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侯笑云  宋博  赵爽  丁圣彦  梁国付  董翠芳 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7659-7668
以黄河下游典型农区封丘县为研究区,在林地景观中进行地表节肢动物的观测。用物种丰富度和香农多样性指数代表物种多样性,选择代表景观背景的5个竞争模型:生境特性(H1,2012)、基质特性(H2,2012)、生境变化(H3,1984—2012)、基质变化(H4,1984—2012)和土壤-环境条件(H5,2012)从4个空间尺度上(100,250,350和500 m)进行分析,通过运用基于赤池信息量准则(Akaike information criterion,AIC)的多模型推理(Multi-model Inference,MMI)方法,在R软件里用广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models,GLM)探究了研究区近30年(1984—2012年)景观背景变化对林地地表节肢动物多样性的影响。研究表明,不同景观背景模型对地表节肢动物多样性的影响具有尺度依赖性。在100 m的尺度下,生境特性(H1)最能够解释香农多样性和物种丰富度,但是随着尺度的增加,生境特性变化(H3)在较大(250、350 m和500 m)的尺度对物种丰富度和香农多样性影响最大,而基质特性和土壤-环境条件(H2和H5)的作用不显著。景观背景对地表节肢动物多样性的解释量达到40%。在研究区域,生境特性是表征香农多样性指数和物种丰富度的指标。  相似文献   

Generalist predators have the capacity to exert significant pressure on prey populations. However, integrating them into biological control programs relies on a detailed understanding of their foraging behavior and the levels of trophic connectedness with pest species. Carabid beetles are important predators of slugs, pests of agricultural, floricultural and horticultural crops worldwide, but these interactions have been rarely studied outside the Western Palearctic ecozone. Diagnostic molecular gut-content analysis was used to examine the strength of trophic pathways between a community of carabid beetles and two slug species, the exotic Deroceras reticulatum and native Deroceras laeve, in strawberry agroecosystems. Strawberries were grown according to standard horticultural practices for central Kentucky, following traditional bare ground planting or with the addition of detrital subsidies, to quantify the impact of habitat management on the abundance of pests and the strength of these trophic pathways. Following laboratory characterization of species-specific molecular markers targeting both Deroceras species, carabid beetles collected from a strawberry agroecosystem were screened for slug DNA. Field collections revealed important food web pathways existed between Harpalus pensylvanicus and D. reticulatum, with 7.2% screening positive for these prey yet none screening positive for D. laeve. In contrast, Chlaenius tricolor was found to feed on both slug species in the field, with 16% screening positive for both Deroceras. Despite below normal rainfall limiting slug densities in the field, the results presented here reveal the potential importance of carabid beetles in slug population dynamics in the Nearctic.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the joint and independent effects of spatial location, landscape composition and landscape structure on the distribution patterns of bird and carabid beetle assemblages in a mosaic landscape dominated by pine plantation forests. Location A continuous 3000‐ha landscape mosaic with native maritime pine Pinus pinaster plantations of different ages, deciduous woodlands and open habitats, located in the Landes de Gascogne forest of south‐western France. Methods We sampled breeding birds by 20‐min point counts and carabid beetles by pitfall trapping using a systematic grid sampling of 200 points every 400 m over the whole landscape. Explanatory variables were composed of three data sets derived from GIS habitat mapping: (1) spatial variables (polynomial terms of geographical coordinates of samples), (2) landscape composition as the percentage cover of the six main habitats, and (3) landscape structure metrics including indices of fragmentation and spatial heterogeneity. We used canonical correspondence analysis with variance partitioning to evaluate the joint and independent effects of the three sets of variables on the ordination of species assemblages. Moran's I correlograms and Mantel tests were used to assess for spatial structure in species distribution and relationships with separate landscape attributes. Results Landscape composition was the main factor explaining the distribution patterns of birds and carabids at the mesoscale of 400 × 400 m. Independent effects of spatial variables and landscape structure were still significant for bird assemblages once landscape composition was controlled for, but not for carabid assemblages. Spatial distributions of birds and carabids were primarily influenced by the amount of heathlands, young pine plantations, herbaceous firebreaks and deciduous woodlands. Deciduous woodland species had positive responses to edge density, while open habitat species were positively associated with mean patch area. Main conclusions Forest birds were favoured by an increase in deciduous woodland cover and landscape heterogeneity, but there was no evidence for a similar effect on carabid beetles. Fragmentation of open habitats negatively affected both early‐successional birds and carabids, specialist species being restricted to large heathlands and young plantations. Several birds of conservation concern were associated with mosaics of woodlands and grasslands, especially meadows and firebreaks. Conserving biodiversity in mosaic plantation landscapes could be achieved by the maintenance of a significant amount of early‐successional habitats and deciduous woodland patches within a conifer plantation matrix.  相似文献   

Many paddy fields in the mountainous rural areas of Japan have been abandoned since the 1960s, and forests have regenerated on these sites. In a mountainous area on Sado Island, a large number of abandoned paddies were converted into wetlands and open terrestrial vegetation. In this study, we used pitfall traps to examine the effects of the creation of open vegetation on carabid beetle assemblages by investigating 14 sites spanning five vegetation types: six sites in secondary forests (three coppice forests and three 40‐year‐old regenerating forests on abandoned paddies), three each in clear‐cuts and paddy levees, and two in grasslands. The 14 study sites were clearly separated into two groups different in the species composition of carabid beetles: secondary forest and grassland‐levee groups. The species composition of two clear‐cut sites was similar to that of secondary forests, whereas that of the remaining one clear‐cut site was similar to that of grasslands. Analyses of species responses showed various habitat preferences, e.g., for only coppice forests, for two types of secondary forests, for secondary forests and clear‐cuts, for clear‐cuts and grasslands, and for grasslands or levees, or no clear preference. There were no characteristic species in the regenerating forests. These results suggest that the 40‐year‐old regenerating forests may sustain only a limited subset of the carabid fauna found in coppice forests and that the creation of open vegetation in the abandoned paddies enhances carabid diversity at the landscape level by raising β diversity among the different vegetation types.  相似文献   

Barriers along a watercourse and interconnections between drainage systems are dynamic landscape elements that are expected to play major roles in the dispersal and genetic structure of fish species. The objective of this study was to assess the role of these elements using creek chub ( Semotilus atromaculatus ) in the Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve (Québec, Canada) as model. Numerous impassable waterfalls and interconnections among drainage systems were inferred with geographic information systems and confirmed de visu . The analysis of 32 populations using seven nuclear microsatellites revealed the presence of three genetically distinct groups. Some groups were found upstream of impassable barriers and in adjacent portions of distinct drainage systems. Admixture among groups was also detected in some populations. Constraining phylogenetic procedures as well as Mantel correlation tests confirmed that the genetic structure is more likely to result from interconnections between the drainage systems than from the permanent network. This study indicates that landscape elements such as interconnections are of major importance for circumventing impassable barriers and colonizing lakes that are otherwise inaccessible. Such an approach could be relevant for determining the origins of fish species (i.e. native vs. introduced) in the context of conservation.  相似文献   

本文研究了华北棉花-玉米农田景观格局中龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(Thunberg)和异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)种群动态,发现农田景观格局中作物类型(棉花与玉米)对两种瓢虫种群密度动态有显著的影响,两种天敌瓢虫都趋向在玉米斑块上栖息。两种瓢虫在棉花斑块上呈现出时间分化,其中龟纹瓢虫在棉花种植的前中期种群密度较大,后期较少;而异色瓢虫在棉花前中期种群密度较少,后期较多,表明农田景观中种植玉米有利于增强瓢虫对棉花害虫的控制作用。进一步的研究表明,农田景观系统中玉米斑块所占的面积比对龟纹瓢虫和异色瓢虫种群密度均产生显著影响。这说明在农田景观系统中开展区域性生态调控的时候,需要考虑到各类斑块组合的面积比例,从而有利于增强多种天敌昆虫的协调控害作用。  相似文献   

Summary. The understanding of community structuring factors is a fundamental issue in community ecology. We investigate the biodiversity of the water beetle in the Ichkeul Lake stream system located in Northern Tunisia, with emphasis on the effect of several environmental variables on their assemblage structure. This area is of a great importance since it was included in the list of preserved waterbodies by RAMSAR convention on wetlands, MAB (Man And Biosphere), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Consequently, the study of its biodiversity constitutes a required way to better conduct this protection aim. Special attention must be paid to species endemic to North Africa, as all of them require conservation measures. Sampling was carried out over the course of a year. Dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, temperature and turbidity were measured for each study site. Water permanence, velocity, aquatic vegetation and substrate type were considered. The investigated streams showed a spatial heterogeneity in water depth, water velocity, turbidity, mineralization and substrate type, but homogeneity in temperature and dissolved oxygen. A total of 68 coleopteran species were identified from the investigated area, belonging to different chorotypes and phenological categories. The coleopteran assemblage was assessed in terms of four community parameters: abundance, richness (S), diversity (Shannon–Wiener index: H′), and evenness (Pielou index: J′). Species composition was analyzed by multivariate analysis. Sites were arranged into two groups based on their species affinity by non-parametric multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination on the basis of Bray–Curtis similarity at a similarity of 50%. Principal component analysis (PCA) highlighted the species response to the environmental variables. It revealed the distribution profile of sampled species; on the first axis, F1, a maximum number of variables are projected. Its positive pole is defined by the majority of species, with tolerance of high salinity. On its negative pole only three species are present. Its positive pole is defined by lentic phytophagous species, showing a preference for well vegetated waters. Its negative pole is marked by the species L. orientalis, associated with the majority of water parameters.  相似文献   

利用巴氏罐诱法,对山西庞泉沟国家自然保护区的不同功能区——核心区(绿色长廊)、缓冲区(八道沟)、远离农田实验区(神尾沟)及靠近农田实验区(八水沟)——林地地表甲虫步甲物种多样性进行了调查和比较,目的在于探明该保护区有代表性林地步甲物种的组成及受不同程度人为干扰下的多样性格局。结果表明:(1)本研究共捕获步甲物种42种,38种是该保护区的新记录种类,其中粗皱步甲Carabus crassesculptus和沟步甲C. canaliculatus 为优势种,与尖角通缘步甲Pterostichus eschscholtzii,强足通缘步甲P. fortipes,罕丽步甲C. manifestus和长叶步甲C. vladimirskyi一起构成研究地的常见种。(2)不同功能区物种组成和数量分布各不相同,多样性各项指标均是靠近农田的实验区最高,核心区最低。(3)各功能区具有特有的指示性种类,其中黄条春步甲Notiophilus reitteri为核心区指示种; 凹唇春步甲N. impressifrons 为缓冲区指示种; 粒步甲C.granulatus,刻翅步甲C.sculptipennis 和中华通缘步甲P.chinensis为实验区指示种。(4)群落相似性分析表明缓冲区与核心区及远离农田实验区之间具有较高的相似性,靠近农田实验区与其他3个地点相似性较低。结果提示适度干扰可提高物种丰富度,但降低人为干扰(如旅游和交通压力)有利于步甲多样性的保护。  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of forest fragmentation in urban landscapes on the abundance, species richness, dominance, and species composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae and Brachinidae), we compared the beetles collected in 12 pitfall traps from April to July and from September to November between three continuous suburban forests and eight isolated urban forests (0.06–1.02 ha), most of which were in the precincts of shrines and temples in Hanshin District, Honshu, Japan. A total of 28 species and 4178 individuals of ground beetles were collected. Segregation of urban forests from continuous suburban forests has changed the species composition and resulted in the loss of some large‐sized forest species and the addition of some non‐forest species. Simpson's index of dominance (λ) also increased in the urban forests. The richness of forest species markedly decreased with the reduction in forest area but not with the distance from continuous forests, although the species richness of non‐forest species did not change with them. Also, species composition changed only with forest area. These findings indicate that continuous forests do not necessary serve as a “mainland” for urban forest species and that every urban habitat, however small in size, acts as a temporary reservoir of species. In comparison with populations of small‐sized species, populations of large‐sized forest species appeared to decline more readily during forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the effects of fen rewetting on carabid beetle and vascular plant assemblages within riverine fens along the river Peene in north‐eastern Germany. Drained (silage grassland), rewetted (restored formerly drained silage grassland), and near‐natural (fairly pristine) stands were compared. Eighty‐four beetle species (7,267 individuals) and 135 plant species were recorded. The richness of vascular plant species and the number of endangered species were highest on near‐natural fens. Fourteen years of rewetting did not increase plant species numbers compared with drained fens. For carabid beetles, however, species richness and the number of stenotopic species were highest on rewetted fens. Rewetting caused the replacement of generalist carabids by wetland specialists, but did not provide suitable habitat for specialist fen carabids or for plant species of oligo‐ or mesotrophic fen communities. Therefore, raising the water table on fens with nutrient‐rich, degraded peat was not sufficient for restoring species assemblages of intact fens, although water level was the most important environmental factor separating species assemblages. Our study illustrated that insects and plants may respond differentially to restoration, stressing the need to consider different taxa when assessing the efficiency of fen restoration. Furthermore, species assemblages of intact fens could not be restored within 14 years, highlighting the importance of conserving pristine habitat.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage regimen (conventional [CT] and no-tillage [NT]) on the activity density and diversity of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) was studied by pitfall trapping within a rain-fed cropping system in northwestern Idaho, 2000-2002. The cropping rotation consisted of a spring cereal (barley, Hordeum vulgare L., in 2000 and 2001; and wheat, Triticum aestivum L., in 2002), spring dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) 2000-2002, and wheat (T. aestivum), spring in 2000 and 2001, and winter in 2002. A total of 14,480 beetles comprised of 30 species was captured, with five numerically dominant species [Poecilus scitulus L., Poecilus lucublandus Say, Microlestes linearis L., Pterostichus melanarius Ill., and Calosoma cancellatum (Eschscholtz)], accounting for 98% of all captures. All species including the dominants responded idiosyncratically to tillage regimen. Adjusting for trapping biases did not significantly change seasonal activity density of Poecilus spp. or Pt. melanarius to tillage. More beetles were captured in CT than in NT crops because of the dominance of P. scitulus in CT, whereas species richness and biological diversity were generally higher in NT crops. Observed patterns suggest that direct effects of tillage affected some species, whereas indirect effects related to habitat characteristics affected others. CT may provide habitat preferable to xerophilic spring breeders. A relationship was found between beetle species size and tillage regimen in pea and to a lesser extent across all spring crops, with large species (>14 mm) conserved more commonly in NT, small species (<7 mm) in CT, and intermediate species (7-14 mm) conserved equally between tillage systems.  相似文献   

农业景观中的非农生境对维持与提高农业景观的生物多样性具有非常关键的作用。为了探究非农生境的相关结构属性对农业景观中植物物种多样性的影响,选择黄河下游平原区的封丘县为研究区域,对研究区内42个样点的非农生境进行植物多样性调查,并对各个样点周围1 km范围内的非农景观要素进行了提取,分析不同非农生境中植物物种组成及其景观要素的构成、结构及空间配置对植物物种多样性的影响。研究结果表明:不同类型的非农生境中,物种组成共有种相对较多,特有种或指示种较少;林地与树篱具有相对较高的物种多样性,以沟渠为生境的植物物种组成与其它两种生境类型相比存在明显差异;林地与树篱/沟渠的组成比例相当时,植物物种丰富度最高;景观指数对不同非农生境中的植物物种具有明显影响,景观破碎化及人为干扰指数的影响较为显著。未来在对本区域内农业景观进行结构优化的过程中,应从非农景观要素的改造入手。通过调整和设置非农景观要素的不同类型及比例、合理改造其结构与空间配置,为最终实现农业景观的有效管理与可持续健康发展奠定重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

赵爽  宋博  丁圣彦  侯笑云  刘晓博  汤茜  王润 《生态学报》2017,37(6):1816-1825
以捕食者来进行"自上而下"的生物防治是有效而经济的。蜘蛛作为农业景观中重要的捕食者,在不同的尺度上研究景观和环境要素对其多样性的影响是十分必要的。目前,有关黄河下游农业景观研究中,关于蜘蛛多样性的研究报道较少。针对黄河下游农业景观中林地生境的蜘蛛多样性展开研究,于2014年4月和7月采用陷阱法调查林地生境中蜘蛛种群的分布及其多样性,分析了对蜘蛛多样性影响最强烈的环境因子,以及不同蜘蛛种群对草本植被盖度的不同选择。结果发现:研究区林地生境内蜘蛛的优势种群为星豹蛛(Pardosa astrigena)、单带希托蛛(Hitobia unifascigera)、类水狼蛛(Pirata piratoides)和陕西近狂蛛(Drassyllus shaanxiensis)。不同尺度上的景观要素和环境要素(解释变量)对蜘蛛多样性的影响存在差异,且在不同的季节均为100 m尺度上的解释变量对蜘蛛多样性的影响最大。在100 m尺度上,不同的解释变量对蜘蛛多样性的影响也不同,春季林地中的植被盖度对其影响最大,路距和林地面积也有较为明显的影响,夏季林地中的植被高度和植被盖度对其影响最大,其余解释变量的影响则极小。不同的蜘蛛种群对草本植被盖度大小的偏好不同,多数蜘蛛偏好高的植被盖度,如星豹蛛和白纹舞蛛(Alopecosa albostriata)等,也有部分蜘蛛种群偏好中、低植被盖度,如赫氏花蟹蛛(Xysticus hedini Schenkel)、白斑猎蛛(Evarcha albaria)和皮雄红螯蛛(Araneae)。研究表明,黄河下游农业景观林地生境中,不同的景观要素和环境要素在不同尺度和不同季节上对蜘蛛多样性的影响具有显著的差异,草本植被对蜘蛛多样性的影响极为显著。因此在研究区内合理规划林地的建设,加强草本植被的保护,提高林地捕食者的数量,有助于生物防治工作的发展和生物多样性保护工作的进行。  相似文献   

Using microsatellites, we investigated population structure and gene flow of the short-lived, wind-dispersed plant species Hypochaeris radicata in a fragmented agricultural landscape where more than 99% of the nutrient-poor grasslands have disappeared over the last century. We sampled populations in the few remaining high density populations in conservation areas, as well as individuals that occurred, with lower densities, in linear landscape elements, at two spatial scales. In a re-inventory of the landscape, after 3 years, both extinctions and colonizations of populations were observed. Contrary to expectations, no differences in genetic diversity between high and low density populations were observed. Both types of populations had relatively high levels of diversity. Overall genetic differentiation (theta) was 0.04 and significantly different from zero (P < 0.01). A significant isolation-by-distance pattern was found when all populations were simultaneously analysed (r = 0.24, P = 0.013). Isolation by distance was (marginally) significant at the small scale (r = 0.32, P = 0.06), whereas nonsignificant at the large spatial scale (r = -0.05, P = 0.66). A maximization-of-explained-variance procedure resulted in a threshold distance of 3.5 km above which populations were effectively genetically isolated. An additional partial exclusion Bayesian-based assignment test showed that overall 32.3% of the individuals were assigned to their population of origin, 48% were assigned to another population in the area and 19.7% were not assigned. Together, these results suggest high levels of gene flow. Seed dispersal contributes to the observed gene flow up to several hundred metres, which is higher than previously modelled using aerodynamic models on seed dispersal of H. radicata. We discuss the consequences of these results for an evaluation of the probability of persistence of this species in the fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

张旭珠  张鑫  宋潇  宇振荣  刘云慧 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8442-8454
通过管理半自然生境提高农田中天敌多样性及农田害虫的生物控制效率是当前生态农业研究的基本问题之一。为探讨不同类型半自然植被边界带对相邻麦田地表天敌的发生以及对小麦蚜虫生物控制潜力的影响,在北京顺义区赵全营镇采用陷阱法调查了不同类型植被边界带(人工林地、人工种植草带、自然演替草带)相邻的小麦田中,距离边界0,15 m和30 m处步甲和蜘蛛两类重要地表天敌的多度分布及小麦田蚜虫发生情况,同时分析了边界带植被群落结构对步甲和蜘蛛群落分布的影响。结果表明:人工林地相邻的小麦田中维持了显著较高的步甲、蜘蛛和蚜虫发生密度;不同类型植被边界带相邻小麦田中步甲和蜘蛛群落组成显著不同,植被边界带宽度以及乔木层盖度是影响相邻麦田步甲和蜘蛛群落分布的主要因子;距离植被边界带不同取样界面处,不同迁移方向的步甲和蜘蛛的活动密度无显著性差异;与林地相邻的麦田中,蜘蛛活动密度从农田边界向农田内部处依次降低,与人工种植草带以及自然演替草带相邻的麦田中,农田边界处蜘蛛的活动密度显著高于农田内部。研究显示,半自然植被边界带与麦田交界处维持了较高的蜘蛛活动密度,并具有向农田内部扩散的趋势,然而,并非高天敌密度就意味着低害虫发生率,深入研究天敌群落与害虫发生关系及其影响因素是未来天敌保护和害虫生物防治的重要方面。同时,因为不同类型植被边界带维持的天敌群落具有高度异质性,未来的研究需要充分考虑不同类型植被边界带对天敌维持的作用,以及不同类型生境界面地表天敌的活动规律。  相似文献   

梁国付  卢训令  贾振宇  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2896-2904
以黄河中下游郑州地区为研究区域,根据林地面积比例高低,把确定的260块景观区域划分为林地面积比例高(50%)、中等(50%—30%)、低(30%—10%)和非常低(10%)共4个不同类型;采用概率连接度指数(PC)表征林地栖息地可用性程度。利用R软件里的广义线性模型(GLM),分析了10、50、100、250、500、1000、2000 m和3000 m物种不同扩散能力下,反映林地景观组成和构型特征的林地面积比例(PA),以及林地面积比例(PA)与林地斑块数量(NP)、林地平均斑块大小(PS)、林地斑块隔离度(PI)组合作用对栖息地可用性的影响。结果表明:在林地面积比例高的区域,林地面积比例是决定栖息地可用性程度的重要影响因素;在林地面积比例中等的区域,除林地面积比例外,林地斑块隔离度和平均斑块大小是主要影响因素;在林地面积比例低和较低时,依据物种扩散能力的不同,需要考虑平均斑块大小和林地斑块数量的影响。景观中不同林地面积比例情况下,生物保护措施和管理要依据林地面积比例、林地斑块数量、林地平均斑块大小、以及林地斑块隔离度。  相似文献   

Aim Understanding how heterogeneous landscapes shape genetic structure not only sheds light on processes involved in population divergence and speciation, but can also guide management strategies to promote and maintain genetic connectivity of populations of endangered species. This study aimed to (1) identify barriers and corridors for gene flow among populations of the endangered frog, Atelopus varius and (2) assess the relative contributions of alternative landscape factors to patterns of genetic variation among these populations in a hypothesis testing framework. Location This study took place in western Panama and included all nine of the remaining known populations of A. varius at the time of study. Methods The influence of landscape variables on gene flow among populations was examined by testing for correlations between alternative landscape‐resistance scenarios and genetic distance. Fifteen alternative hypotheses about the influence of (1) riparian habitat corridors, (2) steep slopes, and (3) climatic suitability on patterns of genetic structure were tested in a causal modelling framework, using Mantel and partial‐Mantel tests, along with an analysis of molecular variation. Results Only the hypothesis attributing resistance to dispersal across steep slopes (genetic isolation by slope distance) was fully supported by the causal modelling approach. However, the analysis of molecular variance and the paths of least‐slope among populations suggest that riparian habitat connectivity may influence genetic structure as well. Main conclusions These results suggest that patterns of genetic variation among A. varius populations are affected by the slope of the landscape such that areas with steep slopes act as barriers to gene flow. In contrast, areas of low slope, such as streams and mountain ridges, appear to be important corridors for gene flow, especially among high elevation populations. These results engender important considerations for the management of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

1 Spiders and carabid beetles are abundant generalist predators that prey upon insect pests of soybean. A field experiment was conducted to determine the impact of spiders and carabids on soybean yield. Prior to planting, three 7 × 7 m plots were fenced in order to reduce spider and carabid immigration. Carabids that emerged within the plots were not removed, but spiders that ballooned into these predator‐reduction plots or that entered by climbing the fence were removed by pitfall trapping and searching the vegetation. Three unmanipulated, unfenced plots served as the control treatment. 2 Densities of spiders on soybean vegetation, and activity‐densities of spiders and carabids determined by pitfall trapping, were c. 75% lower in the spider‐carabid reduction treatment than in control plots. Despite clear differences between treatments in numbers and activity of these major generalist predators, the weight of soybeans harvested did not differ between control and spider‐carabid reduction plots. 3 Paralleling the absence of an effect of predator reduction on soybean yield was the absence of any significant difference between treatments in densities of whiteflies (Aleyrodidae), leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), thrips (Thysanoptera), Lepidoptera larvae and herbivorous Coleoptera. 4 Our experiment provides no evidence that spiders and carabid beetles at ambient densities affect soybean yield. Low populations of pest species or low predation pressure on soybean pests by spiders and carabids at the ambient densities of this experiment could be responsible for this result.  相似文献   

The relationship between the gut bacterial communities of carabid beetles and their habitats holds implications for understanding ecological dynamics. This study examined the gut bacterial communities of two carabid beetle species, Chlaenius pallipes and Pheropsophus jessoensis, in terraced and flat paddy fields. Differences in gut bacterial communities were evident at the species level and were based on habitat. Specifically, P. jessoensis had a greater presence of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria in terraced fields but more Actinobacteria in flatland fields. In comparison, C. pallipes consistently showed high levels of Firmicutes in both habitats. These differences were reflected at class and genus levels, emphasizing the role of host specificity in shaping gut microbiota. Alpha diversity metrics indicated that P. jessoensis hosted a more diverse bacterial community than C. pallipes. Terraced fields, however, showed slightly reduced diversity in P. jessoensis, suggesting environmental effects on microbial populations. Beta diversity analysis using Bray–Curtis distances differentiated the bacterial communities of the two beetles. Multivariate analysis of variance reinforced these findings. Insights from the Sloan neutral model indicate that environmental factors predominantly influence bacterial community assembly through stochastic processes. Functionally, metabolism was highlighted, indicating the role of gut bacteria in beetle metabolic processes. Notably, energy metabolism varied between field types, revealing environmental effects on gut bacterial functions. This study offers in-depth insights into interactions between host-specific and environmental factors influencing gut bacterial communities of carabid beetles, contributing to a broader understanding of microbial ecology and the roles of environment and host in microbiota dynamics.  相似文献   

Alternative environmentally friendly methods for pest control are in high demand because of the environmental impacts of pesticides. Notably, predator-released kairomone is a natural compound released by natural enemies, which mediates non-consumptive effects between natural enemies and prey. However, this novel pest control agent is underutilized relative to pesticides and natural enemies. Additionally, the effects of spraying predator kairomone on the number and diversity of arthropods in fields and whether this method is environmental-friendly are poorly understood. In the present study, a predator kairomone, rove beetle (Paederus fuscipes Curtis) abdominal gland secretion (AGS), was sprayed in rice fields to investigate whether AGS can suppress pest populations or will affect the fields’ arthropod communities. After AGS spraying, the abundance of arthropods decreased throughout the first 12-d period, including arthropod pests such as hemipterans (small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén), brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horváth), and leafhoppers), and lepidopterans (rice leaf folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée). The abundance of arthropod predators was not affected, except for predatory spiders, which decreased, and rove beetles (P. fuscipes), which increased. In the terms of arthropod diversity, neither pests nor their natural enemies were changed by AGS application. This work highlights that predator kairomone can temporarily suppress pest populations in fields but has no adverse effects on arthropod diversity; thus, this approach is environmentally friendly and can be used in real-world applications. Broadly, present studies suggest that the application of predator kairomone may have synergistic or cumulative effects on pest suppression.  相似文献   

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