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This study, based on three years of mating behavior observations and 10 years of birth records, reveals that Sichuan golden monkeys in captivity displayed a marked seasonality of mating behavior and births. The peak of matings occurred around October, and births occurred in March-June. The birth peak followed the mating peak by six to seven months. This seasonal cycle of matings and births was similar to observations made in the wild, where both temperature and food resources were favorable in spring. The time delay between peaks of matings and births was the approximate length of gestation, which implies that mating behavior was concentrated during the period of conception. We suggest that the peak of births in captive Sichuan golden monkeys occurred during the time of year with the most favorable environmental conditions, and the peak of matings corresponded with the period of conception.  相似文献   

Birth seasonality in wild neotropical primates has been suggested to increase with latitude as a response to a stronger divergence in high-quality food availability across the year, and a higher between-year predictability at higher latitudes related to temporal differences in photoperiod. In captivity, however, monkeys are fed foods of similar quality throughout the year, and this consistency of diet should have a releasing effect on the need for birth seasonality. In this paper, we test whether 1) brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) breed seasonally in captivity, and 2) given the consistency of diet in this setting, differences in latitude are reflected in the temporal pattern of birth distribution across the year. Data on the distribution of birth records of C. apella at Brazilian zoos located within three latitudinal zones (Equator perpendicular 8 degrees S, 16 degrees perpendicular 24 degrees S, and 24 degrees perpendicular 32 degrees S) are compared. Captive C. apella showed a birth peak from October to February, despite the consistent provision of food in this setting. In addition, there were no differences in the pattern of birth distribution among the latitudinal zones, which lends no support to the prediction that captive C. apella birth seasonality would increase with latitude. We suggest that if this species is not sensitive to subtle differences in photoperiod, other environmental cues may trigger the onset of reproduction at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Introduction: Although the seasonality of human births has been known for nearly 175 years, it has not been adequately explained. Societal and environmental reasons have often been cited as the reasons for seasonality. Since increased light is known to initiate reproduction in many animals, photoperiod, light intensity and melatonin are likely variables related to this phenomenon. This retrospective study demonstrates a logical connection between these factors and human conceptions. Methodology: Seasonality data were extracted from previous studies. Daily cloud cover amounts were utilized as indices for environmental light intensity. Variables were evaluated by Pearsonian r. Discussion: Results were evaluated and discussed in a series of 11 sub-studies involving environmental light intensity and the seasonality of human births. Conclusion: Human birth seasonality may be primarily influenced by environmental light intensity with photoperiod in a secondary role. This result is supported by significant r-values for US and Europe, a logical link between US, Canadian, Indian, European, and Hong Kong conceptions as well as the concurrent transition of conceptions and cloud cover. Israeli conceptions, however, contradict US and European patterns.  相似文献   

Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) inhabit one of the harshest habitats by any nonhuman primate. Reliable predictive cues to initiate reproduction may be particularly critical for R. bieti because they inhabit such seasonally energetically challenging environments. To better understand the seasonal distribution of and predictive cues to reproduction, we collected breeding and birth data in a population of R. bieti at Mt. Lasha in Yunling Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China, from January 2008 to May 2010, using a combination of 10-min instantaneous scans and ad libitum observations. We examined variations in temperature, rainfall, and food availability, as well as photoperiod differences between Mt. Lasha and the more northerly Xiaochangdu to identify environmental influences on the timing of reproductive events. Our data show the area exhibited distinct seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, temperature, and food availability. Mating occurred year-round, but peaked in August, coinciding with the end of the period of highest temperatures and food availability, and during the peak rainfall. Copulation frequency peaked 1 month after corresponding peaks in staple foods, rainfall, and minimum temperatures, and 3-4 months after peaks in high-quality foods. Births were significantly seasonal, with a birth peak from mid-February to early April, and a mean birth date of 14 March. Eleven births occurred in 41 days in 2009, and 16 births occurred in 52 days in 2010. Births occurred during periods of increasing temperatures and food availability. Our findings are suggestive of at least one environmental control of conception timing, and support the notion that food availability during key reproductive stages is an ultimate factor for birth seasonality, but provide no supporting evidence for photoperiod during the conception season as a proximate cue to reproduction in R. bieti.  相似文献   

Thirty-five live births were recorded over a 5-year period from three subspecies of the mitis (Sykes and blue) monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) maintained outdoors in single-male harem breeding groups. There was no indication of birth seasonality. Females of one subspecies, C. m. kolbi, were individually caged, and basic reproductive parameters were monitored. A menstrual cycle length of 31.9 ± 6.0 days was recorded, and there were a large number of irregular cycles. Within individuals, mean progesterone and estrogen concentrations during the luteal phase of the cycle ranged from 5.5 to 10.7 nmol/liter and from 542 to 829 pmol/liter, respectively. Attempts at timed matings were unsuccessful. It is concluded that the mitis monkey is slow to adapt reproductively to captivity and is, therefore, not especially well-suited for routine reproductive studies. However, it may prove valuable to elucidate some of the more complex factors controlling guenon reproduction.  相似文献   

The night monkeys (Aotus azarai) of Formosa, Argentina provide an opportunity to investigate the influences of ambient temperature and photoperiod on reproduction in a highly seasonal environment: the Chaco. Between 1997 and 2000, we collected data to evaluate the relationship between rainfall, ambient temperature, photoperiod and food availability and the annual distribution of mating behavior and births in 15 groups of monkeys in the forests of the Eastern Argentinean Chaco. Our data show that the area is highly seasonal, characterized by significant fluctuations in rainfall, temperature, photoperiod and food availability. There are two rain peaks in April and November and a dry season lasting from June to August. Monthly mean temperatures were on average 11°C lower during winter months than they were during summer months. Temperatures <10°C and >33°C were also frequent through the year. Days are 3 h longer during the summer than during the winter months. Insect abundance and the percentage of tree species producing fruits, flowers or new leaves reached a low in the coldest winter months. Mating was infrequent, and we only observed it between May and September. Half the births (n = 13) occurred during a 2-week period in October. Infant survival during the first 6 mo of life was high (96%). Our findings suggest an environmental control of reproduction. Changes in photoperiod and temperature may promote reproductive activity in females that might conceive and begin pregnancy at a time void of high temperatures that could be metabolically challenging.  相似文献   

Adult male flying foxes Pteropus poliocephalus and P. scapulatus were captured in south-east Queensland and kept in outdoor enclosures. Testicular size (TS), plasma testosterone concentrations (PTC) and body weight (BW) were measured over 1-year periods. Testicular recrudescence in P. poliocephalus began before the summer solstice and TS was greatest during mid-March (autumn) and lowest from July to September. Large increases in PTC were observed in all individuals approximately 1 month after the peak in TS. BW also increased around the time of the mating season, changes being correlated significantly with changes in TS. Mating occurred between April and June, and births from late October to late November. In P. scapulatus, TS was greatest in the spring (October) and least in the autumn (February to May); PTC fluctuated throughout the year in this species but, unlike P. poliocephalus, did not show a single large increase in the mating season. BW showed a similar seasonal pattern to that seen in P. poliocephalus, being greatest at the time of greatest TS. Mating occurred in October to November, and births in autumn. In captivity, in outdoor enclosures, these species maintained the seasonal reproductive patterns observed in the wild. The 2 species respond differently to the same environmental cues in terms of regulation of the timing of their breeding seasons.  相似文献   

Seasonal breeding in primates is related to the degree of environmental seasonality, particularly the availability and predictability of food. Southeast Asian species in general show moderate birth seasonality due to either low environmental seasonality or unpredictable fluctuations of mast-fruiting food resources. One Southeast Asian primate, the simakobu (Simias concolor), however, has been reported to be a strict seasonal breeder with births occurring in June and July only. It is unclear whether these observations are characteristic of the species or result from a sampling bias. To address this question, we documented the annual distribution of 11 births in eight groups of simakobu over two consecutive years at Pungut, an undisturbed site on Siberut Island, Indonesia. We assessed annual variation in ecology and reproduction via rainfall, temperature, food availability, feeding time, physical condition, conceptions, and births. Mean monthly temperature was nearly constant (26.3–27.1?°C), and monthly precipitation always high (219–432?mm). Although simakobu foods were abundant year-round, there were two fruit-feeding peaks in June and September. In contrast to previous reports, we documented births in 7?mo. Most births occurred in October (45?%), the wettest month of the year, and most conceptions in March and April, following a peak in unripe fruit availability. Although sample sizes are very small, females seemed to conceive when their physical condition was best, suggesting that simakobu time conceptions flexibly to the recovery of energy reserves. Across study sites, births occurred in 10 calendar months, indicating that simakobu reproduction is not strictly seasonal.  相似文献   

The role of photoperiod as an environmental factor controlling reproduction, particularly the duration and ending of the breeding season, in the barbel was investigated by tank experiments. The experiments used a population of barbel matured in captivity which were stripped of eggs at frequent intervals: 10–15 'spawnings'for each female were obtained at 15-day intervals.
A decreasing photoperiod (16·5 light: 7·5 dark→8L: 16D), for an annual cycle contracted to 6 months duration, inhibited the spawning of both female and male fish. This allowed two periods of reproduction (February-May and September-November) within one year. Under natural or constant (10L: 14D) photoperiod conditions, spawning came to an end spontaneously. The rate (accelerated, slow or natural) of daylength increase did not affect the onset of spawning.  相似文献   

Causality for the seasonality of human births, which affects populations wordwide, has been a profound mystery for nearly two centuries. Most explanations for seasonality fail because of inconsistent global application. In two previous studies, Cummings (2002, 2003) hypothesized that human reproduction has been responsive to changes in both seasonal environmental light intensity (surface luminosity) and photoperiod. Except at higher latitudes, photoperiod is of secondary importance to that of environmental light intensity. Because of a lack of data, the presence or lack of cloud cover is used as a general proxy for environmental light intensity. These studies show a positive correlation between conceptual seasonality and cloud cover on a worldwide basis, and propose that there is a delay between exposure to increased light and the onset of conceptions. This delay is three months at higher latitudes and one to two months for lower latitudes. Both studies suggest that an excellent means of hypothesis confirmation would be to provide one or more examples of how a seasonal change in cloud cover might alter the number of conceptions in subsequent months. The present study tests this hypothesis. The percentage of possible sunshine and averaged sunshine hours are used to investigate their influence on seasonality of births in Germany and the Netherlands. The evidence shows that a seasonal change in environmental light intensity preceded a change in the peak months for conceptions in Germany and the Netherlands. Although secondary influences are possible, the primary reason for this transition in peak conceptual months seems to be related to the seasonal changes in environmental light intensity for both countries. Although this transitional relationship was predicted in Cummings (2002, 2003), further research is required, especially with regard to more precise measurements of environmental light intensity and its physiological effect on the human endocrine system.  相似文献   

Data on mating and birth seasonality were recorded in wild black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) at Xiaochangdu in the Honglaxueshan National Nature Reserve, Tibet. This represents one of the harshest habitats utilized by any nonhuman primate. Variation in food availability, temperature, and photoperiod were examined to identify ecological influences on the timing of reproductive events. Mating was observed to occur mostly between July and October and to coincide with peak food availability and temperature, while births occurred between February and mid-March, the end of the period of lowest food availability. This pattern may be an adjustment to the extreme environmental conditions characteristic of this field site.  相似文献   

Many ruminant species show seasonal patterns of reproduction. Causes for this are widely debated, and include adaptations to seasonal availability of resources (with cues either from body condition in more tropical, or from photoperiodism in higher latitude habitats) and/or defence strategies against predators. Conclusions so far are limited to datasets with less than 30 species. Here, we use a dataset on 110 wild ruminant species kept in captivity in temperate‐zone zoos to describe their reproductive patterns quantitatively [determining the birth peak breadth (BPB) as the number of days in which 80% of all births occur]; then we link this pattern to various biological characteristics [latitude of origin, mother‐young‐relationship (hider/follower), proportion of grass in the natural diet (grazer/browser), sexual size dimorphism/mating system], and compare it with reports for free‐ranging animals. When comparing taxonomic subgroups, variance in BPB is highly correlated to the minimum, but not the maximum BPB, suggesting that a high BPB (i.e. an aseasonal reproductive pattern) is the plesiomorphic character in ruminants. Globally, latitude of natural origin is highly correlated to the BPB observed in captivity, supporting an overruling impact of photoperiodism on ruminant reproduction. Feeding type has no additional influence; the hider/follower dichotomy, associated with the anti‐predator strategy of ‘swamping’, has additional influence in the subset of African species only. Sexual size dimorphism and mating system are marginally associated with the BPB, potentially indicating a facilitation of polygamy under seasonal conditions. The difference in the calculated Julian date of conception between captive populations and that reported for free‐ranging ones corresponds to the one expected if absolute day length was the main trigger in highly seasonal species: calculated day length at the time of conception between free‐ranging and captive populations followed a y = x relationship. Only 11 species (all originating from lower latitudes) were considered to change their reproductive pattern distinctively between the wild and captivity, with 10 becoming less seasonal (but not aseasonal) in human care, indicating that seasonality observed in the wild was partly resource‐associated. Only one species (Antidorcas marsupialis) became more seasonal in captivity, presumably because resource availability in the wild overrules the innate photoperiodic response. Reproductive seasonality explains additional variance in the body mass–gestation period relationship, with more seasonal species having shorter gestation periods for their body size. We conclude that photoperiodism, and in particular absolute day length, are genetically fixed triggers for reproduction that may be malleable to some extent by body condition, and that plasticity in gestation length is an important facilitator that may partly explain the success of ruminant radiation to high latitudes. Evidence for an anti‐predator strategy involving seasonal reproduction is limited to African species. Reproductive seasonality following rainfall patterns may not be an adaptation to give birth in periods of high resource availability but an adaptation to allow conception only at times of good body condition.  相似文献   

We gathered data over a 3-year period (1988–1990) on two free-ranging, island populations of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)to test hypotheses concerning birth seasonal asynchrony and the relationship between climate and reproductive seasonality. Rhesus macaques from Kashmir, India, were translocated to Key Lois in 1973 and from Key Lois to Raccoon Key in 1978. Both sites are low-lying mangrove islands in the Florida Keys. Floral diversity and abundance are greater on Raccoon Key than on Key Lois. Average maximal and minimal temperatures per month did not vary significantly between Raccoon Key and Key Lois over the 3-year period. Average minimal temperatures per month on Key Lois, but not Raccoon Key, varied significantly between years. There were no significant variations in either the amount or the dates of rainfall over the 3-year period for the study area. A combined total of 1524 births was recorded for Raccoon Key (N = 879) and Key Lois (N =645). The birth season on Raccoon Key began 6 weeks earlier than on Key Lois. Births were associated with warmer, rainier months on both islands. Conceptions were associated with cooler, drier months at both study sites. No significant correlations were found between the date of the onset of the summer rains and either median conception or median birth dates on Raccoon Key or Key Lois. Our results do not substantiate the hypothesis that the onset of rainfall, within the temporal period set by photoperiod, regulates seasonal reproduction in rhesus macaques. We suggest that reproductive seasonality in the study populations may be influenced by a variety of factors.  相似文献   

Seven female Black howler monkeys, Alouatta caraya, from both wild- and captive-born origins have reproduced at Riverbanks Zoological Park. Three of the five wild-born females arrived as juveniles and grew to maturity; the other two were already mature upon arrival and reproduced shortly therafter. Two females which were born within the park's collection have since reached maturity and also reproduced. The interval between the first and second young of wild-born howlers is longer than between subsequent birth intervals. Subsequent young are also more precocious than their preceding siblings. In at least one case, a socially inferior female did not reproduce until placed within a different troop situation which elevated her social status. Females born in captivity conceived when 42 and 35 months old, the former situation being linked to low social status. Young born to females housed under both seasonal and regulated conditions of photoperiod demonstrated no difference in breeding intervals and seasonality of birth does not appear to be a factor in howler monkey reproduction.  相似文献   

Some environmental variables determining seasonal reproduction in mammals are temperature, humidity, food availability, and photoperiod. Among these, photoperiod is considered the main regulator of primates’ seasonal reproduction, thus the latitudinal distribution of primate populations is a key factor determining the appearance of seasonal reproduction. The present work presents supporting discrete seasonality in male stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides). We investigated whether semen quality and testosterone covaried with Mexico City’s photoperiod and relative humidity by analyzing variations in the portions that form the ejaculate: the seminal liquid, the seminal coagulum, and the copulatory plug. Five male adult stump-tailed macaques were electroejaculated once a month, obtaining three semen samples per male, from August 2011 to July 2012 (except for December 2011) (n = 165). Our results showed that stump-tailed macaque sperm counts were significantly different between the portions of the ejaculate. The seminal coagulum contained the significantly largest number of spermatozoids, followed by the copulatory plug and the seminal fluid. Photoperiod and relative humidity had major influence on the sperm count in the seminal coagulum and the testosterone concentrations. Testosterone reached its highest values around the time when days and nights lasted the same hours, decreasing when days either grew longer or became shorter. Concerning relative humidity, sperm counts in the seminal coagulum were highly variable on dry days, but decreased as the relative humidity increased. We conclude that stump-tailed macaques have a discrete seasonality, occurring in spring and fall when macaques’ reproductive condition and readiness for postcopulatory intrasexual competition increase.  相似文献   

Photoperiodism in humans and other primates: evidence and implications   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Most of the anatomical and molecular substrates of the system that encodes changes in photoperiod in the duration of melatonin secretion, and the receptor molecules that read this signal, have been shown to be conserved in monkeys and humans, and the functions of this system appear to be intact from the level of the retina to the level of the melatonin-duration signal of change of season. While photoperiodic seasonal breeding has been shown to occur in monkeys, it remains unclear whether photoperiod and mediation of photoperiod's effects by melatonin influence human reproduction. Epidemiological evidence suggests that inhibition of fertility by heat in men in summer contributes to seasonal variation in human reproduction at lower latitudes and that stimulation of fertility by lengthening of the photoperiod in spring contributes to the variation at higher latitudes. Parallels between the seasonality of human reproduction and seasonal affective disorder suggest that they may be governed by common biological processes. Historical and experimental evidence indicates that human responses to seasonal changes in the natural photoperiod may have been more robust prior to the Industrial Revolution and that subsequently they have been increasingly suppressed by alterations of the physical environment.  相似文献   

Fecundity in female primates is influenced by the nutritional condition. If when translocated howler monkeys exhibit the same breeding patterns as non-translocated members of the same genus, it is an indication that the translocated monkeys have become well adapted to their release site and that they are likely in good nutritional condition. The objective of this study was therefore to investigate this pattern by recording copulations (over 5 years) and births (over 7 years) after the translocation of a pair of black-and-gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) and to evaluate their gestation period, seasonality of births, and intervals between births. The pair was released in November 2009 on the campus of the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data on copulations were collected from January 2010 to March 2011 and from January 2012 to December 2014. Births were collected from January 2010 to December 2016. During the 5-year observation period, 25 copulations were recorded. Seven births were recorded over a period of 7 years, which included reproduction of the offspring of the translocated pair. Births occurred in the dry season between April and August. The interval between births was approximately 1 year. Our data provide insight into the reproduction of howler monkeys that have been translocated to a new habitat. Translocation can provide a valuable approach for rescuing or restoring Alouatta, whose populations have been detrimentally impacted by long-term habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

于2013年3—10月在四川马尔康麝场开展,记录了178例驯养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的分娩,分析了其分娩定时、同步化及关键影响因素。结果表明,马尔康麝场的驯养林麝分娩发生于5—7月间,分娩期长达66d,平均分娩时间为5月25日(17.60±0.98,n=178),分娩季节(75%的分娩完成时间)长22d(即5月7日至5月28日间)。马尔康林麝分娩的强季节性是对当地季节性水热条件和食物资源的适应。驯养林麝的分娩时间与其年龄的相关不显著(r=-0.121,P=0.1060.05),虽亚成体雌麝(2—3岁)的分娩时间(5月26日,18.81±1.47,n=75)有迟于成体麝((4—9岁)(5月24日,16.97±1.41,n=95)和老龄雌麝(≥10岁)(5月21日,13.63±2.24,n=8)的趋势,但差异未达显著水平(P0.05)。此外,麝场各饲养区内的雌麝分娩时间格局无显著差异(P0.05),泥地基底的改装圈舍内的雌麝分娩(5月22日,15.31±1.48,n=62)略早于砖地基底的原装圈舍雌麝分娩(5月26日,18.82±1.27,n=116),差异未达显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

We monitored the birth patterns of sympatric brown howler monkeys (Alouatta fusca clamitans) and northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) during a 4‐yr period from October 1996 to August 2000 at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brown howler monkey births (n = 34) occurred throughout the year, and birth frequencies did not differ between rainy and dry season months. The aseasonal birth patterns of the howler monkeys differed significantly from the dry season concentration and dry month peak in muriqui births (n = 23). We found no effects of infant sex or the number of females on interbirth intervals (IBIs) in our 10 howler monkey study troops. IBIs of brown howler monkeys averaged 21.2 ± 2.5 mo (n = 8, median = 21.0 mo), and were significantly shorter following dry season births than rainy season births. Their IBIs and yearling survivorship (74%) were similar to those reported for other species of howler monkeys, but yearling survivorship was much lower than that of muriquis (94%), whose IBIs were more than 12 mo longer than those of the howler monkeys. Our study extends comparative knowledge of birth patterns in Alouatta to a poorly known species, and provides insights into the different ways in which diet and life history may affect the timing of births in large‐bodied platyrrhines under the same seasonal ecological conditions. Am. J. Primatol. 55:87–100, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Birth seasonally at high latitudes is a complex phenomenon which is undoubtedly affected by a subtle interaction between environmental rhythmicity (most notably in photoperiod and temperature) and cultural adaption. There is intriguing evidence that human gonadotrophic activity (and hence fertility) may be affected by seasonal fluctuations in light intensity and duration. Nevertheless, cultural factors are important insofar as they mediate between environmental rhythmicity and human fertility/birth patterns. This article examines the distribution of births over several decades in an Inuit community located 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Several shifts in birth seasonality are noted, the most significant of which is a dramatic shift from pronounced seasonality in the 1970s to non-seasonality in the 1980s. Longitudinal ethnographic fieldwork has allowed an examination of social and economic changes accounting for the rather sudden disappearance of birth seasonality. These include increasing reliance upon wage employment and social assistance, decreased dependence upon subsistence hunting and trapping, changing attitudes on the part of young people entering their prime reproductive years, and the introduction of television, radio, and southern-style recreational activities.  相似文献   

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