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荷兰鸢尾引种栽培试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文观察荷兰鸢尾在福州地区引种栽培的适应情况,并分析种球大小对开花的影响。结果表明,荷兰鸢尾能很好地适应福州地区露地栽培,生长发育正常,种球繁殖率平均达5.6倍;种球的质量(g)与周径(cm)比值(X)的大小对开花影响甚大。用作切花的商品球以X ≥ 2为宜。  相似文献   

本文总结晚香玉引种与切花栽培技术.晚香玉在福建福州地区露地栽培,表现为适应性强、生长发育良好,基本无病虫害;切花瓶插寿命约15d;种球繁殖率6~10倍;种球经低温冷藏结合设施栽培,可周年开花.同时介绍了晚香玉不同栽培品种的开花特征.  相似文献   

姜荷花原产于泰国,花型似莲也像郁金,被称为热带郁金,是长江流域夏季很好的花镜植物,也是盆栽和切花市场的新宠。姜荷花引进中国已经有10多年的历史,本研究从资源收集与育种、生产扩繁、生理及分子机理等几个方面综述了姜荷花的研究进展,分析了姜荷花产业尚存在问题及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

姜荷花(Curcuma alismatifolia)为姜科姜黄属植物,因其原产于热带地区,外形似郁金 香,又被称为热带郁金香。姜荷花以其优美的花姿、艳丽的色彩和良好的瓶插性成为近年来 倍受关注的鲜切花新种类,目前在泰国和我国台湾等地区已有规模种植。姜荷花为多年生草本植物,具近球形块茎,须根膨大成肉质球形,常作为球根花卉来栽培 。其植株高约80cm,叶基生,披针形,长40—60cm,宽4—6cm,革质亮绿色,基部收狭互相套叠成假茎;其穗状花序椭圆形,长约15cm,从叶鞘中抽出,花序梗长60—80cm,粗0.4—0.6cm,直立坚硬;我们所观赏的花实际上…  相似文献   

本文对从荷兰引进的五个杂交小苍兰品种在福州地区露地栽培的适应性进行了探讨。6年的观察结果表明,杂交小苍兰较适应福州的自然气候条件,表现为生长发育良好,观赏性状稳定;球茎繁殖率高且稳定,没有明显退化;病虫害较轻;个体发育周期短,小球茎及种子播种均能一年开花。笔者认为,福州可以作为小苍兰的种球生产及育种研究基地。  相似文献   

唐菖蒲(Gladiolus hybridus Hort.),属鸢尾科多年生球茎花卉,是我国南方和北方布置花坛的主要花卉,又是切花的良好材料。由于是以球茎繁殖,产量较低,冬季难贮藏,故影响良种推广速度。为了加速繁殖,我们用离体方法培养了唐菖蒲的叶片和花轴,诱导出小植株,并且移栽成活。这样就可以用组织培养的小苗代替种球,不仅节省成本,而且可以加速引种和良种推广。  相似文献   

在采用的温度2、7、12和18℃中,随着贮藏温度升高和时间的延长,食用百合种球腐烂程度加重。2℃处理130d对种球质量无明显影响。随着种球贮藏时间延长,鳞茎产量递增。但贮藏时间过长,影响植株生长。兰州百合于2℃下贮藏的鳞茎产量高于7℃下贮藏的,12℃下贮藏的种球种植后不萌发;龙牙百合以7℃下贮藏的产量为最高,2℃下的次之;宜兴百合以2℃下贮藏的产量为最高,12℃下为最低。兰州百合和宜兴百合适合于2℃下贮藏,龙牙百合的最佳贮藏温度为7℃。  相似文献   

荷花反季节栽培技术试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在可调控温湿度的薄膜温室大棚内,采用‘冬花红’(冬荷)、‘蝶恋花’、‘香雪海’3个荷花品种进行反季节栽培试验,摸索出一套适合东莞地区的荷花反季节栽培技术,并于12月初成功培育出盛开的荷花,实现夏荷冬开、延长荷花观赏期的目的。  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)喷洒对7种彩色马蹄莲种球出芽及不同栽培基质对其生长的影响。结果表明:7种彩色马蹄莲种球经0~1200mg·L-1GA3喷洒后,其出芽率随处理浓度的增大呈先升后降趋势,各品种于1000mg·L-1GA3处理下达最高出芽率,且显著高于对照(P<0.05);三种基质配比试验中,7种彩色马蹄莲株高、球茎重量、开花期、花梗长度及佛焰苞口径等几个指标均在基质2中的表现相对好于基质1和基质3;09和16号品种适宜盆栽,08、21、33、37、47号品种适宜切花或盆栽。  相似文献   

微生物有机肥及杀菌剂对切花菊连作障碍的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由切花菊‘优香’长期连作导致的枯萎病不仅严重降低了切花菊的品质及产量,而且致使土壤酶活性降低,土壤微生物种群失调.本文采用大田试验,比较研究了切花菊‘优香’连作土壤中分别施用杀菌剂多菌灵(MBC)、添加有拮抗微生物的有机肥(BOF)及二者的联合施用(MBC+BOF)对切花菊‘优香’品质及土壤酶活性的影响.结果表明: 单独施用微生物有机肥(BOF)或多菌灵(MBC)均能有效防控切花菊连作枯萎病的发生;微生物有机肥(BOF)在增强切花菊‘优香’的根系活力、提高切花菊的主要品质(株高、茎粗、叶绿素含量、舌状花数、植株鲜质量)及切花菊土壤酶活性方面效果显著高于多菌灵(MBC);多菌灵对土壤酶活性有一定抑制作用;二者联合处理(MBC+BOF) 对提高切花菊主要品质及土壤酶活性的综合效果最佳.  相似文献   

依据姜黄属(Curcuma)花卉育种目标,对16份姜黄属植物的11个数量性状及7个质量性状进行因子和聚类分析评价。结果表明,姜黄属植物表型性状复杂多变,供试材料数量性状变异系数介于26.70%~95.44%,叶片主脉绿色,上苞片藕粉或玫红色,晕斑绿色,唇瓣紫色和旗瓣白色为姜黄属典型表型性状。主成分分析表明,9个重要观赏性状归于3个主成分中。根据表型性状各主成分进行聚类分析,供试16份种质被分为三大类群,第Ⅰ类群11个品种均为姜荷花(Curcuma alismatifolia),其中‘清迈粉’的上苞片面积最大,观赏性最突出,但株型偏小。第Ⅱ类群4个品种,花型花色极具特色,株型更大,抗性强,以所罗门姜黄(C. soloensis)表现最优。第Ⅲ类群的女皇郁金(C. petiolata)生长势最为强健。在三个类群之间开展杂交育种有望获得兼具观赏性和生长势的后代。  相似文献   

姜荷花炭疽病病原菌分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规组织分离法对姜荷花炭疽病病原菌进行了分离,并对分离菌株进行培养、纯化、回接和重新分离,最后利用形态学和分子生物学技术对致病菌株进行了鉴定.结果表明:从感病叶片中分离得到6株病原菌,病原菌室外回接发现只有菌株Cum-3致病,Cum-3室外回接致病率96.7%,室内回接致病率100%.形态学鉴定,Cum-3为镰孢酶...  相似文献   

Malvidin 3-rutinoside was the only anthocyanin identified from pink bracts of Curcuma alismatifolia cultivars. The concentration of malvidin 3-rutinoside in three cultivars increased as the intensity of the pink color in the bracts increased.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同R/FR值对温室切花菊发育进程和品质的影响,以切花菊品种‘神马’(Chrysanthemum morifoliumcv.‘Jingba’)为试材,设计不同红光(R:660nm!10nm)与远红光(FR:730nm!10nm)比值(R/FR)为0.5、2.5、4.5、6.5的LED灯照射处理试验,以自然光为对照(CK),观测不同处理的菊花发育阶段和品质指标。结果表明:与CK相比,R/FR=2.5处理显著加快菊花的发育进程(P<0.05),R/FR=2.5处理下短日照处理到现蕾、现蕾到破蕾及破蕾到收获3个发育阶段分别比CK提前4d、8d和5d,R/FR=0.5处理发育速度最慢,3个阶段分别比CK晚4d、2d和2d;不同R/FR值处理下菊花株高、单株叶龄、单株叶面积、茎粗、花径和花梗长度均随温光效应的增加呈增加的趋势,并在R/FR=2.5时取得最大值;收获时切花菊达到A级和B级产品等级的比例分别以R/FR=2.5和4.5处理最高。本研究发现,R/FR为2.5能够显著促进菊花发育进程和提高菊花的外观品质和A级切花的比例。  相似文献   

Bud abortion in tulip bulbs studied by magnetic resonance imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After storage and subsequent planting of flower bulbs, the flower bud frequently appears to be aborted. This physiological aberration is probably caused by a change in the water status of the bulb and may be initiated during storage. The development of bud abortion in tulip bulbs was studied during long-term dry storage of the bulbs at 5 degrees C. The anatomy of individual tulip bulbs was followed non-invasively with T2-weighted NMR imaging, which allowed the monitoring of the growth of the shoot and daughter bulbs. Quantitative maps of T1 and T2 relaxation times of individual bulbs were used to assess regional changes in the water status of different tissues. Parallel to the NMR measurements, bulbs were planted to assess the ultimate flower quality. Moreover, water content, osmolality of tissue sap and ion leakage of excised shoot and scale tissues were determined to obtain information about the water status and viability of the bulbs. Significant decreases during long-term storage were found in T1 and T2 relaxation times in the shoot and particularly in the stamens. An increase in the osmolality of tissue sap and the decrease in relaxation times in the shoot below a certain threshold value attained after 24 weeks of storage, could be indicative for the emergence of bud abortion in tulips.  相似文献   

Cut spikes of sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus L.) were kept in 2% sucrose, 200 ppm 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate (8-HQS), pulsing treatment with 200 ppm 8-HQS in combination with 2% sucrose for 12 h, pulsing the spikes with 0.2 mM silver thiosulfate (STS) for 1 h and pulsing with 0.2 mM STS for 1 h followed by 2% sucrose solution. Therefore, this study aimed to see their effects on keeping quality and vase-life of the cut flowers. A control (deionized water) and a standard preservative were also included in the experiment. The results showed that all treatments had improved the keeping quality and vase-life of the cut flowers comparing to control ones. Among all these treatments, the 8-HQS combined with 2% sucrose showed the best water uptake, water balance, percentage of maximum increase in fresh weight of the cut flower stems and vase-life which was extended up to 17 days. Moreover, this keeping solution retarded the chlorophyll as well as carbohydrate degradation. However, anthocyanin concentrations were increased by treatments with sucrose alone or STS followed by sucrose during the postharvest life. It has been concluded that 200 ppm 8-HQS combined with 2% sucrose solution has the potential to be used as a commercial cut flower preservative solution to delay flower senescence, enhance post harvest quality and prolong the vase-life of sweet pea cut flowers.  相似文献   

In the extreme south-west of England Narcissus tazetta grown for the outdoor flower crop is regularly attacked by narcissus fire ( Sclerotinia polyblastis ). A randomized strip experiment on the variety Soleil d'Or laid down in 1937, in which half the plots were sprayed each season, gave data on the effect of controlling this disease on the number and quality of flowers produced in 1939, 1940 and 1941, and on the weight and grade of bulbs lifted in 1941.
There was an average increase of 26 % in the number of flowers produced on sprayed plots, and a 35% increase in weight of bulbs. There was no evidence of a cumulative improvement because most of the gain in one year appears to have been immediately expended in increased flowers in the following season, but the sprayed plots maintained a higher general level throughout. The quality was improved by spraying, mainly by the addition to the inflorescence of an average of one extra 'bell'. Although not cumulative, there was a residual effect shown by the increased yield of bulbs in 1041 after a season in which only one post-flowering spray had been applied.
The effect of treatment on the date of flowering (anthesis) was negligible and its direction depended on the season. In this respect Soleil d'Or differs from Golden Spur, in which spraying induced the marked retardation of flowering noted in 1938 and 1939.  相似文献   

Nisar M  Ghafoor A  Khan MR 《Genetika》2011,47(1):25-31
A total of 286 genotypes were collected from 39 countries of the world and were evaluated to determine the phenotypic diversity for 17 quantitative traits. Higher degree of coefficient of variation were recorded for grain yield(-5) (52.46%), biomass(-5) (45.73%), fresh pod width(-10) (47.24%), dry pod weight(-1) (40.33%), plant height(-1) (35.25%), harvest index (32.70%) and number of branches(-5). Cluster-II clearly reflected that late genotypes were having lightest pods weight, shortest pod width, and pod length; low grain yield, biomass and harvest index. While genotypes in Cluster-III were in contrast to Cluster-II having heaviest pods weight, longest pods width and length, highest grain yield, biomass and harvest index. Higher PC(-1) values have been determined for days to flower initiation which consequently were contributing weighed positive to days to pods picking, days to flower completion, days to dry pod appearance, days to plant harvesting while negatively contributed to yield producing traits, indicating that late flowering pea germplasm emphasizes more on the vegetative growth and was low yielding. However, higher PC(-2) values have been obtained for number of branches(-5), grain yield and biomass while lower values for days to flowering, days to pods picking, days to flower completion, days to dry pod appearance and days to plant harvesting confirming the fact that early genotypes were high yielding.  相似文献   

昼间亚高温对日光温室番茄生长发育、产量及品质的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
张洁  李天来  徐晶 《应用生态学报》2005,16(6):1051-1055
针对日光温室番茄生产中常出现的昼间温度偏高而带来的危害,以昼间适宜温度25℃为对照,在番茄第1花序开花后对其进行昼间30和35℃的温度处理,研究昼间亚高温对番茄生长发育、产量及品质的影响.结果表明,与25℃适宜昼温相比,在3d短期35℃昼间亚高温处理下,番茄植株相对生长速率极显著提高,但在7d以上长期35℃昼间亚高温处理下,番茄植株徒长,叶片变薄,并出现早衰现象;同时经35℃亚高温处理,番茄果实前期发育加快,成熟期提前,但果实空洞现象增加,糖酸比下降,平均单果重下降,总产量显著降低,第3花序各处理间差异最明显,第2花序次之.昼间30℃温度处理的结果介于昼间25和35℃处理之间,说明番茄植株长期生长在被认为是其生长发育适宜温度上限的35℃条件下,也会严重影响其正常生长发育,而且从花芽分化到果实成熟亚高温持续时间越长,番茄果实产量越低,品质越差.  相似文献   

The explanation for the maintenance of the quality of flowerclusters in Phalaenopsis for up to four weeks or more was determined.The concentration of sugars and organic acids and the dailycourse of CO2 exchange in the florets, the flower stalk andthe leaves of intact and cut flower clusters were determined.The concentration of sugars in florets of the cut flower clustersdecreased progressively and linearly to 25% of the initial value.The concentration of organic acids in the flower stalk of theintact flower cluster increased progressivly, whereas the concentrationof malic acid in the flower stalk of the cut cluster decreased.The levels of sugars and organic acids in leaves in the absenceof a flower cluster was higher than those in leaves in the pressenceof a cluster. The leaves and the flower cluster were relatedas source and sink organ, respectively. The level of sugarsin the flower cluster remained high level for a long periodof time. The results indicate that the stalk'is capable of photosynthesisand has the characteristics of weak-CAM plants. The photosynthateproduced by the stalk served to maintain the quality of thecut flower cluster for at least for 50 days and that of theintact flower cluster. (Received August 22, 1991; Accepted September 30, 1991)  相似文献   

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