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The quantification of target analytes in complex matrices requires special calibration approaches to compensate for additional capacity or activity in the matrix samples. The standard addition is one of the most important calibration procedures for quantification of analytes in such matrices. However, this technique requires a great number of reagents and material, and it consumes a considerable amount of time throughout the analysis. In this work, a new calibration procedure to analyze biological samples is proposed. The proposed calibration, called the addition calibration technique, was used for the determination of zinc (Zn) in blood serum and erythrocyte samples. The results obtained were compared with those obtained using conventional calibration techniques (standard addition and standard calibration). The proposed addition calibration was validated by recovery tests using blood samples spiked with Zn. The range of recovery for blood serum and erythrocyte samples were 90-132% and 76-112%, respectively. Statistical studies among results obtained by the addition technique and conventional techniques, using a paired two-tailed Student's t-test and linear regression, demonstrated good agreement among them.  相似文献   

A procedure using open digestion followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry is described for measuring the total selenium content of Se-enriched yeast. The limits of detection and quantitation were 2.5 mg/L and 5 mg/L Se, respectively. The signal response was linear over the range of 5–50 mg/L Se, and the average recovery from spiked samples was 98.9%. The validated method was used to measure the Se content of Se-enriched yeast reference material and produced a result of 2145±38 mg/kg (n=3), which is in good agreement with the certified level of 2125 ±65 mg/kg.  相似文献   

An electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric procedure for zinc determination in animal tissues is first optimized and then used to measure the metal content of different tissues from normal and dystrophic mice. The procedure involves minimal manipulation of the sample to overcome the severe contamination problems normally associated with the measurement of low zinc levels. The samples (recommended amount 10 mg) are slurried in 2 ml of a 10-mM tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution containing 0.1 g/100 ml silicone antifoam. After mild heating at 60 degrees C for 10 min and homogenization for 1 min, the suspensions are submitted to a 10-fold dilution and then injected into the electrothermal atomizer. Calibration is carried out using aqueous standard solutions of zinc prepared in the same suspension media. The reliability of the whole procedure is verified using three certified reference materials.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable method is described which combines ultrafiltration technique with atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine the Zn fractions in human blood plasma and seminal plasma. Ultrafiltrable, loosely bound, and firmly bound Zn can be measured using this method in the presence or absence of ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The YMT membranes for the ultrafiltration must be rinsed thoroughly before use. In contrast to Zn in blood plasma, a large part of Zn in the seminal plasma was found to be ultrafiltrabe. This method can be applied to study the physiologically active part of Zn in body fluids related to various disease states.  相似文献   

The flameless atomic absorption method described here is a simple, rapid, accurate microtechnique for determining zinc in aqueous solutions, serum, or urine. It requires no sample pretreatment, only 1.0 μl of sample per determination, no correction for viscosity differences between sample and standard solutions, and is not subject to ionic or organic interference. The average recovery of added zinc in serum is 97.5% and in urine is 97.6%. The values obtained for serum (mean ± SD: 94.6 ± 11.0 μAg/100 ml; N = 25) and urine (range: sol600–1000 μg24 hr; N = 4) are comparable to the values reported in the literature. The coefficient of variation was less than 5.0% in all cases. The qualitative concentration limit was 0.009 μg100 ml. The techniques and instrumentation described are also applicable to a number of trace minerals of common interest.  相似文献   

Optimum operating conditions have been determined for the atomization of zinc from metalloproteins in a graphite furnace. Addition of 50 mm ammonium dihydrogen phosphate to to protein and measurement of the integrated absorbance suppresses or eliminates matrix interference effects. Using a 5-μl sample both the sensitivity and the detection limit are 0.3 ng of Zn/ml, i.e., 1.5 pg of zinc on an absolute basis. For 10 ng/ml of zinc in 5-μl samples of a zinc metalloenzyme, the coefficient of variation is 1.5%. Accuracy has been established by analysis of zinc metalloenzymes of known zinc stoichiometry. The method has been applied successfully to the determination of zinc in several proteins for which zinc stoichiometry had been unknown.  相似文献   

Fifteen kinds of common plants, animals, and minerals used as traditional medicines by the Chinese people have been subjected to analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry for its content of seven metals: lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, copper, cobalt, and manganese. The concentrations of these elements are significantly different according to their vegetal, animal, or mineral origin. The average values found for lead, cadmium, arsenic, cobalt, and manganese in drugs of mineral origin are higher than those derived from plants and animals, except for copper, which was higher in drugs of animal origin. Our results suggest that the user of traditional Chinese crude drugs should be warned of the potential danger of heavy-metal poisoning because their concentrations seem to be higher than the maximum values allowed by health agencies in several countries.  相似文献   

Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) was applied for determination of selenium content in dried aerial parts of wild and cultivated Teucrium species (Lamiaceae) growing in Croatia: T. arduini L., T. chamaedrys L., T. flavum L., T. montanum L., T. polium L., and T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides Schreb. Special attention was paid to the wet oxidation procedure for the sample dissolution. The proposed procedure involved microwave-assisted sample digestion using a mixture of HNO3/H2O2. Wild specimens generally had a higher content of selenium, with concentrations of 0.030-0.095 mg/kg of the dry drug. Cultivated plants contained 0.020-0.055 mg Se/kg.  相似文献   

Introduction – Although medicinal plants are widely used throughout the world, few studies have been carried out concerning the levels of heavy metal contaminants present. Such metals are highly toxic to living organisms even in low concentrations owing to their cumulative effect. The present paper describes the the development of a pre‐concentration flow injection analysis‐flame atomic absorption spectrometric system to determine the lead content in medicinal plants at the ppb level. Objective – To develop a pre‐concentration flow injection analysis‐flame atomic absorption spectrometric system to determine the lead content in medicinal plants at the ppb level. Methodology – A pre‐concentration flow system was coupled to a flame atomic absorption spectrometer. The plant samples were analysed after nitroperchloric digestion. The proposed system was optimised by evaluating the following parameters: nature, concentration and volume of the eluent solution, elution flow rate, elution efficiency, pre‐concentration flow rate and pre‐concentration time. Results – The proposed system exhibited good performance with high precision and repeatability (RSD ≤ 2.36%), excellent linearity (r = 0.9999), low sample consumption (10.5 mL per determination) and an analytical throughput of 55 samples/h. Lead concentrations ranged from 3.37 ± 0.25 to 7.03 ± 0.51 μg/g in dry material. This concentration interval is greater than that previously published in the literature. Conclusion – The inclusion of a pre‐concentration column in the flow manifold improved the sensitivity of the spectrometer. Thus, it was possible to determine the analyte at the ng/mL level in sample solutions of medicinal plants. This is a very important accomplishment, especially when the cumulative effect of heavy metals in living organisms is considered. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the investigation of neurological disorders, a development of simple and accessible methods for determining selenium in human brain samples is required. We devised a method of determining selenium using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). An electrodeless discharge lamp provided the sufficient sensitivity to determine brain selenium. The matrix interferences were avoided by using high temperature, a prolonged pyrolysis step, and a palladium matrix modifier. The technique of standard addition was used to evaluate the sample concentrations. The accuracy of the method was confirmed by a bovine liver reference material. The detection limit of selenium was 0.04 ng. The determined selenium concentrations of human brain cortex and white matter were higher than those of putamen (115–155 and 206–222 ng/g wet wt, respectively). These GFAAS values agreed with those obtained by fluorometric analysis (r=0.91,n=10). Moreover, the GFAAS values were compatible to those reported by other researchers (99–274 ng/g wet wt), in which selenium concentrations in putamen also tended to be higher than the other two regions. We conclude that GFAAS is useful for selenium analysis in brain samples.  相似文献   

目的:建立直接测定中成药汞含量的无损分析方法.方法:采用一种新型冷原子吸收测仪,样品经添加辅助剂后直接测定.结果:本法检出限可达0.004 ng,检测范围为0.5~10 ng,加标回收率为98.7~104.3%,方法精密度为0.5%(n=6).结论:本法直接进样测定,极其简便、省时,用于两类中成药中汞含量测定,效果显著优于现行方法.  相似文献   

Various designs of quartz tubes of the slotted tube atom trap were examined to improve the sensitivity of flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The studied designs include the diameter length and the length of the upper slot of quartz tubes. Tubes having a diameter of 5 and 6 mm and an upper slot length of 2.3 cm produce the best sensitivity—as high as 6- and 10-fold enhancement for lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), respectively. The limits of quantitation were found to be 35 and 4 ng ml−1 for Pb and Cd, respectively, by the optimized method. The achieved technique was applied to determine the concentrations of Pb and Cd in cancerous (malign) and noncancerous (adenoma) human thyroid tissues.  相似文献   

A fast and robust method for the determination of platinum in human subcellular microsamples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was developed, characterized, and validated. Samples of isolated DNA and exosome fractions from human ovarian (2008) and melanoma (T289) cancer cell lines were used. To keep the sample consumption to approximately 10 microl and obtain a high robustness of the system, a flow injection sample introduction system with a 4.6-microl sample loop was used in combination with a conventional pneumatic nebulizer and a spray chamber. The system was optimized with respect to signal/noise ratio using a multivariate experimental design. The system proved to be well suited for routine analysis of large sample series, and several hundreds of samples could be analyzed without maintenance or downtime. The detection limit of the method was 0.12 pg (26 pg/g) platinum. To avoid systematic errors from nonspectral interferences, it was necessary to use reagent matched calibration standards or isotope dilution analysis. An uncertainty budget was constructed to estimate the total expanded uncertainty of the method, giving a quantification limit of 2.3 pg (0.5 ng/g) platinum in DNA samples. The uncertainty was sufficiently low to study quantitative differences in the formation of Pt-DNA adducts after treatment with cisplatin using different exposure times and concentrations.  相似文献   

The most commonly encountered difficulties for the quantitative measurement of zinc in biological samples are the limited sample amount, total and effective digestion of connective and fatty residues, and low zinc concentrations. These problems often lead to the determination of lower zinc values than actually present, so that the sample preparation, digestion, and analytical procedure deserve careful attention. In this short communication, a new method for microwave tissue disintegration is described. The authors have obtained consistent and reproducible results with tissue samples of 0.5 g or less.  相似文献   

The development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the determination of the tetracationic zinc(II) phthalocyanine derivative RLP068 in rabbit serum is described. The dodecadeuterated product (RLP068-D12) was used as co-eluting internal standard. RLP068 was isolated from serum samples by solid-phase extraction using weak cationic exchange cartridges (WCX). An oxidative derivatisation was used in order to simplify the peculiar HPLC and MS behaviour of the analyte and thus increasing sensitivity. Liquid Chromatography was carried out on a Polaris C18 Ether column (50 mm x 2.0 mm) with an isocratic run of 0.5% aqueous TFA/methanol. Detection was achieved by means of a Bruker Esquire 3000+ Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer equipped with an ESI source working in positive mode. A Multiple Reaction Monitoring method following the transitions 297.1 --> 282.1 for the analyte and 300.1 --> 282.1 + 285.1 for the internal standard was used. The analytical method was validated over the concentration range 2-65 ng/mL. lower limits of detection (LLOD) and quantification (LLOQ) were respectively 1 and 2 ng/mL. The method is innovative and applicable to pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

A rapid method to determine the chromium content of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples using electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry (ETA-AAS) with deuterium-arc background correction is described. The chromium concentration in CSF was evaluated by the standard addition method. Sample dilution (1 + 1) with 0.25% (m/v) Triton X-100 and 4.5% (v/v) HNO3 gave the best combination of sensitivity, reproducibility, and low blank reading compared with dilution using other solvents. Within-batch reproducibility was 3.2% for 20 CSF samples, between-batch reproducibility was 4.7%. CSF samples from 43 healthy volunteers collected in a manner designed to avoid contamination yielded chromium concentrations of 14.6 ± 6.3 ng mL−1.  相似文献   

An on-line flow injection pre-concentration-flame atomic absorption spectrometry method was developed to determine trace zinc in water (tap, dam, and well water), biological (hair and nail), and liver samples. As a solid phase extractant, a synthesized new chelating resin, poly(2-thiozylmethacrylamide-co-divinylbenzene-co-2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonic acid) was used. The resin was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and surface area by nitrogen sorption. A pre-concentration factor of 40-fold for a sample volume of 12.6 mL was obtained by using the time-based technique. The detection limit for the pre-concentration method was found to be 2.2 μg L?1. The precision (as RSD,%) for 10 replicate determinations at the 0.04 μg mL?1 Zn concentration was 1.2%. The calibration graph using the pre-concentration system for zinc was linear with a correlation coefficient of 0.998 in the concentration range from 0.005 to 0.05 μg mL?1. The applicability and accuracy of the developed method were estimated by the analysis spiked water, biological, liver samples (83–105%), and also certified reference material TMDA-70 (fortified lake water) and SPS-WW1 Batch 111-Wastewater. The results were in agreement with the certified values.  相似文献   

Aluminum hydroxide is used to adsorb extraneous protein during the preparation of Antihemophilic Factor (Human) (AHF). Removal of Al(OH)3 is accomplished by centrifugation and filtration. This study describes a method for the determination of residual aluminum in AHF by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Matrix interferences were minimized by employing sample digestion with HNO3 prior to nebulization in a nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. Under these conditions, the limit of detection of aluminum in an aqueous system was estimated to be approximately 0.13 micrograms Al ml-1, while the limit of quantitation was estimated to be approximately 0.56 micrograms Al ml-1. Residual aluminum levels in AHF determined by this method ranged from less than 0.20 micrograms ml-1 to 0.82 micrograms ml-1. Butyl alcohol was used to modify sample matrices after digestion to increase the sensitivity of the assay system. An increase in the aluminum absorption signal was demonstrated after the addition of butyl alcohol to an AHF digest.  相似文献   

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