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ABSTRACT. The reproductive status of individual queens in relation to the number of queens in polygyne colonies of Solenopsis invicta Buren was investigated under both field and laboratory conditions. In field colonies, the weight of individual queens is inversely related to the number of resident queens present. The weight of a queen is positively correlated with fecundity, as measured by the number of eggs laid in 5 h in isolation. Thus increasing queen number has a strong negative effect on the fecundity of individual queens in these colonies. A similar relationship was established in standardized laboratory colonies using queens from a single experimental population. Colony size by itself had no significant effect on queen weight in either the field or laboratory colonies, suggesting that the inverse relationship between queen number and fecundity results from mutual inhibition among queens, possibly involving pheromones, rather than reduced nutrition through lower worker/queen ratios. While uninseminated queens can comprise up to 50% of the functional (i.e. egglaying) queens in polygyne colonies of this ant, they tend to be less fecund than their inseminated nestmates; uninseminated queens within a given colony generally weigh 5–25% less.  相似文献   

At the onset of mating flights inSolenopsis invicta, workers swarm excitedly over the mound as alates prepare to fly. Previous studies demonstrated that this excitement is stimulated by the male and female alates. We investigated the glandular source(s) of pheromones produced by the alates that cause excitement. The only common female and male alate body part that elicited excitement when crushed was the head. Within the head, excised mandibular glands were found to be responsible for worker excitement. Fire ant workers are very sensitive to external stimuli and some excitement was elicited by crushed female gasters and male thoraces, but the response was never as significant as with crushed heads. Tests with summer and winter alates revealed similar results, except that gasters of winter female alates had a greater excitant effect than did gasters of summer female alates. This may be due to the production of attractant pheromones by the poison glands of overwintering female alates. We conclude that the mandibular gland is the source of alate excitant pheromones.  相似文献   

Colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, can survive flood conditions by forming a raft of ants that floats on the water’s surface until the flood recedes or higher ground is found. Having been forced from the protection of their subterranean nests, rafting colonies are totally exposed and are without retreat. I tested the hypothesis that rafting S. invicta colonies would compensate for their elevated vulnerability by increasing their defensiveness. I measured defensiveness using the amount of venom workers delivered per sting (venom dose), since the repellent effects (i.e., pain and tissue damage) of fire-ant venom are dose-dependent. In the laboratory I assayed colony defensiveness before and after flooding colonies from their nests with water. Colonies were consistently and significantly more defensive while rafting (i.e., each colony’s workers delivered higher venom doses when their colony was rafting than they did when it was assayed pre-flood). The larger venom doses of rafting colonies may reduce their chances of being damaged by encounters with other animals by reducing the duration of such encounters through increased repellency. Encounters with S. invicta during flood conditions have the potential to be unusually dangerous; large concentrations of workers are exposed and available for defense, and they deliver significantly larger venom doses when they sting. Received 29 March 2005; revised 20 June 2005; accepted 24 June 2005.  相似文献   

We assessed patterns of new queen recruitment in a polygyne(multiple queens per nest) population of the fire ant Solenopsisinvicta in its introduced range. Newly recruited queens wereidentified using four physiological markers, and genotypic datafrom nuclear and mitochondrial markers were used to estimaterelatedness of new nest mate queens to each other and to theolder nest mate queens. In total, 1.7% of the queens collectedin late spring and early summer were deemed to be new recruits.The relatedness of these queens to each other and to the olderqueens within nests was not significantly different from zero,suggesting that newly recruited queens represent a random sampleof potential reproductive queens in the population. Moreover,the number of new queens recruited within nests was not correlatedwith the number of older queens present and did not differ significantlyfrom a Poisson distribution. Thus, queen recruitment in this populationof S. invicta appears to occur at random with respect to thenumber of older queens present within nests.  相似文献   

Abstract. The oviposition rate of individual queens of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in relation to their weight and number of queens present in the colony was investigated by direct 2 h observations. There is a strong positive correlation between the weight of a queen and its oviposition rate in both monogyne and polygyne colonies. However, the number of eggs laid per mg queen is higher for moonogyne queens than for polygyne queens. This difference is more evident when the total weight of queens present in a colony is considered. The individual queen oviposition rate is negatively correlated with the number of queens in the colony. In addition, the weight loss per egg laid is significantly greater for polygyne than for monogyne queens, probably due to differences in egg size. These data suggest that oviposition is more efficient in monogyne than in polygyne queens at the individual level; however, at the colony level, polygyne colonies produce significantly more eggs. Comparison of colony level efficiency predicts that polygyne colonies must have at least nine queens to compete reproductively with a mature monogyne queen. Therefore, oligogyny does not appear to be a viable strategy for S.invicata.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. To determine whether the production of sexuals in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is related to queen number in the field, the numbers of sexuals in monogyne (M) and polygyne (P) colonies of this species were compared. Large colonies ( n =25 M and 25 P) were collected at random during spring, summer and fall when sexuals are actively produced, and the numbers of sexuals present were counted. The numbers of alates plus sexual pupae and larvae in M colonies far exceeded those in P colonies in each season. Significant differences between M and P colonies were also found when the numbers of alates and sexual immatures (pupae + larvae) were compared separately in each season. In addition, M colonies contained significantly more female sexuals (alates + pupae) than did P colonies in the summer and fall, and significantly more males in all three seasons. The negative relationship between queen number and number of sexuals provides evidence that queen control over the production of sexuals, previously established in laboratory experiments, also occurs under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Summary. Previous attempts to explain worker aggression against extra queens in young social insect colonies have used kin selection arguments. These have been inconsistent with experimental evidence demonstrating aggression against extra queens without strong evidence of kin discrimination. Using a game theoretical model, I suggest a series of decision rules that are consistent with the current experimental evidence from study of young colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. These decision rules are: 1) When workers cannot directly determine which queen is their mother, they should behave in favor of a queen that maximizes the product of the chance that a queen is the workers mother multiplied by the chance that it will survive to colony maturity. In some cases, the survival potential of the different queens may be the only character that influences the workers decision. 2) Workers should delay aggression against extra queens until the workers can gain their greatest advantage through such aggression. 3) Queens may adopt strategies that allow them to dominate rivals, either by gaining an advantage in fights among the queens or by increasing their attractiveness to workers.Received 2 June 2004; revised 5 July 2004; accepted 14 July 2004.  相似文献   

Understanding how exotic invasive species are spread is fundamental for ecology and conservation biology. Human transport has become one of the primary modes of dispersal for exotic species. We examined how the multiple queen, or polygyne, social form of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta is spread along roadsides in Tallahassee, Florida, USA. We then determined the likely source of this expanding population, which was a central soil depot. A survey of road maintenance practices in counties of several southeastern states and Texas revealed that the use of a central soil depot is a common practice. Road maintenance therefore may be the primary source for the establishment of new polygyne fire ant populations in this region and elsewhere. Control efforts focused on the soil depots will help to limit further spread of polygyne fire ants and perhaps other invasive organisms, particularly invasive weeds.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between the number of queens per nest and their relatedness was examined in the polygyne (multiple queens per nest) social form of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta .
2. No significant relationship between these two variables was found. Moreover, the overall average relatedness among nestmate queens was not significantly different from zero.
3. These findings indicate that polygyne nests of S. invicta do not represent closed societies. Furthermore, they are consistent with continual acceptance of non-nestmate queens throughout a colony's lifetime. This strategy differs from the expectation of kin selection theory that only related queens should be accepted as new reproductives within polygyne colonies.
4. The postulated acceptance of non-nestmate queens is associated with a decrease in the number of parasites, predators and diseases and a concomitant increase in the density of nests in introduced populations, suggesting that the permissive environment experienced by introduced fire ants may have decreased the relative importance of kinship as a stabilizing factor in the evolution of polygyny.  相似文献   

Supergenes are clusters of tightly linked loci maintained in specific allelic combinations to facilitate co-segregation of genes governing adaptive phenotypes. In species where strong selection potentially operates at different levels (e.g. eusocial Hymenoptera), positive selection acting within a population to maintain specific allelic combinations in supergenes may have unexpected consequences for some individuals, including the preservation of disadvantageous traits. The nuclear gene Gp-9 in the invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta is part of a non-recombining, polymorphic supergene region associated with polymorphism in social organization as well as traits affecting physiology, fecundity and behaviour. We show that both male reproductive success and facultative polyandry in queens have a simple genetic basis and are dependent on male Gp-9 genotype. Gp-9(b) males are unable to maintain exclusive reproductive control over their mates such that queens mated to Gp-9(b) males remain highly receptive to remating. Queens mated to multiple Gp-9(B) males are rare. This difference appears to be independent of mating plug production in fertile males of each Gp-9 genotype. However, Gp-9(b) males have significantly lower sperm counts than Gp-9(B) males, which could be a cue to females to seek additional mates. Despite the reduced fitness of Gp-9(b) males, polygyne worker-induced selective mortality of sexuals lacking b-like alleles coupled with the overall success of the polygyne social form act to maintain the Gp-9(b) allele within nature. Our findings highlight how strong worker-induced selection acting to maintain the Gp-9(b) allele in the polygyne social form may simultaneously result in reduced reproductive fitness for individual sexual offspring.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in social organization is common, yet the underlying causes are rarely known. An exception is the fire ant Solenopsis invicta in which the existence of two distinct forms of social colony organization is under the control of the two variants of a pair of social chromosomes, SB and Sb. Colonies containing exclusively SB/SB workers accept only one single queen and she must be SB/SB. By contrast, when colonies contain more than 10% of SB/Sb workers, they accept several queens but only SB/Sb queens. The variants of the social chromosome are associated with several additional important phenotypic differences, including the size, fecundity and dispersal strategies of queens, aggressiveness of workers, and sperm count in males. However, little is known about whether social chromosome variants affect fitness in other life stages. Here, we perform experiments to determine whether differential selection occurs during development and in adult workers. We find evidence that the Sb variant of the social chromosome increases the likelihood of female brood to develop into queens and that adult SB/Sb workers, the workers that cull SB/SB queens, are overrepresented in comparison to SB/SB workers. This demonstrates that supergenes such as the social chromosome can have complex effects on phenotypes at various stages of development.  相似文献   

Concurrent infections of Solenopsis invicta colonies with S. invicta virus 1 (SINV-1), SINV-2, and SINV-3 has been reported. However, whether individual ants were capable of supporting multiple virus infections simultaneously was not known, nor whether the social form of the colony (polygyne or monogyne) had an influence on the occurrence of multiple infection rates in individual ants. S. invicta field populations were sampled sequentially to establish whether multiple virus infections co-occurred in individual worker ants. In addition, the intra-colony virus infection rates were compared in monogyne and polygyne field colonies to determine whether social form played a role in the viral infection prevalence. All combinations of virus infection (SINV-1, SINV-2, or SINV-3 alone, SINV-1 & SINV-2, SINV-1 & SINV-3, SINV-2 & SINV-3, and SINV-1, SINV-2 & SINV-3) were detected in individual worker ants as well as queens in the field. Thus, individual S. invicta ants can be infected simultaneously with all combinations of the S. invicta viruses. Colony social form did have an influence on the intra-colony prevalence of multiple S. invicta virus infections. Polygyne colonies exhibited significantly greater intra- and inter-colony single and multiple virus infections compared with monogyne colonies.  相似文献   

Newly produced queens from monogyne (single-queen) coloniesof the ant Solenopsis invicta usually initiate reproductionindependently, that is, without worker assistance. However,some recently mated queens attempt to bypass this risky phaseof new colony foundation by entering established nests to reproduce,although it is unclear how often these queens are successfulin natural populations. We surveyed a mature monogyne populationof S. invicta in both 1995 and 1996 for colonies headed by queensincapable of independent colony founding (diploid-male-producingqueens) in order to estimate the frequency of colonies thatare headed by queens that initiated reproduction within establishednests (adopted queens). Using the frequency of diploid-male-producingqueens among the recently mated queens in this population, weestimated that the overall rate of queen replacement by adoptedqueens is about 0.7% per colony per year. Although theory suggeststhat a change to a novel queen reproductive tactic could beassociated with a fundamental change in social organization(queen number), this does not appear to be the case in monogyneS. invicta. However, the evolution of nest-infiltrating reproductivetactics by queens in a monogyne population and the evolutionof multiple-queen societies may result from similar ecologicalpressures facing newly mated queens. We therefore incorporatethis strategy into an existing theoretical framework that wasdeveloped to explain the evolution of alternative social organizationsin ants, providing testable predictions regarding the distributionand frequency of queen adoption in other single-queen ant societies.  相似文献   

The fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, appears to deviate from the usual age-related pattern of defensive behavior seen in other social insects; instead of older workers being more defensive than younger ones, they are less so. Here I test this pattern by quantifying changes in the defensive stinging behavior of S. invicta workers of known age. I found defensiveness, measured as both the number of stings delivered and the amount of venom delivered per sting (venom dose), to increase with age initially but then decline after a mid-age peak. This hump-shaped ontogeny may be the result of S. invicta's foraging strategy, which effectively shifts the responsibility of nest defense to workers younger than foraging age. It is S. invicta's mid-aged workers that are the most defensive, probably because they are both physiologically and spatially the most suitable nest defenders.  相似文献   

We generated and analyzed microsatellite genotypic data and mtDNA sequence data from the fire ant Solenopsis invicta collected from two separate infested areas (Taoyuan and Chiayi) in Taiwan to infer the population and colony structure of these recently established populations. These genetic analyses revealed the following patterns: 1) Relatedness among worker nestmates was significantly greater than zero for both social forms from both populations; 2) No significant isolation by distance was found among nests within each social form from either population; 3) Significant mtDNA but no nuclear differentiation occurs between sympatric social forms in Taoyuan; 4) Molecular signatures of genetic bottlenecks associated with recent introductions are evident in both populations; and 5) The two sampled populations, Taoyuan and Chiayi, are highly genetically differentiated at both the nuclear or mtDNA genomes and most likely derive from two separate introductions into Taiwan. While results from these analyses generally were consistent with predictions based on the known biology of these ants and similar studies of S. invicta in the U.S.A. and South America, some patterns likely reflect the recent introduction and human-mediated inadvertent transport of ants in Taiwan. This is the first study to investigate the population and colony structure of fire ants in Taiwan and results from our study represent an important contribution to the ongoing efforts aimed at eradicating this invasive pest in Taiwan. Received 18 June 2007; revised 11 October 2007; accepted 17 October 2007.  相似文献   

The fire ant Solenopsis invicta exists in two social forms, one with colonies headed by a single reproductive queen (monogyne form) and the other with colonies containing multiple queens (polygyne form). This variation in social organization is associated with variation at the gene Gp-9, with monogyne colonies harboring only the B allelic variant and polygyne colonies containing b-like variants as well. We generated new Gp-9 sequences from 15 Solenopsis species and combined these with previously published sequences to conduct a comprehensive, phylogenetically based study of the molecular evolution of this important gene. The exon/intron structure and the respective lengths of the five exons of Gp-9 are identical across all species examined, and we detected no evidence for intragenic recombination. These data conform to a previous suggestion that Gp-9 lies in a genomic region with low recombination, and they indicate that evolution of the coding region in Solenopsis has involved point substitutions only. Our results confirm a link between the presence of b-like alleles and the expression of polygyny in all South American fire ant species known to possess colonies of both social forms. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses show that b-like alleles comprise a derived clade of Gp-9 sequences within the socially polymorphic species, lending further support to the hypothesis that monogyny preceded polygyny in this group of fire ants. Site-specific maximum likelihood tests identified several amino acids that have experienced positive selection, two of which are adjacent to the inferred binding-pocket residues in the GP-9 protein. Four other binding-pocket residues are variable among fire ant species, although selection is not implicated in this variation. Branch-specific tests revealed strong positive selection on the stem lineage of the b-like allele clade, as expected if selection drove the amino acid replacements crucial to the expression of polygyne social organization. Such selection may have operated via the ligand-binding properties of GP-9, as one of the two amino acids uniquely shared by all b-like alleles is predicted to be a binding-pocket residue.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of weight and colony origin of the queen of Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on worker attraction is studied under laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, worker response to individual queens of different weight from the same colony is evaluated. Heavier queens are more attractive than smaller queens to their own workers. In subsequent experiments, the colony origin effect is investigated and worker response to a pair of queens of the same weight from the same or different colonies is compared. When queens are from the same colony, workers do not show a significant preference between queens. However, when queens are from a different colony, workers are significantly more attracted to their own queen than to the foreign queen. Finally, the response of workers to queens of different weight from the same or different colonies is investigated. In both cases, workers are significantly more attracted to a heavier queen than a lighter queen, even if the lighter queen is their own queen. A putative pheromonal component (E)‐6‐(1‐pentenyl)‐2H‐2‐pyranone, is not positively correlated with queen weight.  相似文献   

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