et Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. ont été étudiés au laboratoire avec un actographe à résistor fonctionnant à la lumière.L'activité des adultes de S. zeamais augmente chaque semaine pendant 4 semaines, et les mâles vierges sont plus actifs que les femelles vierges du même âge. Quand les sexes sont mélangés l'activité est intermédiaire à celle des sexes séparés pour 3 semaines.Les observations sur 4 jours des adultes de S. cerealella montre une augmentation quotidienne de l'activité.Quand S. zeamais et S. cerealella sont observés ensemble, l'activité commence par doubler par rapport à celle des espèces séparées. Avec des observations par périodes de 24 heures, aucun rythme clar d'activité n'a été enregistré pour ces espèces, mais S. zeamais est légèrement plus actif entre 11 h et 19 h GMT, tandis que les périodes de faible et forte activités de S. cerealella apparaissent alternativement toutes les 4 à 7 heures.

Further studies on theisfA mutation responsible for anti-SOS and antimutagenic activities inEscherichia coli are described. We have previously shown that theisfA mutation inhibits mutagenesis and other SOS-dependent phenomena, possibly by interfering with RecA coprotease activity. TheisfA mutation has now been demonstrated also to suppress mutator activity inE. coli recA730 andrecA730 lexA51(Def) strains that constitutively express RecA coprotease activity. We further show that the antimutator activity of theisfA mutation is related to inhibition of RecA coprotease-dependent processing of UmuD. Expression of UmuD' from plasmid pGW2122 efficiently restores UV-induced mutagenesis in therecA730 isfA strain and partially restores its mutator activity. On the other hand, overproduction of UmuD'C proteins from pGW2123 plasmid markedly enhances UV sensitivity with no restoration of mutability.  相似文献   

The ancestry of the cells in the hermaphrodite and male gonadal somatic structures of C. elegans has been traced from the two gonadal somatic progenitor cells (Z1 and Z4) that are present in the newly hatched larvae of both sexes. The lineages of Z1 and Z4 are essentially invariant. In hermaphrodites, they give rise to a symmetrical group of structures consisting of 143 cells, and in males, they give rise to an asymmetrical group of structures consisting of 56 cells. The male gonad can be distinguished from the hermaphrodite gonad soon after the first division of Z1 and Z4. However, the development of Z1 and Z4 in hermaphrodites shares several features in common with their development in males suggesting that the two programs are controlled by similar mechanisms. In the hermaphrodite lineage, a variability in the positions of two cells is correlated with a variability in the lineages of four cells. This variability suggests that cell-cell interaction may play a more significant role in organisms that develop by invariant lineages than has hitherto been considered. None of the somatic structures (e.g., uterus, spermatheca, vas deferens) develops as a clone of a single cell. Instead, cells that arise early in the Z1–Z4 lineage generally contribute descendants to more than one structure, and individual structures consist of descendants of more than one lineage.  相似文献   

Summary The mutagenic activity of the maize transposable element system Mutator can be lost by outcrossing to standard, non-Mutator lines or by repetitive intercrossing of genetically diverse Mutator lines. Lines losing Mutator mutagenic activity in either manner retain high copy numbers (10–15 per diploid genome) of the Mutator-associated Mu transposable elements. Frequent transposition of Mu1-related elements is observed only in active Mutator lines, however. The loss of Mutator activity on intercrossing is correlated with an increase in the copy number of Mu1-like elements to 40–50 per diploid genome, implying a self-encoded or self-activated negative regulator of Mu1 transposition. The outcross loss of Mutator activity is only weakly correlated with a low Mu element copy number and may be due to the loss of a positive regulatory factor encoded by a subset of Mu1-like elements. Transposition of Mu elements in active Mutator lines generates multiple new genomic positions for about half the elements each plant generation. The appearance of Mu1-like elements in these new positions is not accompanied by equally high germinal reversion frequencies, suggesting that Mu1 may commonly transpose via a DNA replicative process.  相似文献   

Rate and pattern of mutation at microsatellite loci in maize   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Microsatellites are important tools for plant breeding, genetics, and evolution, but few studies have analyzed their mutation pattern in plants. In this study, we estimated the mutation rate for 142 microsatellite loci in maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) in two different experiments of mutation accumulation. The mutation rate per generation was estimated to be 7.7 x 10(-4) for microsatellites with dinucleotide repeat motifs, with a 95% confidence interval from 5.2 x 10(-4) to 1.1 x 10(-3). For microsatellites with repeat motifs of more than 2 bp in length, no mutations were detected; so we could only estimate the upper 95% confidence limit of 5.1 x 10(-5) for the mutation rate. For dinucleotide repeat microsatellites, we also determined that the variance of change in the number of repeats (sigma(m)2) is 3.2. We sequenced 55 of the 73 observed mutations, and all mutations proved to be changes in the number of repeats in the microsatellite or in mononucleotide tracts flanking the microsatellite. There is a higher probability to mutate to an allele of larger size. There is heterogeneity in the mutation rate among dinucleotide microsatellites and a positive correlation between the number of repeats in the progenitor allele and the mutation rate. The microsatellite-based estimate of the effective population size of maize is more than an order of magnitude less than previously reported values based on nucleotide sequence variation.  相似文献   

The Mutator transposable element system is exceptional in many of its basic attributes. The high frequency and low specificity of mutant induction are both unusual and useful characteristics of the Mutator system. Other basic features are at least equally fascinating: the existence of multiple Mu element subfamilies with apparently unrelated internal sequences; the lack of correlation between Mu element transposition and excision; the complex inheritance of Mutator activity; the tight developmental regulation of Afufaror‐conditioned events; and the coordinated processes of element modification/inactivation, to name a few.

Molecular and genetic studies over the last 10 years have begun to explain many of these interesting properties and have uncovered new mysteries of Mutator biology. Both positive and negative regulators of the system have been identified and characterized to varying degrees. Insertion specificity has been observed at several levels. Recent accomplishments include the isolation of an autonomous Mu element and the discovery of maize lines with altered developmental regulation of Mutator‐derived mutability. This review defines the Mutator system, describes the status of current experimentation in the Mutator field, proposes models that may explain some aspects of Mutator behavior, and details future studies that will help elucidate the nature of the Mutator phenomenon.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been grown with different generation times by alterations in media richness and by altering the flow rate of the limiting nutrient, glucose in a chemostat. Within the generation time range 2.89-approx. 8.0 h the time from the initiation of DNA synthesis to cell division was independent of generation time and was approx. 2 h. Thus the cell cycle of yeast can be divided into an expandable phase from cell division to the initiation of DNA synthesis, the length of which is dependent on growth rate and a constant phase from the initiation of DNA synthesis to cell division which takes a constant time independent of generation time. In cells growing with generation times longer than 8.6 h this constant phase expands somewhat in time. These results are reminiscent of the observation that in the bacterium Escherichia coliB/R the time from initiation of DNA synthesis to cell division is constant except at very slow growth rates.  相似文献   

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