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Amyloids are fibrillar protein aggregates resulting from non-covalent autocatalytic polymerization of various structurally and functionally unrelated proteins. Previously we have selected DNA aptamers, which bind specifically to the in vitro assembled amyloid fibrils of the yeast prionogenic protein Sup35. Here we show that such DNA aptamers can be used to detect SDS-insoluble amyloid aggregates of the Sup35 protein, and of some other amyloidogenic proteins, including mouse PrP, formed in yeast cells. The obtained data suggest that these aggregates and the Sup35 amyloid fibrils assembled in vitro possess common conformational epitopes recognizable by aptamers. The described DNA aptamers may be used for detection of various amyloid aggregates in yeast and, presumably, other organisms.  相似文献   

Transmissible self-assembled fibrous cross-β polymer infectious proteins (prions) cause neurodegenerative diseases in mammals and control non-Mendelian heritable traits in yeast. Cross-species prion transmission is frequently impaired, due to sequence differences in prion-forming proteins. Recent studies of prion species barrier on the model of closely related yeast species show that colocalization of divergent proteins is not sufficient for the cross-species prion transmission, and that an identity of specific amino acid sequences and a type of prion conformational variant (strain) play a major role in the control of transmission specificity. In contrast, chemical compounds primarily influence transmission specificity via favoring certain strain conformations, while the species origin of the host cell has only a relatively minor input. Strain alterations may occur during cross-species prion conversion in some combinations. The model is discussed which suggests that different recipient proteins can acquire different spectra of prion strain conformations, which could be either compatible or incompatible with a particular donor strain.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic [PSI(+)] element of budding yeast represents the prion conformation of translation release factor Sup35. Much interest lies in understanding how prions are able to generate variation in isogenic strains. Recent observations suggest that a single prion domain, PrD, is able to adopt several conformations that account for prion strains. We report novel PrD variants of Sup35 that convert weak [PSI(+)] to strong [PSI(+)], and vice versa, upon transmission from wild-type Sup35. During the transmission from wild-type Sup35 to variant Sup35s, no conformational changes were detected by proteolytic fingerprinting and the original [PSI(+)] strain was remembered upon return to wild-type Sup35. These findings suggest that during transmission to variant Sup35s, the [PSI(+)] phenotype is variable while the original conformation is remembered. A mechanism of "conformational memory" to remember specific [PSI(+)] conformations during transmission is proposed.  相似文献   

Douglas R. Lyke 《朊病毒》2017,11(5):332-337
Prions are misfolded, aggregated, infectious proteins found in a range of organisms from mammals to bacteria. In mammals, prion formation is difficult to study because misfolding and aggregation take place prior to symptom presentation. The study of the yeast prion [PSI+], which is the misfolded infectious form of Sup35p, provides a tractable system to monitor prion formation in real time. Recently, we showed that the de novo formation of prion aggregates begins with the appearance of highly mobile cytoplasmic foci, called early foci, which assemble into larger ring or dot structures. We also observed SDS-resistant oligomers during formation, and lysates containing newly formed oligomers can convert [psi?] cells to the [PSI+] state, suggesting that these oligomers have infectious potential. Here, we further characterize two aspects of prion formation: spatial sequestration of early foci and oligomerization of endogenous Sup35p. Our data provides important insights into the process of prion formation and explores the minimal oligomer requirement for infectivity.  相似文献   


Prion strains are different self-propagating conformers of the same infectious protein. Three strains of the [PSI] prion, infectious forms of the yeast Sup35 protein, have been previously characterized in our laboratory. Here we report the discovery of a new [PSI] strain, named W8. We demonstrate its robust cellular propagation as well as the protein-only transmission. To reveal strain-specific sequence requirement, mutations that interfered with the propagation of W8 were identified by consecutive substitution of residues 5–55 of Sup35 by proline and insertion of glycine at alternate sites in this segment. Interestingly, propagating W8 with single mutations at residues 5–7 and around residue 43 caused the strain to transmute. In contrast to the assertion that [PSI] existed as a dynamic cloud of sub-structures, no random drift in transmission characteristics was detected in mitotically propagated W8 populations. Electron diffraction and mass-per-length measurements indicate that, similar to the 3 previously characterized strains, W8 fibers are composed of about 1 prion molecule per 4.7-Å cross-β repeat period. Thus differently folded single Sup35 molecules, not dimeric and trimeric assemblies, form the basic repeating units to build the 4 [PSI] strains.  相似文献   

Zhiqiang Du  Liming Li 《Genetics》2014,197(2):685-700
The relationship between quantitative genetics and population genetics has been studied for nearly a century, almost since the existence of these two disciplines. Here we ask to what extent quantitative genetic models in which selection is assumed to operate on a polygenic trait predict adaptive fixations that may lead to footprints in the genome (selective sweeps). We study two-locus models of stabilizing selection (with and without genetic drift) by simulations and analytically. For symmetric viability selection we find that ∼16% of the trajectories may lead to fixation if the initial allele frequencies are sampled from the neutral site-frequency spectrum and the effect sizes are uniformly distributed. However, if the population is preadapted when it undergoes an environmental change (i.e., sits in one of the equilibria of the model), the fixation probability decreases dramatically. In other two-locus models with general viabilities or an optimum shift, the proportion of adaptive fixations may increase to >24%. Similarly, genetic drift leads to a higher probability of fixation. The predictions of alternative quantitative genetics models, initial conditions, and effect-size distributions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a valuable model system for studying prion-prion interactions as it contains multiple prion proteins. A recent study from our laboratory showed that the existence of Swi1 prion ([SWI+]) and overproduction of Swi1 can have strong impacts on the formation of 2 other extensively studied yeast prions, [PSI+] and [PIN+] ([RNQ+]) (Genetics, Vol. 197, 685–700). We showed that a single yeast cell is capable of harboring at least 3 heterologous prion elements and these prions can influence each other's appearance positively and/or negatively. We also showed that during the de novo [PSI+] formation process upon Sup35 overproduction, the aggregation patterns of a preexisting inducer ([RNQ+] or [SWI+]) can undergo significant remodeling from stably transmitted dot-shaped aggregates to aggregates that co-localize with the newly formed Sup35 aggregates that are ring/ribbon/rod- shaped. Such co-localization disappears once the newly formed [PSI+] prion stabilizes. Our finding provides strong evidence supporting the “cross-seeding” model for prion-prion interactions and confirms earlier reports that the interactions among different prions and their prion proteins mostly occur at the initiation stages of prionogenesis. Our results also highlight a complex prion interaction network in yeast. We believe that elucidating the mechanism underlying the yeast prion-prion interaction network will not only provide insight into the process of prion de novo generation and propagation in yeast but also shed light on the mechanisms that govern protein misfolding, aggregation, and amyloidogenesis in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a tractable model organism in which both to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the generation of disease-associated protein misfolding and to map the cellular responses to potentially toxic misfolded proteins. Specific targets have included proteins which in certain disease states form amyloids and lead to neurodegeneration. Such studies are greatly facilitated by the extensive ‘toolbox’ available to the yeast researcher that provides a range of cell engineering options. Consequently, a number of assays at the cell and molecular level have been set up to report on specific protein misfolding events associated with endogenous or heterologous proteins. One major target is the mammalian prion protein PrP because we know little about what specific sequence and/or structural feature(s) of PrP are important for its conversion to the infectious prion form, PrPSc. Here, using a study of the expression in yeast of fusion proteins comprising the yeast prion protein Sup35 fused to various regions of mouse PrP protein, we show how PrP sequences can direct the formation of non-transmissible amyloids and focus in particular on the role of the mouse octarepeat region. Through this study we illustrate the benefits and limitations of yeast-based models for protein misfolding disorders.  相似文献   

The transfer of phenotypes from one individual to another is a fundamental aspect of biology. In addition to traditional nucleic acid-based genetic determinants, unique proteins known as prions can also act as elements of inheritance, infectivity, and disease. Nucleic acids and proteins encode genetic information in distinct ways, either in the sequence of bases in DNA or RNA or in the three dimensional structure of the polypeptide chain. Given these differences in the nature of the genetic repository, the mechanisms underlying the transmission of nucleic acid-based and protein-based phenotypes are necessarily distinct. While the appearance, persistence and transfer of nucleic acid determinants require the synthesis of new polymers, recent studies indicate that prions are propagated through dynamic transitions in the structure of existing protein.  相似文献   

Chris M Grant 《朊病毒》2015,9(4):257-265
ABSTRACT. The molecular basis by which fungal and mammalian prions arise spontaneously is poorly understood. A number of different environmental stress conditions are known to increase the frequency of yeast [PSI+] prion formation in agreement with the idea that conditions which cause protein misfolding may promote the conversion of normally soluble proteins to their amyloid forms. A recent study from our laboratory has shown that the de novo formation of the [PSI+] prion is significantly increased in yeast mutants lacking key antioxidants suggesting that endogenous reactive oxygen species are sufficient to promote prion formation. Our findings strongly implicate oxidative damage of Sup35 as an important trigger for the formation of the heritable [PSI+] prion in yeast. This review discusses the mechanisms by which the direct oxidation of Sup35 might lead to structural transitions favoring conversion to the transmissible amyloid-like form. This is analogous to various environmental factors which have been proposed to trigger misfolding of the mammalian prion protein (PrPC) into the aggregated scrapie form (PrPSc).  相似文献   

Yeast prion [PSI+] is a self-perpetuating amyloid of the translational termination factor Sup35. Although [PSI+] propagation is modulated by heat shock proteins (Hsps), high temperature was previously reported to have little or no effect on [PSI+]. Our results show that short-term exposure of exponentially growing yeast culture to mild heat shock, followed by immediate resumption of growth, leads to [PSI+] destabilization, sometimes persisting for several cell divisions after heat shock. Prion loss occurring in the first division after heat shock is preferentially detected in a daughter cell, indicating the impairment of prion segregation that results in asymmetric prion distribution between a mother cell and a bud. Longer heat shock or prolonged incubation in the absence of nutrients after heat shock led to [PSI+] recovery. Both prion destabilization and recovery during heat shock depend on protein synthesis. Maximal prion destabilization coincides with maximal imbalance between Hsp104 and other Hsps such as Hsp70-Ssa. Deletions of individual SSA genes increase prion destabilization and/or counteract recovery. The dynamics of prion aggregation during destabilization and recovery are consistent with the notion that efficient prion fragmentation and segregation require a proper balance between Hsp104 and other (e.g., Hsp70-Ssa) chaperones. In contrast to heat shock, [PSI+] destabilization by osmotic stressors does not always depend on cell proliferation and/or protein synthesis, indicating that different stresses may impact the prion via different mechanisms. Our data demonstrate that heat stress causes asymmetric prion distribution in a cell division and confirm that the effects of Hsps on prions are physiologically relevant.  相似文献   

Prions are self-seeding alternate protein conformations. Most yeast prions contain glutamine/asparagine (Q/N)-rich domains that promote the formation of amyloid-like prion aggregates. Chaperones, including Hsp104 and Sis1, are required to continually break these aggregates into smaller “seeds.” Decreasing aggregate size and increasing the number of growing aggregate ends facilitates both aggregate transmission and growth. Our previous work showed that overexpression of 11 proteins with Q/N-rich domains facilitates the de novo aggregation of Sup35 into the [PSI+] prion, presumably by a cross-seeding mechanism. We now discuss our recent paper, in which we showed that overexpression of most of these same 11 Q/N-rich proteins, including Pin4C and Cyc8, destabilized pre-existing Q/N rich prions. Overexpression of both Pin4C and Cyc8 caused [PSI+] aggregates to enlarge. This is incompatible with a previously proposed “capping” model where the overexpressed Q/N-rich protein poisons, or “caps,” the growing aggregate ends. Rather the data match what is expected of a reduction in prion severing by chaperones. Indeed, while Pin4C overexpression does not alter chaperone levels, Pin4C aggregates sequester chaperones away from the prion aggregates. Cyc8 overexpression cures [PSI+] by inducing an increase in Hsp104 levels, as excess Hsp104 binds to [PSI+] aggregates in a way that blocks their shearing.  相似文献   

Termination translation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by two interacting polypeptide chain release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. Two regions in human eRF1, position at 281-305 and position at 411-415, were proposed to be involved on the interaction to eRF3. In this study we have constructed and characterized yeast eRF1 mutant at position 410 (correspond to 415 human eRF1) from tyrosine to serine residue resulting eRF1(Y410S). The mutations did not affect the viability and temperature sensitivity of the cell. The stop codons suppression of the mutant was analyzed in vivo using PGK-stop codon-LACZ gene fusion and showed that the suppression of the mutant was significantly increased in all of codon terminations. The suppression on UAG codon was the highest increased among the stop codons by comparing the suppression of the wild type respectively. In vitro interaction between eRF1 (mutant and wild type) to eRF3 were carried out using eRF1-(His)6 and eRF1(Y410S)-(His)6 expressed in Escherichia coli and indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae eRF3. The results showed that the binding affinity of eRF1(Y410S) to eRF3 was decreased up to 20% of the wild type binding affinity. Computer modeling analysis using Swiss-Prot and Amber version 9.0 programs revealed that the overall structure of eRF1(Y410S) has no significant different with the wild type. However, substitution of tyrosine to serine triggered the structural change on the other motif of C-terminal domain of eRF1. The data suggested that increasing stop codon suppression and decreasing of the binding affinity of eRF1(Y410S) were probably due to the slight modification on the structure of the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   


Yeast [PSI+] prion is one of the most suitable and well characterized system for the investigation of the prion phenomenon. However, until recently, the lack of data on the 3D arrangement of Sup35p prion fibrils hindered progress in this area. The recent arrival in this field of new experimental techniques led to the parallel and in-register superpleated β-structure as a consensus model for Sup35p fibrils. Here, we analyzed the effect of amino acid substitutions of the Sup35 protein through the prism of this structural model. Application of a newly developed computational approach, called ArchCandy, gives us a better understanding of the effect caused by mutations on the fibril forming potential of Sup35 protein. This bioinformatics tool can be used for the design of new mutations with desired modification of prion properties. Thus, we provide examples of how today, having progress toward elucidation of the structural arrangement of Sup35p fibrils, researchers can advance more efficiently to a better understanding of prion [PSI+] stability and propagation.  相似文献   

Amyloid deposits, which accumulate in numerous diseases, are the final stage of multi-step protein conformational-conversion and oligomerization processes. The underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood, and particularly little is known about the reverse reaction. Here we show that phosphoglycerate kinase amyloid fibrils can be converted back into native protein. We achieved recovery with 60% efficiency, which is comparable to the success rate of the unfolding-refolding studies, and the recovered enzyme was folded, stable and fully active. The key intermediate stages in the recovery process are fibril disassembly and unfolding followed by spontaneous protein folding.  相似文献   

Klucevsek KM  Braun MA  Arndt KM 《Genetics》2012,191(4):1107-1118
The Rtf1 subunit of the Paf1 complex is required for specific histone modifications, including histone H2B lysine 123 monoubiquitylation. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, deletion of RTF1 is lethal in the absence of Rkr1, a ubiquitin-protein ligase involved in the destruction of nonstop proteins, which arise from mRNAs lacking stop codons or translational readthrough into the poly(A) tail. We performed a transposon-based mutagenesis screen to identify suppressors of rtf1Δ rkr1Δ lethality and found that a mutation in the gene encoding the protein chaperone Hsp104 rescued viability. Hsp104 plays a role in prion propagation, including the maintenance of [PSI(+)], which contributes to the synthesis of nonstop proteins. We demonstrate that rtf1Δ and rkr1Δ are synthetically lethal only in the presence of [PSI(+)]. The deletion, inactivation, and overexpression of HSP104 or the overexpression of prion-encoding genes URE2 and LSM4 clear [PSI(+)] and rescue rtf1Δ rkr1Δ lethality. In addition, the presence of [PSI(+)] decreases the fitness of rkr1Δ strains. We investigated whether the loss of RTF1 exacerbates an overload in nonstop proteins in rkr1Δ [PSI(+)] strains but, using reporter plasmids, found that rtf1Δ decreases nonstop protein levels, indicating that excess nonstop proteins may not be the cause of synthetic lethality. Instead, our data suggest that the loss of Rtf1-dependent histone modifications increases the burden on quality control pathways in cells lacking Rkr1 and containing [PSI(+)].  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is correlated with the deposition of amyloid peptides in the brain of the patients. The amyloid is thus a major target in the search for novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The present work employs in vitro selection to develop new tools for the study of the Alzheimer's disease. The selection strategy enables the design of specific nucleic acids (aptamers) against virtually any target molecule. High-affinity RNA aptamers against the betaA4(1-40) were isolated from a combinatorial library of approximately 10(15) different molecules. The apparent dissociation constants K(d) of these aptamers are 29-48 nM. The binding of the RNA to the amyloid fibrils was confirmed by electron microscopy. The chemical synthesis of these nucleic acids enables tailor-made modifications. By introduction of specific reporter groups these RNAs can become suitable tools for analytical and diagnostic purposes. Thus, this study may introduce a new approach for diagnosis of the Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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