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Discriminant function analysis was used to distinguish morphologically between samples of parr, smolts and adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from several hatchery and river systems in Ireland. The effect of habitat shift was investigated in Atlantic salmon parr. Parr grown from the eyed‐egg stage with a non‐sibling group in a hatchery environment, came to resemble the mean body shape of their host hatchery Atlantic salmon stock more closely than that of a full sibling group grown at their natal hatchery. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts differed in shape from hatchery‐reared smolts. This difference was less pronounced, but still statistically significant when wild adults were compared with hatchery‐reared adults captured in the coastal drift‐net fishery after a year spent at sea. Rearing conditions had a significant impact on the production and growth of fish body shape. This in turn may have affected adaptability and survivorship of ranched Atlantic salmon in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The seasonal growth trajectories of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar juveniles by age group within the Margaree River, Canada, are described. Circuli counts from scales were used to infer growth rates at different ages and these were used to predict the proportions of age 2‐ and 3‐year old smolts from different portions of the watershed. In the wild Atlantic salmon juveniles from the Margaree River, there was no bimodality in fork length frequencies and no 1 year old smolts were produced. Water temperature differences during the growing season were insufficient to explain the differences in growth rates and size at age among the sites sampled. There was a positive association between the growth rate in the first year and the subsequent age at smoltification. In the Margaree River, differences in tributary specific growth rates and size at age were expected to produce important differences in the relative ages at smoltification.  相似文献   

Sheltering behaviour of wild juvenile Atlantic salmon in an indoor stream was found to be density dependent; the proportion of fish sheltering decreased significantly with increasing population density. The mean number of fish occupying refugia was ≤1.5 fish per refuge even at very high densities (potentially 5 fish per shelter). These results suggest that shelter availability has potentially important consequences for the carrying capacity for natural populations of salmon in streams.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviour at spawning of wild and newly-escaped farmed Atlantic salmon was analysed by radio telemetry in the River Alta, North Norway. Spawning areas were located by aerial surveys. Farmed females moved significantly more than wild females ( P <0.01). There was no such difference between the two groups of males. About 83% of the wild fish stayed within identified spawning areas for 1 day or longer. The corresponding figure for farmed salmon was only 43% ( P <0.05). Wild salmon stayed 8.1 days inside spawning areas and farmed salmon 5.2 days. The present results suggest that escaped farmed salmon had reduced spawning success compared with wild fish.  相似文献   

Morphological characters were compared in parr (total length 33-166 mm) of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar sampled from eight wild populations in three regions, three in northern, two in the middle and three in southern Norway, covering a distance of 1700 km (from 70° N to 58° N). On the basis of morphological characters 94·6% of the individuals were correctly classified into the three regions. Discrimination between populations within these three regions also had a high degree of correct classification (89·0-95·8%). Principle component analysis identified largest differences to be in head characters, notably eye diameter and jawbone, with the smallest diameter and head size among the northernmost populations. Fish from the southern rivers had a deeper body form whereas fish from the middle region had larger heads and pectoral fins. This illustrates that S. salar already in the early parr stage has morphological traits, which can be used in discrimination between regions and populations and that these differences are discernible in spite of the volume of escaped farmed fish spawning in Norwegian rivers during the past 30 years.  相似文献   

There is concern that the progeny resulting from the spawnings of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon may compete with and disrupt native salmon populations. This study compared, both in the hatchery and in the wild, fitness-related traits and examined interactions among farmed, native and hybrid 0+ parr derived from controlled crosses and reared under common conditions. The farmed salmon were seventh-generation fish from the principal commercial strain in Norway and native salmon were from the rivers Imsa and Lone, Norway. In the hatchery, farmed salmon were more aggressive than both native populations and tended to dominate them in pairwise contests. Farmed salmon were also more prone to risk, leaving cover sooner after a simulated predator attack, and had higher growth rates than native fish. Interbreeding between farmed and native fish generally resulted in intermediate expression of the above traits. There was, however, evidence of hybrid vigour in Lone/farmed crosses which were able to dominate both pure Lone and farmed parr in pairwise contests. In the wild, observations of habitat use and diet suggested that the populations compete for territory and food, and both farmed fish and hybrids expressed higher growth rates than native fish. Our results suggest that these innate differences in behaviour and growth, that probably are linked closely to fitness, will threaten native populations through competition and disruption of local adaptations.  相似文献   

Interspecific relationships between Atlantic salmon and coho salmon were studied at early life stages in laboratory and semi-natural stream channels. During emergence, the survival and dispersal patterns were similar for the two species in single or mixed populations. Survival of Atlantic salmon fry was reduced in the presence of older coho fry. However, no predation was observed. Microdistribution differed between the two species, with Atlantic salmon fry more numerous in riffles when coho were present.
Coho juveniles had a pelagic and gregarious distribution, in contrast to the benthic behaviour of the Atlantic salmon. In laboratory streams, Atlantic salmon fry moved out or adopted a subordinate cryptic behaviour which allowed them to escape predation while negatively affecting their growth.  相似文献   

The connection between standard metabolic rate ( R S) and parasite-induced cataract was investigated in this study. Oxygen consumption rate and cataract of 1 year-old fish in three Atlantic salmon Salmo salar stocks: Lake Saimaa, River Neva and River Teno reared at the same fish farm were examined. The measurements were carried out in winter, in spring before transporting the fish to the outside raceways and in autumn after the raceway period. Fish were exposed to natural Diplostomum spp. infection especially during the raceway period. The prevalence of cataract-bearing fish and cataract intensities ( I C) differed between the populations. Most cataract-bearing individuals were found in the Saimaa stock and, in addition, the Saimaa stock had higher I C than Neva and Teno stocks. These findings support the theory of a parasite being most infective to local population. The R S, however, differed also between the stocks, the Teno stock had higher values compared to the Neva stock in winter. Furthermore, R S and cataract intensity had a statistically significant positive correlation in autumn. Therefore, the results also reveal a possibility that parasite infection affects R S of the fish.  相似文献   

The pathology of glochidial infection of the freshwater mussel Margaritifera margaritifera was examined in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in fresh water and for 150 days after transfer of salmon to sea water. Prevalence of infection in fresh water was 95%, mean abundance 134 per fish and mean infection intensity 140. Prevalence in sea water was 80–94% in the first 7 weeks after transfer but glochidia were absent, apart from remains, after 50 days in sea water. Glochidia on salmon in fresh water were associated with localized hyperplasia and fusion of secondary gill lamellae. Focally extensive epithelial hyperplasia and fusion of secondary lamellae were present 4–10 days after transfer to sea water. Twenty-three days after transfer, small nodules with a more discrete appearance were present suggesting partial resolution of tissue response; hyperplastic responses associated with glochidia were much reduced after 50 days. Plasma chloride in infected fish 10 days after transfer was 153 mmol. 1−1, significantly higher than fish without infection, suggesting poorer adaptation to sea water. No mortalities due to glochidial infection in sea water were recorded and there was no significant difference in mean weight between infected and control fish.  相似文献   

Individual space use strategies of wild juvenile Atlantic salmon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Movements of 60 stream-dwelling wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (97–118 mm), each tagged with a passive integrated transponder, were monitored during four trials in an enclosed section (24 m long, 45·1 m2 total area) of a stream at a range of densities (four, eight, 16 and 32 fish per enclosure). Patterns of space use differed markedly between individuals, with 80% of fish establishing home ranges within 8 days of introduction to the enclosure (settlers) and the remainder continuing to move throughout the length of the enclosure (non-settlers). Although aggressive interactions were quite frequent and dominant fish were observed chasing subordinates, there was considerable overlap of home ranges of settlers at all densities; this was the case even at lower densities at which only a fraction of the enclosure was used by the fish. Thus, rather than adopting fixed territories, the salmon showed a high level of space sharing. Individual fish used the same local area in different ways, ranging from highly localized feeding on drifting food items to a wider-ranging strategy of specialising on benthic food. Among the fish that settled absolute growth rates were inversely related to body size, and at high densities fish lost weight. These results suggest that space use in wild juvenile salmon is more complex than a mosaic of territories, that salmon demonstrate significant variability in individual space use patterns, and that large fish may suffer disproportionately when populations are at the carrying capacity of their environment.  相似文献   

Following exposure to a predator stimulus (a brown trout Salmo trutta ), the opercular rate of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry increased by 35·3 ± 11·0%(mean ± 95% CI). The time taken for opercular rate to decline to baseline levels depended upon the occurrence of any associated locomotory activity. Opercular rates of fish that dashed when exposed remained elevated for 38·2 ± 20·6 min, whereas those of individuals that did not move ('freezers') recovered within 7·2 ± 2·9 min. The duration that opercular rate remained elevated was positively correlated with the magnitude of the elevation, which was higher in 'dashers' than freezers. The maximum opercular rate in 'freezers' was similar between wild fry and hatchery‐reared fry (from wild parents). There was a significant delay, however, in hatchery compared with wild fry in the time until peak ventilatory response and onset in the decline phase. This difference in opercular response suggests that hatchery fish were slower to realize fully the potential danger from the predator. Any delay in response could be directly attributed to the effect of hatchery‐rearing environment, rather than domestication or hatchery selection effects.  相似文献   

Understanding whether populations can adapt to new environmental conditions is a major issue in conservation and evolutionary biology. Aquatic organisms are increasingly exposed to environmental changes linked with human activities in river catchments. For instance, the clogging of bottom substratum by fine sediments is observed in many rivers and usually leads to a decrease in dissolved oxygen concentrations in gravel beds. Such hypoxic stress can alter the development and even be lethal for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) embryos that spend their early life into gravel beds. In this study, we used a common garden experiment to compare the responses to hypoxic stress of four genetically differentiated and environmentally contrasted populations. We used factorial crossing designs to measure additive genetic variation of early life‐history traits in each population. Embryos were reared under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, and we measured their survival, incubation time and length at the end of embryonic development. Under hypoxic conditions, embryos had a lower survival and hatched later than in normoxic conditions. We found different hypoxia reaction norms among populations, but almost no population effect in both treatments. We also detected significant sire × treatment interactions in most populations and a tendency for heritability values to be lower under stressful conditions. Overall, these results reveal a high degree of phenotypic plasticity in salmon populations that nevertheless differ in their adaptive potential to hypoxia given the distinct reaction norms observed between and within populations.  相似文献   

Excavation of stranded redds revealed differences in spawning behaviour between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. The redd of a farmed fish contained more egg pockets (nine v . average of two) and fewer eggs per pocket (averages: 459 v . 707). No other pocket measures differed.  相似文献   

At low population densities, both hatchery- and wild-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , which were progeny of a common genetic stock, occupied sub-gravel shelters alone. However, at high population densities, hatchery-reared fish occurred within shelters in significantly higher numbers than wild-reared fish. There was a significant effect of time after introduction to the experimental arenas on the proportion of hatchery-reared fish sheltering. These results show that rearing environment influences the behaviour of Atlantic salmon parr during winter and may also affect the carrying capacity of their environment.  相似文献   

In the conditional strategy model, divergence in reproductive phenotypes depends on whether the individual's condition is above or below a genetically determined threshold. The relative contribution of the genetic and environmental components that lead to the expression of a reproductive tactic by an individual is not well understood. In the present field study, we determined when condition diverged between males that develop the mature parr phenotype and those that do not in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). We also investigated the uniformity of the threshold value in the population. We sampled mature parr and immature males at age one, of the same population at six different sites for four consecutive years. Our study provides an example of the interaction of genotype and environment on the expression of a reproductive tactic. Size was significantly greater for future mature parr than for future immature males as early as 20 days after hatching (emergence), suggesting that there may be a parental effect component in the tactic adopted, since no exogenous feeding takes place before this time. Size advantage at emergence was maintained through the next spring at age one to different degrees depending on the year, thus suggesting the presence of an environmental component of tactic expression. Our results support the contention that within the conditional strategy, the environment faced by a male and his condition at the moment of reproduction consistently predicts neither the environment faced by his offspring nor the fitness they will obtain by expressing the same tactic as their father. Furthermore, higher mean size at a site did not always translate into a higher proportion of mature parr, therefore supporting the hypothesis that thresholds vary across habitats within the same population.  相似文献   

The relationship between the width of the first vertebra ( WV ) and the fork length ( LF ) of Atlantic salmon differs between parr and smolts. The previous use of the first vertebra to reconstruct the diets of predators from the bone remains of ingested prey will have underestimated the size of smolts and probably also their frequency of occurrence in the diet. Using the ratio WV:LF provides potential for differentiating between intact parr, smolts and pre-smolts in the diet.  相似文献   

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