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Early development of the cephalic skeleton in the turbot   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At hatching Scophthalmus maximus shows no cartilaginous and no bony structure. Mecke?s cartilages appear when the fry are 1 day old, followed on day 2, by formation of the trabecular bars, fused at the outset to form a trabecula communis. Concurrently, the palatoquadrates complete the mandibular arch, and the first two pairs of ceratobranchials, associated with a pair of hyoid bars, form the beginnings of the hyobranchial system. By day 3, the parachordals have fused with the trabecular bars, the hyosymplectics have linked to the hyoid bars by interhyals, and the first four pairs of ceratobranchials have appeared. The first bony structures appear: the preoperculars. On day 8, the frontals develop above the orbits and the maxillaries and dentaries appear. On day 10, the primordia of the taeniae marginales appear, the palatoquadrates bear a pterygoid process, and to the branchial basket have been added the fifth pair of ceratobranchials and the four pairs of epibranchials. On day 12, both pairs of posterior pharyngobranchials are present. The premaxillaries develop in front of the maxillaires, and retroarticulars and the angulars complete the lower jaws. On day 13, a thin parasphenoid contributes to the floor of the neurocranium, and ectopterygoids and entopterygoids to the splanchnocranium. The set of opercular bones is complete. On day 15, the tectum synoticum closes the braincase posteriorly. The splanchnocranium possesses a basihyal and the pharyngobranchials of the first epibranchials. On day 18, the tectum posterius completes the dome of the braincase. The rear end and lateral walls of the skull are formed by the basioccipital, the exoccipitals, the pterotics, and the parietals. The suspensorium is nearly complete. From day 10, the first resorptions begin in parallel with the construction of the chondrocranium. Mecke?s cartilages each split in two, then the posterior part of the trabecular bars disappears. On day 23, the right taenia marginalis separates from the lamina orbitonasalis and curves towards the centre. Simultaneously, the right eye begins its migration to the left. This is the only metamorphosis-linked asymmetry to appear during the development of the chondrocranium. On day 25, many more bony structures appear, a characteristic of this stage: the nasals, lateral ethmoids, mesethmoid, sphenotics, prootics, pleurosphenoids, epiotics, and supraoccipital. From this stage on, the bony structures continue to develop, while the front of the neurocranium and the jaws undergo a deep remodelling due to metamorphosis. The left taenia marginalis does not appear reduced until day 29. By day 45, there remain only a few small elements of the cartilaginous skull.  相似文献   

A study of laboratory-reared larvae of Solea solea (Soleidae) and Scophthalmus maximus (Scophthalmidae) indicated that the epicranial portion of the dorsal fin results from the anterior displacement of proximal pterygiophores during ontogeny. The adult epicranial formula is attained early during ontogeny, and the anterior displacement is finalized after the passage of the migrating eye. In both species, the first two proximal pterygiophores fuse to form an erisma that is particularly long and well-developed in Solea. Moreover, in Solea, the neural spine of the second abdominal vertebra curves over the otic region, and the neural arch of the first vertebra remains incomplete. Received: August 3, 2000 / Revised: August 10, 2001 / Accepted: October 12, 2001  相似文献   

The inception and development of the cartilaginous cephalis skeleton of Chrysichthys auratus is described from hatching to about 18 days post-hatching. At hatching, no skeletal structure is present. Not until day 3 do clearly delimited cranial primordia become apparent. As in many siluriforms, the neurocranium is platybasic from the start, the suspensorium constitutes, with Meckel's cartilage and the hyoid bar, a single cartilaginous element, and the junction between the front and rear of the neurocranium is complete on day 4. By day 8 the quadratomandibular joint has formed and the tectum posterius has appeared. Cartilage reduction first affects the trabecular bars, then, markedly, the visceral arches. By day 18 the braincase floor has almost disappeared.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the common sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus), as an alternative fish species in aquaculture in the Mediterranean region, and parasitic copepods are a potential hazard for farmed finfish. This paper provides taxonomic information on two species of sea lice (family Caligidae) collected from S. solea in eastern Mediterranean waters off the Turkish coast. Caligus brevicaudatus A. Scott, 1901 and Caligus apodus (Brian, 1924) were both found and this is the first report of C. brevicaudatus in Turkish waters. The discovery of C. apodus on S. solea is a new host record. Key diagnostic characters of both species are reported, supported by light and scanning electron microscopy observations. During a 12-month survey a prevalence of 28% was recorded for C. brevicaudatus, whereas for C. apodus peak prevalence was much lower (3%).  相似文献   

The measurement of enzymatic activities involved in xenobiotic biotransformation was carried out in adults of Solea solea and Solea senegalensis. The hepatic enzymes analysed were cytochrome P450 (CYP) related activities using eight fluorometric substrates and carboxylesterases (CbE). The conjugating activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UPD-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) were also assessed. Specific mammalian inhibitors were used as diagnostic tools for related activities of CYP1A (α-naphthoflavone; αNF), CYP2B6 and CYP2C19 (ticlopidine) and CYP3A4 (ketoconazole). The in vitro sensitivity to organophosphorous pesticides (OP) was tested in the S10 homogenate of brain (acetylcholinesterase-AChE) and liver (CbE). Furthermore, the pesticide chlorpyrifos oxon (CLPO) was used to explore the OP sensitivity of CbE of both species in two subcellular fractions (microsomes and cytosol), using two substrates. Overall, only two parameters confirmed species differences: EROD and cytosolic CbE being significantly elevated (p < 0.05) in the common sole, S. solea. A high inhibition of CYP1A related activities using several fluorometric substrates (ER, MR and CEC) after in vitro incubation with αNF confirmed all measure CYP1A1-related activities whereas ketoconazole was more specific for BFCOD (CYP3A4). Pesticide sensitivity was similar for brain AChE but hepatic CbE had a protective role that was species and pesticide dependent.  相似文献   

Dover sole (Solea solea) is an obligate ectotherm with a natural thermal habitat ranging from approximately 5 to 27°C. Thermal optima for growth lie in the range of 20 to 25°C. More precise information on thermal optima for growth is needed for cost-effective Dover sole aquaculture. The main objective of this study was to determine the optimal growth temperature of juvenile Dover sole (Solea solea) and in addition to test the hypothesis that the final preferendum equals the optimal growth temperature. Temperature preference was measured in a circular preference chamber for Dover sole acclimated to 18, 22 and 28°C. Optimal growth temperature was measured by rearing Dover sole at 19, 22, 25 and 28°C. The optimal growth temperature resulting from this growth experiment was 22.7°C for Dover sole with a size between 30 to 50 g. The temperature preferred by juvenile Dover sole increases with acclimation temperature and exceeds the optimal temperature for growth. A final preferendum could not be detected. Although a confounding effect of behavioural fever on temperature preference could not be entirely excluded, thermal preference and thermal optima for physiological processes seem to be unrelated in Dover sole.  相似文献   

A new species of caligid copepod, Caligus solea n. sp., is described from the common sole Solea solea (Linnaeus) caught off the north-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Both sexes of the parasite were collected from all over the upper body surface of its host. The new species belongs to the macarovi-group of species as established by Boxshall & Gurney (Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist) (Zool), 39:161–178, 1980), with which it shares the following four characters: (i) leg 4 with two-segmented exopod, distal segment carrying three apical spines but no lateral spine; (ii) distal exopodal segment of leg 1 with three plumose setae posteriorly plus four distal margin elements, spine 1 naked, spines 2 and 3 with accessory process and spine 4 about twice length of the others; (iii) females with one-segmented abdomen while males with two-segmented abdomen; (iv) male maxilliped with myxal process opposing the tip of the subchela. However, the new species differs from its congeners within the macarovi-group in the number of sensillae on each papilla on and around the postantennal process, and also in the absence of serrations along the distal margin of the maxilla. This is the twenty-eighth species of Caligus to be reported from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The juveniles of Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858, and common sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus 1758) concentrate in estuarine and coastal nurseries of widely differing temperatures and salinities. Yet, little is known about the effect of these physiologically important variables on the gastric evacuation rates of these species. Gastric evacuation experiments were performed on juveniles of S. senegalensis and S. solea. Three temperatures were tested, 26, 20 and 14°C at a salinity of 35‰. A low salinity experiment was also carried out at 15‰, at 26°C. Experimental conditions intended to reflect conditions in estuarine and coastal nurseries where juveniles of these species spend their first years of life. The relation between stomach contents and time was best described by exponential regression models for both species. An analysis of covariance (ancova ) was performed in order to test differences in evacuation rate due to temperature and salinity (slope of evacuation time against stomach contents) for each species. While increasing temperature increased evacuation rates in both species (although not at 26°C in S. solea), the effect of low salinity differed among species, leading to a decrease in gastric evacuation rate in that of S. senegalensis and an increase in S. solea. Differences in gastric evacuation rate between species were related to its metabolic optimums and to its distribution in the nursery area where fish were captured. Implications for the habitat use of estuarine and coastal nurseries are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat specific growth rates and condition indices were estimated for Solea solea and Solea senegalensis, in two nursery areas within the Tagus estuary, at the end of the estuarine colonization process, in 2005. While in the uppermost nursery area the two species of sole live in sympatry, in the lower nursery only S. senegalensis is present. Daily increments of left lapillar otoliths were used to estimate age (in days) and determine growth rates (mm per day). Condition indices were assessed through RNA‐DNA ratio in muscle samples. Growth rates were higher for S. senegalensis (0.970and 1.180 mm per day in nursery A and B, respectively) than for S. solea (0.767 mm per day in nursery A). Growth rates of S. senegalensis from the uppermost nursery area were lower when compared to those obtained for the other nursery. The RNA/DNA condition index followed the general trend given by the growth rate estimates, i.e. values were higher for S. senegalensis than for S. solea. However, no significant differences were detected in S. senegalensis from the two nurseries. Larger variations in salinity (10‰ amplitude in the uppermost nursery vs 0.2‰ in the lower nursery) and highest pollution loads may be important factors lowering the habitat quality of the uppermost nursery in comparison to the lower nursery. The use of growth rate estimates based on otolith readings and the RNA/DNA index as tools for habitat quality assessment was discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Eine Methode zur Brutaufzucht der SeezungeSolea solea (L.) wird beschrieben.2. Sowohl unmittelbar in See gefangene als auch monatelang in Aquarien gehälterte Seezungen konnten zum Ablaichen gebracht werden. Ihre Larven wurden in kleinen Behältern mit Innenfiltern aufgezogen und mitArtemia-Nauplien ernährt. Die Sterblichkeit betrug bei 15° bis 18° C ungefähr 20%.3. Die Larven sind gegenüber Temperaturschwankungen recht empfindlich. Vier Monate alte Jungfische nahmen jedoch bis zu Temperaturen von 3° C Nahrung auf und überlebten eine Abkühlung bis auf 1° C ohne Schädigung.4. Die Larven halten sich nach Aufzehrung des Dottersacks bevorzugt in Bodennähe auf. Äußerlich noch völlig symmetrisch, nehmen sie zunächst die Seitenlage nur in den Ruhephasen ein, während beim Schwimmen und Beutefang die aufrechte Haltung beibehalten wird.5. Im Verlauf der ersten fünf Wochen ändern die Larven mehrfach ihre Färbung. Anhand der jeweiligen Pigmentierung ist eine Unterscheidung der im Freien gefangenen Alters- und Entwicklungsstadien möglich. Mit Beginn der Hellfärbung im Alter von vier bis fünf Wochen setzt das von adulten Plattfischen her bekannte Anklammern am Substrat ein.6. Die Wachstumsintensität in den verwendeten kleinen Behältern entsprach während der ersten sechs Monate den vonBückmann (1934) im Wattenmeer ermittelten Werten.7. Ein Verfahren zur Massenkultur vonArtemia salina mit dem als Futterorganismus besonders geeigneten FlagellatenTetraselmis tetrahele wird mitgeteilt.
Experiments concerning the offspring raising of the solesolea solea (L.) in small aquaria
Soles, both freshly caught in the North Sea in May 1965 and living in the laboratory for several months, spawned successfully in large laboratory concrete tanks. Mortality of offspring was about 20% and reached its maximum during the 11th to 13th day after hatching. The larvae approach the bottom when their yolk sac is absorbed. Even when they are still quite symmetrical, they begin to lie down on their sides for various lengths of time. During this intermediate phase they straighten up and swim with their backs up in the normal upright position each time they are disturbed or about to catch food. Permanent side lying and swimming begins only 7 days later. During growth the larvae change their color several times. This color change may prove a useful tool for determining developmental stages and age groups of soles in the open sea. With the occurrence of light pigments at an age of 4 to 5 weeks, the young soles respond to artificially created water currents by clinging to the substrate. Growth rates of soles kept in small containers up to an age of 6 months compared well with those of individuals caught in the open sea. A method for mass-culture of the brine shrimpArtemia salina is described.

Effects of the feeding level on juvenile Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) lipid‐related indicators of nutritional condition were assessed in a 25‐day trial experiment. Morphometric indices (K and HSI), liver lipid content and fatty acids (FA) clusters were good indicators of the feeding level, while individual FA showed highly dynamic variation patterns. Additionally, liver indices were more sensitive to feeding stress than were muscle measurements. HSI determination (and K) is fairly straightforward, with lower costs and simple procedures. Nevertheless, liver lipid content is also an important indicator of the feeding level and constitutes a direct measurement of food utilization and energy storage capacity. The individual variability and complex dynamics of FA with the feeding level are disadvantageous for use in FA analysis even for early‐warning signals of feed limitation. Overall, S. solea nutritional condition can be suitably assessed by morphometric indices and lipid content, especially considering liver measurements (HSI and liver lipid content), provided that the fish development stage is accounted for (i.e. gonad development and reproductive cycle).  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance patterns as well as the feeding ecology of two flatfishes, Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758), were studied in the Douro estuary and adjacent coastal waters (Portugal) in order to evaluate the niche overlap between these species. Fish were collected during sampling surveys conducted every 2 months between November 2000 and March 2002 using a 12‐m otter‐trawl with 18 mm stretched mesh size, at 12 sites within the estuary and six sites in the adjacent coastal area. The highest densities of P. flesus were registered in the middle estuary; a peak density of 9.12 ind 1000 m?2 was obtained in October 2001. Solea solea densities were low compared with P. flesus; the highest values were also recorded in the middle estuary in October 2001. For both species, the proportion of juveniles was above 90% within the estuary. Highest densities of P. flesus and S. solea were recorded at sites with low water depth and high densities of crustaceans and polychaetes, the main food items in the diet of these species. High values of spatial and diet niche overlap were found between these two flatfishes (0.97 and 0.92, respectively).  相似文献   

We have used a RAPD-based technique to identify several microsatellite repeats in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and Dover sole (Solea solea) and report the characterization of six novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for Dover sole. These are the first such markers to be developed for this flatfish species. They exhibit much higher levels of heterozygosity than those previously observed with allozyme loci and should prove useful in addressing population genetic questions as well as more fundamental aquaculture-related questions. Received ; accepted July 13, 1999.  相似文献   

Kearn G. C. 1984. The migration of the monogenean Entobdella soleae on the surface of its host, Solea solea. International Journal for Parasitology14: 63–69. It has been confirmed experimentally that after invasion of the upper surface of the common sole (Solea solea) by oncomiracidia of the monogenean skin parasite Entobdella soleae, the post-larvae migrate to the lower surface. During the first 9 days after invasion of the upper surface, post-larvae migrate directly or obliquely forwards with respect to the fish before gaining access to the lower surface. The possible significance of migratory movements in E. soleae is discussed.  相似文献   

Ventilation frequency (FV) in motionless common sole Solea solea was measured before and after a startling stimulus in normoxia and in hypoxia (15% air saturation). Startling reduced FV in normoxia (from mean ±s.e. 41 ± 3·3 beats min?1 to near zero, i.e. 2·0 ± 1·8 beats min?1) and in hypoxia (from mean ±s.e. 80 ± 4·4 to 58·8 ± 12·9 beats min?1). It is suggested that the maintenance of high FV in hypoxia may increase the probability of detection by predators compared to normoxia.  相似文献   

The postembryonic development of the bony cephalic skeleton in the common sole Solea solea , observed from hatching to the juvenile stage or postmetamorphic larva, appears to follow a similar chronological order to that observed in other Pleuronectiformes and Perciformes and the sequence in bone formation is a response to functional demands. At hatching, S. solea has no bony structure. On day 4, only the outlines of maxillaries and opercular bones are visible. On day 6, a thin parasphenoid appears between the orbits and isolates the braincase from the buccal cavity making food ingestion possible without any impact on the brain. On day 8, the dentaries form and two small preopercular bones appear on each side of the head. On day 9, at weaning from the yolk sac, branchial arches support the gill filaments (used for respiration and trapping phytoplankton which pass through the open mouth). On day 10, the premaxillaries develop in front of the maxillaries. The superimposing of the maxillaries and the premaxillaries is a typical feature of species possessing an acanthopterygian protractile mouth at the adult stage. On day 12, the frontals develop above the orbits and the set of opercular bones is complete. On day 18, the migration of the left eye begins. On day 20, the left eye has moved to the median crest of the head. On day 23, both eyes are located on the same side. On day 26, the braincase is formed by a basioccipital, exoccipitals, pterotics, sphenotics and a supraoccipital. On day 50, new structures have appeared, others have developed and have undergone an extensive remodeling due to metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, tested monocularly on day 3 after hatching recognize familiar versus unfamiliar conspecifics and choose to approach one or other when they use the left eye, whereas they approach familiar and unfamiliar chicks at random when they use the right eye. In experiment 1 we investigated the effects of light exposure of embryos prior to hatching on this particular form of lateralization. Irrespective of whether they hatched from eggs incubated in the dark or from eggs exposed to light during the final days of incubation, chicks using the left eye had higher choice scores (meaning they chose to approach either a familiar or an unfamiliar chick) than chicks using the right eye or both eyes. Therefore, light experience prior to hatching did not influence the lateralization of individual recognition or choice behaviour, although it did affect latency to move out of, and time spent in, the centre of the runway. Experiment 2 showed that visual/social experience posthatching influences choice behaviour: chicks housed in a group in the light for 12 h on day 1 posthatching made a clear choice between familiar and unfamiliar chicks when tested on day 3, but chicks kept in a group in the dark on day 1 did not make a choice, instead alternating between the two stimuli. In experiment 3 we found that posthatching visual/social experience increased the choice scores of chicks using the right eye and thereby removed any lateralization of choice behaviour. The results suggest that visual experience of a social group is required before chicks using their right eye (and left hemisphere) will pay attention to the cues that distinguish one chick from another. Chicks using their left eye (and right hemisphere) recognize the difference between individuals without requiring visual experience with other chicks. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Abstract The thymus of the sole Solea solea contained lymphoblasts and thymocytes within a network of pale and dark epithelial cells. The pale cells were characterized by tonofilaments and desmosomes and some embraced rodlet cells within their cytoplasmic processes. The dark epithelial cells had numerous electron-dense inclusions and electron-lucent vacuoles. Lymphocytes were closely associated with the plasma membrane of both types of epithelial cells and with macrophages. Breakdown of effete lymphocytes appeared to be the main function of the macrophages. Some macrophages were multinucleated. Those containing melanin granules associated with phagosomes were classified as melanomacrophages. Pigment cells including melanophores and guanophores were present along the connective tissue trabeculae and surrounding the blood vessels. A few plasma cells and mucous cells were present.  相似文献   

In the last decades there have been several evidences that traditionally used live preys like rotifers and Artemia salina have nutritional deficiencies that result in a general decrease of fish health, causing anomalies in the development, in growth and in pigmentation. In this study a partial of total replacement of traditional live preys with preserved copepods that represent the natural food of the larvae was evaluated during Solea solea culture. In this study a positive effect of co-feeding preserved copepods in sole larviculture was observed since larvae fed this diet growth and survived better, showed a better tolerance to captive conditions and had a better response to the final thermal/density stress-test with respect to larvae fed a traditional diet. Morphometric data were fully supported by molecular and biochemical ones. Moreover, liver histological investigations, revealed that the inclusion of preserved copepods in the larval diet was able to improve lipid assimilation. In conclusion, preserved copepods may be considered a suitable food for sole when used as a supplement to the traditional diet based on rotifers and Artemia nauplii.  相似文献   

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