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Tetramethyldithiooxamide (TMDTOA) is a stable and effective inhibitor of metal corrosion. The antimicrobial effects of TMDTOA and its metal compounds were investigated with regard to their use as biocides for water treatment. Growth of a variety of strains of bacteria and yeasts was completely inhibited at 400 υmol 1−1 TMDTOA or its metal complexes. At 100 mg 1−1 there was a 99·99% reduction in the number of viable micro-organisms; this activity persisted for 1–3 months. TMDTOA can be produced cheaply at 98% purity by a novel method, representing an alternative cost-effective water treatment agent combining corrosion-inhibiting and biocide characteristics.  相似文献   

Triclosan: a widely used biocide and its link to antibiotics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mycoplasmas are cell wall-less bacteria at the low extreme in genome size in the known prokaryote world, and the minimal nature of their genomes is clearly reflected in their metabolic and regulatory austerity. Despite this apparent simplicity, certain species such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae possess a complex terminal organelle that functions in cytadherence, gliding motility, and cell division. The attachment organelle is a membrane-bound extension of the cell and is characterized by an electron-dense core that is part of the mycoplasma cytoskeleton, defined here for working purposes as the protein fraction that remains after extraction with the detergent Triton X-100. This review focuses on the architecture and assembly of the terminal organelle of M. pneumoniae. Characterizing the downstream consequences of defects involving attachment organelle components has made it possible to begin to elucidate the probable sequence of certain events in the biogenesis of this structure.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the effects of Svalbard reindeer on the abundance of lichens in Spitsbergen. A survey was carried out in 14 areas with contrasting reindeer densities. Separate cover estimates for crustose, fructose and foliose lichens were taken in each area, and related to the density of reindeer pellet groups, a measure of reindeer density. Dominant macro lichen families were identified in 10 areas, and a full record of macrolichen species was taken in four additional areas. Variation in reindeer density is partially due to past overhunting, and subsequent incomplete recovery, releasing some areas from reindeer grazing for 100–200 yr. The cover of fruticose lichens was negatively related to reindeer pellet group density, indicating suppression by Svalbard reindeer. This makes their impact comparable to other members of the Rangifer genus around the northern hemisphere. The generally recorded low abundance of lichens in the diet of Svalbard reindeer compared to other Rangifer species, therefore, was interpreted as the depletion of fruticose lichens in Spitsbergen, and a subsequent switch to alternative foods. Of all fruticose lichens, Stereocaulon spp. appeared least sensitive to grazing. Crustose and foliose lichen cover was independent of reindeer pellet group density. The cover of crustose lichens was significantly related to latitude, with greater cover in more northern areas. Foliose lichens were more abundant in places where moss cover was high. We conclude that the impact of Svalbard reindeer on lichens is dependent on growth form, with fruticose lichens suffering from grazing, whereas foliose lichens might indirectly benefit from higher densities of reindeer or, like crustose lichens, be controlled by other factors.  相似文献   

Bacterial spore structures and their protective role in biocide resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure and chemical composition of bacterial spores differ considerably from those of vegetative cells. These differences largely account for the unique resistance properties of the spore to environmental stresses, including disinfectants and sterilants, resulting in the emergence of spore-forming bacteria such as Clostridium difficile as major hospital pathogens. Although there has been considerable work investigating the mechanisms of action of many sporicidal biocides against Bacillus subtilis spores, there is far less information available for other species and particularly for various Clostridia. This paucity of information represents a major gap in our knowledge given the importance of Clostridia as human pathogens. This review considers the main spore structures, highlighting their relevance to spore resistance properties and detailing their chemical composition, with a particular emphasis on the differences between various spore formers. Such information will be vital for the rational design and development of novel sporicidal chemistries with enhanced activity in the future.  相似文献   

Summary Methylchloro/methylisothiazolone biocide was tested for efficacy in cooling tower water againstLegionella pneumophila (strains Flint 1 and 2) andL. gormanii. These analyses are the first reports on the efficacy of isothiazolones againstLegionella in actual cooling tower water; the results of data reported previously obtained from more arbitrary laboratory tests are discussed and compared. The biocide was effective in cooling tower water at the two pH levels tested (pH 8.0 and 6.7). The concentration of biocide required to eliminate theL. pneumophila depended on contact time and pH: 99% of the bacteria were killed after 6 and 3 h of contact by 1.07 and 3.13 ppm active ingredient, respectively, when the pH was 8.0: 99% of the bacteria were killed after 6 and 3 h of contact by 2.23 and 9.43 ppm active ingredient, respectively, when the pH was 6.7. 24 h of contact with 0.35 ppm active ingredient methylchloro/methylisothiazolone biocide reduced the concentration of viable bacterial cells by more than four orders of magnitude (>99.99%), regardless of pH.  相似文献   

The distribution of many Arctic lichens is well known but their place and time of origin is still conjectural. Land bridges are often suggested but continental drift suggests a possible tie to Gondwanaland and Pangaea. This review suggests consideration of the available evidence for such ideas and emphasizes the need for more exact data from molecular studies of living and amber materials to determine the antiquity of the lichen species involved.  相似文献   

The distribution and ecology of four threatened lichens in the Czech Republic, Evernia mesomorpha, Hyperphyscia adglutinata, Hypotrachyna revoluta and Parmotrema perlatum, have been studied. All species are mainly epiphytic, but recent records from the Czech Republic are largely from siliceous rocks in river/brook valleys. Changes in distribution and substrate preferences are documented and discussed.  相似文献   

There are a large number of species of Antarctic lichens, and several studies describing the secondary metabolites present in these lichens, as well as the advances in understanding the chemistry of these metabolites, have been reported. In addition, some derivatives displaying interesting antibacterial effects have been described. The cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of 15 secondary metabolites (depsides, depsidones and usnic acid) obtained from Continental (Chilean) and Antarctic lichens were evaluated in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Intracellular lactate dehydrogenase release, caspase 3 activation and DNA fragmentation were measured. In this study, we have evaluated a set of markers associated with pivotal steps in the execution phase of apoptosis, in order to detect compounds with apoptotic effects on hepatocytes before significant necrosis takes place. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA fragmentation revealed an increase in apoptotic nuclei with sub-diploid DNA content after the exposure of hepatocytes to sub-cytotoxic concentrations of the compounds. Among these, salazinic acid, stictic acid and psoromic acid displayed significant apoptotic activities.  相似文献   

A light microscopic and molecular analysis of photobionts in Ramalina and Cladonia from coastal habitats of Brazil is presented. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of ITS rDNA sequences suggests a Trebouxia lineage which is preferentially tropical in geographic distribution. This highly diverse clade also includes the morphological similar species Trebouxia higginsiae and galapagensis. Within the predominantly tropical clade of Trebouxia we distinguish several subclades, three of which are represented in our samples of Ramalina species. Since sexuality has not been recognized in coccal lichenised photobionts until recently, we cannot apply a biological species concept, but when compared with the sequence diversity between known species we conclude that several new species need to be described in this clade. The mutually exclusive presence of other Trebouxia lineages in temperate samples of Ramalina suggests an evolution towards higher selectivity in this genus. A strictly tropical lineage is not conspicuous in the photobionts of the genus Asterochloris sampled from Cladonia so far.  相似文献   

The epiphytic lichen flora of 25 European ICP-IM monitoring sites, all situated in areas remote from air pollution sources, was statistically related to measured levels of SO2in air, NH4+, NO3 and SO42− in precipitation, annual bulk precipitation, and annual average temperature. Significant regression models were calculated for eleven acidophytic species. Several species show a strong negative correlation with nitrogen compounds. At concentrations as low as 0·3 mg N l−1in precipitation, a decrease of the probability of occurrence is observed for Bryoria capillaris, B. fuscescens, Cetraria pinastri, Imshaugia aleurites and Usnea hirta. The observed pattern of correlations strongly suggests a key role of NH4+ in determining the species occurrence, but an additional role of NO3 cannot be ruled out. Some species show a distinct response to current levels of SO2as well. It may be concluded that long distance nitrogen air pollution has strong influence on the occurrence of acidophytic lichen species.  相似文献   

柳帅  李苏  刘文耀 《菌物学报》2018,37(7):931-939
本研究选取云南哀牢山亚热带森林系统6种常见的附生大型地衣进行为期2年的移植实验,分析其在原生林林外、林缘以及林内3种生境下的生物量增长速率和健康率等的差异,并探讨其生长对环境因子变化的响应。结果显示,网肺衣Lobaria retigera和平滑牛皮叶Sticta nylanderiana在林缘处生物量增长最快;而槽枝Sulcaria sulcata、多花松萝Usnea florida、皮革肾岛衣Nephromopsis pallescens、针芽肺衣Lobaria isidiophora 4种地衣则都是在林外光照更强、湿度更低的条件下生长得最好,林内最差。除网肺衣外,所有地衣的健康率均在林外较好,林缘次之,林内最差。非参数相关分析表明,6种地衣的生长速率和光照以及温度呈正相关,与大气湿度呈负相关;温度和光照是影响地衣生长最主要的生境因子。  相似文献   

Interaction effects of UV-B and CO2 on three lichens species, Cladonia arbusculo, Cetraria islandica and Stereocaulon paschale, from two latitudinal sites, 68∘N and 56∘N, were studied in a laboratory experiment. The response of the plants was recorded by measuring their chlorophyll fluorescence. All species had a similar response to enhanced UV-B depending on the latitude from which the population came and the time of the season when they were sampled. Overall, there was a significant increase in photosystem II yield (as measured by a fluorescence technique) due to UV-B and no separate effect due to enhanced CO2, although there was a significant interaction between CO2 and UV-B. The increase due to UV-B was at the low CO2 level. There were also significant differences in response due to latitude. The results contradict our hypotheses that negative effects of UV-B would be larger in the North than in the South and that a negative response should be especially large during the early season.  相似文献   

Biofouling is one of the most serious problems facing numerous industrial processes. In the case of a heat exchanger unit, biological deposits adhering to the inside surface of its tubes reduce heat transfer and, thus, the thermal performance of the cycle. Control of this phenomenon is proving fundamental for both land and marine equipment to operate in optimum working conditions. Hence, it is necessary to apply antifouling methods capable of keeping surfaces free of any kind of biofouling. This paper reports on the behaviour resulting from use of the flow inversion method vs that obtained by using various chemical treatments. The study compares the effectiveness of certain chemical treatments (Na hypochlorite, peracetic acid and a compound formed by Na bromide + Na hypochlorite) for removing a biofouling film that has already formed on the inside surfaces of tubes in a heat exchanger pilot plant. The paper also addresses the issue of optimising the concentration of biocide dose as a function of the residual biocide in order minimise the environmental impact caused by effluent from industrial plants. The results indicate that it is possible to eliminate a biofilm formed on the inside surfaces of tubes by the use of intermittent doses of chemical treatments at low concentrations and over long application times. Furthermore, once the stabilisation phase is reached 6 d after starting the treatment, it is possible to maintain the conditions achieved using only 20% of the initial dosage.  相似文献   


Biofouling is one of the most serious problems facing numerous industrial processes. In the case of a heat exchanger unit, biological deposits adhering to the inside surface of its tubes reduce heat transfer and, thus, the thermal performance of the cycle. Control of this phenomenon is proving fundamental for both land and marine equipment to operate in optimum working conditions. Hence, it is necessary to apply antifouling methods capable of keeping surfaces free of any kind of biofouling. This paper reports on the behaviour resulting from use of the flow inversion method vs that obtained by using various chemical treatments. The study compares the effectiveness of certain chemical treatments (Na hypochlorite, peracetic acid and a compound formed by Na bromide + Na hypochlorite) for removing a biofouling film that has already formed on the inside surfaces of tubes in a heat exchanger pilot plant. The paper also addresses the issue of optimising the concentration of biocide dose as a function of the residual biocide in order minimise the environmental impact caused by effluent from industrial plants. The results indicate that it is possible to eliminate a biofilm formed on the inside surfaces of tubes by the use of intermittent doses of chemical treatments at low concentrations and over long application times. Furthermore, once the stabilisation phase is reached 6 d after starting the treatment, it is possible to maintain the conditions achieved using only 20% of the initial dosage.  相似文献   


The rate of photosynthesis of two lichen species (Peltigera leucophlebia and Ramalina farinacea) was found to be 30 to 40% that of spinach leaf dises and 20% that of the free-living alga Chlorella when the results were expressed on a per mg chlorophyll basis. When the algae were isolated from the thalli, the rate of photosynthesis per mg chlorophyll increased for Ramalina farinacea and decreased for Peltigera leucophlebia. Product analysis indicated that the products of photosynthesis depended on the association of the alga with the fungus: algae isolated from the thalli showed a «shift» in products from sugars and sugar alcohols. to compounds such as organic acids. The results suggest that a symbiotic relationship with a fungus alters both the rate and products of algal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of medullary oil hyphae of twelve endolithic lichen species, belonging to different taxa and colonizing different habitats, was examined by light and electron microscopy. The chemical composition of lipids isolated from the oil hyphae and from two corresponding mycobionts grown in culture was determined.The oil hyphae of the various species appeared in different forms and contained large amounts of lipid in the form of oil globules. The hyphae of mycobionts isolated from two of the endoliths and grown in culture also contained large amounts of lipids. Triacylglycerol was the predominant lipid component in all the organisms examined. Hexadecanoic acid was the main saturated fatty acid; octadecenoic acid and octadecdienoic acid the predominant unsaturated fatty acids. Tetradecanoic, hexadecenoic, octadecanoic and octadectrienoic acids were also detected.The fatty acid distribution pattern appeared unaffected by the nature of substrate and climatic conditions. There is a certain similarity in the fatty acid composition in related species.This work forms part of a dissertation to be submitted by E.Kushnir to the Department of Botany, Tel-Aviv University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

Global warming is expected to change plant defence through its influence on plant primary resources. Increased temperature (T) will increase photosynthesis, and thus carbon (C) availability, but may also increase soil mineralization and availability of nitrogen (N). More access to C and N is expected to mainly increase plant growth, and, according to hypotheses on resource based defence, this could lower plant concentrations of carbon-based secondary compounds (CBSCs).We used two already established warming experiment with open top chambers (OTCs) and control plots in alpine south-western Norway, one on a ridge (8 years’ treatment) and a one in a leeside (3 years’ treatment), to study the effects of warming on plant and lichen defensive compound concentrations. The study included five vascular plant and six lichen species.One vascular plant species had lower concentration of CBSCs under elevated T, while the others did not respond to the treatment. In lichens there were no effects of warming on CBSCs, but a tendency to reduced total C concentrations. However, there were effects of warming on nitrogen, as the concentration decreased inside OTCs for three species, while it increased for one lichen species. Lichens generally had higher CBSC and total C concentrations on the ridge than in the leeside, but no such pattern were seen for vascular plants.No elevated temperature effect on CBCSs is most probably a result of high constitutive defence under the limiting alpine conditions, suggesting that chemical defence is little subject to change under climate warming, at least on a short-term basis. We suggest that the driving forces of plant defence in the arctic-alpine should be tested individually under controlled conditions, and suggest that competition from other plants may be a greater threat under climate warming than increased herbivory or disease attacks.  相似文献   

The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), is one of the major pests of tomato crop. Since its detection in the Mediterranean basin, it has been commonly controlled using chemical insecticides. However, inoculation and conservation of predatory mirids, integrated with sprays of selective insecticides, has been demonstrated to be a cost‐effective strategy for controlling this pest. In this work, we tested the efficacy of two sulphur formulations, dustable and wettable powder, for controlling T. absoluta on tomato under greenhouse and open‐field conditions. In addition, the side effects of both sulphur formulations on the predator, Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter), were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Dustable sulphur, applied weekly on tomato seedlings artificially infested with T. absoluta in greenhouse conditions, significantly reduced the infestation levels and was demonstrated to have a repellent effect on oviposition. Wettable sulphur was not effective for controlling T. absoluta populations in both greenhouse and open‐field experiments. In the side effect trials conducted with N. tenuis, only dustable sulphur resulted in being moderately harmful as a fresh residue and slightly harmful as a 7‐day‐old residue; no effects were recorded exposing the predator to 14‐day‐old sulphur residues. In contrast, wettable sulphur was classified as harmless to N. tenuis. Our results suggest that the use of sulphur, especially as dustable powder, could be considered as a tool in T. absoluta management strategies, although its side effects on Ntenuis should be taken into account. The implications of these results for the use of sulphur formulations in pest and disease management programmes in tomato crops are discussed.  相似文献   

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