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It was recognized that Geotrichum candidum Link which was selected as the efficient lipase producer formed lipase only in the presence of substrate or its relating compounds such as oils or fatty acids in a cultivation medium. From the experimental results obtained by the cultivation of the microorganism and also by using of washed cells, it seemed that lipase was formed inducibly. It is likely that the produced lipase is localized around the cell wall and membrane and it is released from the cells after a certain period from the inducible synthesis.  相似文献   

Asymmetric enzymatic oxidoreductions in organic solvents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is now beyond doubt that enzymes can vigorously work even in neat organic solvents containing little or no water. Switching the enzymatic reaction medium from aqueous to nonaqueous can make previously problematic processes feasible through, for example, increased substrate solubility or diminished side reactions. Moreover, when placed in this highly unnatural milieu, enzymes exhibit new and potentially valuable properties, including greater stability, markedly altered selectivity that can be readily controlled by the solvent, and molecular memory. Consequently, novel synthetic and biotechnological opportunities ensue, as illustrated herein by those based on enzymatic oxidoreductions such as the asymmetric peroxidase-catalyzed sulfoxidation of organic sulfides.  相似文献   

Fungal fermentation is very complex in nature due to its nonlinear relationship with the time, especially in batch culture. Growth and production of carbonyl reductase by Geotrichum candidum NCIM 980 have been studied in a laboratory scale stirred tank bioreactor at different pH (uncontrolled and controlled), agitation, aeration and dissolved oxygen concentration. The yield of the process has been calculated in terms of glucose consumed. Initial studies showed that fermenter grown cells have more than 15 times higher activity than that of the shake flask grown cells. The medium pH was found to have unspecific but significant influence on the enzyme productivity. However, at controlled pH 5.5 the specific enzyme activity was highest (306U/mg). Higher agitation had detrimental effect on the cell mass production. Dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained by automatic control of the agitation speed at an aeration rate of 0.6 volume per volume per minute (vvm). Optimization of glucose concentration yielded 21g/l cell mass with and 9.77x10(3)U carbonyl reductase activity/g glucose. Adaptation of different strategies for glucose feeding in the fermenter broth was helpful in increasing the process yield. Feeding of glucose at a continuous rate after 3h of cultivation yielded 0.97g cell mass/g glucose corresponding to 29.1g/l cell mass. Volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (K(L)a) increased with the increasing of agitation rate.  相似文献   

A mutant of Geotrichum candidum was isolated with a tyrosine requirement which could be satisfied by l-tyrosine or l-phenylalanine. l-Phenylalanine is converted by cell suspensions to l-tyrosine, which can be detected in the growth medium. The incorporation of the tyrosine into cell protein is described. l-Phenylalanine is converted to tyrosine by cell-free extracts with a requirement for some dialysable components. The adaptation of intact cells to phenylalanine metabolism is also described.  相似文献   

Geotrichum candidum completely neutralized the acid brine and reduced its biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) by 88%. Yield of dry mycelium was 62 g per 100 g of BOD utilized.  相似文献   

Geotrichum candidum can produce and excrete compounds that inhibit Listeria monocytogenes. These were purified by ultrafiltration, centrifugal partition chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, gel filtration, and high-pressure liquid chromatography, and analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, infrared spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, and optical rotation. Two inhibitors were identified: d-3-phenyllactic acid and d-3-indollactic acid.

Contamination by Listeria has become a problem over the past 20 years in many parts of the world. The ubiquitous nature of Listeria monocytogenes, its capacity to multiply at refrigeration temperatures, its thermal tolerance (11), and its resistance to relatively low pH (it can multiply at pH 5.3 and 4°C and at pH 4.39 and 30°C) (5), together with its tolerance of high salt concentrations (4, 18), make controlling this potentially pathogenic microorganism in food products difficult. This bacterium has been incriminated in several cases of food poisoning (2, 10, 19). At risk are the immunodepressed, the old, pregnant women, fetuses, and newborn babies. Several groups have worked on biological control. As a result, many bacteriocins, which inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes, have been isolated, purified, and characterized (12, 13, 16, 18). We have worked with Geotrichum candidum, a yeast-like member of the natural milk flora that is used as a maturing agent for soft and hard cheeses. In an extensive study carried out in 1984 (7), the interactions between G. candidum and the microflora in cheeses were examined. G. candidum inhibited the growth of gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, and fungi (6). We recently showed (3) that G. candidum inhibits the growth of L. monocytogenes on both solid and liquid media (a bacteriostatic effect). The inhibitors are stable over a wide pH range and can be heated to 120°C for 20 min. The present report describes the purification and characterization of compounds responsible for this antibacterial action.Microorganisms, culture conditions, and detection of inhibitory activity.The strain of G. candidum used came from the collection of the Caen University Food Microbiology Laboratory, Caen, France (UCMA G91) and was initially isolated from a cheese, Pont l’Evêque. One percent of a preculture (optical density at 620 nm [Milton Roy Spectronic 301; Bioblock Scientific, Illkirch, France] of 0.7 [107 arthrospores or hyphae/ml]) of G. candidum was grown in a fermentor (20 liters; Biolafitte type PI) in 15 liters of Trypticase soy broth (30 g/liter; Biomerieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France) with yeast extract (6 g/liter; AES, Combourg, France) (TSBYE) buffered to pH 6.3 with 0.1 M citrate-0.2 M phosphate. The culture was stirred at 300 rpm for 64 h at 25°C under a pressure of 0.2 bar and was then filtered through a 1,000-Da cut-off membrane by tangential ultrafiltration (Sartorius, Palaiseau, France) under a pressure of 2 bars. The resulting ultrafiltrate was sterilized by passage through a capsule (Sartorius) containing 0.45-μm- and 0.2-μm-pore-size membranes.The inhibition of L. monocytogenes was checked at each purification step by the agar diffusion well assay (3). Antimicrobial activity was estimated by measuring the diameter of the inhibitory halo on two right-angle axes (average of two plates). The strain of L. monocytogenes (UCMA L205) (serovar 1/2a; Centre National de Référence des Listeria, Nantes, France) and lysovar 1652 (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) came from the laboratory collection and was isolated from milk. The initial lyophilized ultrafiltrate (900 mg/ml) gave a halo diameter of 36 ± 0.7 mm in the inhibition assay.Purification.Samples of ultrafiltrate (20 μl) were spotted on thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plates (silica gel, 10 by 5 cm, 0.25 mm thick, 60 F254; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), with 20 μl of TSBYE for controls, and eluted by vertical chromatography with a butanol-acetic acid-water (40:10:20 [vol/vol/vol]) solvent system. The bands were examined under UV light (254 nm) or after treatment with Ehrlich’s reagent. Four well-separated bands were found (Rfs, 0.11 ± 0.04; 0.41 ± 0.04; 0.7 ± 0.03; and 0.86 ± 0.03), but only the band with an Rf of 0.7 ± 0.03 differed from that of control preparations (TSBYE not containing G. candidum). The microbiological bioautography test (1) confirmed the presence of the inhibitor in the band with an Rf of 0.7. Lyophilized ultrafiltrate was subjected to centrifugal partition chromatography (Sanki 1000 Engineering Ltd.; EverSeiko, Tokyo, Japan) in butanol-acetic acid-water (40:10:50 [vol/vol/vol]). Partitioning was carried out under the following conditions: ascending mode, 1,200 rpm; flow rate, 3 ml/min; pressure, 40 bars. An aliquot of material (3 g) previously equilibrated with the solvent system was injected into the separatus via a 12-ml injection loop. Fractions (10 ml each) were collected and evaporated to dryness in a SpeedVac (Jouan RC 1022, Saint Herblain, France). The dried extracts of certain fractions were taken up in 800 μl of water and brought to pH 5.6 with 0.2 M NaOH. A total of 10 mg of pooled fractions with an Rf close to 0.7 and showing L. monocytogenes inhibitory activity (36 ± 0.7 mm for a solution of 38 mg/ml) was taken up in 250 μl of methanol-water (50:50 [vol/vol]) and automatically deposited (Camag Linomat) on a 10- by 20-cm TLC plate (silica gel, 0.25 mm thick, 60 F254; Merck). The plate was developed with butanol-acetic acid-water (40:10:20 [vol/vol/vol]) and examined under UV light. Bands with an Rf of 0.7 were scraped off and placed in methanol. The silica was washed several times and removed by centrifugation and filtration through a 0.2-μm-pore-size filter. An aliquot (20 μl) was spotted on a small silica TLC plate to confirm elution of the solute by the methanol solvent. The purity of the band with an Rf of 0.7 was confirmed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a photodiode array detector at 206 and 222 nm (solvent A: 0.1% formic acid in water; solvent B: CH3CN-H2O [95:5] plus 0.1% formic acid) on a C18 Grom-Sil ODS2 column (4.6 by 30 mm; particle size, 1.5 μm; Grom Analytic, Herrenberg, Germany) at the flow rate of 1 ml/min. Inhibitory activity was assessed as above. Preparative TLC indicated that the band with an Rf of 0.7 contained two components, one eluting at 4.5 min on HPLC (peak 1) and the other at 5.5 min (peak 2). The latter fraction gave an inhibitory halo of 36 ± 0.7 mm at a concentration of 20 mg/ml (a 45-fold purification over the ultrafiltrate). The material from preparative TLC (40 mg in 200 μl of methanol-water) was placed on a column of Sephadex LH20 (1 m by 1 cm; Pharmacia), and the column was eluted with methanol-water at 12 ml h−1. Fractions (1 ml each) were collected and examined by HPLC to determine the material in each fraction. This final purification on Sephadex LH20 gave two peaks, with two-thirds of the eluate at peak 1 and one-third at peak 2 (Fig. (Fig.1).1). As the concentration for peak 2 was very low, only the inhibitory activity for peak 1 was assayed. A concentration of 20 mg/ml gave a halo diameter of 26 ± 0.7 mm. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Reverse-phase liquid chromatography (HPLC) of inhibitory compounds of G. candidum after purification by centrifugal partition chromatography, preparative TLC, and Sephadex LH20 gel filtration. Column, C18 Grom-Sil ODS2 column (4.6 by 30 mm; particle size, 1.5 μm; Grom Analytic). Eluent: solvent A (0.1% formic acid in water), solvent B (CH3CN-H2O [95:5] plus 0.1% formic acid). Flow rate, 1 ml/min. (a) Product 1 (detection at 206 nm); (b) product 2 (detection at 222 nm).


The pooled fractions were run on HPLC with a Grom-Sil ODS2 column coupled to a mass detector (Sciex Api III, triple quadrupole; Thornhill, Canada). Product 1, analyzed by desorption and chemical ionization, gave a signal at an m/z of 184 for (M+ NH4)+ on desorption and chemical ionization and thus had a mass of 166. Product 2 was analyzed by ion spray and gave a signal at an m/z of 297 (M + 4 Na)+ for a mass of 205. Spectra were determined in a Nicolet model 60 SXR FT-IR. Samples were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, and the 1H and 13C resonances were measured in a Brucker spectrometer at 200 and 400 Hz, respectively. The purified material was taken up in methanol, and the isomeric form of the substance(s) inhibiting L. monocytogenes was determined in a Perkin-Elmer model 341 polarimeter. Two inhibitors were identified (Fig. (Fig.2);2); product 1 was 2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoic acid (phenyllactic acid, mass 166), and product 2 was 2-hydroxy-3-indolpropanoic acid (indollactic acid, mass 205). The rotation of polarized light showed that the phenyllactic acid produced by G. candidum was the d form. The spectrum properties of the isolated compounds are identical to those of authentic commercial compounds (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.). d-Phenyllactic acid can be purchased from Aldrich (product no. 37 690-6), and dl-indollactic acid is available from Sigma (catalog no. I2875). Inhibitory activity with commercial compounds showed that dl-phenyllactic acid (Sigma catalog no. P7251) was a stronger inhibitor of Listeria than dl-indollactic acid (34 and 26 ± 0.7 mm for 187 mM, respectively) and that the d form of phenyllactic acid was more active (38 mm for 120 mM) than the l form (Aldrich 11, 306-9, 30 mm for 120 mM). The samples were taken up in methanol-water (50:50 [vol/vol]) and brought to pH 5.6 (Table (Table1).1). Open in a separate windowFIG. 2Structure of two inhibitory compounds of G. candidum characterized by LC-mass spectrometry, infrared spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, and optical rotation.TABLE 1Anti-Listeria activity of phenyllactic acid and indollactic acida
CompoundFormConcnInhibitory diam (mm) ± 0.7 mm
Phenyllactic aciddl187 mM (30 mg/ml)34
Indollactic aciddl187 mM (38 mg/ml)26
Phenyllactic acidd120 mM (20 mg/ml)38
Phenyllactic acidl120 mM (20 mg/ml)30
Phenyllactic acidd60 mM (10 mg/ml)32
Phenyllactic aciddl70 mM (13 mg/ml)30
Open in a separate windowaThe agar diffusion well assay was performed with an 18-mm-diameter well. All samples were brought to pH 5.6. Antimicrobial activity was estimated by measuring the diameter of the inhibitory halo on two right-angle axes (average of two plates [standard error of the mean, 0.7 mm]). Phenyllactic and indollactic acids are compounds used for the synthesis of the amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan (17), so they could be precursors of these amino acids. To our knowledge, their anti-Listeria actions have not previously been demonstrated. Only one study, carried out in 1976 (15), mentioned the antibacterial properties of β-indollactic acid, produced by Candida species, toward certain gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus). Experiments with [14C]phenylalanine indicated that 2-phenyllactic acid is synthesized from l-phenylalanine (14). Kamata et al. (9) stated in a patent application that mutants of Brevibacterium lactofermentum produce d-3-phenyllactic acid (1.94 g/liter). By comparison, G. candidum grown in TSBYE produces about 0.6 to 1 g of d-3-phenyllactic acid per liter. No toxicological studies have been done on d-phenyllactic acid. Tharrington et al. (20) mentioned that Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis produced lactic and acetic acids and can inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes. The inhibitory properties of lactic acid are due to its acid nature, not to the molecule itself. dl-Lactic acid (120 mM) at pH 5.6 had no action against L. monocytogenes in the agar-well test, while 120 mM d-phenyllactic acid at the same pH gave an inhibitory halo of 37 ± 07 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of Geotrichum candidum septa   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The ultrastructure and mode of formation of septa of Geotrichum candidum were investigated by light and electron microscopy. The invaginations of the lateral membrane and wall appear to initiate at multiple points around the circumference of the cell; the immature septum subsequently assumes a cart-wheel shape, with branched spokes radiating from the center of the septum. Each face of the septum is covered with a membrane possessing hitherto undescribed structural differentiation; the membrane substructures are comprised of two central subunits encircled by 12 identical subunits. The diameter of the entire 12 plus 2 structure is 24 to 25 nm, and the diameter of each individual subunit is approximately 4 nm. The maturation of the septum appears to occur by further deposition of material along the branched skeletal regions. Numerous small openings (micropores), formed as a result of incomplete deposition, ultimately give rise to plasmodesmata. During arthrospore formation, the plasmodesmal canals and associated micropores are occluded by electron-dense materials, rendering each segment of the hyphae completely independent of the rest of the hyphae.  相似文献   

Decolorization of crude molasses by a newly isolated dye-decolorizing fungus, Geotrichum candidum Dec 1, was conducted in a jar fermentor system having fan-type propellers and a pressure swing adsorption oxygen generator. The oxygen-fortified air supply was effective not only to obtain a highest decolorization degree of 80% molasses but also the highest peroxidase activity which is responsible for the decolorization of the dyes. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) 2 mM was quantitatively converted into its 1 and 2 mononitrate derivatives by Geotrichum candidum, with consumption of the nitrite ions produced. The conversion proceeded at a rate independent of the addition of either organic carbon or organic nitrogen sources. Eight batches of nitrate ester, which were added every 24 hours, were successfully converted as far as during the bioconversion process GTN concentration did not exceed 2 mM. When those limiting conditions were not observed, dramatic toxicity of GTN was noticed.  相似文献   

The temporal depletion and accumulation of polyols were investigated in the fungus Geotrichum candidum. The major intracellular polyols were tentatively identified by paper chromatography as mannitol and arabitol. Inositol was also present in small quantities, and trehalose was also detected in appreciable concentrations.Germination and vegetative growth depended on the type and concentration of the sole exogenous carbon source. Mannitol occurred in arthrospores at 9.4% of the dry weight after several days growth in 2% (w/v) glucose solid medium, and became depleted during germination and vegetative growth in liquid medium containing 2% (w/v) glucose, 2% (w/v) sodium acetate or 25% (w/v) glucose as sole carbon source. This hexitol latter accumulated during arthrosporulation. The depletion and accumulation of ethanol-soluble carbohydrate believed to be primarily trehalose was temporally similar to that of mannitol. Arabitol accumulated intracellularly during germination and vegetative growth in sodium acetate medium and 25% glucose medium. This pentitol was not detected intracellularly at any culture age during growth in 2% glucose medium.Prolonged incubation of the culture in 25% glucose medium after stationary phase was reached resulted in the gradual disappearance of arabitol from the arthrospores simultaneously with an increase in intracellular mannitol. In comparison, ethanol-soluble carbohydrate did not change with prolonged incubation in this medium.  相似文献   

Production of Sulfur Flavors by Ten Strains of Geotrichum candidum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Ten strains of Geotrichum candidum were studied on a liquid cheese model medium for the production of sulfur compounds which contribute to the aroma of cheeses. The volatile components produced by each cultured strain were extracted by dynamic headspace extractions, separated and quantified by gas chromatography (GC), and identified by GC-mass spectrometry. It was shown that four strains of this microorganism produced significant quantities of S-methyl thioacetate, S-methyl thiopropionate, S-methyl thiobutanoate, S-methyl thioisobutanoate, S-methyl thioisovalerate, and S-methyl thiohexanoate. This is the first example of the production of these compounds by a fungus. In addition, dimethyldisulfide, dimethyltrisulfide, dimethylsulfide, and methanethiol, which are more commonly associated with the development of cheese flavor in bacterial cultures, were also produced by G. candidum in various yields, depending on the strain selected. The potential application of these strains in cultured microbial associations to produce modified cheeses with more desirable organoleptic properties is discussed.  相似文献   

Ten strains of Geotrichum candidum were studied on a liquid cheese model medium for the production of sulfur compounds which contribute to the aroma of cheeses. The volatile components produced by each cultured strain were extracted by dynamic headspace extractions, separated and quantified by gas chromatography (GC), and identified by GC-mass spectrometry. It was shown that four strains of this microorganism produced significant quantities of S-methyl thioacetate, S-methyl thiopropionate, S-methyl thiobutanoate, S-methyl thioisobutanoate, S-methyl thioisovalerate, and S-methyl thiohexanoate. This is the first example of the production of these compounds by a fungus. In addition, dimethyldisulfide, dimethyltrisulfide, dimethylsulfide, and methanethiol, which are more commonly associated with the development of cheese flavor in bacterial cultures, were also produced by G. candidum in various yields, depending on the strain selected. The potential application of these strains in cultured microbial associations to produce modified cheeses with more desirable organoleptic properties is discussed.  相似文献   

Stickwater, a by-product of the fish meal and oil industry, is an aqueous suspension of fish proteins, lipids, and other materials, and also contains soluble nonprotein nitrogen but not carbohydrate. It is usually partially evaporated by heat to a marketable form called "fish solubles," which is sold with an acid preservative as an animal feed supplement. However, fish solubles are only used to a limited extent in feeds, because the lipids of solubles (averages 11%) are relatively prone to oxidative rancidity development. An investigation was undertaken to digest and/or stabilize lipids in stickwater by lipolytic fermentations and, at the same time, to attempt to increase the protein content as single cell protein. Strains of the yeast Candida lipolytica and the yeast like mold Geotrichum candidum were employed for these investigations. Stickwater fermentations were performed in a laboratory bench top fermentor. Respirometric studies of lipid metabolic activity and microbial observations were periodically performed during these fermentations. Rapid microbial growth and metabolic activity were observed in well aerated cultures. Fermented products were evaluated for chemical composition. Lipid residues were characterized by thin-layer chromatographic procedures. There was evidence of abundant microbial growth, increased lipolytic activity, and decreased lipid content. However, evidence was lacking to show that the protein content of stickwater was actually increased.  相似文献   

产木聚糖酶白地霉培养特性及部分纯化的酶学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对白地霉Ref1的培养特性、产酶条件和酶学特性进行了初步研究。结果表明:该菌为低温型菌株,其最佳生长条件为pH6、20℃和酵母膏作为氮源;最佳产酶条件为pH3-7、15℃及以酵母膏氮源;条件优化后产酶可达118.7U/mL,可溶蛋白含量可达到60μg/mL,酶溶液的比活可达到1250U/mg蛋白质;该木聚糖酶的最适反应温度和pH分别为50℃和5,金属离子Mg2+、Na+和8mmol/L的Fe2+、Cu2+、Zn2+等对木聚糖酶的活性有抑制作用,而Ca2+、4mmol/L的Fe2+、Cu2+、Zn2+和8mmol/L的Mn2+等对该酶反应则有促进作用;该木聚糖酶在保温2h后在15-40℃范围内能保持80%以上的酶活性,在50℃时能保持68%的酶活性;用lineweaver-Burk作图法(双倒数作图法)求得该酶的最大反应速度Vmax和Km值分别为163.38mmol/mg/min和0.75mg/mL。  相似文献   

固定化细胞有机相催化不对称还原β-羰基酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将酵母细胞用海藻酸钙包埋后用于有机相催化不对称还原4-氯乙酰乙酸乙酯制备光学活性的4-氯-3-羟基丁酸乙酯,从中筛选得到具有较高立体选择性和还原能力的菌株假丝酵母SW0401,将此菌株的细胞固定化细胞作为研究对象,系统考察了固定化条件、固定化细胞大小、反应溶剂、初始底物浓度、辅助底物、固定化细胞热处理和抑制剂对还原反应的影响。结果表明,上述因素对反应的摩尔转化率和产物(S)-CHBE光学纯度有显著影响。固定化时所用缓冲液的pH值为7.0时和固定化细胞颗粒平均直径为2.5mm较合适,以正己烷为反应介质时反应的摩尔转化率和产物光学纯度最优,初始底物浓度以54.7mmol/L为宜,辅助底物以1-己醇为佳。对固定化细胞的热处理和添加抑制剂烯丙醇均能够明显改善产物的光学纯度,但对提高摩尔转化率有负面影响。  相似文献   

Enantioselective reductions of ethyl 3-oxobutanoates with fermenting cells or acetone treated cells of Geotrichum candidum gave 3-hydroxyesters with different ee and different predominant configurations depending on reaction conditions. Ethyl 4-bromo-3-oxobutanoate was reduced with APG4 and NADH to give predominantly ethyl (R)-4-bromo-3 hydroxybutanoate while the (S)-configuration was predominant when NADPH was the cofactor. Moreover, when the catalyst was heated before the reaction, the ee was increased indicating that the enzyme giving the (S)-alcohol is more thermolabile than the other.  相似文献   

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