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Lamproderma magniretisporum, a new species of myxomycete from Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. This new species is characterized by its lignicolous habitat, long stalk, dark radial capillitium, large spores, and reticulate spore ornamentation. The stability of the taxonomic characters of L. magniretisporum is supported by two well-developed collections. The morphology of the sporocarp was subjected to detailed study with both the light microscope and the scanning electron microscope. Micrographs of all relevant features are presented. Taxonomic novelty Lamproderma magniretisporum G. Moreno, C. Rojas, S.L. Stephenson & H. Singer  相似文献   

The Myxomycetes are a major component of soil amoebae, displaying a complex life cycle that terminates in the formation of often macroscopic fruiting bodies. The classification of Myxomycetes is controversial and strongly depends on the weight given by different authors to morphological and developmental characters. We used a molecular approach to establish the phylogenetic relationships in the dark-spored orders Stemonitales and Physarales. Twenty-five small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences were obtained, with focus on two Stemonitales genera, Lamproderma and Comatricha. Unexpectedly, our results show that Stemonitales are paraphyletic with Physarales arising from within a Lamproderma clade. The genus Lamproderma itself is polyphyletic and can be divided into two distinct clades. Additionally, we found that Comatricha nigricapillitia comprises two cryptic species, both related to Enerthenema. Our study allows the reappraisal of morphological and developmental characters in the light of molecular data and sets foundations for a new classification of Myxomycetes.  相似文献   

黏菌化学成分的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱鹤  王琦 《菌物研究》2009,7(3):201-206,210
文中回顾及总结了黏菌化学成分的研究进展。迄今为止已从4个目共27种黏菌中分离得到脂肪酸、氨基酸、生物碱、萘醌、芳香族化合物、萜类化合物、酯类化合物及它们的衍生物等近百种化学成分,其中某些成分表现出重要的生物活性。研究表明黏菌不仅已经逐渐成为天然产物的重要研究对象,而且有望成为获得天然活性物质的新资源,这对于黏菌的开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

长白山区黏菌物种多样性编目   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
系统记载了长白山地区黏菌 2 10种 ,隶属于 32属 10科 6目 3亚纲。其中 ,环丝团网菌 (Arcyriaannulif eraTorrend)、大团网菌 [A .major (G .Lister)B .Ing]、暗红垂网菌 (A .oerstedtiiRost .)、球囊白柄菌 [Diacheabul billosa (Berk .&Br.)A .Lister]、高山双皮菌 (DidermaalpinumMeylan)、白煤绒菌 [Fuligocinerea (Schw .)Mor gan]、大粉瘤菌 [Lycogalaflavofuscum (Ehrenb .)Rost .]、金黄绒泡菌 (PhysarumcitrinumSchum .)、刺发网菌 (Stemo nitisflavogenitaJahn)、半网发网菌 (S .hyperoptaMeylan)和小孢发网菌 (S .microspermaB .Ing)等 11个种为吉林省新记录种。给出了全部物种的市县级地理分布信息。  相似文献   

中国热带黏菌的已知种类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国广东、广西、云南和台湾4省区的南部及海南、香港和澳门全境均在北回归线以南,属于地理上的热带。为了全面系统地开展我国热带地区黏菌资源的多样性和分类学研究,文中通过标本采集、鉴定和复核以及文献考证研究了已知的发生于中国热带地区的黏菌种类,对一些物种分类地位和名称变化进行了更新,同时记述了每个物种的生境和在我国热带地区的分布。结果表明:中国热带地区现知黏菌6目13科35属160种,其中,广东南部为23种,广西南部为61种,海南为33种,云南南部为67种,台湾南部为26种,香港为66种,澳门为10种。从黏菌的目级水平来看,中国热带地区现知黏菌鹅绒菌目1种,刺轴菌目5种,无丝菌目22种,团毛菌目32种,绒泡菌目73种,发网菌目27种。  相似文献   

黏菌广泛分布于森林生态系统中, 并在生态系统的物质循环过程中发挥重要的功能。为了探讨黏菌在小兴安岭森林中的物种多样性及其分布, 本文对该地区的汤旺河兴安石林森林公园和胜山国家级自然保护区系统开展黏菌多样性调查研究。在2个地区共采集黏菌标本248份, 基于形态学特征共鉴定出4目8科17属44种黏菌, 其中Craterium dictyosporum、垂头绒泡菌(Physarum album)和Reticularia splendens var. jurana等10个种为黑龙江省首次报道。多样性分析结果显示, 汤旺河兴安石林森林公园针阔混交林的黏菌物种多样性(36种)高于胜山国家级自然保护区红松(Pinus koraiensis)林内的黏菌物种多样性(25种), 其中两地间共有的黏菌有17种, 黏菌物种组成的相似性(CS)为55.7%。绿绒泡菌(Physarum viride)是针阔混交林内的优势种, 蛇形半网菌(Hemitrichia serpula)是红松林内的优势种。研究结果表明植被类型对黏菌的物种组成和多样性有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

A cervical human vertebra of a young adult, corresponding to the Mousterian period (70,000–40,000 B.P.) excavated from the Hayonim Cave in Israel, is described here. Its morphological characteristics, size and shape, do not differ from corresponding vertebrae of present-day man. This gives further support to the concept that some ancient populations of the Mousterian period of Israel were very similar to modern man.  相似文献   

对以色列3个群体的二穗短柄草(Brochypodium distachyon)种子的休眠与萌发进行了研究.结果表明:以色列二穗短柄草种子都具有休眠的习性,且不属于外源休眠(种壳休眠)类型;储藏温度和时间等因素对不同群体的二穗短柄草种子的休眠和萌发有着极显著的影响,高温(40℃)储藏可以加快种子后熟,打破种子的休眠;3个群体的二穗短柄草种子休眠深度不同,依次是:Sede Boqer>Yatk>Mt.carmel;且休眠深度与群体生长地年平均降雨量呈负相关关系.二穗短柄草的这些休眠和萌发特性可能是其长期与环境相互作用,在自然选择压力下进化形成的存活机制.  相似文献   

Thirty–four species of mycomycetes are reported, mostly from northern Thailand, of which sixteen are new records for Thailand. Cribraria rufa is reported from tropical latitudes for the first time.  相似文献   

Frequency of pathology and of some anomalies in skeletons of Bedouin living about 200 BP, uncovered in the Israeli Negev, is considered in relation to particular bone, sex, age-group, and kinds of defects. The environment of the Bedouin in relation to his “health-status” is noted. Two-thirds of the skeletons had one or more different bones with defects. Incidence of crania with defects was: males, 26%; females, 18%; the highest incidence occurred at age 35–49. Alveolar abscesses occurred in 28% of maxillae, 9% of mandibles. Of the long bones, the tibia was most frequently affected (15%): swelling of the shaft, relatively common, was apparently caused by bejel, a non-venereal form of syphilis, similar to yaws, endemic to the Bedouin. Forty-eight percent had defective vertebrae, usually an arthritic manifestation of one kind or another; half of this group had defects in more than one region of the spine. Defects also occurred relatively frequently in the innominata, sacrum, scapula, and clavicle, mostly arthritic lesions except in the sacrum in which the percentage with sacral hiatus was high. Average age at death was, males, 43 years, females, 33 years (adults only), and 28 years for all ages.  相似文献   

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