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Variation in plant shoot structure may be described as occurring through changes within a basic unit, the metamer. Using this terminology, the apical meristem of Arabidopsis produces three metameric types sequentially: type 1, rosette; type 2, coflorescence-bearing with bract; and type 3, flower-bearing without bract. We describe a mutant of Arabidopsis, Leafy, homozygous for a recessive allele of a nuclear gene LEAFY (LFY), that has an inflorescence composed only of type 2-like metamers. These data suggest that the LFY gene is required for the development of type 3 metamers and that the transition from type 2 to type 3 metamers is a developmental step distinct from that between vegetative and reproductive growth (type 1 to type 2 metamers). Results from double mutant analysis, showing that lfy-1 is epistatic to the floral organ homeotic gene ap2-6, are consistent with the hypothesis that a functional LFY gene is necessary for the expression of downstream genes controlling floral organ identity.  相似文献   

Highlights? SOC1, SVP, AGL24, and SEP4 directly repress TFL1 in emerging floral meristems ? SOC1, SVP, AGL24, and SEP4 interact with AP1 to repress TFL1 ? Repression of TFL1 is associated with a conformational change in gene looping ? Function of SOC1, SVP, AGL24, and SEP4 is conserved in Arabidopsis and rice  相似文献   

P. L. Larsen  P. S. Albert    D. L. Riddle 《Genetics》1995,139(4):1567-1583
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans responds to conditions of overcrowing and limited food by arresting development as a dauer larva. Genetic analysis of mutations that alter dauer larva formation (daf mutations) is presented along with an updated genetic pathway for dauer vs. nondauer development. Mutations in the daf-2 and daf-23 genes double adult life span, whereas mutations in four other dauer-constitutive genes positioned in a separate branch of this pathway (daf-1, daf-4, daf-7 and daf-8) do not. The increased life spans are suppressed completely by a daf-16 mutation and partially in a daf-2; daf-18 double mutant. A genetic pathway for determination of adult life span is presented based on the same strains and growth conditions used to characterize Daf phenotypes. Both dauer larva formation and adult life span are affected in daf-2; daf-12 double mutants in an allele-specific manner. Mutations in daf-12 do not extend adult life span, but certain combinations of daf-2 and daf-12 mutant alleles nearly quadruple it. This synergistic effect, which does not equivalently extend the fertile period, is the largest genetic extension of life span yet observed in a metazoan.  相似文献   

We present the initial phenotypic characterization of an Arabidopsis mutation, terminal flower 1-1 (tfl1-1), that identifies a new genetic locus, TFL1. The tfl1-1 mutation causes early flowering and limits the development of the normally indeterminate inflorescence by promoting the formation of a terminal floral meristem. Inflorescence development in mutant plants often terminates with a compound floral structure consisting of the terminal flower and one or two subtending lateral flowers. The distal-most flowers frequently contain chimeric floral organs. Light microscopic examination shows no structural aberrations in the vegetative meristem or in the inflorescence meristem before the formation of floral buttresses. The wild-type appearance of lateral flowers and observations of double mutant combinations of tfl1-1 with the floral morphogenesis mutations apetala 1-1 (ap1-1), ap2-1, and agamous (ag) suggest that the tfl1-1 mutation does not affect normal floral meristems. Secondary flower formation usually associated with the ap1-1 mutation is suppressed in the terminal flower, but not in the lateral flowers, of tfl1-1 ap1-1 double mutants. Our results suggest that tfl1-1 perturbs the establishment and maintenance of the inflorescence meristem. The mutation lies on the top arm of chromosome 5 approximately 2.8 centimorgans from the restriction fragment length polymorphism marker 217.  相似文献   

<正>Phosphatidylserine(PS),a quantitatively minor membrane phospholipid,is involved in many biological processes besides its role in membrane structure.One PS synthesis gene,PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE SYNTHASE1(PSS1),has been discovered to be required for microspore development in Arabidopsis thaliana L.but how PSS1 affects postembryonic development is still largely unknown.Here,we show that PSS1 is also required for inflorescence meristem and organ development in Arabidopsis.Disruption of PSS1 causes severe dwarfism,smaller lateral organs and reduced size of inflorescence meristem. Morphological and molecular studies suggest that both cell division and cell elongation are affected in the pss1-1 mutant.RNA in situ hybridization and promoter GUS analysis show that expression of both WUSCHEL(WUS) and CLAVATA3(CLV3) depend on PSS1.Moreover,the defect in meristem maintenance is recovered and the expression of WUS and CLV3 are restored in the pss1-1 clv1-1 double mutant. Both SHOOTSTEMLESS(STM) and BREVIPEDICELLUS(BP) are upregulated,and auxin distribution is disrupted in rosette leaves of pss1-1.However,expression of BP,which is also a regulator of internode development,is lost in the pss1-1 inflorescence stem.Our data suggest that PSS1 plays essential roles in inflorescence meristem maintenance through the WUS-CLV pathway,and in leaf and internode development by differentially regulating the class I KNOX genes.  相似文献   

The INNER NO OUTER (INO) and AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) genes are essential for ovule integument development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ovules of ino mutants initiate two integument primordia, but the outer integument primordium forms on the opposite side of the ovule from the normal location and undergoes no further development. The inner integument appears to develop normally, resulting in erect, unitegmic ovules that resemble those of gymnosperms. ino plants are partially fertile and produce seeds with altered surface topography, demonstrating a lineage dependence in development of the testa. ant mutations affect initiation of both integuments. The strongest of five new ant alleles we have isolated produces ovules that lack integuments and fail to complete megasporogenesis. ant mutations also affect flower development, resulting in narrow petals and the absence of one or both lateral stamens. Characterization of double mutants between ant, ino and other mutations affecting ovule development has enabled the construction of a model for genetic control of ovule development. This model proposes parallel independent regulatory pathways for a number of aspects of this process, a dependence on the presence of an inner integument for development of the embryo sac, and the existence of additional genes regulating ovule development.  相似文献   

Chory J  Nagpal P  Peto CA 《The Plant cell》1991,3(5):445-459
The greening phenotypes produced by recessive mutations in a gene designated de-etiolated-2 (DET2) are described. Recessive mutations in the DET2 gene uncouple light signals from a number of light-dependent processes. det2 mutations result in dark-grown Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with many characteristics of light-grown plants, including hypocotyl growth inhibition, cotyledon expansion, primary leaf initiation, anthocyanin accumulation, and derepression of light-regulated gene expression. In contrast to these morphological and gene expression changes, however, the chloroplast development program is not initiated in the dark in det2 mutants, suggesting that light-regulated gene expression precedes the differentiation of etioplasts to chloroplasts. det2 mutations thus reveal at least two classes of downstream light-regulated responses that differ in their timing and control mechanisms. Homozygous det2 mutations also affect photoperiodic responses in light-grown plants, including timing of flowering, dark adaptation of gene expression, and onset of leaf senescence. The phenotype of det1 det2 double mutants is additive, implying that DET1 and DET2 function in distinct pathways that affect downstream light-regulated genes. Furthermore, these pathways are not utilized solely during early seedling development but must also be required to regulate different aspects of the light developmental program during later stages of vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Huala E  Sussex IM 《The Plant cell》1992,4(8):901-913
In the leafy mutant of Arabidopsis, most of the lateral meristems that are fated to develop as flowers in a wild-type plant develop as inflorescence branches, whereas a few develop as abnormal flowers consisting of whorls of sepals and carpels. We have isolated several new alleles of leafy and constructed a series of double mutants with leafy and other homeotic mutants affecting floral development to determine how these genes interact to specify the developmental fate of lateral meristems. We found that leafy is completely epistatic to pistillata and interacts additively with agamous in early floral whorls, whereas in later whorls leafy is epistatic to agamous. Double mutants with leafy and either apetala1 or apetala2 showed a complete loss of the whorled phyllotaxy, shortened internodes, and suppression of axillary buds typical of flowers. Our results suggest that the products of LEAFY, APETALA1, and APETALA2 together control the differentiation of lateral meristems as flowers rather than as inflorescence branches.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic mechanisms regulating the transitionfrom vegetative to reproductive phase in Arabidopsis, doublemutants between two embryonic flower (emf) and 12 differentlate-flowering mutants were constructed and analyzed. Doublemutants in all combinations displayed the emf phenotypes withoutforming rosettes during early development; however, clear variationsbetween different double mutants were observed during late development,fwa significantly enhanced the vegetative property of both emfmutants by producing a high number of sessile leaves withoutany further reproductive growth in emf1 fwa double mutants.It also produced numerous leaf-like flower structures similarto those in leafy ap1 double mutant in emf1 fwa double mutants.Nine late-flowering mutants, ft, fca, ld, fd, fpa, fe, fy, fha,and fve, caused different degrees of increase in the numberof sessile leaves, the size of inflorescence, and the numberof flowers only in weak emf1 and emf2 mutant alleles background.Two late-flowering mutants, co and gi, however, had no effecton either emf1 and emf2 mutant alleles in double mutants. Ourresults suggest that FWA function in distinct pathways fromboth EMF genes to regulate flower competence by activating geneswhich specify floral meristem identity. CO and GI negativelyregulate both EMF genes, whereas the other nine late-floweringgenes may interact with EMF genes directly or indirectly toregulate shoot maturation in Arabidopsis. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

N-Acylethanolamines (NAEs) are fatty-acid derivatives with potent biological activities in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms. Polyunsaturated NAEs are among the most abundant NAE types in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana, and they can be metabolized by either fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) or by lipoxygenase (LOX) to low levels during seedling establishment. Here, we identify and quantify endogenous oxylipin metabolites of N-linolenoylethanolamine (NAE 18:3) in Arabidopsis seedlings and show that their levels were higher in faah knockout seedlings. Quantification of oxylipin metabolites in lox mutants demonstrated altered partitioning of NAE 18:3 into 9- or 13-LOX pathways, and this was especially exaggerated when exogenous NAE was added to seedlings. When maintained at micromolar concentrations, NAE 18:3 specifically induced cotyledon bleaching of light-grown seedlings within a restricted stage of development. Comprehensive oxylipin profiling together with genetic and pharmacological interference with LOX activity suggested that both 9-hydroxy and 13-hydroxy linolenoylethanolamides, but not corresponding free fatty-acid metabolites, contributed to the reversible disruption of thylakoid membranes in chloroplasts of seedling cotyledons. We suggest that NAE oxylipins of linolenic acid represent a newly identified, endogenous set of bioactive compounds that may act in opposition to progression of normal seedling development and must be depleted for successful establishment.  相似文献   

The fertilization process of plants is governed by different kinds of cell-cell interactions. In higher plants, these interactions are required both for recognition of the pollen grain by the female reproductive system and to direct the growth of the pollen tube inside the ovary. Despite many years of study, the signaling mechanisms that guide the pollen tube toward its target, the ovule, are largely unknown. Two distinct types of principles, mechanical and chemotropic, have been suggested to account for the directed growth of the pollen tube. The first of these two types of models implies that the guidance of the pollen tube depends on the architecture and chemical properties of the female reproductive tissues, whereas the latter suggests that the ovule provides a signal for the target-directed growth of the pollen tube. To examine such a role for the ovules, we analyzed the growth path of pollen tubes in mutants defective in ovule development in Arabidopsis. The results presented here provide unique in vivo evidence for an ovule-derived, long-range activity controlling pollen tube guidance. A morphological comparison of the ovule mutants used in this study indicates that within the ovule, the haploid embryo sac plays an important role in this long-range signaling process.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the cryptochrome (CRY) blue light photoreceptors and the phytochrome (phy) red/far-red light photoreceptors mediate a variety of light responses. COP1, a RING motif–containing E3 ubiquitin ligase, acts as a key repressor of photomorphogenesis. Production of stomata, which mediate gas and water vapor exchange between plants and their environment, is regulated by light and involves phyB and COP1. Here, we show that, in the loss-of-function mutants of CRY and phyB, stomatal development is inhibited under blue and red light, respectively. In the loss-of-function mutant of phyA, stomata are barely developed under far-red light. Strikingly, in the loss-of-function mutant of either COP1 or YDA, a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, mature stomata are developed constitutively and produced in clusters in both light and darkness. CRY, phyA, and phyB act additively to promote stomatal development. COP1 acts genetically downstream of CRY, phyA, and phyB and in parallel with the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein TOO MANY MOUTHS but upstream of YDA and the three basic helix-loop-helix proteins SPEECHLESS, MUTE, and FAMA, respectively. These findings suggest that light-controlled stomatal development is likely mediated through a crosstalk between the cryptochrome-phytochrome-COP1 signaling system and the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway.  相似文献   

S. W. James  P. A. Lefebvre 《Genetics》1992,130(2):305-314
We previously described two types of genetic interactions among recessive mutations in the APM1 and APM2 loci of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that may reflect a physical association of the gene products or their involvement in a common structure/process: (1) allele-specific synthetic lethality, and (2) unlinked noncomplementation, or dominant enhancement. To further investigate these interactions, we isolated revertants in which the heat sensitivity caused by the apm2-1 mutation is lost. The heat-insensitive revertants were either fully or partially suppressed for the drug-resistance caused by the apm2-1 allele. In recombination tests the revertants behaved as if the suppressing mutation mapped within the APM2 locus; the partial suppressors of apm2-1 herbicide resistance failed to complement apm2-1, leading to the conclusion that they were likely to be intragenic pseudorevertants. The apm2-1 partial suppressor mutations reversed apm1-apm2-1 synthetic lethality in an allele-specific manner with respect both to apm1- alleles and apm2-1 suppressor mutations. Those apm1- apm2-1rev strains that regained viability also regained heat sensitivity characteristic of the original apm2-1 mutation, even though the apm2-1 suppressor strains were fully heat-insensitive. The Hs+ phenotypes of apm2-1 partial suppressors were also reversed by treatment with the microtubule-stabilizing agent deuterium oxide (D2O). In addition to the above interactions, we observed interallelic complementation and phenotypic enhancement of temperature conditionality among apm1- alleles. Evidence of a role for the products of the two genes in microtubule-based processes was obtained from studying flagellar assembly in apm1- and apm2- mutants.  相似文献   

Evidence exists, particularly in the welfare literature of nonhuman animals on the farm, that the interaction between nonhuman animals and the personnel who care for them can have a strong effect on the animals' behavior, productivity, and welfare. Among species commonly used for biomedical research, mice appear to be the least-preferred species in animal care facilities. A review of the literature and observations of animal care staff interacting with mice indicated that the following factors may influence this: their small size, their particular behavioral characteristics, and husbandry constraints (such as housing in ventilated racks). In addition, this study questioned whether animal care personnel have a different perception of genetically engineered animals and whether this, in turn, has an effect on their interactions with these animals. The ability to carefully observe an animal's behavior is key in carrying out an animal-wellness assessment and in minimizing pain and distress. Attention to human-animal interactions in the research setting represents an opportunity for refinement for large numbers of animals and potentially for reduction of animal use.  相似文献   

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